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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 27, 2024 9:50am-10:01am MSK

9:50 am
we need competence, and we also need the industry to work at 110%. to do this, she needs to be entrusted with the most difficult task possible. and now the most important thing is that if we suddenly take on an airplane construction project, but after five years we don’t complete it, but instead only make parts for an airplane to russia, it may seem like it’s a failure, but it’s not, because the point is not so much about airplanes , how much in this work itself is 110%. if this exists, then this is enough for development. more than enough. alexander grigorievich recently told the officials, but in general this concerns absolutely everyone. we will have to be honest with ourselves that we did our best. here is the doctrine of evolutionary development of belarus. will we succeed in everything from our global plans? surely not, not everything will work out. but we will do everything in our power for this, then we will not be ashamed either before ourselves or before our future generations. as it is now, absolutely true for the current generation of politicians and government administrators. i'm not ashamed of
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what they were able to do for the country. in thursday alexander lukashenko met with the outgoing members of the house of representatives, where he especially emphasized what kind of parliament we need, not one where everyone yells at each other, swears and spits, and outside spectators watch with rapture this pseudo-politics, in fact, a populist show, if someone needs something like this, then you are welcome to watch it all at the meetings of the ukrainian rada, unless you need to take into account what such shows lead to?
9:52 am
right assessed the situation, once again confirmed his wisdom in his desire to be master in my native land, and i will complement the head of state, yet discussions of bills sometimes happen very tough, when different deputies of their coalition defend their position and the position of their voters staunchly and vehemently, but this all happens before the bill is put to a vote before the meeting in the oval hall , so that the oval hall does not turn into... a television studio for a pseudo-political talk show and that the creation of this show does not become either a goal for parliamentarians or a tool for pushing someone’s interests. of course it is not as fun as somewhere else, but parliament is not supposed to entertain citizens. parliament is the place for the adoption of laws regulating relations not only between citizens, but also between the state and citizens. alexander lukashenko outlined the vector of work on thursday.
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against the background of what is happening today in many of our neighbors, belarus lives a relatively normal, full life. we have significantly strengthened our armed forces, there is no escape. the economy is growing, people are working and getting paid, there is peace and order on the city streets, the state fulfills its social obligations. and most importantly, our citizens feel safe. don’t be afraid for the lives of your loved ones, it’s not cheap. unfortunately, we all became convinced on friday that what is not cheap is priceless, and most importantly, continued peace to us all, peace of mind and confidence in the future for ourselves and for all our family and friends. my name is igor tur, this was my propaganda.
9:55 am
yes, the old man of the depot, on the other side of the office hall. at that time , babruisku did not have a special memory theaternaga. you are not a believer, lidzia has a famous cinema with a school, i call it, are you ready? so. nirvana. cinema nirvana in
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lidze. no, geta was significant earlier. to the past. the adzins in belarus are annointed with the castle of castel, impregnable and great.
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from a historical point of view, it’s in our traditions, in our mentality, it’s enough to remember the ancient slavic veche, which was present in our polostsk principality, in our other lands, which means we can remember the people’s assembly of western belarus, as an example of similar ones meetings, and moreover, in recent history we have held six all-belarusian people 's assemblies, which actually took place every 5 years..., they determined socio-economic directions of development, this is also an institution that has shown its effectiveness, because the same 96 year , remember when the first russian people's assembly, the people spoke out, through this meeting in support of the course of the head of our state to overcome the crisis, this is also an important element, well, now it is already
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a constitutionally formalized body, the highest representative body in our country, 1200 participants, which unite, on the one hand, both parliamentarians and representatives of the executive branch, which means... representatives of local councils, public organizations, that is, this is such a vast, extensive institution that should perform the function of insurance for our society and state from some. in addition, the composition of the central election commission and the constitutional one will be approved.


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