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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 20, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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enterprises and other indicators are checked in accredited laboratories, such as the bobruisk center for standardization and the scientific and practical center of belarus for food. can i somehow help you participate in the process? of course, we cut it with a scalpel, look carefully, take it, smell it, and then try it. the flavor stated here is vanilla-cream. yep, you can feel it, you can feel it. next is this marshmallow . be white, look at the color, white, yes, and it also looks like it’s broken, that is, the marshmallow should be dense, elastic, elastic, it should return to its shape, yeah, everything is fine, the marshmallow meets the standards and all indicators.
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well, i congratulate you, in my opinion, this day was a success, but we have, one might say, such a gift, the culmination of this day, tasting, as you can see, there is a lot of everything and a lot of delicious things, yeah, you can handle it, i’ll try it, just let's find out what is presented here, we have marmalade, we have dragee, and we have marshmallows, but marshmallows. generally unusual, you have never tried anything like this, i give you 100% because the product developed by our technologists, it combines pectin, which is used in the production of classic marshmallows, and gelatin, it is a little springy, which i like best, i would like with a banana, please, it’s really unique, how many marshmallows can you eat to maintain your figure?
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how many calories are they? in general, marshmallows are high in calories, because sugar is used in production, it is clear that this is a sweetness that should not be abused, but athletes allow themselves one or two marshmallows during training. everyone eats your marshmallows belarusians? no, we have deliveries abroad, these are ours and our near neighbors, we also have supplies abroad, last year we had our first supply to new zealand, wow. i noticed that you also have a lot of marmalade, it’s all produced in babruisk , we have a marmalade production line in babruisk, but part of it, specifically chewing marmalade, we produce in the city of slavgorod, a large production that was launched in the twenty-first year, what you see now is produced there, do more intertwined eggs, i definitely recommend you try it, because i have friends, not only belarusians, but also from other countries, who said that it is very... very tasty, very so,
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so try it, i even recommend it to you , and you trust me, of course, that you fulfilled my dream, come on, thank you, roasted peanuts, real chocolate rolled on top , sugar crust, uh-huh, amazing, because i often travel to china, so i try to bring different products every time, it turns out there are varieties much more than i imagined, which i really liked, so, let's go? good day, yes, i think it’s sweet, i probably have sour, that’s right, yes, great, how are you, my eastern friend, tired, very tired , very happy, happy, and i see, i see that the smile just shines, today was unforgettable. procession, will you
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eat marshmallows more often now, or are you still full today for a long time? i think i'll eat it often, seriously? yes, aren’t you tired of it today? i think no. well, listen, since we're popprudian, i have another one for you surprise. we must definitely perform one ritual that every tourist should do. ready? meet me, this is bader. samuilovich , the main symbol of this city, if you want luck to always smile on you, you must rub his nose, and if you want you to have a lot, a lot, a lot of money, you must rub his ring, and a little bit tummy. so, whatever you choose, good luck. and i can guess why you chose this. do you know why? because luck smiled on you today and you learned how to do it marshmallows and fulfilled my dream. i'm right? right! friends, what if you want to make you smile too? good luck to our today's
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hero, then send your videos and you will definitely find out how and what was done. we choose the best routes only for our viewers. we are located in a small town in the grodno region called bridges. welcome. having eaten too much, they couldn’t eat baked fish or fish soup for a long time, they just sat and said 100 lin. the name of the city stolin came from. and we set off on an exciting journey. at the end of the 15th century there was a large settlement at this place. and it appeared at the intersection of major trade routes, neman and brez-vilnius. almanskie is a real tourist
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highlight. the only ones preserved in their natural state in belarus and the largest in europe. these are the twenties and thirty- nine years. i can safely say that. this is the best time for urban architecture, sidewalks and highways appeared, trees were planted and beautiful new buildings were built to show how unusually wonderful our country is. when he moved from one place to another, it was the believers themselves, the jews, who unharnessed and transported the horses, from one place to another. now, as we see, the image is clearly visible, colors have begun to appear, of course. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel , the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people.
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we baked a loaf, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold mud, torn out by bad weather, oh difficult, priceless. “rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the artel field is called a green workshop and happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this
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open-air workshop, 280 tons of bread to the court . and gardens.
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the villagers of the baranavitsa region will grow such rich resources. the hanusa experimental station will help kalgas eliminate the michuryn methods of the rural gaspadarka, grow new crops. the exhibitions have been restored. ў holy kalgasnay ​​pratsy.
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on the night of june 17, 1941, in the office of the head of the state security department for the bialystok region, sergei savich belchenko, there was an interrogation of the commander of a sabotage group in the lomza region, she was detained by border guards, everyone was dressed in a security officer uniform, the documents were in perfect order, the task was first to hide on... the territory, when the germans cross the border, begin active actions, sow panic among the population,
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disable communications and telephone communications. after the interrogation, a lingering feeling of anxiety, my consciousness worked feverishly, belchenko was faced with a choice of what to do; this was only one of the groups whose transfer to soviet territory intensified. the information was hurriedly sent to senior management, but it seemed that little attention was paid to it. after some thought, belchenko decides to act independently at his own peril and risk. those who underwent special training before the war in organizing the partisan movement. years later, as minister of state security b. the ussr remembers, then it was necessary to hurry
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to organize partisans, those who were not repressed, to raise agents, which we prepared in case of german occupation, if the war was about to begin, there was no longer any doubt about it, they would become the base on which it would be possible to organize partisan detachments. belcheng’s conversation with his deputies, senior lieutenants of the state security with sodikov and yurin was difficult, no one could hide his excitement, he didn’t want to believe that the war was about to start, having delved into the study of the lists of agents, a decision was immediately made form two reconnaissance and sabotage groups. under their command. in the event of an attack, they remain in the occupied
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territory. the task was to organize partisan detachments based on these groups. barely containing his excitement, belchenko tried to contact minsk, but something was wrong with the connection. there is anxiety in the looks of his deputy. on the clock 20:00, june 21, sotikov, yurin, without words , understand that they need to act, now everyone realized that most likely, they would see each other for the last time. speculation about organization of the partisan movement. a lot , confusion, flight of the leadership , partisan detachments arose spontaneously,
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someone whitewashes, someone exalts, the truth is in the documents and facts, they testify, the beginning of the people's war was different, the documents of the special sector of the national archive of the republic of belarus are of the highest degree secret. here is kept the diary and protocol number 69 of the meetings of the bureau of the central committee of the military commission, in which all the actions of the belarusian leadership are described minute by minute, starting from the first hours of the war until the moment when they move, first to mogilev, then to lepel and moscow. in the first decisions there are still doubts that a full-scale war has begun. everything
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is aimed at restoring communications, water supply, combating looting in minsk, and taking action against those leaders who succumbed to panic to bring them to justice. but the situation was changing rapidly. at the direction of the command of the western front, the government moved to mogilev on june 25. right here. key decisions about the partisan movement are made. first: about the minsk regional party committee, it said, send it to the city of mozyr, the leading five. to establish leadership of the regions of the minsk region and the actions of partisan detachments. further, about the creation of 28 sabotage groups, sending them to the location of airfields. mission: blowing up fuel depots, airplanes, destroying
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manpower. particular attention to the railway, the resolution of this. cola about continuous sabotage on the railway section of the gorky dribin highway, minsk, moscow. here is another decree, classified, strictly secret, about a school for training groups and detachments for undermining and disintegrating the rear enemy. it contains detailed instructions for sabotage work, especially secret.
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on the territory of belarus, from among employees of state security agencies, as well as cadets of interregional schools, 14 partisan detachments were formed, which already
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numbered more than a thousand people in the first week of the war. in the last days of june , members of the leadership and party workers were sent to the rural areas of polesie, vitebsk, minsk and gomel regions to form partisan detachments of 10 groups, 8-10 people each. in places the situation is different: some managers immediately switched to underground work, raising. secret resolution on the cowardice of the party, an assessment of the situation in the materials strictly of the workers who fled, and also in the declassified diary of vasily korzh, the head of the partisan unit of the pinsk region, who began keeping it literally from
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the first days of the war, which was never published. because of the not always convenient truth about those dramatic days. the conversation between vasily korzh and his deputy berezenny was difficult. he insisted on leaving the front line, and he supported by 18 people. korzh at first tried to convince him that it was impossible to do this. the squad has already been formed. there are 60 people in it; on june 28 , a successful raid was carried out on the objects of the 239th wehrmacht division on the lagishin-pinsk road. the germans had considerable losses, but they had trophies and the first prisoners. but berezin insisted on his own. neither calls for
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responsibility for the fate of the country nor the order helped. honest and devoted patriots of the motherland. from the very beginning of the war, along with the partisan detachment of vasily karzh, actually the first in the history of
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the partisan movement to carry out a daring raid on the enemy, other partisan detachments began to operate, they were led for the most part by commanders who had special and military training, combat experience, many of them, subsequently... became legendary partisan detachment red october of the polesie region under the command of tikhon bumashkov and fyodor pavlovsky for operations for destroying the enemy, blowing up bridges, crossing already in august forty-one , they were the first of the partisans to be awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, the detachment of minai shmyrev or the father of minai of vitebsk.
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zhukovsky, maxim ivanovich, secretary of the krasnoslobodsky district party committee, commander of a partisan detachment, which already in the summer of forty -one defeated the enemy garrison in slutsk. belousov konstantin mikhailovich, organizer of the partisan movement in the mogilev region, fyodor mikhailovich yazykovich, secretary of the polesie regional party committee. and thousands more names throughout belarus, they were the first to lead the resistance in the republic, not having sufficient weapons,
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food, medicine, but having the great fortitude of the soviet people, who stepped over through the drama of repression, deprivation, personal grievances, they went to defend. land from the enemy, guys whose erudition any adult would envy. which russian writer held the position of vice-governor for some time? mikhail soltykov, because he came from the saltuk chid family, as far as i
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know, and it is quite possible that he could be the vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. the author of which work is leonid daineka? ksenya. i remember exactly that the option between prince vyashka, this creation studied at the end. we watched it with them, no, i’m afraid, we remember the school program together with the project participants, i know, watch it on the
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belarus24 tv channel. live broadcasts on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 from the capital and region. beware of the ruhu yes, rightly, raids in the capital and paradise, do not sleep with changing your winter tires.


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