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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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the eleventh forum of regions of belarus of russia will be held at the end of june, large-scale events, meetings and various locations will take place for the first time in three cities of the northern region: vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk. today is international theater day. the holiday was established in 1961 on the initiative of delegates to the congress of the international institute of theater at unesco. traditionally, theatergoers across the country celebrate the holiday with premieres, sold-out productions or skits. today there are 28 theaters in belarus, the oldest of which is kupalovsky, its building was opened in 1890 year, in 1917 the first paulinka appeared on the stage. there is considerable interest in this type of art. over the past season , more than 1,700,000 spectators attended performances across the country. we follow the sporting life of our country. maybe.
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you need to invest a lot in children , probably from childhood try, let alone try, probably live their lives, damage, probably, to many of your interests, your own, your hobbies, probably just to live, we are observing the most interesting event, and what is luck , luck is work, if someone didn’t know, luck it works out when he’s lucky, someone says, he’s lucky, no, he works hard, he wants it more, he turns out to be so stellar. we are listening to the opinions of competent specialists, we have placed the right cars in the game, well, this is the playoffs, naturally, emotions will overwhelm a little, but we must be able to not succumb to provocations. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second ones say, the third world war is on threshold.
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any challenge, we are quite self-sufficient, we are strong, and despite the fact that we are a small country, we can bring a lot of problems to anyone who wants to touch us. the project is objective, do not miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from
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foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene of events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels across the country, feature films for all ages. on territories of the countries: azerbaijan , kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast. in open form and available 24
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hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. hello, on the air of the sas program , its presenter nadezhda sas is authorized to announce it, i greet you. and let me remind you, this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will tell you about the main events of world politics this week right now. the current president of russia, vladimir putin, won an unprecedented victory in the presidential elections, gaining 87% of the votes based on the results of processing 100% of the protocols. this will be his fifth term as head of state. impose someone else's
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will, if you try to do this, people will do the opposite, no matter how difficult it is, therefore, it was not possible for known forces to impose this will, the russians, first of all, they did well, they rallied during this election period and showed who is boss, secondly, this was a serious signal to the west, who were counting on shaking up russia from within, i don't receive it.
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geopolitics, the new head of state, elected following a three-day vote, will govern the country for the next 6 years, until 2030, the inauguration of the new head of state will take place on may 7, 2024. german chancellor olaf scholz is waiting for the right one moment for direct negotiations with russian leader vladimir putin. the german politician himself stated this at the europe 2024 conference in berlin. scholz noted that the last time he spoke with putin was more than a year ago. the chancellor clarified that french president emmanul macron has also counted the same deadline. we both said we would do it again, but the timing has to be right, scholz added. according to him, the west must send a clear signal to russia that it is ready
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to support kiev as long as necessary. in this case, according to scholz, it will become it is possible to achieve a just peace that will not be imposed on ukraine by russia. us secretary of state antony blinken blocked a statement to the g7 condemning the results of the russian presidential election, la repubblica writes , citing sources. the draft statement was prepared by the italian g7 presidency. the us state department considered the language proposed in the document inappropriate. according to the publication, the document called the russian elections a farce. at the same time , journalists note that the document received preliminary approval from the adviser on us national security, jake. the publication believes that the reasons were disagreements between blinken and sullivan, as well as the state department’s concerns about russia’s alleged possible interference in the upcoming us presidential elections. i’ll start today’s program with an unusual quote. i assure you, i can stand in the middle of a stump and shoot
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people, and i won’t lose any supporters because of it. it belongs, as some may have guessed, to the most extravagant politician of our time, donald trump. the legendary trump tower, trump tower is located just on the fifth venue. i had a chance to visit there in january 2017, on the eve of the inauguration of the new president; then it seemed that, under the torrents of criticism and accusations of all possible sins, he would not survive to the end of his first term. but today trump is leading in all the polls and seems to be teflon for all the attacks of his enemies. and what is the secret of donald’s unsinkability, and will his election be able to change america? and the world, we will talk about this in today’s program together with petr petrovsky, political scientist, expert at the center for the study of northern eurasian integration. hello, greetings. i am glad to welcome to our studio igor vladimirovich shatrov, head of the expert council of the strategic development foundation, a political scientist from the russian
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federation. hello hello. and i am pleased to welcome to our program dmitry vyacheslavovich suslov, deputy director of the center for comprehensive european and international studies at the russian school of economics, deputy director of research programs of the council on foreign defense policy of the russian federation. yes, hello, dmitry vyacheslavovich, i welcome you to our program. good afternoon. according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question, it will be quite tough in the forehead. based on the color of my jacket today, do you think peter trump will win? it seems to me that he will win, but the question is different: will they let him win? how would you answer? i would, i also agree that trump will win, but the question of whether they will give it or not , it seems to me that everything has already been decided. it seems to me, despite the appearance - that the deep state, which is often talked about, seems to biden is now on the side, and the deep state
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is making a decision at the last moment, when it is clear that the american voter is choosing trump, they will be forced, forced, but to give it to him. the right to become president, counting on the fact that, like last time, they will be able to keep it within the framework, because no matter how much we talk about the extravagance and uniqueness of trump as a president, after all. they kept it within the required limits and are counting on the fact that it will work out again. dmitry vyacheslavovich, but do you think they will give donald trump will win, because many americans are upset that, again, there will be a rematch between biden and trump, everyone understands perfectly well that the game will be extremely dirty, scandalous, but again, i’m interested in your opinion, please. i think that the deep state will do everything to prevent trump from winning,
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in fact, that is why four criminal charges have been brought against him , today public opinion polls in the united states show that trump is confidently winning the elections, if he is not convicted by one of these courts, but... on at least one of these criminal
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charges that are brought against him, especially if he is found guilty of attempting to overturn the election results - in the twentieth year, and there both federal charges were brought against him in this regard, and charges in the state of georgia, while these undecided voters for the most part will not vote for donald trump, and biden’s chances of winning will increase sharply, and if there are no convictions against trump by november of this year, then the deep state, i think, will have to find other tools to prevent trump from winning, or yes, to prevent it. his inauguration, but this is fraught with very serious, very serious
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social destabilization, up to and including armed clashes on american streets. and i propose to pay attention to the balance of trust and distrust in the current president joe biden. peter, let's analyze this data, because there is sociology concerns candidates, but there is also sociology regarding work results. but the americans themselves are happy with the course. that the americans are analyzing not only joe biden himself, because his physical condition shows that there is an analysis going on here of a whole team of democrats, the white house, who are working behind joe biden’s back and talking.
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what are the main topics that will determine the voting in november in your opinion? i think those two topics are traditionally economics and migration. today in the united states is facing the most acute migration crisis in several decades, perhaps since the second half of the 20th century, and the cause of this migration crisis, its catalyst was precisely... the biden administration, and this largely explains why the republicans have taken such a tough position on the southern border of the united states link the issue of allocating further funding to ukraine precisely with the solution to the migration conflict, because the situation is truly unprecedented, and
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the biden administration is doing this deliberately, she understands that these are illegal migrants. these are additional votes in favor of the democratic party, the democratic party, due to changes in the racial composition of the united states, due to the increasing influx of migrants, including illegal ones, wants to become the party of a permanent majority in america, yes, having already completely destroyed even the illusion of democracy in the united states, republicans naturally want to prevent this from happening, and so do i, by the way. i must remind you that according to the legislation of many states, again pushed through by the democrats, and this is what we are talking about first of all, about traditionally democratic states , even non-citizens of the united states can vote in presidential elections , that is, these same migrants, that’s why this is a very very topical issue, the second
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is the economy, during the biden period people began to live worse, during the trump period majority. americans lived better in terms of economic well-being, and as for ukraine, naturally, this is not the main issue that will determine the elections in the united states, but it seems to me that for donald trump, and for those behind them, the republicans in the house of representatives, including speaker johnson, ukraine, the defeat of ukraine, or not at all... the victory of ukraine, to put it mildly, is an acceptable price for sinking biden, that is, if ukraine sinks will pull biden along with him and the situation can be presented as another failure of the current administration, then for the republicans this is quite an acceptable price. well, in continuation of your words, it’s worth paying attention to the graphics that we
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prepared with colleagues, what topics concern americans most at the moment? please? i’m ashamed in front of the powers, as they said, yes once upon a time, yes, that is, we immediately remember our leonid ilivich brezhny, for them it’s generally for the americans, it’s generally a shock, and it seems to me that this will be decisive, the only thing is that i i support my colleague in terms of the fact that this is a crisis in the system as a whole, but look, as a result of many years
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of searching, not a single other party could find a candidate other than these two eighty year olds, right? do the americans really determine we all determine who will determine the outcome of the elections and we remember the topic of the deep state , here i am talking with colleagues from i agree and i’m willing to bet it seems to me that the deep state is still now. and this is also a crisis of democracy, a sign in its american version, where the deep state replaces democracy, replaces other institutions, the crisis lies in the fact that the deep state is no longer...
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in such an imbalance, and i think that yes, it is listen, it’s worth listening to the americans, for the sake of the world image of the united states, it’s worth electing someone else, and i can’t help but turn to you for comment with...
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trolling, i think, came from the lips of vladimir putin. dmitry vyacheslavovich. well, i agree that this is largely trolling, and , of course, when the president of russia, given the current state of russian-american relations, says that we prefer biden, it is clear that the effect is the opposite, and, therefore, this weakens biden’s position , but that's how it is in every joke there is only a grain of joke. so in this trolling of vladimir vladimirovich there is only part of trolling, because partly for russia , taking into account the current state
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of russian-american relations , it is really safer, i would say, to deal with biden, why? because , well, the situation is worse than in the last cold war, the risks of a direct clash between russia and the united states, if this... biden, with all his monstrous disadvantages, is still quite cautious about the risk of escalation of the ukrainian conflict and prefers not cross the final red line. the same cannot be said about donald trump. trump promises to offer some kind of deal called upon. quickly end the ukrainian crisis, but i don’t think that what trump and his administration can offer russia will be acceptable to russia; in the event of russia’s likely refusal
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of this deal, trump may indeed take much more drastic escalatory steps towards russia than the more cautious biden is, around trump, well , we remember who started the supply of lethal ones. hostile state of russian-american relations, well, we see that trump is also grouped around people who, on the one
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hand, some of these people are more realists, but other people who also group around trump are pure neoconservatives who are inclined to use american military force and war are prone to war. with american opponents, here is dmitry vyacheslavovich, let’s pay attention to the chart, the rating of us presidential candidates at the moment, trump, biden, the numbers, of course, they change every day, but approximately this picture remains, here is a very interesting candidate number three, mr. kennedy, here is his statement, you know, a delight for the ears, because... that person has an absolutely adequate position, and he could compete to both joe biden and donald trump, we actually see such a situation.
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for the first time, in my opinion, since 1992, when the third candidate has quite significant, significant ratings, and can bite off quite a lot, if we look at what us citizens are dissatisfied with, it is clear that this third candidate ate up the so-called left electorate of the us democratic party, because it was the workers who very strongly disagree with the pro-wall street, as they call it. politics go to the party, but they expected the opposite, conditionally some kind of left turn, a strengthening of the sanders group in the united states of america, which we did not see, what could happen in this situation, in our country, according to the rules in the united states of america, it is necessary in order to win elections, to recruit a certain number of electors, in fact, the third candidate, if he
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who becomes the next candidate for the presidency and wins this election race is actually not important. let's hear direct speech. biden, why is he bad for the democrats? no matter what he says, he does it. does he make his own decisions? you see this, the relevant people accept it, so the incredible can happen there, but if trump wins, well, the election campaign is one thing.
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against russia, you know, and alexander grigorievich, listening, and vladimir vladimovich, what did i think about, but how could we not we talked about the changes that are coming in the united states, now the most effective, effective politicians are classical politicians, those who were even, you know, born in a certain period
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of time, oddly enough, and even biden. somehow has a direct connection with them, because he is a politician from there, and from those times when there were institutions, and they corresponded to their purpose, there were classical norms and rules of diplomatic behavior, but the fact that now even it was already happening under trump, it can’t be called politics, and it seems to me, nevertheless, that if there is a revision of the same american system, it’s just, it’s some kind of unique, yes, it will be brought into line with normal classical norms democracy, only now it will not be called western democracy, but this will be called democracy. which we, for example, russia, belarus and other countries are now promoting in the world, showing by example how these institutions can work, how can they create such a situation in society that there are no
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mass protests, political crises in society, while society is dynamic, the economy is developing dynamically and so on, that is, it seems to me that we are at such a turning point when if someone thinks that everything will be completely different. you just know, there, well, everything will change, as in science fiction films, here, then he’s wrong, there won’t be a science fiction apocalypse, on the contrary, some kind of rethinking, purification, this whole husk should happen should fall off, someday we will talk about the united states as such a country among other equal, equal fraternal countries, this seems to me. sooner or later this is possible, you see, igor vladimirovich , do not forget that the european union has an opinion regarding the election results, and not so long ago in the european parliament in strasbourg there were quite heated
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political debates about what the possible would mean trump's comeback for the european union. let's see right now key statements by european politicians. at first. interests, and i completely agree that they are pursuing exclusively their national interests . we are strategically blind, because the states trump will strictly defend national interests. russia also pursues its national interests, and we must respect this, but what is the european union doing, where are the national... european nations in this war. with the re-election of donald trump, we must create our own security apparatus. europe needs to regain its security rather than rely on united states or anyone else. trump has long criticized european nato members
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for failing to deliver on a military spending pledge of 2% of gdp. my country is spain, which is currently governed by a left-wing government under prime minister pedro sanchez. particularly poor at fulfilling his obligations. spain should do. more, especially as the country faces migrant flows at the southern border that are extremely dangerous. the european union has always wanted to be a superpower. european politicians use threat future trump presidency to promote ideas such as the creation of a european army, the current us government is retreating from ukraine expects europe to intervene, encouraging the eu to spend more on the war, perhaps to become more directly involved. cause. this pressure is to force european countries not only to spend more money, but to spend it on american- made weapons. the us policy was to move away from the conflict by dragging the europeans into it, it would be a war in europe,
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europeans against europeans, it is the united states that will supply things like intelligence, missiles and weapons systems that you can buy. dmitry vyacheslavovich, please tell me. regardless of who wins the november elections, if we talk about transatlantic relations, then biden and trump differ from each other in rhetoric, but
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in practice their actions are actually similar, because trump says that europe should pay more, that it is europe that must bear the main burden. for support ukraine and the fight with russia and so on. biden does it. yes, under biden, the actions taken by the united states towards europe. have become much more painful purely economically and politically than the statement of donald trump during his presidency several years ago, so if biden wins, then american rhetoric will continue to be benevolent towards europeans, but the united states will continue to deindustrialize europe and even turn not to... a semi-colony, to such a classic
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own colony, if trump comes, then the policy of the united states will not fundamentally change, but the rhetoric will become more offensive and less pleasant to european ears, therefore , reproducing the words of the classic, both are worse today day for... for the europeans, the nazis themselves are to blame for allowing themselves to be put in a similar position relative to the united states. dmitry vyacheslavich, i am incredibly grateful to you for participating in the program. let me remind you that the program “sas is authorized” is on air say us president joe biden" and former american leader donald trump, have collected a sufficient number of delegates in the... elections, which officially made it possible for them
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to become the presumptive presidential candidates from their parties to face each other in the election of the head of america on november 5, if nothing happens any force majeure circumstances, more about this in our story: a super day for trump, so in the usa they baptized super tuesday on march 5. on that day, elections of presidential candidates were held in 15 states at once. candidate, current head of state. joe biden, donald trump has become the undisputed leader among republicans. he won majority support in 14 states. only vermont was deprived of the politician's absolute leadership; trump's party colleague niki haley won there. the day after the results were announced, she announced that she was leaving the election race and refused to support trump. however, he has enough support from voters. super tuesday is considered a turning point in american primaries as voting takes place. in
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delegates. look how deep the abyss is in the states that elect a third of everyone we're flying from, we can't let this happen, we're going to close our borders, we 're going to reduce inflation, and we're going to make our country greater than ever before, and we're going to do it quickly. the election promises to be a rematch for trump after his defeat four years ago. this opinion is increasingly found in the pages of american publications, which openly stir up interest in the presidential race, experts, in turn, also share forecasts; according to analysts, even some states that traditionally support democrats, that is, in this case, biden are going to vote for the republican trump, in order to protest the current head of state and his foreign policy. i'm not surprised, this is trump country. yes, we had 4 years to understand this, but we don’t have that time now. we believe that returning will be the best solution to the problem. june the two major us parties will formally nominate their
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presidential candidates at the national convention. republicans will hold it in mid-july, democrats in the second half of august. afterwards, both candidates will fully concentrate on the general elections for the main post, which will be held in the states on november 5. and it would be unprofessional on our part to talk about the upcoming elections in the united states of america, and not be able to communicate with an american. so right now.
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thank you very much, well , the americans couldn’t help but connect to our broadcast, his position is quite clear, i think it is shared by many us citizens, well, no matter what it’s strange, we haven’t heard anything new, or it’s not strange, i guess , that is, it turns out that we generally understand america, it’s surprising why they don’t understand us, why they don’t
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understand what principles our democracy is based on, why we elect putin, for example, and you are lukashenko, it’s surprising why they don’t understand this, because we see their worries, yes, they care about their own wallet, they care about work, they care about inflation, well, that’s normal, in general it’s the same for everyone, yes, but it’s interesting, something else is interesting, uh, why at the same time, they still choose between biden and trump, it’s still a mystery to me, that’s why their preference, why they are forced to choose between biden and trump, why they don’t have, i don’t know... such an orban, why such an orban, there are few such orbans in europe, this is understandable, this is also a big question, but in the united states, instead of really making america great again, which is what trump seemed to start with, we come to the conclusion that america continues to try to teach
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other countries, how should they live, but they would take care with their own problems, but in the end, soon it will be possible to talk only about american highways.
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home, work and not think about tomorrow, but we see the deepest crisis of the american system, which began precisely when the transnational corporation... began to dominate american sovereignty, and today there is no party, as we once said, yes, which would
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take responsibility for transforming the united states to suit the interests of american citizens, that those who vote there on the left, there are democrats, that on the right, the republicans, in relation, they are based on the same thing, a change in that rotten, i apologize for the analogy of the system, which is
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a renaissance, but it ended very quickly, when we remember there, for example, an interview with tucker, him, his colleague ,
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an american blogger, he says that he still remembers that society where, yes, where they didn’t take the price for democracy that they are now offering to take, but that was, imagine, in tucker’s childhood, that is, it was 50 years ago, it would have been hollywood another, the air was filled with freedom, yes, but it was the end of that time, that was the end of that happy one.
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set it on fire and uh, my colleagues said today, each in their own way, but there really are profound
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changes depending on whether trump or biden comes. unfortunately, there will still be no power , it is clear that, despite what they say about america, yes, the greatness of america, they still see this greatness, through the oppression of others and through interference, others only see in the affairs of others, so they will not succeed here, so they will try there intervene in these processes, will a crisis begin in taiwan in the next year or two, fortunately or unfortunately? i’m even afraid to say here, it depends not so much on trump and biden, but on the chinese leader, on his balance, on his deep vision of the situation for decades to come, it seems to me that sometimes here we are, than our leaders, by the way , they are different, yes, they are not temporary workers, they are the leaders of russia, belarus,
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china, these are people who, who, who... do not think about elections, but they think about other generations, and i think that they will not allow development of the situation according to a catastrophic scenario, shizen pin will do everything for this so that taiwan does not become, at least in the coming years, a new hot spot, well , you know what i was thinking, there is an event that has put russia in a rather serious position federation, this is a turn over the atlantic. which happened on march 24, 1999, from that moment russian politics began to develop in a completely different dimension , and indeed such an extremely important point occurred when russia began to fight for its place under the sun, again to regain the status of a superpower to be competitive,
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today we are talking about multipolar... the process is literally months apart, these events are separated from each other, and what does this mean, this means there was an understanding of the russian elites at that moment, because all these events and then a new president, that is, this is of the same order, this is how the situation developed that in the end the elites were elected. the person who can lead the country out of this critical situation, into which, with the help of the united states in quotes, they were brought our our politicians in the nineties , so yes, this awareness, awareness came in the last, last, last couple of years of the last century, and now we are correcting mistakes, it seems to me that many have already been
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corrected, well, you see, we remember the tragic events in yugoslavia, this is still not completely a bargaining chip; unfortunately, we know that the kosovo issue has not been resolved, that there is strong pressure from the western elites, primarily the european union, in the person of germany, the united states of america, so that serbia gave up her ancestral lands in order for her to recognize kosovo, probably for belarus and
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russia. look, go back to that ninety-ninth year and mentally remember that yugoslavia was already knocking on our door to join the union state and was even a candidate for entry, perhaps today we need to think and develop closer, allied integration proposals for our serbian brothers, not only in belgrade. but i think that there are onions in the bath, so we should not separate them, we should offer them road map, as they say, we must not forget our own. well, we’ll just talk about this in even more detail in the following programs; today our key conversation concerned the upcoming elections, the rematch, whatever it’s called, between joe biden and donald trump. naturally, we started with a quote from trump; we will end
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today’s program with words for balance. joseph biden. in 2019, he said: "i am running for president to reverse this tide of decline and restore america to a leadership position in the world. i believe my experience and my achievements in external spheres. domestic policy will allow me to do this, but as we see, biden was unable to do this, but the presidents are coming again and i personally doubt that he has a choice in this matter, but millions of americans have this choice, and in 8 months we will see, what is he like, thank you, it was a program you are authorized to say, the rematch between biden and trump has become a reality will be more dirty and scandalous. together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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, we will lay out a route through the most cultural places of our country. the 20th reptile has a different cover, before the grand hotel, the babruysk district newspaper kamunist has already softened, and the spirit of our young ones came here... all the writers brought their first creations, their tops, their apocalypses. let's find out little-known facts. all the time we were in winter and the old pajarnaga depot. on the other side of the office hall. at that time, babruisku did not have a special theater memory. you are not a believer, lidzia has a famous cinema with a school, i call it. gatovy? so. nirvana. cinema nirvana in lidze. and the edge not performing there?
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