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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 9:45pm-10:06pm MSK

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they turn around cars that meet certain criteria, for example, whose owners cannot prove that the vehicles are in transit and will not be sold in belarus and russia. the restriction applies to cars from european manufacturers with an engine capacity of more than 1.9 liters, intended for export to belarus and russia. according to preliminary information from internet resources, the complete blocking of all cars with an engine of 1. and higher will last until april 1, and what is most interesting is that there will be no official notifications from the polish side no, well, there’s also the polish governor, he suddenly announced on your screens that he was increasing the presence of his military on the eastern border. in the near future , construction of the necessary infrastructure to accommodate additional army units will begin there. let me note that, in addition to the fence on the border with our country, poland has already begun.
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the citizen voivode did not name the construction of new fortifications, according to european tradition, for an unclear reason, not the expected number of military personnel, as at least some argument, he only cited the problem and you know what, migrants, according to tradition, they turn on their broken record, supposedly their flow from our country is acquiring such proportions that this issue even had to be considered at the meeting.
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residents of serbia today gathered in the center of belgrade for a mass rally in memory of the 25th anniversary of the start of nato aggression. the demonstrators demanded to close the bloc's representative office in the serbian ministry of defense and to stop joint exercises and visits by alliance officials. among other things, despite the rain, the endless stream of people continued to carry flowers for memorials. let me remind you, march 24, 1999 , supposedly defend. the nato bloc, at the command of washington, began a massive bombing of yugoslavia, how the alliance tore the country to shreds , killed balkan children, just monstrous details in the author’s section of the periodic table.
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78 days of hell, murder for the sake of bringing to obedience and an act of aggression against a sovereign country, a humanitarian bomb from the democratic arsenal of nato, like western missiles hit the entire system of interstate relations in the world. let's consider all the political elements and let's put it in place, this is the periodic table. hello. march 24, 1999. the un, bypassing international law, 19 countries led by the united states bombed cities for 78 days, not counting civilian casualties . 25 years have passed and we still haven’t given up. we still do not agree to
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the dismemberment of serbia. there is a small nation in europe that still stands proud and dignified. does not agree to the orders of the occupation. many tried to extinguish serbia, but they never succeeded. the international community remained silent. time magazine then came out with a cynical headline on the cover, forcing the serbs to obey. massive bombing opens the door to peace. those are in the forefront.
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george bush, sr. called a new world order, so all these humanitarian reasons, they were a complete lie, which was created only for a geopolitical purpose, and ...
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cancer, that is, oncological diseases, this is all because of - uranium, which was used in ammunition and from nato aircraft, so naturally, this is an invasion, this is aggression, it has not ended,
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it then happens to others, in nato it is not customary to admit one’s mistakes, a crime. it was nato that bombed peaceful cities, streets, hospitals, schools 25 years ago, dropping a total of 15 tons of combined uranium. the television news agency is preparing a lot of material for broadcast, and today we will tell you how nato tore yugoslavia apart, how air defense forces shot down the invulnerable and invisible american stealth, and also how this proud, rebellious beautiful land lives today, under nato bombs,
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25 years later, not miss when the enemy comes to take away your house, your land, huge.
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which carries out minor surgical operations and dressings if necessary, provides qualified first aid and also provides transportation. either to the nearest medical facility or to military medical centers. medically, the special forces team works around the clock with our military and those called up from the reserves. they perform the same range of tasks with only a narrow focus in the field of medical care. more than 300 participants, business representatives. enterprises, current information and online broadcast in brest today a meeting of the public reception block on
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competition and antimonopoly regulation of the eec took place. we talked about the peculiarities of doing business, rights and mechanisms for protecting one’s interests. we discussed the eac government procurement market. here belarus has a positive balance, and this is an indicator of the competitiveness of our enterprises in cross-border markets. experts noted. federation knew, understood their rights, their responsibilities and could use, well, more
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i could more actively and more competently use those tools that are permitted under the antimonopoly law of the eurasian economic union, and of course, first of all, this event is aimed at educating our business entities. by the way, from march 1, 2025 , the russian-belarusian roaming model will apply to all five countries of the eurasian economic union.
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energy, ecology, logistics and digitalization. with details from the sirius science and arts park, my colleague, victoria sharkova. this year the forum is taking place for the thirteenth time, the event is truly large-scale, more than one person has gathered here.
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rusatom, in the republic of belarus we are planning to implement a project to create a republican point for the collection, processing, conditioning, storage, storage of radioactive waste, first of all it should be implemented by 2030, we agreed on what to do in the near future, we are talking about including us into
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the scientific and technical council, maybe even the creation of a joint scientific and technical council - belarus and russia through rosteknadzor through gosatomicnadzor, that is, this is supervision in the field of nuclear safety, issues are related to the development of the regulatory framework, there is never too much in the nuclear safety industry, that is , there is a constant improvement of regulatory documents, and accordingly security requirements are increasing, and the issue of interaction in this area is also very important for us. in addition to plenary sessions , the forum also hosts an exhibition. leading companies introduce their technologies to all over the world, belaes also presented its stand, presenting all the information about its operation, integration into the energy system and the country’s economy. on the sidelines of the forum, experts emphasize that against the backdrop of instability in global energy markets, it has become obvious that peaceful atom guarantees energy sovereignty for industry, science,
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and agricultural medicine. victoria sharkova, vitaly selyavka, tv news agency, sochi. and that’s all for me, right now we are looking at a clear policy, who really owns the world of a secret corporation, shadow government, cartels and global monopoly, immediately after special report under nato bombs, 25 years later. this is an understandable policy. hello, have you heard who lorence fink or the black rock company is? if not, it’s time to get to know better those who stand at the top of the financial political pyramid of the world, the owners of the planet talk about them, they control and influence literally everything, the scale, if it doesn’t shock you, will definitely surprise you. it sounds incredible, but a very small mountain corporation dominates all
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areas of our life. there are only facts about the shadow kings, you can draw your own conclusions.
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first, let's look at the american stock market, most of it, about 80%, is owned by just... the big three essentially own almost everything that billions of people on the planet eat, wear, watch, read, and take as prescribed by doctors. this is what a bubble chart looks like. in fact, except for those same three largest companies, there is no one nearby. this is financial and economic. and instead of competition there are three giants are affiliated with each other, this allows us to keep the corporate market of not only the us, but also other countries under control and influence the adoption of the necessary decisions. so, the first construction sites are the black rock company, how did it become the largest in the world in less than 30 years.
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the name of the corporation itself translates as black rock, ominous, but does not reflect all the volumes and affairs of the company. in the asset. blackrock pharmaceutical companies, most of the largest american media in general, approximately 10% of all securities in the world, and another 70 offices in thirty countries and more than a thousand investment funds under management. today, the company's assets exceed $10 trillion. black rock is a top five shareholder in every major s&p500 company. manages the capital of the american federal reserve system, central banks and...


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