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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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while dmitry and i are playing enthusiastically, elena vladimirovna, as expected, guides the teacher in the process. yes, it’s bright and festive, so i wanted to give it a little, a little character, yes, this is a church performance, perhaps the jugglers should come out, so dmitry, straighten your shoulders. it ’s better now, any creative team just needs time to work together. dmitry, thank you for your cooperation , it was a pleasure to work with you. elena, thank you for the opportunity to be present - in the process of work and to take part in it. but and that's not all, now. there are many laws
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of smolyansk hospitality. we have a tradition at the smolyansk school; we never let guests go without treating them to hot tea and fragrant pies. i really like your tradition. yes, these pancakes are prepared according to the tradition of our grandparents, and are baked by our canteen workers. they are very tasty, so please try them. we'll definitely try it now. so, oh, they smell, just like... grandma’s, mm, delicious, mm, that’s what i understand, delicious pancakes and good traditions. it was unforgettable a weekend full of legends, new acquaintances and incredible adventures. if you also want, come to smolyan. vika poplevchenko was with you, see you again.
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we will show you one day in the life of specialists, what is happiness? you yourself understand that first of all it is fate that you have been given a chance to do something very very useful in your life, something that will remain after you for many years, and maybe even for 100 years, all the mechanisms work properly, that means he is his did the job correctly, reliably and efficiently, profession, in which the best human qualities are revealed, people who proudly do not work... work, every
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employee is either an employee of my workshop, or an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at the control panel on the brush , this is, in principle , a small particle from which a link is put together, i would say a ball that rotates around the clock 24x7, here we are creating a new biotechnological industry in our country, look at the project one day, on our tv channel. only for ours tv viewers we choose the best routes. we are located in a small town in the grodno region, called mosty. welcome. having eaten too much, they could not eat baked fish or fish soup for a long time, they just sat and muttered. one hundred lin. since then the name of the city stolin has come. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the fifteenth. centuries, there was a large
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settlement in this place, and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, nemansky and bresko-vilnius. the almanskis are a real tourist highlight, the only ones preserved in a natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties, thirty-nine years. i can safely say that this is the best time for urban architecture. sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and construction was built. new beautiful publications to show how unusual and wonderful our country is, when he moved from one place to another, the horses were unharnessed and transported by the believers themselves, the jews, from one place to another, now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, they began colors show up, that's of course miracle of god, see the program, cities of belarus
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, “may i love you, like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird that is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can smell , for srabny guchny laughter, into chystatoy." for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then,
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may i love you more often, dear daughter-in-law, may i love you. by the end of the thirties, repressions in the ussr were gaining momentum, thousands of people fell into their millstones talented military leaders. about half of the commanders of corps, divisions, and regiments-brigades were arrested.
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the command staff of the partisan detachments, which were formed in the pre-war period for... the next conversation in the kremlin between panteleimon panomarenko, the secretary of the party's central committee, and malenkov , also suffered huge losses. preparations for guerrilla warfare ceased. panomarenko tried to prove that this was wrong.
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guerrilla zones have been created, weapons warehouses have been laid out, the republic is ready for a united front oppose the enemy. malinkov insisted: there is an opinion that the red army is stronger than ever, it has enough commanders and political workers at all levels. if necessary, they can organize the transition of troops to partisan actions. panomarenko tried to object, but the army does not know the specifics of guerrilla warfare, which relies primarily on the support of the population. in response, malenkov placed a folder with reports in front of him. the head of the italian military mission, general graziolini, who was present at the great russian maneuvers, informed his leadership: the red army
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is organized and equipped according to modern standards. deputy chief of staff of the french army, general loiseau, noted. “i saw a powerful, serious army of very high quality in technical and moral terms. and even hitler’s general gudarian noted how professionally combat groups acted, striking against the flanks and rear, paralyzing the enemy at the same time to the entire depth of his defense. panomarenko’s mention of trained partisan cadres." as a result of the repressions of the late thirties partisan cadres suffered irreparable losses.
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many employees of the general staff, the nkvd, and regional committee secretaries who were preparing for the partisan war were repressed through false denunciations. partisan detachments and groups were disbanded from partisan schools; only those partisan cadres who fought in spain managed to escape repression: arthur sproges, stanislav vapshasov, ilya starinov and others, but a doomsayer hung over them. from the personal file of vasily zakharovich korzh. from november 1936 to december 37
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was on a business trip in spain, from 1938 in moscow he was preparing for a trip to china, studying languages. vasily zakharovich managed to escape to his native belarus, to slutsk, for several days, and suddenly he was arrested. for starinov, who returned from spain for a short vacation, the call to the nkvd came as a complete surprise, as did the fact that upon entering the investigator’s office, he saw vasily zakharovich korzh. one glance was enough to understand that he was being interrogated with
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passion. they only managed to exchange with their glances, the convoy literally pushed the cake out of the ostarines’ office, and he remained standing amazed by what he saw. a man devoted to the party, he fought heroically in spain. and a traitor, the investigator’s shout forced him to return to reality, you, citizen starinov, are a suspect , he said, not without a share of gloating, and meaningfully added, until, if you don’t honestly admit everything,
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partisan detachments, as ilya starinov later recalled, just a call varoshilova changed the situation. he distinguished himself in spain and has already redeemed himself. leave in calm down, we'll take action ourselves. they could not break vasily zakharovich behind the walls. the confession that he was a polish spy was not signed, but was released as a result of a review of the cases by the military. the repressions did their job, the army was sorely lacking in experienced
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commanders, and the situation around the ussr became tense, and the military doctrine also changed. field manual of 1939, the founding document of the rkk. it replaced the outdated thirty-sixth. rapidly changing realities required changes, it contained a new military doctrine ussr, offensive, but it did not deny the importance of strategic defense ; on the contrary, in defensive operations the troops had to stubbornly hold occupied areas or cover a certain direction in order to... repel the enemy’s attack, however, such concepts as
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partisanship, small war, were excluded from it . the successes of the red army in the liberation campaign of the year thirty-nine and the return of belarus, its ancestral western territories, the beginning of rearmament and the build-up of military power instilled confidence. in invincibility, such confidence was instilled by the statements of the top party leadership that if the enemy dares to attack, then... we will beat him on the territory from which he came, in the partisans, in the militia, we no longer saw any particular need. the population of the country was confident that in the event of an attack, the red army would be able to protect its people, and the message from tas dated june 14
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, 1941 was reassuring, it said, according to the ussr, germany also strictly complies with the terms of the soviet-german pact, and not an attack, like the soviet union. rumors about germany's intention to break the pact and launch an attack on the ussr are devoid of any basis. then no one could have imagined that just a couple of weeks later, stalin in his first address to the soviet union. on the radio on july 3 , 1941, he will call on the people to launch a widespread nationwide struggle behind enemy lines, create militias everywhere, destroy everything in the enemy’s path so that he gets nothing, in fact, he will repeat the same tasks that were set in
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the pre-war period of organizing partisan warfare, the case of invasion, but, unfortunately, much has already been lost, from the memories of the hero of the soviet union stanislav baupshasov. there are no words, six belarusian partisan detachments could not , with their actions behind enemy lines, stop the advance of a powerful german army group.
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thanks to the use of the local wagon and locomotive fleet, we were able to transport troops and cargo along local railways.
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everything that the partisans were supposed to destroy detachments, creating barriers to the enemy. the first hours and days of the war were used by the germans to advance unhindered into soviet territory, and for the peoples of the ussr a 4-year long drama began. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people.
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we baked a loaf, what a beautiful loaf, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh difficult, priceless. and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes for we are light, familiar, the artel field is called a green workshop. happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day
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feed our city, less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because the cultivation of other high-calorie products, which is important because pork is small, has fallen, and there has been a decline in attempts at fish and poultry ku. with such a bright cheer, there are several kamunara in the future, at home, and the sunny day becomes subdued by their worst thoughts.
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only kalgasny lad with high culture agriculture will give the villagers of the baranavi region such riches to grow. hanusa experimental station kalgasam will unify the michuryn methods and develop new crops in the rural gas station. the exhibitions have been re-opened. “let’s plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important. everyone worked at the limits, it’s great, even, say, a slight
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hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless, third place is very cool, victories and defeats, to be honest, you can just envy you because today, tomorrow there is such an amazing opportunity to feel." the choice has been made, and now there is a lot of work ahead, it will not be easy, that’s for sure, that’s how the time was decreed, we live on the threshold of a global world transformation and belarus,
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as always, during such political and military stress, cannot remain in the country, everything must be done so that the deputies begin their work without delay, among the deputies are representatives of various fields, from agriculture and industry to cultural education, so that people’s lives... was comfortable both in the city and in the countryside, a task on which the elected deputies will work together. despite all the challenges that come our way, i can say that not a single project has been stopped. our president set the task of thoroughly working on quality. lawyers, historians, and archivists introduce into scientific circulation new data about the murdered victims in populated areas of belarus during the great patriotic war. today there are almost 12,300 of them. these are three regions of the modern country. do your best, so that... every name, every surname, every name of a settlement was saved in our memory. main topics on the main broadcast.
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watch on belarus 24 tv channel.


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