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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 30, 2024 7:35pm-9:01pm MSK

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the cinittus application, which she already presented at our section this year, has been implemented because the application, which helps diagnose hearing loss in the early stages, as well as treat subjective tinnitus , has already been implemented at the grodno university clinic. in general, what does the competition for the idea for belarus give to young developers, and in the future will any support be a winner? and yes, of course, in addition to the fact that our guys. participate in various events, are constantly presented at exhibitions, including international, participate in other competitions and projects, there are also a number of training events that help them implement their project, private meetings with investors, and naturally , from such small bonuses for the guys it becomes that through participation in the republican competition of innovative projects they apply for .
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to this fund. the winners of the republican project will represent our country at the international competition of 100 ideas for the cis. tell us more about this. for the first time such an exhibition and presentation for the cis took place in 2016 year. this is exactly the project that was born from 10 ideas for belarus; it has already been scaled to the cis. it takes place every 2 years and the winners of both seasons are presented.
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competition, our guys presented it quite successfully, three of the guys were winners, and three more were awarded minsk was lucky enough to receive this expert council. thank you. ekaterina lakisova, head of the 100 ideas for belarus project, answered the question about her program. results - analysis of the main events of this week in information. on the analytical program the main tv news agency broadcasts those projects of our tv channel on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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hello, the club of editors on the air of tv channel belarus 1 and satellites of tv channel belarus 24, as always on friday evenings with a repeat on sunday morning, we discuss the most important topics, the passing week, the passing seven days, what is being discussed in our country and the world, according to our good wishes traditions, allow me to introduce the guests who came to us.
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flew to us in minsk and became a participant our program, thank you for accepting, i ’m watching your program, so it’s a special honor for me, thank you, we’re watching yours too, thank you, well, let’s start, nothing fun has happened in the past week, that’s putting it mildly, i think you will confirm my words over the past weeks or three or four, repeatedly at the beginning of the program i said that there is a feeling, yes, that some kind of climax is approaching, the question is: what terrible, unpleasant surprises await us all when the hour comes this very climax, and how it will all end, but it can end in two things, either a big war or a bad one, at least peace, but
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before that, unfortunately, we talked about this many times, great tragedies await us, considering what enemy, let’s call a spade a spade, is opposing us in the last decades, we all witnessed what happened at crocus cityhall in the moscow region, a wild crime for which there is no justification, well, a week has passed since it happened, just at the moment when our program was on the air, recorded in the recording this was all shown, unfortunately, we we couldn’t discuss this, it’s already been a week , of course, very
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... just as the republic of belarus is preparing, attempts to commit terrorist acts on our territory do not stop, this week again someone crazy was detained, who was suggested by budanov to carry out terrorist attacks, we we’ll talk about this in the republic of belarus, of course, the most important question that worries us now is who is the customer, who is the performer, we saw, but these people are not like the people who can organize all this and... yesterday was the day before, in essence of our program, we received the first, so to speak, statement regarding who can be behind all this, each of you has your own opinion, although i am sure that it coincides with my opinion, but we are people, not cnn,
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yes, we are not the bbc, we want to wait for some official statements, official facts, not the us state department, which has been investigating the explosion on nord stream for 2 years, but immediately investigated the terrorist attacks. the last 10 years, this is probably true, once upon a time, when we said that ukraine would not exist if they behaved like this further news, we were heroes , our anti-heroes, now, fortunately, the fugitive media have laughed, now they have laughed at ours at ours... in general, a statement from the investigative committee: the first results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation, financial support on the part of the organizers of the crimes , this role was played by ukrainian nationalists, but a broad concept, zelensky is also a ukrainian
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nationalist, well, he mows down, mows down, yes, there was a statement by the head of the fsb, the sbu must be recognized terrorist organization, he said, we know that ukraine. ukraine, could not get over there, contacted someone in ukraine, he will now tell us himself, and then tried to escape to poland, our special services controlled him and detained him, look what the ukrainian authorities offered him, let’s listen, in 2002
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he attempted to cross, illegal crossing to the belarusian-ukrainian border, i wanted to enter into... an attempt to illegally cross the belarusian-ukrainian border, but i turned to them for help so that they would help me helped make the transition, they agreed, but suggested that i carry out a terrorist attack, or blow up an administrative building, or that means, well, blow up the railway track, i suggested that the track would be better , an explosive under the track, which should work, and a freight train, according to him
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i had to get off the flight, but since i don’t have an explosive device, he said that he would make a bookmark and name the place, in short, i shouted and deleted both the telegram and that account.
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noted, then a wave of solidarity that immediately rose in russian society, in belarusian society, i think, for the enemy it was, not only unexpected, it was such a blow too, we, with this wave of solidarity, which is now being shown on the screen, showed that we are together with the fraternal russian people , and she embraced the whole of belarus, it was not only people who went to the embassy of the russian federation in the regions and not even necessarily where the missions were, just bringing flowers to the monuments, this is important.
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under us control and prepared to carry out terrorist attacks against russia in syria, including oil facilities, well, for some reason there was a shutdown in december, that is, we already know for sure, this was confirmed by the western press that they have these contacts.
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is dancing, which means i can say one thing, the most important thing, that these idiots, and the idiots and those who committed this act, and those who gave such instructions, they achieved, achieved absolutely the opposite result, we see the mobilization of both the russian and belarusian society, if anyone somewhere else doubted, yes, that it is necessary to wage a life-to-death struggle, but with these ukrainian and so on with the west, then today
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everyone understands who we are dealing with, and i repeat once again, it is always the russian people, the belarusian people, they did not respond to any attacks on them with cowardice, on the contrary, they consolidated, gathered strength and responded : there is a good saying, the russians are slow to harness, but they drive fast , look, jump, now what else can i say about this terrorist attack itself, unfortunately, i must state that if you look at it from the point of view of effectiveness, may the audience forgive me, yes listeners.
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exist on whose money? with the money of the same owners, americans, anglo-saxons, of course , the investigative committee of the russian federation will establish all the details, but who is the customer, in my opinion, answering this simple question, we can already say today, the customer is the one who gives the money, respectively , everything is clear, but the goal, really the goal , it is common, both in ukraine and egil, this is to destabilize the situation in the whole world, and... in this case, the most pressing direction for them is the russian federation, so all. unfortunately, such terrorist manifestations, they will grow, yeah, they will grow, why is terrorism, in the opinion of the anglo-saxons, beginning to be used more actively when other methods are not yes, that is, the most important
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thing here is the situation, i agree with you that yes, they didn’t succeed in scaring the people, but their task is to discredit the government, russian, belarusian, no matter whose, which failed to protect its citizens, that’s what they will give, you can argue with you, of course you can, because to discredit the russian government or the belarusian one after such elections were held, yes, with such a turnout, with such, excuse me, data, and in terms of voting for putin for parties that support lukashenko’s course, this is...
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if they simply expect that they will succeed here that a moratorium on the death penalty has now been introduced in russia, to get away from this type of punishment, well, let’s wait and see, because negotiations are underway, this is the first thing. second point, you showed a story here, you won’t believe it, just yesterday an article came out, very big news, dedicated specifically to the terrorist attacks on
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railway in russia, and it was about the fact that teenagers were recruited for something that they also either for opposition publics, well, you are more than familiar with this, at one time in the twentieth year i observed your situation in detail as a journalist and i can say, that what you did was unprecedentedly heroic in the world, there was nothing like this... that is, in order to defend the country like that, i noticed that now this character said that he was offered a terrorist attack on the railway, and exactly the same story now exists v russian federation on the issue of similarity of methods. your pictures about who the customer is, who is guilty, and the fact is that while working on my program, i monitor a huge amount of data, so you cited several articles from the foreign press here, i will allow myself to play out this - so to speak, time line a little - a little ago, the fact is that the new york times once published an article in which they described in sufficient detail the methods of training by the cia,
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including the name budanov, specifically on the territory of ukraine, that is, they right down to where the bases were , so you have to understand here, you're probably asking our viewer now, saying , why are they writing such things, do they really have freedom of the press there, no, it was part of the internal struggle for budgets done. absolutely right, when i just, i really love, in quotes, american election campaigns, because it’s essentially watering each other with feces, while they’re pouring dirt on each other, you can find some pretty interesting things there, these are things of this order, yes, so thank you very much for your support, it really was not possible to destabilize society, because, as you quite rightly noted, they tried to play the national card, but they failed. fortunately for russian society, on the contrary, together, and the guilty will be punished, right down to the customers , i think that this is justice, it will triumph, well, i would, when it comes to the question
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of who is the west, ukraine or isis, i would generally i didn’t pose the question like that, one doesn’t exclude the other, let’s see what such is isis kharasan, which supposedly belongs to, judging by everyone, they really had these specific individuals, there are photographs already of the relationship, and gil on the territory of afghanistan, this is an anti-taliban organization that is sponsored directly by western intelligence services, this is well known, that is, because that the same taliban, for example , even expressed condolences, in my opinion, about this terrorist attack, yes, that is, this is an organization that has been carrying out terrorist training for money for some time for certain lists that are on them come out, that is, we need afghans who used to work for the americans in the fight against the taliban, now the americans have taken them out and are patronizing them, well, i don’t know where they took them, i understand that... there are still at least two or three provinces where they have centers of preparation on the territory of pakistan and on the territory of syria and iraq, the situation there is very difficult in
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the middle east, the kiev regime is now actively involved in it, it’s all connected, what we’re talking about in fact when i’m abstracting again , who ordered what, but the logic of events, the kiev regime was defeated on the front line, their counter-offensive failed, now... they are now receiving controlled air bombs
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on their territory for these entries and , accordingly, this is terror, malyuk said all about this in monday, we no longer have any doubts that individual terror, group terror, infrastructure terror is carried out by these services, their two terrorist organizations, we have already openly called them terrorists here.
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all stakeholders who are located behind ocean, you remember, even before the presidential elections, they began to pump up ethnic maidans, remember, bashkiria, other regions, yes, dagestan, they realized that there really are some excesses in the migration policy of our neighbors, issuing a million passports a year, so this means, naturally, that this million new citizens may include
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some specific ones. people, but these excesses, i am sure, will be eliminated, in any action, there are some shortcomings that are regulated, but now the stakeholders, the organizers of these terrorist attacks, they have decided cause a wave of national hatred, so they showed these terrible, as people say, barmalei, so that people would look with caution at people with beards, at people with a different faith, but...
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for schoolchildren, yes, there are young people there, a message, here to say , we offer money for committing terrorist attacks, and many thanks to the telegram and personally to pavel durov, that he apparently made contact, cut it off after 4 years, wrote publicly in his channel that we blocked these accounts for life, this is very important, because it’s clear what they would they found several mentally inadequate, yes, people who could do anything.
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the third point, of course, we need to be very vigilant, because such terrorist attacks, i don’t want to shout, i’ll knock on the table three times, but you already said at the beginning of the program, remember, i once said in the program that we need to join the astrologers’ club predictors should be renamed, because everything we say comes true, why, because we are just analysts, so these are terrorist attacks, unfortunately, they always come in pairs, now it is necessary to show a very big one.
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and we were waiting for confirmation, the investigative committee, as a result, yesterday announced , based on the results of all surveys, based on the analysis of transfers, based on the analysis of transfers, including with the help of cryptocurrencies, it was proven that the money came from ukraine, a ukrainian trace is involved. from the russian side, can i add, well, firstly, regarding the mailings, yes, which you are talking about, i am a deputy from the kirov region, and this is a region about an hour’s flight from moscow. and these were specifically sent to me by our citizens, yes, and the mailing was done, you just think about the cynicism with which schools, school chats, and not only the telegram channel, sent messages to the corresponding slogans to work for ukraine, it was absolutely clearly stated that now it is necessary to commit terrorist acts there, and i just and was actually the recipient of all this, our special services quickly worked on this,
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but... i confirm to you, as a fact, this was, this is not the first wave of sabotage that we have seen, including in the region, that is, they are very actively attacking russian hinterland, there were stories about how... how this is done, the very essence of these operations in general is usually the following, but this is just so within the framework of how it is being prepared, that’s when they saw during the elections, yes, that there were people there trying to do some kind of against,
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well, let’s say, doing sabotage right within the electoral districts, and why did they attract older people, you probably noticed there and then there were these cries of the opposition, which is sitting somewhere over the hill and shouting that look, people are against, no, it was like that, they usually... first they put a person on a hook, for example, a financial one, that is, they enter into correspondence on behalf of the bank, the person transfers money to them, and in order to return the money, certain actions must be taken. here i would also like, you really mentioned it, i would like to emphasize that now i am very grateful to durov, of course, for banning these accounts, but forgive me, at one time 4 years ago, in the twentieth year, when i openly slandered the belarusian forces , then he did absolutely nothing.
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sweet proposal, let's soak together the russians were not accepted against the russian federation, but there were such proposals, now you , well, in general, have stepped over us, moved on, and there is another very interesting point, when if you read carefully the message that was disseminated not only from the outside , by the way, the united states embassy in moscow, but also many other embassies, it is specifically written there, including concerts, but there is this word there, they knew, there was, there was a quote, yes, in my opinion.
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perceived as weakness, but it was worth it the head of the fsb, bortnikov, announced the day before yesterday that the terrorist budanov would soon be eliminated, look how the terrorist budanov sang yesterday at the forum, i say, yes,
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i accidentally gave an interview right there, i say, i have always opposed terrorist acts, even on the territory , italian journalist, angela giuliana, has no doubt who did it, but believes that budano did it. ukraine is recruiting mercenaries in tajikistan, through the ukrainian embassy, ​​offering to join the resistance, and moreover, after the terrorist attack occurred in crocus, similar recruitment through the website, through the websites
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of the ukrainian embassy occurs in france, belgium, denmark, lithuania, latvia, sweden , finland, iceland, usa, poland and greece, you can also find information for potential mercenaries , although not on the first page, there you go. adam marczyk, who is adam marczyk? this is the former commander of the 25th air cavalry. an air cavalry brigade, one, well, probably the most professional polish paratrooper, he served with us, if my memory serves me right in afghanistan in bosnia and herzegovina. now it was taking place in the eurocorps, which until recently was commanded by general gromadzhinsky, and suddenly, yaroslav gromadzhinsky, one of the most trained polish generals, is general broni, to understand. chief of staff of the general staff of poland, he is also
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general broni, this is a colonel general in our opinion, he was removed from his post, but along with marchik, five more high-ranking officers suddenly died, three dutch officers, before that they suddenly crashed somewhere australian officers, but he died in the mountains , suddenly a retired french general died somewhere, which is what he says, that is, russia began to strike at the headquarters, but according to some reports, the same march, as well as a group of other officers, could be located. at the headquarters in the hour yard, they directly advise, here is the same gromadzhinsky, who was removed for actually localizing through the social network x, the former twitter, yes, localized his location, he has two ukrainian awards, he has been officially in charge since 22 assistance to ukraine at the command level, he has medals for assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, has a merit certificate at the high-class command level, that is, a fact.
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yes, yes, this is a small detail , what else about the crocus, i wanted to draw your attention, maybe not everyone paid attention, but if you look at these terrible footage, when they walk and shoot there, yes, that means they fly out of machine guns like that, as professionals say, the so-called dragons, that is , sparks, yeah, that means the machines were not of very good quality, and apparently they they were kept for a long time in some caches in hiding places, well, like on the territory of belarus, you saw this clone, who was told that where the bomb was, they told him.
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most likely, there really are such people throughout the territory of the russian federation , unfortunately, as for ukraine, the lowlife
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was kicked out and you can’t even figure it out , everything is complicated there, the lowly is in place, in my opinion , the lowly is still in place, but the lowly danilov and for china. mirror polyak advisor to the head of the office of the president of the country, lukashenko has no arguments to say: look, we built a competitive economy, a high-tech state, which is very popular among other states, which has good relations with everyone, he subconsciously understands that this is such a closed state and, accordingly , is completely based on the russian economy with raw materials, there is no dictatorship in ukraine, ukraine
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is gradually integrating into a single european space, in fact, what belarus will have to do after lukashenko disappears along with the subject putin, then belarus will be re...
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700 external debt 140 billion dollars, this is for several generations, it seems to me, about 6.3 million ukrainians were forced to leave the country, another three 3 million or so are wandering around the country from one region to another, moving, i would like to remind him of regarding belarus , the latest figures, firstly , the largest growth in the last 10 years is predicted, oh well, belarus’ gdp in january and february grew by 4%, industrial production in january by 5.4%, agricultural products by... 4.3%. belarus is the leader of the cis countries in the ranking of achievement of sustainable development goals. gdp per per capita has grown from 20 thousand in the twentieth year to 25. our country has one of the lowest indicators of the level of poverty among the population of the cis countries. we built a nuclear power plant, we received nuclear
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weapons from ukraine. our cosmonaut is in space at this time. more than 180 thousand citizens of ukraine have already moved to belarus. i saw it and now i come and what do i understand, yes , here i didn’t know what to expect, well , something like that, i read something, i definitely did several stories there before during the twentieth year. about belarus, but rather more about economy, today i realized my dream , i visited the high-tech park, listen, well, i looked at how
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taxation is organized, what budget revenues are coming in, how the guys work, cryptocurrencies are legal here, you see how it is developing, with what enthusiasm people talk about it, i it’s just everyday things, then i come to television, look at how your presenters are dressed and understand what i want from them.
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it works, i’ll tell you more, this morning, which means i understand perfectly well that everything is a conveyor belt, as i saw here at the car plant on the ointment, i dreamed of getting there, i’m a big fan of dokar, now the silk road, it’s all difficult for me which team komaz or mas i support, now it’s clear for whom, i was the first to get to mas, that’s why it happened, i ’m coming, i understand that so
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... confirmed later that we are not going to attack anyone, secondly, that if you attack, inevitable punishment awaits you, for this,
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let's listen to a fragment of the speech about this, and then a small fragment that i also liked , probably the president didn’t just say that, i warned the poles, let’s listen, i’ll say publicly, any provocation must be met by armed means, there’s no point in joking with them, they violated the state border to be destroyed, that’s for sure. no one should compete with anyone, and we will do so, because if we live in snot, you know what will happen, that’s for sure, so any violation of the state border is subject to destruction, they only understand forces, but in fact it is very serious warning, maria may not be paying much attention, poles regularly, not poles regularly violate the state border of the republic of belarus, including with the help of aviation equipment, and every time they got away with it, well, of course -
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a negative tradition of the ruling circles, unfortunately fascistized, as for but this is some kind of political statement of the president, so... now they still write that belarus is preparing for something, listen, a staunch defender has been training at our borders since february, attention, pumai, the largest nato exercise in recent years, more than 90,000 armed soldiers officers, i don’t tell the equipment what belarus is doing, how it is responding, that’s where the president was, this is the nineteenth mechanized brigade and the 120th anti-aircraft missile brigade, we took up to 5,000
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reserve troops, which means we deployed the brigade to... belarus assumes that issues of war and our peace process is decided, among other things, with the participation
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of the all-belarus people's assembly, the president works clearly here. and the events around the crocus showed: the russians and i are together, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other, we will go until victory, if you attack , we will fight back, why does he say that when crossing the border, immediately destroy it, because we know that at the moment they are not preparing a major invasion, and individual armed actions, including with the participation of recruited fugitives, can be, just to avoid the habit, immediately destroy, under
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a false flag, which is very important. the president has said before why they are developing this so-called suwałki corridor, listen, we don’t have a strike force, the russians don’t, they have a marine brigade in the kaleningrad region in the northern military district, they are great they know this, you know what this whole suwalki corridor is for, they are preparing for the next stage, with possible successes of russia , to blockade the kaliningrad region, they are preparing for the blockade of the kaliningrad region , for the blockade of the gulf of finland, to do all this under the guise of protecting the baltic states and so on, but i don’t it seems... i paid attention to these words, although they did not go down very well, that the president of belarus, maybe i’m wrong, and the head of state, will speak out that i’m going too far here, but it doesn’t seem that this was a signal from russia vladimir vladimirovich putin regarding their actions in relation to kaliningrad, let ’s listen to this small piece, we must know exactly what they want, but how much
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time do they blather about these suwałki corridor, how many kilometers are there to russia? there is practically nothing from our border to the kaliningrad region. issues of combat readiness are being worked out, the personnel are preparing, they are doing it in vain, but here are two key phrases, they are doing it in vain at the moment, yeah, they are doing it in vain, of course, at
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the moment everything can change, i just i would like to remind my colleagues and viewers that back in the nineties aleksandrovich proposed to make this suwałki corridor a friendship corridor and open free movement there to kaliningrad. there, the poles would only receive money and bribes from this, and so on and so on, that is, we have always been in favor of ensuring that these corridors do not become the forerunners of some kind of military action, today this is not our initiative, this is their initiative, the second thing i would like to note is, indeed, that means, speaking about lithuanian, polish, estonian, latvian politicians, you know, we say, it will come to them someday, my grandmother said about such people: so their hatred or stupidity, as extrapolated to the president, was born before them, and adamkus in forty- four very much, if he were even a slightly intelligent person, he certainly would not have joined the sss, these are people who are not able
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to think, and they can, only one argument works, force, what our president and i say , 100 times, as they say, i applaud, he says that for what exactly he poses the question so harshly, ahead of time, before anyone there can think anything. in one direction or another, it was said in advance, the slightest provocation - the use of all armed forces, we will not have any dosed responses there, or look for any lines and the like, only such a conversation with them can be carried out, and it is absolutely correct here , mori, you noted that - and dmitrisanovich too, kaliningrad, this is another pain point that was created in advance back in 91, today they want to use it as a bookmark if they have something will not work out in ukraine.
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the fact is that a ship never sinks on water when there is water inside the ship. therefore, we have developed a formula: a strong president, an influential parliament, an initiative government, the binding role of the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is a formula that is the quintessence of thirty years of experience in governing the country under the leadership of our people's president lukashenko, this. the path that we have traveled, the path from collapse and devastation to prosperity and prosperity, so strategically we have prepared everything so that to survive in this difficult time, and i think
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that our expert opinion, our word, the word of our thinkers, such as vadim franzovich, all colleagues present, i understand that now yes, i think that the author of the book, i will not say it name. i think that all this will help us hold out , survive and ultimately win, i want to add, it’s just that as soon as i arrived, one of the first things to visit, yes, i was interested, well, of course, i was at the khatyn memorial complex , this is not even discussed, but i wanted to look into the future, i talked with the belarusian youth union, i must say that your personnel system is set up, and this is so, that is, when you watch, that is...
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now any film, it’s sodom and gomorah, is impossible watch, it’s just a nightmare , it’s just the latest pictures from some flick, it’s 100%, it ’s just lgbt, quotas, they have quotas there, i asked her, i said, listen, how is it spelled out, you worked there for 10 years , he says, it’s not written down, you know, like the mother chick, or rather the mother bird, is around her chicks, they all look at mom, how mom behaves, who was the first to start the rhetoric that... we give credit to ukraine, americans, now all of europe is automatically in one impulse, like hollywood, well, how is it customary to behave this way? , now they’re just playing along.
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mediation, the article says, a new regional crisis will give the kremlin the opportunity to gain influence at the local level through the arms trade , while at the same time diverting attention from ukraine and giving russia leverage over western leaders, i think... it’s not easy to say which we received the news in the last 48 hours, in the coming days i will inform the people of serbia
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about all the challenges that lie ahead of us, it will be hard, as hard as ever, we will fight, serbia will win, well, they took it by the throat, yes serbia, yes, so look, here dodik came to us in russia, now his security has been strengthened, because there is information about an impending assassination attempt. let me remind you that bosnia and herzegovina is isis, also yes, probably an absolutely artificial formation, which is actually controlled by an anti-legal lord. protector, supreme representative, whom no one appointed, he is there , you see, i admire alexander vucevic, because the country is completely surrounded, he strives to maintain stability, economically, the rate of economic growth, what he has, yes, they are strengthening the army there a little, but you know , anyway, they are not comparable to nato , russia can’t quickly help them now , he’s telling the truth, it’s just amazing, american misars come to him, push him to the wall, say: recognize kosovo, for serbia to recognize kosovo. this renounce self-identity, he goes out to the people and tells it like it is, they tell him:
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renounce russia, he goes out to the people and tells it like it is, amazingly , this truthfulness, the openness of the politician , it works, it works, it disarms the enemy, of course, this is not enough when we say that in the west there and among the baltic states, they are fools, they are not fools, they are very, they are scoundrels, a scoundrel and a fool are not the same thing, they are scoundrels and scoundrels, but they are very insidious . illegal organs when living people they cut it all out when the albanian mafia actually created their
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drug trafficking nests in kosovo, don’t give a damn about all this, the main thing was to torpedo serbia, split serbia, overthrow milosevic, prevent serbia from joining our union state, which was what was discussed then, and the president flew in to belgrade, we remember, to tear montenegro away from serbia, and to tear it off, they relied on djukanovic, an absolutely corrupt man who had held power since 1989.
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that is, everything that we are seeing now is everything, what we are now, this is the madness
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that we are seeing now a year or two ago, 10 years ago, everything went from there, from march of ninety-nine , it was then for the first time, after the end of the second world war, that the geopolitical balance was upset, for the first time from my point of view pandora's box was opened, unfortunately, we were either weak or did not have the opportunity at that time, the only thing...
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invisibility and with an old soviet missile means just serno air defense, this is also probably somewhat symbolic, in hashim tachi's here vadim remembered him, yes, he really was involved in the dismemberment case, and so on and so forth, but he had belo clinton’s direct telephone number, he can call the president of the united states on his mobile at any time, that clinton is the same as him, that’s the logical connection with you, don’t interrupt, let me say at least once, it’s the same.
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in 50 years we will be on our lands, like indians, there we will live on reservations. well, you know, what else is important in these events, then the yugoslav ones, here maria spoke about the embassy, ​​i remember how the russian people rose up, and alexander lukashenko felt this mood not only of belarusians against the russians, they almost stormed the american embassy, ​​they had to restrain it, the military, without yeltsin’s knowledge, actually prepared an operation to march from bosnia to kosovo, and if yeltsin had given the go-ahead, i don’t know. to thank yeltsin, yeltsin was precisely his entourage who did everything to prevent lukashenko primakov’s plan to include serbia , then yugoslavia, the federal republic of yugoslavia , into the union state from being realized, because the march on kosovo would be limited like this a small contingent, and not as planned, that additional troops would arrive there and so on, but nevertheless, this is
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a patriotic turn, which became a reaction to the absolutely criminal aggression without un sanctions. against yugoslavia, he showed the then ruling circles in russia that if you don’t change your policy, the people will demolish them, the people and the military, well, look, we are now talking about the fact that, in principle , the key role in serbia and what is there happened in yugoslavia, to be precise, why did russia not provide the assistance that it could, and the paratroopers arrived, they took the airfield, they are very grateful for this, there was every reason to expand this bridgehead, but, but... with canada, and there are a number of indian reservations there, and absolutely all sins are allowed there, and well, i mean prostitution there ,
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there’s a casino there, alcohol there, cigarettes almost duty-free. where they come out, they are all on benefits, they are all on benefits, that is, they are paid a pretty penny , not enough to live, but enough to survive, from these shacks, i tell you what i saw, some people come out devils in general, in an incomprehensible manner, terribly fat, with incomprehensible drunken faces, that’s why they are poisoned there with everything possible. for this they are given a handout, this is social security, this is what the democrats are saying now, we support social services, this is what you say, yes, this is the state in which those who betrayed their land, who gave up their sovereignty live, they simply degrade and die out, and as soon as the north dakotas found oil in the fields, they learned
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how to find oil there, learned how to use shale oil, they that means they started, they just became them , you know, like axle boxes. the president of the russian federation , who said where to say, yeltsin drank, did not like russia, did not understand anything, he loved russia everything, he understood everything, these are the words of the president of the russian federation, well, we are all without flaws, now the second point, i will express my position , after we win in the south, we must,
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the restoration of historical justice is very important for history, we must do everything so that this justice is restored and so that... kosovo has reunited with its mother serbia, so be it. thank you very much, and i am sure that we will live to see the times when all these rogues who left in the wagon train in the forties then returned. that is , they will return the monuments that were demolished by soviet soldiers on the graves, often on the graves, we just have a russian brother who has a good saying, everything will be a union state except kosovo, because kosovo is serbia, thank you very much, it was a club editors, see you in exactly a week, until dates.
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we will introduce you to belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. our enterprise is a very unique enterprise in its own way; we are the only enterprise in the country that operates on a full cycle. we need to start this with thread so that there is quality. this is a collection of classicism, baroque and various of these trends, these people from generation to generation passed on their professionalism, their attitude to this business, then we will continue to produce this furniture, an approach to business that we need to strive for everyone, my work for me is, probably, i will not be afraid of these loud words, this is the meaning of my life, my work for me -
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's go!


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