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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 25, 2024 10:05pm-11:06pm MSK

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the name of the corporation translates as black rock, ominous, but does not reflect all the volumes and affairs of the company. the assets of black rock, pharmaceutical companies, most of the largest american media in general, approximately 10% of all securities in the world, as well as 70 offices in thirty countries and more than a thousand investment funds under management. today, the company's assets exceed $10 trillion. black rock is in the top five shareholders of every major one. manages the capital of the american federal reserve systems, central banks and treasuries, and the global financial ecosystem. the cost of black rock is half of the entire gdp of the united states of america, and lawrence fink, the founder and head of the corporation, is a member of the influential council on foreign relations and the council of the world economic forum. they are literally trying to buy everything. their head, larry fin, is the ceo.
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american investigators from medium devoted a huge amount of material to the corporation’s activities. journalists considered that even if a person earns 1 dollar per second, he will be able to buy black rock in 240,000 years. what they are doing to the world’s economy is frightening, investigators conclude. back in the last century, black rock made a habit of creating shadow cabinets before presidential elections. they are informally called the fourth branch of government. the reason the corporation is like this.
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calculating every step in the politics and economics of the world. it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the numbers don't lie. the project's turnover is more than 21 trillion dollars. it is aladin, that is, the global system for calculating investment risks is one of the factors. which is capable of calculating success or which has no analogues in the stock exchange game and the failure of a transaction down to the smallest detail. the technology platform controls a large part of the global economy and constantly analyzes huge amounts of data. and more and
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more leading investment managers are using it. large funds use aladdin for their stock exchange transactions. aladdin directs funds to the us federal reserve, hundreds of banks and thousands of traders, and conducts 250 thousand trades every single day. the supercomputer absorbs terabytes of data from each market, calculates all possible developments, and gains access to private and confidential information. but what is known about the founder lawrence fink? year, as an investor, he lost $100 million, having made a number of dubious transactions, but did not lose his head and founded black rock with a fellow student. the finest hour was the 2008 crisis. black rock played a major role in the development of the mortgage bubble that led to the collapse. the fund was one of the largest buyers of mortgages securities issued under risky conditions. black rock also lobbied hard for policies that would promote growth. of this market after the crisis, black rock
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played an important role in overcoming it. the fund was one of the largest investors in bailout programs for financial institutions launched by the us and other governments. some critics argue that the fund was one of the main culprits in the crisis. they believe that black rock helped fuel the mortgage bubble and then profited from its collapse. now bend over fingers. google, facebook, twitter, amazon, disney, fox, just to name a few. for example, these well-known food brands are under the hood of a black rock, which controls 90% of the largest media around the world, which is probably why you won’t hear anything bad about them. the corporation is a shareholder of the world's leading military-industrial giants, including the manufacturers of abrams general dynamic tanks.
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and heimers locket martin multiple launch rocket systems. black rock also controls the world's leading media corporations: cbs, nbc, msnbc, cnbc, cnn, disney. this allows american globalists to wage an information war with russia. the corporation also acquired a new fat asset, ukraine. the cooperation between black rock and kiev began in september 2022. then the new york times wrote that fink and zelensky agreed to create a reconstruction fund. under the terms of the deal, black rock gains control of ukrainian assets, including international assistance. the corporation took control of... the country's enterprises, they say, if kiev cannot pay its debts, it will be taken over by the factories. it is quite possible that the united states is preparing for ukraine to default, in which case the involvement of black rock seems logical. in the event of bankruptcy of ukraine, the question arises of servicing the debt and managing the remaining
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assets, then the functions of black rock come to the fore. today , debt leverage is probably a more effective method of external control than any other. this practice. was even included in the marshal's plan regarding germany's debt obligations. also under ukrainian hydro and nuclear power plants came under control of black rock last year. in october , former american intelligence officer scott ritter reported the same thing. zelensky sold the fertile black soil of ukraine and its future to the black rock company. every ukrainian should pray for russia's victory, because only in this way can their country truly survive as a sovereign state. shame on zelensky - he wrote.
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ukraine and who do you think received this contract? black rock? larry finka, many already call him briefly, is the owner of ukraine. companies controlled by black rock bought half of the lands of ukraine, and almost all of the black soil, half of the strategic enterprises also already
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belong to the corporation. the second secret of black rock is close friendship with the government, although formally black rock is called the government. the threads of larry fink and his brainchild are already so intertwined that go figure out who really works for whom. over the years, the company has hired many former government officials for senior positions. in turn, the company’s employees are also actively moving towards high offices. this allows you to infiltrate various government bodies and lobby your interests, as well as receive classified information on many areas of state development, which is commonly called. black rock has hired prominent politicians over the years, it is not surprising that the company's top managers now occupy prominent positions in the cabinet of president joseph biden, for example, former black rock investment director brian dees chairs biden's national economic council, serving as its chief
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economic adviser, and former chief investment strategist blackrock mile pyle, who served in the barack obama administration before joining the firm, is chief. economic advisor to vice president kamala haris. managing american global politics is a delicate matter; you cannot maintain power alone. earn it yourself, share it with your friends, and they won’t be in debt. skimming the cream of the crop, blackrock's cash cow works both ways, so black rock loves the government and the government loves black rock. larry fink created a shadow government of former directors of management of black rock in an attempt to become the minister of finance, if there was one. clinton won the 2016 election, as we remember, trump won, but that didn't stop fink from becoming part of trump's main private sector advisory organization. republicans or democrats don't care, the guys at blakerock will run the market. this is the second player in the huge
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capital market and here the situation is even more complicated than with black rock. when asked who is the owner of the company, ceo tim buckle responds. our clients. it sounds nice, but the truth is much more pragmatic. under the guise of private investment, the us government invests money in the economies of other countries in order to control economic and political processes. wanggard group is also unique in that it is impossible to find any analytical information about the company’s activities. moreover, the corporation’s shares are not listed on world exchanges, then where do the 30 million satisfied customers that are mentioned on the site come from, and if they are actually non-public the corporation is owned by various funds and companies, which are backed by other investors. unravel this tangle to the end to understand who is who, more... insurance companies, banks, construction, restaurant
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chains, famous cosmetic brands, food industry and much, much more, including what you constantly see in stores , all owned by the same global investors. just look at this huge list, the notorious trio are among the top five investors of each of these. on the visible top of this pyramid are shown the only two companies whose names we have already
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seen often are vanguard and black rock. the power of these two companies is indescribable, they not only own the majority of the shares of almost every major company in the world, but also the shares of other investors in these companies, and this gives them a virtual monopoly. the unconditional economic potential of these companies is colossal, but they are very fragmented within themselves and... it is very difficult to establish full communication with certain legal entities, because this is a commercial secret, but from the data that we see on stock market analytics and, strictly speaking , according to the documents that are officially published by them in reports, companies bring incredible profits to their shareholders every year and can influence not only global economic processes, but also political processes, in fact, they are... towards their expansion, we will see that in the next 10-20 years
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we will have to fight them, because they will reach that level of power where they will not only determine the development of individual sectors of the economy, they will determine the development entire continents, the vavand group has another daughter, the third pillar of the financial olympus, state street corporation, the most noticeable. see, judge for yourself, vangard controls 10% of the shares in the company, another 4% is controlled through
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vangard’s subsidiary, investments australia, and another 10 through black rock, whose largest investor is also vangard himself, plus his subsidiaries and other intermediate companies, and so on and so forth. in the same form. how the same shadow people can own the world, several years ago this financial octopus tried to investigate journalist joseph mercola. there is a version that the ultimate shareholders are the federal reserve. the united states decided to create an alternate airfield for itself in the form of the mysterious vanguard corporation, which explains its rapid rise. back in 2000 , she did not have large stakes in american companies from the top 500 at all. and just 15 years later, the number of companies on the prestigious list with vanguard's share of 5% or more jumped to almost 95%. mirkola gives many examples of how gray cardinals divide key industries. remains one can only guess how these tentacles move the world. as mirkola notes, as of
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may 2021, the main shareholder of the new york times was the vangard group, which owned more than 8% of the capital of this media corporation. black rock was in second place with a share of 7.43%. vangard and black rock are also the largest shareholders in time warner, comcast, disney and news corporation. in four out of six media companies. trolling more than 90% of the us media market. in addition, the black rock vangard couple owns shares in all leading digital silicon valley companies: microsoft, apple, amazon, facebook and alpha. these three pillars are connected, as we see, in an incredible way , another secret, already at number three , is the circular ownership structure, black rock owns shares of the company, which owns shares of black rock, that is, the same trinity forms a real cross-cartel, participating in the capital of each other friend. vanguard owns 9% of black rock, black
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rock has provided $2 trillion in liquidity to state street, most of the funds... and state street is run by aladdin, the same black rock platform. this is the illusion of competition, but in fact a global monopoly that sucks money from the entire planet. but who is the ultimate beneficiary of all trillion-dollar asset transactions? there are many versions here. in their investigations, journalists compiled a short list. it features the italian arsini family, the american bushes, as well as the du pont, morgan, vanderbilt and rockefeller families. at the same time, well, whenever we...
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well, who is behind him, what kind of shadow structures, billionaires, and so on further, well, here we can only guess, but really, of course, the influence of these organizations is very, very, very great. a huge pleiad of companies essentially merges into one huge corporate leviathan, in which the media, military-industrial complex, entertainment, investment companies, insurance, banks and much, much more are mixed, hence the clear understanding that joe biden, that... other western politicians and the leaders of the free world, nothing more than puppets on strings of the truly powerful of this world, who remain behind the scenes of the big game, just imagine how many destinies and states have broken and will still break at the foot of the black rock, happy when
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the enemy comes to take away your home, your land? a huge cruise missile destroyed this equipment, nato's big campaign to the east, the target was yugoslavia, it was necessary to show europe who was boss, so they bombed. the americans were furious, they planned to conquer us in 3-7 days, but failed in 78, as the serbs fought and destroyed the f-117 stealth plane. only one decided to stand up against many and lend a helping hand from belarus. lukashenko - one of the leaders who is very loved in
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serbia, i am also a fan of his. the main defense against all these bombs of theirs is to be together.
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belgrade became known to the whole world 25 years ago, when planes with the wind rose on the fuselage, nato planes flew here at night to bomb it, and here on the bridge there were people, they... were holding signs in their hands with the inscription "target". they wanted to show the world the inhumanity of bombing for humanitarian purposes. and they survived. 35,219
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combat missions, 78 nights. it was all a terrible, barbaric crime. europe, west, the so-called democratic free west. the north atlantic alliance begins to bomb yugoslavia, without the sanctions of the un security council, under the pretext of protecting the national minority; in fact, this is an act of aggression against
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a sovereign country, there is no question of any international law. the serbian ministry is meeting to decide what to do. one thing is clear, the country was treacherously attacked, according to all protocols it is necessary to sever relations with all nineteen countries of the alliance, which is practically impossible. i raised my hand and proposed, but i also say, we must act in accordance with the principle, that is, i propose that we break off diplomatic relations with the leading countries in this aggression, these are the united states, great britain, germany and france, the minister did not comment on anything, nodded his head and quickly for... finished the meeting, immediately got into the car, left for president milosevic, and a few hours later i listen on the radio
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that the union government has decided to break off diplomatic relations with these four countries. 25 years have passed, 25 years back over this land, over these people , air raid sirens howled, shells fell from the sky.
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the americans were furious, they planned to conquer us in 3-7 days, but failed in 78, and they are haunted by how a small country, alone, surrounded by resistance to them , remained unconquered, we are an example for small nations, which speaks of that a people who fights for freedom cannot be defeated. people who sang songs under bombs and danced to the sounds of air raid raids. i first met my people here, on this bridge.
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doesn’t move at all, as if he doesn’t hear this alarm, i look at my people and say, my god, how much better they are than me, and some kind of strength is born, i begin to say this even more sincerely, and - well, for real, and since then, i am not the same girl who
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was at that moment, that moment... this bombing directed everything towards a different path, so that it would be explained to other people who this is, not only my people, our peoples, in general, there, who always fought against the fascists, yes, this is russia, belarus, serbia, from that day with all our strength she directed her talent towards revealing the truth, staging performances, and one of the projects of ivan and zhigan is a book of children's drawings, she collected them in kosovo, the sun is crying. in every village there are very many, very many, this is rani lug, this is the village of ranylug, this means their sun is crying, formally, the west asked to withdraw yugoslav troops from the autonomous region of kosovo and metohija, where the conflict between the serbian and albanian populations has escalated. nato demanded that sovereignty be given to yugoslavia, that troops be allowed in, that the country be divided, unless
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it came out. for 78 days and nights, howling death rained down from the sky, 400 dead, up to 10 thousand wounded according to the serbian side and 100 billion dollars in damage, destroyed roads, buildings , hospitals, factories, factories, oil storage facilities, airfields, television, the serbs survived, remained unconquered and committed impossible, they chalked up the f-117 plane, invisible, said launch, but... with this finger, with this finger, he starts with this finger, yes, i understand, and this, yes, i, i am holding in my hands and part of a nato plane wing, then there was such a fuss, very much so, sorry, we don’t know that he is invisible, yes, this incident went down in history, on march 27, 1999
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, an american... invisible f-117 plane was shot down. this is the only combat loss of bombers of this type and the legend of the invulnerable stetells technology is destroyed. those of the neva s125m neva complex, we used this missile system with this missile system, we shot down this plane, which they said was stealth technology, which cannot be seen by radar. invisible invisible yes.
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it was a military, psychological, intellectual, financial and technical, but above all a human victory. it was probably scary to realize that a missile that cost several hundred thousand dollars destroyed a plane worth 45 million. the pilot managed to eject, and was later rescued during a special operation by the american military. with the pilot of the downed f-117. they saw each other again, at that time the western media were completely demonizing yugoslavia and the colonel decided to talk to the enemy for the sake of a good cause, to show to the whole world that compromise between people, family, forgiveness is the most important thing, they
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met to make a documentary against the war, he said that they had a base there in new mexico.
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we visited each other at home, talked with families , the one who once flew to liberate the people of yugoslavia with bombs, the one who defended his land and his family, and colonel dani’s children at that time were 12, 10 and 8 years old. time will pass, the living witnesses of that tragedy will leave, just as the soldiers of the great patriotic war leave, but we will preserve their memory. stories, photos and videos serbs who stood on bridges at night with white sheets of paper inscribed “target on their chests.” i will come to belgrade again, over and over again i will give the floor to these people on the air, because that’s how it is.
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with the people here, they hear belarus and hug me, and with me all our people, and one, the most important, who once in ninety-nine became the envoy of the belarusians on this then torn land. i can’t help but mention this on this bridge, remembering such terrible days, yes, how significant it was for us when your president arrived. it was an event, as if, as if we won, i remember how my father, who was a prisoner of the dakha camp , lived there for 3 years as a young man and generally loved
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russia there, because he watched how people died there, he says they died in different ways, he fell in love with a russian soldier, a soviet soldier, because he saw that everyone was soviet. the soldier died fearlessly for his homeland, and uh, my dad, when he saw it, it was the moment when your president was visiting and there was a child, well, such a teenager was in a military hospital, and your president was so sick trembled and my father began to cry. the leader of our country, the guarantor of our independence and constitution, flew across closed skies under the good advice and warnings of nato, there is no guarantee of security, well, that is , absolutely no, then 25 years ago all of us
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, millions of belarusian people believed in this flight, in these meetings, in these people believed in their president, as we believe unconditionally today. alexander lukashenko flew to belgrade to get even a few millimeters closer. stuffy alarm, under which, against the backdrop of
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air bombing strikes, 2 seconds passed negotiations, journalists will call this a visit under nato bombs. at that time , many countries opposed the peacekeeping initiative of belarus; one could feel what it was like to be one against many. but even then neither our president nor the belarusians were at all embarrassed by this. in those years, i was a young doctor, i took part in the care of a large number of wounded, of course, among the wounded... there was a lot of civilians along with military personnel, the aggressors did not choose targets, and i cannot forget the visit of mr. lukashenko to the president of a friendly a country that meant a lot to us at a time when we were attacked from all sides. our president visited the wounded in the hospital, talked with the residents of belgrade, walked through the streets that were subject to air raids, it was a great pride for us that...
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at 6 am, 31 vehicles with humanitarian aid, 500 tons of cargo, left minsk for belgrade. and a few days later, the message of friendship was delivered intact to the city, which was torn apart by nato bombs. and this has not been forgotten today, even by those who no longer remember what these streets looked like before that war. i am very i remember when president lukashenko, he, a true friend of our people and our country, flew in. i remember well, not far from the belgrade surcin airport, where
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he was flying from for belarus, i remember well, i saw a plane, it rises gradually and leaves, even i think it didn’t come to the hungarian border, they start bombing even more aggressively, more harshly , yes, belarus was definitely with us, we then i visited russia very often then, we constantly said this...
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the west against the east, they destroyed
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the soviet union, yugoslavia, united germany, precisely in order to use this as the penultimate phase to attack russia in order to weaken its economy, industry, army, armed forces, and the last phase - china. over the course of 2 and a half months , 15 tons of combined uranium were dropped into the territory of serbia in shells. later , the country ranked first in the number of cancer diseases in europe. in the first 10 years after the bombing , about 30,000 people fell ill with cancer, of which between 10 and 18,000 died? deals with this topic minister of health of serbia, danica.
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and today, 25 years later, they are again saying that uranium bombs are no big deal. are they falling from the skies over yugoslavia or ukraine? the main thing is that western sanctions also have a humanitarian prefix? i would simply ask those ukrainians who are watching your program not to allow
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the use of projectiles with combined uranium on their land, because this is the soil, they have such beautiful land. we preserve the memory of everyone by name, we take care of memorials, we raise documents clarify the number of villages burned by the enemy, we also remember our pain, we have learned a lesson and will not allow such days to come again, you once said about belarus, i read, is it true, you
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said, i love your country, i love your country, and why because you have such a strong... you did something that was not possible in russia, you did not have such betrayals in which, when the soviet union fell, you, so so one can say that such a continuity of what happened before, one can see a country that respected its own. and that you don’t have this, what happened in serbia, so that huge multinational companies take their part, which they are now implementing in the world. belarusians were with the serbs in
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difficult times, because we. sovereign states, common memory, similar views on the future, desire for peace, protecting their people, working for the economy. serbia means a market of about 2,000 tractors per year, 42 brands sell on the market, we already constantly hold 10 years ago from 30 to 40% of the market, the first, the next brand takes 8%, so very popular tractor.
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this is the warranty period and the service that we have, everything, everyone will say that serbia has the best, they quickly said that your service is to fix the breakdown within 24 hours, exactly right, this is our password, password, it must be quickly, like a formula -1, and so that the tractor always works, a great friend of belarus, drogolyub shvonya, his daughter who once survived the bombing in minsk, made a whole reality show, six serbian ones. leadership, president and government
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at the beginning of january this year, the serbian government presented a large-scale development program country called “leap into the future”, it deals not only with infrastructure, industrial, economic sectors, but also with social ones. directions, i am convinced that today we have a very significant, large mutual potential to not only exchange experiences, but also find new areas of cooperation. together we are in culture. serbian actress, director iva nazhigan, together with the team of the gorky theater, received a special award from the president of belarus for joint projects and contribution to the popularization of slavic culture. create together. look into the future together, in serbia they remember the good that belarusians came with; they remember the history that, 25 years
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later, has not yet ended. they are dedicated to their work. oh, komvol is the soul of art. this is not just high-quality fabric, it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our work is an art, creating high-quality fabrics containing wool. the basics of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in a person’s life, show
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one day from your life. i love you honestly i love my job, i really do. during production, receiving ribbon, yarn, this ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers. it's very nice to know.
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a year of quality for our company is a great opportunity to prove yourself, starting your career here... you need to study a lot and a lot, each product is thought out from the smallest details, from
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ideas to production. forms, the master puts his soul into each product, because after all, it was not produced machine production, but manual production. we have a great responsibility because we are the only ones in the country producing this product. having worked here for more than thirty years, there is a lot to be proud of. our company is recognizable by our. products , a lot of effort has been invested here, as long as i work here, so much i develop, the quality mark is very important for our enterprise, if the year of quality is an exam, then the quality mark for us is the highest assessment, the results of the work of the entire enterprise. i believe that we deserve the quality mark.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, tatyana shcherbina and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today our guest is inaki saint olga the great of the elisabeth monastery. hello. hello. hello, mother! we are very glad to see you, we will immediately remind our viewers that olga the great, great is not a rank, not a status, not a title, this is the very thing that is not a real surname, but it seems to me that she suits you very well for the good deeds that you you are doing great, i will say that the birthplace of princess olga is pskov, and there the velikaya river flows through, and when we go on a pilgrimage, it’s usually our
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participants who start everything, but the sisters of mercy, the brothers with whom we’re going. your mother river , they kind of know, there’s a great sign there , there’s such an association, well , lent has begun, yes, this is a special, special time that allows you to let mercy, forgiveness, light into your heart, our meeting today, it will not be considered a sin, it is possible, no, because i have a blessing, the word for permission is a synonym - it is a blessing if you have blessing, you can go somewhere, do something, so i’m in the studio with you now and... i’m ready to talk, answer your questions, and what is considered the biggest sin during lent? you know, that’s what i thought, it’s just sins, they are not separated before fasting and after fasting, it’s just that fasting is considered a spiritual spring, why? because this is a time of some more deepening into oneself, some kind of cutting off some, well,
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maybe one’s own desires, which are not a sin, but somehow interfere. here's one sister, me she was on duty in the church and a girl came up, also on lent , but not a great one, but some kind of christmas fast, she said: i wanted to fast, and i deprived myself of coffee, but somehow she couldn’t immediately, maybe, give up something more so, well, difficult for her, but she decided to take small steps, she says, i didn’t drink coffee during the entire fast, well, somehow, that is, this is a question that fasting, it does not imply any sins,
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what happens, what comes a hermit, he lives alone in some desert and repents for a whole hour, so he has some internal sins, and when you come, and it happens that you come to confession, and to be honest, somehow you don’t even notice, a week has passed, we confess once a week, and somehow it flew by like this, and somehow this of course, you’re just an ostentatious person, this is just the time when you can attend services more calmly, somehow give up... certain types of products, limit yourself to something, well, in order to go to easter, christ is risen, mother olga, what instructions would you give to those beginners who decided to fast for the first time in this year, well, first of all, with discipline, know your limits and somehow, if you don’t rush forward, consult with a priest, with
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a confessor, it’s just somehow possible to give up little this year, so that next year... you’ll get more. let's listen to what your confessor, archpriest andrei lemishonok said at the sisterhood meeting on the eve of lent. let's try to listen to silence. we really miss her inside around us, and i would like for this in this post to be quieter inside, more attentive to people, we must understand that there is black and there is white, there is no need to mix it, it will turn out gray. we need white, inside there are two parts, both black and white, inside, two people live
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inside, you know, and how important it is, after all, a kind word, a pure thought, you know, a look at things from the sunny side. agree with father andrey, these words are very consonant with me, because it’s just the inner silence that is often lacking, somehow i know, i just moved to the monastery on august 5, 2008, that is, in fact, already 15 years in the monastery and only now am i beginning to notice how little by little this silence is entering me, because what is silence, the silence may be of stagnant water, but it is not that silence. when this silence , well, it’s intense, it’s like you’re striving, well , to hear some word or prayer or somehow get closer to god, to hear god
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behind this bustle - this is a completely different silence, it’s full of life , i think it’s this silence that the priest is talking about, that ’s the most interesting thing, when i got this silence inside, i heard how quiet outside, i don’t understand, it doesn’t matter, that is, in your monasteries... such a noisy, stormy life? no, just in the monastery, mm , as a rule, mm, you are busy with obedience, you go to worship, but there is silence inside, it doesn’t depend on this, you know, it was so interesting, somehow, i carry out obedience at the first post monastery, very different people come there, my responsibilities include talking to them, figuring out what they want, and somehow helping them, eh?
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and my main occupation is i, uh, work on the monastery website, there too i’m constantly interviewing, and when i’m sitting down, i’m talking - with different people somehow.


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