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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 2:55am-3:26am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] you won’t find any such archaeological artifacts here anymore, why? because after all , this is a large thickness of sand, and the ancient people lived in more comfortable places like this, but by the way, the stone, the stone here is not flint, like in the rest of belarus or some, but such a nodular, sintered shape, now i i remember this stone with such a
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mysterious shape. in addition, they were also endowed with magical powers, they were used during various shocks, social failures, well, people tried to find some way out, a way to, well, so that, say, cattle often die, now this is already exotic, then it was a very serious problem, because this was a way of existence, and this is how it turns out, in the nature of woodlands
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these stones are formed. if you leave it temporarily, so that the weather is dry, these calcareous components will harden, and such sintered forms are formed, along the bug in this part of the woodland there are such massive grooves, whole blocks of these mysterious kirkor stones. any corner of the woodland is interesting and you can find some kind of a crumble, such a highlight that will be great to distinguish from even the nearest surroundings, and why? but because an interesting plant grows here, called the royal fern. there are a lot of ferns in our flora, like this
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fern. the fact is that the royal paporodi is a cult plant of the ancient vikings, it is well known, and any archaeologist will confirm that the amber path of the ancient vikings passed along the western god, and most likely here in this part of woodland there was one of such points, well kind. like some kind of gps coordinate for the periodic campaigns of these ancient vikings, but how else? he won’t tell his grandson that you go there, you will meet a tomoshovka, there will be a sign there and all that, it is clear that they designated the area in some of their legends and sagas precisely by their iconic
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plants, so woodland. especially the priburg, tobashovsky woodland, let’s call it, it is significant in such an international sense, it was the paleshuks themselves who discovered this plant, they preserved it, but... we didn’t achieve that a small reserve of villagers was created, back in the eighties, since then this royal fern has been protected, look at modern tomashka, it’s unusual, it’s different from the polesian villages, try moving to the nearest ukrainian rosstana or to ours , let's say the nut is nearby. there is traditional ancient architecture, but here it turns out to be a combination, a mosaic, at the same time of some kind of neo-renaissance of the thirties, and modernism of the thirties, even in wooden
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architecture everything is perceived, especially tomashovka is harmonious with its picturesqueness, when the buildings alternate with areas of natural nature, that is, a continuous forested area, sometimes architects... are puzzled by how to decorate, how to improve the health, greenery of a populated area, here is tomashovka in this vein, it is distinguished by the fact that when it began to be built up, then here are these elevated dune places, they were preserved, they were covered with natural forest, these pine trees are already more than 100 years old, but they are all alive and well, they look great, and thus formed... the neighborhood forest park, four species of woodpeckers live here , this is a lot for such a small territorial locality, taiga species of tits such as
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the muscovy are also found here, the populace lives here, other species of birds live, it’s like a living zoo, it turns out to be a woodland. we follow the sporting life of our country. you probably need to invest a lot in children, probably from childhood try, let alone try , probably, to live their lives, to the detriment, probably, of many of your interests, your own, your hobbies, probably just to live, we review the most interesting event, what is a visa? luck is work, if someone didn’t know, luck works out when you’re lucky , someone says, he’s lucky, no, he works hard, he wants it more, he, well, that ’s how the stars align, we listen to the opinions of competent specialists, put the right emphasis in the game, well, this is play-ov,
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naturally, emotions will overwhelm a little, but you must be able to not succumb to provocations, all this is in the sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. the history of the world, its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with the gods . the youth who took to the streets in the twenties are the result of the work that was done with them in the 9th generation; they grew up on western liberal values. europe is not christian, there is no idea there , only money, there must be an idea. and today it is very difficult to change their attitudes, because the consciousness of any person is conservative. we need to check everything, we need to think, we need to understand what is happening, if specific archetypes of political behavior, religious behavior have formed there, it is very difficult to correct it
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subject, now we are doing well, but it will be even better, and if we win, humanity will win, all intelligent humanity is looking at you and me, the project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus tv channel. 24. tomashovka is also interesting because traditional fishing is very well developed here. what kind of vines there were here when
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it was allowed. these small rivers, which had high banks, were always targeted by fishing entrepreneurs, here, literally, we are standing on one of... the oldest miniature fish farms, which have survived from the 16th century to the present day, are almost 300 years old. this small fish farm is almost 300 years old. such responsibility for nature, she still preserved this corner, which is why very old trees and small swamps that were not affected by land reclamation were preserved here, and also lake selyakha, it was not built up, it is completely located in its natural environment. the fact is
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that the vast majority of lakes in our country appeared during the ice age, due to the thawing of glaciers, their somehow exorbitant activity, and this lake appeared due to karst processes, that is, there were some soluble rocks in the ground, they dissolved under the influence of groundwater, such
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a grandiose appeared... the western bukh river, but of reservoirs there were few of those that would be adapted for recreation, so they were so attractive in all respects, here the orkhov reservoir was built, which is called a lake. the orkhov reservoir is an object that was built according to the latest requirements reclamation.
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there is water supply from the western bug, it is located within. there are gobies here, here even buffalo , once we found fish of american origin, here there are redneck plants, here, for example, we met 5 years ago, sea naiad, this is a plant that is included in the red book of belarus, it is very typical for our northern lakes , for belarusian, who is there on this poleskoe reservoir? lake, there are mute swans here,
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by the way, mute swans are well seen from space images, if you google ukrainian, belarusian and polish poleska reservoirs, then most of the swans in the form of white dots you will find right here on the orkhov reservoir, and why is this so, because there is underwater fish here, that is, a large amount of algae, charophyte algae, and these kharovs... but the most defining concept of tomashovka today, which is known throughout belarus and throughout europe, is a biosphere reserve. this is a kind of specially protected natural
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area of ​​our country, why? because biosphere reserves somehow didn’t resonate with us, we had more and more reserves, national parks, all this was understood, all this was perceived, here’s a friend. the belarusian part of the biosphere reserve is large, almost 50,000 hectares. western polesie was actually the first. in europe , a trilateral transboundary biosphere reserve on the plains, the second in fact, and one of the few on the planet, because the biosphere... reserves were usually created by one country, at best two countries, it is very rare when three countries found a common language, found a common natural basis and created a biosphere reserve. a biosphere reserve, it immediately determines that the interests of the local
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community should be taken into account as much as possible, here is the local community, the main one, the most developed - this is, of course, tomashovka and its nearest satellite villages. we are going on an expedition in the depths of our land , we are going away, intensely, and with such pains , we are increasingly opening up the fascination of the storm. we're heading out to a new folklore-historical expedition, and we're going to follow the history and meat abrades. old people are not like that god of the people, if they forgot to give them dishes, and there is no way they can jump on their own . oh, so, so color, sparrow, nightingale, and give new
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life to these old traditions. let me sow hops, tall fellow! valopiva licorice immediately died with a project on the tv channel belarus 24. lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is not interested in the next elections, but in the next generation, he is not trying to be liked primarily, he works so that we like his decisions and... the result of his work, this is my work, sit, i have to think using experience and my knowledge, i have to predict, if the president doesn’t have this, there’s no point in doing it. considering that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, and especially local ones, not only in belarus, but generally everywhere in the world, arouse less
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interest among the electorate than presidential elections, our turnout turned out to be exemplary, and turnout is also support for the current authorities. definitely supports, there are a small number of hesitant people, well , naturally, there are also dissatisfied people, we are we understand perfectly well, so in this election cycle we need to analyze and draw appropriate conclusions. the president is carrying out a large-scale restructuring of the entire political system of the country, and he is doing this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind ourselves of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda. look. on
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the belarus24 tv channel. so, a transboundary biosphere reserve. the word border is the key word and it is so. in fact, we are now located in the oldest section of the state border of the belarusian polesie and our country as a whole. most likely, as some ethnographers and archaeologists testify, a special tribe lived here, half-forgotten woodland, the buzhani. and... the events of the last war, they are connected with very serious border clashes, but it was precisely in this place that the heroic pages of defending the belarusian woodland from the invaders took place, literally in the first
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hours of the war , an attack took place here on melgora, at that time here here was just this railway that... connected brest and chelm and was actually the only one on this mountain a small outpost of the twentieth border outpost plus a reserve small outpost, they held back the onslaught of the assault battalion all day long, and imagine what 25 people of a border outpost of 300 well -trained people, prepared with the enemy to resist this defense, they withstood these border guards. there is, perhaps, not a single war in history that would. did not affect or fundamentally change polesie. the first world war with battles in polesie came
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precisely at this point where we are. we are standing right here on the terrace of the western bukh river. the russian wars fought very courageously, but it was impossible to resist. the result was that on this small piece of polesian land, about 2,000 soldiers died, from three at once. warring armies, as a result , this cemetery appeared, this arch, it has been preserved since those times, literally in those autumn months of 915 it was made, a feature of the war culture of those times was that the fallen of any armies were treated with equal respect, both the russian breed and the german oberli are buried here. ignorance of the russian army, this an unknown soldier of the russian army, well
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, this is a storage facility that was later restored, there are about one and a half thousand here, because it is not known exactly here, there are mass graves there in this place, because at that time artillery was working, very powerful shrapnel, then there was no so reliable. protection, even well-known helmets, which we now know, there are army units and some special security units wearing them, this invention was just in those months, because shrapnel, russian or german, had a murderous character, literally after that they thought about it and in fact very quickly invented a helmet; in the fall of 1915 they completely came into use and
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became the norm to this day. tomashovka is a relatively small settlement in its history, today it is a large center where the economy is concentrated, there is a factory here, not every village can boast, there is a very developed sports complex, where high-level athletes come for their summer training camps, there is an excellent school, and what is very important for
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rural areas, no... over the globe, including over the ussr, one of them really liked this region of the blue
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polesie lakes, these are the shatskie lakes, this area. marshovka, and after returning from these cosmic distances, he promised himself to be sure to visit this region at the first opportunity, but he was ahead of him, our fellow countryman, pyotr ilyich klemuk, who was born in this area, who was formed here, he was ahead of him, by several months space... became therefore space themes and tomashovka - these are very similar concepts, and even because in our country there are a variety of museums of all kinds of sizes, formats, there is a central state museum, there is a small museum,
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to visit the cosmonautics museum, you need to go here to this polesie village of tomashova. and the village itself is not so old, the fact is that the main settlement was located behind god, this is vladava, and this area is high, so picturesque, it was used more for such a sanatorium-resort purpose, estates of wealthy people were formed here,
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people came here on vacation, and what’s more... the conventional satellite of the village of tomashovka, orkhova is also interesting. then there was a demand of the national poland of that time, no less than the stalinist government, that settlements should not be located on the border, they should all be resettled. there was such a small village as holendry, which later in polish history was renamed stanislavivka in honor of the king. here, but she’s gone now, she was also resettled here, and thus, the current tomoshovka, it has become like a battery for these settlements, which were resettled from the western bulga, today this moshovka looks great, especially taking into account the fact that an artificial lake has appeared here, there is an excellent wonderful forest park,
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here there are also natural wild forests, which... the hosts of the travel show are definitely at home they know how
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to behave when visiting. it’s like we’re in belarus now, because there’s a lot of snow, but we’re also in barcelona, ​​it’s great, it’s impossible to sleep here, give me a hand, please watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . not only do they need constant training muscles, but also the brain. name of which


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