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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 28, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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will consider the issue of registering candidates for members of the council of the republic, among them people who are trusted by the people, they take an active civic position and are ready to contribute to the development and prosperity of our country. these are heads of enterprises and farms, government officials and scientists, doctors and teachers. the total number of the belarusian people's assembly is 1200 people. a pilot project for the transition to electric transport in belarus has launched 15 new cars charging on routes in shklov and the region, they are fully replaced the entire old bus fleet. the power reserve of the electric bus is at least 200 km. eight charging stations have been built. it takes up to 4 hours to refresh the batteries. in belarus they make both hybrids and fully charging ones, all according to the buyer’s requests. this is how the program for the development of electric transport until 2025 works and preparations are already underway for the next five-year period, where production volumes will be higher and there will be more eco-cities. it's very important for us now.
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another one of our mac manufacturers answers, fast charging and 17 cars are waiting for their passengers. safety reminders during the holidays , traffic police inspectors conduct mini-performances and quizzes for minsk schoolchildren. the program of interactive classes includes quests at improvised stations. the guys are asked questions about traffic rules . they offer tasks in the form of tests,
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simulate situations that can provoke an accident. if there is no traffic light, you need to cross the zebra crossing, first you need to look left and then right. if there is a traffic light, then we need to look and wait until we have green light. we do not go to red under any circumstances, only if, when we have yellow, we wait, get ready, take off our headphones, take off our hood, and if we are riding on scooters or skateboards.
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inspectors also teach parents road literacy and give advice on how to correctly develop a route from home to school for minors. pearl of art through the eyes of belarusian artists, the capital's art hall, a high place, an exhibition of sculpture and painting was opened, over 40 works from mogilev were presented. philosophical reflections were embodied in the sculptures of andrei vorobyov on the canvases of oksana evdokinenko. exhibition. diverse, it combines the sculpture of andrei vorobyov, which mainly touches on two themes, this is a self-portrait, as well as the theme of love; in oksana evdokimenko’s paintings her daughter adelaide is represented in many works, and there are also landscapes and abstract works. most of oksana evda kimenko’s works are made in approximately the same color scheme, and this is even more interesting, because despite their common visual concept,
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they are still different in each work, viewers can see something different. see with your own eyes pearl art, guests and residents of the capital will be able to until april 21, inclusive. we greeted this morning with such an information picture, more news at noon, stay on the first button.
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, travel around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria,
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switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8, the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. not the largest region in russia, but one of the most developed in siberia. mutual interest of minsk and omsk. in specific numbers and projects. the plot of the program. tehran without a visa,
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belarus is strengthening cooperation with iran, we will tell you about mutual prospects. industry, agriculture, tourism and social development. spheres, we will set the accents in the development of svisloch with the head of the district. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello. let's start the program with union cooperation. belarus is open to partnership with russian regions in all areas, without exception. this week this axiom was once again confirmed: a large delegation from the omsk region was received in minsk and economic plans for the future were discussed in detail. his partners see close cooperation along the line. agribusiness, industry, science, and more . there are desires and opportunities for this , and especially since we have a lot in common. suffice it to say that both belarus and the omsk region are leaders in flax cultivation; this alone opens up prospects for more active work together. we have joint ventures, and there will be new projects, some of which are already, as
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they say, highly developed. and if carried out, almost all belarusian industrial achievements will be presented to amecha. which? olga onishchenko? everything is in order. powerful industrial cluster - one one of the most developed territories of siberia. the omsk region has been holding its mark for half a century, hoping to develop its economic potential in cooperation with partners. and belarus is one of them. moreover, as the governor will say, we have so much in common. industry, agricultural forestry, science, high technology, everything that amichik is developing. belarus is also cultivating it, it is no coincidence that we are among the top trading partners; based on the results of the past year, we even promoted leaders. belarus came into fourth place after kazakhstan, we have a border with kazakhstan has more than 1,000 km, china, turkey , the fourth is belarus, and we see that
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the potential for trade turnover can be further increased, today it is more than $110 million, but we believe that it can definitely be increased significantly by two to three times in... in the vastness of siberia, the omsk region has achieved noticeable success in the agricultural sector, including being a leader in the cultivation of flax. belarusian equipment to help with cleaning, and this is in full. in the world belongs to other brands of our mechanical engineering, tractors and combines, well known in russia and in the government they will also add to passenger equipment, there have already been deliveries, there will be more. over the past 3 years , 111 units of our trolleybuses have been delivered to omsk. i know that the program plans to purchase 164 more buses in the near future. working on natural gas, i will say that we are also successful here, we have different types
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of passenger transport running on gas engine fuel, these are medium and small class cars in terms of capacity, but there are large buses, so we are ready to offer a whole range or line of passenger transport, and there are also road construction, utility, logging? fire engines, and in this segment it was possible to completely import all components that were previously purchased in europe. however, as the governor of the russian region will note, soon it will be possible to take a closer look, touch, and test any belarusian equipment in the region. we are creating a large center of multi-brand, various types of equipment, engineering enterprises of the republic of belarus in the city of omsk, this and mtz and gomselmash combine harvesters. chicken harvester, grain harvester, and amkador and mas , respectively, we will implement this
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project, the funds will be from our investor, we asked alexander grigorievich to help put it all together so that we could have a service center and a unified branding of this entire space. the next project is a trading house of belarusian goods in our region, we have selected land plots, and alexander grigorievich also gave corresponding instructions today, we will continue to work so that we have such a trading house, these are no longer engineering products, these are already products of the agro-industrial complex, the agro-industrial complex, various industrial goods for household purposes, so that they are sold in the city of omsk as a whole in the omsk region. the details were discussed with the head of the capital region of belarus; the central region was recently assigned responsibility for the development of cooperation with the omsk region. alexander turchin will note that we have many mutual points of contact, and there will be more mutual meetings. our first task that we... set for ourselves today the president absolutely supported the creation of a multi-brand center in omsk for
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the sale of belarusian equipment, so we have set for ourselves a period of 2 months during which this center should appear, but if we implement all this, then we are not working in vain and for opening of this center, then you can take the first step and talk about the next steps, so of course there are a lot of plans, i’m just sure that today most of them... will be implemented, but investments and examples of similar projects are also needed there already is, one of them omsk, carbon magilev, is operating successfully even under sanctions, having shifted the sales vector to asian markets. this is the only enterprise in belarus that produces carbon black, it is needed in the construction of the tire and paint industries, there is a need, there are plans to increase capacity. this year we are completing all preparatory work.
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and to make the road from omsk to minsk shorter, they hope to connect the capitals with direct flights. res can be organized with beginning of next year. the airline is currently being selected. olga onishchenko, ivan martynovich area of ​​interest. at the development stage, by the way, the resumption of direct flights between. minsk and tehran, since february iran has abolished the visa regime for belarusians when staying in the country for up to 2 weeks. it must
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be said that the development of relations with iran is an extremely important direction of our foreign policy. 2023 was marked by a 40% increase in trade turnover. there are opportunities for activation in all areas, including industrial agriculture, logistics, tourism, the development of contacts is facilitated by the creation of a free trade zone between iran and the eurasian economic union. at the end of last year. yes, the parties signed the corresponding document. alina lapon will talk about prospects and bilateral work. and the states in the middle east, for many centuries this country has played a key role in the east, modern iran has the second largest economy in western asia in the region, one of the most technologically developed states, and also has large reserves of oil and blue fuel. these are a few facts you need to know about iran. minsk and tehran continue their step towards
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rapprochement: trade intensified last year + 40%. our main export items are rut fertilizers. and timber, but there is always room for growth, and it all depends on coordinated action. we believe that we have a lot of potential between our countries in a variety of areas, from industry to the transport sector, and we have not yet used it. we must try to improve the level of our economic and trade relations to the level of our political relations. a lot has been done over the past year, several banking agreements have been signed, as well as in the field of logistics. transport to simplify the transport of goods, which can contribute to the development of the north-south corridor. i would also like to note that iranian companies plan to take part in the bilagro agricultural exhibition, and belarusian enterprises will take part in the iranian exhibition iran expo 2024. develop a cooperation plan for the future, as well as find common points of contact. with this
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on purpose, more than a hundred representatives of belarusian business came to the chamber of commerce and industry to meet with the ambassador of the islamic republic. although we laid this out for the majority, this is also a solution to specific issues, a specific business. at the end of the plenary part, separate meetings were held with representatives of the iranian embassy. domestic companies were able to immediately translate the agreements into practice . in general , there are more and more opportunities for business development. at the end of last year, the eurasian five and iran signed
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agreement to create a free trade zone. the reduction in duties affected about 90% of all goods. belarus and iran, in particular, signed a free trade agreement, identifying those areas of interest, this is a wide range of interests, this includes the industry that the republic of belarus has today. iran has interests in tourism, agriculture, raw materials, and a number of other areas in which there is mutual interest, i emphasize, between both the republic of iran and the republic of belarus. the development of relations with iran is one of the priority tasks on the external circuit; this work is included at various levels. the belorussian
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chamber of commerce and industry has been cooperating with the iranian chamber of commerce and industry for more than 20 years, and interregional cooperation is developing. honesty, sincere emotions of the characters, when i enter the stage, i roughly know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark, very worried, worried. is it like being nervous before going on stage? yes, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. with your voice you can
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break a glass? no, no, it can probably be made. i’m leaving for the front, i don’t need to see me off, i don’t like being seen off, you’d better wait for me, wait, i’ll marry you, who gave you the right to teach me, dad asked me to forget.


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