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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 12:55am-2:25am MSK

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herbs, in fact, cereals - this is a very interesting topic, and naturally, there are also a lot of annual cereals, collections, representatives of 13 genera of cereals, not to mention varieties and different species, it turns out even more, they are all charming, because firstly, they remind us of natural flora, the tendency of the latest global gardening in general, european, american, is the desire for ecology, the desire for rapprochement. with nature, and cereals, like no one better, are like filling, in exactly the same style as soon as when you start to become interested in this topic , you realize that yes, there are a lot of plants that you don’t even know yet, you haven’t met them, or as for cereals, it would seem that sometimes even in the natural flora you can find such a plant, which turns out to be decorative and will feel great in the flower garden and decorate it.
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my work is also interesting because it may be difficult for some, but for me i think it is interesting because every day is different from the previous ones, one day i... produce crops, on another day i record how they germinate, when seedlings appear, because this is all important for our scientific research, for our programs. the next day we already see that the seedlings have grown, and that means we need to perform such a technique as picking, which means we plant the plants in various containers, pots or containers. here i had crops, they were marked on march 24th. only now, as you
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can see, the shoots have begun to grow, here i have magical shoots that are very valuable to me astro-chinese, because i have such a goal, to develop varieties for 2 years, i have already made selections, as they say, i chose from the mass of crops, i chose those forms that are attractive to me, which will be attractive. for the buyer and for the gardener, then i made selections again, i hope that this year i will already have results, here i have prepared such a box with soil, i have prepared some water in a watering can in order to soak it, i have already poured fertile soil there ground if i'm sure in my soil, i don’t treat it with anything,
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there was already good... there was already good soil here, it was treated, so clean water, if you are not confident in your soil, well, that’s a separate big story, so you need to disinfect it with something, the most basic thing , as many people scold there anyway, but i will still insist, the most basic thing is a weak solution of potassium permanganate, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, i have prepared my next block of sowing, these are various salvias, when you sow the preparatory process itself, sometimes there necessary concentrate, check the years, what , what not to miss, by timing, how, because everyone has their own time for sowing, something, if you sow very early, then by the time it is planted in the ground, it will stretch out, or vice versa, if you sow late , then something will not have time to bloom by the end of the season, that is, it is important to take into account a lot of factors, you need to be, well , self-disciplined so that you can calculate all this and not miss anything, but when i start sowing, when everything is already in my hands stuffed or... i'm stuffed, it's coming
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here’s complete relaxation, and you don’t think about anything, you just look at how this little grain, like a baby, in this crib, bed, was good in all respects, so that it would be good. i was born in the city of minsk, stolny, but my father’s parents lived in a very picturesque place, in the grodno region, having once visited a children’s camp in a pioneer camp, i decided that the camp wanted...
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i wanted some kind of assignment there as soon as possible and work would sooner end so that i could run with the neighbor kids for a walk, but no matter how it’s strange, i’m even surprised at myself, no work was completely alien to me, it wasn’t somehow wrong or dirty or something, everything was interesting, well, and i think that’s thanks to my grandfather was laid down just like this... internal, maybe free spirit, internal freedom, when you have the right to choose, and grandfather encouraged all these trips to nature, well, barbecues, these are now called shish kebabs, then there was a twig from, in belarusian speaking, yalovets , yadlovtsa, twig, on which there were mushrooms, lard, something else,
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some kind of sausage or a piece of kumpyak, all this was so romantic and interesting, then of course i didn’t realize this as a child, but now you understand that thanks to moments like that... contact, that all this was laid out right then, and naturally, i, as a child of my parents, my children, i was also at the dacha, for example, while everyone was trying to die there on the ridges from morning to evening, i had my own plan with my children with children, with neighbors, grandchildren, who we came to the neighbors, i put someone there, my youngest, on his back, and we went hiking around the neighborhood, took all sorts of things with us...
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but let’s say on my dacha plot, on the one hand, of course, i do what i want, because my husband, he is happy that he doesn’t understand or know anything, no one bothers me here , some complain about their family, they say that they forbid me to plant flowers, they say plant tomatoes and cucumbers. well , i have a little bit of everything, but of course i give preference to colors, they are my first choice in a place, everything is planned for me, when i want to change something, after all, some plants, they are already outliving themselves, outgrowing, and i start voicing, not that i take advice,
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but i start voicing what i have in plans like this , and once i said that i was removing this ostrich feather fern, and my daughter told me that mom is the only one... the one that is in our garden, don’t you dare, in general my family is very creative, so it’s easy for me to create in botanical garden, it’s easy for me to create in my summer cottage, the best way to unforgettably spend time, arrange a short trip for yourself, it was the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiques here , and the city, you saw, has been preserved, they call it belarusian suzdol, the most famous alfonari in belarus is in brest, but
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our zhinsk aliya lantern is the longest, together with us, you will visit the most interesting sights, and we also have a unique exhibition called the office of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when the repair restoration work, the saved face of christ not made by hands was discovered , what does this mean, it manifested itself, and you will also receive unforgettable emotions, let the iron be hot while it is, you know the proverb, you see, it is cooling down. so the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, and not only wonderful memories, i’ll bring from zhodino, but also such a wonderful doll. look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. lukashenko, he is not a politician, he is
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a leader who is not interested in the following elections, next generation. he doesn’t try to please first, he works so that we like his decisions and the result of his work, it’s my job to sit and think using my experiences. we understand this very well, so in this election cycle we need to analyze and
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draw appropriate conclusions. the president is carrying out a large-scale restructuring of the entire political system of the country and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind you of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda. look at tv channel belarus 24. this is my daughter alexandra, although she likes to be called sasha, and this is my husband, igor, permanent, loves whatever he calls him, how many years have i been working in the botanical department.
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very often i came here on weekends with my brother, walked, ran, rushed around, sometimes helped, of course, as best i could, well , perhaps due to this i developed some kind of love for nature, for flowers, i definitely like to spend time in nature, now even after college i like to walk through chelyustkintsev park, come here on foot, on weekends we often go to the dacha , we also spend time there with our family, i am the most devoted fan of digging beds, be it, washing the stove there, i don’t know what’s there, so often we even
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laugh so much when she turns on a very big boss there, well, how could it be otherwise, we need everything to be right in the family, we get pleasure from the fact that directly at the dacha we perform the functions of junior service personnel, because obeying a professional is, well , it’s a pleasure, it’s just that you get clear teams, there is no need for anything...
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we help, sometimes they ask what is the first thing we live, we support each other in everything, they are opening spring, everyone is waiting for what snowdrops, scientifically galanthus or crocuses, will say now, but no, i always urge when you come to the forest or to the botanical garden , raise your head up a little, and we will see that the trees and shrubs, hazel, hazel, in other words, the
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nut that grows along the rivers in belarus are the first to usher in spring, but this is red fox uniform, if i came here in february like this did it , a yellow cloud would spread around it, pollen would fly, if we looked closely then we would see small flowers 2 mm each, small stamens 1 mm each, here it is... it’s time to bloom and also black alha, willows begin to bloom , various species, willows can bloom from very early spring to early summer, botanical... gardens are primarily a scientific institution where research work is carried out, and then concrete gardens are the holders of a collection of plants. contents of the collection plants implies the preservation of global biodiversity, the preservation of those plants that, perhaps, are already
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found somewhere in nature, only in botanical gardens, such as the gingabeloba or tulip tree. such plants can be said to be witnesses of dinosaurs, they appeared when flowering plants began to appear, ferns began to disappear, dinosaurs walked past them, and now we can also admire them, but only in botanical gardens, because in the wild these you won’t find plants anymore, maybe somewhere in the far east, japan, china, but thanks to botanical gardens, science has gone so far that even... such botanical gardens have appeared: the fact that unique plants are preserved is again the other side plants that are listed in our red book, in nature they are already in danger of extinction, but in botanical gardens they are preserved, and there is also a phenomenon called plant reintroduction, so we have selected conditions for them,
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based on soil acidity, humidity , by the composition of the soil, so that there are different parts of the vi... the soil is mixed, so that it suits the root system and contributes to the growth of the plant, the plant successfully adapts to these conditions, the seeds are set, we sow them, we grow them, we return them back to nature, thanks to this, the descendants will be able to see those plants that are already on the verge of extinction, that is, this is such a treasure, this is an open-air nature museum, a botanical garden, vitebsk from... a small botanical garden in brest, in pinsk, there is a botanical garden, interesting, but this is not even a botanical garden , it’s called an arboretum, there are many arboretums on the territory of belarus, which were formed under the forestry enterprises, the old, one might say, botanical garden of the gorigorich academy, where a lot of plants, woody
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shrub plants have been preserved from past years, from the last century. they are in very good hands, here in the city of the guret academy, i recommend even visiting and looking at their landscaping, how they design it, how they also love their work, and such botanical gardens as in the city of minsk, it then it is called the central botanical garden, it is the only unique one of the largest in the territory of the post-soviet space, living in my region, before traveling somewhere foreign countries to visit that... i think you need to study your history, so over the years i traveled to all regions of our republic, and of course it was very pleasant and interesting to visit places that are associated with deep history, with the middle ages, because it is not for nothing that belarus is called the country of castles, many castles
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have been restored, and although some are skeptical about this. what novodel think, but i think that novodel will be better than some castles, they are simply in complete desolation and only the foundations remain, in my childhood in the city of lydia, passing, that is, filling the pause between the train and the bus, to go to our grandmother, during this pause we always managed to run to the ruins of the lithuanian castle, this is one of the oldest castles on the territory of belarus and at the moment it was slowly being restored, but restored, i believe, that this will also be very interesting for posterity, and this will be in terms of educating the historical spirit in young people, this is very good.
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on the edge of the country there is a castle, it is abaronchy, as if on the perimeter of the previous scenes, and this entire glorious military history of byhava 17
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centuries, pachatka 18, i am connected with these castles. the kalancha, the so-called vitsebsk town hall, seems to be a reference to what happened in the 19th, part of the 20th century. vykarystannaya town hall as a point, as a vezhi for nazirannya for the city. cultural-asvetnitskiy project. architecture of belarus glyadzitsa on our tv channel.
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but because many of the owners, they were enthusiasts of such botanical work, introductions again, and many, even in the loshetsky park you can see introduced species
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that were once attracted by the first owners of this estate, so in the future, plants scattered from these estates, estates thanks to serfs, some workers, they scattered to private farmsteads. and then, when in the post-war years the population from villages and small towns rapidly began to move due to various historical facts to large cities, minsk, regional centers, then naturally people in courtyards, in school courtyards, in kindergartens, attracted with them a mass of such cute plants that are currently forgotten, that’s all this is my job, it’s...
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a bonus in life as a hobby, but for me it just so happened that this is my profession, this is my hobby, and it doesn’t bother me, and i won’t say about myself that i’m a shoemaker without boots, i have a lot of things, if my favorite plant, well, i probably have some favorites, but in general i can’t say that i don’t like this plant, but this is my favorite, sometimes i even like a flower that someone might pass by. if you put your soul into them, and of course, knowledge, if you put into flowers, then you understand that it’s all mutual, and secondly, well, this is what surrounds us, this is the world around us, when you... you understand, you feel, then it’s nice to realize that somehow it’s all mutual.
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not a single sour in the sky is clear, the road runs into the distance, the dark forest is like a fairy tale, but the forest is three miles away, the red sun is high, and it’s still
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a long way to go , and they say that something bad happened to him, and behind the forest on the porch, the red sun sets, sparkles in a clear river, spring water.
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taj. where are you? yes, here i am! salute, maria! hello, vasily! how are we living? yes , in a whisper, vasenka, let’s eat, drink and move on with our lives! let's pile it up, that is! and you want to cheer me up! i really don’t mind making such skaters happy, especially sales workers! how many times have i promised to invite you to dance, myself, so evil fate is far away got us separated from each other, yes! a minute, otherwise i would, oh, how i would dance with you, i believe that love is always right, i can wait for it all my life, but we will somehow defeat this injustice, here, here, but for now
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, treat me to something - something that the van doesn’t bring us, yes, dates.
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head of the library, i’m the head of the library, how people grow, and the head is already so young, do you want to enroll in the library, yes, why not, i want to improve my ideological, cultural level, you will help me, i will help, thank you. surname lobanov, patronymic name, vasily fetrovich, age 25 years
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old, never put on trial, morally stable, well, so stable, you even want someone to touch you, address, krasnozavodsk branch, by the way, it’s 5 km from you, what's your name? where is katka, here she is, and where is the folder? katya , well, it’s easier to come to an agreement with you than with your mother, children, they are like dogs , they immediately sense a good person, but your mother, apparently, is almost dying, listen, maybe he has...
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an invoice, well and character, but instead gratitude insults mistrust, that’s why your husband ran away from you, katya, don’t fall, lenavan, goodbye, goodbye.
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go ahead, go ahead, what are you doing, huh? says let's see some reader, who? yes, it doesn’t matter, well, what’s new, what do you say, but your father has come, you’ll spend the night in the bathhouse again , vasya, let’s go to our place, and i made some jams, my dad liked it, he asked for more. look, yesterday's is good, yesterday's, yeah,
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will do. yes, so my son and his own father don’t want to sit at the same table, but i deliberately didn’t take the gram in the morning, i think let him look at how i control my misfortune, it’s not you who own it, it’s you, that’s it... so, the children started growing up, growing up, growing up, and he’s in your
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old age, you’ve raised them a lot, no matter how many times you haven’t grown them, well, blood- then the dear one should tell, but what kind of blood is in you, for a long time now instead of blood you’ve only been gurgling with vodka, but come on, come on, come on, pump some provat, start a barrel organ, here’s a woman, you know women, women. "judge for yourself what incredible strength you need to have to hold on when you are in the dark light, like a piece of glass, that's what i am there is now, you’re still sick, but what do the leaders teach us, we need to trust a person , the said point, well, breathe, i’m not talking, but you’re talking like you’re drunk ?
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the stupidity remains, the spirit, that's it, you know what i'll tell you, fedka, one shot of your vodka , that vaska, having looked at you enough, from her, thank you, lord, for now she's staying away, that's it why did you pull me out of my home, so it turns out that what? and the fact that i took the whole blow from this infection himself, and he protected his youngest son, his beloved, from her, oh, anya, you know how many of their young ones are lying in the holes, on the back of each there is a number drawn, oh,
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when you live with your wife for 20 years,
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you become more expensive with three children with her, then if you close her eyes, then you want to get married, this is in the old days, when the peasantry, then a man really couldn’t live without a woman for a week, now what is our farm like, the cow has long been on the sidelines, we plow the gardens with tractors. in my forest, i have chopped wood, i have a car above me, when we pull, well, let’s go to the bathhouse on saturday and relax. so, i’ll pull your firewood, and you’ll cut mine with friendship, i also have some water prepared for the team, hello, hello, anna, and what is this, why are you, son,
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eating other people’s people, but don’t let it arise, why? you’re offending me anna, what strangers we are, how many years has god been his custom? he will pity us, he will pity us so much that if you sweat 100 times with him, well , your ribs have healed or grown new, but my
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ribs, i can judge, he won’t raise his hand against you, oh mother, what you are like that for me unrequited? thank you! cheers, vasya! listen, mother, aren’t you afraid that if he raises his rake at you again, i ’ll do something to him that will put me straight in the slammer! god be with you! vasenka, why are you frightening me? i'm not scaring you! god! god! i, i saw one movie, where a zek names one investigator, comrade, and then he says to him: “the tambov wolf, for you, comrade! so for me, it’s better that the tambov wolf be my father.” than this one, but remember, come to your senses, son, it’s a sin about your father, it’s a sin, well, it’s worse than mine sinner and nothing, fathers , he will spend the night in the bathhouse again, hello
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, listen to the pioneer bitterness, take it easy, natalya, there are eggs, why, okay, well, sit down, why are you, of course, vasya, sit down, it’s the beginning of the school year, no , i think i’ll go there today, yes you, anime, just wait, well, wait, you’re a foreman, well, this is your rightful place, i ask you, i ask you too, don’t get excited, hello, son, hello, you allow your father drive up, so really into
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the cabin, vasya, well, thank you, son, i respected that, i respected that, and you say, let’s go, me too, fireworks, hello, hello, vos! there is a living soul here, fireworks, i came
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to see how you are putting out the fire, please, be quiet, and what, my daughter is sleeping. katka, there, i’ll go and see where you don’t need me, i quietly, well, you came up with the idea, it’s called mother, but why leave it at home, there are rats running around behind the grandmother’s wall and squeaking. why won’t you send it to the nursery? let her not stay in the manger for anything. i really don't know what to do with her. then i know
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it's great, hello, bon appetit, thank you , come in, come on, come on, come on, olga, eat, eat, press noschit, aunt klav, hello, hello vasily, wow, fresh cabbage. where, yes, my mother went to the region yesterday , come with us, no, thank you, listen, dad , wow, i was still a girl, but on our collective farm before the war , not only did they grow early cabbage, and they grew tomatoes, but now we bring everything from the city, soon we’ll go for potatoes , and you know why she says that, don’t calm down, they stopped keeping the cow, she doesn’t have enough milk on the state farm, milk is just milk, but i don’t understand who i am now, what i’m a peasant woman without my cattle, and we now we are not peasants, we are the working class in the countryside, right? look, the sun is where else, and they are already finishing their work, when
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in the village it was like they had to go to work at nine o’clock, sromata, what kind of people are the old people, they suffered through the war, after the war, count half your life in one stick for workdays, we over there with the thin three we have hundreds of dollars together, but everything is not right for her, everything is not to her liking, oh well, pasha, what can we take from them? listen, dad, why did i come? i'll give you a thing once. i saw one, so round, well, they also keep small children there, i mean, i’m sure, but he ’s lying on the ceiling, waiting for the second girl to grow up, but what? well, you see, you don’t need it now, you can give it to me for a while, but i know you, it’s necessary, sales, come on, daughter, take a walk, tonya, and tonya, tonya , well...
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well, sign, bye, bye, bye, oh, hello, hello, oh, look what a thing i got. what you need, but i asked you, but i ’m not for you, for katya, really, katya,
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you see, i found out, you’re too proud, pride, of course, is good, but stupidity, well how long can a child sleep on a shelf, mom, you don’t understand that you can ruin your katya, why? yes, you don’t understand anything about this matter, it’s impossible for a person to have something hanging above his head, here ’s the ceiling, why don’t they do it above his head, because it presses, at least it doesn’t touch, it presses, have you seen what mushrooms they grow up when they find themselves under a branch, so that you can grow one like this, it tells you that it’s like hitting nails in water. well, okay , like it or not, i won’t take the playpen back, do as you like, you want to show it, no matter how kind
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you are, nothing will come of it anyway, but i’m not kind , i’m normal, some are kind, some are evil, and if you imagine that i have my eye on you, then you’re mistaken, these are the kind of women i love, and you’re a snot to me, a runt, where the fuck are you, like this, ah... hello vasya, hello ivan ivanovich, i greet you, good morning, vasya, oh, come on, come on, lop-eared one. salute, comrade adjutant, hello, please, i'm only a few minutes away.
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probably runs to the library very often, loves books, but no, i i think he loves the librarian, well, well , i guess i’ll call him, please, be so kind, i will, i will, well, what do you need from me,
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you yourself don’t know, shame on you, let me in, i say, well, please, kolka, brute , what do you need, they’re waiting for you to unload the shift, and what do you have to do with it, you need what, but i need you to leave the man alone, and not only today, but forever, what, what, and what did you hear? , and the hooves, you saw, wow, well , you bastard, now look, you are my hare, i am your hunter, walk, walk, hunter, just here don’t show up again, i’ll catch you, i ’ll get even with you, and why are you whispering to him, i was afraid that katya would be scared, is she sleeping? at least
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something, as long as it took an hour to crawl there, won’t happen anymore, if so, tell me, um, yes, that means you’ll come now, i even touched you with a finger, well, tell me, i touched you. hip hop, yes i saw her, so what , nothing special, but what do you need special , well, okay, let's go, let's go, listen, you don't have enough girls, you almost felt like a single mother, but i don't know how suddenly pulled
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probably it all started with the fact that i... wanted to make you laugh, why? who knows? that’s how i saw her for the first time in the library, well , i brought some books, she’s acting like that, not smiling , not laughing, but i think, i won’t be me if i don’t make you laugh right now, you know, but manish, why dragged, well, you can discuss it yourself, is it really a good idea to put a child on shelves instead of books, and i’ll tell you what, tell me. since you're so worried about someone else's child, it's time to have your own, uh-huh, you won't get married, i - you can't forget your fidgety little ninny, i remembered, i forgot for a long time like a bad dream, vasya, not every dream is forgotten, everything that you are is the norm, but it’s better this way, i’ll sit, well, vaska,
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come on, you need to go to the museum. show me, this driver’s limit is 100 g, the museum, next to the mammoth, well, you say, listen, maybe after st. petersburg it won’t hurt you to look at our girls, or maybe that’s why i was drawn to the library, hmm, at least not from leningrad, they’re all coming, well , admit it, what do you have to admit, i already confessed to you, at first i wanted to make her laugh, then i think, let me look again, then i decided to regret it, then i stood up for it, now i’m offended, since i’m offended, it means you’re already on the hook, well, yes, definitely on the hook
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, but more often than not, we’ll see now, well, okay , sit, yes, let’s have a heartfelt conversation, come on, both of you , legs in hands and masha sirivan, tone, it’s not even civilized, you ’re a guest from home, it’s cultural to call your wife names in front of a stranger, culturally, why are you always a stranger to him, then a stranger, but to me it’s like a brother, brother , the youngest, well, well, you can say with him, all your life you won’t spill water, you won’t spill water, now i’ll spill it, let’s get out from here, come on, come on, quickly! i found a relative, come on, get out, now i’ll ruin the skin with me, they went, come on, come on, come on, come on, get out of here, in, and you say, get married,
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listen to me, i’m a moron, and fireworks, maria, i’ll get there or in i’ll spend the night in a ditch, but what’s the point of driving, no, if it were on the highway, i wouldn’t have let you in, yes, well, be healthy, and so that your legs... no longer exist, i understand, calm, calm, i believe that everyone is always right, i’m ready to wait for her all my life, i need it so much and now your words are like the sun to my flower. i believe that love is always right, i wait for her all my life, wait, what are you saying, my words shine like my sun, i believe that
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love is always right, i’ll wait for her all my life, mom! only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, as, according to the chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century.
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to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklovo is very picturesque in places, similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to idviga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. watch the program "cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel." reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information
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, is almost a relic of the past. it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive opposition resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is... different. unfortunately, a significant number of people laziness of mind, inertia, and inability to form one’s own opinion develop. they consider themselves young.
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . fathers, vasenka, what is this? god! vasenka, oh, i did something weird, fathers, after all , you’ve drunk 100 grams, so you’re sitting here , go home, i’m coming, mom, oh, oh, lord, it’s okay, it won’t be long until trouble comes, what can i talk about, i left the road a long time ago, why are you
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reproaching your father, if you yourself allow this, how can will you be with him now? wow, i compared it, it hasn’t dried out for months, and what, you also came running to reproach me, you’re not giving me gold here, i ’m off to bed, this time will be enough for me for 2 years , my daughter said, just like that, why is this? what should i go to part of to scout out the central estate? go, daughter, go on a light foot, look, uncle is coming, now it will be a matter of how long it takes to roll around, fly quickly!
2:00 am
timka, what happened to the car, it drowned, great, aunt anna, oh, what a little treat god gave us!
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no, not much, it will be an hour or an hour and a half, and you i learned to lie a long time ago, auntie, dear, the exhaust pipe has not cooled down yet, it’s not good, it’s not good, so it must be. the horse catches you in your sleep , forgive me, vitaly makarovich, i didn’t collect it for you, your position, who knows what you came with, from your position, because you’re only expecting trouble, you’re confusing it again, aunt anna, the trouble is not mine , she’s running ahead of me, and i’m just catching up with her, so, you think, why did i fly here for you, the accident on the highway was terrible,
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they were treated, but the culprit disappeared, it seems that this figure is also a bust, he’s like your vasenka, yes what are you, vitaly makarovich , my god, what passions, but i told him how many times, i strictly frightened him, and frightened him, you say, well, well, let him come to me for his rights, and i’ll do the work with him, no i’ll go as i took it, let him bring it back, in this little pocket, put it all the way to the central estate , no one drives on this road except my car, well, what’s his business whether i drank or didn’t drink, well, let’s say, the rules don’t say, but which road should you take when you're drunk, which way should you take when you're sober? got behind the wheel, it’s all my fault, but what a shame anisimych, you have 100 grams on you, the main thing is to immediately grab your rights, but you never know, he didn’t see me drunk on the way, maybe i arrived, and then drank, that he came home to me as a relative, and left as a policeman, well, who
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should go for your license now, me or what, why not, how to plow calluses on vasya’s forehead, and the night is past midnight? go, and there’s no one to help you out, it ’s fair, unfair, unfair, of course, unfair, that’s it, dad, and you get out of here, listen, vasily, just get going your clunker , at least take it to the central garden, that this is your personal driver or something, the director of the state farm is supposed to have his own personal driver, and who are you, who is the foreman , and that’s not mine, so go ahead and fuck off, well... damn boar, compact the earth to make it easier for me to ride. okay, okay, okay.
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verka, what if you want, i’ll show you one thing that no other person in the world has ever seen. somehow not alone, but you? and i didn’t see it. wow, we are the first to look inside. interesting. when i was still a boy, i kept thinking, i’ll heat it up, i’ll find out some secret of the tree, now i’ve grown up, and i know, of course, there is no secret here , but still, no, no, let me see, suddenly it smells like, come on, uh, yeah, try this,
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and this is different, just a little bit, but different, and this, and this too, this , and this one smells like an apple, with your nose there’s only firewood and you can’t smell it, look at you, i also found a handsome man, oh-oh-oh , i saw myself in the mirror,
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i saw it. well, are you offended or what? well, what did you think? will the rooster sing a serenade for you now? so he listened to you, he will listen. petya, come on, come on, drink! oh! well done! well that's what you said! and today are you again the same as before? when is this? well, for the sake of leningrad? oh, which is better? has it gotten worse, has he become more like others, but before he was making up fairy tales, well, that was the case, i still remember, i liked the crows the most, how they were getting ready to fly to hot countries, but they couldn’t talk about it among themselves agree on where to fly , who's in charge, yeah, they'll dive in, hang out
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, everyone will quarrel with each other, then suddenly the snow starts falling, it's too late to fly, vasya, well, come up with some other... fairy tale for me, huh why do you need it, you’re already big, but you still come up with an idea, okay, let’s see, vasily, oh, you don’t matter to me, but i had to report to the chief engineer, but what, he ’s calling for nothing, tomorrow at ten to the office and you will come, verka, home, home
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, so that means you are like vasily labanov, well, well, why did you decide that the foreman or i should help you out of the trouble that you got yourself, but because i’m for reciprocity justice, mikolay aleksandrovich, as with the drives, i called the sands on... not for the first time, what for the first time, keep your rights and consider that it worked out the first time,
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thank you, please, you can go, well, whose got it, but it’s a draw, the negotiations were held in full spirit, the parties clarified each other’s positions, oh, vaska, look, you followed the principle, but if vadim grigorievich follows his principle, what will happen is pot against pot, like friendship in russia, you need to read the newspapers, pasha, how they write about you and me, huh? “we are machine operators, the leading force in agriculture, you think, don’t you know that they’ve been calling me to the forestry enterprise for a long time, knows, but maybe i went, but the dough is hanging around, perka , why, run
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, turn off the tap !" , great , hello, sashka, holding the gate, come on, listen, vasya, what are you holding, why are you bothering with libraries? you gave it to me, firstly, i didn’t give it away, i gave it away for a while, and secondly, i just became a girl. it’s a pity, why? he actually sleeps on my books, he’s a mess,
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he gave me a spanking for that, but i didn’t spank him at all, i accidentally went into the library, and he hit her there pressed him, do you think it’s good, bad, bad, she’s afraid to even scream and scare the child, but i threw him out, since he’s a thin guy and angry, he threatens to catch you, let him catch what he wants. listen, vasya, maybe you’ve fallen in love with me, but get out of here, i’m alive, well, vasya, i told someone, come on, come on!
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well, katya, let's check the fat, dry, babaklava, i'll take it off, put it in, help, mom, hold it, oh, mom, what are you, nettle, the port is dry, bring popium, daughter. otherwise, if i go to court, the cap, i won’t get back for anything, i’ll just waste my bets, well, that’s enough
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for today, tomorrow will be the day, well, yes, such a garden. it will work out in 2 days, other women will laugh at me, they will laugh, well, now i brought it, here it is, for nothing, get it, but where is the library, well, well, what? you're running like a goat, what's up there, baba klava, oh daughter, run quickly, beat them, who, the guys got into a fight there , so as not to do the vedas, and not under the undersides, a waste, an infection, a bush, well, on the hands, on the hands, come on,
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hit the their own, strangers will be afraid, what do you mean, do you want 15 days? hooligan, i’ll call the police now, but get out of here, let him say, what a shame, yeah , i’m more ashamed than everyone else, it was me who ran into them, one for three, an infection, he hurt my leg, i’ll even settle accounts with him, come on, come on, otherwise now trim the second one, right up to the you’ll be crawling around on your hands and knees for your pension, okay, it’s a draw, so, kolka, let’s meet again and fight? oh, vasya, vasya, what are you doing, what’s wrong with you, i’m resting, ugh, give me, why, give me, don’t be afraid. it’s good that
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i got caught by a twig, otherwise it would have been a disaster, but why don’t i have a bowler hat, i could stand it, come on, lord, i should have eaten it, now i’ll fight every day, if you start courting me, i won’t think about it, it ’s wildness, i just don’t know what kind of thing, i’ll tell the district police officer anyway, and if the district police officer had a license, what are you talking about, where did he get that right from, from the library. i got a little crazy then , i really should have gone out into the street with him and sorted it out, but what i did to him, and even in front of your eyes, no normal guy can stand it, but that means it’s even, marry me, what are you , you're delirious, i'm delirious, but not because i got hit on the head, it's been a long time,
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let me go, i won't let you in, let me in, you'll get dirty, damn, don't i'll buy a new one, let it go. come out, let people see, i don’t care about them, what are you, you don’t care what they think of me, come out, please, what are you saying, what did i say that was so offensive?
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vasya, what are you doing? sitting.
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what are you thinking about, about the most interesting riddle in the world, this is what it is, why one person likes another, but the other doesn’t , of course, you’re thinking about your glasses, but still think about it for a month, even for a year, you won’t come up with anything, she doesn’t love you , this must be understood, otherwise everything is of no use. how is it all, and how is everything, you once said, everything is like a lake, nothing, lake, and the dawn in the sky, and the dawn,
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i’m of no use, but i didn’t say anything about you, yeah, that means i have a point, and you yourself, this too needs to be understood , and if you don’t understand, then it turns out, that i am nothing . well, how come you weren’t afraid? and why be afraid, everything is according to the law, as the lawyer said, so the court judged, because there is such a law,
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the property is equal, here lived the area, excuse me, move on the family member, well, we exchanged our two-room apartment for two in different areas, neighbors we came across good ones, two old sisters. he'll look after the girl, go to the store if anything happens he gives me the good stuff, he grabs it, but he’s like, but i’m not interested, and now we see he’s moved on to another estate, alimony by mail, which means you’re now a bride again, what kind of a bride am i now with a tail.
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salute, hello, comrade adjutant, well, what can you say, i believe that love is always right, i ’ll wait for it all my life. i can, why do you need your words now, vasya, what do you need, well, now you’re going to carry the bespectacled one, the one with the glasses, his library, but i will , but why did they take the girl, they had to get vaccinated, and i thought all three of us were taking pictures, dears? readers, a book is a source of knowledge, something you don’t have, but i feel sorry for you, a fool, you carry around all sorts of bespectacled people, and you don’t know what’s waiting for you at home, who? don’t cry
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, girl, it will rain, i guessed it, the soldier will return, you just wait, but what do i care, now we are each on our own, nothing, and that’s why i say that she is now with your mother ? has time, yes, i think i’ll warn you, otherwise our vasya will become a stutterer out of fear, thank you for warning me, come on, go home, hello, fireworks welcome. little stepson, yes
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then you will, later. well, thanks for the treat. i’ll go, there’s nothing to do, there’s nothing to do, come in when you have time, thank you, don’t be afraid of the dog, i tied it up, why are you tying it up? i mean, she came here herself, you can’t drive her out of excess, there’s nothing to do here.
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firework. and vasya, son, and here i decided to get acquainted, suddenly, then, we will become related, son, you sit down and listen to what the war is going on with your mother, i didn’t tell you before, it’s useful for you to listen too, at least my vasily is a non-drinker, the problem
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is not that the person... drinks, right now i’ve had a drink, so what, this is not an argument , i sit and talk intelligently , the main thing is that this is a woman who is smart, she knows, don’t touch a man in the evening, but in the morning he will repent and ask for forgiveness, in the morning that’s it i’m like boiled carrots, you want to chew me without teeth, you want to use a spoon for me, i ’ll endure everything, okay, okay, finish it, better help.


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