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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 20, 2024 1:05pm-2:01pm MSK

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i welcome you, i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will tell you about the main events of world politics this week right now. the president of france addressed the nation. a significant part of his speech was devoted to the conflict in ukraine. macron said that the military conflict in ukraine is an existential issue for europe and for france. the president also emphasized that if the special russia's military operation in ukraine, the lives of the french will change. there will be no more security in europe. macron said that he does not yet believe that the current situation in ukraine requires sending french troops there, but he does not rule out such a decision. let me remind you that at the beginning of march, during a meeting with opposition leaders, macron again said that france has no limits on red lines in the matter of assistance to ukraine. according to the president of france, an eu country. agreed to create a coalition for
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deep strikes and supply missiles to ukraine medium and long range. he also stated that france would do everything to prevent russia from winning this war. the majority of bundestag deputies voted against the draft resolution of the bloc of the christian democratic and christian social unions demanding that the german government begin supplying taurus missiles to ukraine. for the recommendation of the foreign policy committee to be rejected. the resolution was supported by 495 deputies, 190 were against it, and five more deputies abstained. a total of 690 deputies took part in the voting. german chancellor olaf scholz has repeatedly rejected the possibility of sending taurus. according to him, the effective use of such missiles requires the participation of german troops, and this is precisely the line he does not want to cross. member of the european parliament from the netherlands. marcel
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degrave ukraine in child abuse and collaboration with pedophiles. all these reports about the deportation of ukrainian children to russia are pure propaganda. russia has accepted millions of ukrainian refugees. including, fortunately, hundreds of thousands of children who were bombed and continue to be bombed by the ukrainian army. parliament must speak out against these.
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in russia, children receive a traditional upbringing and education; in the west, they are subjected to transgender indoctrination, hormone blockers, and genital ring surgery. the hypocrisy is terrible. the west must stop the warmongering. well, british statesman winston churchill once remarked: the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. following this logic, at the end of the 20th century, western elites came to the conclusion that direct general elections, which they had previously advocated, had become dangerous for them. unable to keep up with the evolution of the views of the so-called progressive elites , the broad masses increasingly began to choose not those who are convenient as the captain of world capitalism. and accordingly, elections began to be assessed not by their actual fairness, but by the result, right or wrong from the point of view.
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so i thought about oleg’s words, are observers needed at all, it seems that if observers are objective, objective for what? what does a representative of another state care about what is happening in your state, probably, if this state, which he represents, intends, for example, to cooperate with your country, there are some plans for...
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yes, but again i repeat , observers from the cis countries come to us, this is a huge number of observers, they objectively evaluate the elections, on the other hand , osce observers came earlier, they went to polling stations, did not find a single flaw, i participated in all elections practically in this country, in not a single election campaign, they go to the polling stations, don’t see any shortcomings, get on a plane, take out the prepared ones that the elections are undemocratic, why only from...
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the union with russia, which strengthens statehood, is for this, only for this they did not recognize the elections as democratic , and if tomorrow the president was ours, but this is impossible, because he is a patriot of the country, he would come out and say this, russia is the enemy, i want to join nato, which means i’m selling all my enterprises to the west and canceling the elections for 50 years, they would have left.
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and osce human rights criminal prosecution. this happened back in 2012, but even today the organization’s rhetoric has not changed. as before, the osce recognizes only those election results that meet the demands of the main beneficiaries of washington and brussels. how long has an international organization left its criminal mark on the will of the people and which countries serve as an example of this. moldova. in 2020, presidential elections were held there. then international observers. recognized them as legitimate. the pluralist campaign allowed moldovan voters must choose between competitors, the osce said. let me remind you that the pro-european maya sando also won those elections, whose policies are today opposed by thousands of local residents. every month , the capital chisinau becomes the center of
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protests. from the streets of the squares there are calls for the resignation of the government and proposals for outside the next elections. ukraine is perhaps the most striking example of how the osce defends its own interests. observers from this organization recognized the presidential elections in ukraine, which were won by zelensky, free and competitive, the voting took place, echoed observers from the european parliament. the consequences of those very free elections are visible to everyone today, but observers did not like serbia. this is how the osce commented on the parliamentary elections held in the country last year, which were won by the coalition of current president vucic. the elections were marred by numerous procedural shortcomings, pressure on civil servants and misuse of government resources, the organization said. these factors together with the systemic advantages of the ruling party create unfair conditions. observers added that after the united states called on serbia to cooperate with the osce, finally putting
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an end to the issue of interest in certain election results. well, ulrich singer, a german politician, political force, alternative for germany, is in touch with us. ulrich, please tell me how, in your opinion, it happened that even within the european union, the assessment of the democratic or undemocratic nature of the elections began to depend on.
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and as soon as some conservative party achieves some small success in elections or somewhere else, then immediately the political mainstream. suggests that there is some kind of anti-democratic trend in the country, and this is simply amazing. ulich, please stay with us, there is a question for our guest, igor vladimirovich, well, here is the same alternative for germany, a political force, it has its own voter, ratings are growing, but what actions does the government resort to, or even the same behind-the-scenes leaders of certain projects immediately begin bullying, attacks, all the things
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they once taught us, that is, let us still remember what democracy is, the power of the people, yes, well, the people must choose , whoever the people choose should be in power, and then we need to figure out why the people are in such a mood at the moment, yes, maybe, yes, the people can choose a not very convenient leader and a not very convenient party, and maybe maybe even this game can lead to some kind of dead end situation, but the people choose why, because they have a reason for this. once upon a time, once upon a time, they brought germany , the country of our interlocutor, to such
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a state that they chose hitler, they chose hitler democratically, now why, why are there questions about democracy, and precisely because, in principle , as a result of democracy, hitler may end up in power, but again, germany was made so that it chose hitler, this is the western community, these are western countries. created a germany that chose hitler in order to then set it against the soviet union, that is, by and large there is, let’s say, a deep state, we are talking about the united states, but in general there is a deep power, the power of this capital, which determines who will be where in one country or another in the west, when suddenly it turns out that the hungarian people choose orban, this capital is very surprised, why is this, how is this, how did they allow this, they are starting. put pressure in every possible way, we remember how soros’s and not only soros forces acted, yes
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, nevertheless, orban remained in power, and this is very important, that is, in fact, the people turned out to be smarter, but people can also be stupefied, so this is a very difficult question, you see, yes, i seem to be alone presented a version, another one appears, why? yes, because you can’t allow such, well, manipulators like soros, yes, they, he... his projects are created precisely so that when the situation cannot be corrected through the elites, they cannot bend over, yes you can work with the people to create such a movement from within.
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their foreign policy is destroying their own economy, think about it, germany mercedes is leaving, industry is being destroyed, did the germans want this, no, the germans don’t need this, and many political parties in europe defend sovereignty as an alternative for germany, so they don’t want to let them into power, so that europe does not become sovereign again, the americans do not even
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want to weaken russia with this war, their task is to weaken europe. they succeed, they started a war in ukraine, forced europe to spend its resources on ukraine, and thus europe is weakening, weakening from sanctions, weakening from war, becoming unsafe, crime is growing, corruption is growing, europeans are leaving, germany is in trouble, qualified personnel are leaving for other countries, who comes to them, muslim refugees, ukrainian refugees and others,
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until the evening and of course they believe it, because this is what will be read to them from morning to evening, and i think that, of course, we must act against this, so for example your channel exists, and we also disseminate our information, well, in other ways, for example, we have a lot of it on facebook or youtube, and we
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also try to just show it. and you know, i would like to remind our dear viewers what the osce bureau of democratic institutions and human rights is, and election monitoring, here’s a small information we’ve prepared, pay attention to the screen. the osce office for democratic institutions and human rights is one of the world's main human rights institutions. bdipsh is monitoring elections, encourages. monitors compliance with human rights, and also implements projects aimed at developing democracy throughout the osce region. the headquarters is located in warsaw, the organization was founded in 1991, its members are 57 countries. it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines, that’s exactly what happened. igor vladimirovich, but this is how
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it all sounds beautiful on google, here you go, information, this is what we do, since we are for objectivity, that’s why we provide it.
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at least in russia this is bdibchato - this is something sacred, and every russian minister had an adviser from europe or the united states, and not just the minister, the governors, and so on, and we all went there to study, but in the end, in the end, here we are in general they came to their senses, and this is important, and for nothing else, that’s why, why they didn’t engage in democracy until the ninety-first year, because it was a period of formation. democracy, yes, they didn’t do it, no, it was created only to push us there by force, in the end these states
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of the former soviet union, just to completely take control of the territory, natural resources, human potential of these countries, but fortunately it didn’t work out when they praised us, when this organization praised belarus and russia, only in the case when it was carried out.. if you pursue an independent policy, if you want to be sovereign, no one will praise you, but the degradation of the osce organization and observers is so great that we are now ready to accept them in belarus only on one condition: that they come to learn how to elections, that is, we no longer want to call them as teachers and on equal terms...
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for now - they paint such a picture that, for example, in democracy in the west everything is fine, everything is good, and people will hear it and believe it, on the contrary, they
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say, that, for example, in hungary everything is getting worse and worse , more autocratic, although you have to look, the people themselves read differently there, half the people there, they, they are satisfied with democracy, at home in their... country, although on the contrary, in germany only, i think that 8% are very satisfied with democracy, which means that we see that this media is very strong it works, but it’s still unconvincing, because not everyone believes it, thank you very much, ulrich singer was in touch with us, i remind you that sas is authorized to say on air on the program. mission observers, whether this is good or evil, we are talking today, we are analyzing it in more detail, ulrich singer was just in touch with us, sharing both his experience and how
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things stand today in europe. by the way, i have repeatedly seen ulrich singer among the observers who took part in the elections in ukraine, but you see, ulrich’s comments were objectionable to the then ukrainian authorities, therefore they accused him of illegitimacy. the russian president, yes, he himself gave an interview to a local blogger, as if he was talking about his impressions from communicating with putin and from communicating with russia, from what he saw there, a very interesting moment, he says, this is the advantage of a person of my age. there is 50 plus, but i saw how it was before, i can’t hang this noodles on my ears anymore, our interlocutor said that the western media are hanging this noodles on the ears of europeans, they...
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so pay, there was some... that's democracy, that's it this didn’t happen, it’s interesting, it seems to me that there is a phenomenon of modern man, he really doesn’t look very far and looks deeply into history, i would suggest to everyone that american voters and european voters, well ours, of course, yes, after all, they always compare this , what and how it happened, how it happened, that belarus became like this, what it is like now, yes, what russia is like, and what
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, for example, europe has turned into before our eyes, we...
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thank you very much for taking the time and joining our broadcast , i see that you have already witnessed part of our discussion, you know what we’re talking about, but i’ll start our conversation with you with the main question: in your opinion, international election observers, is this good or evil? both this and that, i just. i would like to say that the idea itself is not bad, well, to highlight it, i was an observer the year before last in russia and this helped me a lot in my statements in our deputy corps, and i illuminated how the cameras are positioned, which we do not have , far from it, we have pencils, here the last elections are generally a complete farce, compared to those
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measures from... the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on, the most important thing is that we know what we are doing, we know for whom we are doing it, if it is done for the people, for prosperity, for well-being, for peace, then there will always be those who will crap on you don’t need to pay attention to them, i want to emphasize two
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words, which means... someone thinks that belarus russia wants to close, no, we have called and will continue to call observers, why? this is an excellent diplomatic international tool: let’s take the parliamentary elections of 204 in belarus, which took place. huge a number of observers came, including from the european union, including representatives of the alternative for germany party, deputies from france, austria, our friends came, who saw what belarus is like, what people are like here, that in fact all the lies that are in the western the media is coming - this is not true, so we will call observers so that no one thinks that they will not call, we will be open and russia is open, today the belarusian deputies left. to russia to observe the presidential elections, and we know that there are thousands observers from all over the world come to see what russia is like, so there will be observers, the question is that we will not call those who lie, lie, deceive and
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manipulate the facts, we will not call them, well, right now about that how belarus refused to monitor the osce after a series of attempts at manipulation and interference in internal affairs, we will tell in more detail in our story. minsk has always taken a responsible approach to fulfilling its international obligations, however, given the predominantly biased nature of assessments of osce conclusions, this time decided not to invite observers from this organization. everyone who asked to come to us, well, in my opinion, no one was refused. if the osce wanted to come to us and made such a request, we would consider it, most likely positively. well, they didn’t ask, but why are we polish? they should, these are our elections. the decision is explained by the state of the osce election observation system; there are certain geographical and functional imbalances in it. to prevent the application of double standards, belarus does not
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once proposed to develop unified standards for electoral monitoring, but the initiative did not receive adequate support. as a result , double standards of electoral observation through the osce continue to this day. it is surprising when...
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the osce was also affected by the degradation of the atmosphere of interstate interaction in the organization’s space, which is observed both on a bilateral track and within itself. today, the consequences of this process, which has already reached a critical point, are a crisis of confidence, as well as a violation traditions of respectful, diplomatically correct dialogue. hostility towards belarus is manifested in particular in the sanctions imposed against our country, including against the central election commission and parliament. due to the closure of a number of checkpoints on the border by western neighbors and restrictions on air traffic , the logistics of leaving belarus and entering the country are also deteriorating. this is another factor complicating the invitation of international
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osce observers to work in the republic. well , here’s a fairly clearly reasoned position. valdamar, but then how necessary is an international mission if everyone understands perfectly well in whose interests thalia is. another group of politicians, political experts, international experts comes, the result, even regardless of how the elections go, is already clear to many, and rightly so, oleg sergeevich said, well, a person comes to the polling station, draws his personal conclusions, and then sits down in plane, takes out this magic piece of paper, or comes up to my ear and says: well, listen, everything is fine, there are no violations, it wasn’t my fault once, they came from different countries, he says, but the conclusion was already prepared in advance, i want to remind you that the president of the country... gave an example when the special services accidentally found the finished conclusion of the osce mission a few days before the elections, they gave it back, but it was everything is clear, that is, they haven’t held elections, everything is already ready for them, yes, please
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, we are now at the breaking point of two systems, we must understand that well, this world order that existed, it has outlived its usefulness, but it will resist, this one the death agony is very dangerous. everything we see now these are just these symptoms, symptoms of a passing era that will try to harm, or even blow up the world again, try about...
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politics, you can kill this leader, like
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kadafi, tear him to pieces, say that this is democratic, you can execute saddam hussein , destroy millions of people in iraq , then refugees filled europe, this is also democratic, that is, this is normal, there is no other way, and we also need to remind them that because of them we are moving away from the basic principles of the un, this is the right of every nation, each country on self-determination, everyone chooses their own path, decides for themselves how to live.
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the united states of america in 2024, tell me how to get out of this dilemma and is there a way out in this difficult, difficult time, there is already a way out, it is already with itself. appeared, yes, we are already forming alternative socio-political alliances that will replace what was used and discredited by our well-known hegemon, yes, i think that brix, all
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the countries that you are now associations that have been named, they are understanding that a vicious path that... the raft forms itself with each leaf, but there is the unity of the broom, they cut it, folded it , tied it with barbed wire, and now the european union is demonstrating a classical understanding of this unity of the broom, they pulled together all the states with their subsidies and fines, swifts and others, but a broom is
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a broom, it will dry out and break, but the vine will bloom every year, so we are for unity on the vine. was, not the unity of the broom. what a deep philosophical thought, waldemar, i am incredibly grateful to you, this is extremely interestingly, on such a balanced, deeply inspiring note, we will be approaching the end of the program, so i give the right of the final word to igor vladimirovich, oleg sergeevich, igor vladimirovich, please, by the way, i wanted to continue about the broom and the vine, and the barbed wire - this is nato, yes, that is, they also connected this, that’s all, here they are... nato is pricking countries, they have drawn the state into themselves for protection, and now with the same nato they are calling them to account, it is, of course , amazing in general how it is possible it was a story this will be done in due time, as some are still undertaking, but it is clear why they are underway, these are the leaders, because they are already prepared to let their countries go on this
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voyage with the western world. it seems to me that we really live in a very unique time, i completely agree with my colleagues, it’s ending. this world order, now , firstly, we don’t need to be afraid of the word ideology, we, you know, what’s the problem, we were somehow scared, in the nineties, they forced us to remove ideology from the constitution, i i mean the russian federation, and then it turned out that russia does not have that banner, well, excuse me, it’s true, that they will follow... because they, absolutely speaking about the ideologized world, are nevertheless the same they carried us away with the american dream, well, then we deceived , it is clear that this is a carrot, but nevertheless it was such an ideological trick, although you see, today for the same europeans, americans and countries, russia, the republic of
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belarus is the dream of an adequate society , which is built on traditional values ​​that we now need, firstly, we remembered traditional values. only we didn’t talk about it out loud, now we need to talk about it directly, openly, what our society is based on, what ideas it is based on, and this will be clear in brazil and nicaragua and nigeria, it will be clear everywhere in the world , because this is a crisis in society, when the individual is higher than the public. when this wealth that you have to get, no matter what, walking over corpses, i don’t know, destroying everything there around, the crisis of this society has arrived, we all see it, we see it in all the countries of the former, so-called third world, in fact
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, as we call them now, these are actually the main states, the main states of the planet, which in general then the planet and... with a state course, he is an oppositionist of a specific political force, or he understands that the west will most likely accept him as
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a person, that’s how difficult it is to call it that way, you know, literary, so as not to offend anyone in any case, and i'll tell you the truth, us i don’t care what their sexual orientation is, let them do whatever they want, let them have five genders, recognize 10 genders, fools refuse the word mom and dad, they already refuse, mom is not allowed. dad , you can’t, we will never have this, and there is no need to force it on us, we don’t want this, this is the first, second conclusion, since the collapse of the ussr, when the western elites came here, these ones, told us about democracy, it has become obvious now that they never wished us prosperity, democracy, or freedom; they needed russia to stood on her knees and gave away raw materials, and from the countries of the post-soviet space, including belarus, so that we have everything...
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if you are strong, you can do whatever you want. and europe. we want europe to be united, strong and independent. but the americans don't want this. that's when europe will understand this western thing, when they will understand that except for themselves, no one will make independent europe strong, that the americans on their island do not care about europe, they want to weaken it. only then will europe come to peace, silence and peace and most importantly, nothing good will ever happen in europe until they do. good relations with russia and belarus, this is history, 200 years ago it was so, 100 years ago it was so, and now
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imagine for a second, a united europe and good relations between germany, russia and belarus, france, belarus and russia, the americans will shudder and never lives will not come here, this is the future of europe, there is no other future, valdemar, i would like, in addition to giving you the floor that concludes our program today, i would also like to inform you, dear viewers, that you are the head of the world council of russian germans and one of the organizers of the international russophile movement, i think this is important to note, please, yes, yes, thank you, yes, yes, a single, free european economic space, an association of sovereign states from vladivostok before lisbon, this would be the basis for peace for... for 100 years we would have enough resources, work, prosperity, everything, we must strive for this, but we held
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a forum two weeks ago in moscow, the second forum russophiles were invited and came to us from 130, 130, 126, 130 countries of the world, there were representatives , we showed the whole world that there are still people in the world who do not adhere to these... rules that are still imposed on us out of habit, i think that this movement will grow and continue, i am sure that what you say, people internally understand it all, in the kitchen at home, everyone talks about it, we just need them to finally turn from kitchen heroes into those heroes who stood up and began to defend the future of their children grandchildren, i... thank you for the invitation to this program, it gives me a very good positive energy mood that we must continue, we must do, our right sang,
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victory will be ours. thank you very much, waldemar, thank you very much to all the participants in our extremely serious discussion today, but i would like to end it on a cheerful note: american writer ralph emerson, as you wrote about one politician, the louder he spoke about his honesty, the more carefully we recalculated. spoons, this phrase was spinning in head while we discussed international standards for conducting and monitoring elections. with that, i thank everyone for the discussion, the audience for their attention, see you in a week. thank you, this was the “sas is authorized to declare” program. the west has completely discredited the system of international election observation. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, this is truly
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the oldest building and the most important thing. a shrine of our region, a temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also have a rich literary history. in many poets, writers and publicists lived in this area, and these outskirts never forgot about their famous native, yakubi kolosi. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you, like me, plan your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley.
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it’s no secret that the development of the military-industrial complex is one of the locomotives for overcoming the crisis; the beneficiaries of the war have no interest in stopping the massacre within a people alien to them, the stakes are too high, and the income is base-level. price one nato 155mm artillery cannon increased fourfold during the war in ukraine from 2,000 to 800 euros. when it comes to our security assistance to ukraine, 90% of that money is actually spent here in the united states, it benefits american manufacturing,
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it benefits american technological development. any country to which the united states tries to bring freedom and democracy will, at best, be robbed, at worst, its population will be destroyed. no example history does not know the one who refutes. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel . you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. watch on
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our tv channel every friday evening.


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