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tv   100  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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a shrine of our region, a temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 12th century. the columns still have a rich literary history. many poets, writers and publicists lived and worked in this area, and these wheels never forgot about their famous native, yakubi. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you, like me , are planning your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this one.
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this is the capital of the central region of...
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comfort, safety and protection for pedestrians autamabilista. the minsk region is holding large-scale campaigns in populated areas. so, in the town of zhodzin, there is a road cover in the kavalski microdistrict 3. for grading the streets, and this is more than 7 kilometers, here they used technology, which was developed by bilas, and in yostsy paddub'yas.
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bring the region's street road network into proper condition, every year we increase the volume of repairs to the street road network, if in the twenty-first year it was 165 km, then last year it was 320 km, we had flooding, we initially turned to the executive committee , the executive committee responded, redirected us to the housing and communal services, in principle, it turned out that the housing and communal services installed a drainage system for us, completely removed the water from our plot, we are very happy, but.. .adzіn from the most powerful zeinіchae in the smalyavitsk region. we extract sand and gravel. accordingly, with the selections, we mix and get a certain material. gpss2, gps5, 12, different mixtures. our career involves a mobile unit that...
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ў central region of culture and culture getag of the month. during these hours, the asphalt is being graded and difficult drives into two impassable stakes. mataziklists appear on the roads of the city. the vyasnova yard removes winter garages, sports bikes and choppers for years. however, minsk also recommends being careful on your faith. pakrytstse yashche not dastatkova pragrelasya, tamu pakul with distant rides on motatekhnitsy lepsh pachakats. assembling your attention on the stated matatsyklista , ask to turn back the autamatar and... often look at the back of the lusterke. the lack of snow cover served, say, so, at the opening of the informal opening of the motorcycle season, traffic police strongly recommend not to rush, wait for the average daily temperature to rise, wait for the temperature of the road surface to rise, because during the winter,
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motorcycle drivers have lost the skills of lawful behavior. in order to comply with american personal safety and compliance with road rules , we recommend not exceeding the established speed limit and avoiding sudden or sharp maneuvers. before departures from the towns of lepsh to special areas abstilled motadrokh. instructors can help you remember the dimensions of the transport for the time being, and give parades on light-weight feathers and molasses. the spring season is just around the corner. prices for the workers of the zhylleva-kamunalnaya gaspadars are possible and meat roasters.
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work is being carried out to build a future sports center, we gathered in order to at least put one of the territories in order, but i think that for this season of improvement, the fact that we have announced a cleanup day, for this period we are here we will seriously transform this territory so that residents can take a walk here and relax, its way of life is good... and it’s so magical, because it’s only a lot of lazy people. the holidays are planned for the upcoming weekend. dry the glebe, close the water and remove mineral streams. complex spring-and-scorching work is currently underway
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in all areas of the minsk region. the grazing of early crops is important in general terms. every year, 80 thousand hectares will be harvested for crops and grains. on charza there is buckwheat, cinnamon.
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practice creatively ab'yadnanne. only the forefathers and youth for the graduates were busy with dozens of jobs. you will also practice familiar exercises such as dancing, dancing and hand-playing. for others. the bright holidays are filled with animators, rightly themed parties and maystar classes. i love vacations because i have more free time, i can study more, go out with friends, i go to a modeling agency, well, i really like to go out with my friend, today we’ll go and well, even on vacation my friends always have a lot of birthdays.
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music dj. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come out to us and answer all our questions. are you ready to meet our guest?
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sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate with children? i used to be a pediatrician and kids love me. do you agree that children should not be lied to? i agree, although sometimes it can be unbearably difficult. do you promise to tell only the truth? i promise. so. we welcome our hero, deputy director of the republican scientific and practical center of oncology and medical radiology, professor, academician, oncologist, sergey krasny. sergey anatolyevich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you will not use it and be.
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your question. let's see how you and the best daddy in the world are. wonderful sergei anatolyevich, you did it in one minute. we have 100 children in our studio, and you have time to answer each one. so, children, who is ready to ask a question first? i see someone willing in the red sector. good afternoon, sergey anatolyevich, my name is zlata. they say to to become a doctor, you have to be kind, and you are a kind doctor. kind, although no, very kind. and here’s
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another question: did you decide to become a doctor yourself, or did your people insist on it? parents, my parents were against it, i was born and raised in a family of officers, my grandfathers, father, all the guys and in general everyone around were officers, and i also had to become an officer and even went in for sports like this, it’s called officer all-around, but in about 2 a month before entering the military school, my grandmother called me over and said: “what kind of an officer are you, you are too kind, you don’t know how to obey or command, you need to be a doctor , my grandmother went through the war, was married to an officer, spent her whole life in military camps, so she was an unquestioned authority, and accordingly i believed her, it was a shock for
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the whole family and only years later. they all resigned themselves, although i also became an officer, i am a lieutenant colonel in the reserve medical service , this is to the delight of my mother, and why did you choose oncology, because everyone is afraid of cancer, my grandmother died of a malignant tumor, and then i could not recognize it in time, to me i didn’t have enough brains, i was still a student. now, of course, i would save her, but there won’t be a second chance, probably that’s why oncology, thank you for your frank answer, to your right is the yellow sector, the next question is from there, tell me, how do ordinary people feel about the fact that you are a doctor? acquaintances are very
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respectful, but i try not to talk to strangers, because... from now on all conversations will only be about their illnesses, about the illnesses of their relatives and friends, and about nothing else. hello, my name is milana, why is the disease called cancer? that's what he called it her famous, great ancient greek physician, hippocrates. he studied malignant tumors , their appearance, on... he named karkinos by appearance, and karkinos is not only cancer, it is also a crab, the tumor has the main appearance in the form of a ball from which invasive tentacles extend, very similar to a crab , this is where the name comes from, i heard that cancer
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appears from the nerves, but why then do small children get it? nerves are only a small part, thank god, indeed, one of the causes of cancer can be stress, with it’s very difficult for young children, they get cancer very rarely, children mostly have other tumors, these are sarcomas and leukemia, they get this mutation that leads to the formation of cancer, more precisely a malignant tumor, children from their parents, or by inheritance. or during intrauterine life, which is why it is so important to take care of pregnant women, to protect them from any harmful effects, especially infections. it’s not for nothing that people say that if you refuse a pregnant woman, there will be mice in the house. is it true that many adults scare children that
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cell phones and computers can cause cancer. i think that adults want to protect you, they scare you for a reason, with mobile phones, it really is, the fact is that electromagnetic radiation comes from mobile phones, before it was much stronger radiation, modern models have reduced the radiation, but if holding a mobile phone near your ear for a very long time and sharing the news with all your friends and acquaintances, then... our brain will still receive some dose of this radiation. research, of course, still needs to be done in this direction, but why take the risk if you want to be with someone for a long time. talk, you can use external devices, for example, headphones. black sector, you will have to turn around. they say that all diseases are caused by
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bad habits, but do you have any bad habits? well, thank god, not all diseases are caused by bad habits; there are more complex causes. as for me, of course there is. both harmful and bad. now i have such a harmful one. habit like uh love for sweets, i have a big sweet tooth , i can’t live without it at all, if i don’t eat candy or cake, jam, maybe my brain is not thinking, i still need glucose for my brain to function, but as for bad habits, then for example, this is scattering things anywhere, probably this is how men mark theirs... well, my wife is already struggling with bad habits. my name is dominica. tell me, do you count how many lives you
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managed to save? it’s a very difficult question, dominika, but let’s try to do the math together. i've completed 3,500 in my life. surgeries on cancer patients, but he did not perform surgeries on all of them himself.
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to save lives, we do not specifically consider this, our national statistical committee has undertaken this. every year , approximately 17 people die from malignant tumors in the republic. i think that in every death there is a piece of my guilt. and therefore i try to do everything possible from me, believe me, so that there are fewer of these... i heard that every doctor has his own small cemetery inside the soul, where he sometimes comes and draws on his experience anew, looks at his mistakes and
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etc., do you have such a place in your soul? of course, of course, there is, every patient who could not be helped, you remember, you remember your... mistakes you learn from them, of course, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, but you have to learn from your own too, purple sector, you have to turn 180°. it is believed that treating oncology is very expensive, is this true? oncology is the most expensive branch of medicine, this is undoubtedly true, i can give an example, there is such a treatment method. is called cardi-cell therapy, which is quite complicated, i won’t tell what it is, but treating one patient with this method costs
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about 500,000 euros, in europe, in our republic it’s about 50,000 dollars, but naturally, in our country all patients receive treatment for free, which explains this cost, it’s expensive. the problem really is with the supply of medicine, then in the west they treated better, now there is no difference, i visited a lot of countries, in some i
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worked for quite a long time... and knowing this process from the inside, it is no different, you only need to compare equivalent centers, of course, if to compare an inter-district dispensary with some leading israeli medical oncology center, then there will be a difference, you need to compare the same medical institutions, or the entire system as a whole, in such a situation we are no different from leading western countries. and what place does belarus take in the treatment of oncology? concerning?
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the best way is to remember to spend time and arrange a short trip for yourself. this was the center of the principality; there were a lot of antiques here. and the city, you saw, has been preserved; it is called belarusian suzdal. the most famous olefonari in belarus are located in brest. but our zhinskaya oliya lanterns are the longest. with us you will visit the most interesting sights. we also have a unique exhibition called the cabinet of a soviet scientist. you can now experience the era of that time. here, under a layer of plaster in 2003, when renovation work began, the savior of the face of christ not made by hands was discovered.
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what does it mean? he showed. and also get unforgettable emotions, let the iron bye it’s hot, you know the proverb, you see , it’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, yes, not only will i bring a wonderful memory from zhodino, but also such a wonderful doll, look in the program, the route has been built on the tv channel belarus 24. the song of iradzima can be heard, everything can change, but the yans are not falling, you won’t know the smoke of spring and the sun, only it will not be
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an hour, but it will be eternity. you, where the pain is, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, there is joy live hello, my name is anna, what is the most difficult thing for you in your work? there are a lot of
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difficult things, but the most difficult thing, i think, is to stop in time, to make a decision when any of my influences. will do more harm than good, but how do you make the right decision, how do you say: stop, i’m trying not to do this on my own, such things should be decided in consultation with colleagues, that is, a council. then the yellow sector, to your right. tell me how to convince the patient whether he has a chance of recovery, how to convince him of this? and this there is no need to do this, a person is so designed that he always grasps at any straw, he will use it, even if it is a one-in-a -million chance, you just need to tell him what is to come, what treatment, what
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the results may be, what difficulties and complications, everything , and how to tell the patient that, alas, there is no chance of recovery. this is something they don’t teach at the institute, having already had quite a lot of work experience and having read a huge amount of literature on this subject, i already know today what to tell a dying patient, especially his relatives, this it’s always very difficult, you have to talk to everyone individually, i say that you need to spend more time together. don’t waste what time is left, discuss all the problems, ask each other for forgiveness, ask what the dying person would like to be done
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after his death, be sure to do it, that’s a lump in your throat, but when after a while the relatives of such a deceased patient come to you , and they say: doctor, thank you, thank you for teaching us, it’s worth a lot, do you believe in god? i believe and i try come to church often if possible, but do you think faith can help overcome illness? is it very difficult without faith? to treat a person, but you have to do at least something yourself, at least go to the doctor, well , for example, in order to win the lottery, you need to at least buy a lottery ticket, you said about faith in god, and you believe in miracles ?
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of course, another thing is that over time we can explain some miracles, thanks to progress, but during your rotational practice there were many miracles? can you tell me about this miracle? well, miracles happen every day, but now i’ll try to tell you something. since 1999, in our republic we have been developing and implementing an operation called an artificial bladder. previously, after removal of the bladder for cancer, a person’s ureters were removed to the skin and tubes were inserted.
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the most important thing is that life expectancy increases sharply, and so in those days , patients were prepared for such an operation, it was very complex, lasted about 8 hours. for a whole week and it was it is strictly forbidden to perform such operations without preparation, so one day on my duty at night a young man of about thirty was admitted with massive bleeding, i had to perform an urgent operation on him. removing the bladder is not a tricky thing, but exposing the tubes to his skin will lead to him dying within a year. and so my friend and i, with whom we had already had quite a lot...
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we withstood this pressure, well, then, thanks to the incredible efforts of this patient, he managed to get out, a huge scar 30 centimeters long formed on his stomach, 5-7 centimeters wide with such legs, branches, very similar to a centipede , this patient came for many years for check-ups, and i kept suggesting to him... to remove this scar to make a beautiful
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cosmetic one, and every time he refused, saying that it was his talisman, when he has some problems in life, he looks at his scar, remembers what happened to him and assesses the difficulties in life in a completely different way, so this is one of... miracles, since then they have revised their attitude for this operation, preparation is complete has changed, everything has become completely different , and today such operations are performed everywhere, about 2 of them have already been performed in belarus, the next question is: in the red sector you need to turn around, but is it true that all doctors love dark humor? i won’t speak for all doctors, but...
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before the operation, my husband did not play the violin. why can’t scientists come up with a universal medicine so that you take a pill and are healthy? cancer is a very complex disease. to date , 1,500 different mutations are known that can be associated with tumor growth. and... against each mutation
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, a specific drug has already been developed, or is being produced, or is being studied; moreover, these mutations can also interact with each other, all these interactions are called signaling pathways, and two adjacent tumor cells can radically influence each other differ from each other in terms of the set of mutations, so today a universal cure for cancer has not yet been invented, but maybe humankind will someday get rid of cancer, like you do you think? well, 10 years ago i would have said no, now i have changed my mind, i think that this can and will happen in our lifetime, well, in yours for sure. the next question is from the yellow sector: you will have to turn 180°. every day you see illness and death, what helps you believe in the best? i think that the eyes
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of my patients are an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, every life saved is such a powerful incentive for work that illness, death is simply nothing compared to this, and what are you doing? when you give up, because this certainly happens. i’m raising it, the red sector is next, i have a question, is cancer inherited? a very good question: hereditary malignant tumors account for approximately 7% of all tumors in general, but in some localizations, for example, breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, this figure can reach
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up to twenty, so cancer can be inherited, respectively, if close relatives were sick, then... i heard that some foods are afraid of cancer, and others, on the contrary, develop the disease , is this really so, nutrition affects the disease, nutrition is of paramount importance, and eastern wisdom says that we are what we eat, i would also add that we drink, so there are foods that with ... when cancer occurs, it is primarily fast food , smoked sausages, red meat in general, you should eat as little of it as possible, and i would also add sweet carbonated drinks to this, but there are foods that prevent the occurrence of tumors, these are primarily
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vegetables , fruits, seafood, oils the right ones are those that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, but in general you can talk about this. read the lecture, i think we’ll film a separate program. what belarusian achievement in oncology treatment are you most proud of? about 15 years ago, even more, time flies very quickly, it turns out that we began to develop a screening program for prostate cancer in the republic of belarus and it gradually. the tumor is larger in men today, we were under tremendous pressure from leading western countries, then it was believed that presiding gland cancer screening has more negative consequences than benefits.
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the world health organization and the international agency for research on cancer were most often opposed to introducing and expanding, and they put pressure in every possible way, threatened with sanctions, and demanded to stop these. all in this area, but how have treatment methods changed over your entire professional career? when i came to work, then it was a research institute, we could cure no more than 2% of all cancers patients, now everything has changed dramatically,
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moreover, everything changes dramatically every 3-5 years in oncology, this is the most dynamically developing branch of medicine, despite... the fact that it is the most expensive. today we cure approximately 60% of all cancer patients; in the initial stages this figure approaches 100%. moreover, when we detect a small tumor, we can perform the operation using a minimally invasive method and cure the person in one day; the next day he will begin work, completely cured of cancer. what do you do you feel when you realize that there is nothing more you can do to help your patient? you know , diana, such situations don’t happen, in
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the initial stages i can completely cure a patient, when the stages are advanced, i can significantly prolong his life, but... when special treatment no longer helps, then we can still help the person, we we can remove pain, help him breathe easier, lift his mood, improve his quality of life, in short, doctors of all specialties must accompany a person until his death. okay, do you cry when you lose your patient? onological patients are treated for a very long time, for years, and sometimes decades, and this brings us very close. most patients become family members for me , so when i lose a patient, i lose
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a loved one, i don’t cry right away, a huge number of thoughts arise in my head about what was done wrong, what else can be done to avoid similar situations in the future , but then, as... you remember, when comprehension comes, tears roll down on their own, i’m crying, you treat oncological diseases, malignant tumors, and you yourself are afraid of cancer? no, i’m not afraid, because i undergo all sorts of screening tests, and if cancer is detected, it will be detected in the early stages, when the treatment results are very good, everything must be done on time, and
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what are you most afraid of? made me think, in general, our fears change with age, i think that i am no different from people of my age, i am afraid that something will happen to my children or to my relatives. i i’m afraid of a global war on our land, but that’s probably more of it. is friendship between a patient and a doctor possible? of course, oncologists get very close to their patients and i have a lot of friends among my patients, both former and current. the fact is that in
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medicine there is an unspoken rule that you cannot perform an operation on your close relative for many reasons: firstly, firstly, when you perform a complex operation, you need the head to work flawlessly. if something happens during an operation with a close relative, it’s not enough that it’s so a tense situation, it will also add adrenaline, worries about his life, and you won’t be able to take it coldly, not make a prudent decision, act instantly, and secondly, if after such an operation your close relative, god forbid, dies, then live with it it’s generally impossible, so even if you think that you would do this operation better, you still need another surgeon to do it. and maybe, in your journey, in
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this profession, were there those words from patients, perhaps, that you remembered for the rest of your life? life? it’s probably very difficult to single out such words, well, after all, i remember very well one patient, that he calls me , our conversation, he always starts with these words: hello, doctor, i’m still here, i come very often, he’s almost here now 100 years, i say where here, and he speaks in this world, we turn 180°, the violet sector, the question from there is why cancer is called something of the 21st century, before, there were much fewer tumors, because most people died from infectious diseases when did not have antibiotics, they simply did not
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live to see a malignant tumor appear, the fact is that malignant tumors are primarily a disease of older people, but in addition, people had a different lifestyle, they ate better, there was no such environmental pollution, so all this together led to... communication is very important for people, so loneliness is a big problem for people. lonely people get sick more often and live shorter lives.
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but in relation to oncology, i have not seen any special studies, although one study i was very shocked, scientists artificially separated two groups of women with breast cancer, both groups had the same diagnoses, the same stages, the same treatment, but in one group the husband left the family, not surviving the tests, in the other the husband remained and supported the woman throughout the treatment afterwards. the difference in five-year survival between these groups was 30%. no ultra-modern medicine gives such an effect. this is the power of psychological influence. if a woman has something to live for, if she is helped, if her
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support. the results will be completely different. they say that love is a great power, do you think people in love recover faster? it’s probably impossible to live without love at all, this is my belief, but of course,
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a lover recovers faster, he needs to go to his beloved. he misses her, i heard that doctors mostly prefer to marry people of their profession, your wife is also a doctor, yes, my wife is a doctor, a wonderful general practitioner, you often bring work home when my wife comes home, then for the first 2 hours she is mostly silent, and my daughter and i talk , and then, of course, we discuss medical issues, we try to do this as rarely as possible, but we discuss, consult with each other, we have our own family council, how did you meet your wife? at a corporate party, in general, i believe that in family life people should be connected not only by love, love is first of all, but they must have it.
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common interests, for example, common hobbies, approximately the same upbringing, preferably education, then the family will be stronger, only in fairy tales, cinderella marries the prince, and emelya marries the princess, everything ends with a wedding, and what happens next is kept silent, by chance, we move on to the black sector, to your left, you said that your father was a military man and wanted you to become like him, and you would like your children to be doctors, i would really like to, i have three children, the eldest, a son and a daughter , categorically refused, they saw it very
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difficult.. in such a situation, in no case should you insist, because medicine is a special specialty, and a person’s life can be ruined if you force him to be a doctor. i have hope for my youngest daughter. do you think you are a good father? good, every year it gets better. can you now call one of your children and ask what kind of dad you are? is this a proposal? wow, yes, let’s try now, who are we calling? well, for my youngest
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daughter, of course, they are now getting ready. with the minsk city team for the republican chemistry olympiad, hello, marusichka, cat, sorry to interrupt you, can you talk now? yes, can you? yes, the program is still being filmed, and, uh, the guys asked me such an interesting question, asking you to tell me what kind of dad i am. yes, i’ll be happy to tell you. eh, the most important thing is that you are simply the best dad in the world for me. um , you are very kind, uh, very generous and... caring, you always support me in all my endeavors, you also taught me a lot, starting from the fact that i know how to
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ski, skate, you also brought me a very great love for science and the ability to behave calmly in any situation, and i am very... everything that you do for me, all your incredible support, and you help me move in this life, thank you very much, i do you too i love you very much, it’s incredible, thank you for these feelings. they say that doctors are much more difficult to treat than other patients, is this true? absolutely true. there are several reasons for this. the first
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reason is that many doctors have intolerance to certain medications due to the fact that they are constantly with them contact, for example, an allergy to antibiotics. for example, i am allergic to everything that is in the operating room. you don’t have to protect yourself from this, so when doctors get sick, you need to select medications more carefully, then almost all doctors are infected with hospital microbes that are very resistant to treatment, this also leaves its mark, well, besides, doctors know a lot about their illnesses, they express my opinion,
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then i am absolutely obedient and follow all orders, many thanks to the doctors who laid me down, and most importantly, now i can not only walk and continue to practice the same alpine skiing, but when something is not serious, some little thing, then here is the problem, i like to finish it if i have a cold. "i want to be stroked, pinched, my wife grumbles about this very often. to your right, yellow sector. your job is such a difficult one, how do you
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catch your breath? oh, i have a lot of ways, i ’ll try to list them quickly ", only. well, first of all, i don’t watch tv, in general, i get news from the internet." i read a lot and definitely every day , i really love theater, music, especially classical, and here my whole family supports me, we very often visit theaters and the philharmonic, i go in for sports, i like mainly extreme sports, let’s call them this: alpine skiing, scuba diving and so on, then i have... five construction specialties with corresponding ranks, so i remodel my house and scold the builders for what they did poorly, if you want to do it well, do it yourself. and we also
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my great friend, also an academician, sergei vladimirovich oblomeika, and our families, built a large park in our village, there are already more than 400 trees. and local residents began to help us, all this requires constant care and a lot of work, so we don’t get bored, i’m with me all the time. such a feeling of muscle pain, physical fatigue, so that you immediately forget about stress, tell me, do you like the person you have now become? well , i’ve already overcome my inferiority complex, so i like it, for which you can praise yourself, here are the questions. probably for the fact that i became
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a highly qualified professional in oncology, while maintaining the best human qualities. what can you blame yourself for? i'm lazy, i like to drink. and what do you expect most from life? such a little girl and such a serious question, i have a lot of expectations from life, but of course, as a specialist , i most expect that we will be able to find a universal cure for malignant tumors, and that this will happen in my lifetime, if you had to send messages to the world, what would you say in 30 seconds? and
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will you let me think? dear inhabitants of planet earth, everyone who hears me, today we must unite against our enemies, known enemies, these are endless wars. these are deadly diseases, very often artificially created, this is the pollution of our planet, this is the elimination, the gradual elimination of family values, all this together will inevitably lead to a global catastrophe. we, people of good will, need to unite to save our planet, the wonderful planet earth. we may not have a second chance.
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this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero. sergey anatolyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. or maybe two. certainly. one professional question that made me think was about the number of people saved and the number. patients whom we could not help , well, the second question, of course, when you asked to call my daughter, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, come out to the site, these are wonderful hands for you, and not...


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