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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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forward to the people, repair roads , repair yards, belarus is just space, they must be belarusian, they must be modest, there was no self-confidence, although we set the task that if you are already selected and you get into the cosmonaut corps, then there you have to endure everything, you can’t quit the race, no matter how difficult it is for you, our industry has reached near-astronomical rates this year, growth in january was almost... 5.5%. over the past year, enterprises of the ministry of industry traded by $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum for decade level of more than 7%. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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the most famous gardener of brest, blogger, singer, flower prince, as soon as they don’t call you, i have one goal - these are plants, there are a lot of paths to achieve, in childhood your peers, there are the same classmates embraced your passion, from a very young age i realized that i love flowers, i will... deal with them, no matter what anyone
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says, the country, in your opinion, should prosper in the literal sense, everything that if you want, even in any region you could express your desire. kirill, can your occupation be called a flower business? i came to minsk with my last 50 rubles. for me, money is not important, what matters is what you do, what you embody, you have a lot of fans online, there are 5 million videos there, they collected 3 million each, who inspired you at one time, i live and what i live i'm showing. i broadcast it, people see it, they get inspired, it’s very cool. hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air. in the studio tatyana shcherbina and svetlana smolonskaya and today our guest is kiri. the most
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famous gardener of brest, blogger, singer, flower prince, no matter what they call you, which of these roles is closest to you? i would say more, a person who inspires people to love plants, i try myself in everything and sing, and compose, write books, keep many different... blogs, and this is all aimed at only one thing, to inspire people, to grow plants, i have one goal - these are plants, there are a lot of paths to achieve, i said at the beginning of my, my media, say, popularity, at the beginning of your blogging journey, if after watching the video at least one person is inspired to start growing, then the goal of this video has been fulfilled, now on such a scale... but
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there were no inspirers, i’ve been around for as long as i can remember, one might say even from birth , i was always interested in exploring this green world, there the ficus broke white sap like that, wow, i put a violet leaf in the water, roots appeared, wow, and so everything else, that is, in itself, somehow neither parents i wasn't forced.
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heating, this is very cool, that is, now i ’m diving, sowing, sowing, from morning to evening i’m at work for the entire daylight period, i’m very tired.
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and a media person and is it easy for you to transform yourself, that is, how quickly do you change rubber boots and household gloves, for example, for some beautiful outfit for a photo shoot? i recently went to vitebsk, and there i gave such an electronic tour of the water park, and i i had to post an announcement, but in fact, some image came into my head, so for this event i created that... photograph, that is, such a piece of a plant flower, i pass it on to other hands, and that ’s how my ideas for some events are born , i don’t even reincarnate, the only thing that sometimes for photo shoots , you have to dress nicely, because yes,
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any gardener will understand that when he works, he doesn’t look at cleanliness, he wipes away all the dirty stuff, that is, i live. and what i live, show, broadcast, people see, are inspired, very cool, well, more than once in an interview you said that you dream of turning your hometown of brest into a garden city, well, that is, you try to work according to the principle and live according to the principle, where you were born, you came in handy there, which in general is quite honorable, i would say, did they try to lure you, for example, into capital, i really like my hometown of brest, even when i travel...
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my goal is to take everything there as much as possible into my possessions, so that everything will bloom, my plots at home are not small, i recently bought another plot, just - in order to grow plants, in the flower park i i hold a lot of different events , which are again aimed at inspiring
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people, for example, in the first year of creation i held an event, an exhibition of grapes, where my entire collection of about 60 varieties was presented, and... almost the whole city gathered, everyone gasped. they groaned and couldn’t believe that there were such huge delicious berries, i myself was able to grow up in brest in belarus, and after this event many came and asked, kirill, i visited, saw, tasted, that’s it, you inspired me, i i also grow this not just words, they actually buy seedlings , find them, i give them cuttings, they root and grow grapes, that is, all this is aimed just for this, we have it. photo where you are with grapes , there are more grapes, you say 60 varieties, i have sultana velis in my hands, it has nutmeg, in the first year the signal cluster grew 2 kg, that is, in the future they were absolutely huge there , easy and simple,
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even in the vitebsk region, in the coldest, you can grow it, you can do it big harvests, what do you do with them then , do you eat them yourself, or am i talking about the exhibition that i told about, which took place in kvetkopa... of grapes, we ate 60 kg of grapes at it, because we tasted everything, there were students, and the whole city , all summer i haven’t been there for my parents... don’t touch it, it’s for the exhibition, for the exhibition, i was salivating myself, i didn’t touch it either, i kept everything for the exhibition , it was all over at the exhibition, even after the exhibition i brought home the most beautiful bunches, i gave it to my mom, and 2 weeks pass, i go into the kitchen and look on the table, and there on the table there are such beautiful grapes, i ask my mother, where did you buy these grapes, she is like, i mean, these are yours, for sure, kirill, well, we already talked about the water park, come on...
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we came as children we were always looking for hawk moth , there were a lot of them flying there, we also always found him on excursions, i even remember we celebrated the birthday of kvetkopark, he was one year old from the moment of opening, i remember, here we are with a crowd of people on an excursion approaching verbeni banarska, i’m starting to talk about hawkmoth, and there’s a child there screams, but flies, look, all these phones were picked up, they were filming, i looked at everything. when people come, relax their souls
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, get inspired, and in general, in my childhood , when my parents and i went to the park, in my understanding the park was a blooming place, where everything was in flowers, everything was beautiful, but the reality was a little different, you must agree , the park is where the rides are, the trees, that’s it. in my understanding, it was all in colors, so in some understanding, this is my own, my childhood perception, the words park, i embody, and i want to say a huge thank you to the university, in particular a big thank you to alexander gennadievich bakhanovich, maybe he will even take a look, because when i was a student, he read in an interview a child’s dream, that kirill kvetka dreams of creating a park, in fact, he provided the opportunity.
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and i’m like, i mean, i want it, i just dream about it, in the shortest possible time we agreed on everything, did everything, you’ve already seen photographs of how it looked in the fourth month of its creation, the university supported and continues to do what it could, for which also thank you very much, i have a question, you say that you do not treat any chemicals with anything, as you fight diseases, but plants are inevitable.
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i hope that over time we will forget what chemistry is and move on to biological processing, biological cultivation of all these crops, because chemistry leaves a huge mark and over time it will be a downright catastrophic
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problem, and you will just have an eco-park plant, which already exists now. well, i know only one biological product for house plants - garlic water, by the way it saves the legs quite well, so many people even insert the pods like this, cut them and save them, that is, we are doing it right, but the park’s analogue, you are dreaming, again you spoke about this in an interview, god grant that this dream of yours comes true in every corner of belarus, because that the country, in your opinion, should prosper in the literal sense, i found this photo on your instagram, it seems to me.
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look and see, in a week the peak of beauty will be, then i plan to hold this event, but about the growth of a piece of aquatic park across belarus , once it was a dream, but no longer, this year a huge piece of aquatic park will also appear in the minsk region, where an event will also be held, where all residents of minsk will have the opportunity to come and enjoy the unearthly beauty, of course, work with...
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one well-known series, i want to clarify with you, as a professional, can a bag of seeds cost 300 dollars, or is this fiction? i don’t even think, but i know that it can, because new varieties that breeders breed, there are some that are downright magical, and some fanatics, gardeners, may not even pay $300 for a few seeds, even i think when i will have such opportunities and desires. i’ll give it away with peace of mind, only the main thing is that this specific plant grows for me, in this flower park there are cases of, so to speak, flower vandalism, in any public place not without it, a lot, at first i was just so sad, worried, really sad to tears, and over time my audience,
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my flowers supported me, and i realized that well, this is in any public... together, even one of the last cases, i remember, on september 1st i had a special exhibition of asters, before everyone went with bouquets of asters on september 1st , and it was generally super, that’s why i organized an exhibition in a cage park, and before the exhibition i was standing, looking at all the flower beds, a friend came up to me, we were talking to him in the distance, i saw a group of people passing by the flower beds of a park flower in the distance, i looked, they come up to the flowerbed, bend over there, smell the color...
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i put everything into this , i naturally reprimanded them, but there was no point in proving anything to such people, they just tore it off, it was a gladiolus, i remember, beautiful, chic, they just snuck away this bucket that they had torn from they moved on to the ground, and there are a lot of such cases, and various, and they steal, and they dig up, but again, without this, there’s nowhere, you just need to move on and not give up, there’s more to this issue, these are all any events, they have huge meanings, versatile are carried out, for example, in i grew a huge
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verbenobar field in the flower park in order to open the eyes of belarus to this plant; they used this plant for landscaping the city, and i collected a liter jar of seeds to the children of banarskaya and gave it to the children of banarskaya so that they could start trying to grow it for landscaping the city. any event, let’s say this project, i’m already observing, i see that many children who were, well, indifferent to, let’s say, plants, they are already starting to grow something, oh, there’s kirill kvetka, i’ll come to brest there , let's get to know each other, let's sit together, that is, this the event is also aimed at getting people to start working in the soil with their hands and planting, especially children, which i am organizing. in the tour for the children, i see these little eyes , burning, which we smell the spicy plants, touch the flowers, they are literally burning, i see that they like it, i’m sure
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that many children, having seen the announcement of this event, too for the first time in their lives, they sowed the seeds of some flowers, they will grow, and then these children will grow into people who will no longer allow themselves acts of vandalism, and will not tear everything down, good, good people kvetka park grew up, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we connect, get to know people.
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watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will introduce you to belarusian
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enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our company is a very unique enterprise in its own way. we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with thread. so that there is quality of the thread, this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these directions, these people from generation to generation passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this business, then we will continue to produce this furniture, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, my job for me is, probably, i will not be afraid of these big words , this is the meaning of my life.
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otherwise, in this competition today it will be very difficult to stand on your feet and be young, the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel, the secrets of good morning and excellent and we want to continue to feel young, mood, good difference. belarus on the air on satellite tv channel belarus 24, program “good morning” belarus, svetlana barovskaya is with you in the studio. it’s great that they made a terrace everywhere, because grandma, in general , didn’t really need a terrace, which they lived in, but today there was no terrace to live without a terrace, oh, cat, you’re following us, what’s your name? murka, meeting amazing people, hello, hello, hello, new day, let yours sow. tatyana, introduce yourself, girls, and i have a lot of useful and interesting information
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such creative thinking, i imagine. touching children in korilichi, i can’t stand these girls, the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today we have the most famous gardener from brest, kirill kvetka. kirill, can your occupation be called a flower business, and what does
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your income consist of, if you wouldn’t like it? anyway, in our world you have to think about money , because everything is connected with it, especially when i implement such large-scale projects, there’s nowhere without money, so many people know, but for those who don’t knows, i can tell you that from the age of 10 i have been trading in the market, at the age of 10 we moved with an apartment to a private house and i was reclassified into garden plants, since there are much more opportunities in the garden than in the garden. koniki and, of course , my parents bought me various plants that i asked for, but there were just a lot of these requests, and the plants, you know, some cost a lot, kirill, we have a video of how you recalled your childhood as a merchant, let's show our viewers, i first went to the market at about 10 years old, at that time i was selling house plants,
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because we only... well, including, i don’t refuse anyone, because i really like to communicate, again, these are not just advice, these are words that inspire people to continue growing, and even if a person buys a plant from another person, it is me who comes to me for advice on how to care for it, this is worth a lot , says a lot, but you started selling seedlings
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and got rich from it, well, you haven’t gotten rich yet, i also sell annuals there and perennial seedlings, fortunately there are many of me they know, many people are already buying, and there are some opportunities to develop some of their projects, for which he wants to say a huge thank you, that they trust, and even many people buy what they don’t need for 200 years, they just buy in order to support me, and i’m right here , of course. this is of course an honor, but why do you say, i didn’t get rich, well , i acquired a second plot, this is also such an achievement, i do everything as rationally as possible, that is, i create new projects , approach them, calculate everything so that as profitable as possible, i also bought a plot there overgrown with trees, relatively very cheaply, but in order to bring it into proper shape, of course
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a lot of work was done on it...
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it was the very, very first experience, from observing it i want to say a little bit of unpleasant news, that over time he showed not the best side of himself, you are me... it will be held on april 5-6, there on april 6 we will have an open day at the university , there will be a spring holiday, i i have already prepared a lot of envelopes, in which various seeds of both house plants, garden flowers
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, vegetable crops, again absolutely free, there is only one goal: to inspire the popularization of kvetko park, this beauty, and absolutely free you can come with children, groups, and all this to... sow in your pots that you take with you, and take home a piece of the veterinary park to grow your gardens at home on the windowsills, there will still be a lot of locations that tell secrets on how to make your life easier, growing plants, for example, drip tapes are very cheap, and having applied them, you forget for the whole season what watering cans are, you must admit, when it’s hot, everyone gets tired of running around with money, and the drip tape turned on everything. burned just perfectly , that is, these are the little things that will make life easier for a gardener, they will also be told and shown there, that is, it will be useful, and interesting, and a lot of other things, but you ’re already telling me that i wanted drip tape and seeds and you are an innovator,
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kirill, of course well done, tell me, you have such a project, how do you sell kvetka boxes? you, this project has been in my head for a very long time, and on my way i met these guys. here are companies, and we implemented everything together with them , they helped me a lot, that is, what an idea there is, here is a box and inside there is everything you need to create a flower bed, and there are containers , soil, biological products, five different ones, that is, no chemicals to be treated no need if the plant got sick, the biological product worked, saved it, some kind of parasite attacked, say, an aphid, whitefly, treated it, saved it. fertilizer is also bio, this is very important, and there you end up planting a flowerbed according to the sketch, which after some time, around the month of july, will bloom with a fragrant scent, and there are different tea sets,
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an edible flowerbed, that is, imagine, here is a beautiful blooming flowerbed, which seems like, oh, the flowers are unearthly beautiful ones that you can eat, and i created this one, artichokes, you know, such dense cones. they are incredibly beautiful and edible, then oregano for teas, a super plant, but it blooms gorgeously, and i can list a lot of such plants, thyme, uh, strawberries too it blooms beautifully, and there are berries, and it looks nice, and so on, why aren’t these plants grown for decorative purposes, and in general, in the cage park, i grow a lot of vegetables, not for the purpose of eating, but for the purpose of presenting them in the flowerbed ... in such a way that people we saw that they are visually beautiful, there is such a curly cabbage, called kale cola, it has such curled foliage, it is mega healthy, tasty, the only nuance is stale,
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last year i planted about 300 seedlings of it in the cat park along the alley of irises, it here there are such gorgeous palm trees there and everyone oohed and aahed, kirilla, what kind of ornamental cabbage is this, we have never seen it in our lives when people found out that... and we can also eat it and i will grow it next season 100%. well, this is your commercial project kvetka-box, of course, because you need to earn money, so far my perception is that i’m getting every single one of them, even though it may sound strange, i came to minsk for last 50 rub. there was still a reserve for seeds planned, so i’m leaving home now without money, because for me money is...
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the world around me too, well , you have a lot of fans online, when we discussed issues with you before recording, we calculated that the total is about half a million, but well, if you add up all social networks, then approximately the same figure will work out, but in general i had such a boom, in general, i even have an interesting story, i was selling at the market when i was little, and i’m like that, when i talk about plants, someone asks, i it's emotional, loud, it needs to be done this way,
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there you need something, all the people stop and listen, and such a word of mouth crowd of people, and somehow another such crowd gathered, one of the correspondents also hung his ears, listened, understood that the boy was interesting, when everyone had already left, he talked with me, interviewed the next day, and this is actually how my very first interview turned out?
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in general, it’s a disastrous business, one might say, but for me, this is my life, from a very young age i realized that i love flowers, i will deal with them, no matter what anyone says, and i i didn’t listen, i was such a black sheep , i talked to teachers at school, we were friends, they weren’t classmates, but teachers, and i felt as comfortable as possible with him, i enjoyed communicating with them, especially probably with the biology teacher, yes, yes, yes, and over time - they caught up, especially when i entered the university, my classmates there,
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when they probably became more aware, many classmates there saw me on social networks, they were so cool, cool, they themselves began to take an interest , many people have dachas there, their own there are plots, i have many drills there, seeds, seedlings, again let's open the topic of grapes, many saw grapes, gasped, gasped, asked for cuttings, i gave them for free, told me how to root here...
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instructions, let's drain, well, actually speaking with this formation of lands , it was just something they used to do, and reclamation workers, they make soils suitable for growing plants , for building something there, a very useful specialty, i have an assistant ilya, and he works very hard in this, and yes, he i felt very strongly that this the president said that he shouldn’t leave his gardens and estates in this industry, but
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he madly wanted to go study as some kind of agronomist, but in bresse there was no such thing, we either have a pet or a technical one, somehow i don’t i didn’t want to right away, i chose a technical university and chose a specialty as close to nature as possible, well , in fact, the choice fell on land reclamation , water management, well, it’s a choice, but fate has prepared something for me , you invariably turn to yours this way audience, well, who is your audience, after all, probably mostly women, this photo is from a meeting in vitebsk, here there are more people, let’s say, older in the photo, but in general i have an audience of completely different ages, especially when i
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started actively engaging in tiktok and there are straight videos there for 5 million, 3 million each. “i don’t know you, but the child took me by the hand and dragged me, and there are a lot of such cases, that is, the children’s audience is crazy, well, of absolutely different ages.”
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only grannies are the only fans you have there, everything else, and even if only grannies, these are also people, without whom you would not exist, and i am grateful to everyone, of all ages in my audience, those who come, listen to me, i support everyone as best i can, regardless of age, this is an old person , or a child, listen, well, i think that grannies, if they come, they can still act on their own.
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no, well, of course, since i am a belarusian myself , there are a lot of belarusians, and i will continue to try to inspire more and more new residents, but in general there are a lot of people in russia, i went to moscow in the fall for an atypical exhibition a gardener, just spontaneously , this is a funny situation, i was planting daffodils in the flower park this morning, i come home to eat, relax, scroll through the feed, once again...
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search on the belarus1 youtube channel on the bel tv and radio company website. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again. today in our studio we have a gardener, florist, singer and builder, kirill kletka. kiril, well, you are now building a house on wheels. we have a short video, we'll... watch it in the background, but what do you need this mobile home for? yes, here we are with dad we are restoring such a house on wheels , as we have already said, i bought a plot of land i really want to live in it in the summer right on this plot, i don’t really want to build a house, but again, the area
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that can be sown is wasted, but that’s right , there’s such a house, yeah, and we bought this little house very cheaply, my dad is such a housewife, we have everything on the farm, and we’ve already done a lot of things and haven’t invested anything in it at all, because well, we have everything , so my dad and i are planning to restore the house by summer, and in the summer i will live on my new plot, generally from a very young age, i live in this isolated, flowery world, i really like it, so i also plan to spend the summer on my this plot to immerse myself completely in plants. only now i’ll be either on my site or in a water park, well, of course , i won’t be able to live in a water park, but although if there is convenient parking there, why not, listen, well, if you have such a mobile phone, then maybe you can drive around. you'll be there on it, let's say, well, let's see how it turns out, by the way, we posted, i, as a blogger , shoot videos, of course, and i
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posted the very first video on my social network, where i told that i bought a house on a wheel, how we will restore it, it was already collected on instagram where - 3 million views, there are just a lot of people who were also excited about this topic, many even suggested this, because i’m sure some of them are like that.
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i found a video, let's see, yes, just yesterday i sowed cotton, by the way, i sowed about 300 multiplates, seedlings of this cotton should be in a week the first sprouts will appear, i already had experience in growing cotton, it was very successful, everything was ripe, the firecracker slammed completely on its own, and then i grew only seven seedlings, yeah, and i made myself a hat from such felting... it was cool, i posted it, but this is how cotton wool turns out, it contains seeds, already this season, it’s for myself,
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not for sale, not for kvetko park, this season i plan to grow a lot of cotton on a large scale, again for the sake of yourself, for the sake of interest, for the sake of excitement, something like that, something more massive, maybe a coat or some kind of hat that will last for years.
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i grew eucalyptus , the leaves smelled incredibly strong, so strong, that’s the aroma of eucalyptus , mine was also lemony, i remember, then one of the university teachers came up to me and asked for a bath already late in the fall, but still it doesn’t winter in conditions of belarus, i cut it, gave it to me, and then after a while this teacher comes to me and says: kirill, we went to the bathhouse with this broom to dry it doesn’t smell, i was already thinking, some kind of crap, something incomprehensible. and when they started beating like that, the smell opened up, when the leaves started to work in contact, and
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there was such a strong aroma, this year i re-sowed a lot of eucalyptus and we will again sow some kind of mini-plantation with eucalyptus, because i want you they understood, over the whole summer i brought about 300 excursions for children, different groups, it wasn’t hard for me, i wanted it and want it, this is my goal, that’s also on excursions, especially with kids... we smell everything, i have here lemongrass oregano, there is mint, eucalyptus , we pick everything, everyone sniffs, there are children with sparkling eyes, as they call them, collections, so they all collect collections of fragrant plants, and then my parents write to me on instagram, kirill, my child visited you on an excursion, he brought a huge pile of these leaves, and now we are drinking tea, he talked about it all with such inspiration, thank you very much, i haven’t seen him like this for a long time.
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somehow everything comes together bit by bit and it’s all like this separate world is born, which is called kvetka park and even in this year i also started writing a book, i want to release a book by the new year, which will be called the world of the water park 2024, that is, it will describe everything that happens in the water park during the whole season, how... i plant everything, interesting plants, some successes, failures , events, activities, that is, a person, after reading this book, will be completely immersed in this magical world of the park's flower bed, we also imagined you as a singer, you also have time to sing, besides, i am very young i love to sing, many people say, kirill , do you sing to flowers, yes, i have some songs, dedicated to flowers, dews,
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now we’ll see one, rarely does anyone control the soul, appearance scares us, we often love beauty without understanding , what am i like, sometimes even in the most terrible things you can find , they don’t look against me, but they just say like this, like such a terrible taka of flowers, where was the weave of such a... terrible attack of the devil’s flower and i was patient with enriching my inner world , but no one even approached them, this song has a huge history associated with me with the plant, in general i recognized taka, takka is a plant with an unusual appearance,
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people call it the devil’s flower, because well... for some it’s scary and in fact the appearance is deceiving, because many medicines are made from it they make it like potatoes , they eat the roots, and where it grows , people eat, so this is the song about the fact that the appearance of a plant, like a person , is deceptive, this is how the song was born, i wrote it for a very long time about four years, so that until the end finish it, this is how it came out, but in general i have a lot of dreams, and... the most fabulous ones, as if there are dreams that with hard work i will achieve 100%, even this year i’m sure, but as for music, it’s such a matter of inspiration for me, yes, it is yes, then he ’s gone, this is a more dreamy dream, maybe it’ll be in the fall, maybe next year i’ll give my first solo concert in
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the water park, i already have a lot of songs, some are being completed, written. write, which is called kvetka park. this is a song about how i created this kvetka park, how it all happened there, why that's all, all the songs have great meaning. we wish you that all your dreams come true. thank you very much, and for us , well, today’s interview, in my opinion, makes great sense, it’s unfortunate, but we have to say goodbye to you, although all these 52 minutes we sat with our mouths open listening to you
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so young, so talented, and like me already... i told you such a young man who was inspired by his work, in your case appearances are not deceiving, we imagined you like this, you turned out like this, and god grant that your water park really flourishes throughout belarus, success, good luck, and we will meet with you again and again. tatyana shcherblina, svetlana smolonskaya, we say goodbye to you until the next broadcast, goodbye, goodbye, kirill kvetka is speaking now. the most important thing is, don’t give up, it didn’t work out. today, try tomorrow, it didn’t work out tomorrow, try again after a while , when it works, everything will grow, bloom, just like clockwork, and i’m not just talking about plants, but about absolutely all areas. kirill, well, according to tradition, i’ll ask you to leave us some wishes and your autograph.
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smile more. not only the muscles, but also the brain needs constant training. the name of which gemstone is used to designate a series of major athletics tournaments. alyona. diamond.
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and we also have a unique exhibition called the office of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when renovation work began, a man-made savior of the face of christ was discovered, which means it manifested itself and also get unforgettable emotions, while the iron is still hot, you know the proverb, you see, it’s cooling down, that’s why. the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, and not only will i bring a wonderful memory from zhodino, but also such a wonderful doll. look in the program, the route was built on the
9:00 pm
belarus 24 tv channel.


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