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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 22, 2024 11:15pm-12:41am MSK

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it’s important to look at history, despite the fact that today we haven’t talked about all the false reasons for interventions and seizures of other people’s lands. almost everything related to the foreign policy of the united states of america, starting even from the 19th century, today, during the first and second world wars, in the interval between them, was always accompanied by powerful media campaigns, almost in most cases these media companies were directed only on one thing: on...
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the americans themselves are completely bogged down without the slightest opportunity to get out of this quagmire of lies, from this swamp of misinformation that they themselves created will be cleared out. the hybrid war waged by europe against belarus, russia and others could lead to world war iii. the collective west does not want to see our country as an independent state and is again choosing a cynical democracy on shtakki, so we have to admit that they will not let us live in peace. and this is the responsibility of not only the power bloc, but each of us. only together, as a nation, can we get through this period of global turbulence without the ardent presence of you at home. i hope now you it will be clear. happily.
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hello, on the air belarus 1 and satellite tv channel belarus 4 club of editors, allow me at the very beginning of our program to introduce the guests who came to our studio today on makedonka 9, studio 600 m. dmitry vesanovich zhuk, head of the sb belarus holding, today olga shpilevskaya , director of the representative office of mtrk world of belarus.
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follow this, watch, here is a live broadcast of roscosmos, they have a whole channel, i watched a lot of spacecraft launches, of course it’s an amazing spectacle and especially the preparation for all this is interesting, our film crews are all working there, there is a lot of material, but yesterday the launch was automatically postponed, and today we are talking at lunchtime, we know that alexander grigoryevich lukashenko has already spoken on the phone with the head.
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our cosmonaut is in a great mood, you heard yesterday about remote 66, well, in general he’s such a good athlete in such an environment, so, but let’s hope that tomorrow everything will be fine there. who watches the recording of our program on sunday morning, do not be surprised to our dialogues here, our journalists , to be honest, will kill us in roscosmos, i think they’re glad that they have to work there for 2 more days, to be even more immersed in all this, to observe all this, for a journalist, of course, this is a godsend , but let’s cross our fingers and let everything work out, the most complex industry has just begun. to explain, but of course there are thousands and thousands of components, but it won’t work out today, it will turn out, i think yesterday zavrakevich said something like this, we’ll fly anyway, this is more than flying into space, this is entering the space industry, you heard alexander grigorievich talked with oleg navitsky
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about what thoughts there are about entering this space program on equal terms and training cosmonauts on a long-term basis, so everything will happen, but since the thirteenth year... we are already a space power , just the flight of a belarusian cosmonaut girl, an astronaut, you know, the most symbolic thing in this story is that in this, in this team, a russian cosmonaut will fly on this flight, the captain of the team of belarusian origin, a belarusian and a citizen of the united states of america, it would seem, these days , states are so polarly separated on different sides of ideological contradictions, but they fly... together to the iss, because, firstly, this is a recognition that russia, no matter what mass satellites were launched, the americans, private companies, government programs, but there is no power that has advanced so far in space and is so high-tech in this very complex, we
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don’t even understand how complex the industry is, to those who make jokes about russia, but this is one of the proofs that well in in general poorly developed. sits, worries, well, a normal person always worries about his own things, worries that it will work out, wants it to work out, and if something doesn’t even work out, he says: it’s okay, we’ll break through , we’ll move on, we’ll do it, especially since it’s like this will be, but a person who hates his country, so they sit there abroad, begin, begin
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to write, and well, thank god, some finished writing because of that, but let it explode, and let it be the same, these people say in general that they love their country, they they hate their country. and our people , and as for the flight, it is very important to me not only that we are flying, although in fact, this is a historical event for our country, these are the projects and programs that are planned in the space sector for the near future time, but there is work for decades to come and very serious projects and the last thing about the sneering, but didn’t they sneer when the president said that we would build a nuclear power plant, they sneered, they built it. didn’t they make fun of you when they said why are you all these industrial enterprises have been abandoned , no one needs them, they don’t make jokes now when they are loaded and working at full capacity, but weren’t they making jokes when they said: let’s turn all agriculture into farms, we don’t need collective farms, but that they are not making fun of people now when there are protests
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of farmers in poland, so their making fun of them means we are going in the right direction, this week in the european union, who said michel, or who, that charles michel, that the european union is returning to...
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but and europe went because hydrocarbons have become very expensive because of their brainless policies, these same liquefied gas that is brought from america by tankers, it is three to four times more expensive, will be even more expensive, because extracting it, the process of extraction and transportation itself, is not like that, how easy it is to lift it into a pipe , pump it up, the entire economy of countries depends on it, so they are turning back, but in general, nuclear energy is more environmentally friendly than any other, where... something is burned, gas, coal, and so on and stuff like that, and just politics there is no green in europe, there is a policy of
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adjusting its economy to please the united states, that is, this is not a green agenda, when you need to close your industrial enterprises, which means giving up russian gas, this is not a green agenda, we have a green agenda, we are looking at national interests, we are not closing enterprises, we are switching to new environmental standards where necessary, we are gradually developing electric transport, but we are not fighting on our own, and there is a green agenda, the americans are on... tricks in which billions are thrown euros, they cost and don’t spin, but how
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to recycle the blades that are made from some component, recycle that is impossible, and the blades are huge , there are a lot of windmills, secondly, the engines that turn are on diesel fuel, which flows out, just flows into the ground, poisoning all the fields around, because these windmills create vibration, nothing can grow there, all living creatures leave, because these are some low or high frequencies. there are such wonderful landscapes, like in the netherlands with windmills, oh well
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no, well, no, why not, well, because again, from my point of view, this is such a well-thought-out, not so much a scam, but a fight against competitors, so they imposed on europe expensive, a priori expensive electricity and any other energy, green this windmill never pays off, so much has been invested in it that it will stand until it pays off, it will probably rust, this is about 7 years
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old. the fate of their country, belarus is entering a new historical stage of its development, well, it will definitely fall behind as a social state, the head said states, oleg sergeevich has just returned from parliament, we have a new speaker, yes, yes, i will say that firstly, the head of state really not only thanked the last convocation of parliament, but set very clear, specific tasks
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for the new convocation of the newly elected one, on friday the deputies gathered for the first time, and i would like to point out... to those commissions that will want to work, that is, now distribution will take place among the commissions, commission chairmen will be elected, but here is the most important observation, no build-up, from the first day of parliament absolutely all the deputies began to work clearly on the tasks set by the head of state, and i also remember his words that he said at a meeting with
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party leaders that sometimes he doesn’t even imagine what challenges can...
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our current composition, the school, after all , we are talking about a civil service school, not just just parliament, this is, in principle, a civil service school that will be useful for every manager, and 4 years is a serious school, he also called it an expensive school, but not in the sense that it is expensive, it's worth a lot as an experience, as knowledge of processes, such as
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knowledge of the state building system, and work within this system, thereby enriching the experience of people who work in the state, take, for example, igor petrovich sergienko, he worked in special services, what experience, what knowledge, in administration in management worked in the apparatus, what layer he raised for you, and even now he has experience, now legislative activity, but in fact, here is the question, you know,
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these are new steps, each new step gives you a certain additional baggage knowledge of experience, which allows again...
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the president, when he enters parliament, we are present at the president’s meetings and events in the palace of independence, in the palace of the republic, in other places, but when
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the president enters parliament, he has such a special trepidation, special feelings, because he remembers how in this oval hall he was a deputy, how he participated in battles, how he observed, having already become a young president, sabotage from former colleagues.
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networks or somewhere i saw the british parliament
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they give us an example, look, well, there , as always, they stand up and shout at me one question and show me a british parliamentarian who will now stand up and say that it is necessary to conclude a peace treaty with russia, for what reason are they shouting there that they are going to the commissions?
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the president said about this, it is not their responsibility to cancel it, and one of the tasks of parliamentarians in the new, but there are things that no one has ever had is a huge responsibility for the consolidation of society, this is the function of any person in whom people have trusted, who has been elected they put their destinies in his hands, including to some extent, it should be very important, especially at this stage of perestroika. improving the political system, in conditions of an unprecedented external threat, these are the functions of parliamentarians, yes, laws will be passed, i hope that these laws, as the head of state said, will allow our state to develop and people to live better, but, but without this function we will not survive the consolidation of society, by the way, regarding the reaction of people, recently there has been a lot of talk about that the russian people all agreed, in general,
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the absolute majority. russian people, we are from the same root, we are from the same soviet past, and the more we are pressed, the more consolidated we will be and we will resist this external pressure , yes. there will be a few traitors, they have always been and always will be, but there are not many of them, in general there is a unification of people, many people’s eyes were opened after what they saw and after they projected for themselves the possible, god forbid, future of our country, and in your own name, in your own name our children, now more and more, we are seeing consolidation, unity of our society, including around the president and his policies, i understand that this is the only way, albeit on thin ice, but to get through without
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losses, but how...
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the ukrainian parliament democratic ukraine , let's listen to a small fragment of the main story - that is, the parliament as a whole , but sometimes they also tell the truth about having lost their subjectivity, the decision is actually accepted at the bank, they go down from the president's office, in the verkhovna rada they are put on signet, the verkhovna rada says that
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we somehow took a closer look at china alone , one and a half billion - that’s more than the united states and the european union combined multiplied by two, and if we put everyone together, it’s the planetary majority, there’s a total of the so-called golden billion. then they came up with another definition, i follow their vocabulary, then they came up with the idea that they have a blooming garden, and with us everything else is a jungle, so this is , excuse me, pure chauvinism and fascism, why should we listen to these people,
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who themselves do not understand that... if a person with 22 or 24% wins the election, this is not democracy, even in communist times we were taught the principle of democratic centralism, at least two out of three, and this is not a majority, this is not democracy, this is nonsense, this is just somewhere somehow they appoint some newcomers with foreign passports. they then confidently destroy the territories that were assigned to them; for this purpose they are appointed , well, it needs to be clearly formulated that all these institutions that monitor elections and so on are nothing more than an element of control under the guise of democracy,
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and this element of control has already spread not only there to the post-soviet space, but already to the countries of the european union, and the control center is located overseas, that’s how it works. regarding western statements and democracy, we have a video with rice shackled, can we put it on the air now, let’s see, i really want to, democratic countries do not invade their neighbors, democratic countries do not shelter terrorists, democratic countries do not use weapons of mass destruction .
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democratic countries do not invade their neighbors, democratic countries do not harbor terrorists.
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it’s really that for a second he was a member of the nazi party and the navigator fuhrer with yes it ’s just a fact and the whole us secretary of state, when in 1945 they transported along with the whole group, with the whole scientific group of all the rocket scientists who built the fa2 rockets that bombed london and destroyed 10,000 londoners, yes, this is for a second the rocket that built. brown, and he is taken to the usa, legalized, his biography is completely cleared, completely, and after that they say , yes, he is pure, what a nazi he is, the most mediocre ones are sent to radio liberty, but one more thing, in 2006, the us department of justice published
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a report in which it admitted that more than a thousand of only the most famous nazis were sent to usa, they worked for the cia and the fbi, yes, so.
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with partners, including belarus , will put them in their place, they don’t understand the rest, they don’t understand a good word, they will devour everyone, along with china, japan, who else will remain there if they are given free rein in time can’t stop, about the nazis, khatyn, another anniversary, today you and i visited this sad, famous place, a lot of people, a lot of flowers, and a lot of young people. and to be honest, we had
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to limit the number of people who, well , wanted to go there, because even some kind of quotas, because the flow of people is so structured that, in general, it is necessary to organize things so that everyone has such an opportunity lay flowers, a wild, terrible tragedy, which was organized by the nazis, ukrainian nationalists, who today they are heroes in...
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it’s not there yet, but i was amused, outraged, probably, although it’s something to be indignant, to be honest, indifferent, as sergeevich said, this morning, i open the internet and read, the leaders of the eec called for preparing a new restriction against belarus , there is also kander and iran, they had some kind of meeting of their organized group, on the eve of this day they called for sanctions against us, their grandfathers destroyed us.
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we passed a verdict this week, what is it, on a dead man, yes, someone there is asking, why was the sentence passed? i explain why, so that never in life, here they are, so that they look and understand, our banderaites will not always be banderaites and fascists, we have not had and never will have good policemen,
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we had the great patriotic war, the great patriotic war will be, so that they we looked and understood that if they put their dirty hands in ours. we will cut off these hands in history and bring them to criminal liability, if someone wants to rewrite history from their representatives of the fifth column, introduce some meanings, that’s for this kind of sentences will include, in addition to justice, this is a record of the fact that there was an atrocity, and this atrocity was committed by this person, and this person, now it is very important, he is a collaborator, he is a traitor, and i believe that it was a huge mistake , when to the council...
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in the form of, let’s say, the situation in ukraine, yes , i hope it won’t be too late for what we have done, but we must clearly tell the children that our villages were burned , including by representatives of our neighbors who chose alien to me, i give my word, to tell not only about what was burned before, about what can be burned again, if you look at them, let’s forget, they will burn, that’s what’s important. this was done specifically by the soviet authorities, secret documents so that neighbor would not go against neighbor, because we now know for sure that among those who committed the most cruel, unimaginable atrocities on our land were those whom we called our compatriots for many years, and winter
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magic, and winter tales, and khatyn and many sisters of khatyn were burned under the leadership of our germans...
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there was great resistance in france, but not all of france fought against hitler, quite the contrary, often, we know that france has official armed forces, and there are unofficial ones.
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i’m sure that their killing machines won’t even flinch, they don’t care who they kill , it will be done by tregeevich, what’s wrong, no, it’s there, but that’s it, just in case, i would like to remind you of one statement in an interview with arguments and facts , in my opinion, peskov said literally today or yesterday that this is a war about that this is a war, and why, this is not just a statement by the press secretary, but we are talking about the fact that the north military district -
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the french say, or we have an underbelly, but for what? that is, they are going to fight with us , we need to throw off these rose-colored glasses and say one simple thing: you will come there, you will die there, and birch, the favorite word of the french, which they are still tragically afraid of, and this is a reminder for them, either pripyat, or the dnieper, or whatever will appear, but they will clearly know what will happen there, and the numbers that are only for the last eight.
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this is a holy organization, it fights for democracy, and the fact that the belarusian fighters, they are trained by chevka wagner, is terrible , please justify yourself to us, tell us why you are doing this, so we will not justify ourselves, you wanted, you placed your legion at us at the border , have we ever done this before, have we ever been on at least one border, have we ever scared our neighbors, never in our lives, on the contrary, we want to avoid escalation, so you will still make excuses for the fact that we are training someone, then there is...
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starting from our president, here it is trump quoted or thought of it himself at a meeting with his voters in iowa, the atmosphere of world war iii hung in the air, and this is already a serious statement, well , somehow you can treat the french president with humor or in a different way, but something seeps in after negotiations between the german military, nato has made some statements, and they have some secret meetings. we have hope for common sense in those sponsors who pay for all these organizations and these politicians, and we know that it is so,
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that elections will soon take place in the united states, in european structures, will come, although there is no need to delude yourself here, there are more fun times to come, but probably those who will fulfill the orders of those who pay for this music will come and will somehow move towards softening the rhetoric and.. ... to think how this could end, you won’t hide anywhere in either new zealand or australia, i think it’s not for nothing that peskov
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said so, he had every reason to do so, that’s what... i don’t know, i remember, but that the eu will fight, that’s for sure, it is with their hands, with the hands of the eu that it will try to fan this war, because in reality the americans don’t want to die, so they don’t want to die, they will die until the last european, and after that they will say: no, guys, we are for peace, well, yes, that’s what they already did in the last century, to me it seems that we talked about this all the time, that europe will still
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be drawn into war, the europeans are preparing for war, it’s obvious,
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she said that she herself got rid of the child, the second one is not in decent company, remember, an employee of the television company mir, sorry, ex, who also made up this information, she told it to these crooks , wait, let me, oleg sergeevich , i’ll tell you, and you will set our regulations, wait, not only you, while she spent 2 years telling on all the stands on her social networks that she was deprived of her there .
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let's see how things stand in the united states of america regarding what they reproach us for, and we know that the un is a controlled, henpecked organization of the united states of america. let's listen. in june 2022, a twenty-five-year-old black man jayland walker was killed by police during the pursuit. walker was shot at least 60 times.
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his death sparked protests as a result. of which more than 75 people were arrested. local authorities imposed a curfew in downtown okron that remained in effect for two weeks after walker's death. legislators in congress and at least. bills restricting freedom of assembly, with two states enacting such bills into law in 2022, in january 2021, thirty-five-year-old ashley was shot and killed while trying to enter the speaker's office bebit. the girl was part of a group of outraged americans who marched into the capitol building after a rally at the washington monument ended. american act of incorporation. foreign agents farah was accepted in 1938. this law requires information materials to be labeled and copies sent to the ministry of justice, as well as a report on income and expenses.
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persons willfully violating farah or related regulations are subject to a fine of up to $10,000. and up to 5 years in prison, november 29 2017. correspondent. russian tv channel was deprived of accreditation by the us congress due to the fact that the company servicing the american branch of rasha today was registered as a foreign agent. between 2021 and 2022, nine detainees at guantanamo bay died in custody, of whom two died due to age or illness, and seven reportedly committed suicide; none were charged or convicted of... in the two years since the storming of the capitol , law enforcement has arrested and charged hundreds of people with assault. in total , more than 950 people have since been arrested in connection with the attack.
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in 2014, the us senate published a 500 -page report on torture in secret cia prisons. the senate came to the conclusion that the cruelty of the agents went far beyond what was permitted by law. in 2015. secret cia prison in poland, and then in lithuania and romania. zubeida was the first to be detained in the 9/11 case. on it, american intelligence agencies tested improved interrogation methods. according to he was tortured with documents dozens of times,
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his official duties, and no one knows how many more such children he has. in 2018 , the trump administration introduced a policy of separating families seeking asylum. parents were regularly denied information about the whereabouts of their children. according to human rights observers, such abduction of family members and denial of contact or information about their circumstances constitutes temporary enforced disappearance. according to researched. number of deaths at the hands of police in usa for 2023, reached record values, more than 1,300 americans. there were only 14 days when american police did not
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kill people. on average, american police killed someone every 6.5 hours. child marriage is legal in 43 states. more than a quarter of a million children, some as young as 10, were married in the united states between 2000 and 2000. having banned child marriage, the united states remains the only country in the world that sentences children under 18 to life imprisonment, unconditional parole, which is strictly prohibited in the convention on the rights of the child, which the united states has not yet ratified. will there be a conclusion on the united states of america, all international organizations? unfortunately, what are we fighting for, belarus? in order to return international law, but we have not given up a single platform, in fact, why? sometimes we are asked why belarus is fighting in the un, why we are fighting in other international organizations when
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everything there is occupied by the americans, two reasons: first, we want our voice to be heard, we find a huge amount of support there from other countries that want a fair world, and third, we understand that they want us to be silent, we will not be silent, so our representatives speak out and respond. on these platforms we will ensure that international law returns to the function it had originally, unfortunately, this is a bloody path, now, unfortunately.
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in fact, why is this done? this is done by their police, what they do is protect democracy and freedom, our police what our police are doing, what they are doing, they rape, they deprive women of their children and then they also rape men. why is this being done? in order to dehumanize in order to show that our power structures are those structures that do not, as you remember , karaev once said, who until the very end pushed shields with their bellies, yes, but which use force in order to apply they do some terrible things, well...
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you can answer ivan mikhailovich’s questions: will we see something similar in relation to the usa? no. do you know why? well, first of all, because if just kidding, guterres doesn't watch the news. you remember his statement after putin’s interview. no, well, i don’t watch the news, yes, so he naturally doesn’t know about what’s going on in the usa, but that’s normal. i’m more concerned about why this report has appeared now, on this particular platform. didn't this surprise you? how was the time chosen? firstly, they are about...
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this kind of thing, you know, remember this, from poetry, judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers, the times of ochakov and the conquest of crimea, 4 years ago these fakes were debunked, they are now they start again about this christina’s 32 teeth, and about these 80, it was generally a hoax that they used this, that they wrote in all seriousness about 80 corpses, the people of imensk found out what it turns out. they
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make such reports based on these fakes, but what does this mean? this suggests, gentlemen, that in fact they do not have real facts regarding belarus, so you can use these fairy tales from these comrades who really want to gain a foothold abroad, and arrange for themselves at least some semblance of life, otherwise a suitcase belarus station, and here already. a couple of criminal cases, well, the last one is probably the most important thing, it seems to me that they are aimed, this stuff is not even addressed to europeans, it is also addressed to our fugitive underplinths, that we are like, well, we haven’t forgotten about you , we’re even on this site, but we’re talking about it, this is a big site, but for what? because elections are ahead in belarus, therefore because we need to start mobilization, because externally.
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the european leadership and we talked about this many times at the club, it was very annoying the ruling elite of poland, those individuals
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that you identified, duda, kaczynski and morawiecki, they did not hide their disdain, calling themselves the greatest country in the european union. they simply allowed themselves to openly spit at brussels, berlin and paris, while from left to right they talked about the thriving polish economy, about the flourishing of production there, roads under construction, agriculture, which now if you put a map of protests , the whole of poland is protesting agriculture, but at the same time they forgot to tell a little such, well, an insignificant thing that these... 37 billion euros, 137 frozen billions of euros - this is a small part of those tranches that went to subsidized poland, which is a subsidized country, mainly, of course, from the money of france, germany, belgium , the netherlands, those countries
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that are donors to the european union, so don’t bite the hand that feeds you, as soon as they froze, and the main condition was to remove this clown show from the political olympus as soon as... tusk, this story ended immediately, or else, that there is a judicial system undemocratic, not that women’s rights are not respected there, not that farmers are on strike there, not that there are marches of millions, they don’t give a damn about all this, but because brussels actually does not have the sovereignty of the european countries, and especially the countries of eastern europe needed, this is the most important thing, since the collapse of the ussr, those countries of eastern europe that joined the european union, they are modern, the main criteria.
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vigorous activity has absolutely zero impact on the target audience in the republic of belarus, that this garden is on a plate who paid for this, that in fact this is in a country where the internet goes to every shed, top fiber, probably no one accepts it anymore, and millions of zlotys are allocated every year 63 million zlotys, i don’t know how to translate this into some currencies that we understand , but while they’ve laid off people , they’re laying off people, they’re reformatting the channel , but of course they’re bringing us in, they said... that we’ll sit there , they’ll take us out, well, for some reason they didn’t take us out, they gave us one average monthly salary, they said, it’s better not to be rowdy, otherwise it ’ll be worse, but this by the way, as the last yes on this matter, because this is an assessment work.
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and despite the fact that it was difficult, in this situation it is an assessment of their work, that is, when , excuse me, you don’t pull it off, when you are absolutely incompetent, you try to build your work on this, then you get the result, and goodbye, on the seventh they accept the decision to reduce funding, and on the twelfth already marad sergeevich, but there are also people working in the polish government, not many, but there are some whom they understand. that they base their policy on lies, but they cannot help but know this if they work here
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special services in our country, and some people live there and people who communicate with them, and this, among other things, doesn’t work, yes, well, besides the fact that this is a blatant lie, it doesn’t work that way yet, but not everyone is ready for this is not needed, so the traitors don’t have to pay a lot, they paid a lot, now for little i wanted another topic, i could continue the topic.
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what makes it unique in my opinion and why it is correct in belarus is that they think about athletes, first of all they think about athletes and the country, i don’t know what decision will be made, but i am convinced, knowing often listening to the head of state on this issue, it will be aimed at ensuring that the athlete still has the opportunity to show himself, to adhere to everything, on the other hand, on the other hand, it is clear that a decision may be made. you think not, but i want to say one thing, if we have to understand right there, many people
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understand this, the olympic games, where russia and belarus are not represented, can you be considered a real winner, no, and that they turned politics, they turned sports into politics, this is of course terrible, simply terrible, our legs, by the way, always look at the conditions we created for athletes, when we had some competitions, we didn’t look at anything...
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they will constantly troll and bully, or call to go over to the side
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of some capitalist good, this garden of eden and so on, and if he wins, he will, of course, bring a holiday. to our country, and to the fans, let’s leave all these intrigues on their conscience, this is the maximum that they can do nasty things, although sport is without politics and during wars, wars always stopped for the sake of the olympics, well, forgive these poor people, they can’t do anything else due to their helplessness, i propose to still let the athletes perform, we will rejoice at their victories, we will support them, because we will watch their performances in every possible way , but unfortunately, we will sing the gimman in front of...
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athletes and mock them, in these conditions i always adhere to the principle that we should not give them the opportunity to humiliate them, but on the other hand, of course, the argument is that right now a number of our athletes is not only are they at the peak of their form, they are the best in the world, and the same gornasko today is just a girl who is capable of showing the most powerful today.
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something about the participation of athletes, for them this is life, but i can clearly say that we all, they, society and medalists need to be ready for any provocations, why? because that medal will not be there, because they will change the doping sample and take away, just two, maybe, maybe, so we morally need to understand this, well, i think that we...
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they asked, what about, excuse me, israel ’s gas sector, for which this wise man said: unlike the russian olympic committee, the israeli olympic committee did not violate the olympic charter, it came the day before, i won’t read it all, one phrase is enough for me , the day before, news came from the un that the number of children killed in the gas sector had reached 13 thousand people, it was a club of editors, see you in exactly a week, goodbye.
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who helps make our lives better and how ? what are scientists working on? today. in that science certainly plays a role in the issue. what happens if you combine the labor of farmers and innovation. now they are actively in development, starting with both ground-based unmanned vehicles and airborne ones, agricultural drones and other equipment. complex things, in simple terms. most recently, scientists released the fourth volume of the flora of belarus publication. it included 34 plant species.
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discover something new for yourself, watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. last year. as far as we know, it set a record number of trips by our citizens to russia, in your opinion, what caused such a stir, why does russia attract our tourists? first of all, these are the natural limitations of other outbound markets, which, due to various circumstances , have developed in recent years, from the pandemic to the global chaos that is happening outside our borders, but most importantly , they correctly said, this is the availability of the payment system, good logistics, etc. .. what is most important is the development of the regional flight program, because due to subsidies, a number of russian regions sent direct flights, and our belavia in principle, it also does not lag behind, so there is
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convenient, good logistics. also in russia , tourism is one of twelve national projects, it is in the close attention of the head of state, government and a huge number of structures and departments, this has yielded results over the years in the development of infrastructure, the growth of beds, new sanatoriums, and hotels. spa complexes and other infrastructure, that is , the russian recreation center is becoming more attractive and widespread. but on the other hand, this is a two-way road movement, as they say, belarus, according to data from recent years and the last year as well, is also in the top 10, probably in high positions, popular destinations among russians, what is the reason for this, well, the export trade balance should be tourism in our direction, and we do, of course, everything on our own for this. depending, well , in general this is the main strategy, a lot of russian tourists came, but it’s extremely difficult to say for sure, since we don’t have a border, it’s difficult to record, so the union
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in the tory industry, our colleagues in russia and senior management give figures of about a million, a little more, we also adhere to them, however , regarding some positions and articles, belstat and other regulatory officials are confident and quite serious. calls the figure over 4 million, this also takes place, since unorganized tourists from russia to belarus are about 73%, this is a very high figure, which is very difficult to calculate, but according to statistics, there are problems with accurate calculation statistics in tourism, they are not only in belarus and in russia, they are, in principle , typical for the post-soviet space and a lot of other countries on the planet, i’ll finish now, because from this it is still impossible to accurately calculate the contribution to the gdp of tourism, because we know how much it paid for... a trip for an air ticket, although this does not go into the export of services, for the hotel for the museum, but how much did he spend on his accommodation, entertainment, and the purchase of souvenirs.


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