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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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as biden prepares to launch his election campaign, studying traditional folk arts, crafts, trades and rituals. representatives of public associations of belarusians abroad participated in master classes throughout the week and visited cultural institutions in minsk and regions of the republic. compatriots from armenia, kazakhstan, latvia, uzbekistan, estonia and russia came to their homeland. all this takes place under the auspices of a cultural internship, which is organized nationally by the republican center.
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on sunday, under the influence of atmospheric fronts moving from the eastern carpathians, and during the day, under the influence of unstable air waves , short-term rains are expected in most parts of the country, and with the arrival of cooler air waves , the possibility of wet snow cannot be excluded; at night and in the morning , light fog is expected in places across the republic, the wind will be southern with transition to western, gusty. early next week the weather... will not change significantly, but
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the end will become much warmer, it will be sunny. more information from my colleagues at 15 hours. with this i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, all the best. good evening, this is the economic environment in belarus, one of the satellite tv channels belarus 24. inflation continues to slow down in belarus, according to the ministry of economy - it is 1.7% for january-february, which is below the forecast. annual inflation in february slowed down by 0.3% compared to the month earlier. real disposable income
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of the population in the first month of the year increased by more than 5%. the gross domestic product of belarus grew by 4% in january-february. by according to belstat's primary estimate, the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 34.5 billion rubles, or 104% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. the finnish economy is facing a recession. according to central bank forecasts. rates, as well as a decrease in exports. belarus' debt burden has decreased. according to the national bank, at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year , external debt was estimated at less than $37 billion. this is almost 3 billion less than at the beginning of last year.
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the document defines strategic approaches of our state to ensure security in various spheres, including economic ones. what is the economic security of the state, who ensures it and how, what threatens our national security in the economic sphere, and what adjustments economic policy requires in this regard.
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we will discuss these and other questions with competent experts right now. today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in issues of economic security, andrey kartun, first deputy minister of economy, anatoly khlebokazov, deputy head of the state secretariat of the security council, viktor frantskevich, deputy director of the department of financial investigations of the state control committee.
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security. thank you. dear experts, let’s first explain to our viewers what an economic country is, including in the field of economic security, and how it is assessed? i would consider it necessary to name the term economic security, to give it an interpretation, as set out in the new the edition of the national security concept, which has been developed over the past year and a half, has been thoroughly revised. so, economic security is a state of security. sectors of the economy from the impact of threats that impede the sustainable socio-economic development of our country. a simple, seemingly extremely clear interpretation, however, it needs to be explained a little: the object of protection is industries, spheres. what is a sector of the economy? everyone knows,
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by ear, our industry, agriculture, transport and so on. spheres, yes necessity, i will literally call them, because fucking should be clearly perceived by everyone. equally the sphere of monetary and credit, that is, this is the area of ​​responsibility of the national bank, the budgetary and financial ministry of finance, external economic, investment, as well as energy and food, in other words, this is the degree or ability of the economy to respond to certain external threats and risks and challenges, the most the main principle to understand, of course, is the principle. balance, all economic processes in the economic sphere, they must be balanced, so if one falls out and begins to hurt , then of course this always pulls other areas along with it, so the most important principle is to ensure the balanced functioning of the economy, this is the core of this
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economic, do i understand correctly, in essence we are talking about that this is the state of security of industries from the economic spheres, their ability to take into account the challenges, risks, threats that arise. we understand that this is a state of security, but how to assess whether sectors of the sphere are protected, not protected, there are such classical indicators that in world practice, they are all the same for everyone, well, for example, there are three classical ones, when the share of the budget to gdp, yeah, public debt to
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gdp, well, they also stand out as a red thread running through all the economies of countries, this the inflation rate , for example, is also a classic indicator that... the version of the concept will have 17 of them, for us this is enough, a direct expansion, this does not mean improvement, to give a correct assessment, you need to study the dynamics of each indicator, and what is even more important , you need to understand why each indicator moves in one direction or another, each indicator has its own
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component, it consists of several subcomponents, so you need to know them, each one is behind the positive, what is inside, because there is some kind of market factor that played a role. what bodies in our country are tasked with ensuring economic security? there are many government bodies ensuring economic security, but the most important of them is the state control committee, whose functions are defined by the constitution of the republic belarus is state control over the execution of the republican budget, uh, use. state property, execution of acts of the president , parliament,
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government, other government bodies that regulate state property relations, financial, economic, tax relations, but we not only monitor the implementation of legislation, but also identify reserves for the efficiency of using both budget and state funds property, and we... which provide control over the preservation, that is, of our economy, the preservation
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of the treasury, the prevention of economic crimes , and so on, this is the position of the state control committee, but in addition to the government bodies mentioned above, almost the entire vertical, we can say, we cannot say that it is not involved in ensuring economic security countries, well, our executors are government bodies, regional, district enterprises, of which we have 146 in the country . only in industry, each of them makes their own contribution to ensuring our economic security, our 150,000 individual entrepreneurs, yes, our sphere of small-medium entrepreneurship, which produces a third of the added value, but it cannot be said that they do not participate, of course, everyone makes their contribution, at the micro level security is also ensured, it is necessary to share, yes it is necessary to divide , but the responsible implementing bodies are
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the conditions for dynamic, sustainable development, why? because a strong economy is the main condition for sovereignty and independence, our president talks about this spoke during his message to the people.
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let's listen to our president. you can put it in a concentrated way: give me the economy, i will do everything else without you. for three decades now, the foundation of our state policy has been a socially oriented economy. this policy is successful, the people support it. according to all indicators characterizing social inequalities, belarus is among the most.
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well, we heard that it won’t work, we will survive, it can’t be any other way. anatoly petrovich, well, you’ve already talked about updated concept, we know that in february our president approved a draft updated concept of national security, which was finalized by the state secretariat of the security council together with interested parties, i know that you personally took part in this
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labor-intensive work, tell me what issues of economic security were added taken into account. in the new edition, all sections of the national security concept, literally everything regarding economic issues, have been supplemented, updated and expanded, the first is that the main national interests are named, well, let’s say, in the concept of 2010, we had no concept at all, practically no concept of digital technologies, now this position is disclosed in the new concept, non-discriminatory access to world markets, finance, services , trade, this topic, well, literally... concerned us very literally indirectly, we remember the american sanctions in the chemical sector, which we practically did not notice, now the situation is completely different, then the internal section sources of threats, external sources of threats, they have been updated, supplemented, here i would like to draw attention, well, let’s say such a new position appears as the development of a circular
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economy, that is, a renewable one, attention is paid to it in the new concept, that is, a new edition of the concept. national security, in the context of economic security issues, it has been significantly updated, i can’t help but ask, we have already noted this several times, that security in the context of challenges, threats, risks, andrei mikhailovich, if we approach directly to challenges and threats, in your opinion, what can be attributed to the most significant risks and threats to national security in the economic sphere?
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we saw how this threat could transform into risks, and accordingly these risks began to be realized and that required quick, targeted decisions from all of us, and it may even be that it wasn’t just about changing legislation, building, there had to be decisions here now. viktor ivanovich, what risks do you see, threats to national security in economic sphere, what threatens us? unfortunately, we have to admit.
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yes, in general, we are actively working on this, in addition , of course, the risks include, precisely, we are talking about technological development, for example, yes, that is, this is a really serious risk that we which we can cope with by developing the scientific and technical sphere, that is , the risk of increasing dependence on the technological solutions that the head of state is talking about. this is another import substitution and technological sovereignty, of course, we essentially, now we have formed a list of such technologies,
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what we are talking about, we need to form a portfolio, so to speak, some technologies that we can master, and which we already have, we need to promote them, those technologies , which we can master together with our partners, and this is exactly what we are doing with the russian federation. very important, this is absolutely everything right, yes, so, of course, i support this, this is one of our main risks, which i said that there is a share critical imports that we cannot produce ourselves, this is where the main risk for us in today’s conditions is, so of course we need to do it. everything in order to minimize this risk of threats, i would also highlight our limited ability today to attract external investment in general.
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young people are violating these measures, and we must pay tribute to our financial and economic bloc in the country of the entire system of public administration, which in fact, in 2-2 to 3 years, has almost completely overcome all this in terms of exports, in terms of imports, in terms of logistics processes, calculations and many other points, so that there is no illusion that we can have too much of everything here. well, here we are in this part, i think that it’s a good experience, of course, when certain events of the twenty-second year began, of course we had to restructure the entire apparatus and make, as i already said, a decision here now, until now since then , special commissions have been created, there is an operational headquarters under the government, that’s why it is the operational headquarters, we regularly
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meet at those times.
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here the schedule is intense, that is , here is what is worth paying attention to and what is constantly being worked on, that is , the national bank government is constantly working to ease today’s pressure, today’s is for this year there for the twenty -fourth, this work is carried out every year , so that today we pay not 3 billion, but 2 billion in dollars, let’s say external debt, something works out, but we agree with our partners with russia,
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with other countries to... reduce rates and spread out these payments in installments period time, but for today i’ll say this, it’s not critical, but it’s intense, this indicator. summarizing this block of questions about the risks of the threat, it should be noted that there is no reason for concern, but our citizens, of course, experts see nuances, features, something worries them, something is growing, something is decreasing.
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experts and there they essentially crushed all the fakes of our opponents about the features of our economic development, everything in monetary terms, in prices, and in everything else, therefore. of course, these drivers of economic development, they are important at any time, but they acquire special significance precisely in the context of ensuring economic security, it is no secret that the republic of belarus does not have rich natural resources, and accordingly
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their effective use, their beneficial use comes first a plan to ensure the competitiveness of our country, ensure food security, ensure industrial safety and all others. security, as far as import substitution is concerned, this is certainly an important parameter is why, because import substitution, firstly, allows us to expand the list of jobs in general , so, accordingly, by increasing the technological component of labor, we have the opportunity, in general, to compete not only with our closest neighbors, but also... with other countries, these three drivers, which the head of state spoke about, are immersed in the concept of economic security, well , export is understandable, for us it is simply vitally important to sell as much as possible, because well, due to certain
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for historical reasons, including, the degree of openness of our economy is very high, but we say that more than 60% of what we produce...
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we successfully sell for export. viktor ivanovich, we produce, which include economic criminals, these villains, and crime itself in general, it has been transformed in recent years, do they have new schemes, some more progressive villainous schemes? yes, of course, definitely, and as i already noted, economic crime is improving and... from year to year new schemes appear, which we promptly stop, for example, at present, if we take tax evasion, yes, then a scheme such as business fragmentation,
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the so-called, is currently in operation, yes, gone are the facts when pseudo-entrepreneurial structures were previously used in the activities of business entities, well, that was 10-7 years ago. destroyed as in the form in which it existed. currently, yes, they, economic crime is developing, developing, and, but it is necessary to state, if we take it in numbers, then in recent years, if 10 years ago we prosecuted cases of tax evasion.
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security of the country's main control body, the state control committee, its employees daily ensure the protection of the interests of the state from illegal attacks in the economic sphere. last year alone, the total economic effect from the implementation of the proposals of the state control committee is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles. examples of the work of controllers in our next story. please. monitoring for the main function of state control is how the state budget is spent. this. is prescribed in the constitution of belarus, the department’s specialists annually give
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an opinion on the execution of the republican budget, this is a large-scale document that deeply analyzes all processes in the economy and social sphere, financed from the state treasury , analyzes the expenditure part of the budget very deeply, and the analysis is carried out both on the financing of the social sphere, and state support for economic sectors, but the budget is not only financing, an important component of the country’s economic security is order in the field of government procurement. therefore, the state control committee monitors this complex process on an ongoing basis. this happens, as they say here, desk-wise, that is, remotely and until the moment the purchase takes place. this allows, if violations are identified, to make a proposal with your own adjustments. the republic committee analyzed 23,000 purchases last year. budget savings. control measures
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also make it possible to identify so-called reserves, this is state money, which, with timely intervention and competent steps , can be left in the treasury and used most effectively for the state. one of the latest examples identified by state control is the situation with the purchase of bitumen. until recently, producers of these raw materials received significant margins from the sale of their products, and this, in turn, was a profit.
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crime and nine crimes of tax fraud. and based on the results of verification activities carried out last year - these are inspections, monitoring, the budget has been ensured to receive more than 150 million belarusian rubles. and another important case from the financial police in shaping the economic security of the country, the fight against salaries in envelopes. especially close attention to this negative phenomenon. after all , it influences the formation of the social protection fund , the funds of which go to pay pensions and social benefits. today we estimate that business has begun to understand the need to comply with legislation in this area, has become more law-abiding, and the number of organizations that, according to statistics, allegedly paid the minimum wage established by law, that is, the so-called potential payers of wages in envelopes. it has decreased significantly. the efforts of state controllers to
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ensure economic security are aimed at studying the state of affairs in most key sectors of the economy and social sphere. due to the preventive measures taken by the state control committee , more than half a billion rubles in budget payments were saved and prevented. and this is in addition to the money collected directly from the budget the results of the inspections carried out. under the president of belarus and the ministry of internal affairs, the investigative committee, and the prosecutor general's office, and the state secretariat of the security council and other government agencies, words of gratitude for standing guard over the economic interests of the country, as they say, work, brothers, but we know that personnel decide that’s it, tatyana yuryevna,
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tell us, is it possible to teach how to ensure economic security and what knowledge, skills...
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are in demand in government agencies, in the ministry of economy, in the government, of course, we are very we support, we are always ready to take part in any forums, open lectures , i would like to add that this kind of specialists are important today and for business entities, today at the beginning of ours, next year, next year, next year, i hope that in these 15 government agencies that we named, they... will still find their first job and make a career in enterprises, why? because at the beginning of our conversation we said that economic security should be provided at all levels. colleagues , we don’t have much time, we have a lot of questions, andrei mikhailovich, i can’t help but ask you, as the person who is responsible for
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macroeconomic policy at the ministry of economy, we discussed here the challenges, risks, threats that face national security in the economic sphere. do you think the macroeconomic policy of our country requires adjustments to address the priority tasks of ensuring economic security, what new tools will be introduced? tools are always improving are applied depending on a particular situation, well, of course, we did a lot, so to speak, the crisis situation helped us to quickly adapt. well, what have we changed here? first of all, of course, we changed the approaches to planning our activities and what we specifically want and what to achieve, this is where we think it helped us very much to adapt, to adapt faster to that challenge, this is, of course, such a mobilization principle.


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