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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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this concludes our episode, we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the bel ros tv channel, all the best!
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reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short and fun that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different. unfortunately, for a significant number of people.
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laziness of mind, inertia, inability to form one’s own opinion develops, they consider themselves young, free and independent, in fact they are very susceptible to external pressure, this is a constant attempt to get people emotional, this strategy for most opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, and what opposition resources can offer their readers now is a reprint of government belarusian media, only with its own emotional coloring, where...
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i think many people realize this, that there is simply a separate life there, but for me it’s often always changing clothes in 10 seconds, that’s all quickly, it’s all in some kind of excitement, surroundings and adrenaline, people who love belarus, i am by profession, i am a mother, a real mother, i have four children, so like-minded people who will work with you right here are very important to you like a locomotive, union, people who knew their...
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a year of quality for our company is , first of all, a continuation of the manufacture of our products with a high quality standard. i came here a long time ago, about 8 years ago, in
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the area with numerical control i i've only been working for 2 years. my responsibilities include making case rings, lids, watches, i had some small dream of making something that people use, that people will love, that i use myself every day. we have maintained a full production cycle of our own mechanism; we produce both quartz and mechanical watches. over the past year we have sold our watches. to more than 52 countries in the world, the enterprise develops a lot over time, the watch is a high-precision instrument, it consists of 120 designs, that is, if one of the designs is made poor quality, of course the clock will either rush or lag, we all would like
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the time to be always accurate. the products of our watch factory are naturally of high quality. we always want the word belarusian to be synonymous with quality. the principle is that those who have seen life are in no hurry, this is not about you, i need to stop, i cannot sit still, we can conclude that the stage prolongs life. of course, i shook it a little, and shook it like that.
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if there was a buy 100 plus factor, and that’s my wish, and i would participate there again, hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, in the victoria popova studio. and svetlana smolonskaya. and today our guest is the winner of the factorby 60+ project, viktor gushcha. good afternoon, viktor ivanovich. kind. let us congratulate you for this great performance on our favorite show as you started your journey. there
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you were 74 years old in your profiles, you said. has anything changed during your journey? are you already 75? well, i was born after may 9, 10, yeah, yeah. have you thought about this? victory, we can already celebrate the victory and anniversary at the same time we celebrated it purely symbolically, let’s say, but we’ll probably still celebrate 75 years, if so, if everything goes well, and we’re alive and healthy, everything will certainly be fine, we all will be.
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not a minute of peace, not a second of peace
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, i can’t live without you, i can’t live without you, what is it, not a minute of peace, not a second of peace, it’s not otherwise love, it’s not otherwise love, that’s what it is, that’s what it is.
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minutes when she raised children, helped raise grandchildren, but she is a very, very
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responsible person, she is the kindest, firstly, when i saw her, i understood that this is my soulmate, she is very, very kind, very responsive, she treats people, all my friends, all my relatives, she was like my mother, as we called her, yeah. she told everyone what medicines to take, when, at what time, what dosage, she knew everything, her departure was sudden for you, she was very ill lately, at first we walked with one hand, then we started walking with two hands, i took her, but she left, just like she dreamed, so she left, she only said... not to bring it to anyone she left in my arms literally in one
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minute, she was watching, the main thing was interesting, i was watching an ambulance program, a movie, some kind of grief, don’t lie down, god forbid, she sat crying, she was worried about everyone, she was so worried that she was sitting there , cries with them with these participants in this film, i say, allochka, let’s all go and rest at one in the morning. about her and me, i will always love you
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, i will share my life with you, no one on earth has ever loved as i love you, i will always love you, i will share my life with you, no one on earth has ever loved, like i do you. i love, victor, that means, well , it seems to me that such couples, so i thought that it was no longer...
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that it was hard for her, she had children, she didn’t work for 9 years, she looked after the children, because the children were sick, but i needed it for weddings , i needed it for concerts, i needed to earn money, feed my family, i think that our income was normal, and that is, but you yourself know that housework is probably twice as difficult than just sitting and working somewhere, i worked, went home, and here...
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i was very pleased to hear, of course, it’s nice, what are you talking about, generally nice words when they say something to a person, it’s good, especially competitors, or even rivals on stage, yes, it was mark who said that he always sings calmly, by the way, i was always less worried, even when i worked, such ranks sat in the halls that at one time we were constantly in moscow, when all the republics were...
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shishtas play the harmonica, so what’s wrong with that, i like two moles on a steep forehead, chic romantic yesenina is beautiful , that is, bis, bravo, what is this, this, this wings me for some further feats of old age, we will take a closer look at the veterans' house for now.
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this is the “say don’t be silent” program, and today our guest is the winner of the “factor by 60+” project, ex-soloist of the minsk police variety orchestra, viktor gushcha. viktor ivanovich, well, we already talked in the first part about the police, about the orchestra, and how you got there, my dad gave me this impulse. because he played the harmonica very well, he sang very well, i was actually born in germany, because after the war my parents remained there in the military administration, which kept order in germany, they met there, and in 1940 i appeared there in the city of werder, not far from berlin, after that we
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stayed there for a little while. we arrived in babruisk , where my father built a big house, we lived , so to speak, quite well, he had a victory, even then at that time, he held some kind of high military post, yes, no, i wouldn’t say, he’s just very a thrifty, very sociable person, he knew how to make friends, he helped people, we helped him, that’s why we, somehow we had everything, well , we had our own living creatures and that’s all, after that, i already... at the age of three or four i gave concerts to those people who came to visit for some celebrations, the only thing that i i wasn’t shy, for some reason i put a pillowcase from a pillow on my head, seriously, and sang and recited poems, my eyes cut into us, nothing, no, i just ran around so as not to see anyone, then i could perform, but after that in the children’s kindergarten, in kindergarten i
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already danced, yeah, they dressed me up.
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school sporting events and hand ball and handball absorbed me into handball and i got to the point where i played for the national team of the republic . i trained in handball with spartak miranovich and still thought that i would be an athlete, but i also forgot this moment, i took part when i was already in school. i was about eight years old, i took part in a political song competition and sang the buchenval alarm, 8 years old, yes, yes, i took first place, after that my father somehow sent me to a music school in the bayan class, i graduated and i was thinking about entering a physical education college, my mother and i already applied documents, because the handgun still outweighed, and skipped music school,
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because i... uh, my route went through the stadium, that’s it, i didn’t go for 2 months, yeah, and his friend was the director of the music school, he’s dating, they, he says: for some reason victor doesn’t visit yours, he’s sick, well, that’s it, of course, they had a conversation with me, my father said, over my corpse, you’ll become a musician, that’s it, i finished 10th grade, really... i took the exam as an external student because i was in training camp, there was an order from the ministry of education, i i arrived for 2 days, four teachers sat down , took four exams from me, yeah, and i went back to the training camp, but after that, of course , i had to leave the handball, because i had already entered the pedagogical institute, but at
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the pedagogical institute... i met with such great musicians who played in raisky’s orchestra, the pop-symphony orchestra, where raisky was the conductor, so we opened the new palace of the komolny plant, and there was a very large dance hall, everyone there - large factories, factories, spent their evenings, so there we played dance parties in this palace, in the house of culture, the honored artist, valera, played there. prolov, gena kupriyanov, the drummer who played for rosner, that is, there are such respectable musicians, andrei shpinev, who was a pianist for raisky, an arranger who wrote for
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finberg, arrangements for a pop symphony orchestra, so he gave me a lot, he told me how holding a phrase is like holding your breath, that is, these are the people i met. at the beginning of my career, i was just a kid in my first year of pedagogical institute, i was already earning that kind of money, which i don’t know, no one dreamed of, and you were already working part-time in a restaurant at that time, but already somewhere after the seventy-first year, yeah, somewhere around here i already joined the police orchestra, here is lev mikhailovich shlenovsky, who was at the house of trade unions, he was invited to lead the pop orchestra of the main internal affairs directorate of the mengorsk executive committee, now it’s clear.
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yes yes how much approximately, give an example, how much per month , i’ll just wait a second, i didn’t say fabulous, good, i said quite acceptable, yes, but at that time the salary was 90 rubles, and we received there, as we said, 15... 15 -there were 17 evenings a month, count, yeah, 10 rubles each. for each performance, here we are, 5-6 people received 150-170 rubles, when
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the salary was 90, two times higher than average, this is decent money, especially for a young man, you are probably grateful to your father, yes, that he took you from handball . for the union team i would i didn’t play because, first of all, my height didn’t allow it, i wasn’t a tall goalkeeper, but i stood quite well, especially seven-meter ones, but in general it’s such a passion, it seems to me that it’s just that the sport of those years was the sixties, seventies, it was very popular, but then we got to the olympics, all the boys probably had it in front of their eyes that they sent me when i... was little, they sent me to a pioneer camp for 3 months, on the banks of the berezina , a luxurious camp, the ministry of trade, my mother worked in the gum and she took me a ticket, i’m from there i didn’t want to leave, because i participated
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and ran, jumped, and skipped, volleyball, basketball, everything, as i understand you, viktor ivanovich, i also went to the camp for 3 months and they couldn’t get me out, they couldn’t get me out there, in my opinion everyone has such stories , it’s interesting that mom ... gum, and our prize was from gum, and on the factor, gum accompanies you throughout one of the pages of the biography is the tour, of course, of the orchestra, which you often remember a separate topic, yes, a topic, well, altai, yes, now you remember why altai, i want to tell you that this is this is the eighty-sixth year of chernobyl, uh-huh, uh-huh, the eighty-eighth year of the performances . yerevan, this is if, if you start with concert activities, then these are the brightest moments, where we were, where we performed, well, chernobyl is generally dangerous,
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it was, what do you think, or did you not realize, dangerous, we they didn’t know, no one knew, no one knew then, no one knew then, it happened in april, and we were already there with concerts in june, yeah. was it scary or not then there was no awareness at all that when we were driving on on the bus there was such a slightly depressing state of sheep, chickens, dogs running around, cats , all nearby, all together and no one bothers anyone, there are no people, all these roadsides were sprayed with such a special composition so that the dust would not rise, you understand everything, and then when we all went back. they burned all the uniforms, washed the bus with special solutions
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, threw out all the equipment, because well, there was such an order, yeah, an apocalyptic picture, though, when there are no people, in some technical school, i remember when we went there, there was probably 29-30° outside, and there it was, probably 45 inside the room, because everything was taped up, all the windows were taped up, so that god forbid no wind or nonsense would blow into this room, well, they washed, washed two, three times a day, washed everything off did you have any consequences, or did the guys fall down on us, yes, yes, several people suddenly died and right now we have five people left from the entire orchestra.
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then - of course, spetak is also this, too, yes , after the earthquake, this was also a service or something like yes, this was also a business trip, by the way, this was the first collective of the soviet union that went to spyatak, leninakan, yerevan, with concerts to support those people who worked there, by the way, mostly belarusians and ukrainians worked there, i remember this one very well. they were giving concerts, i remember one
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incident where we were standing waiting for the concert to start, it was shaking, and yet there was still the driver of the bus who was supposed to drive us, he immediately said, guys, hold your hands, because she’s getting out. .. from under your feet and you don’t understand what’s happening in your body, he said: “take your hands and hold on tightly, then somehow you will stand , you could easily fall, it’s about four points, it probably shook, it was improvised, the pedestal was like where we gave a concert, the instruments were already standing, everything else , this was the situation, the children were sent to a pioneer camp somewhere far away so that they could rest, because everything was torn down there,
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i went to a competition for young talents in moscow,
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i was invited, and i sang live sound there, at that time it was very interesting because there are always some recordings, here i sang tatyana’s day, if you remember such a song, leshchenko sang, yes tatyana’s day, but i remember there was silantsev, remember this one, of course. and when he died, karamushev took his place too, so i came there for this competition. and there are such musicians, such whistlers , such trumpeters, when i entered this cultural center, my legs were shaking like that, then at this concert, when i was going down the steps from above, i thought i wouldn’t make it, i was so sick, but interesting, still, even then
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time it was felt that moscow was pulling away the best forces, so that’s why we held hands together, then everyone was one. family , margunova hosted all the concerts with kirillov, and we went there until november 10, before police day, the ministry of internal affairs gathered all the best groups, and there was a festival at which the best songs, the best numbers were chosen, all the republics, this is every year we were in moscow, it’s such happiness, what are you talking about...
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but i always remember with us somehow we had friendship between all countries between everyone who wanted to go wherever they wanted and there were no problems; i went to germany after i went on a well-deserved rest, so to speak, but i had to work. i had a very good partner, he and i played a duet, two accordions and two voices went to concerts, we met a wonderful woman, elvira arnst, a kazakh german, who had her own cardevon students there, she was a good cardianist, she had a german choir with whom we sang all our russian songs,
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there was no such hostility, disunity then, you didn't feel it, huh. at a dance at the komolny plant, all these people with whom i crossed paths, well , they made a solo career, and why didn’t you
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follow this path, you didn’t have the desire, i’m probably unambitious, it’s difficult, but i had enough demand . and do you understand what's going on? i had three or four jobs where i went with pleasure and got paid normally, somehow i didn’t have such thoughts about making a solo career, maybe i didn’t find the kind of person who could me uh, i was alone the moment when i took first place, in the palace of the automobile plant, there was a political song competition, i don’t remember what song i sang, really. but i took first place there and there was such a professor oskolkov, very famous at the conservatory, he sat on the jury and after the speech he came up to me and said: victor, i invite you to my course, especially since you already have one higher education, this literally, it probably happened after
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i graduated from college, i don’t know, i didn’t go, why, maybe it was necessary, maybe you didn’t like to study, that happens. what he thinks why do you need this study? yes , well, yes, yes, somehow, i’m probably not ripe for opera roles, but you know, what’s interesting is that i heard another confirmation of the wisdom that choose a job you like, and you won’t have to work a single day in life, and for now we’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we... this is the program again say don’t be silent, our guest today is the winner of the factorby 60+ project,
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victor gusche. viktorovich, well, you already tell us they said that the germans came in droves to your performances, this is not surprising, because you are distinguished by a special intelligent style of singing. let's watch a fragment of the competition performance, one more. native, native, native land. hills and plains , forests and fields, you are given by good fate, happiness is given, you are alone in the world and alone in the heart, dear, dear, native land, hills and plains, forests of fields, you are given by good fate, happiness is given away. in the world and in the heart there is one, well, the song is also from the golden
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fund, let's say, our question is this: do you listen to modern pop music and do you have any comments for young artists? well, when winter comes, then more.
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that’s how it used to be, what it was about, there are no hits , but not ones that are juicy,
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good, beautiful, melodic, but this is the explanation why now all young artists cover songs from those years, the repertoire is golden, because they were good songs are now being given new arrangements, entire radio channels are devoted to this topic, and re-singings, well, let’s do it a little. on philosophical topics, maybe maybe we’ll have time to talk about what you think awaits us after death, is there life there? i don’t know, i don’t know, this question, of course, rarely does anyone answer it correctly , to be honest, i haven’t thought about it, but we ’ll probably still meet good people there, because probably good there are still more people than bad people, i... i’m counting on this and i think that life is there, and i will meet those people
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with whom i would like, you live in hope, you have it as a driving force, yes hope, after after winter, spring will always come, well, of course , you can say so, eternal spring, well, this is eternal spring, but at the same time in one of your interviews you said that you would like to live longer, but of course, for what, what is your specific goal? to live, to live, of course, i want to, as alaya and i always said, here we are sitting, somehow 20 years ago, i remember, she says, well, let’s also know that now we’re 50, we’ll still live for 20 years, okay, i say, okay, then 20 passed, she says, well, another 20, yeah, and i say, you know what, like fine. this is just the most
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, it seems to me, natural desire for a person with whom i have not talked about this topic, i would certainly like to see, my eldest granddaughter is already married, yeah, uh, i would like to see the children of the younger grandchildren, although the younger ones are already also 24 years old, to see how they grow, what they do, how they raise children, i have a great-granddaughter, my son has... we have such a nice sunny valley there, if you know, it’s such a gorgeous place, and there some kind of skiing activity on a sled,
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so we went there. what kind of people, have you looked at different periods in life of our country, you can say that now is the most favorable in terms of the level of well-being of people there, by the way our cities look, you know that this period is probably now, right when alexander grigorievich headed our country, i think after all, it was the right
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choice of the people and i’m not because...
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your point is, well, if grandfather supports, then they support, no, their choice, of course, but i see that they at least approach this responsibly the brains turn on, yeah, because it’s possible, a lot such options when a person finds himself in some kind of life situation, and then repents, uh, all his life, so you need to, you need to look, think about what, what you are doing.
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to all those who called to congratulate me on happiness, health, love, success and peace. thank you. victor ivanovich, but it will be a very honor for us to have
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your autograph and some good wishes in our collection of autographs. prosperity in your program, health and well-being.
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we will introduce you to belarusian enterprises and their outstanding results work. our company is a very unique enterprise in its own way. we are the only company in the country. which works in a full cycle, we need to start with the thread, so that there is quality of the thread, this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these trends, these people from generation to generation passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this matter, then we will continue to produce this furniture, the approach to business that everyone should strive for, my work for me - i guess i won’t be afraid of these loud words, this is the meaning of my life. my work, for me, is a second family, this is a second home, we keep pace with time,
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today we feel young, yes, and we want to continue to feel young, otherwise in this competition today, it will be very difficult to stand on our feet and be young. the project is a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live broadcast of the main news at noon, in the studio olga kolairova, hello, a short summary of the topics of the issue.


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