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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2024 3:20am-3:51am MSK

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going to the bolshoi theater of belarus, the first idea was to make a small fragment, that is , some kind of one-act performance, then i approached this topic from the other side, when expanding their relationship into several pairs, but when the question arose in principle of the need for me to finally become then as a choreographer, i realized that then there must be some kind of high framework in order for me to reach that framework myself. i will set myself bars, frames, and thus i realized that there must be something created from scratch, the form of the libreto was gradually built up, i i asked for help, we were in constant contact with alexander vasilyevich efremov, our wonderful director , ilena blabanovich also helped me in this, who corrected some of my interjections, the libreto arose from my feelings, from relationships, the work moved without distraction, say... hard, but
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not without interest on the part of the artists, which gave me the opportunity to move, including doing my work much more confidently, when i already saw a slight breakdown in our bodies, in our minds and realized that i was on the right path, but now so i went inspired by people, i can’t help but be inspired by people, that is, to a greater extent, everything that was conceived in my head was born thanks to the artists, this is female psychology, this is relationships. and women, this is some kind of experience that you already have throughout my life, these are my observations, the opportunity to analyze situations that happened before my eyes and with me, this is partly possible somewhere and something from my life, that's why we're talking about illusions, that's why the state of falling in love, it must be present in everyone's life, i am very often fascinated by people. i am surprised
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at people, not only in a bad way, at one time i rode minibuses in st. petersburg, until i was driving, and i was very fascinated by it, because you hear about something, maybe in an undertone, but you can’t, i never i walked around with headphones, you can’t turn off your hearing, and you watch how a person behaves, who is tired, who is a visible couple against the background of the crowd, which is visible. that they are in love, that is, these are some kind of mesanoscenic sketches, which became partly what the day is an illusion of love, it’s like love, it’s like an illusion, it’s like a meeting, it’s like parting, it’s like from beginning to end, but at the same time life will never end , because the next generations will fall in love just like us. illusions in our lives are necessary, since we see everything differently than everyone else, even now... we are trying to talk about this
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topic, no matter what happens, i am only for the illusory perception of what is happening, since any problem is always there hope as the possibility of further continuation of life. the fact is that all my life i have treated the theater workshop, in which... we are with special trepidation, since it is here that the image of this or that hero begins to be born before going on stage, in my life it so happened that the first half of my theatrical life was in mostly princes, that is, this is minimal makeup, but in the second half, when such parts as carabosse, matge, tebalt, sleeping bag and many typical characters arrived, of course i felt awe, because you were changed beyond recognition.
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make-up artists, these were wigs, these were noses, chins, including just a bald spot, so the transformation that came to me was actually a second life during the second half of my life in the theater, when you are being made up, i always experienced a certain trepidation, because you are moving from the existence of igor kolub, who is gradually becoming... thinks that the carabas, and this is all in you, partly begins to transform to create - and to reliably convey the game to the audience. in i didn’t think about illusions at the exemplary performance, i didn’t plan to go on stage, for me it was such an impromptu to a greater extent, although my whole life was impromptu on stage, including, i felt, as it seemed to me, the excitement of the main character victoria.
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to give a natural emotion when entering the hall, since this is not the environment in which artists find themselves every day, you need to come to this, prepare, that is, having a certain experience, but since in general both voice and screams and texts are used in illusions, it seemed to me that maybe i can help those the most, and well, it really happened that nikolai sergeevich was terribly surprised, as well as victoria, well, in principle, the audience that evening, which was found. there was no preparation room there, it was impromptu, i believe that in life there is always a place for some kind of going beyond the boundaries, why not use it if you are an actor.
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the fact is that i attach great importance to mise-en-sen in performances, both as an artist and as, now a breeder, and once i read that igor kolp was sitting with his back to the auditorium was so interesting that it is extremely rare to look at a seated artist’s back and it shocked me so much to the core that i didn’t think at that moment whether it was with my back or not. and another review that struck me, the attitude towards the prince’s crossbow performed by the flask, created, well, a certain number of directions there, then i realized that every detail in the performance is necessary and important, so in the illusions everyday scenes with everyday
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genre scenes played out, to say that i saw everything right away, no, this will not be true, because creating the scene was very important to me. multi-layered, multi-complex, and if the audience's gaze turns in the other direction, a person cannot just sit there and it will be uninteresting to look at, a lot in the performance will be and is already, thanks , among other things, to the ideas of the artists themselves, one of the scenes of a young fan and the main heroine, she is not staged in the play, by the way, today i’m talking about this for the first time, she is not staged in the play, she...
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there’s pressure even because the deadlines are tight, but somewhere you start, somewhere you remain silent, and somewhere you build a process in this way so that you understand what is necessary here, now, there is no other day, there is no other time, only here, now we... are obliged to do this to you, this is also a very strange reaction from everyone: someone immediately panics and refuses, someone hears him coming, someone in such situations makes some strange leap and takes the lead, this is an absolutely amazing process of creation when you
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can’t calculate it in any way, you can make a sketch, but the coloring is already happening in an unpredictable way, as a rule , before the completion of any stage, whether a part in a performance in one way or another, or in another capacity, using myself as an organizer, as also a manager of various projects, within 10 days, within 2 weeks i begin to feel sad before all this happens, because my interest begins to sharply move away from what i am doing, and thus, i need to immediately have several key points in order for - consciousness to already go in different directions and interests. "i can't do it for long to be in a play when it has already happened, i need to clearly understand that even if i am resting, my brain is gradually drilling into something, this is what i would like to do next, this is not necessarily a creative component, this is not necessarily some kind of business, rather interest
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in the mind to go somewhere, do something, i am one of those people who if you move, then you must move, if you are sitting, then ..." sit, first of all, i don’t think about what i i want to be remembered for something, although most likely i will be remembered for the endless amount of coffee per day and the backpack with which i walk all the time life, i would like it to open up so that artists have opportunities, so that artists stand in line at the theater, now there has been such a breakthrough, as it seems to me, since quite a lot of artists began to come to us from russia, just recently couples from brazil were accepted into the ballet troupe, so gradually this process is going on, interest in the theater is increasing, which expands the scope and interests of us, so today i want... that when tours are offered, names are offered, not only in the form of a lake of ice,
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which... surprisingly, at the time of my departure for the 3 years allotted to me under the contract, most of my colleagues and friends were sure that this would happen, i would be in st. petersburg, managing remotely and doing something in minsk , but everything happened differently, and i didn’t count on it or imagine it, i walked purposefully, knowing that i have 3 years and what i want to do, so at the moment the attitude towards me is changing, because... 99% where i am here, trying to format my schedule outside, behind
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outside and positions outside of my interests, since there is still a festival in veliky novgorod, it will be held in january next year, and of course i will leave, since it is impossible, you can negotiate some points remotely, but presence is desirable and necessary, therefore i still keep dancing. not so often - because, uh, the process of staging is so fascinating that, in principle , i’m gradually leaving my artistic interests and thus rather leaving to disconnect, rather than because there is necessity , my interest is now concentrated here, with regards to the family, my decision was controversial to move to minsk for 3 years, this morning i accompanied my wife back to st. petersburg, today she has a day off, but tomorrow she continues at the marinsky
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theater, her creative activity , in which she is passionate, the son has absolutely his own directions, the son’s girlfriend has her own directions, it is virtually impossible for everyone to get together even in st. petersburg, since he has had different schedules all his life, and the only thing is that we worked, served in the same theater, we were connected by the marinsky ... theater and how somehow perhaps this strengthened our relationship, although sometimes it’s difficult to find a more critical person than my wife, with whom i have the heated debates on about my work, both theatrical as an artist, and productions primarily with my wife, so we are trying to find time for each other, well , now everything is there so that not even in a live format, but also in all others, there is connection and we aware...of everything that's happening here in our surroundings, close and cramped. i don’t believe that truth is born in a dispute, but when
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they love you, they will never hurt you, although, as a rule, people close to each other sometimes do things that are difficult to forgive, but i believe that the line that is found among us , that this is the ideal option, any person has the right to make a mistake, this is the form in which it is necessary to exist and... otherwise you can treat yourself ultra strictly, and thereby somehow belittle your surroundings, this is the realization that everyone has it yes, the artist has the right to make a mistake , since we are not at the factory, and the artists do not always do the right thing, but i also understand, i even understand in advance that they are making a mistake, but i do everything to prevent this from happening to them happened, everyone has the right to make mistakes. i have not yet encountered a creative crisis either as an artist,
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neither in that life, nor in that profession, not at this stage, although the premiere has passed, i already see some points that i would like to correct and rather refine than correct . there's never enough time for in order to do it the way you would like to see in the finale. i think that i would have walked my path exactly the same way. which i started it in pinsk, in minsk, in st. petersburg, today i look at myself with interest from the outside, and again in minsk, at the stage when i started...
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and we agreed that we at home will not communicate at all regarding ballet, but at the present stage, in the interest that i am in, in this vein, i think that this is already my life, after so many years in the profession, yes, my life hurts.
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music, dj, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us and answer all our questions, are you ready to meet our guests,
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sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to?
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in minsk, graduated from medical school in the last century, i have been working at the republican scientific and practical oncology center named after alexandrov for more than 30 years. i am a very good surgeon, a good scientist, just a wonderful husband, the best daddy in the world. wonderful, sergey anatolyevich, you did it in one minute. we have 100 children in our studio, each your question. let's see how fast you can answer. so kids, who's ready to ask the question first? i see someone willing in the red sector. good afternoon, sergey anatolyevich, my name is zlata. they say that to become a doctor you have to be kind, and you are a kind doctor. kind, although no, very kind. and here’s
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another question: did you decide to become a doctor yourself, or did your people insist on it? parents, my parents were against it, i was born and raised in a family of officers, my grandfathers, father, all the guys and in general everyone around were officers, and i also had to become an officer and even such a sport i was engaged in what is called officer all-around, but about 2 months before entering the military school, my grandmother called me and said: “what kind of officer are you, you are too kind, you can neither obey nor command, you should be a doctor, my grandmother went through the war . was married to an officer all her life in military camps, so she was an unquestioned authority, and accordingly i believed her, it was a shock for
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the whole family and only years later they all came to terms, although i also became an officer, i am a lieutenant colonel in the reserve medical service, this to my father's delight. why did you choose oncology, because everyone is afraid of cancer? my grandmother died of a malignant tumor, and then i couldn’t recognize it in time, i didn’t have enough brains, i was still a student, now, of course, i would have saved her, but there won’t be a second chance, that’s probably why oncology, thanks for the frank answer .
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not to talk, because from now on all conversations will be only about their illnesses, about the illnesses of their relatives and friends, and nothing else. hello, my name is. why is the disease called cancer? so called its famous, great ancient greek physician , hippocrates, he studied malignant tumors, their appearance, named karkinos by appearance, and karkinos is not only cancer, it is also a crab, the tumor has its main appearance, in the form of a ball from which extend ... invasive tentacles, very crab-like, hence the name. i heard
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that cancer comes from nerves, but why then do small children get it? nerves are only a small part, thank god, indeed, one of the causes of cancer can be stress, with it’s very difficult for young children; they very rarely get cancer. in children, mainly other tumors are sarcomas and leukemias. children get this mutation, which leads to the formation of cancer, more precisely a malignant tumor, from their parents, either by inheritance or during intrauterine life, which is why it is so important to protect pregnant women, to protect them from any harmful effects, especially infections. it’s not for nothing that people say that if you refuse a pregnant woman, there will be mice in the house. is it true that many adults scare children?
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cell phones and computers can cause cancer. i think that adults want to protect you, they scare you for a reason. with mobile phones, this is true. the fact is that it comes from mobile phones. talk, then you can use external devices, for example, headphones, black sector, you will have to turn around,
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they say that all diseases are from bad habits, do you have bad habits, well, thank god, not all diseases are from bad habits, there are more complex ones reasons, and as for me, of course there are both harmful and bad, now i have such a bad one... well, my wife is already struggling with bad habits. my name is dominica. tell me, do you count how many lives you managed to save?
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it’s a very difficult question, dominica, but let’s try to do the math together. in my life, i have performed 3,500 operations on cancer patients, but you can’t do all the operations yourself, so i have a lot of students, surgeons, and i think that in every life they save there is a little bit of my participation too. i speak a lot in the media, and if anyone heard me if you consult a doctor in time, you can also save his life. in addition, we recently considered that the introduction of the use of our research developments on the territory of the republic of belarus has made it possible over
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the past 20 years. every year in the republic approximately 17,000 people die from malignant tumors, i think that in every death there is a piece of my fault, so i try to do everything possible, believe me, so that there are fewer of these deaths. and i heard that every doctor has his own small cemetery inside his soul, where he sometimes comes and draws on his experience anew, looks at his
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mistakes and so on. is it available? of course, of course, you have such a place in your soul , you remember every patient who you couldn’t help, you remember your mistakes, you learn from them, of course, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, but you have to learn from your own too. purple sector, you will have to turn 180°. it is believed that treating oncology is very expensive, is this true? oncology is the most expensive branch of medicine, there is no doubt about it. i can give an example, there is such a treatment method, it’s called, rather complicatedly, cardi-cell therapy. i won’t tell you what it is, but treating one patient with this method costs about 500,000 euros. in
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europe, in our republic it’s about $50,000, but naturally, all our patients receive treatment for free. what is the reason for this cost? it's expensive. and the equipment and research that needs to be carried out in advance, the expensiveness of drugs, their production and, in general, the complexity of the profession itself. why do they think that cancer is better to live abroad? i i think this is a myth from the past. during the collapse of the soviet union, we had big problems, indeed, with the supply of medicine, then in the west they treated better. now there is no difference, i have visited a lot of countries, in some for quite
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a long time. in the general structure, i can say that we are among the countries with a high incidence, but our treatment results are very good, they are comparable with the leading world powers, and in some positions we are even ahead, for example, among the countries with the lowest mortality from urinary cancer bubble, the republic of belarus has reached third place in the world, second only to finland and south korea, and if we had...


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