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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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only kalgasny harmony with a high culture of agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitskaya region to develop such rich wealth. the ganus experimental station will dismantle the michuryn methods and the rural gas reserve, and grow new crops. the exhibitions were opened in the holy city of kalgas.
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science plays, what happens if you combine the work of farmers and innovation? now they are actively in development, starting with both ground-based unmanned vehicles and aerial ones, agricultural drones and other equipment, complex things in simple terms language, just recently scientists released the fourth volume of the publication of the flora of belarus, it included 34 species of plants, about which world science, before research on...
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gety zamak urazhvae not luxurious, but ascetic. the adzins in belarus are adnified to the castle of kastel, impregnable and great. in 1422, menavita celebrated the holy day on a grand scale in honor of the young karal yagaila and the 17-year-old princess sophia of galshchanskaya. over the hours, the drilled scenes of the castle became increasingly intense for... the concerts, in the winter the ice was poured in, and in the fall, here , in the fall, they showed kinastuzhki, gave rightly knightly fests, tournaments, and exhibitions. chargovy point of our
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cultural life - diligent and eternal youth of the city of lida, i follow the plans! in paledze, i walk not behind the arches, but with the issued tour guides. let me remind you that we are here at the edge of the market area. unique attributes. panyamonne, who would have been lucky enough to take care of it, let me tell you, this is the most valuable thing, neither the duck nor the basics. dze tsesna, there's a pain, the quarters are terrible from the 60s, i promise. rubber tires were purchased in store, they brought rubber tires in a basket.
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and that’s my friend vandrounik. this sculpture by the author uladzimir shbanav was called by the meat people “commanders” and they look like they have a shiny nose. zgodna z myaschovay. the traditional nose pit of the need for a heart, if the health does not fall, and the gadzinnika dakranatstsa, if you would be punctual, and the bronze charavika and the wealth. well , i need to hold the hand of the dachshund, so that i can give you new valuable knowledge, darechs, i have such a budze, all and sundry, local experts and tour guide mikalay yoda. mikalay, you are kind. zen! nadzeya, the lords are glad to welcome you to our great city, but we know that you have completed another tradition, you need to throw the abavyazkova pit all at the geta vyalizna chamadan a small shifter, so that abavyazkova will return to our city once again, kali weasel, oh, jakuy, now geta and we’ll work, well, that’s it
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, that’s it, if you work, you’ll sooner or later have cities by cities, that’s all. mikalay, we threw the shifter, as soon as we got here in the capital city, and all the ice is brighter, well, we know, of course, at the lida castle, we know, but it’s even brighter than the admetnaga is there any way to talk to lida? and lida is a great city, and she is old, and even younger. well , on the contrary, the inquisitive sennya garadzhan, dze znahodzitsa dzyakanka, or takhtamysha in the yard, no one...
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a pack of 20 years ago, it is so scattered around the city, but if you know where it is and what you look at, it’s just a joke . lida velma tsikava is in this sense of the city, where there are at least three dates of recognition, and the whole world is declaring the olympics in muskva. we celebrated the 600th anniversary of the nashaga tsudounaga city, geta was in 1980. there is a date of 1180, the year from which such archaealgic excavations were discovered, where in the territory of the park there are known ceramic excavations and jump-
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cut excavations of 12 centuries. the latest official date is the year 1323, as soon as the foundation of the litskaya castle began, and the roof there was discovered. in 1980, we celebrated the year 600, and this year, in 23rd year , we already have 7 centuries, so all of us in 2019 would be tired of the memory of the prince of the city, prince gedymin, and sergei agan. ў і volkha nyachai. mikalay, so, we have passed, you said that this great thing is extraordinary, tsikavay months, i ’m here, of course, shmat dreў, and would have been
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a park, yashche ў for the 20th century, this place was called a dzekanka, so, and ў 14th stagodzi. 14-15 this was called takhtamysha 's yard, the menavita here lived khan takhtamysh, if they were asked to the authorities, all the bachytse, some kind of transformation, the first of takhtamysha's yard, tending the dzikanka, and at the same time just all the same nevyalichka park kala rivers lidzeyki. nasamrech vos geta vos dance, so, geta sertsa davennaga city, sirtsa - geta market flat, of course, this is the replacement of all social networks at that time, now this flat of lenin, and this was the house of the aficer, now this school
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is located, and behind these little buildings, in this year , archaealgic excavations have opened, and we look at them the same way, well, what are you... the market square , what is it, the first find that was mined here, this is the key, and all the archaeologies seem to be this key - this is the truth that lida’s hellish secrets were handed down to the people i. how are you bachytse, snoidzen padmurak, snoidzen rashtki of the wrong oven, not that's why, the quality of the product is known, but it's all crushed, the size of the ceramic all these cups, and there's such a thought that there's a ceramic lava behind everything here. and they were wondering about this thing, and all this pasture was being trampled. mikalay, we
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know each other in the park, are they different? so. so, this is a different park, moreover , this is a park like pasajans in the 70s. the geta of the city was called vygan. well, what is vygan, tlumachyts is not required, there is pascott. and everything here, at the 30th bastard, was drunk. rushanne publish the ladies for the garad church, and the whole of this former house of the elders, the other on the ўspamіnakh garadzhan, acres of houses , acres of a shed for the servants, there is a famous swimming pool, a 25-metre swimming pool, yayulyaetse, you have lost bastards in this sky, people come here and swim , and no one zabaranya, the pain of the geta was peroroblena ўzho ў palace pіyanerў. and at the same time this garad zaks, menavita here
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zakhanya stanovyatstsa hella this way, this month, dze not only fayna all spatsyravatsya breathing fresh winds, but also nasalodzhvatstsa budynkas a packet of 20 hectares. jakui to you for such an incredible excursion to lidze. this is only a small kavalachak that is possible in lidzei ubachytsya. there i'm a gentleman, did you throw the shifter? of course. you and i have talked more than once, and my knowledge has been shared more than once. to lida, i will be very glad to see you. jakui! kali weasel! and we are immediately aware of the ardent administration of the litsk land and the white-eyed weaving of the towel.
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marina, good day, good people, i know that you have unique looks, as they call it correctly? change the process of construction whitewashing
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the salayan custom began on the 19th and 20th centuries. our masters succeeded in completely changing these technologies and in 2018 , 10 technologies were included in the list of intangible-cultural decline of belarus. well, the father of our masters has not passed away, and the yana are still wondering about this sunny day. many things are being learned, many things are being studied. white-eyed weaving, it’s all the same for the rushnik, but what other things can be done? the name itself is white-eyed, it’s very palatial, it’s also very patterned. malyunak on our panyamon handbrake could have been, but muggle might not have been killed. they gave the patterned baby, not great important meanings. the ward itself, it was already too bad. folded and textured this linen thread and
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all this here is a lot of this fluffy paper well, this is the most beautiful building, all these joys, what kind of things are here for us the dachshunds have carved out for this weaving? these joys have been extracted for my dear father, i am crying, what a great nobleman like the whole world, what a sacrifice for... rightly we call this joy the little things, everything is simple, everything is simple, and these joys have been extracted menavita, let's finish. yak valasy, yak valas, all of us are a big loom, i call these looms red, uh-huh, on the very right, there are many different parts and different names, if the threading of such a loom was required for two days, at the same time the white-eyed weaving is refueled, this will ze kalіstі
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ruknik, mіne tsikavіts pratses , what am i asking for, well, of course, dear caress, i’m asking. marya, i left you, i told you, i told you, i told you, what a slave. so, for the sake of it, since we have a lot of time at our daughter’s house, we need to drop our daughter so that we can get out of sight, we send the nearest one here so that we can get some sleep. earth, so, vos yon, further, we take a cup of tea and throw it away, so, hop, here we extract it, so, so, let’s look at the thread, the doshka at...
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just like that, some kind of fitness i have here is trying. yeah, so let me tell you, please, come here closer, don’t worry about anything, and let’s go. let's take a break. i’ve worked here how much, how much i’ve worked, and how much i’ve struggled. well, well, this is just a few millimeters, since there is a lot of demand for such weaving. great quality of time and great quality of perseverance. mary, thank you for such troubles maystar class kudos to you for embracing all these traditions and implementing them, discovering new ways, like this robot. well, such a simple handbrake, but it’s all the same, and there are so many important forces involved
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that this hundred things are chestnut and unbelievable. and i’m moving further away from my cultural background. gets were published ў kantsy 18, pachatku 19 stagodzyaў. geta cathedral of st. archangel michael. pershapatchatkova geta was kascel of the order of piyar. pennies for my future 5 thousand rubles are owned by the russian emperor himself pavel i. pobach z kascelam mestsilya korpus monastery i zvanitsa. magnificent fire, which is the health of the city in 1842,
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the cult of pabudova. the temple was completed only on the 20th year. at the 20th. stagodzhi here would know the cascel, the pains of the savetsky planetary clock and the regional museum. in 1996, they were transferred to the rightful faithful, the planetary liquidators, the regional museum was creating a new law. i'm looking at the litsk history and art museum and not in the car, but because of this nostalgic... we are moving at the same time in the 60th year, zgadzitsya, the magic is unique! tazziana, good zen! good zen! i know that you have a great, grandiose expression that
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we can transfer to the past, right now i’m telling you. the entrance area, this is the entrance area, we see mailboxes, a family at the exit to the street, according to the museum legend in the apartment that we will visit. there’s a family living, two adults, a wife, a husband, three children, a baby and two children and schoolchildren, and now you and i can
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do some things together, yes, well, let’s immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of the sixties, so we traditionally in the hallway, in an apartment of the sixties the hallway is very small, we have it too, uh, here are street shoes, clothes, pay attention to galoshes, goloshas, ​​that’s right, in the sixties - these were the main shoes for both men and women, and women’s the shoes could have been like this, you could have put them on together with a high-heeled shoe, now i invite you to the kitchen, uh-huh, oh, well, there’s a dachshund here...
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just look at how he looks like you bastards, geta saprauda ўnіkalnaya magchymasts . i'm lying there yashche on the sofa the hours are good, my grandmother had meetings, there and i wanted, so of course, guessing the fall, and so all the yans were all heard at once, and why, there are so many hundred behind me, all the same, what? the answer, here it is, where we see a wax seal, it was a box for long-distance shipments by mail,
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the so-called postal item, and what we see here is that it could be sent, well, for example, for a small child, yes, socks, and eight geta, what is jumping, as a gift to one of the family members for a watch, an anniversary. robinhood,
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a fairy-tale hero , who, it seems to me, personified, was in every family, he was a good-natured man, a fighter for justice, he was strong, well, for example, we have such a wonderful dress made of strong clothes, there are linen dresses, but they dared... came
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a material that , unfortunately, was not environmentally friendly, but was wear-resistant, very bright, you guessed what i mean, crimplen, yeah, well, for example, so tight, they were very bright, very wear-resistant, these dresses were of all imaginable and inconceivable inflorescences,
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this is how i might have looked in the 60s. how popular is your exhibition? this is one of the most visited exhibitions in our museum; people even return here more than once, bringing their friends and acquaintances. this is nastalgy. nostalgia for very open human, simple human relationships. also the memory that things keep, the wonderful memory of years when people were a little kinder to each other, perhaps more attentive. tatsyan, thank you for bringing us through such an atmospheric past. and thank you.
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it turned out that there was a cultural increase in lydia. prisoners are asked i visited hell and learned excursions to the centers of the old city. tsikava had learned about the great tradition of white-haired weaving panyamonnya. at the centers of culture and folk art, traditions are told and unique weaving techniques are demanstrued. and the history-making museum not only provides personal knowledge and current affairs of the region, but also the museum-like hall of khrushchowk from the 1960s. at that hour, the trees were dry. lida besprechna varta uvagі, i ўpeўena, cultural vandroўnіk hell city found and captured.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise. and will lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
12:00 pm


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