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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 24, 2024 5:05pm-5:40pm MSK

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the history of the world, its basis, is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god. the youth who took to the streets in the twenties is the result of the work that was done with them in the nineties, the generation grew up on western liberal values, europe is not christian, there is no idea there, no, then...
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we are confidently stepping into a new day and we do it to our own music, the music that sounds inside each of us. it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of expensive music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside
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each of us. table, wine, apple, balsamic, rice and even date. it is difficult to do without it in the kitchen, for example, to marinate meat or, as they say, to extinguish soda. i think you guessed that in our today's episode we will talk about vinegar. you will be surprised, but even in matters of production of this product familiar to modern people. science
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is also nearby, my name is ekaterina beretskaya, hello and don’t miss it in the coming half an hour, they prepared it back in babylon, what is it, the most ancient vinegar and what it was made from, only a natural product, let's see how vinegar is produced in our country, today, when our vinegar is already ready according to biological indicators, that is, it is more than nine. we will remove it from the acidifier and tell you how a food additive that is in every housewife’s home can be dangerous. vinegar is rightfully considered one of the most popular additives among food technologists around the world, and its people made it from the series that was available on their lands, in western europe and central asia from grapes, in england from...
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menmalt, in china and japan from rice, in america from cane sugar, on the islands of oceania from coconut milk. even more facts about vinegar in our traditional section. history of the issue. yes , it is truly unknown how the ancient man first obtained vinegar, but the most popular legend says that in babylon more than 5,000 years ago, someone forgot to remove the wine from the sunflower rays; it turned into acid. by the way, this word is translated from greek as sour. so, sour wine is ancient people liked it, they started using it. add to food, use in medicine. in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, and birch; in europe, at the end of the 14th century, charles vi approved an entire guild of vinegar makers. vinegar was previously prepared in different ways, but the most popular was the method of louis pasteur,
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discovered in 1864. he realized that acitobacteria are responsible for the fermentation process in a sugar environment, at a temperature of 25-30°. with an alcohol content of no more than 14%. how vinegar is produced today, why it still plays a major role in this process bacteria, we’ll find out right now. the film crew of the science project nearby visited what can be said to be a unique production facility. let's watch the story. the vinegar , which is produced at a factory in the village of pokrashevo from the lutsk region, can be safely called natural, because the method of its production is biological, and the main role in
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the process of creating vinegar is from a bacterium called acetic acid, this is a natural process, but with an industrial basis, the intracellular bacteria in fact, vinegar is formed. this happens when bacteria consumes alcohol, for example, if you leave an uncorked bottle of wine at a temperature of 28°, acetic acid bacteria will settle in it, since the environment for settlement at this temperature will become favorable, the wine will lose its alcohol base, but will retain its bouquet, you will get an analogue of wine vinegar. this principle is applied in production. a biological substance or...
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creates a kind of home for bacteria, this is beech shavings, when the bacteria are applied to the shavings, the process of feeding them begins. in order for a bacterium to live, it must must be irrigated all the time, consume alcohol, irrigate with alcohol containing liquid, that is , diluted alcohol, along with vinegar, with the remainder, but all the time consume, when it is already ready, vinegar, that is, more than 9%, with an oxidizing agent. is removed, diluted with water to 9% and filtered, pasteurized, in other words, alcohol is poured into the oxidizer and it pours beech chips from the shower, at first the bacteria process only a small part
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of the alcohol into vinegar, the resulting solution is poured down the oxidizer, where it is pumped goes upstairs again and irrigates the shavings, but this time it is not pure alcohol, but a mixture of it with acetic acid. this process continues in a circle for several days until the bacteria convert several tons of pure alcohol into acid. our vinegar is already ready according to biological indicators, that is, it is more than 9%. we will remove it from the oxidizer through the pipelines, and again we will feed here a new portion of diluted alcohol, which is again a bacterium. the life cycle will begin to consume again and release acetic acid to us, which we will again produce more than up to 9%, we begin to remove it from the oxidizer again. after the acid is removed from the oxidizer, it is diluted with water and various
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preservatives are added for flavor, and then sent to the bottling line. here the belt operators carry out weight control and tara receives her clothes, a label with a quality mark. but only. only then, having gone through all stages of production, is vinegar sent to the shelves of our stores. the slut vinegar factory is one of the oldest in our country; next year it turns 130 years old. previously the plant was an alcohol plant, but after the war it became a vinegar plant. just 30 years ago, the director of the plant recalls, smiling, only one type of vinegar was produced here, alcoholic, nine percent. now the line includes about a network of types of popular food additives, including wine, apple for barbecue and herring, table and even balsamic. this year we are planning. based on apple cider vinegar, produce two more new flavored vinegars;
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today we even produce lynx vinegar. at the moment the plant provides vinegar our entire country, enough for the russian market in plans to conquer the chinese market. there is a supply of vinegar of about 1,500 tons, because
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the production of vinegar is a continuous process. the plant operates multi-stage quality control, which is why the quality of the product is known abroad in our country. for those who have just joined us, i’ll tell you that this is the science nearby project and today we are literally disassembling the vinegar we are accustomed to scientific parts. stay with us and we ’ll tell you more about this. everything is poison, everything is medicine, to whom can you use vinegar, but who should be wary of it? great conversation with the program studio doctor. potential side effects, which is why we are saying
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that vinegar is not recommended for treatment today, balsamic, apple and table vinegar, you will find out very soon what the difference is, and not only in the kitchen, where else you can use vinegar. “we follow the sports life of our country, we probably need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood we should try, not to mention trying, probably, to live their lives, in damage, probably, to many of our interests , our own, our hobbies, probably just living, observing the most interesting event, and what is luck, luck is work, if someone didn’t know, luck happens when you’re lucky.” then he says, he’s lucky, no , he works hard, he wants it more, he, well, the stars align, we listen to the opinion
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of competent specialists, the right accents in the game have melted, well, this is the playoffs, naturally, emotions will overwhelm a little, but you have to be able to don’t give in to provocations, it’s all in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, high city, so according to. chronicles have called this place since the 15th century, and there are many attractions here, i will try to tell about them all, it is high, and we begin to get acquainted and set off on an exciting journey. by the way, earlier in the city there were several units, water mills, power mills, a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured, sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how
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unusually wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this site thanks to edwiga tadeusz agininski. consider that you have not visited sinoy if you don’t try. critical water, people come for it from neighboring region and villages believe it has healing powers. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the tv channel. 24. yes, vinegar is indeed one of the most popular food additives, but it is still not harmless. how to dose it, who
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can use it, and who is strictly prohibited, we’ll find out right now. we have a chief freelance specialist in our studio. from the ministry of health of belarus in general medical practice, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor vadim sushinsky. vadim eduardovich, hello. good afternoon. i suggest you start it seems to me that it’s obvious: vinegar is our gastrointestinal tract. probably, this is a direct correlation immediately with what they write about on the internet, supposedly low acidity in the stomach of patients of gastroenterologists, vinegar without question will only be beneficial, is that true? well, let 's start to figure it out, and first of all we must say that vinegar is an acid, hence all its positive and potential negative properties are associated primarily with this. yes, indeed, there are diseases when acidity is reduced, in historical in the context of treatment, it was proposed to
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simply take different acids, but still these methods of treatment, they today have more of a historical context. because potential side effects arose, which is why we say that vinegar is not recommended for treatment today, yes, indeed, in life it is, of course , used and is used primarily as a complement to certain culinary products, especially products, used as a preservative, as a means that improves characteristics taste, but still we should not talk about treatment, again, the patient, as a rule , cannot... know what his acidity is, which is why, when - a person without any consultation, without permission, i would say so, starts taking it, often just drinking vinegar there, for example, with the same tablespoons, because a neighbor said that or read it somewhere, today everyone, of course, reads on the internet, and indeed they will find in some completely journalistic links
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about that that yes, you can take it and it will help, after all, i would once again... say , no, there is no scientific basis for such recommendations, but really, given the fact that this is an acid and in people who even have increased acidity, this can be direct harm . any vinegar is an acid, but there are different kinds of vinegar, again on these internets, as we are talking to you, and now they are directly popularizing apple cider vinegar, like a doctor, tell me, maybe it really is, well, as a supplement, naturally, not to drink with spoons? as we already said, as a supplement, maybe better apple, natural, maybe i would like to once again divide the medical component, the clinical component, and say, for example , the culinary or the use of vinegar in everyday life, i probably shouldn’t discuss culinary in everyday life, but it seems to me that it has the right for life, if we are talking about the medical component, people who
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use such recommendations, who simply add too much of them to salads, want to find... that this is done with health benefits, i want to dissuade, such benefits as at least not proven, but most often we have to talk about potential harm, because excessive acidity in a person who, once again, does not know everything about his state of health, this can even have potentially negative consequences, if in your diagnoses you know what diagnoses, you definitely shouldn’t even marinate meat in vinegar, marinating meat in vinegar is still a culinary use, that’s how i see it, the problem is that people want to see medical benefits from it, it will be delicious, probably the meat will be more tender, i think so, but it says that it will be more beneficial for the body, because it was apple cider vinegar or balsamic or something else, it’s probably not necessary, a very important point
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is that despite the fact that today you can still read about what is used... here and there and there, and we are talking about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for diabetes and for weight loss, there is no evidence. moreover, when i talk about potential harm, because i also found very many such sources a lot, i myself have come across requests from our people, our citizens, i remember when a person describes the use of apple cider vinegar for the treatment of cancer on ten pages , it can simply be catastrophic. the consequences, it’s clear why, that is, this person sacredly believes in vinegar, does not go to doctors, is not examined, does not receive treatment, this is actually a tragic situation, there are diseases, they must be treated. when seeking medical help from a doctor , follow his recommendations. we have already realized that vinegar is definitely not a medicine, no matter what. can't you get a diagnosis? i understand that in historical terms, probably, once upon a time it
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may have acted as a medicine ; again, you will find recipes that date back to the times of hippocrates. moreover, i found that i would like to emphasize this, for developing countries it is still recommended, for example, as an external remedy for the treatment of ear diseases. but everywhere there is a reservation that there are more modern, more effective means today, so it is possible to discuss whether it is possible or not to use even as an external remedy, having other ordered effects of the remedy, well, in my opinion , it’s not necessary, we live in a developed country, let’s talk about the fact that today there is no need to treat with vinegar, i think this also applies to mothers who have a high temperature still still there. the kind that rub vinegar on a child. in the historical context , indeed, in children, especially young children, and the hyperthermia reaction is observed
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quite often and is characterized by high rises in temperature, all means, after all, today it’s not rubbing with vinegar, there are also recommendations there, it ’s either water or a completely weak solution of alcohol, but in complex therapy, a violation of thermoregulation, that is, with this... an introduction for children, just like a doctor , tell me, because, well, again, there is a direct connection and the gastrointestinal tract probably also needs to be careful here, all this,
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let’s talk again about what vinegar is, vinegar is a product of natural processes, it is souring and wine , this is the souring of any fermented milk and other products, that is, there are certain natural processes, so in food we often come across vinegar, we just don’t know about it... most often, but now we are talking about the nutrition of children, that is, of course, if a child eats salads like this, what other family members eat , acetic acid will be present in them, this is an organic compound, quite common, nothing will happen if we are talking about a small, completely small amount of acetic acid, vinegar, which i say is found in certain culinary products, that is, this is a child so grown up who is already eating salad along with... thank you very much for explaining, telling, and i hope that all our viewers now understand that it is better not to read if something
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really hurts definitely don’t bother with vinegar, but you still need to go to the doctor and get a consultation on modern treatment. thank you, science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we now use as housewives. they also got rid of dirt and rust using vinegar and soda. what else can it be used for? vinegar, and they do it, some of them will still tell you and my colleague will show you. lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is interested. not the next elections, the next generation, he is not trying to please us primarily, he is working so that we like his decisions and the result of his work. this is my
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job, to sit and think using experience and my knowledge, i have to predict, if the president doesn’t have this, there’s no point in doing it. considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, and especially local ones, not only in belarus, and generally everywhere in the world, is of less interest to the electorate. than the presidential elections, then our turnout turned out to be exemplary, and turnout is also support for the current government, it definitely supports, there are a small number of hesitant people, well, naturally, there are also dissatisfied people, we understand this very well, so in this election cycle we need to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions. the president is carrying out a large-scale restructuring of the entire political system of the country, and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations and we will constantly remind you of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. my friend and i decided to try it, well, i liked it , and maybe you watched horror movies with them, no, i’m afraid, we remember the school program together with the project participants, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. acetic acid is the most affordable common chemical product used in everyday life. by its nature, it is a weak organic acid, has a rather sour taste and a specific sharp smell. in everyday life, you can find it in the form of a solution with a concentration of 3 to 15%, which
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is called table vinegar. rust, scale, and even paint stains on clothes , ordinary table vinegar can handle all of this ; chemists admit that this substance can be used to disinfect rooms, eliminate unpleasant odors, and even to wash off stains from tea or coffee in a mug. if you want to clean dishes from scale deposits, you should soak them for an hour or an hour and a half if you have... a weak concentration solution and then rinse under running water; if you want to remove stains, you can soak in a vinegar solution for an hour; if you pour vinegar on the stain without soaking, wash it immediately. the whole magic of cleansing lies in the simplest reaction: acetic acid dissolves solid salt, carbon dioxide is released, but this is only
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if the salt is weaker than vinegar. in other cases it is necessary to resort to the use of more active detergents. let's try to cleanse three types of pollution today. we offer rusty metal products, there is scale on the glass and there are also paints. in this jar we have a solution of diluted acetic acid. we start with rusty metal parts. pour acetic acid into a chemical container and immerse the product there for an hour and a half. it's in time. should be enough to clean the surfaces, you need to stand for a few minutes and we will observe the release of gas. indeed, bubbles appeared on the parts; this is carbon dioxide. we leave the product to be cleaned and move on to the scale on the glass. scale is an insoluble salt with the chemical formula cco3, a carbonate calcium, or also magnesium carbonate. when
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acetic acid reacts. calcium and magnesium salts, almost the same thing happens: the salt dissolves and carbon dioxide is released. leave the glass and move on to synthetic paints. we used them to stain a glass test tube. a piece of cotton fabric. fill the fabric with vinegar and set aside to soak. but a test tube or. any glass or plastic surface stained with paint can be cleaned simply by using a sponge soaked in acetic acid, the main thing is not to forget to rinse the dishes water. after the fabric has been soaked in vinegar, we wash it under the tap, almost everything has washed off, but still look, there are some small hints,
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since we soaked it. for a not very long time, washing was done by hand, not everything was removed. so, the fabric lay in acetic acid for about 5 minutes, although ideally it should be 10-15, and... the rusty parts and scale were in contact with the acid for about half an hour, we can observe how the acid dissolved our scale, we have nothing underneath, still remains on top white scum where acetic acid did not reach. to get rid of the residue, you can use a rag or washcloth, after moistening it with vinegar, and wash the dishes under running water. the surface of the metal objects in the lower part was also almost cleaned and acquired a characteristic silver tint, this is clearly visible in comparison with the part that was not filled with vinegar. well, in the first case, the acid
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is already almost orange, the metal utensils have really brightened, but you can see everything for yourself based on the state of the dishes, so now we can say with certainty that this has been tested on ourselves. it is better to store vinegar in a dark place and preferably in a glass bottle, since vinegar can enter into an unwanted chemical reaction with plastic. well , if you’ve been with us for this half hour, you already know for sure how to get benefits from vinegar, as well as the fact that even in the vinegar topic, science is nearby. not even 3 hours after the elections
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, a statement about the fictitiousness of the elections appeared on the website of the us state department, the european union used exactly the same term, but in assessment of our elections, this is stupidity, inadequacy or... interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply enemies, their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that are taking place in our country, they set the task of overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing his puppets to power, a complete change in our political regime, carrying out repressions against patriotic forces, separating belarus from russia, this collective lukashenko, about whom so... elections are an exam for the authorities, this is an exam for political parties, for the entire electoral system, this is also a test for
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citizens, for their consciousness. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good afternoon, my name is firasalu, i came from syria to belarus, now i live and work in minsk.


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