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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 1:50pm-2:01pm MSK

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adapt quickly, what have we changed here? first of all, of course, we changed the approaches to planning our activities, and what we specifically want and what to achieve, this is where we, in our opinion , helped us very much to adapt, to adapt more quickly to those challenges, this is, of course, such a mobilization principle.
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mobilization approach, when we need to mobilize all the resources that we have, what we lack, quickly master it all, develop it and, uh, so to speak, counter the threats that exist, that’s exactly what we are already for the third year in a row, the principle is that every year our planning begins, for example, already in april, and we are developing a so-called target plan for the economy, defining a target benchmark, for example, last year it was the task of achieving a gdp of 3.8 , there are certain incomes and so on, and together with the sectoral ministries and departments we draw up a certain task book, this is a target plan, the solution of which will correspond to the achievement of a specific goal, this approach, it is successful, maybe some will criticize me that this is a short-term period, but we will apply this approach... in the medium
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term, now we have already begun to formulate a long-term program, medium-term programs for 5 years, how we will live for the next 5 years, so we we will extend this approach for 5 years , specific directions must be identified, we are already seeing them, viktor ivanovich, i don’t know if you can voice this to the whole country, but let’s be frank, in the twentieth year new... challenges, threats appeared , quicker even internal ones in the context of financing destructive processes, some extremist moments, yes, protests, etc., etc., etc., do you see these techniques that were used, and how the financial investigation authorities have restructured their work since that time? of course, 2020 became a kind of lesson for us, which we learned and quickly rebuilt.
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where are the areas in which we can boast? the first is food security, we not only fully meet our needs, but also export products to more than 100 countries. last year, the twenty-third year, even in not the most favorable price conditions, we exported about $7.5 billion of products, this is a very serious indicator, the new version of our security concept also reflects that we are up to...
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a whole generation of successful leaders in this area has grown up, who skillfully read risks, who anticipate them and take very timely measures, today the inflation indicators that we have did not just fall on us, they let's say, the fruit of a lot of intellectual work. in any case, we have something to be proud of, and in order to realize our achievements, of course, we need to look at the external contour, because everything is cognizable. in comparison, and if we look at the outer contour, what will we see there? competition on world markets, sanctions pressure and geopolitical storm, all this seems to be global, but at the same time it has such a strong impact on our wallets, we have already said that real independence of a country can
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only be in conditions of economic security, and a lot is being done to ensure it in belarus, as the experience of other countries shows . why has the belarusian model proven its effectiveness in our next story? please, at the beginning of this year, the us government debt exceeded $34 trillion, this is more than 120% of gdp, and this is not the limit yet - experts predict. by 2050, the figure will be 200%, due to the population's creditworthiness is high, americans' credit card debt has exceeded a trillion dollars. i feel it in my pocket in my bank account, right now i'm losing hope, everything will be okay become. it's only getting worse, the economy isn't doing very well, i don't think the government is aware of how much they're spending and it's very worrying, a lot of ordinary people are worried about how they 'll pay for simple things, food, gas and more ,
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the european union began with a deep crisis in 2024, with large-scale farmer strikes just beginning. here's the thing: the european union wants to destroy polish agriculture, but we will not give up, and god will help us. constant restrictions, constant bans, constant orders. us you have to spend all your time trying to meet the requirements of the european union, while other countries, for example. india, south america, whoever else is not following these rules, like, for example, ukraine. according to eurostat, more than half of countries have high inflation. prices for products, services, and energy resources are rising. experts call brussels' policy a failure. the sanctions war, organized
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by the europeans themselves, hit industry very hard. even the eu driver could not resist. germany. last year here ended in recession, gdp contracted by 0.3%. i believe that we live on an extremely rich european continent and that the problem is one of unfair distribution of funds, that is, a handful of people are extremely rich and the rest live modestly or barely survive. inflation in turkey is growing, food items are becoming more and more expensive, prices jumped by 6.5% in january alone. the energy sector is stalling, affected by the rising cost of petroleum products and natural gas. where else can we talk about the economy if not at... the grand bazaar in the center of istanbul is the oldest market turks speak in peace. lots of goods, lots of people, constantly changing price tags. in general, turkey's economic policy has received the interesting name erdogomics. the turkish lira cannot boast of strength. at the end of 2023, official
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inflation is 65%. but the central bank did not raise the refinancing rate. on the contrary, he kept lowering it. thus, giving people affordable loans, thus giving. advantage for exporters, but rising prices and depreciation of savings, in the simplest words, the state seems to be saying to exporters: here is a cheap lira, please produce goods. now it’s bad, i’ve been here since i was five years old at the market, our company is trading.


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