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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 23, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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is to set up our new young generation to preserve family values, to preserve marriage as a union between a man and a woman and the family as the basis of the nation, and we must remember that, of course , the health of mothers and children is key to the health of the nation, but there is also question: it seems to me that many girls today think that it is quite difficult for us to combine motherhood and a career. in your opinion, is this really so? well, today, it seems to me, the state is taking a lot of measures, which allow lovely ladies to be both successful mothers and successful in the profession, and today there are a lot of examples of this, and the state today is investing huge material resources, this... and state benefits for women
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registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks following the doctor’s recommendations, this includes prenatal maternity leave, as well as leave to care for a child up to 3 years old, flexible work schedules are also possible for mothers with small children, today there is both remote work and remote education, that is, in my opinion, today all kinds of conditions are provided in order to...
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well, thank you, venera semenchuk, deputy director for medical examination and rehabilitation of the republican scientific and practical center mother and child, answered the program’s questions. results, analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program, the main broadcast, all our projects. bi, as well as
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on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. hello, belarus 1 and satellite tv channel belarus 4 are on air, the club of editors, allow me, at the very beginning of our program, i will introduce the guests who came to our studio today on makedonka 9, studio 600 m. dmitriysanovich zhuk, head of the sb belarus holding, today olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of mtrk world of belarus, chairman of the belarusian union.
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happened, well, this is, in general, what they call emergency situations, yes, but in principle it’s a working moment, i then started to find out, i think, wait, this happens often, and then it turned out that this is the first time in russian cosmonautics for a long time, but at nasa they are not shy, their security systems are either so tough or something like that, i don’t know, they have some issues with launches, this happens quite often, i just, to be honest, like to follow it, the third one is a live
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broadcast of roscosmos, they have a whole channel , i watched a lot of spaceship launches, well, of course, it’s an amazing spectacle and the preparation for all this is especially interesting, our film crews in... there are a lot of materials working there, but yesterday the launch was automatically postponed, for today, here we’re talking to you at lunchtime, we know that alexander grigorievich lukashenko has already talked on the phone with the head of roscosmos , yuri borisov, and well, we hope everything remains in force, tomorrow at lunchtime there at 15 o’clock with something, the spaceship is still starts, marina vasilevskaya will fly into space, they say that... the journey will be longer, it will take several hours, three hours, it may take two days, but we are such specialists in this matter, but we need to wait for official confirmation, i’m looking at i think you can hear it, navitsky is already there, well, he started three times at once , the fourth, well, that’s for him, well, that happened, and
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for the american it’s the same, but for marina, of course, god willing, everything’s fine , an adventure, well, i’m for life, not only for her, she can handle it exactly, well, there’s nothing to deal with here. by the way, they just wrote to me from they write to me from baikanur, our journalists are working , they write to me, they also work there, there is naturally a connection, well, you can’t communicate with our cosmonaut, she’s in a great mood, you heard yesterday about bullet 66, in general, in such an environment a good athlete, therefore, but let’s hope that tomorrow everything will be fine there who is watching our program in the recording.
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because, firstly, this is a recognition that russia, no matter what mass satellites were launched, the americans, private companies, government programs, but there is no power that has advanced so far in space and is so high-tech, in this very complex, we don’t even understand how complex the industry is, to those who make jokes about russia, but this is one of the proofs that, well, in general scientifically underdeveloped.
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that hydrocarbons have become very expensive because of their brainless policies, these same
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liquefied gas that is brought from america by tankers, which is three to four times more expensive, will be even more expensive, because extracting it, the process of extraction and transportation itself, is not such as simply lifting it into a pipe, pumping it into a pipe, the entire economy of countries depends on it , so they are turning back, but in general , nuclear energy is more environmentally friendly than any other, where something is burned, gas. coal and so on and so forth and it’s just that there is no green policy in europe, there is a policy of adjusting its economy to please the united states, that is, this is not a green agenda, when you need to close your industrial enterprises, it means giving up russian gas, this is not a green agenda, we have a green agenda, we are looking at national interests, we are not closing enterprises, we are moving to new environmental standards where necessary, we are gradually developing electric transport, but we are not striking on our own, and there is a green agenda, the americans have imposed it, you refuse...
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billions of euros are thrown away, they cost and do not spin , but how to recycle the blades that are made from some component, recycle that is impossible, and the blades are huge , there are a lot of windmills, secondly, the engines that turn on what they work on are diesel the fuel that leaks simply flows into the ground, poisoning all the fields around , because these windmills create vibration, nothing can grow there, all living creatures leave, because these low or high frequencies that the windmills produce,
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look, remember ivan mikhailovich, as president at the climate forum, in my opinion, very clearly emphasized the green agenda, when he said that you are all hypocrites, you speak today, talk about the green agenda, at this time you supply missiles, start wars, you are destroying nature, and you give a beautiful speech here , it seems to me that this speech of his was one of the strongest on this topic, and, by the way, it produced a big... do you hear, here is the latest news, for example, from moldova, the economic situation there is not very good , v in estonia, in my opinion, they are raising taxes, there kallas is beating his head, and he says
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, he met with the previous members of the parliament, we were present at this event, he was very good, he said a lot of good words, he presented state awards, the members of the parliament, we know that the head the state parliament demonstrated reliability and loyalty.
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school, after all, we are talking about a civil service school, not just parliament, this is, in principle , a civil service school, which will be useful for every manager, and 4 years is a serious school, it i also called it an expensive school, but not in the sense that it is expensive, it is expensive as experience, as knowledge of processes, as knowledge of the state building system, and work within this system, oleg sergeevich is already in his second term, right? we already have experience, and our minister will gain more, directly, as well as, let’s be blunt, experience in public service, olga aleksandrovna, experience in public service. administration, dmitry aleksandrovich, he probably has the richest experience in this regard, he has been the longest, many years ago, i i also remember from the presidential press service, marat
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serge, it seems to me that the president has such a philosophy, such a policy aimed at enriching the experience of people who work in the state, take for example igor petrovich sergienko, he worked in special services, what experience , what kind of knowledge, have you worked in the administration in the management apparatus, what layer? not just the fate of a person who was once a deputy, although there are no former deputies, let's be honest, it leaves a certain imprint on your life, and more moreover, it’s like former officers, if you
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, to put it mildly, make a mistake, if you sully your honor, well, by and large, yes, sergeevich, it will be, they will remember that you were a deputy, they will definitely remember, and this is emphasized, but it is in in sight and something else, he also indicated who has the strength, who is still ready to work, let’s work.
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the mill of our state, they did not act in the interests of our country when they were lying under the podium, they organized other provocations, we are now building that state, which in
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political science is called a long state, where there are political elites, where there is the formation of this continuity, and not how this political show was imposed on us with turnover, with some kind of vaudeville, with performances, fights, massacres, which were often pointed out to us, look what neighboring country, we understand what kind of parliament we are talking about, there is an interesting parliament , there are broadcasts on the rada channel, they will also beat you in the face and douse them, they will organize sabotage there, they will throw a house bomb, this is class, talk about what we have some kind of parliament, in their opinion, is boring, maybe yes, but as a minister over the past period, we have passed our basic laws through the parliament of our country more than once, and i had to ... speak in the relevant commission and speak in front of the entire parliament, these are very difficult speeches, and these are very difficult answers to the questions of our parliamentarians,
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not only specialists, not only representatives of the relevant commission, but everyone, because everyone cares for the interests of our country in each specific sector, everyone always tries to bring something to the laws, bills that are being considered useful, designate...
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systems, in conditions of an unprecedented external threat, these are the functions of parliamentarians, yes, laws will be passed, i hope these laws, as the head of state said, will allow our state to develop and people to live better, but, but without this function of consolidating society, we cannot survive. by the way, regarding the reaction of people, lately there has been a lot of talk about the fact that the russian people have all agreed, in general, the absolute majority and even opponents of the russian government.
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that we don’t care, what he thinks, we don’t care, what france is doing, we don’t care where we are going, we don’t care about this, the french journalists were simply shocked, but did not recognize it, yes, but ukraine is called a democratic state and the ukrainians themselves talk about it, there is such a nazi, also a notorious goncharenko , you remember, a man participated in the mass murder of people in odessa, for which he now has, maybe no longer has, but he had a good position, got a job in europe, worked, i’m not mistaken. performed somewhere, hugged everyone from our zmagars, best friend, this is when they killed peaceful people, well, sometimes they also tell the truth about the parliament of the ukrainian democratic ukraine, let's listen to a short fragment, the main story is that the parliament as a whole, having lost its subjectivity, decides to actually get involved in the bank, go down from the office of the president, in the verkhovna rada on they are stamped, the verkhovna rada operates like a notary office, and so...
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so you even asked, but they recognized it there, they didn’t recognize it, but because in fact, even in the international commission in parliament we didn’t even look, we practically didn’t study what there in the european parliament or in some european parliament they told us, in fact , they themselves have devalued their own resolutions to such an extent, because it is such a lie that no one even studies it anymore, about five years ago they still read , reacted, made statements in response harshly, now i don’t even want to read , the second point... listen, most of the countries in the world, where the majority of the population lives, not only recognized us, but were also in the elections, which means they congratulated us, our friends were observers from europe, they thought that in - first, all the world is against us, we somehow took a closer look,
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there is one and a half billion in china alone, this is more than the united states and the european union taken together multiplied by two, and if you put everyone together, then there is a planetary majority, there is a total of the so-called golden billion, then they... . came up with a different definition, i follow their vocabulary , then they came up with the idea that they have a blooming garden, and with us everything else is a jungle, so this is , excuse me, pure chauvinism and fascism, why should we listen to these people who they don’t understand what’s going on with them, who are already laughing at their politicians, their media is openly pro-state, at the same president of france, who in a security guard's suit was hiding with the guards, whose goats and sheep there escaped to some kind of you...
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democratic countries do not invade their neighbors, democratic countries do not shelter terrorists. democratic countries do not use weapons of mass destruction.
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millions of lives, billions of dollars in the name of democracy. can i comment on this video? you know, this really is a beauty, kandaliza. even in an era of general stupidity.
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they take him to the usa, legalize him, clear his biography completely, completely, and after that they say, yes, he is clean, what a nazi he is, the most mediocre are sent to radio freedom, but one more thing... in 2006, the us minnu published a report in which admitted that more than a thousand of the most famous nazis were transported to the usa, they worked on the cia and the fbi, yes, so this report was prepared for 6 years and then hidden from the public for 4 years, because it was an information bomb, i ’m not even talking about canada with these these the freaks who are in parliament today, being outright nazis, who have killed hundreds.
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will put them in their place
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, they don’t understand the rest, they don’t understand a good word, they will devour everyone along with china, japan, who else will remain there if they are given free rein in time and cannot be stopped, about the nazis, khatyn, another anniversary, we are with you today visited this sad, famous place, a lot of people, a lot of flowers, and a lot of young people, and to be honest, here... we had to limit the number of people who, well they wanted to go there, because even some kind of quotas, because the flow of people is so built up that, in general, it is necessary to organize things so that everyone has the opportunity to lay flowers, a wild, terrible tragedy that was organized by the nazis, ukrainian nationalists, who are heroes in ukraine today, today i gave an interview with...
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a few days later, the regional council of the ternopil region awards marad sergeevich, the same gunka you were talking about, this is a punisher, a member of the ss galicia, to be honest, you saw it in canada even the monument was demolished, someone is already starting to become sober, ss galicia, and the medal for services to the ternopil region is named after. yaroslav stetsko. on july 3, 1941, stedko
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wrote a letter to hitler, in which he expressed gratitude and admiration for the german army, and also wished to end the war with the soviet union with an early victory. one of the organizers of the lviv pogrom. his quote. i stand for the extermination of jews and the advisability of transferring it to ukraine. jews, excluding their assimilation. i want to say again, the authorities ukrainian region, regional. uh, advice , we sent, i inform everyone about this fact to the council of europe, i ask, so why are you reproaching us for the fact that we associate the ukrainian government, because this government is with the nazis, there is no answer to it yet, but i was amused , i was probably indignant, although what
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’s there to be indignant about, to be honest, indifference, as sergeevich said, this morning, i open the internet and read, the leaders of the eec called for preparing a new restriction against. estonia, marching, in ukraine in general, which is not take a soldier, then there is a swastika on his chest, we point it out to them, and they are indifferent.
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about the verdict this week, how is it for the dead man, yes, someone is asking, why was the verdict passed? i explain why, so that never in life, here they are, so that they can watch and understand, our banderaites will not always be banderaites and fascists , we haven’t had and never will have good policemen, we had the great patriotic war, the great patriotic war will happen, so they can watch we understood that if they stuck their dirty hands into our history, we would be those hands. and we will cut it off and bring it to criminal responsibility, if someone wants to rewrite history from their representatives of the fifth column, introduce some meanings, that’s why such sentences will be, in addition to justice, this is a record of the fact that there was an atrocity, and this atrocity was committed by this man, and this man, now it is very important, he is a collaborator, he is a traitor, and
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i believe that it was a huge mistake when they hid it from us in soviet times. situation in ukraine, yes, i hope it won’t be too late for what we have done, but we clearly must tell children that our villages were burned , including by representatives of our neighbors, who chose for themselves an alien human, i give my word, tell not only about what
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they burned before, about what they can burn again, look at them, so we’ll forget, they’ll burn it, we’ll be intimidated. the soviet authorities specially kept documents secret so that neighbor would not turn on neighbor, because for sure, we now know that among those who committed the most cruel, unimaginable atrocities on our land, there were those whom we have known for many years called our compatriots, and winter magic, and winter fairy tales, and khatyn, and many sisters of khatyn were burned under the leadership of the germans, by our former compatriots. latvians, lithuanians , unfortunately, and those who came under white-red-white flags, our compatriots, and this happened in the vitebsk region, in other regions, my relatives said that these were exactly such flags, exactly such stripes, in khatyn was told that they spoke ukrainian and
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the ukrainians shot, and the germans watched and they giggled and were even indignant at the atrocities that were committed by those... representatives of the wafs, galicia and other national ss battalions who came there, but the historical truth, it is the historical truth, that we now have to record all this in documentary materials, in documentary books, in investigation materials, in excavations, photo documentation, film and video photo documentation for future generations, because as soon as we begin to forget this, retouch it, this vacuum would... the granddaughters and sons of these fascists from the baltic states, from europe, from the usa, are quickly beginning to fill with their artistic ideas and speculations all sorts of non-truths about the ussr. threw a bomb on jeroshima on gosak, that the united states won the second world war, not yegor fakantari, an american soldier,
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the american flag was raised over the reichstag and so on, but most importantly, they begin to humanize those fascists and those crimes and pass it off as if they were bringing freedom and european values, the same european values ​​under the same flags, granddaughters and sons, we have already more than once...
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foreign mercenaries, what do you think , what views do the foreign mercenaries in the french legion hold, i think that the nazis, do you think, will they think, if they need to go to the belarusian regional center together with the ukrainian nazis , to kill them, i’m even sure, even won't flinch. not killing machines, they don’t care who they kill, it will be done by tryashchevich, well , what’s wrong, no, it’s the case, but that’s it, just
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in case, i would like to remind you of one statement in an interview with an argument and a fact , in my opinion peskov said literally today or yesterday, that this is a war, that this is a war, and why, this is not just a statement by the press secretary, but we are talking about the fact that the north military district is a civilian population and so on, but now we are talking about what is essentially going on a war with the enlightened garden of eden, yes, which is not embarrassed by the fact that he said that he would supply helmets, now they are ready to deploy their soldiers either along the dnieper, yes, as the french say, or...
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what if for all for all 2 years later, about 147 of the 300 french who came to fight as mercenaries died in the company, yes, then only in the last 8 days on this belgorod border, about 300 french out of 2000 died, and these are no longer mercenaries, these are special forces, these are regular troops, here is another double standard, look, the french foreign legion, this is wonderful, this is holy organization, it would be in front of us, tell
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me why you are doing this, so we won’t make excuses, you wanted to, placed your legion on our border, have we ever done this, have we ever been on the same border, have we ever scared our own neighbors, never in life, on the contrary, we want escalation to avoid, then you will still be justified for the fact that we are training someone, that is, pmc wagner is bad, a foreign... president, trump quoted him or came up with it himself at a meeting with his voters in iowa,
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the atmosphere of world war iii hung in the air war, and this is already a serious statement, but... somehow you can treat the french president with humor or in a different way, but something leaks out after negotiations between the german military, some statements are in nato, some are in them secret meetings, we have hope for good health meaning, on those sponsors who pay for all these organizations and these politicians, and we know that it is so, on the fact that elections will soon take place in the united states in european structures, and they will come, although there is no need to delude ourselves here, there one more time comes, but probably those who will fulfill the orders of those who pay for this music will come, they will somehow move towards softening the rhetoric of reducing escalation at our borders in the world in general, because it is already sparkling all over the world and enough seriously, and if the ukrainian svo is really
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will develop into a full-fledged, full-blooded conflict between countries.
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that the eu will fight, that’s for sure, it’s with their hands, with the hands of the eu that the eu will try to inflate this war, because in fact, the americans don’t want to die, they don’t want to die, they will die until the last european, and after that they will say : no, guys, we are for peace, well, yes , that’s what they already did in the last century, it seems to me that we talked about this all the time, that europe will still be drawn into war, europeans are preparing for war, it's obvious i would like to have one more important topic, but that’s it for now. there are still about 20 minutes, they are all connected, we can then return to macron, god willing, and to everyone else, the un report, if you read it, then you must have lost consciousness of what you read, laughing, i mean, published un high commissioner for human rights, volker, turk, yes, called on the government of belarus to stop repression and release all those detained for political reasons, that is , no one, no names, information from
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authoritative civil society organizations society, we know these.
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certainly a quarter of the countries of the european union fall under this, certainly in all of them with such a margin . the united states of america is a beacon of democracy. for each of the points in this pseudo-country there is no place to put a stamp, we
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have analyzed it and let’s see how things stand in the united states of america regarding what they are they reproach us, but we know that the un is a controlled, henpecked organization of the united states. america, let's listen. in june 2022, a twenty-five-year-old black man jayland walker was killed by police during a pursuit. walker was shot at least 60 times. his death sparked protests that resulted in more than 75 arrests. local authorities imposed a curfew in downtown okron that remained in effect for two weeks after walker's death. lawmakers in congress and at least 11 states have contributed about. sixteen bills restricting freedom of assembly, with two states enacting such bills into law in 2022, in january 2021,
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the speaker was shot while trying to enter the foyer thirty-five-year-old ashley bebit. the girl was part of a group of outraged americans who marched into the capitol building after a rally at the washington monument ended. american foreign agents registration act. was passed in 1938, this law requires information materials to be labeled and copies sent to the ministry of justice, as well as a report on income and expenses. persons who intentionally violate headlight or related regulations are subject to a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of up to 5 years, november 29 2017. correspondents of the russian tv channel. were deprived of accreditation by the us congress due to the fact that the company servicing the american branch of rasha today was registered as a foreign agent. between 2021 and 2022, nine
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detainees at guantanamo bay have died in custody, including two who died due to age or illness and seven who reportedly committed suicide. neither was charged or convicted of a crime. in the two-year... period following the storming of the capitol, law enforcement hundreds of people were arrested and charged with assault. in total , more than 950 people have since been arrested in connection with the attack. in 2014, the us senate published a 500-page report on torture in secret cia prisons. the senate came to the conclusion that the cruelty of the agents went far beyond what was permitted by law. in 2015, lawyer helen duffy'. excerpts from the us senate report. abubaid was first held in a secret cia prison in poland and then in lithuania and romania.
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zubeida was the first to be detained as part of 9/11 cases. on it, american intelligence agencies tested improved interrogation methods. according to the documents, he was tortured dozens of times and subjected to white noise. they were not allowed to sleep, they simulated drowning, they beat and locked them in a cramped cell, driving them into a hysterical state. according to the bbc, monica washington, who was serving her sentence at the notorious tatwiler women's prison, says a guard took her to a private room and ordered her to perform sexual service on her. now her daughter monique, born in prison, lives with her brother. father the child continues to perform his official duties. and no one knows how many more such children he has. in 2018, the trump administration introduced a policy of separating families seeking asylum. parents were regularly denied information about the whereabouts of their
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children. according to human rights observers, such abduction of family members and denial of contact or information about their circumstances constitutes temporary enforced disappearance. according to the study, the number of deaths by hand. states, more than a quarter of a million children, some of whom, as young as 10 years old, were married in the us between 2000 and 2018, when delaware became the first us state to ban child marriage. the united states remains the only country in the world that sentences children under 18 to life imprisonment.
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are silent, we will not be silent, that’s why our representatives speak, respond to these , we understand that they want us on the platforms, and we will ensure that international law returns to the function that it was originally, unfortunately, this bloody path, now, unfortunately, we are going through a bloody path.
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did you expect them to tell the truth? no, we didn’t expect it, after this, remember, yes, on this , on this site, yes, he shook this test tube with tooth powder, and after that the war in iraq began, this is real, that is, they are based on a specific fake, yes, started the war, now the second question is, if they bring something like this, you know, here...
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in fact , they don’t have real facts regarding belarus, so you can use these tales from these comrades who really want to gain a foothold in abroad, and arrange at least some semblance of a life for yourself, otherwise the suitcase is belarus station, and here there are already a couple of criminal cases, well, the last one is probably the most important thing, as
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it seems to me, they are aimed, this stuffing is not even addressed so much europeans, it is also addressed to our baseboards.
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about double standards, about the fact that they support the zamagars there, but poland had wonderful news this week, firstly, they practically gave belsat and its leader one place, this organized by the romoshevskaya criminal group, and the most amazing thing is that suddenly pis, you know such a party, they discovered in this party that it turns out that there are double standards in the west, we remember that pis was reproached for...
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frankly don’t care about brussels, berlin and paris , while from left to right they talked about the thriving polish economy, about the flourishing of production there, roads being built, uh, agriculture, which now, if you put a map
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of protests, the whole of poland is protesting agriculture, but at the same time they forgot to tell such a small, well, insignificant thing that these 137 billion euros... 137 frozen billion euros is a small part of those tranches that went to subsidized poland, which is a subsidized country, mainly, of course, from the money of france, germany, belgium , the netherlands, those countries that are donors to the european union, so don’t bite the hand that feeds you, as soon as they froze, and the main condition was to remove this clownery from the political olympus as soon as tusk arrived, immediately. the story is over, not that there is a judicial system not democratic, not that women’s rights are not respected there, not that farmers are on strike there, not that there are marches of millions, they don’t care about all this, but because the sovereignty of european countries, and especially the countries of eastern europe, is not really in brussels needed, this is
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the most important thing, since the collapse of the ussr, those countries of eastern europe that joined the european union, the funniest thing was the reaction of the piss, they say, so what is this? deservedly so, little has yet been given, everyone at tvp, including at the head office, remember, everyone received
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letters of dismissal, these are loads of shock, we will barricade ourselves, we will resist , everyone has shut their mouths, our democratic fugitive propagandists who work for belsat are silent, they said, we will cut the funding there in half, in half, which means who will talk a lot, because everyone is under control, so they are removed. then they will also sing loudly, also, because the reformatting of the tv channel, now it will be polish and the visits will be in spanish, german, english and other languages, probably someone, well, from reasonable people showed those who paid for it that, in fact, this vigorous activity has absolutely zero impact on the target audience in the republic of belarus, that this garden on a plate in a country where the internet comes in is...
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and why it is correct, here belarus, this is because they think about athletes,
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first of all they think about athletes and the country, i don’t know what decision will be made, but i am convinced, knowing that i often listen to the head of state on this issue , it will be aimed at so that the athlete still had the opportunity to show myself, on the other hand, on the other hand, it is clear that there may be a solution, do you think that it’s not...
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that it’s twofold, i think that yes, it’s absolutely politicized, i was at the biathlon world cup stage in slovenia, and well, of course , before that i had been to rabbiču many times, the first question, when i got there, i said, wait, is this even possible, i can be held at this level in the courtyard of the belterradiocompany, this is about the world cup in biathlon, this how we feel about such things, so what to do, is a characteristic feature our policy, first of all the president , this is such worldly wisdom, we understand that the life of an athlete is this... the phase when he can participate in high-level competitions, european world championships and the olympic games, which is the apogee of sports creativity and competitiveness , it is very small, to limit him, not to give him the opportunity to go there, well, probably, this is in many ways a crime both before him and before his fans, before the fans
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who even understand that he is in a white uniform without a flag, without an anthem, he performs there , he still defends his... country, this will unite us even more, because we will see the victory of the athlete, if he wins, of course, in such conditions of pressure, such colossal influence, you know, he will go to an aggressive environment, where he will be attacked, where he will be constantly trolled and bullied, or called to go over to the side of some kind of capitalist good, this one to the garden of eden and so on, and if he wins, he will bring, of course , a holiday to our country and fans. all these machinations of theirs, let's leave it on their conscience, that's the maximum that they can do nasty things, although sports without politics and during wars always stopped for the sake of the olympics, well, forgive these poor people, they can't do anything more due to impotence, i suggest still, let the athletes perform, we will rejoice at their victories, we will support them, because we will
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watch their performances in every possible way, but unfortunately, we will sing the gimman and the flag in front of the tv screen. democratic centralism of unconditional submission, and after how the decision will be made, yes , it makes no sense to discuss this topic, but since it has not yet been made and there are really many pros and cons, when you are humiliated, when your country is truly humiliated, your cry , your anthem of your athletes and they mock you. ..
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for them this is life, but i can clearly say that we all, they, society and copper workers need to be ready for any provocations, why? because that medal won’t be there, because they will change the doping sample and take it away, just two, maybe,
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maybe, that’s why we morally need this understand, well, i think that we are and i see that we live freely. unlike the russian olympic committee, the israeli olympic committee did not violate the olympic charter, the day before it came, i won’t read it all, one phrase is enough for me, the day before that news came from the un that the number of children killed in the sector gas reached 13 thousand people, it was a club
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of editors, see you in exactly a week, goodbye. about the unique features of the oldest belarusian temples. on the vault we can see the development of the gospel story, in in particular, the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross. about the great power of faith. faith with god includes faith in yourself, the fact that god can do nothing right. our fears, our lack of help, about god's help in various situations. everyone has their own faith, someone may be asking for strengthening of faith, and this unites
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us, and those who lived before us, and those who may live after us, come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer , people now come here in large, large crowds to bow and, as it were, come into contact with mother of god, here... such a living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two millennia, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24
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tv channel. panorama is broadcast live in elena nasacheva’s studio. hello. a day that is inscribed in the history of our country. today.


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