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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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to survive the irreparable loss, as well as a speedy recovery to all those affected. already in a telephone conversation, the head of the belarusian state once again personally expressed deep condolences to his russian colleague. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin confirmed their readiness for further active interaction between the two countries and maintaining contacts between the relevant services in order to effectively respond to the threats of terrorism and extremism. their relatives and friends. we mourn with you sincere condolences to everyone who lost the whole country, all our people. i declare march 24 a day of national mourning. in moscow and
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the moscow region, in all regions of the country, additional anti-terrorist and anti-sabotage measures have been introduced. the main thing now is to prevent those who are behind this bloody massacre from committing new crimes. a monstrous terrorist act cannot be justified by an endless stream of people coming here to the russian embassy in minsk. belarusians carry candles, flowers, lamps, even toys. as a sign of solidarity.
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old people settle scores. this is tragic the event once again confirms the correctness of the words of the president of the republic of belarus that we must be on alert, we must not relax. we must remember that there is a very serious confrontation going on. significant forces have been deployed against belarus and russia. of course, we see how complex the geopolitical situation is. in the world as a whole and especially on the borders of the union state, the president of belarus, the president of russia, is taking very serious steps to ensure the defense of the union state, i am ukrainian by nationality, both father and mother a ukrainian and a russian citizen, two in one, it’s like a good cocktail, and you know that i don’t agree that pain can unite.
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should unite joy, creativity, respect, but not pain or grief; grief must, of course, be mourned and not allowed. belarusian citizens were also among the victims. the ministry of health in belarus is ready to organize the departure of teams, send medicines, supplies of donor blood and its components, including the assistance of specialists, psychotherapists and psychologists to work with their affected relatives. v in connection with the events in the moscow region , additional measures have also been taken to ensure public safety, primarily regarding transport facilities and crowded places, additional measures have been taken in border areas. now the main thing is to provide all the necessary assistance to the victims, then, of course, thoroughly conduct an investigation and punish the perpetrators. today, russian special services managed to detain the suspects. including several people
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who were detained in a car in the bryansk region, i would like to especially note the unity our russian and belarusian services, the minister of health called yesterday, help was offered, what happened was reflected in the heart of every belarusian in all regions of the country. the target of the terrorist attack was not only russian society, but also us belarusians . allies of the russian federation and it is clear that they were inclined to disunity, but i have no doubt that we will rally around our national leader, our friendship will become even stronger, because today we are ready to lend a helping hand to the victims, near the belarusian lyceum russian university lamps candles , brest, vitebsk, gomel, at the russian consulates general are mourning, flowers in memory of more than a hundred who died in the terrorist attack in the moscow region, people do not hide their tears, this is our common... trouble, it has united
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belarusians even more russians, the result is stunning, such an assessment. voting is on different scales in different parts of the world, including in the usa and russia, and if the question of trump or biden remains open, then
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the russians have already said an unequivocal yes to vladimir putin, president alexander lukashenko congratulated his russian colleague on his convincing victory in the elections. i just spoke with the president of russia. congratulated him on the results of the elections in the russian federation , asked him to convey gratitude, first of all, of course, to those present here and to other people who helped organize the presidential elections in russia; we had six polling stations, the elections were organized like nowhere else, no matter how hard they tried to download from the west, very good results, the russian embassy worked very well in... contact with ours officials, so i convey to you his gratitude for the work and organization of the russian presidential elections on the territory of belarus. in belarus , 14 thousand russians exercised their right to vote; the turnout in these elections is called unprecedented,
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more than 77%. the cec believes that this was influenced by the decision to hold a three-day vote. in addition, for the first time, russians were able to cast their votes online.
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a lot, he’s great, he’s traveled all over russia, visited different places and answered the burning questions of russian society, the planning of the election process and the course of the election campaign itself were very good, there is a lot to learn, everyone was mobilized and united according to the plan of the presidential administration, and the central election commission all acted patriotically and produced an excellent result. therefore, this is a lesson for us , we must now, as we have decided with the president of russia, this is very important, we must be included in all the programs that he announced in his message to the russians, the plans are very interesting, they are feasible, the volume of these plans is about 9
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trillion rubles, and he said i'm big i will be pleased to welcome the work of the belarusians to implement these plans; there are joint plans such as a highway from moscow through minsk. as i ask him, so that this is a good expressway, we already have others that we are implementing plans, so full support in this regard, there is a lot of work ahead. well, but we will also have to go through our elections in 2025. what the country will live with in the next month is preparation for the all-belarusian people's assembly, the experience of holding certainly there is, but its new status obliges, yes, this is the seventh convocation , one might say, but it is special, it is constitutional, so it is very important, externally and in content , to hold it at the highest level, i know that you discussed these issues twice and came to specific decisions , and it is proposed today
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to discuss them at my level, we have decided on the format for bringing the all-belarusian people's assembly, let's discuss the details, but i repeat once again that this should be solemn, and most importantly meaningful, so that it was like elections in russia, a mosquito won’t hurt our nose, so that we won’t be reproached later, everything is now politically concentrated on... we are not expected to have violent events in russia, around the same, we still have the holding of the all-belarusian people’s assembly, the stakes of some of our fugitives and the west to try as much as possible to bring disorganization and collapse during the meeting and decision-making, we should not give them such a gift; preparatory work is already in full swing in the organizing committee under the leadership of the prime minister. nomination of candidates has begun delegates, everything is according to plan, as for the date of the meeting, it is already clear, the belarusian
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veche will meet on april 24-25. the most important lesson from the results of the russian elections, as alexander lukashenko noted, is that the people of belarus cannot impose someone else’s will on russia. moscow is in touch, political scientist alexey joins our studio. alexey, the russian presidential elections were held with a record high turnout, the recent election campaign in belarus, the elections of deputies also showed a high voter turnout, why do you think such political activity of belarusians and russians, because in fact, our people reflect support for the current government. hello, such activity and such consciousness, the civic consciousness of russians and belarusians is quite understandable, recently there have been external pressure factors.
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russia, and belarus, and people are starting to get up and go to vote, if before they thought that everything would go this way, now it certainly will.
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if you suddenly manage to drive the wedge, and they really dream about this in washington, in london, in brussels, between moscow and minsk, this will be
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too great a gift to our opponents, and , as you know, the slavic peoples react very carefully to external threats, they have always reacted, this has always been the key to survival and state formations, several thousand years of history testifies to this, why do we need to change the traditions of our ancestors?
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come out, imposing on the whole world some speculative western actors, who from it will constantly maintain themselves in the legal field without becoming like the rules by which we supposedly must live, by remaining within the legal framework, international international law, russia and belarus gain competitive advantages in this information war. which, unfortunately, we are doomed to continue for a long time. alexey, thank you, the connection from moscow was political scientist alexey mukhin. this is belarus, the main country, entering a new stage of its development, a task for the new composition of the belarusian parliament, as well as the results of the work of deputies and senators of the previous convocation.
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meeting of the president of belarus with parliamentarians, here are some quotes about the main thing. despite... all the efforts of the collective west, belarus could not be isolated in the international arena. moreover, the country’s international position has even strengthened. one confirmation of this is the election of belarusian deputies to the governing bodies of the parliamentary dimension of the united nations, the interparliamentary union. the majority of the world's population lives in the states with which we are friends. their economies.
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connections. the belarusian people sensibly assessed the situation and once again confirmed their wisdom in their desire to be the master of their native language. earth. another problem of recent years is the geopolitical fault, a large-scale systemic crisis, the symptoms of which are obvious to all of us,
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not only, by the way, in the military-political, but also in the economic and humanitarian spheres. norms. the principles of international law began to be replaced by instruments of political and economic pressure, the place of diplomacy is increasingly taken by the policy of sanctions, and sanctions for destruction. against the background of what is happening today in many of our neighbors, belarus lives a relatively normal, full life. we have significantly strengthened your armed forces, there’s no escape. the economy is growing, people are working and getting paid , there is peace and order on the city streets, the state is fulfilling its social obligations, and most importantly, our citizens feel safe, do not fear for the lives of their loved ones, this is not cheap,
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they have made a worthy contribution to the common cause and parliamentarian, the updated constitution in the literal sense... was created by the people for themselves, for the people. it is most important. we see that people believe in belarus and associate their fate, the fate of their children and grandchildren. and now i ’m not just talking about our citizens. i mean foreigners who have chosen belarus as their second homeland, and there are more and more of them. adopted constitutional innovations regarding the redistribution of powers. between the president, parliament, government, local government bodies, self-government, is aimed at ensuring that all branches of government work effectively and fully fulfill their functions. made decisions on their own, it was very important to be responsible for them implementation. this is the key to the further successful development of our country. this is belarus main and
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further in the program. together, a rally of student teams was held at labor facilities in the medical industry in minsk. preservation of national identity on cultural internship of belarusian diasporas abroad. let's go back to the studio. in a few minutes. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history. this is truly the oldest building and the most important shrine of our region. the temple in honor of saints boris and gleb, which was built in the 19th century. the columns also rich. literary history: many poets, writers and publicists lived in this area, and the etilians never
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forgot about their famous native, yakubi kolosi. unique sights can be found literally at every step. if you , like me, are planning your route to this amazing place, then pay attention to this alley with stones. the architects' idea was to lay out the number of stones that corresponded to the age that felix lived. 24. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past. it’s easier to watch something
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short, funny, that won’t make you strain and think. at the same time, destructive opposition resources try to present information in the most perverted form. but this is different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness in... emotions, this is the strategy of most opposition telegram channels, absolutely not this is a constant attempt to lead people to change, but what opposition resources can offer their readers now is a reprint belarusian state media, only with their own emotional colors, where everything is often turned upside down.
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the first female cosmonaut in the history of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya, is in orbit. everyone watched the historic launch to the iss of the crew under the command of hero of russia oleg navitssky with great trepidation. joint space flight projects with russia, stages of preparation and main parting words to the crew before launch. theme of the program. we'll meet again soon in full force. with these words before the start, the belarusian-russian the tandem will be greeted by president lukashenko. marina vasilevskaya and oleg novitsky
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contact the palace of independence directly from baikanur a few days before. according to the cosmonauts, they have a fighting spirit, including thanks to the colossal support that they feel throughout the preparation for the flight. after returning from space, alexander lukashenko is waiting for the crew in belarus. you feel yourself, you are worried, tense, calm, ready, not ready, of course, you are worried, there is a little excitement, since i and the girl, all this this is the first time for me, but i have a very experienced, reliable commander, and he gives me great confidence, and i am supported by instructors, teachers, my leader, ivan nikolaevich is always here with me on...
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must complete this program, tasks, experiments, flight of course, this gives me confidence and strength. marina, don’t strain yourself too much with your experiments , whatever you don’t do in space, we’ll finish it on earth, next time we fly, we’ll finish it, but so that everything goes well, we are very worried about you here, you have a good example, stay close colleague, he is an experienced person, this is not the first time he has flown into space.
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so we will be very worried about you and hope that after your return , i will see you here, we will prepare our traditional salad oleg, we will host marina, especially since she has a hobby, we will teach her how to prepare our salad, thank you, with with pleasure, i agree, so oleg, are you returning with marina in april or are you staying there, no, i’m returning with, and the third, our third member of the page. remains at the station, instead we take another american, laura ohara, and return her here to ground, that is, your flight will be the shortest in your life, the shortest, but probably the most pleasant, constantly surrounded by women, everything is fine, which means there is hope that we will meet soon, as soon as it gets a little warmer, yes, yes, with with pleasure, i mean in full force, in the belarusian full force, and out of
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300 applicants. as a result of the casting, two people were chosen for the first belarusian space flight in sovereign history: the main participant marina vasilevskaya, a flight attendant for belavia airlines, and her child backup surgeon anastasia lenkova. both have undergone the most complex training, and therefore both, according to the new presidential decree, will receive the status of belarusian cosmonauts, with a number of benefits and preferences provided for by the document. the launch is just the beginning of belarus’s great space journey, alexander announces.
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when we meet, i’ll slowly drop these questions, maybe i’ll also drop the question so that somehow there will be an opportunity for belarusians, not as foreigners, but as brothers, to have the opportunity to participate in the preparation as professionals, and not just like tourists for a short flight, for polo with their program, this is what they will agree, i’m sure, well, since the russian cosmonauts are preparing for us to prepare belarusians like that, yes, yes, yes, right, well... that’s not a question, they will agree, but what's wrong? nothing bad, i’m sure that our girls , i know from reviews, i’m interested in the question, they really liked our girls in terms of preparation, they are very responsible and they mastered the program easily, yes, yes, that’s why i promise, i’ll talk, but i wanted so that the three of you fly off, we ready, okay, cosmonauts from belarus
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will definitely fly into space. alexander lukashenko said these words back in 2001 during his visit to russia. then we visited the energia rocket and space corporation and talked about the prospects of a joint belarusian-russian space satellite. it took 20 years to start the process of selection and preparation for the flight. in november 2021 , lukashenko and putin agreed to include a belarusian cosmonaut in the iss crew. we are ready to support this proposal and implement it in the near future. necessary agree on the details, they are there, they are not difficult to be agreed upon. a few months later, in april 2022, lukashenko and putin at the vostochny cosmodrome in the amur region announced: the time has come to open the road to space with a new belarusian cosmonaut. belarus has a high scientific potential; high -resolution optical systems for satellites, space mirrors, equipment for remote
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sensing of the earth, and development are produced here. to its astronauts, firstly, it is prestige, and secondly, it is the development of scientific research, the involvement of belarusian scientists is ongoing, and well, in the explicit form of attracting attempts at new projects, this applies - including to the exploration of the moon, to research and the onosphere, the fact that we are working with belarusian colleagues, well, in particular, here is the design project resistant electronics, which received an award... from the president of belarus, these were also such joint developments for space. the vasilevskaya star route is another striking example of successful integration. the girl always dreamed of flying higher than the sky. marina 33 years old, loves ballroom dancing, cooking,
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and will come down from heaven to earth straight into his garden, where he happily grows vegetables and herbs. we are proud, yes, she always just moved forward, she always strived to be only the first, but she turned out to be the first. cosmonaut, girl, the belarusian cosmonaut admitted before the flight that the attention of people and the president personally gives her great strength. her relatives, the scientific community, athletes, belarusians who love space came to support marina. the special flight was organized by lukashenko’s decision. it seemed i wish the whole world was watching the soyuz rocket, but the engines did not turn on. the countdown was automatically stopped approximately 20 seconds before the start. and the launch was postponed saturday, attention at the launch complex, the launch was automatically canceled. later , roscosmos will name the reason for postponing the launch. the launch was canceled due to a voltage drop
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in the chemical power source. experts will comment on the cancellations and postponements of launches in the field of space launches - a common global practice, because the main thing is safety. it's better to check everything on the ground, so that it is safe in space. everything that was planned has been completed, the situation is quite normal and simply shows how many levels of protection there are at the cosmodrome, each of which works to make the launch as safe as possible; the units of the launch complex will not prepare for a 24-hour stop first. all deficiencies were promptly eliminated in accordance with the regulations. the head of ruscosmos informed the belarusian leader about this by phone at five.
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the historic launch took place on saturday; the russian-belarusian tandem is expected upon its return in minsk. belarus is still in the soviet union. time actively participated in space exploration and the belarusian land gave the world a lot of astronauts. today our countries are jointly entering the orbit of new discoveries. what is unique about the national scientific school? we’ll talk about achievements and future projects with a studio guest: academician
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of the international academy of astronautics and director of the geographic information systems enterprise of the national academy of sciences of belarus, sergei zolotoy. sergey zolotoy, director of the unitary geoinformation enterprise. system of the national academy of sciences of belarus , candidate of technical sciences, graduated from the belarusian state university, author and co-author of more than 200 scientific papers, has 63 copyright certificates and patents in the field of automation and computer technology, medical pulse technology, specialized software, is one of the developers belarusian space system for remote sensing of the earth, intergovernmental agreement. between belarus and russia in the field of research use of outer space for peaceful purposes, for services in the development of science , he was awarded the sign for international cooperation in the field of cosmonautics, the yuri gagarin medal, the francis skarina medal, gratitude
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from the secretary of state of the union state, laureate of the interstate commonwealth star award, state prize of the union state in the field of science and technology .
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in my opinion, is such an example,
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which means love of peace or maybe mutual understanding, resolution of international conflicts, which are always belarus is also demonstrating, let’s talk about our country’s achievements in the space industry, again through the prism of interaction at the union level, what has already been achieved in addition to what you mentioned? well, if we recall history, then russian-belarusian cooperation is primarily in space, and on the basis of these programs, the groundwork
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that was created within the framework, and the belarusian space system for remote earth sensing was created, a device was created here on the sbk, and in parallel russia created its own konopus, and on the konopus target equipment of belarusian production was also installed, but the efficiency of this grouping of two devices allowed russia to make a further decision to replicate it now in orbit. six canopuses and a belarusian spacecraft are working , that is, an orbital constellation of six spacecraft, which allow daily receipt of information about any point on the globe, today this cooperation is further developing, here is one of the latest union programs that is currently being implemented, this is the sg complex , within which is already creating an orbital constellation of small spacecraft for exploring near-earth space,
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we are interacting very closely with the national operator roscosmos, and in fact russian spacecraft are fulfilling orders in the interests of belarusian consumers, we are fulfilling orders in the interests of russian consumers. that in a conversation with the crew before the launch, the president of belarus again drew attention to preparing belarusians for the space program on an equal basis with the russians.
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which were aimed, for example, at creating a communications satellite, the creation of a remote earth detection satellite, for navigation and topographic support using space, but the time has probably come to develop this law, since we have, in my opinion, a comprehensive sphere where belarus has equal rights and competence, like russia, so i think that if this law is developed, then in fact it will be possible... and it needs to be harmonized with the russian federation, in this, well, from my point of view, then there will be these bureaucratic obstacles eliminated, because today, for example , only a citizen of the russian federation can be a member of the cosmonaut corps, the question is that, let’s say, a belarusian cosmonaut joins this corps, this is a question that requires
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legal regulation, well, let’s go back to the prospects, let’s talk, belarus and russia continues work on the creation of a joint spacecraft. in world cosmonautics , from the point of view of earth remote sensing satellites, there are two trends: one trend is the creation of large devices such powerful, heavy ones that have very good resolution, and the second is the creation of groups of small devices that have functional capabilities.
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35 cm, that is, for comparison, the current canopus bc group is 2 m. that is , if the devices are in operation today, they allow you to see ground infrastructure objects quite well, create digital maps, which means assessing, let’s say, pollution, well, some damage , yes, he does it well, but when detailed shooting is required, well, build an example a three-dimensional model of a city where there are high-rise buildings, where tall buildings stand close to each other, then here is this device with a resolution of 35 cm, which has the ability.
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it is very important to develop precisely this direction for our countries, when the satellites have their own, their own program, you are absolutely right, here we have before our eyes the experience of the twenty-third year, when in fact high-resolution space information stopped flowing and that means to russia to belarus, while at the same time, from a national security point of view, this information from such satellites... is necessary in order to control the armed forces, so, let's say, these sanctions actually pushed for the development of our own industry, if previously quite a lot of electronics elements were bought from abroad, now these elements are produced here in belarus and in
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russia, let’s say our integral, which traditionally worked for space, its orders have increased. two to three times - and our russian partners are actively buying these microcircuits here, and at the same time we were we are simply forced to look differently at the software, which is these operating systems there, windows, and so on, now the russian federation is developing its own operating systems, independent of western platforms, and accordingly we are also moving in this direction, let’s say the management of this russian -belarusian apparatus. will already be done on a domestic basis, which means the element base, now the question is being raised that it will ensure almost one hundred percent work, and the same program will not be any better our own, on the eve of the launch...
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we are actively discussing with the space research institute of the russian academy of sciences the participation of belarusian teams in the lunar program, which means that it is clear that the competencies that belarus has will be in demand within the framework of such long-term missions, and i am sure that these are the experiments that will now be carried out on board the iss, from the point of view, again,
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belarus and the vladimir region will engage in joint production of medicines, together at labor facilities in the medical industry, cultural internships in their small homeland with the participation of diasporas of belarusians abroad. the main thing will be discussed briefly later in the program. our common pain and unshakable memory marked a mournful date this week in belarus. 81 years ago, the nazis burned the village of khatyn. a death sentence for... a thousand flowers, as confirmation
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that nothing is forgotten, traditionally russians also come to the memorial on march 22. we would really like to convey a deep bow from all russian people, everyone who remembers, who knows who honors the memory of that tragedy, the tragedy of the belarusian people, because we... how all peoples suffered the same pain of loss, and we felt it today, so thank you for preserving the memory, respecting the memory, and today we all bow to the memory of the belarusian people. our strength is in this memory, this is the fact that we remember every one who died, the fact that we remember these atrocities, the fact that we remember the tragedy of our land, people survived this tragedy, were destroyed just like that, they were not... participants in the fighting actions, they were not participants in the regular army, partisan underground movements, they were simply destroyed, we must talk about it, we
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must bring our children to show them what happened on our land, something that should never happen again. for the eightieth anniversary of khatyn , a museum was built on the territory, the church was revived, the memorial plaque was updated, and young people took part in the reconstruction. the complex was declared an all-belarusian youth construction site. for the implementation of the investment project for the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant, 40 people were awarded orders, medals and gratitude from the president of belarus. former ambassador of belarus to russia's vladimir simashko was awarded the order of the fatherland, second degree; the minister of energy of belarus, viktor karankevich, was awarded the order of the fatherland, third degree. the order of honor was awarded to the russian ambassador to belarus boris grizlov, the first deputy head of the russian presidential administration.
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that in the conditions of russia, it is possible to successfully compete for large industrial enterprises, let’s say the vladimir region supplies seamless pipes, metal wire or other types of metal products. a completely new and interesting niche is car building, when axle rough blanks arrive from our mogilev plant, the final vehicles are assembled,
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cars are already here in the vladimir region, issues of, say, large-unit assembly, perhaps chassis, were discussed. for cooperation and quickly locate production here. one of the new areas of cooperation is pharmaceuticals in the vladimir region, where a real medical valley has been built, where companies can develop any drug from the creation of a molecule to the start of industrial production. interregional partnership in practice was discussed in mogilev ways of further cooperation with the nizhny novgorod region. this is a long-time partner
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for the belarusian region, relations are developing dynamically. the first priority. direct cooperation, with regard to the enormous work that the russian federation is doing to create technological sovereignty, it fully fits the trajectory of the development of our industrial potential, we talked about deepening cooperation between higher educational institutions, we are forming, we will now form a delegation from higher educational institutions nizhny novgorod region, rectors, vice-rectoral staff, so that in a number of areas, of course, first of all... everything related to industry, after all, both the legilev region and the nizhny novgorod region are industrial regions, but overall in a number of areas, from the point of view of scientific relations, exchange of scientific developments, i think we also cooperate very successfully. the second republican rally of student medical teams was held in minsk. more than 200 fighters of the union state became participants in the project. on a visit to young doctors from the voronezh
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and nizhny novgorod regions and perm krasnodar region came to belarus. development opportunities, professional development. this year we will expand our cooperation, increase the number of labor projects and the number of our student brigade movement in the medical field. the participation of fighters from the two countries became the practical implementation of an agreement between youth organizations of the two countries on interaction and organization of joint projects. preservation and transmission
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of national cultural identity of the diaspora belarusians abroad. the program also included iconic historical places, including the khatyn memorial complex. if you turn right from the vitebsk highway following the sign, it is impossible to drive past. the main sign of the springboard is visible from afar. however, the history and main achievements of the sports complex 20 km from minsk are connected with another sport -
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biathlon. this is why raubichi was built 50 years ago. starts from. i propose to go to december last year, the second stage of the commonwealth biathlon cup, which was hosted by hospitable bashkartastan, in in particular the capital of the republic ufa. our biathletes are traditionally at the top, but many were already looking into the near future, because our raobić was preparing to host the next stage number three, and this is always a sign of quality. believe me, the titled russian biathlete anton babikov knows what he’s talking about. we are all ready to go to minsk with great pleasure, because it is always a very interesting fight, a very warm welcome.
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"raubichi has brought together a lot of amazing sporting destinies. february ten years ago in sochi was the culmination of a huge work that daria domracheva carried out precisely on the basis of the home complex. the first days, when for sure i suspect they have arrived."
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this sports complex was built, because even these bird's-eye shots show that same excitement, the record for the number of spectators has not yet been broken, the numbers fluctuate differently, but it is definitely more than 100,000 people, but i’m always in raobichi, when i’m in minsk, i’ll definitely stop by, park the car, take a walk, remember, it was a real holiday, the best complex, with such a profile of tracks, the best complex under... is difficult, i am glad that the record for the number of spectators from the year seventy-four has not been surpassed to this day. the figure of four-time olympic biathlon champion alexander tikhonov
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is completely unique for raubich and the friendship of the two peoples. he was born in the urals, it was there that he was educated as an athlete, made a great career, became a four-time olympic champion, and 50 years ago in raobichi he made a serious contribution to the victory of the soviet quartet, which included name person yuri kolmakov. now tikhonov is a resident of minsk, which he is very happy about. three biathlon world championships, a series of european championships , a freestyle world cup, international cross-country skiing competitions and a training base for almost any sport, different generations from the soviet complement of the nineties and 2000s with renkov, aidarov, zubrilova and nazarova. the time of daria domrycheva - a brilliant generation of modern young athletes. 50 years in the history of the complex, but it seems that this was just the starting run. today it is completely multifunctional.
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this concludes our episode, we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel, all the best. aliens on an adventure. his name is, we don’t scare the horse, we don’t scare ourselves , we ask something incomprehensible, everything is so cool to see here, it’s just beautiful, beautiful, i’m sitting, sitting, the ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and traveling around our cities and villages, you need to make such smooth movements in order to cut it, you need to twist it. everything, everything and we dip with
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pleasure talks about the most colorful places in the country, our ice training rink , the belarusian u-17 and u-18 national teams train here, it’s cool, they are so hard, yes, hard, tough and sharp, yes, a dangerous thing, hey, no, no, i can’t, this it opens, sit here and you can sit, of course, as if i were telling the truth. we will introduce you to belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our enterprise is a very unique enterprise in its own way; we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with thread so that it happens.
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the quality of the thread is a collection of classicism , baroque and various of these trends, these people from generation to generation passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this business, then we will continue to produce this bebel, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, my work for me - this is, probably, i will not be afraid of these big words, this is the meaning of my life, my work for me... this is a second family, this is a second home, we keep pace with time, today we feel young, yes, and we want to feel more young, otherwise in this competition today it will be very difficult to stand on your feet and be young, the project is a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of monday 20.


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