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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 5:05pm-5:36pm MSK

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the basis of some kind of monstrous action that terrorists committed, trying to intimidate all progressive humanity, i think that they simply will not succeed, because there are still more people in the world, although the worlds are becoming tougher, it is becoming somehow cruel, i can call this action a manifestation of some kind of inhuman violence against civilians, i don’t know, animals don’t act like these people who came. after all,
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there is someone else behind these people, the direct executors of this actions, and it’s good that they were detained, i think that their testimony will form the basis for conducting a very thorough investigation and assessing what is happening in the world, who is organizing these acts of terrorism. the book of condolences is open today tomorrow, anyone who wants to express words of sympathy can do so. in poland , they were blown up during a training exercise. two rocket launcher soldiers. the incident occurred on the territory of the thirteenth missile squadron of the ehea. according to the country's ministry of defense, during an exercise to undermine tratil, an accident occurred with with the participation of soldiers of the fifth chemical regiment. this is the second incident during the exercise in the last month. at the beginning of march , a soldier of the first warsaw armored brigade died after being wounded at the training ground. the next stage of a scientific mission in orbit. today, as expected at 18:10 minsk time, the soyuz spacecraft will dock with the iss. the process is underway. several stages:
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first, the spacecraft approaches, then the radio system must turn on to search for the approach of the spacecraft docking with the orbital station. at approximately 17:47, the soyuz ms-25 will begin to launch the iss, after will hover and dock. at 18:10 the ship should touch down and dock with the berth hub module of the russian segment of the station. then the astronauts will begin preparing for the transition to the iss. let us remind you that on march 23, tens of thousands of people watched with bated breath the launch of the s-25 alliance with our marina vasilevskaya. belarus has laid down a new one for the whole country. the duration of crew work on the russian segment of the iss will be 12 days. in space, marina vasilevskaya, as part of the crew under the command of oleg navidsky, will job. over the study of experience
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in growing plants in biomedicine, as well as testing complex instruments in zero gravity conditions. return to earth is scheduled for april 6. at 19:00 more relevant information, see you on the evening news broadcast. once upon a time, stones were considered living beings, they were worshiped, they were deified, and beautiful legends and traditions were associated with them. one of these boulders lay on the border of the city we arrived in. people came to the stone, asked for help, as a rule, their requests were carried out, but one day an evil healer angry symbol of luck fertility. people came in the morning, but there was no stone. in its place is a deep
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well with cold water, and this is not the only thing that happened to this place during its existence. this city was repeatedly burned, destroyed and rebuilt, and its residents witnessed many historical events. and you and i have the opportunity, albeit for a short time, to stay here, perhaps even to feel the centuries fly by. we are in a small town in the brest region, which, despite... the area is still rich in sights, this is kamyanets, welcome! 1200! '76 the galician-volyn prince
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vladimir vasilkovich ordered the town planner oleksa to choose a place for a new settlement near the northern border of the berestey lands. the city cutter walked along the lesnaya river and is an example. for the soviet union. there is a legend that the tower was actually built by giants who once came to the lesnaya river. the bricks from polina were laid by kneeling. therefore, frequent guests of kamenets traditionally bow before the white vezha, so that at least for a second
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feel like giants. there is no exact date for the construction of the tower, which is shaped very much like a chess rook. probably. they began to build it simultaneously with the city, since they were interconnected, then the vezha was a single structure, as fortifications, two hills and a protective ditch, the city and the tower were connected by a wooden bridge. camelet tower, white vezha or white pillar, whatever you call this structure, it will still remain the main architectural landmark and pride of this region. the kamenets tower has survived a huge number of battles and sieges over 7 centuries. but no matter what, it was always rebuilt and restored. according to one version, such confusion with the name arose after the author of the book belovezhskaya pushcha pointed out that the vezha stands on the belaya river. others believe that local historians are to blame for everything, who
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unanimously assured that the volyn tower was whitewashed in ancient times. so still, white vezha, isn’t this name a historical mistake? the tower was first mentioned in the ipatiev chronicle in 1276, its chronicle name pillar kamen. for a very long time , the kamenetskaya tower did not fulfill its defensive function; it could have been the 15th century. after a long time, we find a description of the tower only in 1826, and there they write about it as a white vase. it is very difficult to say today whether it was whitewashed in the middle ages, but we, as employees of our museum, the kamyanets tower, still believe that the tower should be correctly called the kamyanets stone table.
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by the way, today the dan john tower looks almost the same as in the 12th century, and it is also depicted on the belarusian five-ruble banknote. a local priest carried out excavations and found a secret underground passage between the tower and the city. it is possible that there was another one that connected vezha with the lesnaya river. unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to verify this. the five tiers of the tower, the same number there were initially, gradually turned into five museum halls, through which tourists from all over the world stroll. and, by the way, each tier had its own purpose. let's say, here, on the first occasion, food products were stored. we climb a narrow staircase to the second tier of the tower, here the history of the region is presented, under glass there are objects discovered during excavations of burial mounds of the 20th century and archaeological finds from the kamyanets settlement of the 13th
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century, on the floor above there is evidence of the history of the city during the period of the grand duchy of lithuania. it was here that the only entrance to the tower was once located. to a fifteen-meter height in... in total , the museum collection of the kamenets tower has 382 exhibits. i must warn you, according to one of the legends, a ghost lives in the tower, princess olga. she doesn’t bother the locals, she punishes them exclusively tourists, and then only those who are willing to take away some pebble with them as a souvenir. i dare to assure you, there is no need to worry. during our stay in the tower, our film crew never met the ghost, and also, if you do not suffer from acrophobia, be sure to go up to the observation deck of the castle, from here you can see a gorgeous view of the masonry and the surrounding area. well, it’s time to leave the tallest building in the kamenets
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region, because ahead of us lies an acquaintance with the tallest man of this region, and by the way, no one has tried to challenge this status yet, but they know andrey. it’s not for this reason that i’m vomiting; he is the owner of a unique collection of photographs. let's get acquainted! hello! hello, ekaterina, ekaterina, it’s very nice, tell me, how tall are you? oh, my height is very tall, and i don’t tell anyone about it so that people don’t fall into a ruffle, only the military registration and enlistment office knows it. okay, but they say that you are the tallest person in the kabinets district, is that true? they are a little mistaken, i won’t say for the kamenes district, but for kamenes for sure. yes indeed, andrey - a prominent figure in the city, how can you not pay attention to a man who is at least two heads taller than everyone around him. andrey, please tell me how it happened that a computer physicist suddenly became obsessed with history, and quite seriously at that? and this is all thanks
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to our, unfortunately, deceased local historian, georgiy stepanovich museyevich, and his wonderful book, which was published by him in a self-published manner in 1996 . the book is absolutely boring, without pictures, it’s a thin brochure, but i had a blast reading it. i was walking with this book. throughout city, researched what was written there; books on history take up more space on my shelf than books on physics. a little later, thanks to andrey and his close friend, the city had its own website with a cheerful name: kamenitsa neighborhood belarus at its best, about a third of visitors are people living outside the country. we visited about 100 people, collected more than a thousand photographs, and made a compact book on the website.
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here's a walk through the high city across the bridge literally in a couple of rooms to me a man sent from a high place a continuation of this shpatsir, these same ladies , well, from a slightly different perspective, so to speak, were found , and thanks to two publications, one woman in the komenesky district found her relatives, with whom she had lost contact , and one man from brest found his relatives. take note, all the information is in the public domain, anyone can get acquainted with the history of kamenets , and now i will be happy to tell you and show you what kamenets was like before,
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what it is like now, these are the changes on the face, this is what we see in kamennitsa in the forties, literally, on the eve of the war, on the eve of this huge catastrophe, when kamennitsa changed radically, especially with regard to its center, when it was completely populated, built up with houses in which the indigenous people lived. jews. it is known that the pre-war population in kamenets consisted of 90% jews. some houses still remain in the city center, only they have turned from private mansions into other institutions. we are right in the center, in the old administrative and shopping center. here we had two rows of trading houses and shops, they were called budas. on the right is this orange one, it was the owner of our hotel. a jew, next to the church, there is also this orange house, behind the monument, the house of a jewish merchant, by the way, the only
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house for which we found a name, this house was called the white house. at that time, kamenets was a small european town with many hotels and restaurants. by the way, there was never a railway in the city, but there was a passenger bus running here, on which you can was to get to the railway station, and from there go to anywhere in the world. while andrei stashenya writes the history of kamenets in photographs, our film crew independently continues to walk around the city, all the sights are within walking distance. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information, is almost a relic of the past. it’s easier to watch something short and funny that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive opposition
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resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but that's different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, and the inability to form their own opinions. they consider themselves young, free and independent; in fact, they are very susceptible to external influences. this is a constant attempt to get people emotional, this strategy for the majority of opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, but what can opposition resources offer ?
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stand on your feet and be young, a quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the comenet synagogue is still preserved, however, without my help, you probably won’t find it, because after the war, the ishiva and the synagogue turned into a house of culture. yes, yes, this is the same jewish temple built in the 17th century. in total, there were
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six synagogues in the city, four wooden and two brick, next to this one, which became... vladimir bedula, a glorious man born twice, a hero of socialist labor in the kamyanets region. well, let's return to the historical center of the city again. our main landmark is kamenetskaya vezha. left. her three-story building with a red tiled roof. agree, it attracts attention. in 1926, a license was obtained to open the first secondary schools, and one of them was located in this building. the first students were 18 jews, three poles and nine belarusians. they learned the basics of mathematics, history, geography and hebrew.
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it has been located here since 1996. kamenets gymnasium. they say that during reconstruction, builders found a message in a bottle that had lain there for 72 years. it read: “we leave to our descendants in the future our names and addresses.” how it turned out that it was a letter from the brigade leaders. written in three languages: russian, german, polish. by the way, according to some sources, the porch of the educational institution is made from tombstones of the old jewish cemetery. they were used in the construction of other structures of that time. next to the gymnasium , secondary school number one, the wall of which is decorated with unusual graffiti, there is a mass grave. 1,640 soldiers of the soviet army and partisans who died during the liberation of the area from the nazis are buried in it. invaders. a few steps away is a
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bright pink building. this is a library named after the first president of the academy of sciences of belarus. the komenetsky district is the birthplace of many famous personalities, academician and literary figure vladimir gnilomedov and football player sergei kislyak appeared here, hence the roots of the honored master of sports of the republic of belarus, seven-time record holder in weightlifting irina kulesha. and we are heading to a sculptural composition that has been causing controversy among local historians for many years. here is a monument to the experienced city planner oleksa, thanks to whom. century, this city appeared, it points to the kamenets vezha, the place from which it all began. according to another version, this is not a city planner, but the volyn
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prince vladimir vasilkovich. historians are still at a loss. well, let's analyze the situation: an unknown bronze man is holding a shield in his hands; at that time only princes or their warriors were depicted with it. yes, the inscription on the invoice is an order addressed. builder, alexa could not command himself, capes of this kind in those days were worn only by princes or people very noble, such as alex’s gradarup or prince vladimir on the monument, we’ll have to leave this riddle to the professionals. and it’s time for us to get to know the kamenets landmark, which attracted our attention from the first minute of our stay. the three-century anniversary of the romanov dynasty in the russian empire was planned. to build 300 churches, and the local priest, whose name is still unknown, tried to ensure that kamenets was included in the list of cities in which new churches would appear. however,
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it was not possible to carry out the plan to the end, because the first world war began, but by 1914 this temple was still erected. the priest lev paevsky took care of the creation of the temple. svyatosemovskaya. the church was built on the foundation of an old wooden church, which was erected on this site in the 15th century. after 4 centuries, the building was completely destroyed. thanks to the efforts of the abbot, the government allocated 50 thousand rubles in gold. this is how a brick temple appeared on a hill, illuminated in honor of simeon the stylite. syrian orthodox monk, founder of stylites. simeon built a high pillar and stood on it for 40 years, for this he received from god the gift of healing mental and physical illnesses, and foreseeing the future. a copy of the icon of the kamenets
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mother of god deserves special attention; at the bottom it depicts the very first wooden church. the pride of the church is a three-tiered carved iconostasis made of dark bog oak. it was brought from warsaw's st. alexander nevsky cathedral, which in pre-war times was located in saxon square. that they lived, the iconostasis was saved, it ended up in the st. semyonov church of kamenets as a gift from the residents of the village of pruska in memory of the deceased children. first, he was taken by rail to the zhabinka station, and then to kamyanets. by the way, in the same 15th century, or more precisely, in 1501 , the church of st. peter appeared on kostelnaya street, today soviet. pavel, it was built from larch, it burned down in 1924 from a lightning strike. 15 years later, new brick walls appeared in its place. in soviet times, the church was completed, and
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a restaurant was placed in it, and a little later a teahouse. and only in the 1990s was the shrine returned catholics, the temple was restored. but, as i already said, kamenets is primarily famous for its people. therefore, we head to the workshop of the national master of belarus, anatoly turko. as they are in belarus, russia, although we can only see them in photographs, so are germany and poland, and also the sculpture of euphrosyne of polotsk, which is near the kamenets tower, is also the work of a folk artist, physically very hard work and still necessary. in this sculpture we see not just a plane, we also see volume, we feel this volume and we try to be given wood oak for work, this is the hardest material
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that we have for use, but these powerful oaks in our area are not so easy - says anatoly savelyevich, besides belovezhskaya pushcha they grow in few places, you have to contact the forestry or look for private farmsteads, and panels made by a master using a unique technique, carvings on a tinted background, are even ordered by the state gift fund of representative souvenirs. anatoly turkov is currently working on one of these works, with the permission of the master, and i was able have a hand in this matter. try to have your palm open here , so that this whole hand lies, no, because this finger is in the way and the height, but so that it lies like this, like this, here it lies, like this, yes, this is jewelry work. it’s not so easy the first time, even to pick up the cutter correctly, let alone to use it correctly. after half an hour, according to the folk master, something begins
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to work out for me. and on... in the manner even clear outlines of the symbol of belovezhskaya pushcha appear, bison. we will be able to see the animal live a little later, when we find ourselves in the national park, but for now we continue to learn more details from the creative biography of anatoly turkov. it turns out that the painter loved it from an early age. as a child, even in preschool age, my brother and i ran to the river, fishing with fishing rods; there was a house on the river itself.
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they gave it to neighbors who were looking after the artist. well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say, the third world war is on the way on the threshold, the fourth say, a hybrid war is being waged, well, it’s up to the common man to figure it out. it’s very difficult, this is a step towards escalation, they are trying to escalate the situation as much as possible in order to test russia once again, including us, today the west has significantly reduced its standard of living, the resource base is depleting, in fact there is none, they are really preparing, so these are the caterpillars that rattle along our borders, so we need to show that we are ready to answer any challenge, we are quite self-sufficient,
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we are strong and... despite the fact that we it's a small country, but we can bring a lot of problems to anyone who wants to pinch us. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarus is widely presenting its potential in the african market. this is a promising continent for us. zimbabwe is a consumer of our technologies for agribusiness mechanization, which makes a significant contribution to food security. batsvana also aims to expand cooperation with belarus in the military-industrial complex. potential of the grodno region. presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnh. what surprises muscovites and guests of the russian capital? days of the gronnes region open up new opportunities for union cooperation. several agreements have already been signed with russian regions. at the exhibition you can see complex equipment, painting easter eggs, weaving baskets from wicker, and admire the exclusive products of the famous neman glass factory. also, russians, for whom belarus is one of the top countries for holidays today, will be able to learn
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about the history of the augustow canal. corner. news, analytics, comments, experts and interesting facts, see the program events on thursdays on tv channel belarus 24. anatoli saeleevich, as i understand it, this is the same sign that you personally made and installed in memory of fyodor ivanovich, right? yes, this is exactly that sign, this thought came to me, since i was familiar with it, and maybe it was a shame that many
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townspeople, well, mostly, probably... mostly don’t know that such a famous one of ours was born here belarusian painter, fyodor ivanovich, i decided to put it on the day of writing in 2005, which just coincided with the anniversary, the centenary of the birth of fyodor ivanovich, i decided to put up at least a small sign so that people would see and know that such a famous person was born in this house, the house is unique, it is more than 150 years old, one part of it was built without a single nail, in two... still high , there was once a stove-bed inside, all in the best traditions of that time. anatoly turkov does not lose hope that someday a museum in memory of his inspirer and first teacher fyodor doroshevich will appear here. unfortunately, it's time for us to go. we have not yet been to the main street of kamenets, which, according to old-timers, in the seventies and eighties it was buried in flowers and greenery. little has changed here today.


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