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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 29, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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roscosmos, in order for this flight to become possible, here’s the bone, as far as i know, when this abnormal situation happened on the 21st, the question was that the american side, in general, also being a full participant in this expedition, should have its say, nasa must agree for this flight to take place, that is...
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not only roscosmos specialists worked on the site, of course, they worked closely with nasa specialists, because tracy dyson is an american astronaut, they are responsible for her responsibility and as they say. they divide
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everything in half, so the conclusion of nasa and roscosmos was that there were problems with readiness for launch, that is, both the united states and russia are equally responsible for this mission. nikolai petrovich, i will still turn to you for support, too, so i understand that mercantilism and ideology are good, but it seems to me that this is the romance of flying, yes, which i began to say that gagarin gave birth to such the desire of people, perhaps, a certain paradigm, including a scientific one. environment, in aviation environment, and just there among writers, physicists, chemists, who wrote poetry and drew, it doesn’t matter, they made a movie about it, in principle, dsa can be felt, it’s just in your opinion, maybe in your opinion and maybe according to your feelings, can dosaf feel this wave of interest in space, or am i already idealizing this mercantile world to the end, i will say that in dosaf, it is in oroclubs. young men and women don’t
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come just like that, they come there most likely by vocation, those who read books about aviation, about space, who love this business, who like this business, who are brave, who are healthy, who are smart, because all these components are very necessary for a pilot, first of all, and you know, aviation gave birth to space, so dosaf in this regard, you remember back in the thirties, young people the plane, it... there is a continuation, why, let's say, we have a president, i will say, this is just a unique case, the only country in the world where the supply is financed from the budget, partially, not completely, partially, we earn the rest ourselves, so - that impulse which was in those years of the sixties, seventies, it still goes on, this trail goes on, despite the cataclysms that are taking place in the world, so we still preserved this niche and give the opportunity to young people to rise into the sky, i will say that ... yes, in
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the fourteenth year they included us when they became a space power, in the sixteenth we already opened the space recruitment pavilion, we collected unique exhibitions, you know, the space congress, we found, yes, a little later, we found the descent module in academy of sciences, which was located far underground on on the fourth floor, but we found it through kaluga , set up a space pavilion, then we worked with kovalyonok for about 2 years, even 3 years we worked on how to carry out the space angaderes, the thirty-first in the sixteenth. year kovalyonok made a proposal at a congress in france in austria in austria and already in the seventeenth year we were invited to a tender in toulouse and in the eighteenth year we carried it out, that is, step by step, slowly, now we are moving the museum to the lipki airfield and making two pavilions space, that is already i’ll tell you a little secret, roskos already has the consent...
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today we can say that in our country the aerospace industry has already been formed, there are more than twenty enterprises that employ more than 400 people, but not many of them are from the military industry, that’s right, the same peling, the same agate, but many institutes of the academy of sciences, for example, we have a geographic information system enterprise, it is responsible for receiving signals, decoding them and transmitting them to all bodies of our republic of belarus regarding preparation cosmonauts, including the academy of sciences was responsible for selecting candidates, you know more than 2.0 people. in principle, and many at work knew that boys, then girls , were mainly invited for selection, and the academy of sciences also oversaw this work, and even now, and by the way, i was also lucky enough to be in baikanur these days, and was our chairman of the academy's presidium, we were all very worried together and i saw
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how we all saw off our marina vasilevskaya for this flight, so our work was a common effort, of course it was painstaking work, but i am sure that it will be successful, because marina vasilevskaya is not... we are taking a new step, but here we are talking about the fact that when belarus first launched its earth remote sensing satellite, our scientists worked on it, and we got a certain, well, probably some kind of practical effect from this economically 100%,
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yes yuri vasilyevich, i think you will support me in this, a logical question arises if we are talking about the fact that we are launching our own cosmonaut, and we... ourselves, first of all, what can be he is counting on a certain effect for the economic effect in manned spaceflight for belarus and can it even exist or is this purely an image story , the president said that the main thing is that you will come back, we will then finish everything, that is, well, that too. well, i completely agree with alena, that is, in principle, if i answer your discourse, it seems to me that this euphoria, but i’m still the same age, this is the year sixty-one, i remember gagarin, i even remember when he came to minsk, the situation was a little later, of course it seems to me
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the younger generation today is more pragmatic about the euphoria of the surge that everyone will be called marina, girls so to speak, yes, well, probably, let’s be honest, this won’t happen, today it’s monetized, today... space, at the moment, this or business -i don’t know the belarusian cosmonaut’s business plan, i don’t think there is one, but some analogies can be drawn, so i would draw an analogy with a squirrel, but this sensing satellite, yeah.
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flight control, the increase is somewhere around 25-30% annually, a whole industry has appeared, you think, well, this is not even the point, moreover, because today, in connection with the well-known events in ukraine, today photographs of this territory, the sale of these photographs is prohibited, well, the reason is also clear, so payback or demand, let it be somehow so to speak on the blood, let's put it that way. moreover, i will tell you that using a
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sensing system will still increase its payback, why? because if we talk about the old satellite, here is the twelfth year, resolution for black and white images is about 3 m, and for color ones 10 m, a new satellite, which will be launched, well, within the next year, the resolution will be 35 cm, that is...
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in numbers, what will this, so to speak, message from the belarusian space scientist bring it’s impossible, but this is a general trend, and definitely this trend, it goes towards the formation of a self-sufficient, effective, innovative industry in the republic, anastasia lenkova was the backup, she is just a doctor, a physician, here is alen, can i add, here i have i got the impression, i certainly don’t beg for merit academy of sciences, an amazing organization, but marina vasilevskaya...
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we must first of all complete this project, the very first space project for our country, so for now all attention, all the emphasis is on it, well, then i think we will decide what will happen further, but anastasia has already repeated today that she very much hopes that her flight into space will take place, and indeed, taking into account education, taking into account, in general, training, which...
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there would be few natural resources, but our enterprises, there are such enterprises belarus has oil, there is seismic exploration, a bunch of companies are helping in the production and development of fields in iran, at one time they helped in venezuela and so on, that’s why these competencies are needed, why are we working in the arctic, of course we can say, let’s save, today it is impossible to develop natural resources there, today you cannot carry out certain
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activities there, but tomorrow it will be possible, there are 90% of water reserves, those countries that will control... the next 50 years, near-earth space, they will dominate, the first in military terms, that is , soon the war will be waged using outer space as much as possible, now this military operation has shown that they are already observing from space, soon technology will allow clock hands to be viewed from space, to those countries that will not be present there, they will be very vulnerable militarily, the economy is clear, we already have profitability today. we gain skills from these projects, but we must have specialists, train specialists and be present in these areas, very large plus the fact that we are doing this within the framework of a union state, naturally traditions, the soviet union, all union republics, but naturally these basic traditions of opportunity were inherited by the russian federation, so being in a union state, we have the opportunity to use technology, we
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have the opportunity to train specialists the opportunity to attract more powerful resources, well, with a powerful russia, i would add specialists , we...
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this is great, but i explain once again that we messed around, we managed. the second important point is that we must understand that today there will be the most serious challenges, and if we demonstrate the ability, the operation of the mechanism, you know, in any case , certain events occur that are aimed at destabilizing the situation within the union state, this must be understood, whether the union state will survive, whether it will develop depends on how capable we are in a critical... situation to continue to work, it depends on all of us, all systems must work, so we demonstrated today together with our american partners, including that we are able to cooperate and where we are ready to benefit each other, we work together, but there is no need to trip us up, because we will respond. stanislav stepanovich, by the way, working with the americans, here we are flying, but now we are talking about how this is important for belarusians, this is important for russians, and
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we really forget that there is also an american woman, this is the story, she, well, let's just say, you know, lately relations with america have been extremely, extremely tense, and here , in any case, there are some secrets issue, here we have no contradictions, we negotiate normally, we have normal relations , or do we have certain channels through which we interact with the american space agency? well, look, this whole story shows that the americans cannot independently work in space at the moment without the competence, of course, first of all , of russia to deliver cargo, to deliver cosmonauts. they cannot work now, in this regard, even despite the sanctions, political situation, at the will of, so to speak , political circles, the same nasa cannot do without roscosmos, and the fact that in recent years belarus has been working very closely with the russian federation, with roscosmos, including the programs of the union state, which help us here they spoke within the framework of space, this flight, yes, this is a practical significance, but at the same
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time, ideological significance shows that the work that we have been doing together with the russians for many years is reaching this level...
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the cosmonauts came scientists there to to get in, you had to get a pass in moscow, but this was not the only enterprise like this, here is the shell, which is 5 cm deep in the descending apparatus, there are b...
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to see and what to touch, this is attractive, this is scientific, this is perspective, this is movement forward, we we must understand this, well, you said, nikolai petrovich, that aviation gave birth to space, well, in general , yes, cosmonauts, most often they are pilots, probably based on the history of overload. somewhere there is a similarity in preparation, well, that’s what you think, anatoliyvich, we could do it ourselves completely from scratch to prepare your person for such a long-term flight, in principle we prepared, yeah, for starters we prepared a patriot, when a person takes a passport, a national flag with him into orbit, this is , first of all, an indicator that we have prepared him, some technical nuances yes... naturally, the cosmonaut training center, it is equipped with the latest technology, it is very expensive, it is very effective, it is very effective, but the fact that
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our people are trained there is also our achievement, you already said today, noted the role of the head of state in this matter, and somehow i don’t quite understand such cold pragmatism, how much money will this bring us? this will bring us something more, firstly, well, in the field of technology, of course, there are no questions, this is a demonstration of constructive cooperation, you see, the world is divided into two parts, the first part is the white side, as they say, which is exploring space, developing space technologies, the second part, which shoots civilians with weapons, is scary, but still this white part exists...
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a colleague said that even the usa and russia are not self-sufficient, this is a partnership, this is one moment, but this does not mean that we are not capable of being a partner, i will again give an example, so to speak, earth sensing satellites, and a new project that it will be 35 cm, the entire optics system, that is, the technical part, the optical part is our belarusian one, on russian satellites, this is the optical system, the software system, processing these images. also belarusian, that is, we are a partner with a capital letter, this is essentially us
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we continue to talk about space, about belarusians in space, about belarusians in space and not only, well, in general, i’ll explain my thesis, otherwise they’ve already rushed to reproach me for mercantilism, but i’ll develop an idea, merit? the head of state is doing a lot for our country, using the example of the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, and they smiled and grinned about this for a very long time, in the end we have belaes, the second thing we think about is a whole industry, a whole city, a whole industry, and so , drawing an analogy with a belarusian in space on the iss, i it also seems that the head of state is putting in there something more than just an image of a certain perspective, so i’m trying , together with...
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how to move forward, naturally, this is an event, especially after, god forbid, a successful return, we all hope for this, which means our cosmonauts, yes, that means it should become a stimulus for the growth of patriotic sentiments, we should be proud of what happened, this should start immediately with the renaming of school 151 in which marina vasilevskaya graduated, which means each
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department can...
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will write to me: i participated in the development or project of the union program, there is the development of nanomaterials, medical ones, its monetization in the labor market will be much more significant, so to speak, this does not mean that nasa will take it away, this is absolutely not significant, well we were told that nasa cannot do much without us, so from this point of view, here is the image of the state, they are needed in any case, but to find money and b - they must bring in money, that’s it. young belarusians are unlikely to run to look for where they can study to be an astronaut, well, let’s do it
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to speak frankly, because everyone realizes that the shortest route is probably through roscosmos, and oleg novitsky, in general , raised the question with the head of state that now, let’s just say, yes it is.
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and the fact that this flight took place, this once again emphasizes, here many colleagues said that america alone can no longer fail to launch spaceships in the quantities that are needed for science for
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the development of science and technology, and this precisely confirms, what technologies do we have together? developed, russia is developed, russia has the means of opportunity. we, as they say, have brains, to put it correctly, but nevertheless it is so, and i am sure, i am sure that what is happening now, we are witnessing a historical moment when an hour ago the docking took place, let us remind you once again , docking, this is not docking, it’s belarus that burst into space, anatoly, i have a question for you, now, now, wait a second, he’s asking me, because i’m still addressing the legislator, the law remains the same. cosmonaut, what he gives, that is, because for many he, for it passed through to ordinary people quite dryly and simply: the president signed, like this, what is the status of an astronaut, what does it provide, what does it give us? my opinion,
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now we can discuss this issue for a long time with interest, perhaps, but my opinion is, let’s wait for the return and see how it will work, this will be the best answer to your question. so, i ’ve been working at oraklub for 25 years, yes, i came in 1998, now i’m already in my 24th year, this period is very well analyzed, if at the beginning of 2000 there were young people. i went to the oro club very much slowly, then now we, let’s say, need to recruit, we have a competition now, so i’ll say, to the oro club 1:20, 1:25, wow, airplane, yes, we can’t take everyone, but people are coming, i’m going, and what motivation, that's why, as they explain, so i will say that few people talk about space, everyone wants to learn how to fly, fly, pilots want to, they want to jump, yes, that means, and the parents and grandparents are very happy that.. ... they will leave the phone in the locker room or somewhere else
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, plus discipline, plus strict selection, physical training, that is, the range of recruitment with children, there is a lot of work with children, plus now the new chairman of the central council of dasav, nikrashevich andrei konstantinovich, has come, he came up with an idea where we build 6 hectares of forest there, we have it there, and we are already building, we’ve even laid out tags, who is where there will be a center for sports and patriotic education of youth. hectares, what will be there, there will be an obstacle course, a shooting gallery, a rope town, a climbing wall, towns, like this, we will take children, children, we will practice there too, plus we have 19 heroes of the soviet union, two russian federations, an aviation museum, that is, the soil, as i said for the first time, the soil for educating and persuading towards aviation is very large, we have the unaffordable luxury of focusing only on what young people want, why remember ?
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in order to work with them, we must admit that there will be no such organization as white space, we will not cope, you and i will cope, i say again, we must say that an astronaut is , so to speak, a function, and his competencies maybe a doctor, an engineer, well we can cooperate, but work specifically on the cosmonaut, the cosmonaut is not only a pilot, we are talking about vasilevskaya lenkova now. listen, well, it seems to me that in
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this case this is a political decision, in this case, i think that it will be soon, it’s clear that upon marina’s return, upon her return to earth, i think that everything will be fine, i’ll knock on you again analogy to my grandfather, there is such a concept as a cluster, this is an educational system, science, engineering, production, today’s events, so to speak, are another puzzle in this cluster, and this says that it is really in belarus.
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to another head of state, parliament, government minister , and so on, now we are filming the reaction of citizens of our former soviet republics, and everyone admires georgia, azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, everyone says how the belarusians managed to move forward so much, this, this,
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of course, is strengthening independence, sovereignty, and any normal, sane person should rejoice, but we are observing part of it.
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here we have two people who are ready, one of whom is already in space, the second potentially ready, there will also be some ivan ivanovich petrov who will become.
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so he has a desire, this is the same driving force that makes a person, absolutely right, well , that’s what i’m talking about, i’m talking about this stimulus, you know, we all say that.
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we were worried about how she was feeling in general, but i was probably personally reassured by the fact that oleg viktorovich was with her, after all, he was one of his own, oleg viktorovich really
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took her with him, well, it seems to me that she felt very at ease with him because he was in control every step of hers, yeah, so we go, stop, wave, don’t look back, that is, well, this is really a big help, tracy dyson promises nothing, there is no need to explain anything, this is an experienced american astronaut, for marina, of course, such a shoulder is nearby. that there really are a lot of belarusians, that is, we have a school, right? absolutely, there is a school, and you will remember the history, who built
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baikanur, sludsk generals, colonels, there is a whole legend there, those who build baikanur, that’s why kovalenok and klemok, is it natural to say the other way around, it’s all our people, because we all left the soviet union, now there is this explosion, this huge push, i think it’s right, alen, you said that... now there will be an influx of this industry, well, get it right, 15, 14, 16 years, yes, some will go into medicine, some will go further, but many now want to take the wing, well, the main thing is that this issue is resolved, what kostya spoke about, the issue that oleg viktorovichi raised so that, in general, what we are developing here on the territory of belarus and really with with the help of our closest ally, yes, so that this, in general, well, can fully affect our interests,
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if there is a name for this success, then this name is belarus, the name of our country, because in essence, everyone , who once built baikanur, who launched the squirrel, who even during the soviet union went to the iss, who decided to make the flight of marin vasilevskaya or anastasia lenkova possible, who promoted our country, who unfurled our flag. iss, who prepared the program for our marina from the academy of sciences vasilevskaya, who, in general, made this start
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possible, we all should have this. to give pride the understanding that in unity in the awareness of some kind of main super-task, super-goal, in general, there is victory, there is a concrete result, and of course, i will once again summarize that alexander grigorievich’s merit here is great, in general - well, he’s been talking a lot lately about perspective and encourages us to think about what’s next, what’s after, what’s next, so the most important thing is this... the bar raised to cosmic heights simply cannot be dropped, well, kostya, tell me one figure, how many people around ensured the launch, just in your opinion, approximately at the launch complex, 300 people would be 300 people, but now imagine, why am i talking about the industry, because all these 300 people are doctors, well, it’s clear that engineers, dispatchers, in fact, astronauts,
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the bus driver who brought them there, right? space program, so once again i would like to say thank you to marina vasilevskaya, and most importantly thank you to the belarusian girls, because only a woman from belarus can become the first in space in our country.
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the president heard a report on the work of the banking system and measures taken to support foreign trade activities. those responsible for the state of affairs in this area were invited to the palace of independence. as the president noted, the national bank mainly performs its functions in a difficult situation associated with pressure from western unfriendly states on belarus.
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all financial activity must be subordinated to the interests of the economy, why should we it wasn’t worth it, that’s the main thing, otherwise why have such a financial system? when i appointed the deputy head of the administration, i already said that this is a person with good knowledge in the field of finance, banking, it will be easier for us to talk in the administration with the national bank, with specialists, since we studied on the same wavelength at the same universities, to this we involve the state control committee, as you understand, the national bank cannot be outside the control, it is controlled by the president, and you probably noticed that in connection with appointment of new persons in the financial and economic bloc, this control
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will be strengthened, this does not mean that... we will interfere with the work of the national bank, it basically performs its functions, as shown by the results in the economy over the past year, the difficult situation associated with the economy is coping with pressure from western states and unfriendly states on belarus. the president also drew attention to the issue of assistance to business entities and settlements with foreign partners; the meeting touched upon and topic. inflation, the president's position remains unchanged ; belarus does not intend to deviate from the practice of controlling pricing. transparency of justice, the right to judicial protection, culture of judicial activity. these issues were considered today at the plenum of the supreme court. close attention to these topics, taking into account the importance of reforms in the country, changes in laws, and compliance with the requirements of the updated presidential directive on
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de-bureaucratization. during the meeting they will give a comprehensive assessment. a number of problems remain in the activities of courts, which are discussed in in essence, the conversation will take place at the meeting of the plenum; in particular, it is not always possible to ensure the consideration of court cases. reasonable time frames, we note that instances of red tape persist; our citizens who come to the courts to solve their problems do not always receive a decent level of communication from the court staff, and in some cases from the judges. finding new partners to conclude contracts is one of the goals of the international construction exhibition budexpo; the industry forum in minsk is hosting about seventy people participated. the company presents advanced materials, technologies and services, construction machinery and equipment, its own developments and technical solutions, all the latest trends in the construction business, an extensive business program has been developed for participants,
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business meetings, seminars, presentations, the construction forum is being held for the twenty-sixth time, these are dialogue platforms, these are disputes, this is the development of certain solutions, this is an opportunity to analyze your own. experience in signing certain documents. pilot the project for the transition to electric transport in belarus has started. 15 new charging cars have entered the routes in shklov. they completely replaced the entire old bus fleet. the power reserve of the electric bus is designed for at least 200 km. eight charging stations have been built in the region. residents of zhodino will also switch to eco-transport today; fast charging and 17 cars are waiting for their passengers. the project is being implemented. state programs for the development of electric transport until 2025. it is very important for us to get everything now necessary confirmation of the technical characteristics laid down by the designers. the effect that we expect from getting
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this electric vehicle to work. the project will expand, funds have been allocated for production for purchases this year. well, next in line is the vitebsk region, let’s say, and most likely. this will be the industrial city of novopolotsk, which needs to solve, say, the social issue of transporting passengers. the belarusian team became the best in the mixed relay at the russian biathlon championship. competitions in olympic disciplines are held at the pearl of siberia winter sports center in tyumen. today the athletes determined the best in the mixed relay. 15 quartets started the race. anna sola, dinaara smolskaya, and dmitry lazovsky ran for belarus. and anton smolsky. this victory was the second for the belarusian delegation at the 2024 russian championship in tyumen. how is life for foreign
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guests in belarus? we are located at the faculty of international relations at the belarusian state university. i'm here i work at the faculty, specifically at the department.
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and today it is very difficult to change their attitudes, because the consciousness of any person is conservative, you need to check everything, you need to think, you need to understand what is happening, if specific archetypes have formed there, political behavior, religious behavior, correction is very difficult to raise it, now we feel good, but it will be even better, and if we win, humanity will win, all reasonable humanity is looking at you and me. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel belarus24.
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we have been producing salt since 1982, the purest salt. with a sodium chlorine content of at least
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99.7%. mozrsol is the purity of crystal salt, a quality enhanced by people. mozisol is not only a bright, recognizable industrial brand of belarus, but one of the largest manufacturers of extra class vacuum salt in eastern europe and the cis. our enterprise is one of the guarantors of the country's food security. my name is alexander shumak. i work as the chief engineer of the open joint-stock company mozyr sol, this is where we mine salt belarusian land. the open joint stock company mozersol was created. on the basis of huge deposits of rock
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salt, exploration and discovery itself, this was back in 1962, then, accordingly, a decision was made, design work was organized, the enterprise itself began to be built in 1968, the release of the first products took place in 1972, in december, this month and year is... the birthday of our enterprise, the primary production capacity of the enterprise was designed to be 360,000 tons. to date, during this period we reached the milestone of more than 500,000 tons. of course, this was accompanied by modernization and reconstruction, respectively, the introduction of new equipment and new technologies. based on our
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salt, extra salt, which you get in the store and buy and use in everyday life, based on it we actually have a number of other products that are used both in the food industry, in the medical industry, in the chemical industry, these are tableted salt, granulated salt, sunflower-nitrite mixture, features of our enterprise: is that that our raw materials used for the production of salt are not purchased, we extract it, it is a gift from our belarusian land, and the depth of our salt deposits ranges from 650 to 1,500 m. it consists of layers of rock salt, dense salts, through the erosion of which we get a saturated brine and further...
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when filming, we preserve our deposit, we know where we can go a little further, and where we can get even more salt, and where it’s time for us to finish and come to a new level? without this device
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the life of the brine industry, not just ours, any one, even in russia, is simply impossible. the process of extracting salt, the most saturated brine, is no different, as it was in its original, in the first study or extraction, it involves drilling a well into which a pipe with a diameter of 150 is inserted. then water is supplied under high pressure, erosion of the layers occurs the saturated mash is lifted by pumps to the surface of the earth. this is a pipeline, these are the veins of our enterprise, through these pipes we carry conditioned and diluted
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queen cell. our conditioned brine goes from the field brine to the salt production shop, from the salt production shop, and the diluted mother liquor is returned. fishing workshop. the process of salt production itself is really very complex and very serious. it all starts from our main workshop, as we call it the heart, this is the brine industry. the control and distribution point pumps mother brine into the well through a pipeline of pumps. next, dissolution and saturation occurs. a conditioned brine is formed. this. condensing the brine is supplied through pipelines to the salt production workshop, then the technological process of whipping and drying occurs. the tanks contain diluted mother liquor, which comes from the salt production shop, and conditioned brine, which comes from
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the brine production shop to the salt production shop to maintain the balance of the technological process and to avoid cutting differences in the technology itself. very. it is important to carry out analysis and sampling to determine the concentration of the conditioned brine, because it is the high concentration, with the same labor input we get a greater tonnage of salt production. our laboratory is accredited for all indicators of table salt and meets all international standards. our work consists of... monitoring our products at all stages of production, from current control to the table of our consumer, our products comply with all international standards.


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