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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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farmers, like their counterparts in many other countries of the old world, express their anger at overly strict environmental standards due to the influx of foreign imports. just today in brussels, the ministers of agriculture of the european union will hold another meeting to find a way to reassure farmers and decide, among other things, what to do with agricultural imports from the russian federation. in american baltimore, a cargo ship crashed into a 2.5 km long highway bridge. how many central spans collapsed? local media reports that in the water there were at least 10 cars. the container ship itself caught fire and sank after the accident. a large diesel fuel spill was discovered around it. creative meetings with actors, master classes from famous directors. mogilev turned into... a large theater venue,
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at the martkontakt forum, their best productions are presented to connoisseurs by musical groups from belarus, russia, armenia, as well as kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and bulgaria. a total of 25 productions from classics to modern times. there are three on the bill today a performance based on the novel mankurt by chingiz aitmatov, performed by a theater from novokuybyshevsk, nesterk donin martinkevich from bobruisk and the vi theater from perm. this is the ability to turn a person to the world around you, and this world, no matter what is in it, no matter what happens, it is beautiful, indeed, people, their relationships, art ennobles this life and gives a person hope for joy, hope is very necessary , has always been at all times, tomorrow there will be famous owners of the golden mask, the main prize of martkontakte for the best performance, according to the jury from...
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more information from my colleagues at 15 o'clock. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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hello, there are many topics discussed in the studio today, we are waiting for inclusion from moscow, let’s start with these words. god helped us in 1920; if we had not survived then, there would have been war here. today the situation is even more dangerous, more dangerous because we don’t see it, we half don’t see it, and i, including myself, have a large amount of information.
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it is the president’s message that it is necessary to preserve what we have achieved and go through thin ice that exists today, and it exists, please note that if there were challenges before, they talked more about external challenges, but today we have to talk about internal challenges, no matter what we say, but in society, despite consolidation, despite on certain correct steps of the state to unite society, there is a certain group that still looks at... and is trying, in
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general, to connect its future with those who are not our enemies at all today, and this and...
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this is a stabilizing factor, this is a factor showing the unification, consolidation of the entire russian people, look, it has never happened that the turnout was 74%, we will talk about it, but for now the main thing is that this also has something to do with us and it’s stupid that the president said the same thing at this meeting , that means when, on the eve of the elections on march 15 , then, look, he called the president twice the day before, i think on march 16, immediately after he...
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the russian elections became such a watershed that shows that there is one world, and there is another world, they are clearly evident here, you you understand that the elections in russia are the culmination of the processes that are taking place in the world today, we have talked about this more than once, but here we have seen clearly,
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concretely, there is a world that clings to the rules of the past and is still trying to live at the expense of others, and this world , let's call it... western, it seeks by any means to maintain its dominance, which has really already disappeared, and everyone is talking about this, and the west understands this, but pay attention, elections were held in russia, and literally the next day passes in parallel events in the ramstein format , at the same time a meeting of the european union is taking place, and the main topic is what, again war, again how...
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once again, well, the most interesting point that has been discussed for more than, well, 2 years already, is again the seizure of the assets of the russian federation, that is, those reserves that are located on the territory of these countries, this has never happened, this has not happened, not during the great patriotic war, when financing for germany came , including through the banks of switzerland and some other european countries, this did not happen. not in years the cold war, this did not happen, now, when there is a war in gaza, not a word is said towards, so to speak, the jewish state, but russia is again the aggressor, russia is to blame for everything, well, look, this is on the one hand, on the other hand it is very
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the other flank, china, clearly expresses its position, i propose now to listen to the view from beijing as expressed by the author of the printed organ of the communist party of china, the largest publication of the global times. and let's continue. the war in ukraine has greatly increased the hatred that russians feel towards the west. obviously and the fact that putin’s rating inside russia has only strengthened. moreover, putin over the past two years. demonstrated a great ability to control the situation, look, indeed china was immediately , first of all, congratulated, immediately outlined its position, immediately brought up the topic of peace negotiations, said that we would boycott if suddenly russia was not represented there, these two camps, as you see , now there is an interesting ideological, informational struggle or competition going on, two poles: on the one hand foreign affairs is an american publication, official, as our friends, russian americanists call them.
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russia in the elections in the united states of america , firstly, he became the leader among the democrats, even without a fight, we saw how trump fights to be nominated as a republican, and here it is completely calm, but he is a bad person, just humanly bad once again, let’s see, the americans themselves are already paying attention to this, but they can’t do anything.
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yes, dmitry evgenievich, let's continue, what the elections in russia showed the world , maybe not so much about how these elections went, but what processes they affected, you know, even abstracting from the fact that this is a strong leader who won, who was able to rally around himself in it’s a difficult time all over russia, that’s all. everything is so, we see how much putin is now supported by the russians. hu, what have these elections shown? these elections showed a huge gap in the level of politics between russia, belarus, china and the west and america, where the powerful leaders who can think soberly , look threats really in the eye, and give some messages for development. their countries , collaboration forward, yes, at the same time we see puppet politicians who
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seem to want to do something, but they cannot, because in the era of developed democracy, as vadim frantsevich said, if you comply with the canons, then everything very well, that is, you obey, serve, do what you are told, as soon as the prime minister of hungary, as soon as you begin to express your point of view.
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“if you try to do this, people will do the opposite, no matter how difficult it is, that’s why the known forces failed to impose this will, the russians, first of all, they are great, they rallied during this election period and showed who’s boss, secondly , this was a serious signal to the west, who were counting on shaking up russia from the inside; if it doesn’t work at the front, it means shaking it up from the inside,” too... it worked. so, lessons in the pre-election week russia was hit by massive attacks, drones, attempts to penetrate ukrainian drgs into valfeykov territory. there were 12 million attempted digital attacks on the website of the center of the assembly of russia alone. members of the commission received threatening calls and tried to hack their accounts, as is familiar. they clumsily
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threw molotov cocktails into polling stations, doused orns with green paint, and set fire to booths before voting. and while committing such actions they were detained. some skilled saboteurs, but nail specialists, retirees, students. dmitry evgenievich, these are the conclusions we should draw; the main company is ahead of us twenty-fifth year? the conclusions are that such things, unfortunately, with a high degree of probability can occur in our country, yes, because people with a labile psyche, there are actually more of them, they are more susceptible to influence, some kind of influence, but... it’s right that it was it is said, yes, the red line has passed , elections for ourselves, that is, our elections should be held in the same way for belarusians, which means, thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we should, it seems, strive to correspond to some then democratic, far-fetched
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democratic is not the truth that we have, some kind of far-fetched democratic postulate, when excuse me... delegations of observers come to polling stations in order to monitor the elections, i saw this, i worked in this, already with prepared claims, but how can this be, what kind of democracy are you guys talking about, and we are starting to enter into a dialogue with them, now russia actually held absolutely open democratic elections, where it invited those observers who want to see the true picture, because everything was open, please come.
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which alexander grigorievich presented to us , then we can already say about this, since then vladimir putin, speaking to intelligence journalists at this meeting, which was almost completely confirmed that version, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution, then there was a provocation, behind it stands kirill budanov, gur, that is, a terrorist organization in fact, like the sbu of the kiev regime now, they planned it on a much larger scale, not everything worked out for them, moreover, the victims who...
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look, what a wide protest, no , nothing those who do nails can say , well, similar, the same technology that scammers used when people were forced to take out loans, transfer their money to other people, the same call centers that are located in the territory under the control of the kiev regime, the same centers, for example, when the russians were actively operating in the kharkov region, there was such an episode, many of these call centers stopped working because they were located there, that is, the territory of ukraine is zombifying people - logics of people, not only here, i think , abroad, the next moment, they worked out what we had, remember, there was such a platform, there was a voice, they themselves got confused in this platform, now they have built some kind, taken
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a mathematical model , that putin could have so many votes according to what models, listen , all the political scientists, you brought sullivan, yes, political scientists, sociologists say putin won, putin enjoys the support of the majority of russians, turnout speaks about this, they talk about it. and the votes that were cast for him, this is evidenced by the absence mass protests, they say: no , what are you talking about, it’s there, that means it’s a terrible police state, yes, well, abroad, they called there to line up at noon, line up, i saw how in australia, in in many other countries, they say, well , you came out, although it was far from noon, you came out, they say against putin, they say which one, he opens his t-shirt, there is a z on the t-shirt, flags of the donetsk people's republic, they say, you came out as a protest, a protest . yes, against you, against the westerners, yes, that is, you see, this stereotyping , the stereotyped thinking of many of their propagandists, those who organize campaigns against us, misunderstanding of our
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situation, on the one hand, this leads them to defeat, on the other hand, it creates dangers for us, because they will continue this do from your bell tower, throw these challenges at us, so the president emphasizes that we must break this thin ice from which we started, including this, we must constantly be to the utmost.
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in my opinion, today there is a devaluation namely the authorities, the supreme power in many countries of the world, and responsible politicians are becoming fewer and fewer, we talked a lot about people who can make decisions, this is our president, this is the chinese leader, this is the russian leader, but there are people who do not work in the interests of its own people, well, look, it would be nice if only macron, so we read what the french military is saying: a couple of examples , just yes, the french army is preparing to participate in the toughest conflicts, said the chief of staff of the french ground forces general pierre schille, amid president emmanuel macron's announcement of the possibility of
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sending troops to ukraine. on french tv, they are discussing where french troops could be stationed in ukraine if they were sent there. the map shows two, two hypothetical scenarios: this is along the dnieper along the border with belarus. the head of the foreign intelligence service , naryshkin, is already saying: france is training approximately 200 people. today macron has been chosen as such an instrument, but he cannot be alone, macron must be supported by his military, in this case, the role is said,
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so let’s say about the french military, because for them there is a high degree of intensity, this is chat, this is africa, and the same libya, just as for them there is already a high degree of intensity in ukraine, isn’t france becoming a natural target for the russian federation ? well, firstly, macron has a very difficult relationship with his military, i will remind you that there were two letters against him, the two previous chiefs of the french general staff left the army with scandals, they actually lost two operations, the serval and this dune, yes, they were forced to withdraw troops from africa, the military is very dissatisfied... they say the greatness of france is falling, why is france open to the western press in this, not germany, not poland, even poland was ready to enter western ukraine, because that france has nuclear weapons, what
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is happening, russia has already outlined red lines. there is nowhere to give further. putin spoke about this in his address, which means that when the special military operation began on february 24, if you move, we have something to respond to. means, france is a red line, its troops are already being openly discussed, appearing, for example, odessa is lining up along the dnieper, to strike at them with conventional weapons, well, they will hit them with iskander guns, well, it will take dozens, if not more missiles, and it’s not a fact, what will be the effect, because they will introduce their anti-aircraft systems and so on, therefore. tactical in this case, nuclear weapons, although according to russian doctrine they are used there a little differently, but that’s not the point. a strike with tactical nuclear weapons to cover well 2.0, this is their brigade approximately french, they have a specific army structure, brigade regiments, 20,000 - this is a corps, although france does not have such corps in this form, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s some kind of grouping, yes, this is a tactical nuclear strike, formally, given that france signed agreement with ukraine on
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security guarantees. this is not the fifth point of the nato charter, that is, france itself will have to decide what to do if its military is struck in one form or another . the french have about 300 warheads. they have nuclear missiles triumphant submarines are there, which means there are air carriers on rafales, yes, they can use them, and so on. this means that the military must use macron. if they use it, russia will strike back; it is no longer a fact that it will hit ukraine. and what is the asking price?
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there will be a colossal stage that the hegemony of the western world is gone, against the background of the weakness of the united states, against the background of elections, against the background of the fact that american political scientists openly say that their country has never been so close to civil war as in the sixties of the 19th century, well naturally, everything to why talk about peace, then talk about peace is still hypothetical, it’s a throw forward , to throw, so to speak, to reconnoiter the situation,
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as a tool for trying, not just putting pressure, but assessing the degree of possibility of solving the problem, under what conditions russia will agree to this situation, and if repeatedly, well, all the foreign media say that russia is forcing the whole world there, well, scaring it with nuclear weapons, in this case macron is trying
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to intercept himself with this one. the figure mentioned as 20 thousand is the maximum that france is capable of today, well, it’s easy to calculate, they have a foreign legion, there are about 80 thousand , there are different estimates, france has two divisions in total, the first and third, but they are unlikely to transfer them, and the so-called armored cavalry brigades, most importantly, these forces are in mainly intended for , so to speak, waging war by students in africa, they have light equipment, they have wheeled tanks, for example, which.
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scenario, one of the scenarios of peace negotiations, they also agree, but they need to exhaust resources, they now see that russia conducts an offensive action, yes, what failed to break, not a counter-offensive, which failed miserably, with everything else, they look at what putin is ready to do, what russia is ready to do in negotiations, if it suits them, they will go to negotiations, they don’t care about this poland, but putin is now announcing...
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they don’t count on it if poland said, latvia said that we are introducing, yes, that’s nothing, that’s a shot at sparrows, a nuclear power like this should declare here germany is like france, why is germany being dragged along?
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come on, supply it, then further , naturally, they understand perfectly well, they will put up taurses, the military will go there, because well, it’s like a monkey with a grenade, yes, and for them it is very important what the message is, france is leading its contingent. to see how russia will react, here russia needs to clearly calculate all aspects in this case, if they, as vladim frantsovich said, begin to destroy the contingent of deployed nato troops on the territory of ukraine, then they must be specifically prepared for a nuclear war, these are these which will outweigh now it’s on the scales, this is a common scenario about mood, i also wanted to clarify with you, because we...
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well, yes, i also heard such conversations, they are not official yet, they are not published, but nevertheless there are such conversations about that many sensible people at european headquarters are beginning to say that the sanctions imposed against the belarusian red cross in the form of suspension of its membership, firstly, do not correspond to the seriousness that was applied to us, and they generally contradict common sense, because well... those sanctions that said that the belarusian red cross was still involved in illegal deportation, and a commission came here, a special commission from geneva, which looked into it, which looked, which rendered a verdict, where it was written, at the same time , we confirm that the belarusian red
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cross did not take part in the movement of children from donbass to belarus for recovery, however, when the question was raised that our membership was suspended, one of the questions... this is not a back issue , time has just passed, muddy villages and people they begin to look a little further, they just begin to understand little by little this situation and they understand that everything was wrong, so we need to give time, wait a little so that normal people, when we escalate our position, it must of course , talk, defend, but when people understand themselves, they are already practically. what do you think the next step will be in this direction,
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let’s move on, oh, i don’t know, i don’t know, honestly, i too, we’re meeting with all sorts of western politicians and diplomats here at other platforms, so they say: you know, this is the talk of the kular, yes, this is wrong, sanctions, a lot, almost everything, so that you understand, a lot, in western europe almost everyone says this, and besides, you know who is to blame, it’s not the americans, they say , who are to blame, it’s the poles and the balts, they say, it’s a big mistake, that... to force russia and belarus to experience an inferiority complex, to look at their feet, not to dare to dream big, but that’s not the case, we they beat us, and instead of fixing our eyes on the ground, we look own place.
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on this façade, and the pink heights of these tiers, the different dimensions of the apon, here, all this represents the image of how a pavin was, the historical creation of significant cultural objects in the karst of the country, the bykhai castle, and the abarons, which would seem to be a the meter is gone scenes, and this whole glorious military history of bykhava, 17 stagodzia, pachatka 18, i am connected with these castles, the tower is what i call it.
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living tissue, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool. our work is an art: creating high-quality fabrics containing wool. ready to share knowledge. the basis of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in a person’s life. and show one day from your life. i love, honestly, i love my job. i really love when producing, receiving ribbon, yarn
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, this ribbon comes into contact with the hands of our creators, these are our women workers, it is very pleasant to know that our visitors, leaving our security center, leave with such a wealth of knowledge that will definitely be useful to them in life , watch on tv channel belarus 24 vladimir franovich was listening to this, i remembered, for some reason, this big meeting on march 15, where, when you started talking about state ideology, a big conversation ensued.
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not what it was like in the soviet union, yes, he also experienced the devaluation of this ideology in the eighties, but he also remembers the highest level, when it captivated, and it captivated his young man. alexander lukashenko, schoolboy, pioneer, komsomolets, student at the mogilev institute, then a young specialist who worked in society knowledge, further, further, further, this is a person who sincerely believed, and i am convinced, still believes in those best ideals of soviet ideology, based on the principles of marxism,
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and marxism worked in detail, what other president, you, i don’t remember this for example, reads a philosophy textbook, reads, analyzes, criticizes, expresses his opinion, because he grew up on those textbooks that were dialectical materialism, it was worked out in detail, that is, not only is there faith, there is also a detailed study of these issues, why the devaluation happened in the eighties, the president also drew conclusions from this, he says: there is no need to rush, because faith can be some kind of momentary, you can be carried away by something, you can have such an effect, you know, euphoria, and then it turns out that something is wrong, it didn’t work out, so the president always emphasizes that we must move on from life, and marx ... spoke about this, that practice is the best test of any theory, the president says: that’s when we we have already accumulated some experience when we see that those the measures, the practices that we apply, they correspond to life , they are perceived by people, then yes, but it seems to me that in this conversation he finally came to the point that the time has come, why, but we
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saw, somewhere maybe we didn’t expect it ourselves , let’s be honest, we remember we all were here in your studio in 2020, when there were such events, the challenge... it was difficult for us, but what did we expect from all those people who showed themselves for us who came to independence square together with the president, who supported, who they cut off the military ribbons that hung our flags, which went to motor rallies, but we didn’t know many of these people that they had such a position, the same alexey talai, how he behaved, and many others, that means people believe, that means they have this ideal , we have no right to lose it, that means, but the ideal must be according to...
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society, i would say, symbolically, that this is a woman, actually for me, and you see how everything is in our country, i say , a woman is the ideal of beauty, this is the ideal of femininity, this is procreation human, in this case the woman personifies the first step of belarusians into space, but this is the direct influence of the women’s union, after all , i believe that the president spoke when he met with them, and he, by the way, returned to this meeting several times on march 15 with the union women.
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from the republic of belarus, the first woman flies into space, we show that we are in fact a truly peace-loving country that sends the world into space, this is what we have...
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the famous russian political scientist sergei mikheev is in touch with us. sergey sanich, hello. hello, elections in russia,
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record turnout, over 90%, support for vladimir putin. what do these numbers tell you? well , it seems to me, firstly, this is turnout and voting, they are the reason for the pressure on russia that we have economically, militarily, and politically . that is, roughly speaking. work, it works, so to speak, the old, as they say, russian tradition, yes, when they begin to put pressure on us, when the enemy is pressing, instead of running away, getting scared, on the contrary, we seem to rally and unite, simply because everything understand that the moment is such, the moment is such that it means , well, relatively speaking, to change the leader, yes , it means to have some long discussions or, say, ignore elections, but it is simply unacceptable, this is the first, second, it seems to me that you know , there would be no happiness. yes, misfortune helped, now, in connection with this war, in connection with this crisis, many of those areas that
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people have been talking about for many years have finally begun to be implemented, so to speak, yes, including, i don’t know, such a patriotic orientation , but which for some reason went over the ears of our authorities, well, for example, yes, you don’t need to trust the west, that is, all your trust in the west, as it were, and all your games with it will end badly for us, there is the first, second, yes, we still need to set up the economy with our own production , and not to endlessly trade in raw materials. yes, to buy other people’s goods with this, it seems that they, too , have finally, so to speak, woke up, yes, we need to have an effective and combat-ready large army, we need to change the cultural, which means information and educational space, and so on, and we are now we see how this has begun to change, well, or at least these directions are indicated, well , something is really starting to be done, mainly in the military-industrial complex, of course, but in other areas too, and i think that this also worked to increase turnout
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on... in the end, this is the decision of the americans, because zelensky is more profitable for them in the role
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of an absolutely tame manager, so to speak, than in the role of a president, who was elected and has a popular mandate of trust, he is simply more profitable for them, such a person is easier to merge, such a person is easier to manage, such a person is easier to direct where they want, but against this background there is particular irritation, there are no elections there, there are no elections in ukraine, zelensky’s legitimacy ends in may and after. in fact, you can even say that you don’t give a damn about any decision that he signs, because any of his followers can challenge it, saying that this was illegal, this is important, they pretend that this is not important, they will write now some piece of paper courts, but in fact this is important, elections were held in russia, elections were held in russia, and the turnout and the result were really very, very impressive, you can talk for a long time about the fact that there were no competitors, this, that, so to speak, and some of this is true, but... in the end, in the end , an unambiguous and really very solid victory for putin, no one doubts it, including because
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i say again, yes there , well, people understand that this is the moment and who shouldn’t say that to him, then to sort all this out, about zelensky, but your question is, is there something threatening him, i think, of course, he is, i think he is, yes, on the one hand , it’s really amazing this is our, so to speak, common slavic patience , they are ukrainians , although they say that they are not like us there, although, well, this is funny, here we are, i’m sitting here, so to speak, in russia, you are in belarus, that we don’t know who the ukrainians are, or what, so to speak, yes, we were born yesterday, no matter how we live together, no matter how we go to see each other friend, we didn’t talk , we have no relatives, this talk about the fact that we are ukrainians, completely different, we are europeans, this is for fools, just, well, completely for fools, yes, but it is here and it means, that’s what, this, then, is a strange slavic trait , yes, it would seem that it’s not getting better there, it’s getting worse, the dream seems to be crumbling, so they, well, don’t do anything, let’s say, but nevertheless, despite this, i think that zelensky, zelensky is of course threatened, firstly, threatened competitors, i say again, now
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his legitimacy will end in may, and i think the mood is there. and the desire, so to speak , to tear something off for him or to remove him, which means from this chair, they will only grow, because the situation is not changing for the better, it is only changing for the worse, this is the first, second, economic and social -the political social situation is also getting worse and worse and worse, we see that mobilization is proceeding with a terrible creak, all these terrible videos about this this mobilization, the beating of these people and so on and so forth, and the economy in general is dying, there is practically nothing left of it, yes, well, with external support there is also a question: it is not known what will happen in these elections in america, how there will be further, that is, are there any threats to zelensky’s power ? will completely merge the question of who, when and how? - i think, that even if biden, as expected, wins the elections in america, even for biden, ukraine
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will become a very problematic asset, and then we will have to think about what to do with it. because - if there are no successes up to this point, and so far no successes are visible, yes, the question will arise, what to do next with this suitcase, so to speak, yes, and even if biden is welcomed to power, i don’t care at all i’m sure that they, for example, will keep zelensky and all that stuff. it’s interesting, if you have an answer to such a question, well, which is already so capacious, crystallized, shot down, we recently remembered 10 years after the maidan in kiev, and today we live, in general, in a reality that largely grew out of the fire of these events. now you have this clear answer, but why did ukraine go downhill and what was this main trigger, the main reason? well, with the maidan, it seems to me that everything is quite simple, yes, after all, after all, it was a situation provoked, by and large very well prepared from abroad, that is, is it possible, for example, to have avoided it, but absolutely absolutely, is it possible
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was it possible to resolve the issue even then on the maidan? well, it was also possible. i worked quite a lot in the post-soviet space, including during these days i was in kiev, right there, so i can tell you that if yanukovych had acted as lukashenko did, well, there would have been no maidan and they would have been dispersed everyone, well , as for the blood, so to speak, you know, those rivers of blood that were shed later and are flowing now, they are in no way comparable to the forced violence that was necessary then the ukrainian state, so to speak, to show, they, in principle, do not go, but...
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in order to keep what, therefore, fell into their hands after the collapse of the soviet union in normal working order. finally, this is the question, it is clear that the year is 2024, the world is watching the elections first of all, here is russia, the usa, we also have a very important period, this is behind the single voting day in belarus, i mean, we will soon have an updated such an all-belarusian people's assembly, then the presidential elections in 2025,
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this is of course a special event, we are all preparing we understand that this will happen too. is our, i ask, a forager, to go through this path, so as not to lose ourselves, on the contrary, to even become stronger this way? oh, well, i don’t know , to be honest, i think that in general, some of the main technological problems there were solved in the twentieth year, then a fairly firm decision was made, in general , movement in this direction, it seems to me , from the point of view of stability, yes, it will continue to hold belarus, as for foreign policy, but again there - i think that the union state of russia belarus, no matter how trite it sounds, yes, this is a prospect, this is a prospect for development, because i repeat once again, as if, well, firstly, it’s too late to even discuss many things, so it doesn’t make sense, but
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this is the most important thing , most importantly, we see this in the example of ukraine, for the west we are all consumable material, all of us, so to speak, are simply those who, under some circumstances , would agree to, as it were, be expendable material for belarus for them. agreed, no matter how russia disagrees, i think we have prospects, in fact, uh, here there’s no need to be discouraged, that’s absolutely for sure, there’s no need to be discouraged, continue to do what should and will happen, what will happen, alexandrovich, thank you very much for participating in our program, after such an agenda, the phrase “we live in difficult times” would seem so appropriate, but i won’t say how unlucky we were, well, firstly, tell this to those who from 41 to 45. died, were reborn, and then, with blood, then raised them from the ruins to the country, and secondly, and maybe even this is the main thing , difficult times, yes, but this is our time, there is no other,
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which means, in spite of, in the name of, well, we have to live and do it in such a way that it won’t be excruciatingly painful for years spent aimlessly. i once talked with a person from the generation that drank to the fullest and asked: where does the strength come from? in response, he quietly sang a line from the anthem of that generation. “i love you, life, i hope it’s mutual, that’s it for today, happy, i hope it’s mutual.
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