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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 19, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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a fragile world can shake quickly enough, the entire past century did nothing but constantly confirm this thesis, and the first and second world wars did not start out of nowhere, a very specific event became synonymous with death; if you look closely, they are all very similar. grandmother died on august 31
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, 1939, storm of banfuhr rss alfred knox heard this phrase in a hotel room in the city of glewitz while calling berlin. glewice is a settlement on the polish-german border. from this seemingly insignificant event began canning operation. adolf hitler planned an attack on poland back in 1938. according to heydrich's plan, ss officers dressed in polish military uniforms were to attack a radio station in gleewice, now gliwice poland, and broadcast an anti-german proclamation in polish. the role of those killed during the attack was intended for the concentration camp prisoners who were killed.
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news services stated that the polish army launched an unprovoked attack on the third reich, just a few hours later at 4:45 am on september 1, 1939. fascist german aviation attacked the airfield, communications centers, and the economic and administrative center of poland. the german lenkor schleswick holstein, which had arrived on the polish coast in advance, opened fire on the westerplatte peninsula.
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wehrmacht ground forces crossed the border and invaded poland from the north from east prussia, from the west from east germany, from the south from slovakia. poland did not expect the blow of the third reich so much that already on the third day the country's air force ceased to exist, less than a month later it fell and warsaw. on september 28, 1939, german standards were developed on the capital of poland. what happened next, you already know, the most fierce and terrible war in the history of mankind, the prophets of which... alas, the same poland began not only to forget, but began to diligently erase from memory the feat of soviet soldiers. if we take the diary of the head of the department, the second department of the abwehr, lakhuzin, uh, for august of the year thirty-nine, then we will see there that a completely different beginning of the second world war was initially planned, uh, a completely different beginning.
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attack on poland, the reason for the attack on poland was supposed to be the so-called ukrainian national uprising on the territory of western ukraine. this was canceled, canceled for foreign policy reasons, and they had to improvise and stage a provocation against uklyajevitsa. in those years, by the way, there was one more code phrase. dortmund june 21, 1941, in the evening it was received by radio signal from german military brigades on the border with the ussr. the attack on a large country starts in a couple of hours. the americans are another master of provocation. in the cold august 64 us navy footage casually patrols the shores of northern vietnam. washington was very annoyed that the northerners had become communists. state, in
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this case it all started with a terrorist codenamed medex. the ship's crew discovered three approaching north vietnamese torpedo boats, they allegedly... behaved aggressively and the captain of medox ordered a warning shot. in response to this , the boats allegedly opened fire on the poyasminets from heavy machine guns and fired torpedo launches, but all the torpedoes missed the target. both facts of aggression have not been confirmed by anything. american fighters allegedly tried to sink the boats, but they escaped. according to vietnam, the ships did not open fire, they simply warned medex that it was entering the territorial waters of... the country, and received the same fire in response. and a few days later, us president johnson , based on invented aggression, ordered airstrikes against military bases in north vietnam. the lies will be revealed only after decades. the operation was called piercing
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arrow. these were dozens of airstrikes on various targets, and already on august 7, the us congress adopted the tankin resolution. by retroactively authorizing the president. respond to vietnam's aggression and use all necessary forces to defend the freedom of the countries of southeast asia. the american establishment did not hide its desire to invade vietnam at that time; it only needed a reason. and they found it, or rather, invented it. initially, us authorities announced two incidents on august 2 and 4, during which north vietnamese boats allegedly attacked us navy vessels. after the second attack. president lyndon addressed the nation, and congress gave him permission for full-scale military action, but it was later confirmed that no shelling of us navy ships actually took place on august 4. and only in 2003, the
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us national security agency, having declassified some of the documents, recognized the entire tankin incident as a fake. there was no attack by vietnamese boats in pomin, only a warning shot. in 2005, the new york times reported on the historian's findings. national security agency, which concluded that intelligence officers deliberately distorted information about the events of august 4 in reports to us leadership. the document notes that, based on distorted information about the attack on the ships, us president lyndon johnson ordered an air strike on the territory of north vietnam. the vietnam war was one of the most difficult wars in us history and lasted almost. 10 years, during the vietnam war , more than 56 thousand american troops died, at least 200 thousand saigon soldiers and about million fighters of the national liberation front of south vietnam and the army of north vietnam, as well as almost half a million civilians, several million more
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people were injured, about 10 million were left homeless. well, how can one not remember the classic, a test tube supposedly containing a sample of a dangerous substance, after which the americans invaded iraq, and nothing of what the head of their foreign policy department said was found there. paola's test tube is called the most expensive symbol of 21st century politics in human history. the worst mistake in the entire history of the country,
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worth 7 trillion dollars, this formulation is popular in america. in simple terms, the united states simply fabricated a reason for invading iraq, all because of the largest in the world. for licking oil, however, if such a cause for war exists in reality, it is invented, it is provoked and shown to the american public as proof that yes, we must intervene. the americans are well-known masters of post-truth, through a setup the united states took cuba from the spaniards at the end of the 19th century, the kingdom allegedly destroyed the american cruiser. almost three hundred people died, the last one was quickly found and pointed at the spaniards. in april 1898, congress asks them to leave cuba. in 3 days the americans will open fire on havana. after the defeat in july, in august spain will abandon all colonies in asia and latin
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america. they will become washington's possessions, including puertorica and the philippine islands. cuba will become the banana republic of the united states. this war has become another one.
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year there was a revolt of american settlers in texas, at that time part of mexico. formally, washington announced neutrality, but in fact actively supported immigrants from the united states who demanded independence from mexico. almost half of the rebel armies were formed from americans, including the military. as a result of the rebellion, texas gained independence, and 10 years later it became part of the united states, which was rapidly expanding to the pacific coast. and american bayonets rushed across different continents. since then, the us authorities
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have organized military provocations dozens of times in various parts of the world, both to justify their own interventions and to inciting conflicts that benefit them without their direct participation. this is not a complete list of historical examples. cuba 1898 and 1961 , nicaragua - 1937, iran - 53, chile - we deliberately swapped the first world war 2 chronologically, after all, the great patriotic war is much more relevant now, although over 15 million people died in the first world war, it all started with one shot in sarajevo, vers herzog, franz ferdinand, was shot by a serbian student, gavrila principle from the black hand group. ferdinand was heir to the austro-hungarian throne empires. his murder of serbian students
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was a deliberate provocation. germany wanted to use ethnic conflicts to seize land. and the murder of the habsburg heir destroyed attempts to preserve the affectionate empire in the new federal laws. this event led to a global catastrophe. obviously, the death of the heir to the throne of the habsburg empire and his wife could not lead to war. however, definitely. berlin is about the defeat of france and the redistribution of the colonies and world markets in its favor. france wanted to take revenge for the defeat in 1870-71. england needed to destroy germany's industrial power and its fleet. only russia did not want war. as a result of the first world war , the territorial system of the world order was radically changed. russian empire, that war was worth its existence, this is the spark from which the flame was made. the terrorist act,
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in fact, was used as an excuse by most western european countries to finally grab each other by the throat, completely unaware of the consequences of this catastrophe, and here one cannot help but draw a parallel with our realities today's. in the same way, the leadership of western countries has absolutely no idea what they are doing, trying to ignite another hotbed of war on the european continent. well, let’s be honest, ukraine over the past at least 10 years has also been one big provocation of the west. the coup d'état on the maidan, russophobia, shelling of donbass, bloody odessa, outright nazism and the erasure of history. this whole mosaic, put together under the supervision of washington.
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to start a war in ukraine, says american economist jeffrey sachs. first the author called the us intention to expand nato to ukraine and georgia as a provoking factor in order to encircle russia in the black sea region. the second reason was the establishment of the russophobic regime in kiev in february 2014 , the expert pointed out. the shooting in ukraine began with the overthrow of yanukovych 9 years ago,
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and not in february 2022, as the us government, nato and g7 leaders claim. sachs noted. the key to peace in ukraine lies through negotiations based on its neutrality and non-expansion of nato, but ukraine is prohibited from talking, and this is unnecessary once again proves who has been inciting the kremlin for many years. the americans understand perfectly well, and the europeans too, that the kiev regime is a puppet regime; it does not make any decisions on its own. and therefore , it is most convenient to say that we are for peace, but look what ukraine wants to defend. great britain, france and germany it followed from the conversation that the military at the beginning of march, a conversation
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between german generals about an attack on the crimean bridge was intercepted. have been on the territory of ukraine for a long time, and moreover, they are preparing provocations against russia. however, according to experts, such a leak put an end to the transfer of german taurus missiles to kiev. berlin does not want to further worsen relations with moscow. in the baltics , the belarusian liberation army is running through the forests, another gang of mercenaries, which is being prepared for war with our country. poland is increasing military production, training extremist regiments, and those who once called themselves politicians and... tried to bring freedom and european values ​​to belarusians speak about this openly. today they are literally begging foreign military personnel for interventions. still, it was not in vain that we walked around minsk under the black and white flag. it’s a pity that the tools, in addition to the withdrawal of nato troops from belarus, are for calling in a yama for the gety momentant. meanwhile, neighboring poland is actively provoking belarus on
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the ground and in the air. our border guards detained a drone on the border with a neighboring state. attackers from the polish side launched it at some distance from the border. poles and latvians periodically throw out the corpses of migrants onto the territory of belarus, and on september 1, 2023, a polish helicopter violated the belarusian border. mi-24 flew at low altitude, deep into our territory up to 1,200 m. then the military vehicle turned around and flew back. provocation on the border as a reason for starting a war is as old as time. lots of conflicts. from local to global scale, owe their beginning to skillful, and sometimes not so skillful, provocation of one of the parties, as a rule, they are interested either in the war itself, or in the status of a victim of aggression from a stronger neighbor. such operations are prepared in an atmosphere of special secrecy. fortunately, our military intelligence services see everything reacts adequately, but
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we cannot let our guard down, the president spoke about this in february during a meeting of the security bloc. polish-american intelligence. a catalyst for the most terrible consequences, changing the world beyond recognition, killing
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millions. in order to understand this, you need to at least minimally look into history, despite the fact that today we have told far from it. starting from the immediate crimes there on the battlefield in the occupation zone and talking about something larger, this is generally about the legalization of the american invasion, wherever it may be, american intervention, this... media accompaniment over and over again acquired the character of fake news, disinformation and lies, which, judging by
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the events now taking place in the american establishment, have become entangled and the americans themselves have become completely bogged down without the slightest opportunity from this quagmire of lies, from this swamp here is the disinformation that they themselves created, you hybrid war that europe is waging against belarus, russia and others can lead to... the global, collective west does not want to see our country as an independent state and again chooses cynical democracy on the lines, so we have to admit, they won’t let us live in peace, and this is the responsibility of not only the power bloc, but each of us, only together, as a nation, we can get through this period of global turbulence without the hot ones of you at home, i hope now you will understand it, happily.
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for our company, a year of quality is another incentive and another step for improvement in order to move up. i came to our enterprise in 1999, to come to the mogilev elevator to work, that was then and now, in principle, it is prestigious, in our city it is the largest enterprise, if the history of the plant began with one elevator model, then at the moment there are already more than 180 models, the needs of our consumer have grown accordingly...
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a warming that can show itself in competition and, accordingly, win this fight, well, in principle , belarusian quality has been the best for many years, when i see our products, i am proud that this elevator was produced at our enterprise, a lot of labor has been invested in this unit people, when i see vandalism like this, if the elevator or elevator cabin or elevator doors are painted. this is very unpleasant for me , because knowing how many people do this, how much work is put into it all, at our
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enterprise we have a closed production cycle, well , so to speak, from 0 to 100%, we produce all the parts, components, subassemblies , from which an elevator or lifting mechanism of one kind or another is subsequently assembled, we... produce everything in our own enterprise one hundred percent, well , i feel proud, we do not stand still, we strive, we are obliged to strive and improve in order to satisfy all the wishes, all the requirements of our consumers, respectively, the citizens of our country, well, in principle, all residents of the countries that we supply, we are obliged to ensure the comfort, safety and reliability of our equipment. i believe that our company mogilev liftmash is worthy of receiving the quality mark of product manufacturers of the republic of belarus.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing. final countdown, the crew together with the belarusian.


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