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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 10:35am-11:31am MSK

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such a case, when we went to visit him, and we asked him why the father of the order of the red star, four tips are red, and one is white, so the father told us, when they were going on the offensive, a small fragment came to him, the order of the red star , he fell, but then, when he came to his senses, he put his hand under his shirt, and there was an icon of jesus christ. and the prayer that his father gave him, it turns out as he said, that it was this icon that saved me and the prayer that his wife and his father gave, he defended his homeland until the end, until it ended the war, he loved, he fought to return home, since he had a wife, children and parents. room of folk art
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, all this beauty, handbrake, tablecloths, aprons , they collected from their daughter svetlana for their parents, traveled around the region, on expeditions and the residents gave us all this, all our material that is collected here, we see in this the folk art room was going to be closer to these villages, first of all magdalene. this is secondly borisova, this is brilyova, this is the kiselyovites, this is rybnaya, this is gaykovka, they were happy to give us this material, you know, especially to my mother, because in general she was our pioneer in this, she understood what and how, when i came to work in 2002, i generally i didn’t understand what, how this field suit was made, how it was all, i learned everything through the lips of my mother, she explained all this to me, what an anderak is, what is it?
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what is a board, what is it, this was also necessary, you know, i got so involved in it all, i liked it so much, because you it would seem that belarusians have such an understanding of plush things, they are so poor, but no, they are so rich in history, so rich in creativity, what we see here, hanging on our walls here - this is a small part of that, we also have these costumes , and these are not just two sets that are 120-140 years old, this is a suit on me, my great-grandmother, anya, this is what we have. there is also a costume that we put on for our entire team, because well , we have a folk club for folklore lovers magdalene, which has four sections, this is the vocal section, we went, recorded songs and we realize all this in our creativity, then we have a regional dance section, then we also have this arts and crafts section, this, by the way, is the reason why we have this folk art room, and we also have section of family... creativity
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, and you know, here’s an interesting moment, i spent a long time remembering what the word plat means, my mother taught me what the word plat means, but this is the word, it’s in our region, i see more, because when we say plad, somewhere we go there to folklore holidays, we say plat, mother, by the way, is one of those people who learned from her grandmother, namely her grandmother, not even her mother, how to curl this plat beautifully on her head, how to make it like this with a crown? we once had an assignment from our methodological center to do such work, it was quite a long time ago, as soon as i came to work, this is the folk costume of the kobren region, at that moment i just realized how much wealth we have thanks to the golden hands of our ancestors, how much this was interesting, this was important in life, in everyday life our kobrin residents.
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the region is large and it is interesting, and you know, the southern part of the kobrin region, yes , how different it is from the northern part of the kobrin region, the kiselyovites are more like that, you know, poleshudsky, exactly, but, but so diverse, so interesting, those costumes were decorated with embroidery , yes, they decorated them, which they wore to church, i was more than once involved in the work of transferring to... the heritage of this and our cultural, here is my sister, who is the leader of the exemplary children's group tavkachiki, she invited more than once he invites me to collaborate, now these tavkachiki we have, as you know, as a collective, our companion, this is a fairly well-known group, which has more than seventy children, as for me, i am a choreographer by training, and i kind of love, really love dances, and i generally accumulate them, these are our folk ones... regional dances, we
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have the makdalinskaya polko, imagine, we recorded the makdalinskaya, that is, our regional dance, we have the ryblyanskaya polko, there is so much unique, interesting step, here we have it. a very interesting dance that we recorded, it is not performed anywhere else, this is a thorn, what does a thorn mean, i ’ll tell you, that is, it was such a machine, a device for grinding flax, so it was called a thorn, so they rubbed flax and came up with a song dance , well, we’ll just dance for you.
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you know, i want to brag to you that we collected quite a lot of our folklore songs on folklore expeditions. the younger generation perceives these folk songs well.
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with difficulty, but i always return home beloved parental home.
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the most wonderful word in the world regarding politics, words like dictatorship or authoritarianism are supposedly very bad words, ancient greek philosophers and so on, they said that in democracies power is held by a group of people in order to create good for themselves, and not for the entire population, this is what was originally meant by democracy: what kind of authoritarianism do we have? in my opinion, in our country it relies on the strength of the executive branch, when, after legal strengthening, our parliament and the supreme national assembly are also strengthened in personnel, there will be rely more and... given our authoritarianism, well, someone calls it a dictatorship, so henceforth there will be strict control over the implementation of compliance with those instructions that are given, including by the president, they are not only an invention of the president himself, but
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we are working on many issues together we make a decision, this, in my understanding , is reasonable, sensible and righteous... authoritarianism, this is very important for understanding the structure of power in belarus. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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fans of feature films on medical topics have a clear knowledge of what a red cat is, a cat?
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plays a role both for colleagues and for patients
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, this brings a certain amount, i would say, respect, not only respect, but also your responsibility, as i understand it, responsibility goes without saying, but there is one thing here that i don’t really like, for many i become a symbol of last hope, but this is not entirely correct, because i am still not a wizard, and i would like people to come to me earlier, when they can... beautiful, but most often i came across doctors, atheists, yes, but you are not from their category, but
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why and how often do you see cases of healing, when, well, it seems that hope has already gone and medicine is powerless, well i will say that i was baptized when i was 36 years old, that is, already at a conscious age, and for quite a long time i... without faith in oncology it is very difficult, but miracles have happened in your practice, as many times as you like,
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every day, and how positive and negative, which are quite difficult to explain at the moment, but thanks to development of science, we can explain some of them today, but explain it after the fact, and after the fact, although today such a direction as... a hospital somewhere outside the city is developing very actively, yes, to be honest, i remember that time , in the early nineties, patients came to the hospital
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, in fact, literally feeling the tumor, yes, that is , already feeling problems, today the survival rate from cancer is above 60%, well, according to statistics, this is more than every second, and for some types of cancer it tends to 100 %, i’m not confusing anything, in this regard, there are changes, absolutely true, but i still disagree with you on what? and the institute of oncology, then it was the institute of oncology, was never in a hospital somewhere outside the city, it was always a leading... oncology center, which was in a leading position in the soviet union. yes. and they remain so today. another thing is that this institution instilled some kind of animal fear in all people, some kind of hopelessness. people were afraid not only to go there for treatment, but also to simply pass by. and the word cancer itself was prohibited. that's it now
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has changed dramatically. what factors do you consider determining the development of belarusian science? from 50 to 70 scientific projects are carried out simultaneously annually, they concern absolutely all areas of oncology, each of these projects is a small step forward in some direction, to increase life expectancy, to reduce mortality, even by a few percent, to
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improve the quality of life cancer patients after treatment, improved diagnostics, again, over the course of decades, this gives a very large-scale result, we recently calculated that we have a wonderful register, the republic of belarus has always been famous for this, the country is small, it is possible to register all the events that happen to cancer patients, and so we considered that science gives a colossal result, in an additional 20 years, i emphasize, additionally, thanks to scientific research, more were saved... 100 thousand human lives, this is a city like molodechna, no more, no less, now the second component, everyone knows the phrase of vladimir ilyevich lenin, personnel decide everything, indeed , there are simply wonderful specialists working in oncology, and in our republic they
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are concentrated in oncological institutions, we have maintained a system of onological care, an oncological service. which has collapsed in all other countries, this gives a colossal result, the concentration of all specialists of all resources in one place, all oncology patients are treated only in oncology institutions, it has already been proven in serious foreign studies that in an oncology hospital, the results are an order of magnitude better than in the general medical network, everyone understood this, they are trying to restore it, but this is not so easy to do, it requires...
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thanks to government support , several government programs were carried out in the field of oncology to re-equip our system, thanks to which we received the most state-of-the-art equipment, and in all oncology institutions and oncology centers, republican and dispensaries, everything you could want, including the pet center for positron emission tomography a unique molecular genetic laboratory.
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a sense of proportion, because this is taken away from other branches of medicine, so as not to leave the rest without maintenance, so we get everything, but only what is needed, without excess, but cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, in many countries, there are already more than thirty such countries, cancer has come out on top, overtaking cardiovascular diseases, thanks to the development of cardiology, that is, cardiologists. due to its successes, it increases the workload on oncologists, the duration of life, and cancer is still a disease that favors older people. therefore , the better cardiologists work, the greater the incidence of malignant neoplasms. okay, well, here’s the last one from the list that i
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outlined, and people’s attitudes have changed dramatically. i have already said that before cancer, the word cancer was forbidden. why? because the chances of recovery were quite low, less than 20% of people recovered. and earlier, if only a temporary example, it was when something like this was shown. everyone knew if a person died from cancer, neighbors, relatives, everyone or in the village, the whole village knew, but if he was cured, then no one talked about it, it was considered, maybe it was shameful, or maybe people didn’t want to be pitied,
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artists, politicians talk about how they defeated cancer, were cured, this evokes respect from people, at the same time it removes this fear, if he was cured, why can’t i, well, besides, we actively promote our successes, we live in a unique time with by you when cancer is due to an absolutely fatal disease is becoming chronic, you know, in fact, you and i, i won’t say that we are doing comparable work.
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tell me, what are you and i going to cook today? today you and i will be preparing a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be sprinkle rolls with a sea cocktail. tell us that we are having a champion for breakfast today, and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, this will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty, we can’t wait to get started, we will help you choose the ingredients to make the first meal delicious and useful... solely on the variety,
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the pod itself must be intact without any signs of dents, let's not forget about the invigorating exercises, we stand, clasp our hands, lift them up, lean forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little. for 40 years we studied together, we asked him about one particular operation named after our capital, yes, but still this operation is your know-how, but how
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did you manage to fit minsk into the history of world oncology? we are talking about an operation that was called minsk-koln pouch, spider is reservoir, a rather difficult group of patients suffering from bladder cancer, how... yes , removing it is a simple matter, but what to do is removing the bladder, but then? at that time, in the nineties , the ureters were brought out to the skin, tubes were placed, and the urine was constantly collected in some kind of bags, or transplanted into a continuous intestine, as a result , a person recovered from cancer, then he began to suffer from all sorts of inflammatory diseases, the infection gets through the tubes or from the intestines it enters the kidneys, yeah. nephritis postural insufficiency within one or two years, most often these patients died precisely from postural insufficiency, and so, at that
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time, operations were developed. artificial bladder, when from a section of the intestine, about a meter long, a reservoir was formed like a soccer ball, i can compare something, this reservoir was sewn to the urethra, the ureters were transplanted there, in general it was all designed to improve the quality of life of patients, but it turned out that this was the topic of my doctoral dissertation, we operated there are a lot of such people, this is a very difficult operation, they used to take about 8-9 hours, one operation, now they are performed much faster, because the same team, everyone knows the movement of their colleague, no need for unnecessary words pronounce, and we do it in 3-4 hours, well, that is, already automatically, automatically, and we trained a lot of people in our republic, in all oncology institutions it is performed abroad, including a lot of our colleagues
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who came from... yeah, so it turned out that the life expectancy of these patients dramatically increases by three or even four times precisely due to the fact that they do not die from complications of an inflammatory nature, we went further in this regard and developed an operation for those who still have damage to the urethra, this is an even more difficult operation, of course, usually called by the name of the surgeon, yeah.
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and then we decided to call minsk-koln spider, and this operation entered the literature with that name, although some of my students in mostly eastern countries call it the red operation, i don’t mind, to be honest, after all, scientists, like artists , also need recognition, you can rest assured, yes, this is for public people, this is extremely important, here is another direction, because... patients used to have spinal tumors, yes, they were practically immobilized, well they saved lives in this way, but as in the case of the example you gave, the quality was clearly not the best, today such patients can get back on their feet, such patients are really great sufferers, and before it was a hopeless situation, dramatic changes have occurred since organization in our center
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of the department of vertebrology, this is... an entire department dedicated to the treatment of primary tumors of the spine and metastatic ones, and now the situation has really changed, significantly changed for the better, these patients are operated on, various fixing operations are performed, stabilizing the spine, up to the replacement of entire vertebrae, there are prosthetic vertebrae, all this, by the way, belarusian production is organized and fixed...
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different from what it was 10 years ago, i immediately apologize for, perhaps, questions, which for an experienced doctor are so amateurish, but still i can’t help but ask what these killer cells are, which , according to rumors, are now inspired by belarusian science, we are talking about the so-called cell therapy card, a very complex technology, if you allow, i’ll talk about it in detail i won’t tell you about it,
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then outside the body they are genetically modified in such a way that so-called chimeric or artificial receptors appear on their surface, perceiving specific receptors. on tumor cells, in this case we are talking about cd-19 of these receptors for lymphomas, yeah, thanks to these receptors - tylymphocytes recognize tumor cells, kill them, which means, not outside the body in test tubes, in fact, these modified ones, i would call them universal soldiers, specific killers, multiply in huge quantities, up to 50 to 100 million. pieces are injected back into the patient, not only do they begin to multiply already in the body, but they also rush to specific tumors , lymphoma cells, sede 19 positive, begin to destroy them, this is where it happens
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massive immune reaction resuscitation specialists enter the fight, why? because this condition is very similar to the cytokine storm with covid. the main thing is to save the patient at this moment, so that these immune cells do not kill him, this is a very complex technology, it cannot be performed on the fly, as they say, a team of doctors, chemotherapists, doctors, resuscitators, and, if necessary, must work very harmoniously surgeons, the technology was developed jointly by three organizations, rnpology... rnp pediatric oncology, hematology, immunology, and institute of biorganic chemistry, national academy of sciences. to date, the results have simply impressed us, the effectiveness of this
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method, 88% of complete cure, complete and 12% partial, significant prolongation of life. let me remind you that we are talking about dying patients, where... the effectiveness of chemotherapy has been exhausted; no other treatment methods exist; such analogs exist abroad ; in highly developed countries, the cost of treating one patient is about 5,000 euros, but in our republic belarus thanks to the use our original technology. russians of all reagents are 55,000, so accordingly for an oncology patient it is free, this is the cost for a foreigner, naturally this price attracts foreigners, they have already flocked to the republic of belarus, how long
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has this technology existed? for several years we have two-year results, by the way, we carried out it completely by accident at the insistence of the patient himself, such treatment is perfect for the primary patient, as we say, well, maybe it’s... to carry out such treatment, it was carried out, it was quite difficult to tolerate, but nevertheless all the tumor foci disappeared completely, now six months have passed, the patient is healthy. okay, what types of cancer
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does this technology work on? so far only leukemia and lymphoma. the fact is that other types of tumors are much more complex; it is difficult to find this very antigen that will be affected. lymphocytes, this antigen must be present in all tumor cells, until this has not been done, uh-huh, sergey anatolyevich, i know that people who can afford to have operations in the most advanced oncology centers in the world, and they do it in belarus even on the brain, and not only those operations that you say, but why is this the choice they have: belarus, yes , despite all the reputation. which they are trying to create for us, and what new has appeared in this area for us? about 2.5-300 foreigners come to belarus every year in the field of oncology, every year,
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every year, yes, this in no way interferes with the treatment of our domestic patients, well, for example, at the republican scientific and practical center for oncology we treat about 30,000, yeah, patients every year, of which ... foreigners, that is, 10% - this is not so much, but why do they come? value for money is business as usual, quality is for them. for them, of course, the quality is very high, the price is reasonable , that’s why they come, but i will add one more thing, this is the attitude of belarusians, belarusians are very hospitable and friendly people, they treat patients differently, they are compassionate, they are russian speakers, which is also important for neighboring countries, so i i think that collectively this is what attracts foreign patients to us, although not only because...
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it is very difficult and difficult to treat, there is such a blood-brain barrier, our immune system cells do not penetrate through this barrier and do not destroy brain cells, this is a specially created system during evolution, but in addition, this barrier does not allow drugs to pass through, so all antitumor drugs either do not penetrate the brain at all, or penetrate very poorly into insufficient... concentration age is of particular importance
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age does not have, but at the same time the treatment results are very bad, and there are many examples when famous people who have all the possibilities for treatment in the best clinics did not achieve the effect, that is , freeskiing, khovorostovsky, this is all absolutely true, everything is rumor, yes , regarding the brain tumor, what changes have appeared? first, we now have topical medications that can be used during surgery. we now have, by the way, belarusian-produced medicines, and we now have neuroimaging capabilities. it’s a very difficult word, and you can’t always pronounce it even the first time. what it is? we can use magnetic resonance imaging to identify vital centers. and not to use them during the operation,
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not to damage them, this is very important for maintaining the quality of life after treatment, then we have the opportunity to perform endoscopic operations when a large incision is not made, for example, through a small incision above the eyebrow, which will not even be visible, it is possible to remove a tumor using endoscopic technology, unique just radiation therapy technologies.
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but also the brain. the name of which gemstone is used to represent a series of major athletics tournaments? alyona. diamond. diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was the first. it stands for english premier league. undoubtedly. according to the rules of the game, participants must go through four periods, answering difficult questions. what is the chief's name?
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until 2020, we tried to compare all the time, yes, in what way does belarus keep up with western medicine, now it’s true, finally it feels like we understand, we ourselves understand that we can and should think about what we have succeeded in even in relation to our neighbors, including highly developed countries
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in the field of medicine, yes, is it possible to somehow compile this into a general form and designate it? a unique result at minimal cost to obtain maximum survival and lowest mortality, therefore, in almost all areas of oncology, treatment results in the republic of belarus are in no way inferior to highly developed countries of the world, we are not we will call it which, but i will give only
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one example, the same bladder cancer , among the countries with the lowest mortality from this disease, the republic of belarus in the eighteenth year reached three... it was believed that it does more harm than good, based on studies that turned out to be, to put it mildly, falsified, so we conducted screening for breast cancer, studied its effectiveness, starting in 2011 and
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were under severe pressure from the world health organization and international cancer research agency, they demanded... so they threatened us with sanctions if we didn’t stop, but then alexander grigoryevich lukashenko intervened again and said that sanctions are not your concern, you do your job and
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work calmly, and thanks to this, thousands of human lives were saved in the republic, these are... quite young men, while the results of the world were recently published, hundreds of thousands of additional deaths due to the cessation of screening programs, as a result of which the european union made a decision in the eighteenth year to resume screening programs for cancer of the presiding gland and recommended that all countries take up this process, the republic of belarus was ahead of the planet , all the experience of belarus played this year, of course, of course the experience of belarus played.
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certain types of important western medicines, including for the treatment of children, now this problem, how acute has it become as a result of sanctions? in the meantime, this problem has not become acute, but even sometimes it is difficult to imagine what pathological thoughts can arise in people’s heads in order to deprive medicines for cancer patients, but i can give an example, it concerned forms of morphine, when the uk refused to supply, thank god that we purchased quite a lot in advance with a large reserve, we managed... to hold on for a certain period, and then our russian colleagues got involved, they began to produce significantly more, and there were no problems with this, but
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imagine, cancer patients who suffer from pain would lose this painkiller, well, this is just a terrible situation, but theoretically this could happen with some of the medicines, because it is impossible to produce everything completely at home, well, no country can, probably no one country can. allow, so i really hope that some other logistics schemes will be established , at least for now there are no such problems, but nevertheless, we need to think about drug safety, what can be produced must be produced at home or in friendly countries, well, okay, but how does everyone look at this problem, it’s inhumane, it’s inhumane, but not modest they are silent, well, somehow this didn’t surprise me very much, right? now, if we move a little away from oncology, sergei anatovich, what do you personally consider a cancerous tumor in modern
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society? a very good question, an interesting one, but i would say that the gradual elimination of family values ​​is such an imperceptible process that, oddly enough, occurs gradually in developed countries of the world. parents are forbidden to raise their children as they see fit; the child can simply be taken away from the family if the parents force him, for example, to study at school. to by the age of fourteen, these children become completely uncontrollable, and the parents themselves begin to abandon them, sending them to the appropriate institutions that raise these children, even if the state takes care of them, but... naturally, such children will never take care of their parents, about some i’m generally silent about things
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, for example, it’s not even difficult for me to imagine being called parent number one, well, yes, so that my child or grandson, at the age of 3-5 years, determines what gender he is, what he wants to be, yes, yes, boy or girl. the roman empire, remember the biblical sodom and as many examples as you like, remember the great
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gomorrah, well, the end is still in sight, but the treatment is complex, like in oncology , everyone must participate here at the family level, at school, by the way, you can’t blame everything on the school, it’s not will cope on its own, and public organizations, of course, at the state level , if there are no corresponding... political laws, then there will be no sense, you know, you touched on such a topic, you can talk about it endlessly, but i’m true for a sane person, especially doctor, yes, there is one someone other than a man and a woman, what other options could there be, well, you communicate, including foreign ones with world stars, and from medicine, they think about it, but this is nonsense for... and you know, when with them , by the way, it was with the experts of the international agency for research on cancer
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, you talk one on one, everything is fine, everyone is normal, absolutely right, also, screening of the cancerous gland, one on one they say one thing, when there is an official discussion, then completely different, that is, by and large, they are simply afraid that they will be pecked, absolutely right, you know, this is what scares me, because even those pollsters who themselves are for... yes, but he is not the last, we, let us continue our conversation in saturday, early in the morning. the
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television news agency is presented in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people!
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rolls and loaves are baked so that we do not know the fear of hunger, and bread becomes light and familiar to us, the artel field is called a green workshop, happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread per day is faster on...
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now they are actively in development, starting with both ground-based unmanned vehicles and airborne ones, agrodrones and other equipment. complex things, in simple terms. most recently , scientists released the fourth volume of the flora of belarus publication. it included 34 species of plants that world science did not know about before the research of our scientists.


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