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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 20, 2024 9:45pm-10:51pm MSK

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stations or work or organizations that are within this reach , well, of course, when some situation occurs, no one will directly understand it, but nevertheless, these people should know that there is such a station within 500 m you can take refuge on it in an extremely dire situation. truly an impressive moment of the first part of the exercise was the closing of the entry devices, the stationary gates in the pedestrian crossing. in other words, we are talking about a hermetic seal; the structure closes in literally a few tens seconds reliably, covering the station from external influences, from shock waves to damage from radiation, chemicals and other substances. during the second stage, emercom fighters practiced operations in the metro. during an emergency , electric train cars caught fire on the training line due to equipment malfunction. a special unit for working in the metro is already arriving at the station. because.
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the metro system is not only transport, but also a full-fledged civil defense facility, which in an emergency situation, including wartime, is capable to accept thousands of people, this practice developed back in soviet times and continues successfully today, and for the mechanism to work like a clock, departments must also work as one organism. alexander kamovich and alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. well, that’s all for me, right now we’re watching the talk show economic environment. when in the world everyone puts pressure on themselves with sanctions and fights for markets, the task of belarus is to protect the economy and its people. let's see who guards our economic security. good evening, this is...
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at 4%. according to the initial estimate of belstat, the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 34.5 billion rubles, or 104% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. the finnish economy is facing a recession. according to the central bank's forecasts , the country's gdp will decline by half a percentage point in 2024. last year the figure decreased by 1%. thus, the economic decline in finland turned out to be one of the worst in europe. the causes of recession are said to be elevated levels. and
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interest rates, as well as a decline in exports. the debt burden of belarus has decreased; according to the national bank, at the beginning of 24, the external debt was estimated at less than $37 billion, which is almost 3 billion less than at the beginning of last year. in relation to gdp, external liabilities decreased by 2.3% points and amounted to less than 52% as of january 1. indicators of domestic trade in belarus are growing, according to belstat. trade turnover for 2 months exceeded 12 billion rubles or 112.6% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. wholesale trade over the same period showed more 108%. the new concept of national security will be considered at the first meeting of the seventh all-belarus people's assembly on april 24-25. this became known following a meeting with the president. the document defines the strategic approaches of our state to ensuring security. in
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various fields, including economic ones. what is the economic security of the state? who provides it and how does it threaten our national security in the economic sphere? today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in issues of economic security.
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tatyana gorayeva, head of the department of economic security, belarusian state university. dear guests, good evening. andrey mikhailovich, please accept our congratulations. with your appointment as first deputy minister of economy of our country, we know that last week the head of state agreed to your appointment, but the bureaucratic nuances were settled only this week, so we wish you success in defending your interests our country, including in the field of economic security. thank you dear experts, let’s first explain to our viewers what economic security is and how it is assessed. i would consider it necessary to name the term economic security and give it an interpretation, as set out in the new edition of the concept of national security, which has been worked out over the past year and a half and thoroughly revised. so, economic security is the state of protection of sectors of the economy from
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the impact of threats that impede sustainable socio-economic development in our country. a simple, seemingly extremely understandable interpretation, nevertheless, a little is needed. energy and food , in other words, this is the degree or ability of the economy to respond to certain external threats and risks and challenges, the most important principle to understand, of course, is the principle of balance, all economic
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processes in the economic sphere, they must be balanced, so if any - one falls out and starts to hurt, then of course it always pulls other areas along with it, so it itself...
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well, another common thread that runs through all the economies of countries is the level of inflation, for example, this is also a classic indicator that characterizes the degree of protection or the degree to which the economy is sick or not, but their in fact , the total number will already be called in the new concept, 15, now 15.
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economic tax relations, but we not only monitor the implementation of legislation, but also identify reserves for the efficiency of using both funds budget, and state property, and we are sending our proposals for changing legislation, in addition to the state control committee, which bodies, you can understand when it marks its government agency as the leading executor, well, of course, it is necessary to supplement. the council of ministers is the government body that coordinates the assessment of the state of national security, 14
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government bodies are identified as the main executors, and these are not only economic government agencies in the usual sense of the ministry of finance, the national bank and so on, this is a number government agencies that provide control over the preservation, that is, of our economy , the preservation of the treasury, the prevention of economic offenses and so on, this is the position of the state control committee, but besides... the named government agencies, almost the entire vertical, one might say, we cannot say that does not participate in ensuring the economic security of the country, well, our executors are government bodies, regional, district enterprises, of which we have 146,000 legal entities in our country, of which only 16,000 are in industry, each of them has their own our 150,000 individual entrepreneurs contribute to ensuring our economic security, right?
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experts in the field of economics, besides us , well, i, too, as a member of this commission , we meet on this platform with a certain frequency, formulate an agenda, what problem areas we need to go through later, so to speak, a collegial position, what should we needed in the country. further work out what questions, what pressure points, as they say,
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reveal them and offer some solutions to level of government or head of state , our work here lies in this, that is, we are talking about the fact that these are not just government bodies, each within their competence, it is not just, well, let’s say, well, special government agencies that keep watch implementation of legislation in the economic sphere. significance, that’s why we need to keep our finger on the pulse of the state of security of economic sectors,
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sectors of the economy, that is, for what is all this being done in the end? today it has already been said that economic security is the basis of the sovereignty of any state, and accordingly, by ensuring economic security, we ensure the survival of the country on the world stage, we provide opportunities for sustainable development. development first of all, and accordingly, each of us makes a certain contribution to ensuring economic security; today this is not even a desire, it is simply a necessity. but everything is in order to strengthen our economy and create conditions for dynamic, sustainable development, why? because a strong economy is the main condition of sovereignty and independence , our president spoke about this during his address to the people at the national assembly in march twenty-third, there was also a deep thesis that sovereign belarus is not interesting to our foreign
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opponents, we are competitors for them, and that’s why they put pressure on us in different ways and... this policy is successful, the people support it. according to all indicators characterizing social inequalities, belarus is one of the most prosperous countries. we created a state without oligarchs, we did not allow
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concentration of capital and property in one hand. all national wealth belongs to the people. therefore, it is the economy, which provides social security for citizens, that is the main target of the west. and the question is not the difference in mentalities, not the differences in the political systems of the west and the east, everything is much simpler and more primitive. you know, a non -sovereign belarus, a non-sovereign russia, no one needs a strong economy, the possession of huge, primarily natural, resources of peoples with a high level of industrialization. eliminate us as competitors, namely competitors, but today i am absolutely convinced that it will not work, we will survive, well, we heard, it will not work, we will stand, it cannot be any other way, anatoly petrovich, well, you have already
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talked about the updated concept, we know that in february our president approved this project...
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with various indicators or the level of technology use, how much you use technologies of the new generation, the old, how old they are or the wear and tear of the main part of fixed assets, but such indicators and such quality and this how how since we... define it in the concept as a threat, there are external threats, of course, external threats are those on which we are not dependent, for example,
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the number of imports, by the way, because we have a share of critical imports and we understand that let’s allow the sanctions policy, we, thank god, survived this period, were able to somehow adapt, but here we really saw from our own example how this threat could transform into risks, and accordingly these risks began to be realized and what was required of all of us quick, targeted solutions, and even...
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development, yes, that is, this is a really serious risk that we can cope with by developing the scientific and technical sphere, and that is, the risk of something, increasing
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dependence on technological solutions, about which the chapter the state says, this is another import substitution and technological sovereignty, of course, we have essentially now created a list of such technologies, what we are talking about, we need... this is very important, i absolutely support this, this is one of our most important risks, which i said, that there is a share of critical imports that we cannot produce ourselves, this is the main risk...
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for us in today's conditions, so of course, we need to do everything to minimize this risk of threats. petrovich, i would also highlight our limited ability today to attract external investments, in general investments in external ones, especially, our economy really needs them, i would like these investments to be not only reinvested profits earned in our country so that money can come to us from outside.
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and many other points, well, so as not to create any illusions that we might have too much here, that’s all, well, here we are in this part, i think it’s a good experience, of course, when certain events of the twenty-second year began, of course i had to
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we need to rebuild our entire apparatus. and make, as i already said, a decision here now, special commissions have still been created, there is an operational headquarters under the government, that’s why it is an operational headquarters, we meet regularly, for those over time, the powers that the head of state gave us, so in that regime we met practically, probably twice a day we could meet, or even more often, solving specific problems.
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then the indicator is the debt of the public administration sector , namely the public administration, it is also in the normal range and also does not cause alarm, what causes alarm is we have an indicator that characterizes the level of short-term payments in relation to the gold and foreign exchange reserves, here the graph is tense, that is, here what it's worth pay attention to what is constantly being worked on, that is, the government, the national bank are constantly working to ease today’s
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pressure, today. for this year , for the twenty-fourth, for every year, work is being done so that today we pay not 3 billion, but 2 billion in dollars, let’s say external debt, something works out, yes, we agree with our partners with russia, with other countries , about reducing rates and spreading out these payments over a period of time, but for today i’ll say this, he doesn’t critical, but it is tense, this is an indicator , to summarize this block of questions... about the risks of the threat, it should be noted that there is no reason for concern, but our citizens, that, of course, experts see nuances, features, something worries them, some things are growing, some things are going down , this is normal practice, the dynamics are good, we have achieved good rates this year too, we have about 4% economic growth in annual terms, this is higher than the world average, we are in this indicator.
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in general, jobs, thus, accordingly, increasing the technological component of labor, we have the opportunity, in general , to compete not only with our closest
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neighbors, but with other countries, these three drivers, about which the head of state spoke, they are immersed in the concept of economic security, well, export is clear, for us it's just vitally important to sell. it’s simply extremely important for us to sell not just somewhere to our traditional russian market, but to diversify and reduce dependence on specific ones . we talked about import substitution, this is technological sovereignty, technology, but also
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production of import-substituting products, about what the president always says and criticizes about why we can’t produce one or the other, these are just basic things, but by the way. do they have new schemes, some more progressive villainous schemes? yes, of course, certainly, and as i already noted , economic crime is improving,
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and new schemes appear from year to year, which we promptly stop, for example, at present, if we take tax evasion, yes, then at present time... such a scheme as business fragmentation , the so-called, works, yes, those facts are gone, when business entities used to use pseudo-entrepreneurial structures in their activities, well, that was 10-7 years ago, we at one time stated that false entrepreneurship was destroyed, as in the form in which it existed, at present, yes.
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that nowadays business has become more civilized and understands how to play with taxes, with taxes. its employees daily ensure the protection of the interests of the state from illegal encroachments in the economic sphere, only for the past. the total economic effect from the implementation of the proposals of the
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state control committee is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles. examples of the work of controllers in our next story. please. monitoring how the state budget is spent is the main function of state control. this is stated in the constitution of belarus. the department’s specialists annually provide an opinion on the execution of the republican budget. this is a large-scale document where all processes in the economy and social sphere. financed from the state treasury , the expenditure part of the budget is analyzed very deeply, and the analysis is carried out both on the financing of the social sphere and state support for economic sectors, but the budget is not only financing, an important component of the economic security of the country is the order in the field of public procurement, therefore the state control committee monitors this complex process on an ongoing basis; this happens, as they say here , office-wise, that is, remotely. and until the moment when the purchase took place, this
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allows, in case of detection of violations, to make proposals with their own adjustments. over the past year, the republic committee analyzed 23,000 purchases, saving budget funds amounting to about 300 million rubles. control measures also make it possible to identify so-called reserves. this is public money, which, with timely intervention and smart steps, is possible. put in the treasury, used most effectively for the state, one of the latest examples identified by state control is the situation with the purchase of bitumen. until recently, manufacturers of these raw materials received a significant margin from the sale of their products, in turn, this profit fell on the enterprise of the road industry. the intervention of the kgc allowed the problem to be eliminated. the committee made a proposal, which was approved and approached by the head of state, that road construction be financed.
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approaches to the formation of electricity tariffs were revised, which made it possible to reduce the costs of enterprises in the real sector of the economy, leaving more than 800 million rubles at their disposal. but they study government control. not only the situation around internal economic processes, but on an external agenda. the committee proposed to take mirror measures against a number of foreign states committing unfriendly actions against the subjects of the republic of belarus. the committee’s proposal was implemented in a resolution of the council of ministers, which increased the tax rate on income from dividends to a so-called unfriendly state, with an estimated effect on the economy of over 100 million rubles. but not only in the real sector of the economy. the national audit office conducts business monitoring, especially its
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unscrupulous representatives, are also subject to inspections. this is already the domain of the financial police and here are several accents from specialists. the first is the payment of taxes, from which the state budget is essentially formed. in 2023, based on the facts of tax payment, we did not identify 221 crimes and nine crimes on the facts of tax fraud. based on the results of inspection activities carried out last year, this is.
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well done, but it must be emphasized that a significant contribution to ensuring the economic security of the state is also contributed by other relevant departments of our country, these are the state security committee and the operational analytical center under the president of belarus, and the ministry of internal affairs,
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the investigative committee, and the prosecutor general's office, and the state secretariat of the security council and other government agencies. words of gratitude for standing guard. the state university is actively monitoring the need to train such personnel. in 2021 , enrollment was opened at the faculty of economics of bsu, the first intake in the specialty of economic security, in the twenty-second year the department of economic security was created, and the specificity of this specialty lies in its
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interdisciplinarity, a specialist in the field of economic security must have knowledge in the field of economics, jurisprudence, as well as ensuring information security, which is also an important element in ensuring economic security, accordingly, in general , such a specialty was opened at the faculty of economics, and today we we are actively interacting, because in general , not so long ago, yes, that is, we don’t even have the first graduates yet, but we are actively interacting in this direction with the st. petersburg state university of economics, our colleagues have quite a lot of experience in training specialists yes ...
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mikhailovich, i can’t help but ask you, as the person who is responsible for macroeconomic policy in the ministry of economy, we discussed here the challenges, risks, threats that cost us time, there are many questions, andrey faces national security in economic sphere. do you think the macroeconomic policy of our country requires adjustments to solve the priority tasks of ensuring economic security? what new tools will be introduced? tools are always improved, used depending on a particular situation, well, of course, we did a lot, so to speak, the crisis situation helped us, to quickly adapt, well, what have we changed here? first of all, of course, we changed our approaches to planning our
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activities, and what exactly do we want and what to achieve, this is where we are very much in our opinion... helped us adapt, adapt faster to those challenges, this is, of course, such a mobilization principle, a mobilization approach, when we need to mobilize all the resources that we have, what we lack, to quickly master it all , develop it and, so to speak, counter the threats that exist , this is the third year in a row that we have started planning, for example, already in april, and we... we are developing the so-called target plan for the economy, we determine the target, for example, last year it was the goal to reach a gdp of 3.8, there are certain incomes, and so on. and we draw up a certain task book, together with the shaking ministries and departments, this is a target plan, the solution of which
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will correspond to the achievement of a specific goal, this approach, it is successful, maybe some will criticize me that this is a short-term period, but we are this approach we will use it in the medium term, we have already started
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activities against the state system of the republic of belarus is our priority task, currently the state control committee has created an effective system to counter the financing of extremist terrorist activities, including illegal trafficking in cryptocurrency, i want to say that in 2023 we stopped the activities of foreign citizens carrying out...
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we we not only fully meet our needs, but also export products to more than 100 countries. according to last year, according to
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the twenty-third year, even in conditions the most favorable prices, we exported about $7.5 billion of products. this is a very serious indicator. and the new version of the concept of us-security also reflects that we have achieved a fully acceptable level of food security. this is something we can really be proud of. the second position that i would note is the energy sector, we have probably not yet achieved our final goals here, but we are moving well in the right direction, here is one of the programs the previous ones, which you carried out, it fully reflected how we are now replacing electricity with our own electricity, the same security, good dynamics in nuclear energy, and i would like to note one more position, it may sound unexpectedly, it has not been accepted. our regulators have learned how to manage inflation , but i would like to remember, not everyone remembers, not
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everyone knows those moments when let’s say in 11 , 2011, not so long ago, by historical standards, our inflation exceeded 100%, that is, 109% exactly , if in the eleventh year, if we take inflation of about 35-40-45% in the early 2000s, this was the norm, why is it now? entered into the parameter, of course, i would like to note that our regulators, first of all, first of all the national bank, a whole generation of successful leaders in this area has grown up who skillfully read risks, who anticipate them and take very timely measures, today those inflation indicators that we have, it didn’t just fall on us, it’s, let’s say, the fruit of a lot of intellectual work, in any case, we there is something to be proud of. and in order to understand our achievements, of course, we need to look at the external contour, because everything is learned by comparison, and if we
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look at the external contour, what we will see there is competition in world... markets, sanctions pressure and a geopolitical storm , all this seems to be global, but at the same time it has such a strong impact on our wallets, we have already said that real independence of the country can only be in conditions of economic security, and a lot is being done in belarus to ensure it, that the experience of other countries shows why the belarusian model has proven its effectiveness in our next story, please, at the beginning of this year, the us national debt exceeded 34. the figure will be 200%, the debt load of the population is high, americans' credit card debt has exceeded a trillion dollars. i can feel it in my pocket in my bank account, i'm losing hope right now, it's only going to get worse. the economy is not
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doing very well, i don't think the government is aware of it. how much does it spend, and this causes great concern. many ordinary people worry about how they will pay for simple things, food, gas and much more. the european union began with a deep crisis in 2024, with large-scale farmer strikes just beginning. constant restrictions, constant bans , constant orders , we have to spend all our time trying to comply with the requirements of the european union, while other countries, for example, india, south
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america, whoever else there do not follow these rules, for example. ukraine. according to according to eurostat, more than half of the countries have high inflation. prices for products, services, and energy resources are rising. experts call brussels' policy a failure. the sanctions war, organized by the europeans themselves, hit industry very hard. even the eu driver, germany, could not resist. last year ended in recession, with gdp contracting by 0.3%. i believe that we live on an extremely rich european continent and that there is a problem. lies in the unfair distribution of funds, that is, a handful of people extremely rich, while the rest live modestly or barely survive at all. inflation in turkey is growing, food items are becoming more and more expensive, prices jumped by 6.5% in january alone. the energy sector is stalling, affected by the rising cost of petroleum products and natural gas. where else can we talk about the economy if not at the grand bazaar in the center of istanbul, the oldest
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market, the turks say in the world. lots of products. lots of people, constantly changing price tags. in general, turkey's economic policy has received the interesting name erdoganomika. turkish lira strength can't boast. at the end of 2023 , official inflation is 65%. but the central bank did not raise the refinancing rate; on the contrary, it kept lowering it. thus, by giving people affordable credit, thus giving advantages to exporters, but rising prices and depreciation of savings. speaking myself.
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belarusians understand turkey’s desire for energy independence better than anyone else; our nuclear power plant has already proven its effectiveness. refusal to import electricity, new jobs, nuclear medicine. electrohouses are being built, developing electric transport by 2024, the goal is to complete at least 3.00 km of construction and modernization of the power transmission line. also, in parallel, modernization and construction of new substations of various voltage classes are being carried out. economic security is not only about energy, it is a set of measures that ensure stability in society, that is, stable indicators in various areas, from employment production to full salaries. in shops. for example, belarus' gdp grew by 3.9% last year. inflation is one of the lowest in the eu. 5.8%, with a forecast of 7.8. population incomes are growing.
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unemployment remains at the twenty- second year level of 3.6%. we are fully self-sufficient in food, moreover, we still maintain a high position in exports. that is, the economy is showing growth, and this is after the pandemic and against the backdrop of sanctions imposed by the west. so maybe, before throwing a spoke in our wheels, someone needs to think about their course? everything is learned by comparison, but when we looked at the block about the united states america, andrei mikhailovich, you disagreed with something, right? no, i’m on the contrary, we talked about this in the first part of the program that - yes, from an economic point of view, the criterion of economic security, one of them is the level of public debt, so i say, some live with such public debt and... well , in fact, all this comes sooner or later , it still affects the ordinary citizen, first of all, here’s a banal example , a classic example of how you can shoot yourself in the foot, but it’s good to have one
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public debt, when you are issuing one of the world’s currencies almost uncontrollably, well, when polarization begins to develop, a bipolar world there. europeans say that when they used the restriction of payments in dollars as a sanctions tool, i agree with you, this is a shot in the foot, but dear experts, if we talk about international experience in ensuring economic security, here are some best practices we could borrow, taking into account the specifics belarusian model of socio-economic development, of course, what do you think, well , we need to learn everything that is done better than us in the world, i have already mentioned, we need to learn to attract high-quality investments, create an environment for this, it does not always depend on
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the country, but a lot depends on the country, we need to learn to create the most high-tech production and attract our own intellect , educate and attract external ones, but you know, i would show such a carol thought, maybe...
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viktor ivanovich, do you see the practices that we could borrow from them, well in particular, the state control committee and financial investigation bodies constantly interact with foreign colleagues, and here it is important whether you teach them more or not, mutually, mutually, and here it is important not only to accept positive experience in solving problems of economic security, but...
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equality of economic security, the stronger the economy, the greater the economic security. anatoly petrovich, i have already named three positions in which we have made good progress, yes, i would like there to be four of them in a year, then five, then 10, and we were really proud that we had something happen in our time, what needs to be done for this, in fact, nothing needs to be done, we need to ensure calm in the country, order, and well, belarus, the system of government, in principle, it is such that.. will force and be able to work, i think everything will work out for us, and we put it up in such a difficult time, under conditions of sanctions and international pressure, and the economic security of the country will be ensured, and for this we must be united, as long as we are united, we will not be defeated , and everyone at their own level must bring a piece of benefit in...
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in ensuring the economic security of our country, thank you for your opinion, thank you for finding time in your busy schedule, coming to us, to the studio of the bel tv and radio company on makaonka 9, we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, realize your economic opportunities effectively and safely for the benefit of our country, and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye.
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