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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 2:40pm-3:00pm MSK

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russian literature. name the work based on which director leonid gaidai made the film incognito from st. petersburg. blue-green? no, it's not. alexander? inspector. inspector. whose auditor? i do not remember. this is not necessary. gogol, of course, is gogol. the correct answer is auditor. well, friends, i know all four rounds of the intellectual show. behind us it remains to understand who is the winner of today's game, our dear computer will help us with this, attention to the screen, alexa, one point, one point elisha, that's six fighters of the zhuralelny wings, yes, you see, there is such a 5.7 with the result olla-la, overweight by only one point, 37:36, wins today.
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alexander, this applause sounds in your honor, thank you for the game, elisha, but you see everything for yourself, only one point was missing, which means that somewhere you clicked a little later, and somewhere you didn’t realize and didn’t answer that's right, in any case, an amazing game, thank you for it, all the best, i'll start with six fighters, you still can't get over it, i can't, but irina vasilievna knew that you choose this particular category, but of course i was very upset, you yourself were upset , well, yes, a little, i forgot why, i don’t know, but i want excitement, tell me about your impressions, well, i’m very glad that i made it to the third round, are you happy you’re proud of yourself, yes, i’m very pleased with myself, but of course it’s a pity that i didn’t win, just one point, one badge.
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and it so happened that well done, smart elisha, well, great, you see how you need to believe in our guys, but emotions are also very important, i congratulate you, get ready for the super final, i i’m really looking forward to seeing you personally, now i’m going to the main site to congratulate alexander, the game is over, it’s time to reward , congratulate the winner, we’re giving you this...
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a wonderful bouquet, please accept it, thank you very much, well, the game has come to an end, now you can fully share your impressions, alexander, how did you really like it, i’ll be waiting for the super final , thank you, ilona vasilievna, i know you were very worried about alexander, now you can express all your emotions, i’m very happy for my student, sash, i’m very i'm proud of you i’m very happy with our cooperation with you in general, i sincerely believe that you will show yourself just as wonderfully in the super final as you did... today, thank you, today we learned the name of the third ninth grader, whom we will definitely see in the super final, we wish him good luck in the future competitions, let's say thank you to all the other players for a good game. it was an intelligent show, i know. in the next program we will continue to get acquainted with the most erudite high school students in our country. see you later, bye. meaning what
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quantities were first approximately determined by the danish astronomer roemer? i answered option b: the distance from the earth to the sun, do you know this distance? to be honest, i won’t say now, you can just answer a lot, and that will also be true, enough.
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talking about russian painting of the early 20th century, considering it without connection with the cultural heritage left by outstanding masters, is as pointless as starting to read from the last pages the world-famous works of war and peace or evgeniy anegin. russian painting of the early 20th century - it is the legacy of illustrious masters that is. as a strong link between generations of today and those long gone into the depths of centuries , we are at the national art museum of the republic of belarus, where a new exhibition project is presented, these are works of famous authors in the field of fine arts, the beginning of the 20th century, what a silver age it is in
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the history of russian culture, we will tell and let's show you, alina nevoina is with you, and this is a fashion for culture. national art museum of belarus. is the largest repository of works of fine art and decorative and applied arts in the republic of belarus, the permanent exhibition presents the most valuable works of belarusian, russian and foreign painting, sculpture, graphics and decorative and applied arts. to date, their number in all collections and funds is about 33,000 items from more than 132 countries and about 12 centuries from... the history of mankind. an exhibition of the arkhips and masters of the union of russian artists has opened in the main cultural treasury of belarus. a new exhibition project is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of his birth outstanding artist, painter abraham efimovich arkhipov and the 120th anniversary of
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the founding of the union of russian artists. a wide anniversary exhibition recreates the artistic atmosphere of the exhibitions of the union of russian artists, which... united almost all the major figures of russian fine art of the early 20th century. these are those famous masters whose work deeply reflected the spiritual life of the era and was invariably associated with the search for the original beauty and originality of russia, works of painting and graphics presented at the exhibition sculptures from the collection of the national art museum of the republic of belarus will introduce the viewer to the creative heritage of more than thirty. distinguished masters of russian fine art, the exhibition is complemented by rare publications of the early 20th century , catalogs of exhibitions of the association. its curator alla vasilevskaya will tell you more about the exhibition project. alla gennadievna, good
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afternoon. good afternoon. the national art museum of the republic of belarus is hosting a new exhibition project by arkhipov and the masters of the union of russian artists. tell me how did the preparation for the exhibition take place? and what are its main accents? the exhibition is a traditional anniversary one, it is dedicated to two anniversaries, this is the 160th anniversary of the birth of abram efinovich arkhipov, an outstanding master of painting, a representative of the moscow school of painting, we have a wonderful collection of his works and the 120th anniversary of the founding of one of the largest exhibition associations in the history of russian artistic culture of the first quarter of the 20th century, the union of russian artists, and of course... within the framework of this for such a wide exhibition anniversary project, we tried to recreate the atmosphere of the wonderful exhibitions of the union of russian artists, to recreate the spirit of showing the work of the most characteristic representatives of the most characteristic work. this exhibition project
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brought together various types of fine art, including painting, sculpture, graphics, who are these famous masters? presented at the exhibition. more than thirty artists, masters, to be precise, then these are 36 artists, of course, works are presented. the work of the outstanding painter arkhipov stands out among other masters of the union of russian
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artists, what is its uniqueness for the world of fine art? the uniqueness of this master’s creative method in general is that he is certainly a magnificent painter, a master painter, and we focus on this particular feature of his work.
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lecture on the work of abramavich arkhipov, the second hall, in general, is mainly devoted to landscape in the work of the union of russian artists, the third hall, one part is dedicated peasant theme and passion for history, mythology, which was also characteristic of the uh masters of the union, and the fourth hall is partially dedicated to such estate themes in the works of artists. and a small section of the exhibition is dedicated to the work of st. petersburg artists of the circle of the world
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of art, who also joined the union of russian artists in 1903. the exhibition is complemented by rare publications from the early 20th century. tell me, what kind of publication is this? well, first of all, these are illustrated catalogs of the union of russian artists from the collections of the national library belarus. and i must say that their catalogs of this exhibition association are national. there are only three in the library , all of them are presented in our exhibition, also presented in the exhibition are such rare brochures, a series of brochures, paintings on russian history, a number of the fact is that a number of artists of the union worked on this publication, created paintings, a number of works that presented at the exhibition are exhibited for the first time; this is, of course, a unique sculpture by vrubel. mask of the sea king and two landscapes, one by mikhail pyrin, the bank of the volga, and
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landscape by boris nisfeld, a landscape with rocky islands in karelia, which are exhibited after the necessary restoration. alla gennadievna, you are an employee of the museum’s research and collection department. tell us how you manage to work with such a variety of exhibits and how the selection generally takes place, so that you present some exhibits for public viewing. and others are waiting for their finest hour, well, of course, first of all we look at the state of preservation of the works, and a number of works for exhibitions, of course, go through necessary conservation and restoration. the 19th century is called the golden age in the history of russian fine art, the beginning of the twentieth - the silver age. why is that? this period of the first quarter of the 20th century is a true spiritual renaissance in all spheres of the national.
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benoit said that the highest art always remains a mystery, probably the secret of beauty, and the desire to know this beauty, of course, attracts the viewer. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time
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for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and excite. mood, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project ether 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries has gone down in history. russian culture called the silver age. this is a time of creative upsurge and renewal in all spheres of national culture. a whole galaxy comes into artistic life outstanding masters of fine art. abram arkhipov, konstantin korovin, valentin sirov, mikhail vrubel, philip malyavin, papolliny vosnetsov and many others.
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the spirit of this is fully embodied in the works of these outstanding masters. interesting time. one of the largest artistic groups of this period is the union of russian artists, which was founded in 1903 and existed until 1923. during the existence of the creative organization , she took part in its eighteen exhibitions. just under 200 masters, from vasily ivanovich surikov to kuzma sergeevich petrov votkin. exhibitions are invariably exciting. interest of the public, received positive reviews and were a significant event in the cultural life of both capitals. “everything that is strongest and best in our art is usually combined here,” noted the outstanding art critic and writer pavel pavlovich muratov. in the broadest sense, the exhibitions of the union of russian artists were
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an annual review of contemporary russian art. creative search for masters representing the association. in different fields of fine art had a significant influence on the further development of russian art of the twentieth century. beauty is in the eye of the beholder - this now popular phrase belongs to the irish poet and writer oscar wilde. contemplating something unusual, beautiful and original, a person develops his taste, broadens his horizons, and at the same time receives aesthetic pleasure. expand. your horizons, fill yourself with a sense of beauty, follow fashion trends in the cultural life of our country. alina nevoina was with you, remember, being cultural is fashionable, see you in a week, until new cultural meetings.
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