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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 27, 2024 9:45pm-10:41pm MSK

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federal scale. the voronezh enterprise in minsk demonstrates paving slabs and fence elements. the manager says: belarus already has its own showroom and sales are going well, but there is always room for growth, so they couldn’t help but present themselves here at budexpo. moreover , we have heard a lot about the effectiveness of the site. they bring a lot of guys, i know that there are a lot of private customers there in cottage villages, that is, well , our products here are decent, i think for the twenty-third. we shipped about 100,000 km here. without a doubt, the belex pavilion will surprise you with the variety of goods and construction technologies, but i must say that an equally interesting exhibition was placed on the street. mostly specialized equipment is presented here, but you can also find ready-made solutions. the belarusian company began producing these wooden structures, or rather bathhouses, a year ago. there are still few such offers on our market, so the demand among buyers is encouraging. and not only within the country, belarusian business. with its
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product entered the neighboring russian market in some countries near and far abroad. belarusian production, belarusian raw materials, pine, spruce, aspen, there is a great demand for baths, that is , we have a lot of garden plots, and this is very convenient and mobile. by the way, according to the organizers, next year budexpo plans to move the international exhibition center to minsk. this is a high-tech facility and 37. m. the scale is impressive, which means there will be even more opportunities to effectively present products and technologies. alena lopoi and anatoly dolotovsky tv news agency. spring is always a hot time for hockey players. it is in march that the long-awaited knockout round of the playoffs starts. he entered the republican competition among amateurs for the prizes of the presidential sports club. the team of the head of state met with the team of the grodno region in the semifinals.
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it’s remarkable that the regular season draw pitted the opponents against each other just a month ago, then the guests lost 4:10, this time they were naturally preparing for revenge. to the great delight of the spectators, and traditionally there were a lot of them at the olympic arena, only in in the first period, the squad scored five goals between them. the highest process of realizing moments that have full status. 3:00 counts. of course, a lot was ahead, because the winner of the match ensured participation in the finals and the continuation of the competitive season. therefore, the match turned out to be extremely tough, for example, in the second and third, the grodjanians forced a fight. the home team went into the break with a 7:3 advantage. but in the final period
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the president’s team managed to fully realize their potential in attack, the final numbers on the scoreboard, 12:4. andrei kostitsin was named the best player in the winning team, this is absolutely deserved, since the striker played poker. pavel volchik and artyom and oleg antonenko scored a double each.
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pop performers performed for the audience, and the most active fans took part in competitions. the winners traditionally thanked their fans, who did not spare their emotions for the hockey players. the smartest ones took home plush gifts. thus, the president's team awaits its opponent in the decisive series of the tournament. let me remind you, that the second semi-final pair was made up of the teams of minsk and brez regions. and their meeting will take place next saturday. among the strategic objectives , our food security is once again coming to the forefront, and as was said just above, belarusian farmers from all regions have already engaged in spring field work. and while moisture is retained in the ground, it is important to add organic matter to the prepared soil and place seeds in time to get healthy seedlings as early as possible. how to work in an advanced economy for 50 years october, the most experienced.
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nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the field of winter barley; the crop is at the beginning of the growing season; as soon as it begins to bush, it will be fed a second time. for more than half a century , the agricultural cooperative has been led by a legendary man, grigory shpakov. at 91, every day from the very morning he travels around the fields entrusted to him. right there, mini-planning meetings and management decision making. to surpass last year's record for grain analogues of 7,300 tons and get at least 10.
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was ours worthy and could withstand, as our president says, the challenges that they impose on us, azim and barley are another strategic crop; the land pays generously to a zealous owner. the agricultural producer consistently maintains a high bar in livestock farming, the farm has more than 7 thousand cows, the third milking herd, the sale of exclusively top-class milk, indicators grigory shpakov fundamentally stands his ground, and in the sale of meat, an experienced business executive, when they have worked well in the field and provided the animals with feed, you can beat their own records. when i started work back in '69 there were
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very simple farms, very difficult conditions , in the first years we received milk from the collective farm, well... 4 tons, when i started working, and the increase in milk began, 37 tons of milk per day, this amount gives us so that the farm of the agricultural enterprise 50 years of october, has always been viable, we have products, we sell them, we get money, we pay wages on time.
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and optimal working conditions are created, i am sure that not only the well-being of his enterprise, but also the food security of the country as a whole will depend on how farmers work. natalia ignatenko, alexander murashkin, tv news agency. today the world celebrates theater day, a holiday of actors, directors, artists, lighting technicians, producers, and backstage workers. drama, opera, puppetry, music, young spectators,
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art, but also of course spectators. history , after all, is a celebration not only of those serving the high theater of belarus in figures and facts from olga medved. jesters were the first professional actors, yes, yes, it was from noisy folk festivities that the tradition of theater in our lands, carols with costumed heroes, came about. games and rituals, the origins of that art for which today you can’t get a ticket for months, and of course, botleyka, an original belarusian puppet show with religious and everyday themes, continues its history; this type of the 15th century continues to this day, most often performances take place on the eve of the christmas or easter period. in the 17th century
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, the first drama theaters began to be formed at schools, colleges and seminaries, serfs, private and city, the belarusian nobility was also fond of such an attraction, from the 18th century they began to build own stage halls, as a rule, italian architects, which is not the count, but the theater, but the most famous project of that time. of course, at the radevils. frantiska urszula was not only an ardent fan of this art, but also personally wrote 16 comedies and tragedies of opera libretto for the theater. the radevils became the founders of drama theater as we are accustomed to seeing it today. they created professional dramatic, vocal, choreographic and orchestral schools, and added large-scale sets, costumes and makeup. since the 19th century on the basis of private enterprises city theaters began to emerge. almost all major belarusian cities could boast of this. today we have 28 theaters,
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the majority, of course, in minsk. they have more than four dozen auditoriums, their total area is almost 12,500 m2. for comparison, this is almost the same as the territory of the entire city of zaslavl. the oldest of the 28 theaters in belarus, kupalovsky. the building in the very heart of the belarusian capital opened in 1890. in 1917 the first pavlinka appeared on stage, but the official operation of this theater dates back to 1920, when its name became belarusian state theatre, we will walk to the tune of tongues, kali laska, the poster is varied.
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the appetite of aesthetes does not disappear; in 2023 , more than 1,7000 spectators attended productions throughout the country, if all theaters in belarus were shown at the same time.
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i am hitler's subject. in the us, high school students are being bribed to promote an unconventional agenda. the issue price is $1,400. this is the trends program. we begin. attention, we are working. 18 minutes in the crocus city hall concert hall and 139 victims. the figure may change upward. among the dead are children. the terrorist attack in the moscow region, in addition to obvious
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questions about the existing security system in public places, also raises a number of topics that must be answered as quickly and probably as harshly as possible. four perpetrators have been detained, so they can show and prove who ordered and organized the terrorist attack, in the spirit of “shoot everyone, the more, the better.” a serious task. especially since the ongoing war of the west against russia in the use of disposable people, they can be recruited anonymously through the messenger, of course, the obvious customer is guessed.
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he proved that acts of terror should be systematic, targeted, sudden, rely on inexhaustible resources, preferably state ones, but the elder worked with rulers, when he should have influenced the masses. in the 19th century, the same mistake was repeated
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by anarchists who assassinated american presidents and european kings. but the rulers, no matter what they think about themselves, are only slaves of history, not its masters. in general, the british intelligence services, which are believed to be behind the revolutionary organizations have achieved little here. the true virtuosos in organizing terrorist attacks are, of course, the americans. terror is a sudden blow, which entails a catch-like flow of events beneficial to the organizer of the attack. the way the gentlemen from washington do it. 1898 a cruiser explodes in the havana roadstead, the culprits are unknown, but the states declare war on spain and become the absolute masters of cuba for half a century. this, who, what is this, this, who, who did this, what is this, yes, or here is the year 41,
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the states need a conflict with japan, its diligently provoked, she has finally matured. roosevelt is informed about the movements of japanese aircraft carriers in advance, but he orders them not to give information about the progress. pearl harbor does not expect an attack, sailors are killed, eight battleships are sunk. but roosevelt achieved his goal. previously , the little american said, well, let them fight in europe and asia. now the average person is demanding that mikada be punished.
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american intelligence agencies not so much to investigate as to confuse the course of both investigations. in the 21st century, terror has generally become a tool of operational management justification for any restriction of freedoms. those who have flown on airplanes still wonder why they take away nail files and give them steel knives for dinner, why they take off their shoes, shine them through them, and take away bottles of water? of course, to instill in a person an awareness of his own insignificance, since criminals cannot be stopped this way. in the states. the patriotic act was adopted, how interested a few brave souls were, because it abolishes constitutional rights, does not abolish, but suspends, the authorities answered, only for a while, until we defeat terrorism, do you think they will win some day? actually, terror is not just the one-time murder of a certain
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number of people, it is, first of all, the horror that, after the murder, is instilled in the public through large and small media. let's remember the shoebomber with explosives in his soles. there was no explosion, but there was fear, relying on fear, any flight has now been turned into a kind of short-term arrest of passengers, some for an hour or two, some for 15 hours, with terrorist attacks on a larger scale too. it doesn’t matter who is to blame, it’s important who is assigned to blame through the media. plane explosion over lockerbie and muammar gaddafi, declared terrorists without the right to justify themselves. shooting with an explosion in norway and the only culprit. declared a quiet, insane clerk, breivik, who allegedly killed and wounded two and a quarter hundred people in an hour and a half. it’s interesting with the breiviks, they used him to compromise the whole idea. direction that has nothing to do with him at all, and now it’s common to hear: you’re against migration, you’re such a breivik, you’re against lgbt people in schools, you’re a damn nazi, you’re probably preparing mass
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murder, without belyosov’s norwegian the nonentities and millions of migrants would not have ended up in germany, and the current refugee crisis in europe would not have happened. it’s exactly the same with crimes under the isis flag. it doesn't matter whether the pathetic remnants of the islamic state are allowed to carry out terrorist attacks. intelligence services, commit them for him or simply give the go-ahead to the big media to fan panic, in any case, the crazy islamists are used by those who demand an increase in military spending, a reduction in civil rights, and the granting of emergency powers to governments. to summarize, there is no doubt: any terrorist attack - this is a way of managing public opinion in order to pursue policies that were previously impossible, and there are no longer any traces of lone terrorists. behind any, directly or indirectly , there is a state, which, it is usually not difficult to guess, is the one that benefits from the terrorist attack.
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events before and after the presidential elections in russia indicate that the signal from putin , “let’s do it in an amicable way,” did not reach either the united states or europe. the conditions for moving nato's military infrastructure to the border in 1997 will not be met. in reality, the expansion of the block will continue, and this means a game of escalation. construction of the largest nato military base in the european union has begun in romania. in essence, it is a militarized mini-city, almost 3. the ability to accommodate 10,000 soldiers with their families. there will be everything there, missiles, air bases and interceptors, drones, an object on the level of the german ramstein and less than 400 km from the main base. overseas fleet, and it’s also close to transnistria. romania will join the program for the purchase of shells for the patriot system. bucharest intends to buy 200
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ammunition worth a billion euros, and this despite that nato has already formed battle groups in bulgaria, hungary and slovakia. sweden and finland may be added soon. returning to putin's condition. it can be noted that the west does not understand either for good or for bad. however, so far so bad.
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it turned out that the resources were depleted, the possibility of increasing these resources of assistance to ukraine, they were largely exhausted. the summit was loudly advertised by french president macron with a statement about the possible dispatch of troops to ukraine, as well as the proposal of european officials to use russia's frozen billions for needs in ssu. both the first and second, for now there are still red lines for europe. an increase in military spending means an increase in taxes. who will do this on the eve of the elections? and confiscating russia's money would undermine europe's reputation as a safe haven for investors. the head of the general staff, pierre chiy, also recently stated that france
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is ready to mobilize 20,000 soldiers within a month, and 60 thousand there in the next few months, that is, this potential possibility is being discussed, this is being said, and the fact that macron then said that we have no red lines, yes, on the one hand, of course. just kidding, they are all legitimate , these jokes, of course, i don’t think that if france now sends 20,000 soldiers, it will win some kind of big victory at the front, of course this will not be the case, but nevertheless , readiness for such a step, more and more society is being indoctrinated into this by this idea, plans to double eu military orders by 2030 remain plans, however, the nato secretary general announced investments in defense for 470. billion dollars from the european members of the alliance and canada. we are talking about a threefold increase in the production of artillery ammunition; the eu, poland, france
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and estonia are already asking for an increase in the arms industry. financing, scholz sees these red lines, but no one sees that scholz stands for victory, well, in quotes, he doesn’t say this until the last ukrainian. this is a gradual transition to increased modernization in the military-industrial complex and preparation of the population for a future conflict. formally , scholz says no through taurus, but in reality prepares with pistorius for future conflict. pistorius defined. period of 3-5 years, the population does not yet understand all the dangers associated with this militaristic lobby. the largest nato exercises near the russian and belarusian borders are already taking place. the number of nato strike formations and units along the kaliningrad polish-belarusian border has been increased to 3,500 tanks and other mobile armored vehicles as part of a high -readiness joint operational group. only 20. soldiers, against this background
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the broadcast of french tv, where military historians maps show the possible deployment of troops along the dnieper line, bringing to mind the proverb: make a fool pray to god. this fool will, of course, break his forehead, but unfortunately not to himself. that is, now everything is being shifted onto the shoulders of the europeans, and even if at some stage some kind of european defense identity or some kind of strategic autonomy arises. it will be under the control of the americans, that is, they did everything to make sure this happened, that is, they insured themselves very tightly, here you can simply envy them how they can control the fate of their allies, which is alarming in the general trend; in february 2022 there was no talk of direct deliveries by the west to the republic of kazakhstan patriot or f-16 aircraft, and today this is commonplace, a strategy for the eu to transition from responding to
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the crisis.. a first in history to improve defense preparedness for the european union. the initial budget is small, only 1.5 billion euros, but before the start there was a proposal from brussels to acquire at least 40% of eu arms purchases jointly by 2030. the most poignant moment - europe's lack of independence, its stability, is a consequence of dependence on a larger player - the usa, and partly great britain. and therefore the eu, in this case, is a means that, like ukraine at one time. can be pushed into open fire for the sake of its own strategic interests. however, there is no point in painting the european union with one color. there are healthy forces there, clearly understanding that even if the peace is bad, it is better than any war . and there are not fewer of them, quite the opposite, sobering up gradually, not very quickly, but increasing. and the possible roles of the eu, as a force that is capable of
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accepting in a constructive manner. alexander lukashenko spoke about active participation in ending the war in ukraine just six months ago during a conversation with the minister of foreign affairs of foreign trade in hungary, peter szijjarta. as always, it is amazing how accurately the belarusian leader foresaw the possible development of the situation, the points on which the united states would put pressure. and we are taking more and more steps. believe me, peter, i am already an experienced politician, i see this, i was seriously involved in this.
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confrontation into a big war and that the eu and nato represents itself in terms of the combat component, let's talk with the editor-in-chief of arsenal of the fatherland magazine alexei lionkov. alexey, hello, some foreign politicians are already speaking out about the direct entry of nato forces into the territory of ukraine, does this mean that the west is ripe for war with its citizens, and not with ukrainians? you know, in fact, when such militaristic calls are heard in europe that we need to prepare for war with russia, that we need to send certain people there to the territory of ukraine...
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the media, or from other sources, that the state of affairs is not as rosy and not as powerful as it is portrayed in the media, propaganda, european media, what representatives of the ministry of defense of european countries and nato countries say. so, if we take great britain as an example, it was its foreign minister who proposed sending an expeditionary force to... scotland, northern ireland, are
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30-40% staffed. that is, in fact, to bring it to full dimensional state, it is necessary that in the ground forces there were 120 thousand bayonets, while the total number of armed forces in great britain is 196,000, that is, they have a clear shortage and in general this shortage is observed throughout europe and on average ranges from forty to 60%. the second example is neutral switzerland, which began providing military assistance to ukraine there. in 2004, the swiss armed forces numbered 500, now it has about 100 thousand and 80 thousand reservists, the best situation is, for example, in finland, which was recently admitted to nato, maybe that’s why she was accepted, because for
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the finnish population of 5 million there are 280,000 military personnel, and the reserve is the first category, which we must become friends with. if tomorrow the war involves 900 thousand people, but this is not a fact that all these 900,000 people will immediately joyfully run to the conscription centers to fight with russia, they can literally count the latest tanks on their fingers, but at the same time the reference book claims that germany has 333 tanks , great britain is armed with 227 tanklenger 2, and france 222. all ideal, but when we start to deal with modifications, that is, according to the reference book they have everything on this issue, then all this ideality, it is maintained due to the fact that tanks that are in service are repaired
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at the expense of those tanks that are in storage, i’m not even talking about other types of weapons that are so awaited in europe, because they were promised this, so if we say that if there is a war tomorrow, europe is absolutely not ready for it. europe will have an unusual weapon, when we switch to nuclear weapons, it turns out that we are 100% ready, as our president said, and europe, which put forward but we understand that if tomorrow there is a war with the front line of macron, who flaunts that he is a nuclear power, but this is funny, everyone understands that the number of nuclear weapons in france is not enough to put up a serious confrontation with russia, here is the answer... it will be powerful enough and will go to everyone, so we will continue to see it for a long time, flaunting, puffing out the cheeks that we need to fight with russia, and we will also observe all the attempts of europe to do the incredible, to once again create
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the most powerful army in europe, which was at least during the cold war until the year ninety-one, they will succeed, but time will tell, but at the moment they are doing nothing... it’s not working out, what time may the usa and europe need, so that their military-industrial complex increases the necessary combat power? even in the process of rearmament, which will take from 5 to 15 years... 60 plus, will they be able to pass on their
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experience to some younger generation, which, as it turns out, can neither read nor count, this is the data on average technical education in the united states of america, it has become a purely formality there, it says that where they will find qualified workers who can master this entire program, this is a big question that america is unlikely to solve, we can say that. ..
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there will be relief that they went there and stood on the border between ukraine and belarus, so that ukraine would free its thugs and throw them onto the line of combat contact. the question here is not what we will do, we are clear, we will destroy them, but what will happen do europe? how will she justify to her fellow citizens why their military died? is europe capable of immediately starting military operations, that is, deploying them, as they say?
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this traditional event is held
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every year on march 16th. legionnaires of the waf ss, nazi collaborators, on whose hands there is a sea of ​​blood. latvia, a country where in addition to citizens there are also non-citizens, carefully guards the processions of nazi collaborators with police forces. europe has been looking at this favorably for many years, as if there is no hitler, no genocide, no verdict from the nyurmen tribunal. representative of the younger generation. i asked one of the participants in the procession why he came out to honor hitler’s accomplices and this is what these latvian pensioners say, if i may say so. that’s right, i was born under hitler in riga , in osland, you know, in riga, ’42, i’m 82 years old, now ’42, i ’m hitler’s subject, don’t you think it’s strange, microphone, second front, so far only economic, the us
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and the eu are turning against china, hitting the very rapidly growing assets, the american authorities demand the chinese owner to either... sell the popular social network tiktok to companies and states, or leave the market. the ultimatum is supported by a specially developed law. if the asset does not pass into the hands of the united states within 165 days, the platform will be declared illegal and the american companies google and apple will be prohibited from distributing it. this is the free market. the reasons are not hidden. a chinese company has no right to control the dominant media. platform in the united states, very democratic, but these are not all the examples when the iron western fist does not recognize free competition, which it itself imposes in other countries. china is literally beginning to resemble a besieged eastern market that will either be looted or destroyed.
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western fairy tales about the free market and fair competition are over, gentlemen. lose and change the rules of the game. the united states, and now the eu, is preparing a big stress test for the chinese economy. why do they want to tame the asian dragon? well, because 30 years ago, goods made in china were true a sign of low-quality junk. and today the share of chinese smartphones in total imports has reached 80%. and this despite the fact that sanctions have been imposed against one of the mobile phone manufacturers for having too advanced technologies. everything turned out even more offensive for the united states when the already sanctioned company huawei announced a new mobile phone with a seven-nanometer chip. the fact that the united states spent a month thinking about how to beat this, convened a congressional meeting on the release of a seven-nanometer telephone, that is, just imagine the level of struggle, imagine that
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the state duma would have been assembled because apple released a new iphone, everything was gone, they would have written everyone off, immediately, they would have said, yes, what are you doing? oh, a new new version has come out, let’s assemble the state duma , they didn’t give a damn about us, in the states the congress was meeting because of the release of a new chinese mobile phone, they really thought about what to do, they show, the sanctions didn’t work for you, we ourselves are doing it, more to come , china will become the new home for mercedes-benz; german assets are up for sale, including the headquarters in stuckgart and 80 showrooms in territory of germany, after the explosion of the northern... flows, car production in germany is unprofitable, and today almost all mercedes cars are produced in chinese factories, which means they agreed to the point that ursula threatened to introduce it in six months , they went for nothing, but they decided to come up with a justification, and a commission will come to look at chinese automakers and
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see if they are violating human rights, that is, you know , the eternal excuse for why everything is cheap here, and because slaves work, that is, they are chained by the leg on a conveyor belt. naked people they sit there, which means they do everything there by hand, that’s why yours is cheap, but you can’t admit that it can be cheap, because your production is organized smarter, because you’re technologically advanced, because your machines are cheaper, therefore, damn it, it’s also cheaper to staff a workshop, we can’t admit this, it means they will look for human rights, in general it will be interesting, the us’s claims against china are only growing, five american trade unions have complained that china is ahead of the entire planet in the matter of building ships, shipbuilder. it is known that the united states is the world leader in carbon dioxide emissions, america is the heaviest polluter, but the new us climate envoy john podesta plans to blame
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china. his plans are to dictate to china how to reduce emissions and reduce coal generation. under the gun of the usa. another branch of the chinese economy is the processing of heavy rare earth elements. china's market share is 99.9%. raw materials are of key importance for modern high-tech industries. the west is feverishly looking for ways to mitigate dependence from the prc and dreams of growing a competitor, pushing kazakhstan into this role. an interesting point: biden and trump are very different politicians, if not opposites. however, both consider china to be the main problem. the results of a recent survey of americans say that 41% of us citizens call china the main enemy of america. russia is in second place. iran is in third - 9%. this is not to say that china is not responding. the asian dragon refused a huge shipment of american
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wheat, 500 thousand tons. this didn't happen before. china began purchasing grain from others suppliers. another retaliatory blow was the sudden cessation of supplies to europe of raw materials for the manufacture of gunpowder. we are talking about nitrocellulose, which is synthesized from a special type of cotton. unofficial reason for use. cotton for military purposes, and this contradicts beijing's position. officially, china indicated further support for moscow in the ukrainian issue. the eu is preparing sanctions against twenty chinese companies seeking help from russia. until the twenty-seventh year, the chinese government will abandon intel processors, amd windows operating systems. judging according to the development of events, the asian dragon copes well with who and where to diplomatically send on a long solo voyage. if we talk about the technological and
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humanitarian successes of the united states itself, an interesting trend has emerged: what was previously spoken about orally is beginning to be implemented in documents. it is a well-known fact that in cities such as new york, for example, there were acute crime statistics, according to which more than 90% of crimes such as... murder or the use of weapons were not committed by whites, and some politicians such figures are not humor, began to be interpreted as racism, that is , the infringement of the non-white population of the united states, not politically correct, but things have gone further, now criminals with clearly non-white skin color are recorded as white, these are the screenshots that appear on the internet, then it’s even more interesting, artificial intelligence is moving along.. . trend, the american playboy magazine placed on the cover a model completely created by a neural network, well, that is, it is
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an artificial image, such a girl did not exist and does not exist in reality, it is a completely fictitious artificial object, there is even an interview with her, of course, also a fictional neurosea. playboy is not a pioneer here; the generated images have already been on the covers of work and copy magazine. in terms of creating an artificial one. pictures of the world, the west is ahead of the rest. the pro-republican and conservative state of california went even further. a group of activists, californians for justice are bribing, or rather pay high school students in longbeach $1,400 each for education and pickets defending social justice, namely lgbt, a minority, migration and the like. talking about being a victim is especially encouraged. any kind of discrimination, and this is not the indoctrination of young minds, but an elective, with us taxpayers' money.
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californians for justice receives $860,000 a year from the budget. for some reason, the dilemma, free choice or purchased choice, does not arise in this case. it's so much fun, you get paid well and you have fun. we have great rallies, but... in general, this is a good community, it unites. in canada, which a new scandalous document, a draft law prohibiting the mention of any benefits of traditional fuel sources, such as gasoline or gas for cars, has managed to thunder with laws on euthanasia for the poor. otherwise , the punishment will be 2 years in prison, or a $500,000 fine. an example of its application: if a person puts a sticker on their car, i love it. this is already a reason to initiate a criminal case. it is also prohibited to say on the internet or social networks that climate change is
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a lie; this immediately falls under the line prohibitive laws. recently, one guy from the new canadian democratic party introduced a new bill under the code cit-372. its second name is the act of advertising fossil fuels. it not only prohibits advertising in canada. i go out and threaten prison sentences for speaking about their advantages on social networks; they will even be punished for writing on a t-shirt or a bumper sticker. europe, as we well know, has been in the throes of farmer protests for several months now. the most powerful ones occurred in france and poland. the other day interesting footage came from the latter. there, military aircraft were sent to scare the polish villagers blocking the roads. airplanes flew by at low level. over the farmers at this moment, experiencing a real sonic boom, this is democracy. in the usa too,
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there is a serious crisis in agriculture, a sad farmer from the states of... the manufacturer did not need your help, buy american, buy local. at the kansas republican national convention , as part of a fundraiser, attendees had the opportunity to make donations to express their disapproval of biden. one of the ways to show his position was to beat up an effigy of the us president. the action turned out to be so popular that it was decided
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to put similar dolls in all supporting states. they believe that the people will be able to take their souls away and give biden’s stuffed animals a good kick. this was the trends program, all the best to you. telelenova agency represents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. promyslovy babruisk. we will benefit from
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a lot of new enterprises, new warehouses. on the right is the honor for uladzimir paley and yago from now on let us produce only high quality products. it’s very easy to practice tasks with atk. brakavat nyama chago. a worker with such small details has the most insignificant adhesion to marriage and love. the guy forgot the necessary supplies. control over all pharmaceutical devices. the details are adjusted to the control templates dozens of times. machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. the gray creativity itself has a riotous working-planing machine with automatic
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20 ton. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of the patrymans of the patryyatichny pachyn of the delegate of the 25th congress of the cpsu of the forward shvachka maryi pleskaya, the five-year-old people are doing their shock work. also mentors. work great, many delegates say that agriculture needs a tractor very mobile, maneuverable and powerful for agriculture. i'm the last year. as of today, the russian plant has started producing new driveshafts and trucks.


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