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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 29, 2024 12:45am-1:16am MSK

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well, too, your life, but you said that there was something special here, tell me, what was there? this room seemed quite small, but somehow the family gathered here around a round table. wow , i can imagine how it was so cozy , colorful, fun here, that they hugged each other and talked loudly, probably mark was walking around telling him that according to jewish tradition, for example, yes, you can’t work on saturday on shabbat, the day before a big celebration is organized. a beautiful table, and my mother lit
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candles like these. signora, alena, it was chagal's exquisite journey. thank you for your sincerity, by the way, it was very interesting for you, as tourists in our country , to know that there is a place near vitebsk, very close.
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about the unique features of the oldest belarusian churches in the vault, we can notice the development of the gospel plot, in particular the moment when jesus christ is taken down from the cross, about the great power of faith, faith in... god includes faith in oneself, that is, god can tell you our fears, our lack of help, about god’s help in various situations. everyone has their own faith, some may be asking for the strengthening of faith, and this unites us, both those who lived before us, and those who may live after us, come to this shrine. about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer. people are now in a big, big crowd. they come here
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to worship and, as it were, to come into contact with the mother of god. this kind of living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people have prayed at this shrine for two thousand years? watch in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who... will answer everything, absolute honesty , sincere emotions of the heroes, entering the stage, i roughly know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark, i’m very worried, worried, it’s like nervousness before going on stage? yes, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. can your voice break a glass? no? no, it’s probably possible
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to make a glass that would break from my voice, but i haven’t done that yet met, let’s say, irina, are you lucky in love, did you manage to meet your prince, oh, of course you’re lucky, of course you’re lucky, i just had no luck for a long time, for some reason, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. just i admire how delicious it smells here , just like here, like this, i feel at home, and my grandmother is at the dacha there, and right away, wow, what a move grandma has, yes, indeed, you ended up in the ilya estate museum efimovich repin, to his summer dacha estate, where he spent the summer with his family dacha seasons, starting in may 1892,
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ilya femachepin acquired this estate as a fairly accomplished, mature man, he was 48 years old, by this time he really was an incredibly famous artist. please pay attention to the reproduction of ilfin’s famous work. this work is called “the cossacks write a letter to the turedi sultan. ” yes i see. yes. in due time, this work and painting was acquired by emperor alexander ii. for a lot of money at that time, 35. rubles with silver. it was a huge fee. and this amount allows irifima skull, finally implement. an old dream, he had long dreamed of buying a country estate for his family, oh, oh, yes, you and i entered the most formal room, here they
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probably met the celestial, dined, received guests, yes, absolutely right, well, the hall , the living room, the most formal room of the house, but the most walkable, pay attention to the many doors around, yes, very, very many, light, here, the sun is falling, i have to admit to you, the artist’s living room looked completely different, right along the walls, by the plaster was painted, we know, on the large wall there was a view of tropical countries, local landscapes, the panels of the doors were painted, but it was different, there was no way to do it, yes, everything, everything was painted.
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yepin portrayed the bird of happiness, oh, we've been waiting for this for so long. oh, someone is working here now, no, if i, if you think so , then we have coped with the task, you could smell it, you know, you know what the main task of a museum worker is, to create a feeling of presence, so if you walked in, you thought that someone just worked here, so we've dealt with this task, feel, yes feel, well... you and i, as you understand, ended up in the main room, yes, where the magic was happening, how beautiful everything was, you and you, you entered immediately thought that this person was very important light, yes, i didn’t want to reveal all the secrets at once, because the revelation of the secret awaited you
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right here, this particular room for work was not chosen by chance, but because that’s where the sun rises. and no, no, no, the artist did not work at dawn, he worked, he worked from 9 to 12, he said, for me it doesn’t matter where i am, paris or milan, moscow, and so on, this is all secondary, the important thing for me is the time from 9 to 12 before the painting, we suggest starting with the family’s pet dog, dog, yes, a dog named pegasus, pegasus .
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matured, yes, yes, so that you can compare, yes, i present to you hope again, a sketch called in the sun, the tretyakov gallery, and this... the eldest daughter vera, the beloved daughter, remember, of the artist, and in the middle of the zdravnevsky garden, with a bouquet of rough autumn flowers in hands, and the autumn bouquet was called, it is also in the tretyakov gallery, but i, lewis, you don’t know, but i feel their gaze, that is, i deeply felt as if they were looking at me, as if it were a portrait, such as made from a photograph, this...
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moonlit night zdravneva, is located, yes , i repeat once again, in minsk in the national art museum, that is, it is our belarusian national treasure, so you can look there, definitely, yes, even today, even tomorrow, it’s amazing how the light falls on your shoulder, here with this hand, i even noticed whether it was the sun or moon, but it looks so beautiful.
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i, friends, will be doing this for the first time , i don’t even know how to hold it correctly, like this, i should probably dip it first, shake it off a little so as not to make a blot, i also don’t know how to hold it for the first time, but i will try to write a good message for my family, dear mother, i want to tell you that every day i remember you very much, i miss you very much, with love, your daughter, kayla, dad and mom, i
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would like to say that i miss you very much i love you, with love dear luis, you know, senora dina, i got a little charged, i felt like a real writer, now. thank you, thank you, and now
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let's go back to the city, i think we missed something there, well, kai, when we arrived, i saw a ferris wheel, a ferris wheel, yes, that's another wheel, a ferris ring , come on, let's go there, well, i'm afraid of heights, people. what are you doing? don't be afraid, i'm here! well, you don't know how to fly, do you? i can do it, i’ll show you, let’s go! wow, friends, how tall she is! i remember the last time i i rode when i had how much? eh, 15 years old, yes, i also skated often as a child, well, today you’ll still skate, remember our childhood, great! i’m already afraid,
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friends, hello, hello, hello, just a minute, we’ll do the thirteenth duty for you, 13, or maybe 14, i don’t really like 13, now it’s possible.
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they say that art requires knowledge, that’s why we constantly confuse our language in belarus, so wait for the next issue, because it will be even more interesting, and our people and children are very talented a lot, a lot, he is the inspirer of 100 young minds, the coach needs to notice in time to set new goals, new tasks, some achievements, this is what we need to grasp this moment, a strong-willed and kind-hearted coach, with half a century of experience anatoly
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ivanovich, fox. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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, relevant ones. with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates. saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. kali bachysh, what kind of issued budynki people were born in the day, as you please, that they were more reasonable for us. architecture, entire countries speak to us in this way, and we can understand that. the alphabet of the giants on the belarus tv channel 3. the assembly of the most holy dzeva mary and the monastery of the franciscans near pinsk. the lightness
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of baroka, which rises to the heights of the xtanic dances of your plastic decor. the pharmacy façade, the renaissance method of building and designing buildings, modeled after the type of closed italian abbeys. small basilica, connected with the translation of the feudal ideas of your powerful customers. yakiya secrets standing at your feet are sacredly valued arches, these are illusory reminders of counter-pharmaceutical architecture, the architecture of belarus. the monastery of the franciscans appeared on the pinnian lands in 1300. 96 under the garden of prince zhygimont keistutavich. the draulian monastery of the non-adnasal garai and the assabliva motsna
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of the patsyarpe in 1648, then the cossack herding, and then the garajans. the franciscans of the order did not live in manassa, but the meetings were held to settle the monastery and the built temple. you are not a mensch. near pinsk ўzvodzіts stone the castle fell only in 1510 due to the extraction of materials from the abandoned garad budynkas. the literature has it that the lattices of this temple were dug out, as if the calamities were published in the 16th century. and even if you look at the absida, there are great things in architectural details, in forms, such... well, there are no such characteristic baroque elements, and i
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create the same kind of design and floated on the fact that this is everything it was created in the central nav, it went further, and the last eight drops, yana were created in such a way as to shake up these scenes and scenes. that is new , which will be known, and these drops of tanks, it is possible that each of them is cylindrical, closed, this will not be done, if it is published, the central nave will fall higher, here are the most profound facts, which all this entails, in fact, the role of the counterforce , which is fixed in the main columns, and everything rises up, and there are built up a lot of bulwarks... onions, just like the holy ones that fall in the main memory, that is, the ancient basilica, which looks clear dze basilica, kali memorials
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sanctify the beast. the necessary, service monasteries, which adjoin and cascel on the side of the crayfish, are installed at the same time with them several closed internal panadvorks, or at the present time, looking at the call, amal nelga... guess: like new adzin and adnago, not great expressive service pabudovs, mayuts kalidornaya system of planks, their ends are completed with baroque pediments, which give these two and three arch buds a more rich look. the entire ensemble occupies the vast expanse of the street and rakaya. for penchuk's extraordinary garajans had access to the monastery, but only... at that stage, as the manakhs themselves said, the kascel geta was for everyone, and the entire monastery section with cells, yana madman was, as it were, forbidden for
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the arrival of extraordinary mirana, and yes sunny at the hour of this part of the taxam complexes were found, there is a spiritual seminary there, the name of famea queen. the four-tiered title appeared in the monastery complex only in 1817 as a graduate of the abalon art academy of kamensk. empire style at the height, it was lower than the standard building and did not bear any architectural-campaign load, but due to the fire of 1926 it was rebuilt. yana became twice taller and had baroque trots, as well as a cathedral. the pilasters with capitals are jumping.
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well, look, everywhere today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say that the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say that a hybrid war is being waged, well , it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand, this is a step towards escalation, they they are trying to heat up the situation as much as possible in order to test russia. once again, including us, today the west has significantly reduced its standard of living, the resource base is depleting, in fact it does not exist, they are really preparing, these are these caterpillars that
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clank - its basis is a struggle, the struggle of the devil with god. the youth who took to the streets in the twenties are the result of the work that was carried out with them in the nineties, the generation grew up on western liberal values, europe is not christian, there there is no idea, only money, there must be an idea, and today it is very difficult to change their attitudes, because the consciousness of any person is conservative, everything must be checked, you must think, you must understand.
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what happens if specific archetypes of political behavior , religious behavior have formed there, it is very difficult to correct it, now we are doing well, but it will be even better, and if we win, humanity will win, all reasonable humanity is looking at you and me, don’t say the project shut up, don't miss new episodes on the channel belarus 24. galown pabudova ensemble - cathedral at the shesst dzewa maryi, three -nave two-vezed basilica, central nev and large narrow paukround absida with prezbiters covered with steep charapic axes, like the month of the illumination ў the final faceted vaults, the high vaulted naves, which are divided into green...
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the sherag capel are covered with extreme fears. the entrance halls of the façade are divided into three tiers and completed with folded pediments with two curtains on the tanks. the façade is decorated with pilasters, torn cornices, and fillet - geta meaning figured niches and payas. the façades are covered in green with lapatkas. the scenes of the bay nave are depicted with paucistic windows. doorways, and the central nave and apse with arched doorways with arched finishing. the galleries of the nave and presbyter are covered with cylindrical glazing with stripping. and the most important element is the hallowed façade, all the same there is a need for sprinkling, this pelasters, and the pelasters are not simple, they are layered, they are two, i think there are layers of tsagnuzza and
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gzyms. i'm praying, i'm going upstairs. their significance is double. pa-pershae, geta anyway such constructions. yana is working on an hourly basis from the dark scene, the purpose is to lay it out so that the pelaster is moving, the dressings are coming, this is all hellish design. and the robin of the pelaster of the meeting. uvogal, i need to fix, fix. these things do not allow the freezing of... significant frosts and in the prascenki pamіzh voknamі scyana is weaker, and here the law is required, which is arachak, on their workload, and all the times will be good, and from the point of view of the archi tektury, mastatskaga takog the structure of the facade, well, geta ўparadkavanna, geta ў accounting months righteous vertikalі, further sun, sonic prayer, tsyanyushki, yanya
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iduts... the yuletide theme of the façade's hall, the main expressive load - they have different patchwork altars of 18 centuries. their campaigns include many sculpted wood sculptures and decorative ornamental paintings carved in baroque style. the largest number of halogens is formed. the altar closes the perspective of the interior of the temple. the first tier of jumping sculptures of the apostles peter and paul, and the final entablature with torn pediments, where the garrelief campaign of st. francis is placed. the collection is in the form of a basilica, this sign, and the green nefams into three parts: covered with cylindrical crypts. urachysts.


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