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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 20, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you is the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, editor-in-chief of the minsk courier, kirill kazakov, good afternoon, hello, andrei, hello listeners and viewers, kirillo vladimirovich, an important point , which is currently being discussed, i think, not only on the territory of belarus, the post-soviet space, but mainly in europe, rallies about... protests
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against macron’s initiative to send troops to territory of ukraine, and if initially he began to retract his words somewhere, saying that they misunderstood me, i didn’t quite say that, in our programs we have already discussed with experts more than once that, well, this is an open overton window , where at first he said the wrong thing, and then maybe on the whole it’s not so bad, and maybe it’s not worth protesting against it, just yesterday they published that the general , in my opinion, was openly discussing on french television. ..
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but exceeds such reasonable indicators and naturally, people who are somehow related to these victims begin to ask the president, so on the one hand, well, it seems like this war needs to be verified so that every dead person is not just a person who was brought in a zinc coffin from ukraine , and he was a hero , on the other hand, it is natural that this increases the number of people who are, in principle, angry in france against, well , let’s call it the regime that is now - naturally, loud statements to some extent distract the french from the fact that here we have the economy has sagged, let's maybe save our lives, because we are being sent to the territory of ukraine, on the other hand, well, 2000 people, which french politicians and the military are now saying.
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who can come to ukraine, well, yesterday a statement was made that if they stand along the banks of the dnieper, it will be a red line that will mark for the russians a territory that cannot be entered, on the other hand, this is a territory that will limit ukraine with belarus, then there are actually french troops standing right under our belly, well, again, we can say that the french may not remember history a little, well, if we recall it like this, in the eighteenth year the french already came to odessa, they landed there, they were in this city for about 2 months, they left from there, so that it was officially written in the order to ensure that the city does not starve, because allegedly the french soldiers ate. this city, that is, we are leaving now, well, the residents of odessa will live normally, that is, in principle, they left beautifully, the same as the americans from afghanistan, so i think that on the one hand, of course, the french may appear, and mr. naryshkin, who also said in an interview yesterday that we know that french troops are already there and yes,
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at least some kind of then an amount in the region of 2.0 should land near odessa, should appear on the territory of ukraine; it covers the overton window, but on the other hand, look, but... then the same countries of the global south will have to prove that, in principle, there is war - this is not the result of the fact that putin evil, and the result of the fact that putin could be provoked, that is, there are a lot of problems that the appearance of french troops can present not only to western politicians, but
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, in principle, to the entire western community, from politicians to economists, this is actually a very important aspect, by the way speaking about afghanistan, we touched on a small one. let’s make a diversion, i really liked the synchronicity that is actively spreading on the internet today, this is precisely a statement regarding withdrawal from afghanistan. mark milley testifies i quote. i think some of the afghans who were working with us were hunted down and killed, i'm pretty sure some of them were killed in pretty brutal ways. others were able to escape from the country, one way or another, remaining, the rest became silent. hid, that is, people who collaborated with you, you are sitting in warm rooms today, discussing that they died, well, because definitely in their homeland they are considered traitors, that you were occupying troops on the territory of afghanistan. many people, it seems to me, including in ukraine, it would be worth thinking about
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certain things that are happening at the moment, including in the context of the deployment of foreign troops on the territory of ukraine, that’s the most interesting thing, i would also like to hear your comment regarding... the fact that official kiev after all, he reacts somehow strangely to such statements, there is no inspiration that yes, yes , come, french, we are waiting for you, germans, welcome, everyone is saying that no, no, no, in general, if goes, then about the instructors there and so on, andrey, well what kind of situation could there be if, for example, a separate nato country, like france, sends troops into the territory of ukraine, for example, occupies, well, like the line of contact, yes, but there are such wonderful ones. nato countries, like romania, hungary and poland, which can , in principle, take advantage of the equal right to send troops into the territory of ukraine, but also to reach exactly those borders that they now consider theirs, that is, relatively speaking, the same chernivtsi will become romanian, uzhgorod will become hungarian, lviv - polish, and
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naturally, the presence of these troops on the territory of western ukraine will be officially considered, relatively speaking, peacekeeping troops or troops that came here in order to, as the french said, balance of power, yes, the russians saw it in order to show that nato troops came to the territory ukraine, to save this very ukraine, on the other hand , a banal fuss will begin, and naturally, kiev understands this perfectly well that france is not a country that carries out its activities separately from nato policy, it operates within those frameworks, despite the fact that macron announced the deployment of troops and nato head stoltenberg said that let you still act in the forward direction of nato policy, but...
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he is skeptical about these articles, saying that , what, oh, well, this is russian propaganda, so they bought an article there in the washington post, go
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buy an article in the washington post, at the moment, yesterday the publication country uua published such a small article about how the west and east of ukraine treat to continue the war, i will not give numbers, but what is the point, in the west and in the east there is an opinion about whether the war should be continued, to what extent it should be ended, along what borders? it’s extremely different, yes, there are references to the fact that in the west it’s a little calmer, in the east, for example, in kherson they don’t want to live on the front line at all, of course, on the one hand they want to end the war as quickly as possible, but on the other the parties absolutely do not want to see, for example, the conventional border with russia 2 km from the city, which is why they want to start some kind of counter-operation in order to repel russian troops, but at the same time they naturally want to live in peace, so the division into the west and the east... last year, according to journalists from the country ua, it intensified, this is the division,
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again, which is now falling into society in ukraine, after all, it, strictly speaking , does not represent anything new, the country has always been divided into the west, into the east, the last 30 years of independence there, when raguli and zapodentsi were there - this is one story, people who lived in the donbass - another story, and this one the country tried to glue itself together with some kind of bonds of post-soviet brotherhood, some kind of post-soviet stories that... that we fought during the great patriotic war and this, in principle, succeeded, but the maidan war divided everything, when the east came to the west, and the west left for europe, it actually turned out that this country is no longer a homogeneous mass, and of course, when one second time you start to say that here in kharkov the situation is one, and in lviv another, in uzhgorod a third, then let's go back to to the first question: on the one hand , hungarians are expected in uzhgorod, poles in lvov, on the other hand, russians are not... expected, but at the same time, in kharkov and odessa, perhaps the russians, when they come, no one will be against it, and they also
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understand this, that in these two large cities , including dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye, you can also include these cities, which, in principle, even now are loyal to the russian world, despite the fact that their leaders there are portrayed as almost nazis, well, maybe be that they are, but the cities speaking russian, and the same hometown of zelensky krivoy rog, this is a russian-speaking city, that is, there... simply, even within the framework of this war , retrain everyone in ukrainian to make them think that they are ukrainians extremely extremely it’s difficult, war may make a nation into a nation, but it seems to me that in ukraine there is not a single nation , right now, right now there are a lot of nations there, and i think that the americans can take advantage, divide everything as they please. well, here i think that a nation can , of course, be formed within the framework of a war, if this the war is national. and not when this war is dictated by the official kiev regime, all other people think absolutely
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differently, i like in this sense the opinion of ukrainian political scientists who agree at the moment, and they, in general , have been openly since the beginning of this confrontation on the territory of ukraine they say that putin and russia do not need ukrainian territories and lands for nothing, he came there to negotiate with the west on the division of spheres of influence, on the formation of a new... well, new systems of checks and balances that have been in place for decades were destroyed by the united states , because well, it seems to me, to put it mildly, it’s hard not to notice when the day before both vladimir putin and the russian political elite made written proposals to the united states to sit down at the negotiating table and stop this maximum approximation of the arrangement around russia has these points of tension , which everyone openly talks about, including, well , i’m just touched when... today the same stoltenberg sits and says that ha-ha-ha, putin made a demand for us,
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let’s sit down at the negotiating table , and we’re like, there’s nothing to talk about, we won’t agree, like go through the woods, well, that’s what, as you then explain to your citizens, for what reason, in general, the whole logical chain of what’s happening, so we missed a little, but i would also like to return, the same stoltenberg recently flew to azerbaijan, he says, i ’m glad to visit baku, this is the best city in georgia, how do you do it? russia, well, that is , the question is, well, it’s paradoxical, maybe they just really, well, somehow they don’t understand what kind of world they live in, well, in fact, this is the philosophy of schumpetor, who wrote that, in principle, all national states are built on the fact that citizens have electoral rights only at the time of elections, yes, the rest of the time the national elite of these states
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rule, the rest of the population, in principle, is in a kind of bliss and this bliss is thrown to the people there, relatively speaking.
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the moment when the authorities want it, it breaks down because people come, look, the month of march, march 17, yes, people came all over russia and voted for putin, no one understood why this could be, yes, that is, in the same western europe, queues were formed, people went and voted in the presidential elections of russia, it didn’t matter whether putin was there, but most often he was , but at the same time it was an electoral upsurge, it was a victory, and that’s where it completely breaks down. brain, because they don’t understand how they are not the main ones in this story, let’s remember putin again, the vampires’ point is running out, well, vampires, well, they’ve seen the light, you’ve eaten too much garlic, that’s all, there’s no other way, i don’t know whether there was a reference to these words of putin or not, but recently there was also a video on the internet where they burn macron in the form of a bat, the vampire ball is over, and
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it’s interesting that, by the way, this is about journalistic work and so on, videos from britain and estonia were actively disseminated, where local journalists approach people in line with an attempt to show and demonstrate some kind of picture, so that people would say that we are against putin, we are there for some kind of change of power, and so on, they come up and them some conditional pensioners, who , yes, the woman says, i’ve been living in britain for several years, but putin is my president, i’m a citizen of the russian federation, i think that he’s doing everything right, because if he didn’t do that. russia has long been torn apart, they are poor creatures, they don’t know what to do with this, with such answers, because they expected to hear something completely different from a person who, as it were, left the territory of the russian federation, well, who knows for what reasons, relatives, there are some more, everyone has their own questions, but they they think that if a person left russia, he stopped loving, for example, this territory, just like the belarusians who left, because
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there is a huge number, the belarusian diaspora, it is very strong in many regions, in russia and in europe, what us ... that we are literally running out of time, there are 10-15 minutes left, we discussed only one question out of ten, which i wanted to hear your opinion on, because we cling to one another and it turns out that
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there can really be a conversation simply huge, unlimited in time, to us it really takes about five hours to sit down and discuss, more or less - say, in a compressed mode, some important agenda, and so a video with the surrender of a large unit of ukrainians is being actively discussed at the moment, there, probably, in the context of a statement by political scientists of ukrainian officials who say that if within a month or two there is no support from the west in terms of shells and so on, then
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the situation will take a radical turn, and in order to simply restore what is happening, in order to simply hold positions again, it is necessary will form some kind of truce or a global pause for several years in order to restore all this, what do you think about this , how truly deplorable the situation is today.
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perhaps there , on the so-called front end, there is a little feeling of the first world war, but if you remember the stories, these are easter truces, which were, for example, christmas, when the germans and russians did not shoot at each other, but simply so that somehow take care of yourself, save your strength, for a while, yes, they simply added up weapons and even celebrated holidays together, because the war was not needed there, the war was perhaps needed in the palaces, now when... they come to the conclusion that the banking industry needs the war, but people don’t need the war, because people need peace, in -secondly, it seems to me that people are a little tired of this action, live,
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live broadcast of the war, which goes on every day, it simply stopped bringing the profit that it brought in the beginning, as television people, we can talk about what is needed switching, some switching, yes, perhaps we need two, and simply 2 years of a truce, but still we understand that in 2 years ukraine will grow. the next generation of rabid nazis , azov-2, azov-3, who will simply go shoot russians because during these 2 years they will be told that russians are not people, but animals, so, well, it seems to me, again , i’m not strategist in military affairs, but it seems to me that this war, if it is going on like this, must be continued until the ukrainians at one fine moment all together spin the volga, because in this story it is there is a certain precedent, but if before mariupol... these people who surrendered, they were simply scared, perhaps, to some extent they simply did not expect and did not want this war, then the war moved into the people's liberation democratic phase,
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now when the same number of active nazis died; all that remained were ordinary men who went out for bread and were raked in ; they simply turned out to be meat grinders in this war, they don’t want to fight, and i’m not sure that those people who stand here are speaking from avdeevka to kiev, they all want to die in this war. moreover, one language, one culture, one faith, in principle, this is a people's civil war, no matter how the americans and europeans try to sell the idea that these are two different peoples, but they are one people, yes, with different characteristics, yes, with their cultural preferences, but in principle people with the same mentality, well, this is really the case, so it’s easier for these people to give up than to be buried somewhere near kharkov and at the same time understand that well... perhaps you will somehow be buried from shots from american rifle. history leads exactly this. just yesterday i literally watched a video, also on tiktok, i came across where
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the ukrainians are. mobilized armed forces members are standing for food in the canteen, as i understand it, this is some kind of mobilization point, they are laughing, discussing their stories in general, who got to the armed forces how, the most popular, say, directions, it didn’t wait 30 seconds for the bus, one a man, an electrician, he says, i don’t understand, one of our conscripts goes to robe in the construction department, i think that, well, probably this is a person who services some kind of things here buildings there and so on, turns out to be a man. the electrician was sitting on a pole , the schoolboys came to him, they said, come down, dear , they literally took him off the pole, sent him to the front, that is, it comes to such an absurdity, these are some things that seem to us, well, just out of the ordinary coming out when these videos are published with tskashniks, well , military commissars, so that maybe the audience can understand that they walk on buses that catch people there, absolutely, that’s how we
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understand, just as you say. that people whom i didn’t wait for 30 seconds like that bus, removed from a pillar, and so on, some great motivation to go die for zelensky and his company, which buys villas for itself and is openly discussed in general on the territory of ukraine and no one does anything about it, when everyone understands that taking into account , well, again they wonder, taking into account this billion-dollar aid that comes from the west, the only thing that the front and troops of ukraine are replenished with is these men.
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moment there are more people and maybe even younger than 25 years old, this is the very, say, young generation, because apparently, pensioners and older people have begun to run out, because you look, and the ukrainians themselves show those who are going to exchange from the russian side, namely ukrainian soldiers, but these are some old people , frankly, who have managed to catch someone who didn’t have time to so cheerfully run away through the ukrainian streets from the military commissars, he got caught and is now going to the front, how is this situation? develop further, but it seems to me that you understand, again, making any forecasts is extremely difficult, i think that, well, you can listen to our the president , who very often, having a large amount of information, reveals such secrets, specifically, yes, i remember when he said that we need to sit down for negotiations, stop the war, because russia has not now dispersed its economic complex, and when they do, it will be as usual, yes, now it seems to me that he is plowing, well
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, all 12'. then everyone is for himself, especially since in kiev they absolutely do not look at how these very regions live, the situation is exactly like this, and even those men who fought back in 2022 for ukraine, so ukraine in the twenty -second year is one ukraine, ukraine in the twenty -fourth, this is the second, during these 2 years they saw raids, and a drop in the exchange rate, and a deterioration in the standard of living, and a telethon in
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which they constantly lie and a bunch. people who left abroad, first the support of europe, and now the trampling of all ukrainians by europe. therefore, this is a completely different ukraine, plus everything, let us remind you once again that after march 21... but zelensky’s powers themselves are in big question, we can say a thousand times that the constitutional court will not consider them, but on the other hand, zelensky ’s five-year term of office ends at the end of march, on may 21 , inauguration actions regarding the new president should be carried out, if he does not exist, then ukraine will be left without a head of state at the official constitutional level, this is where the game begins, it will be very interesting, because any person who...
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i think he was the first to call ninety, well , they’ve got the borders of the ninety- first year stuck in their head, so they think that everything was at this moment it was instantly accepted and decided, so it seems to me that with such judges, in general, you can rule for 40 years and say that the constitutional court as a whole is not against it, because listen, well, when you have google on your phone, go, you can it seems to me that i can rule over anything, i told you how to make a decision, you made it, and then you think about what i did, but that will happen later after me. interesting moment, it’s flaring up, it’s not even flaring up, it continues - a smoldering image of a hollow scandal on the territory of poland, that’s just the deputy confederation, krzysztov molawa from the commission investigating the visa scandal published
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a draft resolution of the mit, according to the document, it was planned to send up to 800,000 to poland annually, and after that up to 400,000 migrants, mainly from asian, arab and african countries, this is the very moment when in my opinion... euros for an official work visa through intermediary companies, who then negotiated with the embassy and i don’t remember the full figure now, but somewhere they said that 400 dashes are 600 thousand refugees and immigrants who entered the territory of poland, then disappeared within the schengen zone throughout the european union. for what purpose is all this, let’s say, this scandal is being promoted, is it an internal political struggle in poland itself or what? they decided to fight the migration crisis, listen, let's play conspiracy theorists, just think about the fact that a certain number of immigrants are coming to the territory of the european union, some countries are more loyal to this, for example, italy, spain, the same germany,
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france, and some, due to their national characteristics, like poland, have an extremely negative attitude towards this, well, because it is still a mono-ethnic state, religious in a certain way, catholic, yes, but in this... in the very at the moment there are people in europe who are thinking about how to distribute these migrants evenly throughout europe, and they come to the conclusion that through european institutions it is possible to influence polish institutions to create such a not entirely legal scheme, according to which migrants will arrive on the territory of poland, so they arrive, arrive, arrive, and tusk at this moment is working in brussels, when tusk needs to win the elections, he comes to poland and knowing this european... not entirely correct smuggling supply system migrants , very important and very approved at the level of brussels, this again, i assume, yes, he simply pulls it out of the cloth and says: look, at this moment, naturally
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it creates a furor scandal, because at the european level there is nothing sensational not happened, poland receives the same number of migrants as france and germany, but at the subconscious level of the poles themselves, they did something nasty, and at the same time it comes. who is tusk, who knows some of the secrets of the brussels court, subtleties, diplomatic subtleties, this is what you and i have repeatedly talked about, that some politicians hold on only because someone knows incriminating evidence about them, but here you know about the whole system compromising evidence, so you come, extract this very compromising evidence, win the elections, the poles are for you they vote for the most honest prime minister, for your party, which will now rule honestly, and you are simply telling what you knew the rest of the time and...
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at the moment, it was he who made an accusatory statement about the right justice outlined this situation with migrants. the information and analytical project “current microphone” was broadcast on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, also our guest, editor-in-chief of minsk. courier kirill kazakov, see you, see you. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments. alyona. diamond. diamond, of course. we are talking about diamonds, what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was
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the first, it stands for english premier league. of course, according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. what is the name of the head coach of the dynamo-minsk hockey club in the 22-23 season? oh my god! who will prove that he is the main sportsman. expert of the country where the first games of the cis countries were held, well, let it be kazan, astrakhanan took, kazan took, this is the correct answer, kazan, absolutely right, well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but if it’s intuitive, that is , it means there were options, look intellectually -sports show, head game on our tv channel, guys, whose rudiment. any adult would be jealous. which russian
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writer held the position of vice-governor for some time? mikhail soltukov shchedrin and because soltukov chedrin he came from native family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. the author of this work is leonid daineka. ksenya? i remember exactly that option b is the sword of prince vyachka - and horror films, maybe you watched them with them, no, i'm afraid, we remember the school
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program together with the project participants, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, live broadcast news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. extreme preparation.


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