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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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it’s just that it’s a sweet change for us, the music inside our skin is with us. the power of faith does not leave the mountains and the rural and gaspadarchy academy 14 sakavik student rights club club stages of request and from all over the country
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because it is very important, by tasting this or that dish, we seem to be tuning in to some kind of blessing from our highest powers, for that that the day will go very well, the information field, this digital one, it offers a lot of negativity towards this...
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i really like the small temple, because do you understand how many people, how many came there, well, the prayers, how they prayed, well , some feelings inside there overwhelm you, and you want it for yourself? this, i think, is a clear example of how to do, how to live, believe, something must happen, perhaps not a turning point, good, bad, and you come to this belief that you, for example, you want to go, you have to have a desire, not what you need, it’s just some kind of
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urge inside you, you have to go there, you really want it, before i just went to church i somehow tried to avoid these, my grandmother and i went to church. my grandmother lives near the church, i’m from orsha, in the convent, that is, there is a beautiful courtyard, and i remember, this summer courtyard was imprinted on me, this huge icon on the building, somehow it influenced everything, influenced me, and i felt that i didn’t need it yet, because i was little , it’s clear that consciousness still comes with age and is still generally continuous, it’s like... you’re in a slightly different reality, perhaps this i think probably due to the fact that this is too much of a place for prayer, and when you step into the territory of a church, a monastery, it’s as if you’re entering another reality, and it’s really scary somewhere, maybe even
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saying an extra word is not then to take an action, well, perhaps it’s also due to ignorance of what is right and what is wrong, because... still, in our modern world this does not particularly convey to young people, although i believe that this is necessary if a person is truly an adult, understanding, erudite, he must understand how to behave in that or another place, of course, you don’t need to pretend that you don’t know something and you can’t even come there, uh, of course, we shouldn’t forget that we learn throughout our lives, and even also even listen, that’s what i’m 18 years old, that...
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during school hours, because someone has classes, someone has training, it’s the evening format, and the format of just such meetings, it should take place after of all things, because when you again want to start a conversation about something serious, about
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the eternal, then an hour is not enough, yes, maybe not enough even two, meetings are very necessary in order to share other opinions, because i believe that a... an opinion should change if a person cannot change it, even the same friend who also said hers today then she expressed an opinion about religion, she helped me , for example, it’s also possible to think about this issue, because before i didn’t seem to pay attention to this, we sow, and the lord grows, that’s why i think that the seed that we we sow, the lord will grow into worthy ears of corn, into worthy fruits in the hearts of these people, even when they start arguing... when it is, well, for me it ’s super simple, it means that there is a return and that means you can communicate and you can work, it’s cool, my idea of ​​a priest is that he’s a strict guy, that’s all , he only has everything right, nothing wrong, but he
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, no, he in general, i won’t say that he is somehow strange, no, on the contrary, he is very open, sincere, that is, he begins to tell stories through. some biblical motifs in the form of anecdotes, i’ve never done that before i’ve met when you meet orthodox priests and popes - all this is very useful for a person, i love stories, he tells - life experience, it ’s very interesting, everyone tells about their travels, seeing new places, and the baltic countries, i’m generally trying to travel around the world now in belarus itself, when i went to mostislavl, we saw it all there, there was an interactive museum, the first hall was a primitive society, that is , everyone there
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took a dip in the font, well, i didn’t take a dip, because i probably haven’t come to such moment to plunge, but i
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witnessed all this, when my friends, the guys plunged, i just think i let everyone through me, morally i plunged for all twenty people, that’s true, it was such emotions that aroused, after the trip , i somehow became a little interested in it all, this whole story, and we are here in the summer... because i myself was kind of impressed, i go there, it’s so beautiful there, it was a very pleasant experience to plunge into this part of such a religion, you feel how much there it’s prayed for, because it’s been standing there for centuries, people come there only with good and bad, you understand how prayerful everything is there, and we went in and just didn’t want to say anything, i just wanted to open it... then look at it all and just watch , i didn’t want to listen
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to anyone at the same time, you just go and look, you think how beautiful it all is, it really feels as if your soul is already slowly clearing itself, that everything in life is not so bad, you just look and move away from your earthly life and you move on to some kind of spirituality, we choose our environment and i try to find an environment for myself that... is more serious, treats this more wisely, that is, with understanding, the opportunity to really think about your life, about your choice, about by what really guides us as people, and of course, that whole atmosphere, i went to barkalabova, i was probably most struck by this territory, which is there, it is very large, located on the shore, and there is such a beautiful approach to the water. everything is in flowers there, everything is blooming, and there the birds were singing, the temple itself, we had
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very sunny weather, we heard about amazing cases when people really needed help for something, something impossible, and it really happened, well, of course i can’t help but mention lunch , this is simply amazing at the highest level, and the best thing is that it’s clear for...
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we struggled a little with easter and so on, without comprehending all this, we are komsomol members, we are communists, we were all really baptized, our mothers baptized, we celebrated everything, but this awareness and there was probably a duality,
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time passed, we went through the nineties, when the collapse of the soviet union happened, when... various difficulties, somewhere, when you came, i don’t know, went into the temple, he just said, i i lit a candle and i was lucky, i say, this is not by chance, because the world consists of these seemingly little things, i was very worried before the exam, i did all the rituals that i could, and i say, in general, i have a cross , i’m a believer, i’m baptized, i’ll learn a prayer now, because
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well, in fact, everything went very well, i was very worried, but everything went well and i... well, for this you need to sum it up from all sides, i try to do it briefly, as the thought once came to me, no shame, no to know, it’s a shame not to want to know, so it seems to me that learning, well, even such a simple, easy form of communication, is very important for people to understand and expand their horizons, but you shouldn’t be
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ashamed of the fact that you then you don’t know that the person stayed, not a single test that he won't hold.
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having opened this center of ascension with such a slogan from the earthly sublime, it preserves traditions and faith. there is such a department in the level club called a cozy home, this includes handicrafts, wicker weaving, straw type weaving, macrome, decoupage, and we just wanted the girls to be a little bit.
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plus, in addition to crafts, they also gave culinary delights and baked, made, well, in general , they had a different life, more interesting than
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those who used freedom, we even organized such a student detachment, volunteer named after elisha lavrishevsky, the saint of this place, and in order to participate in the excavations, they went there for many years, participated in the excavations, and then even a concert. they were holding a meeting about this because they dug up some kind of printing matrix from the 13th century. for 11 years we went to the monastery with students. in this way, linking spiritual and crafts, as it were, supported this spark, and the children quite, so to speak, came close to all these secrets. one of our girls married a seminarian. she lives in gomel, to this day we
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we maintain relationships, they call, communicate , thanks to this club i have made new friends, a lot all over the republic, and friends are always when you feel bad or good, they are always help, that is, you can always ask for advice, for some kind of advice. that. who interest you, teammates, our steps, they are now all over belarus, even abroad, for this we work , so that people, no matter where they are, anywhere in the world, they are always in touch, they is always there, the result of the work is so pleasing, it’s that when people still look at them, at their results, at their successes, and maybe even somewhere you think, wow, i’ve invested in this person, well, you get pleasure from it, no matter how agricultural it is. academy or any other educational institution, it doesn’t even matter its status, level and generally some kind of level of education, basically the highest there is secondary and
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so on, no matter what specialty, no matter what direction, there are simply people among them in any case there are people who are interested at least, there are people who want this communication, military academy? we are still friends with the university of civil defense, we are still friends, we are still friends with bntu, pedagogical university, so we invite them , we hope that they will come to our round table. the result of cooperation between our two universities was a youth school, my deep conviction that it is still necessary to teach, this area cannot be ignored, we talk about a lot, we have humanities disciplines.
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local efforts will do it, then i think that thanks to these joint efforts , a reliable, brave generation will emerge that can come to the defense of our homeland at the moment when it is necessary. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will find out.
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exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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the weather has passed and the belarusian capital has passed, taste the aranica and all the spices are sprinkled with frost. the consequences are clear adchuvaetstsa va ўіm. flowers, like music, jump into life throughout the world. they make us happy both on the streets of our beloved city and at home. ale dze kupits? is there a kvetak here at the store? here you are a kind merchant, a kind bouquet, please, why don’t you get these bouquets? so, jumpy, but for them you need to go to the market, there are many of them and where they are better than in the store, it would not harm the managing trusts of the greenery of the mercantile papov to get rid of the gardener's manager ў experience in growing vegetables. first i feel like it's clear
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barbers. ale da vesennykh prychosak patraben i vesenniye mood. kali weasel, the young ones from the flower gardens of minsk were sleeping. today in minsk there will be a republican view of madeels.


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