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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 26, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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this is winter fun, light, cool! here on such a wonderful, positive note we end our journey through the endless expanses of the buddha-koshelevsky district, build your routes with us, enjoy the beauty of belarus and the hospitality of wonderful people, see you next week!
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a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. tell us what we will cook today. today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, these will be spring rolls with sea cocktail. tell us what we're having for breakfast today, a champion. and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty. can't wait to get started. we will help you choose products to make.
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this façade is alive, because the prices are crumbling on this façade, and the pink height of these tiers, the different dimensions, and here, all this represents the image of what a pavin was, the historical creation of significant cultural objects in the kingdom of the country, the castle, yon would be abaronchy , what would it be like to the perimeter of the previous scenes, and all this glorious military history was 17 centuries old, the patch 18 yana is connected.
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our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. hospitable, vibrant and
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festival-like, generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can. to be different, to understand and
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feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. at the border of the velezhsky district, for the second day already , a guide from the partisan detachment of uncle
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menai was waiting for important guests. they were supposed to reach the appointed place from the kalinin front yesterday. the conductor peered into the distance, but there was no one. finally, a small group of people in civilian clothes appeared with knapsacks over his shoulder. they carefully made their way along a narrow path across a field. password, greeting and big hug. a group of three people, including a young woman, along with a guide, quickly went deep into the forest. over barely noticeable forest corpses,
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they moved towards the village of dobrynina. suddenly the conductor stopped abruptly. signaled to the group to stop too, but he himself began to listen; very close through the forest there was a road that the germans often used; judging by the sounds coming, a column of germans was now approaching trucks, another moment, and the conductor led the group towards the enemy. there was a cloudless sky overhead, tall pines were rustling , flowers were blooming, the bright sun was shining, it was hard to believe that all the peaceful beauty was only
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an apparent temporary respite, but a few kilometers from here there were occupiers, this is how the detachment recalled that crossing the line in the occupied territory, people should know that soviet power exists, the country is not broken, and its leadership highly values ​​the feat of every people's avenger. before that it's hard conversation with panteleimon panomarenko,
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chairman of the central headquarters of the partisan movement. he considered such a step risky. as part of the delegation, the chairman of the presidium of the supreme council. became the main body for coordinating actions with the partisans. declassified transcript
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of stalin's unpleasant conversation with iberia. in the presence of voroshilov and panomarenko, a denunciation against him was immediately prepared. mkvd. panamorenka, we need the full initiative of the partisan detachments to assist them. if two responsible managers cannot
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to work together, we need to remove both. stalin, then the third one will have to be removed. beria. who? stalin? you, lavrente. after that memorable meeting of the bureau of the central committee, in may '42, the post of commander-in-chief. was abolished by partisan forces. the central headquarters of the partisan movement was headed by panomarenko. he received additional powers to organize operational work. a unique photograph miraculously preserved in the personal archive of the former partisan of the surazh zone zhelyanin. on it is the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr, nadezhda.
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on june 14, the heroes-partisans of the surazh region, workers of the vikebsk underground regional committee of the party gathered here. in an atmosphere of special solemnity , the first meeting in the history of the occupied republic was held with the participation of the highest. the small, newly created detachment of minai shmyrev, while on the march, discovered
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an enemy cavalry unit on the right bank of the river near the village of zamakhvalikha. some of the germans were swimming in the river, the rest on the shore were having a lively conversation and laughing loudly. the partisans secretly approached at close range, installed machine guns and opened a hurricane of fire. caught by surprise, the germans began to run away in panic. the situation of the swimmers was tragic. every attempt to get ashore ended in machine-gun fire. the partisans, with small forces , won the battle without losses, while the germans
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remained lying on the shore. this was the first battle of the partisan detachment under the leadership of minai shmirev. more recently, the director's cardboard factory, its military history. 14 vehicles with food, weapons, ammunition, three village
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councils were destroyed, a telephone exchange was put out of action. on september 3, the sofinformburo reported on a partisan raid on the german garrison of surozh. the partisans entered the town at night, cordoned off the houses in which the fascists were located and threw grenades at them. before the partisans leave. they destroyed the garrison office, seizing all correspondence. they took away 10 cars, 20 motorcycles, 12 machine guns, machine guns and ammunition. by the spring of 1942, shmyrev’s partisan detachment increased 20 times. the first belarusian partisan brigade was created on its basis. she held the partisan zone close to the front line in the quadrangle.
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surazh vitebsk, town of usvyaty. released. about how the partisans acted. in the combat diary of the partisan brigade. on april 20, 1942, a group of fighters from mikhail b’s detachment derailed a train with manpower. 40 carriages, two
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locomotives were smashed, and a bridge was blown up. on april 28, the detachment of the order bearer gregory ka, from april 4 to may 7 , destroyed 125 germans who tried to force the blame. on may 16, the germans raided the village of r., stole the scott, arrested the men and took them with them. the partisans caught up with the nazis and recaptured the arrested cows were returned to the peasants. the germans fled, taking the dead and wounded. and such records, every day. on june 12, 1942, the german security police and sd reported on the activities of the belarusian partisans. large partisan groups are
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active in the areas of berezyano, bobruisk, gomel, vitebsk, lepel, and surazh. in a number of areas. the partisans established soviet power and created permanent government. in just one year from october forty-one to november forty-two, nine extensive partisan forces were formed in the occupied territory. zones, including one in western belarus. the people's war spread, the earth burned under the feet of the fascists. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our
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people. it's clear in the belarusian capital, let's face it, all the bright spots are covered with frost, otherwise the consequences are clear for all of us. flowers, like music, jump into life throughout the world. they make us happy both on the streets of our beloved city and at home. ale dze kupit іkh? nope, there’s a kvetak at the store. not. here you will find a good bouquet of merchants. dasvoltse, and chym not subsiding do you want these bouquets? yes, jumpy. if you want, you need to go to the market, there is a lot of food there, and where to go to the store. it wouldn’t do harm to the manager of the trusts if it would be bad for tavarish papov, to prevent the gardener’s experience of cultivating vegetables. pershy.
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i feel the spring barbers, but also the spring spring pluckers and the spring mood, kali weasel, i was panting from the flowers of the gaspadarki of minsk. today in minsk there will be a republican look at the spring-summer day's madeles, made by the indian pashiv's atelier. at the madeleah... it's been clear for magilya, and here's the spring , and it's bringing us to the new salon store, why not fall? pavuchytsesya ў men, yany
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less capricious pr vybraty addzen, and yashche lepsh, gloss on the madela, as the magic masters tell you. vitsebsk: for the city at the beginning of the day the ice is breaking up, the land of abujan is hell, the ice on the rivers is knotty, it’s spring, it’s spring, to the delight of the chalavek. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. high city, according to the chronicles, this place was called from the 15th century. and there are many attractions here. i'll try to tell you about everyone. it's high
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and we start dating. and we set off on an exciting journey. by the way, previously there were several units in the city, water and power mills, and a little later even electric mills appeared. and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings. i also met witnesses who wanted to stay. behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel to show how our country is wonderfully unusual, the road between sinu and shklovo is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park, this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to the icon tadeusz agininski.
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because he came from a saltyk family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that he could have been a vice-governor. the correct answer to our question is option c. how about leonid daineka? ksenya. i remember for sure that option b - between prince vyachka. this creation was studied at the end of the seventh grade. this is the hour of on, when i fought with the order. yes. option. b: a sweet modest girl has the sword of prince vyachka, which means her favorite book, pet cemetery,
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favorite movie, house of wax, thriller horror detective, once my friend and i decided to try it, well, we liked it , and horror movies, maybe you we watched with them, no, i'm afraid, we remember the school program together with the project participants. i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . club of editors, well, a super idea of ​​the western world, it has existed for several centuries, it is to defeat russia, we can remember a lot of wars and everywhere this ideology, it already seems that in western european countries, in the aglo-sans world , that model is passed on with mother’s milk.
6:00 pm
residents, the soviet army was in afghanistan, we did not test nuclear weapons on civilians , but what was the soviet union doing there, it built plants and factories there, laid roads,


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