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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 6:35pm-7:06pm MSK

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department of parasitology of the vitebsk state academy of veterinary medicine, for 50 years now i have been participating in the training of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, in the field of technology, thereby ensuring food security of the state.
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we have almost a hundred-year history of the academy; training of veterinary doctors began in 1924 after the opening of the vitebsk veterinary institute. for many. for years, our academy has been the only educational institution for training veterinarians, well, since 193 animal science. on november 4, 2024, our academy turns 100 years old, during this period it has turned into a large educational, scientific and production center that trains graduates in four specialties, today 95% of veteran professionals
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of the republic of belarus are our graduates. today, many heads of enterprises, ministries, departments are also our graduates. and over these years of existence , more than 30 co-academies have graduated. and they work not only in the republic of belarus, but in many countries around the world. for example, today we have students from 18 countries study. today the academy employs more than 280 teachers. 16 of them are included. scientists of our country, today the academy is not only located in vitebsk, we have two branches, pinsk rechitsy, we have an agricultural college, which is located in the village of luzheston. today , the academy has a total of more than 3,000 full-time students and about 1,500 part-time students. the studies began with students; in the first year there were only 100 of them and 11 teachers. they were all placed in the main
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building in a former land bank , but over the years of its existence the academy has grown, we have seven dormitories, six academic buildings, an excellent library with the best collection on veterinary medicine and animal husbandry in belarus, and a number of other industrial buildings, this is our latest construction, this is an educational building. .. laboratory building, a six- story building, this is our long- term construction, i would like to take this opportunity to emphasize what it means that only thanks to the intervention of our president alexander grigoryovich lukashenko it was possible to put this into operation in a timely manner building, for this and for which we thank him once again from our team, from myself personally, in those years i was in the leadership of the academy, i know how
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difficult it was to build, my working day begins with the fact that i go to the department, look, is everything in order with us , there are classes further on the schedule, i give lectures or practical classes, i work with students, advanced training, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel - this is sacred for... doctor of sciences, professors, a very important point for all teachers, especially for professors, doctors of science, this is scientific research, this is the study of diseases and the development of new means of treating and preventing diseases. our holy spirit is the preparation of textbooks, the preparation of monographs, scientific articles, i have... i have 1010 scientific
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publications, more than 60 books written independently together with others 49. nine inventions, mainly related to new treatments, and partly new devices , equipment, we graduate general veterinary medicine doctors, train veterinary specialists in examination combat products of veterinary and sanitary doctors, in soviet times the only one in moscow trained veterinary and sanitary doctors, but we... when we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to strengthen control over the quality of livestock products, we opened a veterinary and sanitary faculty, and there from these highly specialized specialists, this is a very important profession in order for high-quality products to arrive on our table, we
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also train pharmaceuticals, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we have about ten specializations, children from the third year can choose for themselves, they want to become a biochemist, a toxicologist, a parasitologist, an obstetrician, we have all these specializations, and the children have the opportunity to receive additional education, we have organized 26 departments, most of the departments . there is also a social and humanitarian profile of special significance. all departments have collected material for practical training of students, starting from the department of anatomy, which occupies almost an entire building, and ending with special
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departments, such as our department, the department of obstetrics, therapy, surgery and so on. all these departments employ highly qualified specialists. students say: chemistry is difficult and difficult for us, it is a very interesting science, when you start telling them with a personal example, how we studied, what we taught, how it can be applied in the future under our profession, when we perform biochemical tests, we use everything methods that are used by
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all clinical laboratories, that is , when i told them that the same method is used to determine you in the laboratory, when you take a biochemical blood test and protein is determined and... goat and various other minerals , they become, well, interested. the most important task is the practical training of students, therefore , from the department of anatomy to the leading clinical departments, everywhere students work either with pathological material or with natural, living objects. we are in the anatomical building. there are two departments here, the department of animal anatomy and the department of animal physiology, this the fundamental departments, of which here it is in these educational research teams that the foundation of future specialists is laid.
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the trapezoid consists of a shiuna part , a thoracic part, there will be a shaped knife attached to it, i ’ve been abroad a lot , i haven’t seen such equipped chairs, to be honest with you, it’s mostly on dummies, but we try to have former living objects, this natural objects, naturally, all life begins from here. guys, whose rudiment any
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adult would envy, some of the russian writers time served as vice-governor? mikhail soltukov is shchedrin, but because he came from soltukovin. from a native family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question, option c, is leonid yes.
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perhaps, after us, people will come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in
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the life of a believer, people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were, to come into contact with the mother of god, this is such a living prayer here is happening, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the body , we are in the anatomical museum of our academy, here are models of... natural skeletons of many species of animals he collected , starting from the history
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of our academy, that is, almost a hundred-year period. in addition to this museum, we have five more museums according to the profile of each department, for example, the zaological museum, the parasitological museum, there is a museum pathoanatomical, where. museum exhibits with pathologies of internal organs have been collected, of course, this is a great help for the practical training of students, here we have rooms and many objects that are also the subject of study, and we often have to treat, especially at home, there are sore throats, etc. ..
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along with this, we opened scientific laboratories, opened clinics, now we have six clinics, where sick animals are received daily, both from farms and from individual owners, surgical clinic, this is an animal with patients with surgical diseases, obstetric, therapeutic... classes are going on pathologically, as soon as the animals arrive, students go to examine the animals,
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make a diagnosis, and, of course, provide medical care. we are located in the clinic of the department of internal non-contagious diseases, here you see a special room for keeping sick and healthy animals. animals entering the clinic undergo clinical examination, depending on the pathology, health, they are sent to certain rooms, where then... we continue the research , provide medical assistance if necessary, we begin teaching students knife objects slowly, measuring temperature, pulse, breathing, assessing the general clinical condition already in the second year, well, then the process becomes more complicated, third, fourth, fifth course, animals
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are admitted sick and, under the guidance of teachers, students provide assistance. if a student has cured an animal or it has begun to get better, improving its health, of course, is a great pleasure for students and they are gradually getting used to the fact that it is necessary to provide assistance to sick animals, now the students are examining. writes from the farm, the task is to determine their health, more or health, or something needs to be helped or nothing is required, i hear breathing, but absolutely excellent, thank you very much, thank you, we
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are at the department. therapy, now the department of surgery is located here, the animal is currently being prepared for surgery on internal organs. accordingly, we will remove the formation , remove it completely as much as possible according to the law of healthy people, sometimes if the operation is not difficult... they do it themselves; if it is difficult, then doctors or teachers do it. our clinics work from morning to evening, there are days off duty every day, and any citizen can seek advice or immediately bring a sick animal so that this or that pallet can be dealt with on the spot. it's a big deal for us when
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students work in the clinic and then go directly. to farms and there, therefore, they continue to deepen their knowledge, we have branches of departments in production, there are more of them twenty, this is the best of the farms, where there is a lot to learn, modern technologies, and so on, one of them is a mazologaz, where we go for practical training, practice methods, treat animals, if there is...
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a living organism, and one one of the important indicators of the heart is its borders, we did it on the one hand in order to make learning more active for students, on the other hand we transfer scientific developments there for the direct implementation of the economy, this greatly stimulates us in terms of assistance farms. we have groups of teachers assigned to each district of the vitebsk region. and specialists and heads of district farms have the opportunity to contact the group leader and invite them to come to the farm, provide assistance or advice, this is important. using a phonendoscope, we place it in the area of ​​the heartbeat
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and listen to the first tone, which sounds phonetically boo. the knowledge that i have received plays a lot here, and , of course, intuition, i have had to treat animals a lot in my life and... here it is worth the animal is looking at you, everything, and you think, what should we do with you and what hurts you?
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on the basis of the academy there is a scientific and research institute of applied veterinary medicine and biotechnology, the need for the institute arose for a number of reasons, one of them is the concentration of you...
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is the study of feed, well, sometimes our specialists from this institute go directly to the farm to assess even the microclimate in livestock premises in order to link the quality of feed, biochemical indicators in what conditions the animals kept, fed, and so on. we are in a biochemical laboratory. my grandson works here, he graduated from our academy , then completed his master's degree, and now
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he is mastering the instrumentation part in order to be useful to society, the academy is now the third generation , the granddaughter is studying in her third year, the grandson works at the ukrainian russian institute, the son graduated from veterinary medicine institute, my daughter graduated, well... she served that my wife is also an agrarian, she works at the department of animal husbandry, as one of the possible options for continuing her career, of course, i see one of the options as building a career as a scientist, and the development of veterinary medicine not only in our country, but on a global scale, well, i insist that he, of course, go into science, work on these... instruments, be useful for the academy, for society, and i want to note that i studied for all tens, in my opinion,
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he only got one nine for the entire course of study, so well, my grandfather tried too, i also graduated from the academy with honors, so i i think that vladimir ivanovich is a worthy person, my family has achieved certain achievements in the field of vi... the children see that we are doing useful things , they go to study, continue their studies.
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we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country, we are preparing, weaving, weaving , navigating with such morbidities, we are increasingly opening up the fascination of our country, we are straightening out on a new folklore-historical expedition, and we are following history and meat abrads, seemingly old people, not so old gods of people, but i forgot to give them dishes and can’t eat and jump, oh so.
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what is the principle: if you want it, take it, if you want your pumpkin to grow, go dig up the ground. glyadzice project by polishuki, on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. high city, according to chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century. there are many attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all. this is high and we begin to get acquainted.
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let's go on an exciting journey. by the way, there used to be several units in the city. water mills, provos, and a little later even electric mills appeared. a many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel. to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sina. shklova is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to idviga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program
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cities of belarus. on tv channel belarus 24. dear guys, dear students, i introduce myself as... the head of the department of parasitology, i was told that you are after college, so you have an introduction to parasitology, or you probably remember that the hardest science, i’m all time i say, learning parasitology is very difficult, almost impossible, but sometimes comedians come along and say that if they were able to study chinese, why don’t we study parasitology, we’ll study it. i
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want to tell you about myself, so that you can imagine , it means that i have been working at the academy for 50 years, on march 1 , 1973, i came as an ordinary teacher, an ordinary assistant, after graduating from the technical school, i worked for 2 years as a veterinary veterinary technician. pose, but then i came to the conclusion that my knowledge was still not enough, i needed to increase it, and i decided to enter the vitebsk veterinary school. after graduating from the academy, i worked on a suburban farm, but i was drawn to science, science suited me in all respects, so i moved to the position of teacher.


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