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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 3:40am-3:51am MSK

3:40 am
people who have used this technique become able to work and return to everyday life. this is a test treadmill, as you can see, which is moving, there are experimental animals on it, on this side there are electrodes to which a low-intensity electric current is applied. therefore, if animals touch with their tails or with their paws. up to these electrodes, then such a small irritation is applied, if you observe, they were simultaneously on this treadmill, this is this animal, which is closer to me, it tries never to come into contact with these electrodes, tries to run away on the treadmill, although the treadmill seems to move it towards these electrodes, that rat ... still touched several times, did not
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have time to escape , she has not yet developed a sense of danger, let’s say there are drugs that have a calming effect on the nervous system, if these drugs are effective and reduce the perception of pain, then she will not develop this reflex, because she will not be in pain, the drug works effectively. when the drugs have already appeared, you still need to look at animal observations to see what side effects there are, what dosages to choose, preferably these studies, conduct observations in our own country, so that , firstly, you can trust them, and secondly, they are very expensive abroad .
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club of editors it’s no secret that the development of the military-industrial complex is one of the locomotives for overcoming the crisis, the beneficiaries of the war have no interest in stopping the massacre within a people alien to them, the stakes are too high, and the income is too high basic, the price of one nato 15mm artillery snorad. has quadrupled since the start of the war in ukraine from 2,000 to 800 euros, when it comes to our security assistance to ukraine, 90% of that money is actually spent here in the united states, it benefits american manufacturing, it benefits american technological development. any country where the united states will try to bring freedom and democracy, at best. will be robbed,
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in the worst case, its population will be destroyed. i don’t know of any example that refutes the whole story, don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show are at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting. well, friends, we are two beauties from venezuela, but belarus will conquer us.
3:44 am
it’s impossible to sleep here , give me your hand, please watch on tv channel belarus 24. there are still two main reasons in the first place, this is heart and vascular disease, well , the second main problem is definitely oncology, thanks to the methods that are available to us in our academy... and unfortunately
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, sometimes it is not always available to clinicians, we have the opportunity to have the biological material that they transfer from patients to... in particular, the material during brain surgery is recorded and analyzed accordingly using light microscopy and electron microscopy, and accordingly, it is presented here from many such patients, then this data is analyzed, transmitted here under certain numbers, this gives something that can be judged more accurately, in particular, if the tumor is patients, what choice of treatment tactics to choose, for example, radical or palliative therapy, that is , the future fate of the patient depends on this, this is a flow cytometer, cells are studied on it,
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our work is related to the study of tumor cells, we grow tumor cells in dishes, in vitro, this is called, then we influence the tumor cells with various drugs, sometimes completely new substances, sometimes complexes of substances. we look at how much cell viability changes, how quickly they die, how their physiological functions change and then our data can be used by clinicians to develop the most optimal treatment methods. we are very happy if it turns out that our domestic chemotherapy drugs are not inferior in their effectiveness to antitumor drugs from foreign ones. everyone understands perfectly well how topical this topic related to covid-19 is. and it’s great that, taking into account
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all these special operations and relationships, every country, certainly our country, needs to create its own vaccine. it's complicated a time-consuming problem, by the way, it has been effectively , in fact, already solved, but if it concerns our institute, then such an important very problem has been highlighted for us to look at the side effects of this vaccine, and we will specifically answer this question, it was recorded that...
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exhale , this also happens during the day when a person is awake, but apnea that occurs at night is dangerous , this problem is still being studied all over the world, if a person has problems when co2 accumulates, accumulates, but he has no reaction to it doesn’t quicken, breathing doesn’t deepen, then here we need to think about why it doesn’t react to co2? the answer is usually that he has this problem, apnea or sleep apnea, he can die at any minute, we published this technique in articles, and then wrote instructions, the health department approved these instructions,
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well, now it is used for the population the whole country, which is making such requests, began in this institute. and the methodology was developed here, proven in the world and is used here, too, when not on the whole brain, but in an animal , such brain slices are made, this is an electrophysiological installation for working on brain slices, we use the rat brain, remove the hippocampus - this is a small structure that is designed for memory formation, this hippocampus is cut into very thin slices and even despite the fact that it is isolated from the organism, it continues to remain alive, here in this installation there is a whole system
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for maintaining the life support of this section, nutrient solutions are supplied to it, saturated oxygen, glucose, then we apply... needle electrodes to this slice to stimulate and record the responses that the nerve cells emit. we introduce drugs into the solution. which washes this slice, using this installation it is possible to simulate pathological processes such as, for example, epilepsy, hypoxia, cerebral ischemia, and select various combinations of drugs that can treat such diseases.


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