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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 30, 2024 12:25am-12:50am MSK

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animals are kept, fed, and so on. we are in a biochemical laboratory, my grandson works here, he graduated from our academy, then completed his master’s degree, and now they are mastering the instrumentation part in order to be useful to society. academy, now the third generation is studying, a granddaughter in her third year, a grandson.
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but on a global scale, well, i insist that he, of course, go into science, work on these devices, be useful both for the academy and for society, and i want to note that he studied for all tens, in my opinion, one nine only for his entire course of study, so well, my grandfather tried too, i also graduated from the academy with honors, so i think that vladimir ivanovich is with us. worthy person, my family has achieved certain achievements in the field of veterinary medicine and you understand that you need to at least be no worse, but in some respects you need to become better somewhere, and learn some lessons, which again my grandfather gives it to my father and, as it were, the whole family, i think, is influenced simply by the love of the grandfathers. grandmothers to
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profession, it is, of course, genetically passed on through children to grandchildren, children see that we are doing useful work, they go to study, continue their studies. dear guys, dear students, i introduce myself as the head of the department of parasitology, i was told that you are after college, so you have an understanding of parasitology, or you probably remember what?
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in 1973, i came as an ordinary teacher, an ordinary assistant, after graduating from technical school, i worked for 2 years as a veterinary felcher, for equipment on a collective farm, but then i came to the conclusion that my knowledge was still not enough, i needed to increase it, and i decided to enter the vitebsk veterinary hospital.
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after graduating from the academy, i worked on a farm in the suburbs, but i was drawn to science, science cleaned me up in all respects, so i moved to the position of teacher, defended my thesis, then my doctorate, worked as an associate professor, vice-rector for academic affairs, and finally was offered to head .
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i never left, that’s how i came in ’73, and to this day i work for your favorite department. a monument to a veterinarian, the only one in europe, we were pioneers in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who take care of the health of animals every day, thereby ensuring our health, i think that these people who work in production who prepare personnel worthy of such respect.
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we are ending the new day and working on this music, music, what a buzz of morning... the mornings of our skin are with us. yana pausyul, y sontsy, y on soft hands, on the tips of our fingers. the music is soaring, surging thoughts are unfolding and thousands of gifts are opening before us. music can change... light, as much as it can change us for a long time, music inside our skin.
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made at home, the world is going crazy for craft, such products have been at the top of consumer preferences for more than a decade in a row: cheese, baked goods, sweets, home cooking is a full-fledged mini-factory for many. craftsmen assure that such food, due to minimal costs , will cost three or even four times less. leading whites grew up on the instructions of the editors go to big
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turned out to be at the same time: they slightly refurbished their parents’ dacha in prusiki, and over time they took on a full-fledged remodeling and completion; they were drawn to this business like a magnet. our first cheese was camembert, we cooked it, it turned out amazingly, since the twenty-first year we have been comprehending this knowledge, it was very bitter, which choked, choked, it was also camembert, but this was already the second beur, let's go. perych, open the gates, horned suppliers, raw materials are provided by their own herd, cows to goats, so that the milk comes out premium quality, look after the animals eye to eye, clean, feed, prepare food
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, a responsible business, they trust only themselves, here is food for ours, for our team and... then you somehow save the whole year or, well , sims, of course , it’s all preserved, it ’s all enough, there’s enough, well , we’re trying to make sure there’s enough, the impatient agulong is not happy to trample his boots, the presenter is again trying to sneak into the house, the cheese makers are holding the line, the kulikovs are planning to show the star life in all its glory, without retouching or cuts , very climb carefully, 77%. temperature and humidity must be maintained in the cheese cellar. to maintain heat, it has climate control; as soon as the bar drops below ten, the system turns on. the most precious thing here is that you
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have to give up your soul in order to withstand all this, and this is like a taste, like parmesan or something like parmesan, because well, parmesan is difficult to replicate, there are centuries-old recipes. the asshole is allowed into the kitchen. inti agulonga can't believe his luck. the ecuadorian was frozen from head to toe. we put on gloves and a hat. and we will be from our we'll make a cheese curd. cheese grain, viscous, sharp, salty, with a crispy crust. brine cheese is made from a mixture of goat, sheep, and sometimes cow's milk. due to its high melting point, it can be baked in a frying pan or grilled. halloumi's homeland is cyprus. it is necessary to make such smooth movements in order to cut it, yes. so, then take it, turn it over in the other direction and do it. veronika kulikova found a dust-free job for the presenter, is anyone helping you? yes,
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spouse, spouse helps, yes, well done, yes, home i do it with my own hands, so veronica sometimes has to cope with it all alone, plus two other small children. after half an hour, the curd will be separated from the whey, now it can be transferred into molds; as soon as the product has set, it will be dipped into the whey again. spent 20 minutes, it started to float up like real dumplings, we take it out, yes, that means it’s ready, that means we take it out, we start crushing it, making a shape out of it , the shape of a flattened pancake, at this stage we add salt, dried garlic, paprika, another 20 minutes of drying and you can send the pan, i do this too when i’m in the marinka, milky aroma, piquancy, maximum viscosity, and after half a day of testing intiagulonga is ready to taste, very
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tasty, very satisfying, in this restaurant the leader of white roses is bailed , my name is, what’s your name, alena, alena, it’s very nice to meet you, you need to cook at home , you need to buy food, that is , it’s the same time, here a person relaxes and eats, his family, they cook on the basis of fried ribs, after which they are stewed in a frying pan or in in a clay pot with a sauce made from flour and butter , most often the dish is served with pancakes, first of all lard gets on the fire, the meat is dipped in the fat from simmering, when the onion becomes transparent, sour cream is added to it, and they continue to cook over low heat. intyagulonga is at the finish line, the presenter is about to have a bite of glory, we fill everything up. before serving, the dish
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will be put into a mini-oven, there the meat sauce will simmer until it’s perfect, and having had its fill, the foreigner moves on, somewhere in the blue-eyed expanse, the beauties of the pubs are waiting for him, but for now. reading and studying large forms, a critical approach to information is almost a relic of the past, it’s easier to watch something short, funny, that won’t force you to strain and think, while destructive oppositional resources try to present information in the most perverted form, but this is different. unfortunately, a significant number of people develop laziness of mind, inertia, inability to form their own opinion,
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they consider themselves young, free and independent, in fact they are very susceptible to external pressure, this is a constant attempt to make people emotional, this strategy for the majority of opposition telegram channels has not changed at all, but what can opposition resources offer their readers now is a reprint of the belarusian state media? vandrouki in the country, to illustrate our current state of affairs since the last minute,
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this is a folklore expedition for us, so what happened and many times in advance at the very end of the country, we will follow the story this and the meat abrases, as you muggles understand, this year we jumped into the world dabryn yelskaya district. the lankevichs, the dyas and the pagorskayas, the hetas, settled here, and according to the legends there were squads of the most important warrior who dealt with the crimean tatars, i was crying in the dark. the first pancakes were distributed to everyone, so that our ears may remember, good day marusya, it’s yura’s day for you, good day to you, ladies and gentlemen!
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we definitely use it after cooking, as well as after any meal, it is thanks to it that our dishes retain their beautiful appearance for many years, while science has not yet given us those household the cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives most often got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5,000 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 15th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, and birch. and in europe at the end of the 14th century, charles vi established an entire guild of vinegar-brews. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. alkaline environment required so that the surface molecule
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of the active substance can perform its function. if the environment is sour, for example, then - passion for food, i can now do in the wings of craft chefs, a foreigner.
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16 km from minsk , sergei rukshtab has been building a business on country amusements for many years in a row, he has a network of agricultural estates within walking distance from the capital, mirvatata bushaker is on the doorstep of a hospitable owner. hello, hello, welcome to our huge site. in this village the man has three rest houses. objects apart separated by a thirty-kilometer distance. i built everything with my own hands, this house of my grandmother, in 2006 a presidential decree was issued on the development of rural tourism, then i realized that this would be my main direction of work. in my parents’ house there was a bathhouse and a museum, the rest of the buildings were built by rukshta himself, when he worked as a tractor driver in
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the fields, collecting stones, they became the basis for the future masonry, from hot dubai to... snowy belarus, i can’t tell you what, what feelings i have . an old house, i see the smell, even this one is made of natural wood , you built everything yourself, i see that you have a lot of interesting animals, you are hunters, and yes, i am a hunter, there is a large collection here, more than 130 exhibits, the organization of a personal museum coincided with the first success in hunting, a memorable trophy 250 kilogram wild boar carcass. all the walls of the guest house are hung with stuffed birds and animals, i’m not scared at all, because when i was little, our neighbor in lebanon had one like a museum, of course, it was very interesting for us, when without permission, so the children went and looked at the others to see, mirvata bushaker is not just showing off here,
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the presenter’s goal is to study the recipes for game fish, cook the fish today, we’ll smoke it, oh, that ’s the kind of fish. we also have several beaver tails from the hunt, you haven’t seen anything like that, uh-huh, no, and haven’t eaten it, we’ll cook it too, tender, juicy, beaver meat, especially young ones, is prized among lovers, all the fat from the carcass is rendered during cooking process, saturates the piece, making the taste of the dish richer, in principle, we already have prepared, uh-huh, we have two tails, beavers? you can eat it on the tail, and look here, this is lard, it’s like lard, the meat was beaver like this, only on the tail and this part is also soft. i think i have an association like a lamb’s tongue, it’s a yarn tongue, yes, it looks like it takes a very long time to prepare, it ’s like you cook it there, cook it, no, we will
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smoke today on a fire, we will smoke on a fire, during breaks the presenter tries everything that is on the table, this is the juice from our pumpkins that we grow, yes, we do it ourselves, oh, i i love it, very interesting, very useful , you can try it, i’ll ask you...
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it takes up to 2 o’clock so that the guest doesn’t get bored, sergei rukshta came up with entertainment, a steep snow-covered slope, in a step, otherwise it’s not more than 15 years ago i was riding on the slide, i remember , i was skating, i was very interested, to lower the mirvat , the bushaker takes off the producers' down jacket, riding down the slide in an expensive mink coat is not a camelpho, instead of stilettos, the owner hands the fashionista valenki, you didn't expect that i'll be skating today , i'm straight... in a skirt and tights they gave me a down jacket, i have nothing, but it’s not my shame, i can’t, assessing the scale of the disaster,
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abushaker is backing down, getting into tubing is already a feat, are you going to ride in front or behind, i’m not going to ride, but how this is a kata, and you go first, i’ll see how it is, suddenly i’ll be cured, i don’t even know what i have... i don’t want to go there, no, i’ve never ridden such a hill, but can i hold you back like this, okay, that's it, push us, push, push, wait, wait, wait, i'm not ready yet, please, like this, hold on, no, no, no, i’m not ready , i’m not ready, wait, i’m not ready, after ten minutes of persuasion, choice without choice, and by the way, it’s not as scary as it seemed to me, it’s always very scary the first time, now i’ll be interested, the only
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thing i’m dissatisfied with is that i wasn’t prepared, no one warned me, i would just have my hat, my felt boots are beautiful, a suit special for snow, here i became, a foreigner liked winter fun, after the first . in the meantime, we managed to launch the second nabis in the smokehouse reach the tails of the beaver, the souls of the carp. so, a question for the experts: what is in the black box? time has passed. what do we have? everything is already prepared. everything is already prepared. wow. after an active outdoor recreation, a hot lunch is just the thing. mirvatha bushaker is ready to taste. i'm not afraid to try something, i'm a cook myself, me.
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delicious arabic verdict: the animal’s meat is ready to eat. hunter shares life hacks for cooking and butchering.


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