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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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hello, the club of editors on the air of the belarus 1 tv channel, satellites of the belarus 24 tv channel, as always on friday evenings, with a repeat on sunday morning, we discuss the most important topics of the outgoing week.
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vadimirfimov, head of the department of social policy, diology, academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus and our special guest today on today’s program maria butina, deputy of the state duma of russia, political and public figure, good evening, thank you very much for coming to us on the air today, special to you thank you for being flew to us in minsk and became a participant in our program, thank you for accepting, i watch your program, so this is a special honor for me, thank you, we are watching yours too, thank you. well, let's start, nothing fun has happened over the past week, that 's putting it mildly, i think that you will confirm my words over the past weeks, three or four, more than once at the beginning of the program i said that there is a feeling, yes, that something is approaching -this is the culmination, the question is what terrible, unpleasant surprises await us all when the hour of this comes the culmination itself and how it all
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... will end, but it can end with two things, or a big war or at least a thin peace, but before that, unfortunately, we talked about this many times, great tragedies await us, considering what kind of enemy, let's calling a spade a spade has been confronting us in recent decades, and we have all witnessed what happened at crocus cityhall in the moscow region, a wild crime for which there is no justification, well , a week has passed since it happened, just at that moment, when ours was on air program, it was recorded in the recording, it was all shown, unfortunately, we could no longer discuss it, in the past week, of course, we have already discussed a lot on russian television, on belarusian television, on western television we discussed the fact that isis did all this, of course, of course , we
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will talk about this today, but once again i want to confirm my concerns about how the situation will develop further. all this talk about airplanes, about taurus, about other types of long-range weapons, in my opinion, all this will happen, of course, the russian federation needs to prepare, just like the republic of belarus is preparing, attempts to commit terrorist acts on our territory do not stop, this week someone crazy was detained again. to whom budanov proposed to carry out terrorist attacks, we will talk about this in the republic of belarus, of course, the most important question that worries us now is who is the customer, who is the executor, we have seen, but these people are not like the people who can organize all this , yesterday on the eve of, in essence, our program, we received the first, so to speak, statement regarding who may be behind all this...
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our opinion is usually not wrong, but over the past 10 years, probably, it has been so, once upon a time, when we said that ukraine would not exist if they continued to behave like this , we were heroes , anti-heroes in our now, fortunately, fugitive media, they laughed, now they laughed at our words, in general, the statement of the investigative committee, the first results of the investigation fully confirm the planned nature of the terrorists’ actions, careful preparation, financial support from the side... the organizers
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of the crimes were played by ukrainian nationalists, but a broad concept, zelensky is also a ukrainian nationalist, yes, well, he is mowing, mowing, yes, there was a statement by the head of the fsb, the sbu should recognize the sbu as a terrorist organization, he said, we know , that ukraine trained militants in the middle east, so that the owners would not later make claims on us on youtube, that we have a one-sided point of view here, i want to say again, the point of view of the west, that isis did this, moreover, they began to announce this when, in my opinion, this concert hall had not yet burned down, well, here’s the nuance i told you about what happened this week.
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border of belarus with ukraine, i wanted to join the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, kill russians, this year, having contacted budanov’s bot, i wanted to scurry around and again attempt to illegally cross the belarusian-ukrainian border, but i turned to them for help so that they could help me. make the transition, they agreed, but suggested that i carry out a terrorist attack, or blow up an administrative building, or that means, well, blow up the railway track, i suggested that it would be better to put
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an explosive substance under the track, which should work, and the freight train, according to him, should have left the real world. but since i don’t have an explosive device, he said that he would make a bookmark and name the place, in short, i hit it off and deleted both the telegram and well , that account, today it was already detained on our good street, and i realized that buidanov is hoo, it was he who dumped me.
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there are a lot of topics here, you outlined them, absolutely correctly, yes, it’s important to highlight a few moments, taking into account that our program comes out just after this event, the first club of editors, of course, words of condolences, and for belarusians it was somehow so tragically significant that on the day of remembrance of the victims of khatyn this happened, everyone celebrated it, and then a wave of solidarity that immediately arose in russian society, in belarusian society, i think, for the enemy it was, not only unexpected, it was
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a terrorist act that even violated ukrainian legislation, that is, the person is publicly very arrogant with such defiant manners admits to committing terrorist acts. the next point is that the obil version allegedly contradicts the version of the involvement of the kiev regime, but last
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year the washington post published an article that back in the twenty -second gurovtsy, namely budanova, established contacts in syria with local extremists, well... then the kurdish allegedly origin - the syrian democratic forces, which are under us control and were preparing to carry out terrorist attacks against russia in syria , including oil facilities, well, for some reason, the all-clear was given in december. that is, we we already know for sure, this was confirmed by the western press that they have these contacts. the next point, i don’t know what they were guided by, but the new york times, literally, yesterday published an article saying that yes, actually confirming the version of bortnikov, the head of the fsb, who said, yes, there were some messages from the west, but they were, to put it mildly, inaccurate and neor said that the united states deliberately did not share all available information with russia in order not to give away its intelligence network. and of course, something that outraged not only the russian society, but i know many abroad,
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that on march 7 there were warnings from the usa, great britain, and a number of western, not only western, states that their citizens should not attend mass events in moscow, in russia in connection with the threat of terrorist attacks, supposedly then they shared information, but did not give any accurate information, how to understand this, this is in fact, these are at least the unfriendly acts that we are talking about, when all this is...
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the customer, well, colleagues, we have already talked here , we will, this is our private opinion, yes, but i repeat once again, the customer is completely obvious, the one who is really at war with us , what he wants to arrange for us here inside in belarus and in russia, tear up all these, so to speak, bloody and velvet revolutions, this is even not ukrainians, ukrainians are also just a tool, my personal opinion, i said it right away as soon as this happened, so that these stubborn people who got caught wouldn’t speak today, yes, they will ultimately tell the truth.
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they will grow, yeah, they will grow, why terrorism according to the anglo-saxons
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begins to be used more actively when other methods do not work, that is, the most important thing here is the situation , i agree with you that yes, they failed to scare the people, but their task is to discredit the authorities, russian, belarusian, no matter whose, which failed to protect their citizens, that's what they will do. can i argue with you? of course it’s possible, because it’s possible to discredit the russian or belarusian authorities after such elections were held, and with such a turnout, with such, excuse me.
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while we are watering each other and the plums compromising evidence, you can find quite interesting things there, these are things of this order , yes, so thank you very much for your support, it really was not possible to destabilize society, because, as you quite rightly noted, they tried to play the national card, but this was not possible , fortunately for the russian society, on the contrary , together, and the guilty will be punished,
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right down to the customers, i think that this justice will triumph in the end. i would when it comes to the question of who is the west, ukraine or isis, i would generally i didn’t pose the question like this, one does not exclude the other, let’s see what isis kharasan is, which allegedly belongs to, apparently, they really had these specific individuals, there are photographs already of the relationship, isis on the territory of afghanistan is an anti-taliban organization , which is sponsored directly by western intelligence services, this is well known, that is, because the same taliban, for example, expressed condolences even in my opinion about it. this terrorist attack, yes, that is, this is an organization that is already for some time, for money , he has been carrying out terrorist training of certain people who come to them, these are afghans who used to work for the americans in the fight against the taliban, now the americans have taken them out and will treat them, well, i don’t know where they took them, as i understand it , that there are still at least two or three provinces in afghanistan where they have centers
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of training in pakistan and in syria and iraq there. the situation is very complicated in the middle east, the kiev regime is now actively involved in it, and it’s all connected, oh what are we talking about in fact, when again i am abstracting who ordered what, but the logic of events: the kiev regime was defeated on the front line, their counter-offensive failed, now zelensky is speaking out, saying that they are waiting for a russian offensive, it is already openly said that they have moved on asymmetric war, what is asymmetric war, they are trying to stabilize the front and... launch terrorist attacks on the infrastructure of oil refineries, on border areas, we saw an attempt at a raid in belgrade that was absolutely unsuccessful, look, they promoted it, now i’m looking at ukrainian public pages, everyone writes that the first one is russian. they knew everything, they lured budanov into traps, inflicted a catastrophic defeat , a serious one, where the ukrainian formations themselves suffered very heavy losses, and so on, but the quarter
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filmed 95 videos, yes, they filmed videos there on their territory, but they will get more for it, they now receive controlled aerial bombs on their territory for these entries, and accordingly this is terror, malyuk said all about this in monday, we no longer have any doubts that individual terror, group terror. american, well, this is something else, i’ll read this whole invoice, which my colleagues have now outlined, covered almost
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all aspects, i would like to add: well , firstly, we must understand that the terrorist attack was carried out by no true muslims who are not believers, because this is the month ramadan, holy for muslims, is friday, this is the hall of muslim magamaev. that is, even this symbolism would stop any believer, even a fanatic, from such monstrous things, the second point, it’s clear why their faces were naked , which means it’s impossible to shake up russia politically , the collective west understood all this, all the stakeholders who are located overseas, you remember, even before the presidential elections they began to shake up the ethnic maidans, remember bashkiria.
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kuzbenkov, he was russian, and he killed tajik, he killed his partner. eh, that means we know that the traitors, the nazis, who
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are terrorizing the population of the belgorod region, they also consist of all russian people, that is, the bet on this did not work out, especially since we we see how heroically schoolchildren and volunteers of all nationalities saved people there; on the contrary, society united, including national diasporas, muslims, and orthodox christians.
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they said in the program, remember, i once said in the program that we need to rename the club of astrologers-predictors, because everything we say comes true, why, because we are just analysts, and such terrorist attacks, unfortunately, they always come in pairs, now we need to be very vigilant, security forces are watching us, perhaps we need to introduce the institution of marshals, as in the states, on flights, because the enemy is insidious, he does not sleep, he will catch up... he will prepare other crimes, god forbid that i make a mistake, these are the moments that from from from the whole picture , which i would like to add,
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well, it’s clear that... it means that the russian side immediately announced, as a result of preliminary polls, that ukraine was involved, and we were waiting for confirmation, and the investigative committee , as a result, announced yesterday, based on the results of all the polls , based on the analysis of transfers, according to the result of the analysis of transfers, including with the help of cryptocurrencies, it was proved that the money came from ukraine, a ukrainian trace is involved, can i add from the russian side, firstly, regarding the mailings, yes.
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here i would also like, you really mentioned it, i would like to emphasize that now i am very grateful to durov , of course, for banning these accounts, but forgive me, at one time 4 years ago, in the twentieth year, when there was open violence against belarusians , then he did absolutely nothing he hung up the place the red-green state white red-white flag was not allowed, i just know, i was reporting at the time and it was not allowed for you to select a flag, for example, when the flag
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is replaced. moreover, there is another very interesting point, when if you read carefully the message that was distributed not only from, by the way, the united states embassy in moscow, but also from many other embassies, it specifically says, including concerts, there is this word, they knew, there was, there was a quote, yes, in my opinion, you can to say, we now started a campaign 2 years ago, in fact in washington, i ’m just following these things, a conference was held with the participation of all sorts of very...
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became known, we can’t even let them in just to discuss, on march 10th the media wrote that ukraine is recruiting mercenaries in tajikistan, through the ukrainian embassy, ​​i propose to join the resistance, and
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moreover, after the terrorist attack occurred in crocus, a similar recruitment through the website, through the websites of the ukrainian embassy, ​​occurs in france, belgium, denmark, lithuania, latvia, sweden, finland, iceland, usa, poland, greece. well, probably the most professional polish paratrooper, he served with us, if my memory serves me correctly in afghanistan in bosnia and herzegovina, now he served in the european corps, which was commanded until recently by general gromadzhinsky, suddenly jaroslav gromadzhinsky, one of the most
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trained polish generals, this is general broni, to understand the chief of staff of the general staff of poland, he is also general broni, this is a colonel general in our opinion, his were removed from office, but along with marchik , five more suddenly died unexpectedly. high-ranking officers, three dutch officers, before that, suddenly australian officers crashed somewhere and died in the mountains, suddenly a retired french general died somewhere, what is he talking about, that is, russia began to strike at headquarters, well, according to some sources, the same march, like a group of other officers, could be at the headquarters in the hour yard, they directly advise, here is the same gramadzhinsky, who was removed for actually localizing through a social network x, former twitter.
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these are retired people , there were statements about training consultations, but the most interesting thing is, return this screenshot about the murder, but russian telegram channels, these military people work well, only they posted this information about the fact that in the hours a blow was struck, well, you understand everything, the last sentence, soon another general will die in the mountains, fall out of a helicopter in the oklahoma region, or choke on kurasan for breakfast, literally a few hours later it was reported about...
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what she was doing in those years, she warned , without understanding it herself, some time ago, that similar events were awaiting russia, well , let’s make people listen, after all, they knew who they were dealing with, let’s listen, and as i said in kiev 3 weeks ago, thanks to this additional
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funding, putin will be in for a number of very unpleasant surprises, this lady said a long time ago, it was in february, february 22, well, yes.
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president, spoke about belarus, but a quote caught my eye, i just can’t help but discuss this in just a few words, how they turn the pyramid over, well, it’s clear that they fooled people there in ukraine, well, first of all, it works for its audience in the west, why lukashenko scares belarusians with ukraine, this is reported, by the way, by the belarusian extremist channel mirror polyak advisor to the head of the office of the president of the country, lukashenko has no arguments to say, look, we have built a competitive economy, a high-tech state, which is very popular among other states. who has a good relationship with everyone, he subconsciously understands that
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this is such a closed state, and accordingly, it is completely dated by the russian economy raw materials, there is no dictatorship in ukraine, ukraine is gradually integrating into a single european space, in fact, what belarus will have to do after lukashenko disappears along with subject putin, then belarus will be restarted again, but i think we’ll make another forecast, yuri valerievich, that the bastard with budanov will sooner disappear than lukashenko will disappear. i’m just for the audience, well, briefly about responding to this outstanding ukrainian political figure, let’s start right away with a democratic state, our favorite video, if you can run it, everywhere, i think we saw how people in ukraine are tied to poles, stripped and then beaten, i’m already silent about all the closed media opposition in the country about hundreds, if maybe not thousands of people who disappeared without...
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of course there were several stories before that , well, something like this, i read something like this, i did the time of the twentieth year about belarus, but rather
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more about the economy, today i realized my dream, visited the high-tech park, and listen, but i looked at how... taxation is organized, what kind of budget revenues are coming in, how the guys work, cryptocurrencies are legal here, you see how it is developing, with what people say with enthusiasm, i just look at everyday things, then i come to television, look at how your presenters are dressed and understand that i want to borrow something from them, because the local designers do great work, all the stores are open, please, you want, city cleanest, and it’s true, the hotels are excellent , i’ve never even... you know, i always have this internal indicator, yes, how super-civilized the country is, yes, this is an example, i’ve just been running for many years, and i run every morning in 5:00 in the morning, including the punishment cell, i don’t need to compare it to mandella, but nevertheless, yes, but i think that my whole family has sports, my
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mother, my father ski, my grandmother did gymnastics, i am always involved in sports, and here at the hotel they opened the gym for me at 5:00 in the morning, which means i understand perfectly well. what all it works, moreover, i’ll tell you , there’s a conveyor belt like the one i saw here at the car plant using the ointment, i dreamed of getting there, i’m a big fan of dokar, now the silk road, it’s all difficult for me which team, comas or mas i’m rooting for, now it’s clear for whom, the first i got to the mas, that’s why it happened, i come, i understand that the conveyor is so organized, listen, i did a program made in russia, i traveled through so many regions and so many enterprises, i have never seen anything so clear and so many young people worked.
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look, everything you said about yourself in fact, has a great threat for us , this is the example that the anglo-saxons really want to destroy, yeah, when a small state, pursuing its policy, having developed some kind of its own model, the belarusian economic, as it is already called, provides a fairly decent standard of living for its citizens, yes, in an alliance with the russian federation, in a union state, but here’s what was said there: who is at whose expense, this is a mutually complementary economy, now this story has taken on a completely different color when we began to engage in import substitution and this moment has already ukraine would remain silent at whose expense, for how long they should have been silent, so this is precisely what makes us a desirable target, we need to be
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prepared for the fact that they will turn us over, try to split us, including with the help of terror, and we cannot exclude .
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naturally, it’s completely logical, i just closely followed this speech, and indeed they are massing troops to the border, they just probably don’t understand, especially the poles, these lithuanians, latvians, all this, they will be erased from face of the earth, absolutely, because he’s not joking, he’s not jokes, well then they are conscious suicide bombers , or something, or the authorities simply promised to evacuate them, no, those who are overseas, the development is beneficial, but instead of these , the land will be scorched, don’t they understand that...
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the president’s statements , now , unfortunately, the ruling circles are still writing that belarus is preparing for something, listen, a staunch defender is holding a training exercise at our borders, from february, attention, to may, the largest training. in recent years there have been more than 90,000 armed soldiers and officers, i don’t tell the equipment what belarus is doing than
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she replies, this is where the president was, this is the nineteenth mechanized brigade and the 120th anti-aircraft missile brigade, we took up to 5,000 reserve troops, which means we deployed a brigade, but i won’t say she, i think , anyway, nato knows how many, we deployed a wartime brigade, well these are 3-400 people, we pose a threat to lithuania and poland. and so on, the president clearly formulates, this is defense, this is him really, he thought through this speech, he did not just gather journalists, this is from my point of view, this is a manifesto, this a declaration of our strategic course in this most difficult situation, although excuse me, as a many-time participant in such meetings, i’ll give you a cutoff, no questions are agreed upon in advance, well, naturally the president understands that in this place there will be such questions, see how he is about the all-belarusian i spoke to the people’s meeting, it’s clear that now...
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i really liked the chevron that navitsky, vasilevskaya, dyson now have, i think that this is generally a symbol like the apollo union, we should replicate it, so we’re making a bet for the peaceful exploration of space, we are aimed at this, we understand that they will not be friends with us, just live nearby, peacefully, you don’t need to do anything else, but keep in mind, the events around the crocus showed that the russians and i are together, we are friends we will not leave a friend , we will not betray, we will go until victory, if you attack, we will fight back, why does he say: so that when crossing the border we will immediately destroy, because we know that at the moment they are not preparing a major invasion, but individual armed actions, including with
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the participation of recruited fugitives, there may be. so as not to be common, immediately destroy it, which is very important, what the president spoke about before, why they are deploying this so-called suwalski, listen, we don’t have a strike group, the russians don’t, they have a naval brigade in the kaliningrad region infantry in the northern military district, they know this very well, you know what this whole suwalki corridor is for, they are preparing for the next stage, with possible successes of russia, to blockade the kaliningrad region, they are preparing for the blockade of the kaliningrad region.
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grandma used to say about such people that they hatred or stupidity, as extrapolating to the president, latvian politicians were born before them, you know, we say, talking about lithuanian, polish, estonian, it will come to them someday, here is mine
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and adamkus in the fall of forty-four, if only he was at least a slightly reasonable person... he certainly would not have joined the sss, these are people who are not able to think. and they can only have one argument that works: strength is what our president says. and i, as they say, applaud 100 times, he says, for the fact that he puts it so harshly question. even ahead of time, before anyone there can think anything in one direction or another. it was said in advance: the slightest provocation means the use of all armed forces. we won’t be there any dosed answers, yes, we will look for some lines and the like. only such a conversation with them can be carried out, and it is absolutely correct here, you noted that kaliningrad is also another pain point that was created in advance back in the ninety-first year, today they are like a bookmark, they want to use it if they have something won’t work out in ukraine, can i, they are doing this in vain, in vain they are doing this, because 42 km is directly marked there, yes 42 km, you can see through binoculars, this
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would be to survive in this difficult time, and i think that our expert opinion, our word , the word of our thinkers, such as vadim frantsovich, all colleagues present, i understand that...
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weeks, we really like to delve into the reasons, this is the most important thing, why what is happening now is happening, i think that we are
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not just talking about the facts there current we agree in one opinion, people who come to this program, this is my opinion , that of course, the main goal is what maria said about, what about russia, that there is decolonization, but i would call it differently, the collapse of the russian federation, johnson and ending others. sometimes they let it slip. did you listen to barel this week? yes. let's listen to barel about why ukrainians are already dying in the hundreds of thousands on their territory, fighting with the russian federation. because it is so beneficial
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for the west. we will help ukraine. we are not we can allow russia to win this war. otherwise, the interests of the united states and europe will be seriously damaged. it’s not just about generosity, it’s not about supporting ukraine, because we
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... will remember that zelensky is an illegitimate president, yeah, that is, there is one more point, just through the international committee, the committee on international affairs in the state duma, i i am responsible for those people who come to russia with whole families from far abroad, now they, by the way, i know that you have the same program, there are a lot of them in belarus people are coming, just here is a family who is from canada from everywhere, in fact from everywhere, i recently had one such case, i did an interview with a person, this is a man from italy, he is a director.
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religious, in particular, these people are given bank cards, they finance , you remember this company, there was one at one time, these voices are capable of turning the tide in some grandiose film, the tail tells the dog, which was once based on an american novel, it came out yet before the operation in yugoslavia began, well, this book came out, and where the war was actually predicted, there specifically the country was called albania, in order to save
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the us president from the problems there, the scandals that he had, there is one of the scenes where a mexican peasant is sworn in, this is just such a prediction, when the oath of us citizenship is read to him, and he says: “si, sii, si, this is just an icon for modern republicans, the american right, of course, carlson is exaggerating a little here, but in principle what is happening is let's say frankly, yes, there is a fight between biden and trump, but i look." i completely agree, now there is a fight for trump, so that even when he wins, he does not change the strategic line that he is pursuing, they say that trump , and he declares this, he carried out the largest number of sanctions, and so on and so on, that is, they are fighting to ensure that with any change of power in the white house, on the capitalist hill , they still maintain the strategic course with only minor fluctuations, absolutely correct you said, but you and i are not steel never brought together.
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you've probably encountered the same problem , we're kind of inflating our fugitives, look, opponents of the government, it specialists, gathered their families, left in protest, no, the americans set such conditions for them, they were forced to leave, it specialists in tashkent it’s better to live than in minsk, i just know now that these people dream of going back, and not everyone can, unfortunately, they write
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to us at the commission, they write to us, including us, there are many who write to the commission, by the way, the commission is working upon return, 10 minutes left, maybe a little less, yugoslavia, i would really like to touch on the former serbia, last week i saw the material. with the help of arms trade and mediation, while simultaneously diverting attention from ukraine and giving russia leverage over western leaders, the authors say western balkans is an ideal candidate, kosovo and bosnia and herzegovina are not nato members, well , of course, stream of consciousness as always, but vucic everything would have been fine, but a few days later
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vučić wrote, now it’s not easy for me to say what news we have received in the last 48 hours, in the coming days, i will familiarize the people of serbia with all the challenges that lie ahead of us, it will be difficult.
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split serbia, overthrow milosevic , prevent serbia from joining our union state, which was discussed then, and the president flew to belgrade, we remember, to tear montenegro away from serbia, and to tear it off, they relied on djukanovic, an absolutely corrupt man who since 1989, he has held power, relying on mafia clans, in order to deprive serbia of access to the sea, and the sea is in including the connection with russia, why such a policy is being pursued, and there was no corridor lying around to serbia, basfor was lying around there, by the way, we noticed on what dates all this happened, and the terrorist attack in crocus, and khatyn, the beginning of the bombing of yugoslavia, i was just like since, i think that all of our spectators present here are in solidarity with us, that i was at the opening of a memorial plaque in memory of those killed in these bombings, and
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it was not in vain that they chose this date, including to put pressure on vučić, because it’s roughly clear how it will develop history, the americans always play ahead, they...
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on march 27, 1999 , an invisible f-117 was shot down, and with an old soviet zanotherm missile, this is also probably somewhat symbolic of hashim tachi, as vadim remembered him here. and let’s illustrate with one simple example: dear belarusians, russians, ukrainians, if
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you want to live on reservations as the indigenous population of north america, then you must betray your sovereignty. yes. that's all. you should go to the washington slope. and believe me, in 50 years we are on our lands, like the indians there, we will live on reservations. well , you know, what else is important in these events, then yugoslav, here maria spoke about the embassy. i remember how the russian people rose up, and alexander lukashenko felt this mood of not only belarusians, but russians, they almost took the american embassy by storm, they had to restrain it, the military actually, without yeltsin’s knowledge, prepared an operation to march from bosnia to kosovo, and if yeltsin gave the go-ahead, but i don’t know what to thank yeltsin for, yeltsin , after all, his entourage did everything so as not to lukashenko pryamakov’s plan to include serbia in what was then yugoslavia was implemented.
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everyone is on benefits, that is, they are paid a pretty penny , not enough to live, but enough to survive, from these shacks, i tell you what i saw, some kind of devils come out in general, in an incomprehensible manner, horribly fat, with incomprehensible drunken faces , that’s why they are persecuted there with everything they can, for this they are given a handout, this is social security, what the democrats are now saying, we support with social services, this is how you say, yes, that’s it.
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there will be a union state other than kosovo, because kosovo is serbia. thank you very much, it was the editors' club, see you in exactly a week, goodbye. each of the heroes is special, this is unity,
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some kind of brotherhood, with the guys, there were only a few of us girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal research there was everything. the six girls who graduated received an education equal to the men. each has its own unique story. my father advised me to go to get an education as a psychologist, practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice , most people address family issues when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love and attention to other people. watch the project belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. well, look, everywhere from every iron today they say: the third world war has already begun, the second say, the third world war is on the threshold, the fourth say, a hybrid
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war is being waged, well, it’s very, very difficult for the common man to understand, this is a step towards escalation, they trying to make it as intense as possible. that the project wants to touch us objectively, don’t miss the new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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lukashenko is not a politician, he is a leader who is not interested in the next elections, but in the next generation, he is not trying to be liked primarily, he works so that we like his decisions and the result of his work, this is my job, to sit, think using experiences, my knowledge, i have to predict that if the president has nothing to do with these things, given that, as a rule, parliamentary elections, especially local ones...
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the construction of the entire political system of the country, and he does this not for his own sake, but for the sake of future generations, and we will constantly remind him of this. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on belarus24 tv channel. belarus celebrated an important holiday for the country, 30 years of the basic law. we created our own history, we also wrote our own laws. what matters is what we get as a result. unsquandered national wealth, preserved sovereignty, security and peace in the native land, growth, prosperity. our citizens, as the president said, the year of quality begins from their own backyard, forward to the people, repair roads, repair yards,
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belarus is just space, they must be belarusian, they must be modest, there was no self-confidence, although we set the task, what if you will already be selected and you will be included in the cosmonaut detachment, then you have to endure everything there, you cannot leave the race, no matter how difficult it is for you. our industry has reached near-astronomical rates this year, growth in january was almost 5.5%. for the last year enterprises of the ministry of industry traded by $6.5 billion and thereby exceeded the maximum level for a decade by more than 7%. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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on sunday, march 31 , i’ll tell you about the main thing by the morning hour.


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