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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 27, 2024 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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principality, in our other lands, yes , that means we can recall the people’s assembly of western belarus as an example of such meetings, and moreover, in recent history we have held six all-belarusian people’s assemblies, which actually took place every 5 years, at them social and economic directions of development were presented, this is also an institution that has shown its effectiveness, because in the same ninety- sixth year, remember, when the first russian people's assembly, the people spoke out, through this meeting, in support of that course of the head our state is on its way out. from the crisis , this is also an important element, well, now it is already a constitutionally formalized body, the highest representative body in our country, 1200 participants, who unite, on the one hand, parliamentarians and representatives of the executive branch, which means representatives of local councils, public organizations, that is, it is such a vast, vast institution that should perform the function of insuring our society and state against some cardinal, radical shocks, yes we we can now...
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there are perversions that exist there in the west and are propagated, rise to the top, they lead to degradation, degeneration of humanity, we are opponents of this, and we have clearly recorded our key postulates in this regard, also an important key point in our updated the constitution stipulates the need to preserve historical memory and the truth about the events of the great patriotic war in general about the historical memory of the belarusian people, because the ancient wisdom says, we also see in the examples of other countries, that if a people does not know... their
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history, then they have no future, which is why various destructive forces strive so hard to distort the historical past, the peoples’ idea of ​​this historical past, in order to impose, again , some of their own interests that are alien to these people, to direct them into a channel that is necessary for someone from the outside, which means they correspond to the interests of a particular people. well, these are probably the key elements that i would like to pay attention to. the current constitution, a truly people's document, was discussed at a referendum in 2022, there really was a turnout.
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the main duties of any citizen, i believe, therefore it is quite natural that this turnout was high, and the fact that 83% of those who came, voted, supported the proposed changes also speaks of the high degree of consolidation of our society around our these are traditional values ​​that are important for our mentality, for our society, for the state . we have spent a short time in the new day and we are working on this music, music, what a thick inside of our skin we have, yana pausul, in the sun, in on soft hands, on the tips of our fingers.
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the music is soothing, full of thought and opening up thousands of gifts to us. music can change the light, as much as it can change us. music is inside our skin.
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how is life for foreign guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university. i have been working here at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations, from 2014 to this day. this is a coffee shop.
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hello, there are a lot of topics today, discussions in studio, we are waiting for inclusion from moscow, let's start with these words: god helped us in the twentieth year, if we had not survived then, there would have been a war. today the situation is even more dangerous, dangerous because we don’t see it, we don’t half see it, and i, including myself, have a larger amount of information, so we must be careful, we are walking on thin ice.
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despite everything, we were able to preserve them; now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this, because without peace and security there will be neither prosperity nor prosperity. not social some measures that our state is taking, this is where we should direct all our efforts. nikolaich, do you think , i will support vladimir frantsivich, because the main message of the president is that it is necessary to preserve what we have achieved and walk on the thin ice that exists today, and it exists. please note that if there were challenges, we used to talk more about external challenges, but today we have to talk about internal challenges, no matter what we... say, but in society, despite consolidation, despite certain
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the right steps of the state to unite society, there is a certain group that still looks to the west, and in general tries to connect its future with those who are not our enemies at all today, and this exists, and threats must be made about this, yes , this is an internal threat,
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so we’ll sort it out then now. so, russia's elections are more than obvious. vladimir putin won with a score of 87.28%. the predictable reaction of the west is also obvious; it is unfree, dishonest, and illegitimate. navalny is dead and there is no osce at all. but at the same time even the new york times almost immediately could not help but admit that over the years, more and more people are voting for putin. now the white house, through the mouth of sullivan, closes the topic with recognition, the reality is that putin, the president of russia, and the united states will work on this basis. now i am the one who immediately congratulated putin on his victory in the elections - these are the leaders of belarus, china, india, iran, venezuela, cuba, uzbekistan, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, vietnam, kuwait, myanmar and many others. society is symbolic, don’t you think that the russian elections have become like this a watershed that shows that there is one world.
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another interesting point, precisely at this moment , when russia is consolidating, showing that
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it is ready to develop, extending , so to speak, a hand to its partners and saying that we are ready for negotiations, which is what the west is talking about, and the west is talking about that it is necessary to prevent russia from winning, first, second, to provide ukraine with weapons once again, well, the most interesting point that has been discussed for more than... well, 2 years already, is again the seizure of the assets of the russian federation, that is, those reserves that are not located on the territory of these countries, this never happened, this did not... did not happen now, when there is a war in gas, this did not happen during the cold war, this word is not mentioned in side, so to speak,
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of the jewish state, but russia is again the aggressor, russia is to blame for everything, well , look, this is on the one hand, on the other hand. the other flank, china, very clearly expresses its position, i propose now to listen to the view from beijing, expresses the author of the printed organ of the communist party of china, the largest global times publication. and let's continue. the war in ukraine has greatly increased the hatred that russians feel for the west. it is also obvious that putin’s rating inside russia has only strengthened. at the same time, over the past two years, putin has demonstrated a great ability to control the situation. look. in china, they immediately, first of all, congratulated us, immediately outlined their position, immediately brought up the topic of peace negotiations, said that we would boycott if suddenly russia was not represented there, these two camps, as you can see, are so interesting now ideological, informational there is a struggle or competition, two poles, on the one hand fairs is such an official american publication, as our russian
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americanist friends call them american communist, this was in soviet times, when the communist magazine was key, so that means they call it. authoritarian, that is, those who are not aware of the united states of america. it is interesting how they classify certain countries , for example, they classify hungary as authoritarian, either conditionally authoritarian or threatened, that is, from their point of view, hungary even observes all democratic procedures, if not, why do you keep hungary in nato and the eu, you declare that you only keep democracies there, yes, well, because
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hungary is not the same carries out policies, so they don’t invite her to all sorts of gatherings of these democratic countries, they say that... now in india democracy is under threat, how is that? now india will hold the largest democratic elections in terms of the number of voters, about a billion voters, yes just to have enough of them , it will take several weeks, they say: no, there , you know, the position of the ruling party is strengthening, so as soon as a strong leader, a strong government appears somewhere, they immediately accuse them of violating democratic procedures and kill themselves regarding this, the washington post calls it a democratic devaluation, that is, in reality they are their own policies.
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yes, dmitry evgenevich, let’s continue, but what the elections in russia showed the world, maybe not even so much about how these elections went elections, how many processes did they affect? you know, even abstracting from the fact that this is a strong leader who won, who was able to rally the whole of russia around him in difficult times, and that’s all, that’s all true, we see how much putin is supported now. russians, what did these elections show? these elections showed a huge gap in the level of politics between russia, belarus, and china. the west and america, where there are strong leaders who can think soberly, look threats in the eyes, give some promises for the development of their
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countries, collaboration forward, yes, at the same time we see puppet politicians who seem to want to do something, but they cannot, because in the era of developed democracy, as vadim frantsevich said, if... you comply with the canons, then everything is very good, that is, you obey , serve, do what you are told, as soon as the example of hungary, as soon as you begin to express your point of view, that ’s it, you are a little bit different, if this goes on, we will expel you, and is this normal, or is it the same america, this is generally degradation political, and what these elections taught us, specifically for us in belarus, so i suggest you think about this issue for now, and listen.
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difficult, therefore, it was not possible for known forces to impose this will, the russians, first of all, they did well, they rallied during this election period and showed who is boss, secondly, it was a serious signal to the west, who were counting on shaking things up from within russia, it doesn’t work out at the front, that means shaking it up from within, it didn’t work out either, so, lessons for russia in the pre-election week collapsed massively.
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in order to monitor the elections, i saw this, i worked in this, already with prepared claims, well, how can this be, and what kind of democracy are you talking about, guys, and we are starting to enter into dialogue with them, now russia is really held absolutely open democratic elections , where they invited those observers who want to see the true picture, because everything was open, please come, look, work, digitalization is underway, no problems and we...
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so they worked out what we have, remember , there was such a platform, there was a voice, they themselves got confused in this platform, now they have built some kind, they took a mathematical model that putin could have so many votes, what models, listen, all the political scientists, you brought salvan, yes, political scientists, sociologists, they say putin won, putin enjoys the support of the majority of russians, the turnout speaks about this, the votes that were cast for him speak about this, the absence of mass protests speaks about this, they say: no, what are you saying, it’s there, that means , scary cop the state, yes, well, well, abroad , they called there, at noon, to get out in line, line up, i watched how in australia, in many other countries they say, well, you got out, even if it was far from noon, you got out they say against putin, they say what , he opens his t-shirt, there is a z on the t-shirt, the flags of the donetsk people's republic, he says, you came out as a protest, a protest , yes, against you, against the westerners, yes, that is,
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you know, this is a stereotypical sample. but from the point of view of technology, organization procedures, ensuring security must first be the utmost attention, second, there must be vigilance of every citizen and responsibility at this moment, and third, very close interaction with our allies. let's move on, about the mood in the west: macron had another attack of heroism, he again threatens russia, if russia continues to escalate, we will be ready to make decisions that guarantee that
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russia will never...
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said the chief of staff of the french ground forces, general pierre shil, against the background of the statement president emmanuel macron, the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. on french tv, they are discussing where french troops could be stationed in ukraine if they were sent there. the map shows two, two hypothetical scenarios, this is along the dnieper along the border with belarus. the head of the foreign intelligence service , naryshkin, is already saying: france is preparing approximately 2,000 people to be sent to ukraine, that is, it’s not okay if only macron spoke about this.
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of the french general staff left the army with scandals, they actually lost two operations, serval and this one - barkhane, yes, they were forced to withdraw troops from africa, the military are very unhappy, they say the greatness of france is falling, why is france open
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to the western press in this, not germany, not poland, even poland was ready to enter the western ukraine, because france has nuclear weapons, what is happening, russia has outlined red lines, there is nowhere to retreat further, putin spoke about this in his address. this means that when the special military operation began on february 24, she said, if you move, we have something to answer, which means france is the red line , its troops are already openly discussed, it appears, for example, odessa is lining up along the dnieper, to strike at them with conventional weapons, well, they will hit them with iskander guns, well, it will take dozens, if not more missiles, and it is not certain what the effect will be, because they will introduce their anti-aircraft systems and so on, so a strike with tactical nuclear weapons in this case, although according to russian doctrine there they are used a little... differently, but that’s not the point: a strike with tactical nuclear weapons to cover, well 2.0, this is their brigade, approximately french, they have a specific army structure, regiments, brigades, 20,000 is a corps, although there are no such corps in this form in france, it doesn’t matter if it’s some kind of grouping,
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yes, this is a tactical nuclear strike, formally, given that france signed an agreement with ukraine on security guarantees is not the fifth point of the nato charter, that is, france itself will have to accept it.
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weaknesses of the united states, against the backdrop of elections, against the backdrop of the fact that american political scientists openly say that it has never been so close, their country was not in a state of civil war, like in the sixties of the 19th century, well, naturally , what’s the point of talking about peace then? talk about peace, they are still hypothetical, this is a leap forward, to give up, so to speak, to explore the situation, is such a solution possible, on what conditions is russia ready to agree to solve this problem?
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about assessing the degree of possibility of solving the problem, under what conditions russia will agree to this situation, and if repeatedly, well, all the foreign media say that russia,
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the whole world there is forcing, well, scaring with nuclear weapons, in this case macron is trying to seize this initiative to say, we are not afraid, we also have nuclear weapons. france, french soldiers are already dying on the territory of ukraine today; quite a few of them have already died there. yes, this is what we are talking about, and this also causes discontent in the ranks of the french army, and it is small. the figure that is named 20,000 is the maximum that france is capable of today, well, it’s easy to calculate, they have a foreign legion, there are somewhere around 80,000, different estimates, there are two divisions of all france, the first and third, but it is unlikely that they will transfer them and the so-called armored cavalry brigades, and most importantly these... forces are mainly intended for
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waging, so to speak, a war with students in africa, they have light equipment, they there are wheeled tanks, for example, in the required quantities, and so on and so forth, so these statements are again reconnaissance in force, first, second, this is an attempt to raise their prestige on the european continent of a particular president of a country, a serious country, you won’t say anything, but today we we're already starting to talk. today the time comes when what is needed is not bravura statements, not bravura, so to speak , marches, specific agreements are needed, and the head of russia, dmitry evgenievich, speaks about this, you, as a representative of an organization that, in principle, are for peace, but want to act, often have to once in the context of military events, i 'm still winning over the pigeons, you know, in the continuation... of this conversation, why france, why lithuania, latvia there, starts
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rhetoric, why not poland, the whole point is, that this is a common scenario, that’s what putin said, yes, you see, the vast majority of people there are competent, experienced, have passed many different tests, people who are actually developing different scenarios, one of the scenarios of peace negotiations, they also agree, but they need
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to... sort things out that scholz paused a little, common sense, after all, yes, yes, with the taurus, he played a role, now macron wants to become the leader, the informal leader of the european union, before that there was always germany yeah they should have followed though this is a second power, but there is also a very important aspect that they are counting on, if poland said, latvia said that we are...
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for peace, we hear the position of the vatican, we hear
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observing this contradiction, this unresolved issue, some influential circles from international organizations, and we see that the position of china, others for the military actions that you just mentioned, for example, the red cross, there is talk that within the international red cross they already very much regret that when... then they beat in particular on the belarusian branch, well, yes, i also heard such conversations, they are not official yet, they are not published. but nevertheless , there is such talk that many sensible people at european headquarters are beginning to say that sanctions have been imposed against the belarusian red cross. in the form of suspension of its membership, firstly, do not correspond to the seriousness that was applied to us, yes, they generally contradict common sense, because well, those sanctions that said that the belarusian red cross is still participating in illegal deportation, yes, a commission
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came here, a special commission from geneva, which investigated, which looked, which rendered a verdict, where it was written, at the same time, we confirm that the belarusian red cross. did not take part in the movement of children from donbass to belarus for recovery, at the same time, when the question was raised that our membership was suspended, one of the questions was, one of the apologies was stated that the belarusian was involved in the illegal deportation of children , and the eu generally went further, that we then adopt them and something else, why are they now starting to give back, it’s not back, time has just passed.
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that you and your traditions are afraid to admit that the americans simply persuaded you, told you to do this, the balts and the poles are to blame, the european union has been misled, the main goal of the pressure is to isolate and demoralize, to force russia and belarus to experience an inferiority complex, to look at their feet and not dare to dream about more, but it wasn’t to be,
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they beat us, and instead of chaining us look to the ground, consider our place among the stars, find it there.
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a specialist who worked in the knowledge society, further, further, further, this is a person, a student at the mogilev institute, then a young man who sincerely believed, i am convinced, still believes in those best ideals of soviet ideology, based on the principles of marxism, and marxism has been worked out in detail , what other president, i don’t remember such an example, reads a philosophy textbook, reads, analyzes, criticizes, expresses his opinion, because he grew up on those... textbooks that it was dialectical materialism, this is worked out in detail, that is, not only is there faith, there is also a detailed study of these questions, why the devaluation occurred in the eighties, this is also what the president drew from this conclusion, he says, there is no need to rush, because faith can be some kind of momentary, you can be carried away by something, you can have the effect of such, you know, euphoria, and then it turns out that something is wrong, it didn’t
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work out, that’s why the president always emphasizes that you have to move on from life, and marx he said about this that practice is the best. we will see that those measures, those practices that we apply, they correspond to life, they are perceived by people, then yes, but now we have already accumulated some experience, when it seems that in this conversation he is still of any theory, the president says: when we came to the point that the time had come, why, but we saw, somewhere maybe we didn’t expect it ourselves, let’s say frankly, we remember everyone here was in your studio in the twentieth year, when there were such events, there was a challenge difficult for us, but what did they expect from... all those people who showed themselves for us, who came to independence square together with the president, who supported, who cut off the ribbons that hung our flags, who went to car rallies, yes , we are these people...
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society and we must respond to them, and moreover, i am sure that we can already now, yes, an element of unification of society, unification
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, in general, development, development of the country, development of the state, achievements, this is a huge achievement for belarus, for any country an achievement, for any country in the world, we with you we entered, so to speak, the club of space powers, this is the first, we are making our own satellites. elements for them, we have technologies, but we still have not had our own, so to speak, person, a citizen of the republic of belarus, who would be in space, and today the state solves this problem, not not the state, but the belarusian society , i would say this, symbolically, that this is a woman, actually for me and you see how i say everything in our country, a woman is the ideal of beauty, this is the ideal of femininity, this is procreation human, in this case... the woman personifies the first step of belarusians into space, but this is the direct influence of the women’s union, after all
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, i believe that the president spoke when he met with them, and he, by the way, on march 15 for this meeting a little once he returned with the women’s union, yes, he said: should you create a party, but they probably don’t need it, they have already penetrated so much, it means that the women’s union is such an influential organization, it is the most influential public in space, you know, well, this very... great, i agree belarus has become a space power , is becoming a space power, this is really very cool, the next step, this is the next step, yes, yes, yes, this is actually very significant, plus this is the development of technology , the development of science, this is a completely different stage in the development of any country, about this is what many people dream about, why a woman, well, as i understand it, it happened this way, but it’s very cool, because well, we’re not the only ones who joke that this is the belarusian union of women, that they are beautiful.
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this is what navitsky talked about with our president, possible preparations in the future real cosmonauts who will carry out certain missions and so on, these are the next stages and steps, but this is very symbolic. for me, it’s honestly very honorable and pleasant to understand that the first one in belarus is flying into space, just look, if you can just a little bit i’ll say, this is what ideology is, this is a major achievement, just recently belarus went into space, our satellites. belos was built, we are a nuclear power, we have tactical nuclear weapons, which allows us to look more confidently at the future, we have women flying into space,
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look, just in a short period, what serious technological and human achievements, and what a difficult preparation for this stage, yes, what is behind this , how much sweat, blood and thank you, thank you for this talk. the famous russian political scientist sergei mikheev is in touch with us. sergey alexandrovich, hello. hello. elections in russia, record turnout with 90% support for vladimir putin. what do these numbers tell you? well, it seems to me, firstly, this is turnout and voting, they are the reason for precisely the pressure on russia that we have economically, militarily, politically, that is, roughly speaking, the old, as they say, russian tradition will work, it will work, so to speak. yes, when they begin to put pressure on us, when the enemy is pressing, instead of running away and being scared, on the contrary, we seem to rally and unite, simply
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because everyone understands that the moment is like this, the moment is like this, what does it mean - well, relatively speaking, to change leader, yes, that means leading some long discussions or, say, ignoring elections, but it is simply unacceptable, this is the first, second, it seems to me that you know, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped, now in connection with this war with this crisis, finally -many of those areas that people have been talking about for many years have begun to be implemented, so to speak, yes, including, well, i don’t know such a patriotic orientation, which for some reason passed over the ears of our authorities, well, for example, yes, the west is not you have to trust, that is, all your trust in the west, as if yes, everything your games with him will end badly for us, there is the first and second, yes, we still need to set up the economy with our own production, and not endlessly trade in raw materials and buy other people’s goods with it, it seems that we too have finally woken up, so to speak, yes , we need to have an effective and combat-ready large army, we need to change the cultural, which means
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information and educational space, and so on, and now we see... how this has begun to change, well, or at least these directions are indicated, so what - it’s already really starting to happen, mainly, of course, in the military-industrial complex, but in other areas too, and i think that this also worked to increase turnout, to, as it were, the fact that people, enough people, well, i would say, well, such a high high percentage of voting for putin higher than in previous times, elections were supposed to be held in ukraine, but zelensky canceled them, saying there was a war, how to choose? at the same time, the murmurs about the legitimacy of the current president are getting louder, here the question is, is he really under threat now, or today there is no resource, no will, so that he, so that this dissatisfaction with zelensky will develop into something real, something more? well, firstly, regarding his elections, i think that of course, the west and ukraine are furious, partly because elections were held in undemocratic russia, elections were canceled in democratic ukraine, and
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moreover, they are even now talking about dictatorship. that without a dictatorship there is no way for them to win, and so on, but why was this cancelled? well, firstly, because zelensky was not sure of the result, and secondly, because zelensky was very afraid of his competitors, yes, and the competitors there were slowly , so to speak, yes, they were gaining weight, well, the poor one is the same , at least they predicted for him, but now he has calmed down, as it were, but they predicted for him, but the third thing, it seems to me, is still in the end this is the decision of the americans, because zelensky is more beneficial to them in the role of an absolutely tame, so to speak, manager than in the role of an elected president who has a nationwide mandate of trust. he is simply more profitable for them, such a person is easier to lose, such a person is easier to manage, such a person is easier to direct to where they want, but against this background there is particular irritation, there are no elections there, there are no elections in ukraine, zelensky’s legitimacy ends in may, and after that, in fact, one can, so to speak, give a damn about any decision that he signs, because any of his followers can challenge him and say that this was illegal, this is important, they pretend that it doesn’t matter, now
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they’ll write some kind of paper from the local court, that’s it, but in reality it’s important, that’s it . elections have passed in russia, elections have passed in russia, and the turnout and the result are really very , very impressive, you can talk for a long time about the fact that there were no competitors, this , that, so to speak, and some of this is true, but in the end, in the end it is unambiguous and so really this is a very solid victory for putin, no one doubts it, including because i say again, yes, well, people understand that this is the moment and who shouldn’t say so further to sort all this out, about zelensky yes... and they say that they are not like us there, although, well, this is funny, here we are, i’m sitting here, so the general slavic patience, they are ukrainians , at least say, in russia, you are in belarus, that we don’t know who the ukrainians are, or something, so to speak, but we were born yesterday, as it were we didn’t live together, no matter how, we didn’t visit each other, we didn’t talk, we don’t have relatives, this talk about the fact that
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we ukrainians are completely different, we are europeans, this is for fools, just completely for fools. yes, but it is here and, that means, this is what it is, that means, a strange slavic trait, yes, it seems , it would seem, it’s not getting better there, it’s getting worse, the dream seems to be crumbling, so they, well, they’re not doing anything, let’s say, but nevertheless, despite this, i think that zelensky, zelensky of course they are threatening, firstly , competitors are threatening, i say again, now his legitimacy will end in may, and i think there is a mood and a desire, so to speak, to tear something off him or sweep him away. the economy in general is dying, there is practically nothing left of it, yes, well,
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there is also a question about external support, there it is unknown what will happen in these elections in america, what will happen next, that is... are there any threats to zelensky’s power, i ’m generally sure that zelensky means everything is like in that old jewish joke, so to speak, yes , all that remains to be said is oh, here it is, but a little later, it will be merged with absolutely no question. who, when and how? i think that even if biden, as expected, wins the elections in america, even for biden, ukraine will become a very problematic asset, and then we will have to think about what to do with it, because if there are no successes until this moment, and so far no successes are visible, yes, the question will arise, what to do next with this suitcase, so to speak, and even if biden were in power, i’m not at all sure that they , for example, they will preserve zelensky and all that stuff, i wonder if you have... the answer to such a question, well , which is already so capacious, crystallized, knocked down, we recently remembered 10 years after the maidan in kiev, and today we live in general - then in reality, which largely grew out of fire of these events, now you have this clear
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answer, but why did ukraine go downhill and what was this main trigger, the main reason? well, with the maidan, it seems to me that everything is quite simple, yes, after all , after all... it was a situation provoked, by and large very well prepared from abroad, that is, is it possible, for example, to have avoided it, yes, absolutely, was it possible to resolve the issue even then on the maidan, well, it was also possible, i worked quite a lot in the post-soviet space in that including these days i was in kiev, right now there, i can tell you here that if yanukovych had acted as lukashenko did, well, there wouldn’t have been any maidan and they would have dispersed them all, yes, well, as for blood, so to speak. well, you see, those rivers of blood that were shed later and are flowing now, they are in no way comparable to the forced violence that the ukrainian state then had to show, so to speak, they basically don’t go, but
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if we go a little deeper, it’s just about this and that's all so to speak, yes, they said a lot, but if we go a little deeper, it still seems to me that there is one problem, which means the failure of the ukrainian state project, it is too contradictory, it is not really rooted in history and at the same time it is still devoid of action. serious leadership potential , that is, it is internally, internally , so to speak, extremely conflicting, yes, it divides people, divided people in ukraine into right and wrong, there are right ukrainians and wrong, plus everything that they came up with instead, to become in in general, well, let's say such a bridge between the east and the west, they came up with the idea of ​​taking the side of the west and it seems like, and even across their own history, and they thought that how would this be participation in big politics in the global, it was for them..
11:00 am
11:01 am
. doesn’t sound trite, yes, this is a prospect, this is a prospect for development, because i repeat once again, as if, well, firstly, it’s too late to even discuss many things, so it doesn’t make sense, but this is the most important thing, the most important thing, we we see this...


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