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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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friday evening! olga teo, tell me the secret, who is in your family? the main one, in general the main one, probably our
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artistic director, our director, and the concert director, the little big director, this is our daughter, 100%. it seems that they are constantly together, they host concerts together, sing songs together, and they also raise their daughter lera together. today my guest is a family musical duo, theo and olga ryzhikova. hello, good, good morning. let's start with the arithmetic, how many years have you known each other and how long have you together. wow, i know exactly how many years we have known each other, no, almost 19. we
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met in leonid shvirin’s studio, theo then wrote music with leonid, made arrangements, i wrote lyrics, recorded a song, i then worked under the pseudonym dana , the song while the clouds are floating, theo was the author of the first arrangement for my first song in my life, when you realized that this is your... relationship, well, this is serious, this will last for a long time , to be honest, i even remember very well the day when i looked at olya - somehow differently, not like before those minutes, before day, i was recording vocals, olga was at the microphone, i was sitting in the studio, working, and i once looked, ginger, you’ve blossomed, well, i didn’t say it out loud, uh, for some reason i was just dumbfounded, look , standing in front of me is a beautiful girl
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, you know, it somehow happened to us at the same time, it was some kind of walk, by the way, after lionid shirin’s studio, we decided to take a walk , the weather was good, we were talking, that’s when they speak on the same wavelength, this is all very much about us, and it’s great that we are still catching and trying catching this wave, probably, with some of your sincerity, your sense of humor, your lightness. and uh, ease in relation to oneself to people, and of course, well, this smile, well, show me, well, show me, how could you not fall in love here, somehow right here we’re talking about something, about music, about music, there’s already a hand, well, a hand in a hand, well, they ’re definitely some kind of lightning, you know, here’s a chemical reaction, it worked, and it was impossible, to stop a romantic evening, warm, warm, it was spring, some kind of already like this bathing. and i know that for a long time you
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kept your relationship a secret from everyone, why? well, first of all, uh, happiness love silence, and we say so. at the very beginning, on the threshold of our relationship, we didn’t want everyone to know about it, because well, what ’s there to hide, in principle, and the news that we were together, well, it was so not very quiet, was for few people expected, i would like to replicate it, i would like to generally enjoy this moment, because it is beautiful, it is unique, one day one of our first we met going to the cinema. our friend, colleague, he was very surprised, he said, what are you doing here, he said, we’re going to the cinema, why do you need it? he asked , this was exactly his phrase, he said, why do you need it, because everyone perceived us as work colleagues, well, acquaintances, co-authors, and somehow we wanted to save it all, we understood
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that we couldn’t save it for a long time it will work out, but we delayed it as long as we could, many guessed, we saw that many guessed that somehow we were different. began to look at each other , maybe some phrases, we’re not conspiracy theorists , of course, although well, you know how, we weren’t hiding, we went to the movies, went to cafes, walked around the city, just of course, that’s all it wasn’t covered either in the press or in social media, it wasn’t loud in the media, and we didn’t want to talk about it, but how did show business react to when you announced that you were a couple? oh, very, you know, very positively, very, well, everyone was surprised, this is surprise, certainly surprise, well, you are jokers, well, you give, well in general, by the way, many people said and say, well, somehow i don’t know whether to believe or not to believe, people say from the outside they know better, although you probably know better to yourself if you listen to your heart, but many people noted, god, for sure , so here you are, you
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fit together like that, this puzzle has come together, we even still look alike, where are you alike, he says, you are just alike, most artists prefer... i planned to be in a tuxedo, and i i say, girl, oh, i feel it, i’ll stand all wet right now and tell you yes, listen, yes stop it, before that we had a photo shoot, i had this light blue suit, sneakers, white shirt, listen , come on, take a blue suit and that’s it,
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you’ll go out and you won’t be so hot, well, exactly, what am i here is a tuxedo, this is not to my liking at all, a wedding, my wedding, i have white sneakers, a blue suit and i... i remember when the music plays, well, separately, the entrance of the groom , like the bride, it was all beautiful, but when i came out i saw mom’s look, mom was surprised, she knew that i would be wearing a tuxedo, she saw, she made this gesture, god, he’s wearing sneakers came out, and there is a lot of talk, especially among women, that this stamp in the passport somehow changes the relationship between a man and a woman, but what do you think about this , i think that it... does not change the relationship, but he is disciplined , no, but something happens, yes, tell it like it is, everyone here is his own, he certainly changes, he certainly changes , after all, when - someone came to someone’s house, apartment, it doesn’t matter, there with a suitcase, they live together, the first quarrel, he says, you know, bye, he packed his suitcase and left, or
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packed a suitcase, left, when you are a family, it’s still a different status, husband and wife, spouses, rings, uh, and olya chose the right word discipline disciplines you understand the responsibility of the step you took, just leave, probably, this is the simplest , but at the same time the most so to speak, well, sick and unacceptable, in marriage you need to solve, if there is a problem, they need to be solved as they come, you started singing together after you became husband and wife, and whose it was an idea, of course we’ll do it later, let’s do it some more someday i dug up
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a demo version on his computer, a good good demo, which then grew into a song and wrote lyrics to it. i love you and it’s dosh, i’m a long winter, it’s nice if we hold your hand, how difficult it is for creative people in the family to combine both personal and professional. it’s difficult for you with me, this is probably the first time i ’ve thought about this, but not everything is a pleasure, everything is a pleasure, but it’s a pleasure, definitely, to be honest, i envy myself, because. it’s even clear that when we at work, they discuss some working moments, scenarios, emphasis, yes, there are about
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rehearsals, points, exits and so on, but uh, still, there are those pauses, coffee breaks, when you can discuss the emotion received from just concert that took place, in the end we go somewhere together, i’m not saying that this always happens, of course, everyone has their own life line and work, and theo continues his solo career, and i can ... eat we have our own space, everyone has our own time, but it’s somehow uncontrollable, it just happens that way, i can’t say that you are there 24/7 together , just, well, no, no, but in general, i really repeat, we spend a lot of time. time together and - well, this makes me happy, how is something mutual here, and what don’t you do
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together? oh, we don’t go shopping together, it doesn’t work out, and that probably on this planet can’t depress me as much as shopping, i was still rummaging around, i haven’t been fishing for a very long time, but i’m not a fisherman, to be honest, i naturalist, i have a fishing chair, i have boots, i have a lifeguard vest, - a hat with a mosquito net, well, against mosquitoes, midges and so on, i have never had and do not have a fishing rod, it is unlikely that one will appear, i come to enjoy nature, i enjoy these sunrises, sunsets, especially when you find yourself in the old river bed , where there are a huge number of water lilies, this is some kind of belarusian amazon, birds and you feel like a guest there, you are not the boss there, but a little more about family relationships, which of you is the first to give in to each other, who asks... forgiveness in case of quarrel. well, probably olga, well, not at all,
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probably for sure. a quarrel, well, no , don’t think, don’t think that we are being disingenuous, we are now engaged in beautiful things, for us, as a rule, these are rather disputes, these disputes are more related to some, well, creative moments, well, or rather with workers, it will be more correct. in general, it’s very difficult to quarrel, i’ll explain to you why, because even if there’s such a mood, something needs to be discussed here and you’re getting so worked up and going, so let’s talk, and at that moment he sees, that i'm already taking off, yes i’m light steam, light steam, he sees steam from my ears, what does he do, most often, he goes to the refrigerator, takes a plate of soup , heats it up, says, you need to add a little salt, well, that’s how you’ll do it, that’s all, you’re already thinking that there’s salt there, like salt, wait, it’s fine. it was said yesterday, today, why, what happened, that’s all , so it’s true, this is a person with whom it’s almost impossible to quarrel, well, i
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understood from the conversation that you are, in general , two opposites of each other, yes you can to say, to some extent, yes, we definitely listen to different music, but if you imagine, if you approach it from the point of view of physics, it’s even good, it’s plus and minus, and in general, we have everything that concerns even some then household affairs. this is exactly a separation, if something is broken, you need to screw it in, figure it out, reinstall the program on the computer, glue something back together, it’s all for nothing, i don’t even take on this, i don’t start, because i understand that i i'll only make things worse, that's what concerns us, well, we're basically at whether we are similar or different on a topic, here you can even philosophize, because there are moments in which we simply can, without saying a word, answer the same letter for letter, huh? appreciate some situation: whether it’s bad or good, beautiful or ugly, and
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so on, but there are moments that we clearly understand, in which we are completely different, for example, we love sunday differently, olga loves active things on sunday, but i love the real thing, well, you must admit, you wake up, have breakfast, go back to bed, turn on the tv, and you’re waiting for this feeling, are you going to fall asleep now or not , no, no, i still need to eat, i ate, again, oh, a daytime nap, then again tv, and then somewhere after lunch, well, maybe we’ll go somewhere, and i’m running, running, i’m running, running, to your home, to your beloved. so, you’ve been together for almost 10 years, and what has changed in your relationship with each other over the years? it seems to me, i hope nothing, yes, it seems to me that they have become more respectful, somehow, they have become stronger,
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they have become more serious, especially with the advent of their daughter, you understand that, well, this... it’s not just love, that’s all, it’s a family , real, full-fledged, uh, it ’s some new person who has united us even more, and it seems to me that there’s generally a lot more love there in our apartment, my attitude and feeling towards olga, they have not changed since the start of our relationship, absolutely, but the fact that our life has become more beautiful, better, more interesting, and i can’t say, more carefree. with the advent of our beloved daughter, this is unambiguous, and we often say the same phrase, how we lived before, that’s the point, but how about the appearance daughter, how - what’s new in your relationship, well, again, cooperation , you know, cooperation is needed there, when a child appears, i’ll look here, and you’re here, please, here i want to sleep, and you support me, well, this is very
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important, it gives a sense of responsibility and a certain anxiety, such as parental, i truly understood. felt and still experience these feelings, the excitement and anxiety of your child, it is, well, of course, it’s still some completely new sensations, a new spectrum that you don’t you experience earlier, because - you know , there is probably nothing in life more important than the phrase “a person was born”, this is a miracle, the present that you are living through, we have repeatedly asked ourselves the question, how in general, what. ..has
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the moment already come when you are already starting to learn from her? i can’t say that we directly learn from lerka, but the fact is that she very often takes the role of a teacher and says: dad, mom you don’t need to do this, you need to do it like this, you know, she is our director, as we say , yes, so director he doesn’t allow you to play the keys yet,
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because the director wants to draw, but what really captivates you? observe her thoughts, her logical approaches to certain situations, she likes to ask some question, to which we give her, well , such a clear, understandable answer, logical, then she begins to think, sketch out the next and the next questions , or draw some very interesting conclusion. yes, for example, we say, so, lera, you need to eat porridge and in general you need to eat well, otherwise you won’t you'll grow up, what is it, you need to eat, she says, i won't grow up, well, literally, we already forgot what we said, literally half a minute has passed, she returns to this topic, says, i won't grow up, well, since i won't grow up, then i then i’ll live longer, which means my life will be more interesting and longer, but i mean, you won’t grow up as quickly as yours, and
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you know, she asks such funny questions, she’s always the first listener to all our... new songs, she evaluates somehow, and, well, we ask, well, how you, she’s a child, she’s very sincere, open, she doesn’t know how to lie, if she doesn’t want to offend us, even if the song doesn’t really suffocate her, she says, well, this song, she says it’s cool, this, she can’t say that she liked this , she says, well, it’s somehow usual, when we wrote our recent song, mom allowed it, she kept asking questions: and says: dad, what did mom allow you ? just recently you presented a new song, it’s a duet again. what kind of count is this? your song together and how does the process of creating a song in collaboration generally work? uh-huh, oh, well, to be honest, we
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didn’t do this kind of mathematics, but i think that, well, just those that are in our repertoire and by the way, well, by the way, there are already a lot of about three dozen, probably just for us, but if you probably count all the songs that we wrote for other artists that sound, this is just such a serious number, maybe it’s closer to 100. but like any author, you still want to believe that the best songs will be ahead, that all this will continue, the muse will visit, the main one, we are really very pleased with the works that have come out now, this is our duet song, the clip you are in my dna. i was born here, this is a place of power, this is my
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family, i was born here, this is my home and this is happiness, every belarusian knows we are each other, brother or sister, this is ours. there are very important words: i was born here, this is a place of power, my family is here, in fact, probably, this is the genetic code that is embedded in each of us, belarus in the dna of each of us, this is what our song is about, and it’s great that all this was combined with such an easy presentation, we are grateful to the director for this idea, thanks to agat matsko for interesting things.
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frankly, we don’t even bother to teach, well, in this correct understanding of musical grammar, there are these scales, all the arpeggios, we are not doing this yet, and by the way, i want to add, i was a brother, you know why, because we are both in this profession, we are people with higher musical education, and in this part we could give her advice, we could be useful to her, because well, i can imagine how much. said, ah, mom, when that was, now everything is different, different trends, different sounds, i think that the number of major symbols will never change,
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thanks for this question, but how is it in practice, you have to wait a little, time will put everything in its place, already make the exact, right choice, and well, we have already come to the last questions of our program, the program is called the meaning of life for you, what is the meaning of life? the meaning of a parent’s life, the happy life of his child, their children, the meaning of life, probably this is probably when you enjoy the smiles and health of all your loved ones, when in your family every minute, every day. happiness, love, mutual understanding reigns when the work of your life is not just your
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profession, but how... then it is your hobby, your passion, your thrill, well, i will add , i will probably say even more broadly, not only in a child, but the meaning of life is in the family, in your whole family, which is together, and of course the meaning of life, i’ll still answer like a girl, i’ll answer like a spring, he’s in love, because in many ways, because love is that feeling, which moves us, helps us... to blossom, this is the feeling that helps us create, create, create, be ourselves, as you know, without love nothing makes sense, has no color, no smell, no taste, without love life is not interesting , probably in many ways, there is a meaning in love in the love that you give to your family, thank you very, very much for the interesting conversation, this was the meaning of life for theo and olga ryzhikova.
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not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. the name of which gemstone is used for designation of a series of major athletics tournaments? alena, diamond, diamond, of course.
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each has its own unique story. my father and i were educated equally with men. wu advised me to study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that in his practice , most people deal with family
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issues. i’m trying to analyze why i’m so open, and i have so much, so much love and attention to other people that my parents gave me. see the project belarusians on tv channel belarus 24.
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foreign news on belarus 1, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello first , briefly.


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