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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 6:35am-7:36am MSK

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[000:01:34;00] autumn-autumn was calling us to the patched leaves of the fall, and even if it was autumn itself , patched, like the waving of the sun, i sustrenu
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for you, i sustren for you, i understand. and kahanne pirhodzitsa, prihodzitsa yes us nechakan, and kahanne pirhodzitsa, prihodzitsa not knowledge, not wound, but samaga sertsa, yano inadvertently yes kranetstsa, and nadzey yours, and nadzey. may zastanetstsa, don’t sleep, don’t sleep, you ’re sleeping through the roof, the blazing sun, the last hurba, the oh-so-holy, the blazing spring, you’re sleeping through the fall of the summer, and the ringing of the crops, the father’s
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summer was shady. and meetings with you, and meetings with me, geta song. and kahanne pirhodzitsy, ryhodzitsy yes us nechakana. and kahanne is a journey, a journey is not a knowledge, not a wound. yes samaga sertsa yano. hello kranetstsa hope yours hope
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mayoy zastanetstsa. and kahanne pirhodzitsy, ryhodzitsy yes us nechakana. and khannya is a journey, a journey is neither a knowledge nor a wound. yes, the sarca’s samaga is not a zlarok but kranettsa, and above yours, and above yours , and above yours, and above yours, and above yours
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. these eyes opposite kali boards are on fire, these eyes opposite are brighter, warmer, these eyes opposite are tea-colored, these eyes are opposite, what is this, what is this? let me fall , let me fall into sadness, against my will, these eyes are opposite, here fate has brought,
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here fate has brought, here fate has brought us, just don’t let us down, just don’t let us down, just don’t take your eyes away, close your eyes in front of us. .. the years will run, these eyes opposite immediately forever, these eyes opposite, there are no more separations, these eyes opposite are my silent friend, let me fall into chaos, sadness in sentimentality, in pain my su... against these eyes opposite, now brought together fate, here it is, fate, here it is fate, just don’t let us down, just don’t
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let us down, just don’t take your eyes off, good mood, we see, you miss a
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good song, huh? “spring of the year forty-five, how the blue danube was waiting for you, the hot sunny may brought freedom to the peoples of europe , people gathered on the square of the saved vienna, old and young, bolstrussky on the square of free vienna, the soldier played the accordion. ben remembers, the albs remember the danube, that blooming , singing bright may, a whirlwind in
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the russian waltz through the years, the heart remembers, will never forget, easily, boldly inspired, soldier's this one sounded, and vienna was spinning and singing, as if strauss himself was playing, and the guy with a happy smile, pressed his accordion to his heart, as if he had seen the volga floods , as if he had embraced russia, vienna remembers, remembers
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the alps, the danube, then the blooming, singing... the beautiful gray-haired waltz floated, full of dreams and fire, it sounded either tenderly or passionately, everyone was intoxicated by spring, spring. and forty-five, how long the danube waited for you, palstrussky on the free vienna square, the soldier stole on harmony, vienna remembers, the alphas remember, the danube, that blooming, singing orchimai, vikryvenets in the russian waltz through the years. the heart remembers,
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you will never forget, this evening in the carnival dance, i suddenly touched your hand. a spark ran through the fingers of our meeting hands, where then we were, i don’t know, i only remember the lips in silence, only those words that when running away, you hissed at me goodbye, if you love, find, if you want , come, this day will not pass without traces . and
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if there is no love, don’t call me, you’ll never find me anyway, and at night it’s not for nothing that i’m dreaming of the chill of an abandoned bench, touched by a gentle tan, your hands... burnt by yours, will this summer night really not return again as oblivion, the quiet whisper of a dear voice, your light breath, if you love, find , if you want, come, this day will not pass without traces, and if there is no love, you
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won’t find me either... you’ll never find me anyway, if you love, find, if you want, come, this day will not pass without traces, and if not... don’t call me, you’ll never find me anyway, and if not love, don’t
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call me, you’ll never find it anyway. look around you nyatsi, me nyatsi, horses for the loam, azirnuўsya la sala, scorching miracles ganka, vyacharam khara sjala, dze zhive kakhanka, at once braided kasa, and yes lips are rosy, you nyasi, me nyasi.
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i'm racing for the chicken, you're going, i'm going, the horse is chasing the chicken, i'm kicking the horse, i let my horse graze, let me help you. to freedom there are palettes and robes, prasy meadows, scorches, you nyalas, the horses have sunk. ana, you lasi, me lasi, the end for the loam, we rode, the boys, for the saints, alexandria, all
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the time, you are the end of the sun. belarus, good afternoon, kind, my name is vladimir, and what a handsome boy or girl, boy, his name is murimets , we don’t scare the horse, we don’t get scared ourselves , we ask something incomprehensible, everything is so cool to see here, it’s just beautiful, beautiful, i’m sitting, sitting, the ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years and travels through
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our cities and villages, you need to make these smooth movements so that in order to cut it, yes, you need to twist it. it’s all about him and he’s happy to talk about the most colorful places in the country, our ice-training cat is training here with the belarusian national teams u17 and u18, and it’s cool they’re hard so hard, hard and sharp and a dangerous thing, no no i can’t, it opens here , sit down and you can sit, of course, as if i was really being treated. that’s it, guys, please , it’s all out, i’ll be watching in the beloe rosy travel project on the belarus 24 tv channel, we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, we definitely use it after cooking as well as after any meal, it’s thanks to it that our dishes
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preserve a beautiful view for many years, while science has not yet given us those household cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives. most often they also got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar. let's share interesting facts. liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 5.00 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely by accident. in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, and birch; in europe, at the end of the 14th century, charles vi established an entire guild of vinegar makers. we ask the most exciting questions and... we look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary for the molecule the surface of the active substance could perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent. look in the project. science is nearby, on tv channel belarus
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24. your honor, mrs. razluka, you and i have been friends for a long time, that’s the thing, letters in an envelope, wait, don’t tear, i’m unlucky in death, i’ll be lucky in love, letters in an envelope, wait, don’t tear, don’t lucky for me in death, lucky in love, your honor, lady luck, for whom you are kind, and for whom
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otherwise, 9 grams of heart, wait, don’t call, don’t i'm lucky in death, i'm lucky in love, 9 grams of heart, stop, don't call, i'm unlucky in death, i'm lucky in love, your honor, lady foreigner, you hugged me tightly, but you didn't love me, wait, don't catch me in your affectionate nets , i'm unlucky in death, lucky in love, na. oh, i’m unlucky in death, i’ll be lucky in love, your honor. it’s already a victory, which means my song is not completely sung, stop
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the devil swearing on blood, i’m unlucky in death, i’ll be lucky in love, stop the devil swearing on blood, i’m unlucky in death. lucky, all our meetings will be separated, alas destined, the stream near the amber pine is quiet and sad, the lands are covered with timid ashes. now it’s all over, it’s time to part,
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my dear, forest sun, where in which parts, will you meet me, my dear, forest sun, where in which parts? you will meet me, the wings have folded the tents, their flight is over, the seeker has spread its wings, the plane is parting, little by little the gangplank has opened, there really is an abyss between us, my dear! i am the sun of the forest, well done, in
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which parts will you meet me, my dear, sun of the forest, where in which parts if you meet me, don’t console me , i don’t need words, i need to look for that stream near the amber pine tree, suddenly through the fog there ’s a red piece of fire, suddenly it’s waiting by the fire,
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imagine me, honey, where i am. what we came up with to finish singing, we gathered far away, to this land of the world, you can only fly by plane, and you are flying away , the plane is far away, make your heart, under the wing of the plane, singing about something, run the green sea, under the wing of the plane away. sings, the green sea of ​​the taiga, the little ball over the taiga, the precise one will fly,
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the plane will land right in the clearing, it will come out an unfamiliar world, walking like a master, generally green, young people, and you always fly away by plane, keep it in your heart, under your wing. plane, sings about something , the green sea of ​​tai, under the canopy of the plane sings brightly, the green sea, kite, there have been winds there for centuries , or snow, geologists passed there quite recently, we will live in the village, we are not rich yet, so that all the riches take. from under the ground, and you fly away and the plane is far away,
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save your heart, there is a shadow under the wing of the plane. gives the green sea, go, i’ll look around, you’re not there, i’ll wake up at night, no you, time builds bridges over the neva, but... but it’s not you who comes, but a white night, without you, like a winter night, without fire,
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someone accidentally meets you somewhere, someone accidentally meets you somewhere. time flies from you, where are you, my heart aches, where are you, how much you need to live, survive, in order to cherish you, and a white night, without you, a broken winter night, without fire, someone by chance... somewhere meets you, someone accidentally meets you somewhere, you won’t come, i’ll come, you won’t find me, i ’ll find your trace somewhere in the world, i see him like
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morning light, rather white. i am a night without you, like a winter night without fire, someone meets you somewhere by chance, someone meets you by chance somewhere. we live somehow without excitement, one image is like
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in the ranks, don’t be afraid to throw everything on the line and life is fraying. our own, as we were, we are at the start, now it’s not the same, it’s gone, play the risky card, try, try, try to catch life , let it go to waste in your head, it’s not too late to choose a new path, don’t be afraid to throw everything at stake, and what you’ve lived cross out from the house when going out in bad weather, cheer up your spirit, while wearing your boots, don’t be afraid to shuffle the deck, try, try,
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try to overcome life! believe in a mirage in the smoke of a chimera, there is no need to drag your belongings , you won’t go beyond death, strive to save your life, you’re sad, don’t do everything, when you have nothing to cover the card with, you give up life, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, without losing , don’t... win, strive to reshape life, don’t be afraid to catch life, change life, life, break, life,
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break, if you hesitantly leave the house, if you are not happy. it’s a sunny day, let him smile at you as if he were his friend, thank you for the stranger you meet, the guy you meet has a smile. without a doubt, a friend will touch your eyes, thank you and a good mood, will not leave you again, if you are loved, a friend has a quarrel, often the one who loves quarrels in vain, you look into each other’s eyes, maryanovich, dear, look better, more than any words , sometimes glances speak, a smile, without a doubt, will suddenly
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touch your eyes, and a good mood will never leave you again if someone was a friend misfortune is abandoned, this act is in your heart... remember how many good people there are, we have many more of them, remember about them, and a smile, oh, thank you, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, and a good
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mood , let molsheva not leave. no, my dear, i’m not going anywhere. and otherwise we will deprive each other, you understand, i won’t go anywhere, it would be better not to know about you, not to know, than to say goodbye, than not to part with this field. ed, my dear, i can’t stand the separation,
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you write to me, but the lines float in the fog, you understand, i can’t stand the separation, you save me me, save me from this torment, or my heart will break into... pieces, no, my dear, everything is not so simple with us, the noise... of the prospects is calling and teasing me, you know, everything is not so simple with us it’s just
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that i’m not inviting you to visit me in my room, well , every prozrnik will go to the city, no, my dear... i’m not a bit shy, i’m not servile, they say, i’m a simple village, you know, i’m not stifling a bit, i’m giving it to you braid your big love into your hair like a forget-me-not.
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no, my dear, i’m not going anywhere. our copper pipes have long been adopted, autumn is yellow sends from the bridge side, where we still love each other a little, but no one needs yesterday’s dreams, we are nothing to each other, and this makes it easier, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t ache, it doesn’t break bridges, i have my own dawn, you meet your evening, now we are standing at the last line, i won’t,
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i won’t. i left, i left for st. petersburg, st. petersburg, and when i arrived, the phone stopped responding to... the voice, if a bullet flies, then you can’t return it, in cold water, it’s not a red sun, and it’s not difficult to remain silent and not wrap yourself in lies, we are nobody to each other, our novel is retold without reading we are tearing up, from afar, and the two of us will have a different past, and now smile and tell me bye, i won’t, i won’t kiss
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a cold one. i won't, i won't kiss cold hands.
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in this autumn, no one is to blame, not to blame , you left, you left for st. petersburg, to st. petersburg, and came to leningrad, to leningrad, i left, i left for st. petersburg, st. petersburg, and arrived... belarus celebrated an important holiday for the country , 30 years of the basic law, we ourselves created our history, our own laws, we also wrote it ourselves.
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what matters is what we get as a result: unsquandered national wealth, preserved sovereignty, security, peace in our native land, growth, and well-being of our citizens. as the president said, the year of quality begins in your own backyard. go to the people, repair the roads, repair the yards. belarus is just space. they must be belarusian, they must be modest. there was no self-confidence. we set the task that if you have already been selected and you get into the cosmonaut detachment, then you have to endure everything there, you cannot leave the race, no matter how difficult it is for you, about space our industry has picked up the pace this year, growth in january was almost 5.5%. over the past year , enterprises of the ministry of industry traded $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum level for a decade by more than 7%.
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main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. our region through the eyes of foreigners. in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, know about the beauty of minsk. as for me, i
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like everything here. it is clear that the country is clean and quiet. go children the way you want. look at tv channel belarus 24. the coals are smoldering in the stove, barely. they have dimmed and do not burn, the white constellations that were burning only 5 minutes ago, youth is gone,
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strength is leaving, everything that was rich before is poor, now it seems that it was only 5 minutes ago. it seems to you that it was only 5 minutes ago, i see my temples sadly, white snow is falling asleep, and everything that was black only 5 minutes ago is turning white, so this is how to attack. old age, his voice is hoarse and his eyes are sad, he is still burning, as it seemed to me, only 5 minutes ago, he
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it was still burning, as it seemed to me, only 5 minutes ago, the coals are smoldering in the stove, the spruce trees in the sky have dimmed and do not burn, the white constellations that were burning only 5 minutes ago, as always, are in a hurry with the passing of summer, autumn and winter are in a hurry to come, i haven’t thought about it yet, only 5 minutes ago. and i hadn’t even thought about it
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until 5 minutes ago, as i’m always in a hurry to leave. autumn and winter are in a hurry to come, and i haven’t thought about it yet, only 5 minutes ago, and i haven’t thought about it yet, only 5 minutes ago, only 5 minutes ago, only 5 minutes ago... back, and i haven’t thought about it yet, only 5
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minutes ago. there is no need to talk about sad things today, there is no need to worry about melancholy, the day is forgotten in the bustle, it has gone into the darkness before the garden , there is no need to remember the sad things, it has been lived, well , okay, god help us both, years are a reward for everything, no need, for the sad ones. .. lived, well, okay, god help us both, years are a reward for everything, no need to talk about sad things tomorrow, not in a year. 10 this funny truth, the rain
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weighed on the strings, there is no need to talk about sad things at all, if your beloved is nearby, summer goes into autumn, into bitterness, sweet viburnum, there is no need to talk about sad things if beloved is nearby, summer fades into autumn, bitterness , kolya’s sweetness, there is no need to talk about the sad things today, the world without that sadness, in the harsh memory of vinche, in every sip of farewell, there is no need to remember the sad things, it’s lived through, well, okay, god is in us both help, years are a reward for everything, no need to talk about sad things... lived, well, okay, god
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help us both, years are a reward for everything, god
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help us both, years are a reward for everything, low above the river, the fog is in the middle, and the fog is not a disaster, not even a deception; on a narrow path we met and turned. lively you are new to me, you met on a narrow speck, you addressed me politely , you are new to me, the water flows, flows, without destroying the stone, it floats into life with fog , reducing the years, don’t be sad, dear, don’t be sad either, we believe. what else will
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bloom for us? don’t be sad, my dear, and don’t be sad either, and we believe that there will be more for us to bring together, and then we became friends, and love came. and you remember the fogs of that shore again, the years fly by, it doesn’t matter, the fogs float and water flows, the years fly by, this is heaven, the tuvars float, and water flows, and water flows, flows
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, suffocating, life floats with fog, diminishing the years, don’t be sad, my dear, don’t be sad either, we believe that there will be more to come for us, don’t be sad, honey, don’t be sad either, believe that there is still something for us there will be a message, a holiday of youth, given to us by memory, the grayness is like an eternal fog, let the years pass, the rights are dumb, let the fogs float and the water flows , let the years pass, the skies reign, let the fogs float, the water flows, and the water flows, flows. destroying stones,
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life floats with fog, knowing the years, don’t be sad, dear, you too... don’t be sad, and we believe that the garden will still bloom for us, let the years pass, rights are not guilt, let the water flow, let the years pass. the grass is heavenly, let the fogs float and
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water flow, let the fogs float and flow to you. the summer days were spent in the garden , there weren’t any nightingales at all, apparently they forgot the topics where they could get enough of all the love themes, someone wrote poems about sadness and autumn, and there are more than enough such poems, as well as those people who are not... they love us in everything, come on, gypsy, use the cards to guess who will love us, who will love us he will love, he who will take pity, he will press our hearts, where is justice, who will love us, this will not
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do, this will not do, who will love us, who will love us, who will have pity on his heart. let 's press, where is justice, whoever loves us is not suitable, it will not work, where are those girls who dreamed of us, got married and started a family, we easily conquered women's hearts, it was impossible not to fall in love with you and me. maybe we'll try one more time, you 're out of your mind, i'm afraid you won't have enough strength, your vision isn't right, and your spine is aching, but just in case, i'll i asked you, who will love us
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, who will love us
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, who will pity us, will press my heart, what is happening, they don’t love , what are you doing, please be there, so that i know, the day has passed, everything is fine with me, everything is fine with you , call as often as possible, write at least once a year, let there be my participation in happiness and in misfortune, call as often as possible, write at least once a year, let there be your participation in happiness and in misfortune, don’t wait in disaster inertia, when spring comes knocking, so that
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my heart tells me, it needs me too, call as often as possible, write at least once a year. let will be my fate, good luck comes with bad luck, call as often as possible, write at least once a year, let it be. i'll have my share of good luck , hello, i'm listening, anna, is that you? unfortunately we got the number wrong. please be there, so that i know
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the day has passed, everything is fine with me, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with me, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with you, everything is fine with you, please be there, call, yes, the phone number is the same, it’s not difficult, please call, be there,
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please, please, please. everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from the country. abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene of events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries. finland , sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany france, spain, portugal,
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cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. tv channel signal is broadcast in open form and hello, the club of editors on the belarus 1 tv channel, satellites of the belarus 24 tv channel, as always on friday evenings, with a repeat on sunday morning, we discuss
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the most important topics, the passing week, the passing seven days, what is being discussed in our country and the world, according to our good tradition let me introduce the guests who came to our studio today, 600 m on makovenka devich, as always, nachamovich zhuk, head of the belarus today holding, gigin, deputy of the house of representatives, general director national library, head of the knowledge society, candidate of historical sciences, well, i think we can stop there, yuri voskresensky, political scientist, head of


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