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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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import substitution in practice. in smolevichi , the production of belarusian sports air rifles for children and youth sports schools has been established. the new product is already receiving forest reviews not only in belarus, but in russia and creates good competition with its foreign analogue. the modular design allows for maintenance and repair without the need for complete disassembly. the model is presented on the market in 4.5 mm caliber. the first batch of rifles has already been transferred to the belarusian biathlon federation, they were used...
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their eyes are burning, they all want to try, they want to feel it, as they say, in action, so we are even happy with our brainchild. a support flight from minsk arrived at the last airport; on board were the relatives and friends of marina vasilevskaya and anastasia lenkova, young people, the scientific community, athletes and belarusians who love space; the board was organized by decision of the president of belarus. for the first time in the history of a sovereign country, a belarusian citizen will go into space under the command of oleg novitsky as part of the main crew of marina vasilevskaya, the launch is scheduled for march 21 in 16:21. the best way: don’t forget to spend time, take a short trip. this was the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiques here, and the city, as you saw, has been preserved, they call it.
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it manifested itself, and you will also get unforgettable emotions, even if the iron is still hot, you know this proverb, you see, it’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, yes, not only a wonderful memory, i’ll bring it from zhodina, and also such a wonderful doll, look at program, the route was built on the
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belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts. events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait. bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, i am authorized to announce this program on air. my host nadezhda sas and i welcome you. let me remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. about the main events in world politics this week we'll tell you right now. the president of france
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addressed the nation. a significant part of his speech was devoted to the conflict in ukraine. macron said that the military conflict in ukraine is existential. questions for europe and for france. the president also emphasized that if russia’s special military operation in ukraine is successful, the life of the french will change. there will be no more security in europe. macron said that he does not yet believe that the current situation in ukraine requires sending french troops there, but he does not exclude this solutions. let me remind you that at the beginning of march, during a meeting with opposition leaders, macron again said that france has no limits on red lines in the matter of assistance to ukraine. according to. president of france, eu countries, agreed to create a coalition for deep strikes, supplies to ukraine, medium and long-range missiles. he also stated that france would do everything to prevent russia from winning this war. the majority of bundestag members
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voted against the draft resolution of the christian democratic and christian social unions bloc demanding to the german government to begin supplying taurus missiles to ukraine. for the recommendation. of the foreign policy committee , 495 deputies voted to reject the resolution, 190 were against, five more deputies abstained, a total of 690 deputies took part in the voting. german chancellor olaf scholz has previously repeatedly rejected the possibility of sending taurus. according to him, the effective use of such missiles requires the participation of german troops, and this is precisely the line he does not want to cross.
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parliament must speak out against these ukrainian war crimes, the international criminal court should hold zelensky accountable for this. moreover, ukraine is the largest supplier of children for pedophile networks. human trafficking and organ trafficking. for this purpose, it has created nurseries with surrogate mothers.
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following this logic, at the end of the 20th century, western elites came to the conclusion that direct general elections, which they had previously promoted, had become dangerous for them. unable to keep up with the evolution of the views of the so-called progressive elites, the broad masses are increasingly they began to choose not those who are convenient as the captain of world capitalism, and accordingly, the elections began to be assessed not by their real honesty, but by the result, correctly.
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from the point of view of compliance with national legislation, and do not come with deliberately written resolutions that proceed solely from the geopolitical position of a particular country. igor vladimirovich, please give me the floor. but i thought about oleg’s words: are observers needed at all?
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it seems that if observers are objective, objective for what purpose, who cares at all? representative. there is probably another state before what is happening in your state, if this state, which he represents, intends, for example, to cooperate with your country, is there?
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absolutely so, but again, i repeat , observers from the cis countries come to us, this is
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a huge number of observers, they objectively evaluate the elections, on the other hand , osce observers came earlier, they went to polling stations, did not find a single flaw, i participated in all elections in almost this country, not in any election campaign, they go to the polling stations, don’t see any shortcomings, board a plane, take out the prepared ones that the elections are not demo.
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observer of the osce office for democratic institutions and human rights, criminal prosecution. this happened back in 2012, but
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even today the organization’s rhetoric has not changed. as before, the osce recognizes only those election results that meet the requests of the main beneficiaries, washington and brussels. how long has an international organization left its criminal mark on the will of the people and which countries serve this purpose? example. moldova. in 2020, presidential elections were held there. then international observers recognized them as legitimate. the pluralistic campaign allowed moldovan voters to choose between competitors, the osce said. let me remind you that the pro-european maya sando won those elections, against the policies that thousands of local residents oppose today. every month , the capital chisinau becomes the center of protests; calls for the resignation of the government and proposals for early elections are heard from the streets of squares. ukraine, perhaps the most striking example of how the osce. defends its own interests, observers from this organization recognized the presidential
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elections in ukraine, which zelensky won, as free and competitive, the voting took place, observers from the european parliament echoed, the consequences of those very free elections are visible to everyone today, but observers did not like serbia, as the osce commented the parliamentary elections held in the country last year, in which the coalition of current president vucic won, the elections were overshadowed by... numerical procedural shortcomings, pressure on civil servants and misuse of government resources, the organization said. these factors are combined with the systemic advantages of the ruling party. give unfair conditions, observers added, after the united states called on serbia to cooperate with the osce, finally putting an end to the issue of interest in certain election results. well, ulrich singer, a german politician, political force, alternative for germany, is in touch with us. ulrich, tell me, please, this is how, in your opinion
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, it happened that even within the european union the assessment of democracy or...
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the words are addressed, and naturally, if the voter gives in to political players who are unfavorable for their own course, then naturally there is no democracy, people can simply be silenced , what to do, well, no matter how, well, of course the question is one
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that you probably need to take part in more than one program to try to answer, you can talk about it for several hours, as if he has grounds for this, when -that, once they brought germany, our interlocutor’s country, to such a state that they chose hitler, they democratically chose hitler. now why, why are there questions about democracy, and precisely because, in principle, as a result of democracy, hitler could end up in power,
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but again germany was made so that it chose hitler, this is a western community - these are western countries, they created such germany, which chose hitler in order to then set it against the soviet union, that is, by and large there is, let's say, a deep state, we are talking about the united states, but in general there is a deep power, the power of this capital, which determines who and where will be in this or that country in the west, when suddenly it turns out that the hungarian people choose orban, this capital is very surprised, why is this like this?
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so i can say that germany, by the way, should also think about this, it would seem that calling itself, this country calls itself sovereign and independent, but we understand that this is not an independent state, so intervene...
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we need leaders in europe who carry out their foreign policy, destroy their own economy, think about it, germany mercedes is leaving, industry is being destroyed, did the germans want this, no, the germans don’t need this, and many political parties in europe defend sovereignty as an alternative for germany, therefore they don’t want to let them come to power, so that europe doesn’t become sovereign again; the americans don’t even want to weaken russia with this war. their task is to weaken europe, they succeed, they started a war in ukraine, forced europe spend their resources on ukraine, and thus
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europe weakens, weakens from sanctions, weakens from war, becomes unsafe, crime is growing, corruption is growing, europeans are leaving, there is trouble in germany, qualified personnel are leaving for other countries, who is coming to them, muslim refugees , ukrainians, refugees and so on. yes, alek sergenevich, ulrich, well, i think you heard both positions of the participants in today’s program, in fact, quite often in talk shows we ask the question why europe is silent, because today everything is fine they understand that this position, these steps, and they are destroying the economy, destroying society from the inside, what are the moods there today, is there a mood of protest in german society, what is the attitude? today to the leading political force in germany? well, i think we all agree on this, that these
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media they paint such a picture, they constantly repeat it, that the people simply believe it, the media constantly says what is good and what is bad, what is democratic and what is not democratic, and it repeats like prayer wheel and... and people hear this from morning to evening, and of course they believe it, because this is what will be read to them from morning to evening, and i think that, of course, we need to act against this, so for example , your channel exists, and we also disseminate our information, well, in other ways, for example, we have a lot of it on facebook or youtube, and we also try to simply show it.
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observes elections, promotes and monitors respect for human rights, and implements projects aimed at promoting democracy throughout the osce region. the headquarters is located in warsaw, the organization was founded in 1991, its members are 57 countries. it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines, that’s exactly what happened. igor vladimirovich, but this is how it all sounds beautiful on google, here you go, the information is like this, we, as we...
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plus kazakhstan, plus armenia, georgia and the countries of central asia should be taken as students into
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the western project and... somewhere it worked for a decade, at least in russia , this vigilance is something sacred, but every russian minister had an adviser from europe or the united states, and not only the minister, the governors and so on, and we all went there to study, but in the end, in the end , we generally came to our senses, and this is important, but for nothing else, that's why, why didn't they engage in democracy until the ninety-first year? after all, this was the re-establishment of democracy, yes, they didn’t do it, no, it was created only in order to force us there, in the end these states of the former soviet union, just completely to take control of the territory, natural resources, human potential of these countries, but fortunately it didn’t work out when they praised us, when this organization
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praised belarus and russia.
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they are still painting a picture that , for example, in democracy in the west everything is fine , everything is good, and people will hear it and believe it, on the contrary, they say that, for example, in hungary everything is getting worse and worse, more autocratic, although you have to look , the people themselves think differently there, half the people there, they, they are satisfied, from democracy
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at home in their country, although on the contrary, in germany only, i think, 8% are very satisfied with democracy, which means that we see that this media is working very hard, but it’s still unconvincing, because not everyone believes it, thank you very much, ulrich singer was in touch with us, i remind you on the air. the sas program is authorized to tell the monitoring mission observers that this is good or evil, we are talking today, we will analyze it in more detail. ulrich singer was just in touch with us, sharing both his experience and how things stand today in europe. by the way, i have repeatedly seen ulrich singer among the observers who took part in the elections in ukraine, well , you see, ulrich’s comments were objectionable
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to the then ukrainian authorities. so they accused him of illegitimacy and hung up other other cliches, god bless him, god bless him with this, yes, but we have a city on a hill, and the united states is simply the basis of modern democracy, i liked how tucker after that, how he interviewed the russian president, yes, he himself gave an interview to a local blogger, so he kind of talked about impressions from communicating with putin and from communicating with russia, and from what he saw there, a very interesting moment, he says, this is what...
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this is the price for democracy, this is what is there on the streets, excuse me, they say, that there are drug addicts there, what they have turned into - a metropolis , this is the price to pay for democracy, and tucker then says, well, i remember... there were times when you didn’t have to pay for democracy like that, there was some kind of democracy, like this it wasn’t, it ’s interesting, it seems to me that there is a phenomenon of modern man, he really doesn’t looks very far and deeply into history, i would suggest to everyone, american voters and european voters, well, ours, of course, yes, after all , always compare what happened and how it happened, how it happened that belarus became like this, what it is like now, yes, what kind of russia, and what? i wanted, for example , europe before our eyes, but all the time when we talk about europe, why do we remember some magnificent picture of some, i don’t know, maybe from the sixties, seventies, yes, everything is no longer the same, no longer everything is wrong, then it had its problems and many, many
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other things, yes, and the united states is no longer the same, this is very important, it seems to me, to constantly remind your voters, i think that the alternative for germany does this, you are absolutely right, unfortunately, the situation that... was observed in the state elections in 2020, it is quite indicative, when the deep state all the globalist elites are satisfied with the candidate, he wins, no matter how fair it is, this fairplay covers everything, look how the americans belonged to observers from the osce, they threw them out of the polling stations, that is, not a word, they then said, no, they are sitting, americans, this is a great democracy, you can’t criticize them, in those polling stations where the osce is.
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interview, they want to repress him for this, this is nonsense? i see waldemar gerth , who is in touch with us, waldemar, glad to see you, a german politician, entrepreneur is in touch with us, thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast, i see that you have already witnessed part of our
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discussion , you know what i'm talking about, but i'll start our conversation with you is still about the main question, in your opinion, international election observers, is this good or evil? both this and that, i would just like to say that the idea itself is not bad, well, to illuminate, i was an observer the year before last in russia and this helped me a lot in my statements in our deputy corps, and i illuminated what how the cameras are positioned, which we don’t have, far from it, we have the last elections here with pencils - this is generally a complete farce in comparison.
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that in fact all the lies that are in western the media is coming - this is not true , so we will call observers so that no one thinks that it’s not a shame we will be open and russia is open, belarusian deputies went to russia to observe the presidential elections, and we know that there are thousands of observers from all over the world goes to see what russia is like, so there will be observers, the question is that we will not call those who lie, lie, deceive and manipulate the facts, we will not call them, well, right now about how belarus refused from osce monitoring after a series of attempts at manipulation and interference in internal affairs. we'll tell you in more detail in our story. minsk has always taken a responsible
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approach to fulfilling its international obligations, however, given the predominantly biased nature of assessments of osce conclusions, this time it decided not to invite observers from this organization. everyone who asked to come to us, well, in my opinion, no one was refused. if the osce wanted to come to us and made such a request, we would consider it, most likely positively. they they didn’t ask, but why should we crawl to them, these are our elections. the decision is explained by the state of the osce election observation system; there are certain geographical functional imbalances in it. in order to prevent the use of double standards, belarus has repeatedly proposed developing uniform standards for electoral monitoring, but the initiative has not received adequate support. as a result, double standards of electoral observation through the osce continue to this day. it's surprising when it's just
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polling stations have closed, there are not even preliminary election results yet, and moreover, representatives, representatives of the united states were not here at all at these elections, but they immediately give an assessment, make statements of the entire us state department, but we never did we have never attempted to make any statements from our country regarding the elections in the united states. refusal to invite osce observers
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was also influenced by the degradation of the atmosphere of interstate interaction in the organization’s space, which is observed both on a two-way track and inside itself. today, the consequences of this process, which has already reached a critical point , are a crisis of confidence, as well as a violation of the traditions of respectful, diplomatically correct dialogue. hostility towards belarus is manifested, in particular, in the sanctions imposed against our country, including ... in relation to the central election commission and parliament. due to the closure of a number of checkpoints on the border by western neighbors and restrictions on air traffic, the logistics of leaving belarus are also deteriorating. and entry into the country. this is another factor complicating the invitation of international osce observers to work in the republic. well , here is a fairly clearly reasoned position. well, that’s how necessary an international mission is then, if everything is fine. understand in whose interests this or that
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group of politicians, political experts , international experts comes, and the result, even regardless of how the elections go, is already clear to many, and rightly so, oleg sergeevich said, well, here’s a person coming to the polls plot, makes his personal conclusions, well, then he gets on the plane, takes out this magic piece of paper and or comes up to my ear, says: well, listen, everything is fine, there are no violations, this happened to me more than once , they came from different countries, he says, but the conclusion is in advance ready.
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this is the ownership of the world and another world comes again to try to extend its system, it is multipolar, and here we need to create the same institutions that will be based on the ideology of multipolarity and equality. about the neighborhood and of course they should come, of course they should proclaim this ideology, which was covered with some kind of postulate of democracy. here is democracy and no one can really explain, but for the sake of democracy we are now closing the afd, and how is it for the sake of democracy to close one party that the people chose, aren’t these signs of fascism, when one category stands out from another, so just like that, yes valdemar, in continuation of your thought, i would like to remind dear viewers which
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international organizations have experience in monitoring elections, we deliberately divided them into two groups, let's call attention: monitoring organizations that are under the control of the west, well , this is no longer a secret to anyone, and monitoring organizations of the so-called non-west, the cis parliamentary assembly, the sco, the organization of the islamic conference, asan. yes, igor , this is exactly what oleg is talking about, yes, when studying with us, well, maybe it’s not necessary to study, exchange experience, but it seems to me that the purpose of monitoring missions is to exchange experience, search for some new options, alternatives, ideas for...
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derive some kind of average from one of some moods that seemed to them, well, they arrived conventionally and it seemed to them that the air humidity was high, but they write about it, we all got wet, i’m not talking about humidity, yes, but in fact, on this day the wind was drier, for everyone it was just everyone was hot, yes, but they, and they were sweaty, you know? i’m not talking about this, but this is nonsense, it should be, right, says alexander grigorievich, there should be some criteria, that is, there should be evaluation criteria that are equal for everyone, that’s it we came and filled out this, we came to belgium , we filled out this list, and we came to belarus and filled out this list, we compared them according to these criteria, but your moods, yes,
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your value judgments, you leave that for conversation in the kitchen, i went to minsk and i didn’t like the weather there, they have one criterion: it means he wants to pursue an independent policy, this leader can be killed, like kadafi, torn to pieces, say that this is democratic, you can execute saddam hussein, destroy millions of people in iraq, refugees then they flooded europe , this is also democratic, that is, this is normal , there is no other way, and we also need to remind them that because of them we are moving away from the basic principles
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of the un, this is the right of every nation, every country to self-determination, everyone chooses their own path. the situation that was developing in moldova, sandu won, the elections were suddenly recognized as democratic and fair, the situation in ukraine at some point became quite tragic, because control over the integrity of elections became an instrument of external control ukraine, the same situations arose in
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georgia, and today it is difficult to imagine a delegation of russian diplomats, politicians, and belarusian ones. admitted as observers to the elections in the united states of america in 2024, tell me how to get out of this dilemma, and is there a way out in this difficult, difficult time, the way out is already there, it has already appeared on its own, yes, we are already forming alternative socio-political alliances that will replace what has been used and discredited. our hegemon known to everyone, i think, like brix, all these countries that you are now associations that were named, they understand.
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yes, one root, each fruit forms itself, each leaf, and there is the unity of the broom, they cut it, folded it, tied it with barbed wire, and now the european union is demonstrating a classical understanding of this unity of the broom, they pulled together all the states with their subsidies and fines, swifts and others , but a broom is a broom, it will dry out and break, but the vine will bloom every year, so we want... so that there is unity on the vine, and not the unity of the broom. which deep philosophical thought, voldemar, i am incredibly grateful to you, this is extremely
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interesting, on such a balanced, deep inspiring note, we will be approaching the end of the program, so i give the right of the final word to igor vladimirovich oleg sergeevich, igor vladimirovich, please, by the way, i i wanted to continue about the broom and the vine, but barbed wire is necessary, yes, that is, they also connected it. that’s all they do with nato, they prick countries, they pulled the state into themselves for protection, and now they are calling them with the same nato to answer, it is of course amazing in general how it was possible to talk about this at one time, how some are still being carried out, well, it’s clear why they are being carried out, these are the leaders, because they are already prepared to let their countries go there on this voyage with the western world, it seems to me that we really live in a very unique time, so i agree. this world order is ending completely with colleagues, now, firstly, we don’t need to be afraid of the word ideology, we, you know,
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what’s the problem, we were somehow scared, that’s the nineties, they forced to remove ideology from the constitution, i mean the russian federation, and then it turned out that russia does not have that banner, well, excuse me, it ’s true, for which - that’s what they will follow, because they, absolutely speaking about ideological world, nevertheless , they were carried away by the same american dream, well , then they deceived, it is clear that this is a carrot, but nevertheless it was such an ideological trick, although you see, today for the same europeans, americans and countries, here is russia, the republic of belarus is the dream of an adequate society, which is built on worldly values, it is necessary, firstly, we remembered traditional values, or rather, they, they actually saved our countries, but we didn’t talk about it out loud, that’s what now we need to speak
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directly, openly, on what our society is based, on what ideas it is based, and this will be clear in brazil, in nicaragua, in nigeria, it will be clear everywhere in the world, because this is the crisis of society when individual. .. above the public, when this wealth, uh, which you must, no matter what, get by walking over corpses, i don’t know, destroying everything around, the crisis of this society has arrived, we all see it , we see it in all countries that were , the so-called third world, in fact, as we now call them, uh, these are actually the main states, the main states. planets, which, in general , support the planet, these whales, on which the planet rests, everyone sees this, and i think we should not be shy with belarus
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together to show our society as a model, to which is worth striving for, you know, by the way, sergeevich, i noticed such a trend, many opposition journalists of the russian federation, the republic of belarus, leaving for the west, have recently quite often committed comebacks, admitting that... they are not supporters of traditional values , that is, they love something completely different, but in ours, a boy is a girl, but there is a completely different coordinate system, that is, you begin to ask yourself the question, the person left because he did not agree with state course, he is an oppositionist of a specific political force, or he understands that the west will most likely accept him as a person, that’s how difficult it is to call it so you know literary, so that no one in any...
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since the collapse of the ussr, when western elites came here these told us about democracy, it has become obvious now that they never wished us prosperity, democracy, or freedom; they needed russia to stand on its knees and give up raw materials, and from the post-soviet countries space, including... belarus, so that everything would burn around russia, because we are located, and so that we are not independent, we don’t want that. now about international structures, unfortunately, they are degrading, it’s scary that we are killing international law, but we, belarus and russia, are fighting for it, we want those documents that were signed by our grandfathers after the second world war to be implemented , because they were signed for the world, today
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all this is due primarily to the united states of america degraded in the world.
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one of the organizers of the international russophile movement, i think this is important to note, please, yes, yes, thank you, yes , yes, a single, free european economic space, a unification of sovereign states from vladivostok to lisbon, this would be the basis of a peaceful, 100-year if we had enough resources, work , and prosperity of everything, we must strive for this, yes, we held a forum 2 weeks ago in moscow, a second forum, russophiles were invited and came to us in 130, 130, 126, 130 countries peace, there were representatives, we showed the whole
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world that there are still people in the world who... such an energetic mood that we must continue, we must do, our right sang, victory will be ours. thank you very much, waldemar, thank you very much, to all the participants in our extremely serious discussion today, but i would like to end it on a cheerful note: american writer, ralph emerson, as you
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wrote about one politician, the louder he spoke about his honesty, the... we counted the tablespoons more carefully, this phrase was spinning in my head while we discussed international standards for conducting and monitoring elections. with that, i thank everyone for the discussion, the audience for their attention, see you in a week, thank you, this was the saz program authorized to declare. the west has completely discredited the system of international election observation. belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you will learn and master. for the entire hour this façade is alive, because the prices are crumbling on this façade, and the pink height of these tiers, different dimensions apon, here,
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all this is based on the image of how he was born. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. bykhavsky castle, yon would be abaronchy, as if, around the perimeter of the scene, and this whole thing is glorious... africa needs, now, precisely, these are the ideas or ideology of justice. the african continent has suffered greatly over the 450-year history of capitalism, but our
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president, when visiting african countries, comes with his just ideology. the supply of our agricultural machinery has led to a sharp increase in productivity agriculture. this is a solution to the key issue, everyone must be on... if we turn to his aspirations, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can be patriots. markov’s project is nothing
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personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major tournaments? in athletics alena diamond diamond, of course, we are talking about diamond, as it stands for the abbreviation is apl, maxim was the first, it stands for english premier league, of course, according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. what is the name of the head coach of the dynamo minsk hockey club in the 22-23 season. u... my god, who will prove that he is the country's main sports expert? where the first games of the cis countries took place. well, let it be kazan. astrakhan
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took, kazan, took. this is the correct answer. kazan. absolutely right. well, i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is, it means they were options. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of wednesday, march 20th, i’ll tell you, hello, less than a day until...


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