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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

3:00 pm
so what kind of germany are you, mom, well, what kind of germany is this, poland is a sorting camp , guck mal von diesem mä, ich hat ein sehrles gesicht, gibt ihr das, gibt ihr das passat, schnell, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, totalaufnahme, totalaufnahme, das plakat und das plakat sofort.
3:01 pm
live news with you lyudmila kazak, good afternoon, watch in this issue. any provocation on the state border must be suppressed militarily; the president checked combat readiness in the border areas. farmers on tractors block brussels lighting bonfires in protest against eu policies, their british colleagues are not far behind. the basmanny court of moscow arrested the eighth defendant in the case of the terrorist attack in crocus, the investigation continues. novosilevskaya
3:02 pm
began carrying out research activities, the first communication session with the earth and the emotions of our cosmonaut on the air. any provocation must be stopped militarily by violating the state border without ceremony to defeat. the president today visited one of the sites involved in a comprehensive combat readiness check in the grodno region. in during the event, the personnel of the military units move forward.
3:03 pm
checking combat readiness is relevant, because large-scale exercises of multinational nato forces are taking place both throughout europe and near our borders. as the president was informed, the situation in the northwestern operational direction remains difficult and tends to increase tension. anti-tank ditches and firing positions are being created near our state border, and the number of ammunition in warehouses is increasing. the total strength of the force is now around 3,200 human. also.
3:04 pm
the president spoke to reporters in more detail about what was happening; in particular, he called the statement about the plans of russia and belarus to attack the west complete nonsense. our. the logic is simple: we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give up ours. alexander lukashenko also noted the importance of training the military taking into account the specifics of the terrain, this emphasis is also on the armament of our army, because in any war the main issue is decided by an ordinary soldier. they asked about something else. the terrorist attack in the moscow region, the flight of the belarusian cosmonaut, important topics upcoming in the vns. all details in our next issues. security in public places has been strengthened in belarus due to the tragic events.
3:05 pm
in russia, our law enforcement officers are working in enhanced mode, a decision has been made to arm one of the employees in a paired squad with a kalashnikov assault rifle, under special control large shopping centers, critical... facilities, enterprises, educational institutions. the task of law enforcement is to increase the number of officers in public places, but not to cause panic among people. the security department is making great efforts to ensuring the safety of people in public places. to this end, we have increased the density of our outfits, we have changed the approaches to arming the outfits of their equipment. for carrying, passage of a prohibited element. also, in the near future, all large shopping centers will be equipped with metal detectors. the terrorist attack in crocus hall was facilitated by the ukrainian special services,
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and radical islamists were preparing the attack. this was stated by the director of the russian fsb, emphasizing that the mastermind of the terrorist attack has not yet been identified. according to him , the terrorist attack in crocus was needed by the west. services and ukraine in order to shake up the situation and create panic in society in russia. earlier today, the moscow basmanny court granted the investigation's request to arrest another eighth defendant in the terrorist attack case, a krasnogorsk businessman who rented out an apartment to the terrorists in putilkovo, where they were preparing the attack. previously , four perpetrators of the terrorist attack, as well as three of their accomplices, were arrested. the investigative committee has already restored the full chronology of events; more has been done.
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who were hospitalized due to to date, 52 patients have been discharged, their condition has improved and they
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are being monitored at the place of residence ; 93 people are in hospital, including five children. doctors continue to fight for... residents of the country also have the opportunity to express words of grief through the diplomatic mission. you can send condolences to the embassy by mail or electronically . serbia will never join the north atlantic alliance. this was stated by the country's president aleksandar vucic at a rally
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dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary nato bombing of yugoslavia. belgrade continues to insist on maintaining its military neutrality and strengthening its independence in the face of regional tensions. people did not bring banners with slogans condemning nato’s aggression and called on the country’s authorities to stop any cooperation with the bloc. in particular, they demanded to close the nato representative office in the serbian military department and abandon joint exercises with the alliance.
3:10 pm
let's talk about the causes and consequences of the bombing of yugoslavia 25 years later with a serbian directed by emir kusturica, winner of two golden palm branches at the cannes film festival and one of the main awards of our festival , leaf fall. the director invited us to the ethno-village, which he built for the filming of the film life is a miracle. kusturica is currently writing a new script, but he found time for us to walk and talk. let's find out what the new film will be about. what does he think about big politics and nato aggression, and what is his attitude towards belarus? i really liked it there, such order and good people, good good poison, everything that you have preserved there is the original slavic land, and there is no such fake democracy as...


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