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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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2023 official inflation is 65%, but the central bank did not raise the refinancing rate, on the contrary, it kept reducing it all the time, thus giving people affordable loans, thus giving advantages to exporters, but rising prices and depreciation of savings, in the simplest words, the state as if he is telling exporters: here is a cheap lira, please produce goods, export them and bring currency to the country, strengthen our national currency.
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medicine, electric houses are being built, electric transport is developing. the target for 2024 is go out at least 3.00 km of construction and modernization of power lines. also, in parallel, modernization and construction of new substations of various voltage classes are being carried out. economic security is not only about energy, it is a set of measures that ensure stability in society, that is, stable indicators in various areas from production of employment to wages. full shelves in stores. for example, belarus' gdp grew by 3.9% last year. inflation is one of the lowest in the eu. 5.8%, with a forecast of 7.8. population incomes are growing. unemployment remains at the 22 year level of 3.6%. we are fully self-sufficient in food, moreover, we still maintain a high position in exports. that is, the economy is showing growth, and this is after the pandemic and against the background of those introduced by the west. everything
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is learned by comparison, but when we looked at the block about the united states of america, andrei mikhailovich, we disagreed with something, right? no, i’m the opposite, we talked about this in the first part of the program, that yes, from the point of view from an economic point of view, a criterion of economic security, one of them is the level of public debt, so i say, some people live with such public debt. and nothing , but in fact, sooner or later it all comes and still affects the ordinary citizen, first of all, here is a banal example , a classic example of how you can shoot yourself in the foot, but it’s good to have such a national debt when you are issuing one of world currencies are practically uncontrollable, well, already when bipolar polarization begins to develop peace there.
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petrovich, what do you think? well, we need to learn everything that the world does better than us. i have already mentioned that we need to learn to attract high-quality investments and create an environment for this. it doesn't always depend on the country, but a lot depends on the country. we need to learn to create the most high-tech production and attract intelligence, cultivate our own and attract external ones. but you know, i would express such a carol thought. maybe, even if the world
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will work out for us, there are few countries that, well, who else to name, we are russia, there are not many who were able to adequately get out of the most difficult situation in which we found ourselves, this is unique. experience and, well, i don’t know , maybe, in fact, someday this will become a subject of study for someone, i want to say that with regards to assessing our state of security in the economic sphere, we are self-sufficient here, that is, we have studied the russian experience, studied the european experience, and we believe that today’s assessment system is self-sufficient if we do something we notice it with our colleagues, we adjust it a little, but in principle i also think that it’s worth it for them with us. i would even say that our colleagues are already talking about how to learn more from the experience of how you built this system, because a lot, for example, from our colleagues from the russian federation, a lot was lost in this system, and indeed from us tuned, more structured, viktor
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ivanovich, do you see the practices that we could borrow from them, well, in particular, the state control committee and financial investigation bodies constantly interact with... with foreign colleagues, and here it is important whether you teach them more or not, mutually, mutually, and here it is important not only to adopt positive experience in solving problems of economic security, but also to develop an understanding of the causes of these problems, yeah, this is important to prevent them from happening in the future tatyana yuryevna, what is science to see?
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its contribution to ensuring the economic security of our country. thank you for your opinion, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to our studio bel television and radio company on makaonka 9. we thank our guests and say goodbye to you. realize your economic opportunities effectively and safely, for the benefit of our country. and may the economic environment be favorable for you. goodbye.
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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so which one? belarus
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is business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we are telling. not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who
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live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we do. belarus is closer.
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take mine, it's on the command, yeah, i 'll take it, but it's not charged, i'll press it, it's not will shoot, yes, but the strength is not in the fields, the determination to go to the end, for the last time i suggest, what did you do with her, where is she, what did she promise, if you don’t come to your senses, you didn’t give up your life, you go to see your mistresses, who would talk about mistress. how could you, i trusted you, i protected you in any situation, when
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everyone was against, and you acted so low, so vile, so undignified, do you hear what i ’m telling you, shut up, am i like that. i raised you, i’m ashamed of you, calm down, verochka, calm down, the guy just doesn’t know. how to express yourself? mom , do you hear what i’m telling you, he’s cheating on you, i saw him with another woman, you’re deliberately inventing all this to denigrate your stepfather, because you’ve hated him for a long time, because you want evgeniy and i, so that i, well, what’s the matter, just hurt my mother
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, why? sorry, mom, verochka, verochka, don’t listen to all this nonsense, little lover, i’ll put some pie in your hands.
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the wind wove the birds in the sky with golden autumn thread. i sent you a postcard. two words to her, don’t be sad, but she was angry like a snail, floating along sea ​​with fish, slowly, not too much fish, i ’m already on my way, hello happiness in a simple white dresser, hello happiness, i ask only one thing, hello happiness, forgive me, forgive me, hello happiness, don’t be sad anymore. let me pass on an important matter, it’s not
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allowed, you hear, i’m nagorny’s nephew, and even my son. i recognize everything, this is the avant-garde of soviet fashion, advanced work, what is this? this is vinyl, does that mean anything to you? it says a lot about who the material was purchased from, in what quantities, and who they wanted to sell the secret to. production, in the sense of the secret of production,
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what kind of secret is it, they have been sewing it from it for a year in america, in america, with whom did the embassy contact? i, remain silent, answer questions , you can’t remember anything, you want to continue later, i can organize you 2 hours of rest in a common cell with criminals, men, you want it, you want it, if not, write already, so how is our guest from the capital doing? i'm free, then i'll go on my own, have a drink, don't feel like it, a cigarette, maybe stop pretending to
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be nice, who told you that i'm pretending? i guess who you are to tell me volodya he was talking about his best, he probably said that i have horned hooves and that i ’m eating small children tomorrow, but please tell me, did you know about volodya’s plans, to organize a smuggling channel for material valuable for the west, plans, excuse me volodya, yours thought that the main thing i answer... were you aware or not? yeah, well then maybe. and go what? well, that we were obliged to formally interrogate you, you
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knew nothing about his plans, but she didn’t, as they say, there is no trial. i apologize if my employees are a little went too far and you are free, i can even accompany you, but i hope you didn’t sign anything? no, well that's good. danechka , i also have an ill-wisher , believe me, they will probably take advantage of this situation to somehow annoy me, well, you know what i mean, you are talking about polotva, yes, yes, you are a very smart girl, i really like it like it. “you remind me of myself in my youth, i also rose from the very bottom and achieved everything through my own labor,
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but your father is another matter, but i assure you that he can also be helped, well, with proper intervention from the authorities, why not give the person a chance for a new life, for freedom? well, now he’ll hide, well, for a while , well, until all this somehow settles down, leave moscow for a year, two, wait for volodya, and
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then leave with him, well, although no, no, no, it’s better to spoil it, well, the place is unsafe, not better. then we won’t meet him at all. oh, nazarva, we’re getting in again, and i’ll say goodbye
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on the way, well, well, it’s good that you’re here, it’s your second day, this handsome guy yours walks around, keeps asking where you are, i say, you left, he doesn’t believe it, anatoly, well, yes. zeneda ivanovna, by chance you don’t have any money , but 10 rubles, as soon as i get home, i ’ll arrange a return transfer for you, and i’ll write a receipt, as you like, i’d give it to you, petrovich won’t allow it, i’m fired up with the idea of ​​going to bulgaria on vacation, so i can't do anything, sorry. don’t change zinailil ivanovna, you are a good person, monolithic, and don’t explain anything to me, no, no, i’ll go, hurray, i’ll ask, oh, tanya, but
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they said you left, and what fate, she lied to me or something, i’ve been coming for the second day, i thought i’d finish it, but out of habit i whole the pan. “i cooked cabbage soup, i forgot that i live alone, thank god, at least i came to eat , that it’s good to get in, yes, yes, you can’t brazenly dump snow like that, and they asked me to tidy up the room, soon a new lodge will move in, my dears, keep quiet, please, heaven, i ended up in moscow by accident, one might even say involuntarily, be so kind as to let me buy a ticket back, and as soon as i arrive, i ’ll send you everything by telegraph, but how is this possible in shouldn’t you come to moscow voluntarily?” “don’t come here, yes, tatyana, you ’ll have to explain yourself, otherwise these conversations of yours are very suspicious, yeah. everything is clear, good luck to you
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two, she’s still strange, in a bad way, she’s miserable, uh-huh, cabbage soup, you say, she cooked it, yes, let’s eat, come on, here. i thought i wouldn't see you again.
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do you remember, when we first met, well, when i came to you, you said that you were forced to live the life of some other person, wear his pants, marry his fiancee, that inside you are different, so here you are i was also drawn into someone's someone else's life, all these crazy plans, paris, life by the sea. restaurants with some kind of kira , jazz, interrogations, in the end, i don’t need all this, i’m different inside, i love to work, i love my mother, i love ordinary people, and you are all not simple, what could be simpler? , i met a girl. she said that she loved
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me, and now she says that i am a seer not from her circle. tanya, do you love me, leni? no, here i am, then what's all the fuss about? well, you passed the defense, thank you, it was not bad, but i have a wedding tomorrow, me too, anatoly i called, after that evening with dancing, i think it will be a very, very good party, he is such a person, you know, that’s how i need him, such a specific, simple person, but i
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congratulate you, i am also happy to marry you. and in general happiness, health, that’s what the house is full of, yes, yes, you too. oh, hello, i’m back for new acquaintances , that’s right, and my friends and i are there on holiday before getting married, come to us, no, thank you, old man, i’m afraid i won’t make it, everything is staggering, i’m lucky, but can i do the same
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six things? listen, i owe you something to say, in general, for everything that you have done, i not only respect you, i give you a bone, you are also a good person, come on, good luck to you, and may your clothes fly into space, “this is for me, no, this is for me, oh, the satellite is burning up in the layers of the atmosphere, vereshagin, let’s have a toast, can i, i don’t like to talk, but why, but on this occasion.” for volodka, this is a toast,
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an amazing toast, dima sfen, just a true speaker, thank you comrade, i will really miss our men's gatherings. well, kiryukha, just be patient, soon you will become the most important man among these nurses, yeah, we’ll be with you you’re discussing women, you think that’s enough, i’m of course a good guy, but still a girl, better tell us about your construction teams in sakhalin, we interrupted you , but it’s just a laugh, going to build a recreation center as a railway worker, although the rails haven’t even been laid there yet , it turns out there are no roads , but there are railway workers, and they are already cultured, absurdity, well beyond absurdity, and the meaninglessness of existence, it seems, is enough for you too , and where you say they sign up for these construction brigades,
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so belly, don’t drag me in here, otherwise we’ll breathe out tomorrow , everything will fall apart, but what are you like? rude to me.
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on sick leave, yeah , he won’t leave after the show, he’s all upset , he asked about you, he even seemed upset that you left, listen, what kind of outfit are you wearing, yes, an experimental model, you’re done with these experiments, let’s go , i definitely won’t let you go hungry, you know what, if you decided to change my clothes, then i ’ll choose what, hello, come in, they told me that you were looking for me, i was looking for you, help yourself,
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oh, thank you, what, nina vasilievna didn’t tell me that i quit, in other words, i didn’t said, that’s why i’m in bewilderment, so they tell me, personally in the hands of citizen nazara... setnikov came and said: congratulations on the belated start of your studies, the replacement of talented specialists is growing, he says, growing, i’m looking for you, and once again no, well, how is it, but what difference does it make, study, student , training, by the way, is evening, so if you want to work with us, that’s why you ’re here... a weighted prize, what a prize, i don’t know anything about that, me they asked me to tell you, here i am, what are you doing, take it,
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thank you, yeah. yes, you're right, i love you when i saw the list of applicants, and i chickened out too. i imagined that you were walking along the corridors and saying hello to me, you understand. “you understand , i even sent her money to the jury, then i came to moscow, i got busy, and then she got it into her head that he sat down because of me, but
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this is not so, but take a ticket”? he’s transferring me to the ministry, you and i won’t meet in these corridors again anyway, it’s a shame, this... would be a wonderful tandem, the rag institute, the rector rag, but i don’t even have tea anymore.
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i understand, you know, i'll think about it, but i have a job
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me, with gleb, please break all ties, all the best, forgive me, you have nothing to ask for forgiveness for, you and i both made a mistake and trusted the wrong person, and now i want this person not to gain any benefit. your help will be enough, goodbye, i would like to introduce you to paris, i would like to, but i don’t understand how to offer it, in what capacity, so as not to lose you completely, if i ask you to marry, you will say that i’m an idiot , and if i am a concubine, a kept woman, as you say, you will decide that i
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bastard, first you take my portrait, we’ll see how the picture of me turns out. where is the general? sit down, let me pour you some champagne, we really don’t hold it, is everything okay with him? oh, shine, the best, and you really should sit down. we need to talk, no, no,
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this time it wasn’t he who called you, but i called you, lord, why, i bought it for him at the blash market, beautiful, like real ones, however, he still needs five more proposals this month to do, poor thing, i don’t understand, you don’t understand, you just understand everything, unlike all these professional workers, i tell him i take dozens of them to the dacha, i think he salts them or something, here among them you are a good girl, not like everyone else. bring dozens of them, he’s a deceiver, a swindler, he lies to everyone
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, he gets on everyone ’s nerves, he calls for marriage, then i get a divorce, then i don’t get a divorce, then he gets together with his wife, then he separates, he’ll get on your nerves, you can’t do this, i won’t allow it with you, why are you here, because i see right through that you are not like that, you just got it into your head that you are like that and that you need a general. so, what do i need if not a general? love, real, no matter what lied. and so that they can see what you are, and maybe a good portion of herring under the shupa, and if i tell you that i don’t believe this whole crazy story of yours, then i’ll ask you
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to look over there behind the partition, hello, vasily!
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where are we going, trembling, wow, skin, foolish to scare me so much, i almost had a kondrashka, well, that means it’s even. yesterday, when the convoy saw your door, i almost died, well, i thought that’s it, the person went step by step, what’s worse, at least he’d come out, explain, i would have come out if it weren’t for the highest degree of secrecy, at all at the wrong time so we woke up, he called me yesterday
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, but i have no doubt, okay, he didn’t say where we were going... and where i was going, i thought it was a wedding, but it’s unlikely that they’ll let you in there like that, they’ll let me in, my uncle is a minister big shot, he really was going there, but you look like you’re going to run away again, you didn’t run away yourself, you promised all the guests that you would be there, okay, we need to have a serious talk. are you okay with back tapping? there is no need to knock, just so that others don’t knock. tell you what, slow down at the park, let's get out and take a walk. understood.
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so what did you want to talk about? azotov? how long until you register? an hour and a half? but this is just a conversation. yes, i know what kind of conversation this is, which you don’t want to have. let’s do this, you have three questions , i promise to tell the whole truth or not, i won’t take the piss, okay, don’t rush , we
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’ll never return to this again, and if something happens i’ll deny this conversation, you understand, so, three questions, the first one goes. what happened to their father, why does mom love him so much? what have you heard about father? shot himself with a rifle when they were going to arrest him for embezzlement. burnt everything in stove, got scared. you can guess who went to take it. it was he who framed the matter this way. as if he saved her and sheltered the child, only the gonidozots had nothing to do with it, it was seryozha who burned all the papers so that his sister would not end up under investigation. but you probably guessed it yourself, since you formulated the question so cleverly. so, question two.
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why are you all so afraid of him? and you know this. he's a spider. and everyone is dangling on their faces. pull for anyone, at least for yours, your wedding. sway on the other end of the victim, convulse, i'm hanging there sidnikov, so in reserve, like canned food, and we’re waiting for him to devour us all, and maybe get by, question three, why don’t we just squash him? “you can, with all his cobwebs , just you know, don’t run ahead of the locomotive, everything
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has its time, everyone has gathered, who is everyone, katya, again her shurumurs, the usual ones, hanya is here, and have you found a replacement for nazarov? i, no, this now it’s your concern, they’ve definitely decided , decided, decided, stop asking questions seven times all the time, come on, gather everyone, we’ll announce, well, maybe it’s not necessary after all, you’re a good leader, you’re good, yes you are the best. a leader, maybe i ’m a good one, but a fashion designer, in general, the director
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of the social network, i want to propose appointing you, nina vasilievna, so, i know, i’m onina vasilievna, well, tell me, they’re taking me to kuznetsky, yes, even how.. .they give zaitsev some assistant, the committee corrected the description, suddenly, when you were about to tell me this, and this is great, you wanted to deprive me of such good news at the end, then sign the application today, it’s impossible, well, it wasn’t enough for you all to run away , how can i then... get a job, that’s it come up with it yourself, and you, perebezchik, okay,
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bring your little note, and call hanya for me, then we’ll have a conversation. anton, maybe stop fooling around, i’m bored too, i don’t turn on the music, well, how long can you wait, and you came together? yes, but he went to change
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his clothes, change his clothes, ran away, he’ll come, we bet on the cracks, listen, you can somehow do all this, go, go, so that when he comes, we’ll immediately, i’ve already filled out everything, we just need your signatures , has finally arrived, where is the suit? lit, i can't, what can't you? anton, are you kidding me, i'm telling you she said, not now, well, all this is not mine, it ’s not my cut, not my style, let’s sign like this, where to sign, it’s all because of the suit, of course, because of what else? yeah, let's go , don't scare me like that again, please, i haven't started yet, my dear, what are you talking about, i took a ticket
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right after the wedding, i'm leaving, after the wedding? after the wedding, at least into orbit, uh-huh, lidiya veneaminovna, do you agree to become vladimir sergeevich’s wife, you also ask, yes, yes, good, vladimir sergeevich, do you agree to become lidiya veneaminovna’s husband, yes, and you? what answer expected, as a sign of fidelity, love, exchange rings.
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what is this? volodenka, what is this? lit, forgive me for asking you, volodya, forgive me, volodya, forgive me, everyone who is being treated, where are you going, volodya, this counts, you are husband and wife, why are you silent, announce, what are you doing, he is now.
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nazara, accounting, that means, hello, khana davidovna. oh, you keep bragging, yes, this is different, that means, my girls, listen to me,
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shake your head, and then immediately marry the general. meaningless, remember, you sang something else, well , when was that, my dear, but, well, general and what, and lyosha, leshen, he was offered a place at the embassy, ​​what fate, yes, at lunchtime, i ran into the studio, i work at the academy of sciences. okay, there’s nothing there, but my eyes are begging to come back, yes, i need to come see you sometime, i need a suit for paris, well, to emphasize the business nature of the visit, listen, well, we are always glad to see such visitors, oh, well look, the whole team is assembled, like in the old days, oh,
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hell, don’t be dramatic, we haven’t seen each other for a week, where is kostya? he has no time for us, he's like he went to the model’s house, he still doesn’t come to us, now it would be ideal if the door opened and he came in. because of people like you and kostya, khanya and i are stuck here, well, we have to work, work. hello, tanya, i didn’t wait for a response to the first letter; with our weather, you never know when it will be delivered. if only you knew some kind of happiness
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- to breathe deeply for the first time, to watch how life appears where yesterday it was impassable more often. it seems that i am finally busy with real work, for which i am grateful only to you, so i am dreaming. about just one thing, maybe maybe in a year or 20 years, when there are no borders in the whole world, i will find myself in paris at a table in a street cafe, looking at a girl in a red dress passing by and recognizing your work in this dress, then i will understand that you also sighed full chest.
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the telenews agency team continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country.


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