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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero. sergey anatolyevich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. or maybe two, of course. one professional question that made me think was about the number of people saved and the number. patients whom we could not help , well, the second question, of course, when you asked to call my daughter, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest, come out to the site, these are wonderful hands for you,
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they will come in handy and you will remember about this transfer to our meeting. thank you very much. sergey anatolyevich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. a very adult question, since you adults asked me, then i will too. how do you feel about this trend that has been gaining momentum lately? that is, when a married couple prefers to live without a child. hello, my name is anton, and i believe that childfree is from the point of view of biology and religion, one might say this is wrong, since the main goal of any living creature is to leave offspring, continue one’s family, continue my gene, and evolve further, and personally , i want to have children, how many? well, how
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will it turn out, i think, from one to six, well, there is such a thing as the tree of life, i don’t understand it much, but i understand a little, and if this tree of life ends with some person who doesn’t want a child , then this tree will burst, and there will be fewer people on earth. i believe that childfree has a place to be, because it is still the choice of each person, but i personally believe that i want children, because this is a kind of meaning the life of every person, because if now everyone suddenly stops having children, then humanity, in principle, will die out on earth and there will be no one left to live. many people are now afraid of responsibility, because children are always responsible. very big, in fact
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, now many people are not ready for this responsibility, they understand this , that’s why they don’t want children, personally , i would like to have children, because this, as they have already said, is the meaning of life. sergey anatolyevich, it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, thank you very much. for such frank adult conversation, i relived the most emotional moments of my life, so today, as a guest of the program “one hundred questions for an adult,” deputy director of the republican scientific and practical center for oncology and medical radiology, professor, academician, oncologist, sergei krasny, i’m waiting for you at the entrance. platform. sergey
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anatolyevich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, probably the most difficult, excuse the pun, about what is the most difficult in my profession. what question have you been waiting for, but was never asked today? i expected the guys to ask me. about school life, they will ask about sports, probably about family responsibilities, but these questions sound very strangely soft. what surprised you about the children? they were surprised by their ability to reason like that in an adult way; at their age i couldn’t do that; they will certainly be better than us, and this is the basis of our progress. today. you managed to answer 62
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questions, tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? invite me, i’m addressing our audience, tell me, do you think that the hero... was inspired by this devotion to other people, i think that sergei anatolyevich was as honest as possible with us today, he was even able to call his daughter to talk to her in front of us, and this is a very great
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trust in us, he showed today, i want to say thank you to him, thank you very much, sergey anatolyevich for your honesty, frankness, for your emotions that you gave us. and the children , who thought that sergei anatolyevich was still a little cunning today, well, didn’t say something, it seemed strange that sergei anatolyevich did not tell anything about his life at school, you didn’t ask, so wanted to ask, but the time has expired , i’ll have to invite you again, exactly, thank you for your opinion, sergei anatolyevich, sum up the conversation that took place, it was... an unforgettable event in my life, a very serious, adult conversation on the most difficult topics, and i it seems that we simply have the most wonderful children in the world,
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there is no need to worry about our future, oncologist sergei krasny was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. see in the next issue, leader and soloist of the syabry ensemble, people's artist of the republic of belarus, anatoly ermolenko. you are often called a legend, but do you feel like one yourself? do you miss your youth? who is your closest friend? what is the difference between love at 20 and love at 70? what can't you ask for yourself until now
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? what does radima mean to you? 100 questions for an adult. and i'll go to bed!
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sincere surprise: where are the sailors from? well, our division was, we wore this strictly naval uniform, there was compulsory service, there were more than a thousand people standing there for pleasure, it was at the sailors' canteen, having served in the army , first in the belarusian, then in the russian , that he was faced with a choice of which country to stay in, he chose belarus and never regretted this decision. you know, homeland. closest, yes, no matter how good it is there , he still longs for his homeland, and mikhail dudikov, a military man, a cook, a sailor, is one of those who was at the forefront of belarusian agrotourism, but he considers the main achievement of his life not his career, money or a successful business, but
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a truly friendly, close-knit family, where, no matter what, one for all, everything for one. oh, this is for anton, the family is big , so that there is enough for everyone, but this is for zhenya, sasha, but this for his wife, oh, this is for himself, so as not to separate himself from...
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almost at the exit from the greenhouse, mikhail shows another variety of tomatoes in full the title seriously says: the envy of neighbors, a joke is a joke, but according to mikhail there is a bit of bitter irony in it: the neighbors really look with envy at his farm and not even at the harvest, at how together, amicably, harmoniously, the whole family they work. the eldest son is the youngest grandson. well, to be honest, i would i would also like to wish my neighbor that... the children would come to him more often, because of course, my envy is always with me, but his
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somewhere they rarely come, so the neighbor would be kinder if the children came to nimbusha it would seem to me that in these times one can really envy mikhail, it’s rare for anyone to have not only children, but grandchildren stay in the family home and do not hesitate to work on the land, and we are not talking about gardens of dacha sizes, here the scale is different, apple orchard - a large poultry house, huge greenhouses, in which the owners, in addition to the usual tomatoes and cucumbers, they even manage to grow grapes. this is a belarusian selection, northern, efremovskie. evgeniy has a professional understanding of the achievements of belarusian breeders. at one time, he graduated from the agrobiological faculty of the goritsa agricultural academy. he could have built a career in some agricultural holding, but he returned to his father.
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can’t cope, the volumes are very large, but someone hired, also some people, to hire someone, firstly, we have practically no locals here, to hire someone, i have in i mean, you still need to explain, while on the other hand, explain that it’s faster to do it yourself, it’s all the same, you have to participate in everything yourself, be present, if necessary, everyone works everywhere, this is the basic principle, but everyone in the family has some kind of then the part of the work assigned to him, the youngest man in the family is fourteen years old. well, the holidays
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are all here, that is, i help my grandfather, grandmother, everyone, so i really like it, no, this is not coercion, that is, they ask me whether i want, well, that is, to go or not, guys his age spends hours on the internet, often with great difficulty; parents, and even more so grandparents, can drag them somewhere into nature, it’s not easy. all day in the fresh air, while your peers are having fun and relaxing, you work all day, sometimes on a par with adults, but very soon it becomes clear why the young guy is attracted by the atmosphere of his grandfather’s estate, there will be questions, and questions, oh, wow! and then you can go fishing with your grandfather, the dnieper, and even one like here, wide, powerful,
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spacious, never gets boring, discounts on what anton is a teenager, no one does, you need to fix a heavy motor on the boat or find a suitable place for fishing yourself or cheeks, the grandson is the same partner as any adult, a day’s work and fatigue is terrible, as soon as i reached the dnieper, i got into the boat sat down, got up somewhere and disappeared. the river is a place of power, you can say, oh, anton, here, you see, see how fast it is, the reverse current, you see, it twists, there is always a predatory fish standing here,
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what has bitten? with such a grandfather, anton admits, you won’t get bored; mikhail himself allows his grandson if not everything, but a lot. like many guys his age, anton is interested in technology. but instead of modeling classes and online master classes, anton has a real car at his disposal. well, yesterday you finished painting the compote, no , you haven’t finished painting it yet, let’s go see, something needs to be finished, finished off, what happened here, well done, look, but if it’s normal
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, you can’t find a second car like this, this unit, as they call it themselves doody. well, here it is, of course, from the plane, fuses, everything from the plane, oh, fan i even earned it. almost half of mikhail dudikov’s life was connected with military service; to this day, when he tells strangers where he served, many do not believe him. there is a stereotype that there are no sailors in belarus. where are the bully sailors from? we had
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the seventh, naval, missile, and red banner stationed here. division of the baltic fleet , our division was, we wore that strictly naval uniform, there was compulsory service, there were more than a thousand people there for the pleasure of the sailors, namely the sailors' canteen, well , as we have not a campus, but a sailors' canteen, the so-called, these were the land sailors, and mikhail vladimirovich was the very person who was responsible for the food of all these land sailors; for many years he worked as the head of the tables.
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take it, well, the organization is quite, well, complicated, everyone thinks, yes, yeah, in heaven, it turns out that no one ever wanted to go to this paradise. mikhail graduated from school in bykhov, then culinary school, then conscription into the army. before he had time to demobilize, military service overtook him again. mikhail was returning home on the train and met an ensign, who advised me to come to their division as a chief. kostolova, so the still quite young man had more than thirty women under his command, employing about a thousand soldiers. in 1996, when his service in bykhov came to an end, mikhail continued his career in russia at the smolinsk air defense academy, there were already 55 women there in subordination and 2.0 people on
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allowance, even after finally leaving the army , mikhail had the opportunity to stay in smolensk, but at the beginning... for so many years, visiting in the village of zalokhvenye mikhail vladimirovich had many guests. hunters, fishermen, and people like to stay with him. on the banks of the dnieper. more than once bikers and caravanners held their rallies here, organized corporate holidays, and large companies. and, since the head of the household is an expert in the field of
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cooking, many go to the estate specifically to taste the game delicacies prepared for the owners. my son and i hunt, we buy licenses, we hunt beavers. we prepare shurpa from beaver and bake it in the oven.
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still in smolensk with the dudikov family the yakars remained, from time to time at the family council they sit down and discuss, maybe we should try to return to smolensk, do business there, because these are new opportunities and new earnings, and then, mikhail vladimirovich admits, they go to the banks of the dnieper, look at this water space, and answers to all questions come by themselves. smalensk is the same dnieper, but the dnieper is the height of the dnieper, imagine what the dnieper is there, what the dnieper is like for us, firstly, and wider, larger, and
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deeper, and whatever, more beautiful, it still pulls here. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around
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the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to view our projects. channel, so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental,
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athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch. after all, we are making belarus closer.
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not even 3 hours have passed since the elections, a statement about the fictitiousness of the elections appears on the website of the us state department, the european union used exactly the same term, and in assessing our elections, this is stupidity, inadequacy or interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign country, they are simply
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enemies. their assessments have nothing to do with either the law or the real processes that are taking place in our country; they set the task: overthrowing alexander lukashenko, bringing their puppets to power, completely changing our political regime, carrying out repressions against patriotic forces, separating belarus from russia, this collective lukashenko, to whom they say so much now, that is, that mass support for the policy and the course that is being pursued,
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the news is now on the air, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, for close cooperation in all areas, without exception, minsk and omsk have no barriers. today our president held a meeting with the governor of the russian region, and the partners discussed.


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