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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 12:40pm-1:31pm MSK

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midday news release, you can also follow the central region news project on the website and the youtube channel of the television news agency, all the best and see you.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon.
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set up a satellite dish azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian temples.
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and this unites us, both those who lived before us and those who may live after us, to come to this shrine, about the spiritual purpose of shrines in the life of a believer, people now come here in large, large crowds to worship and, as it were , to come into contact with the mother of god, uh , such a living prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people there are prayed at this shrine for two thousand years? watch in the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. a dog or a wolf, oh, listen, you’re rich,
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what don’t you have, yes, beauty, otherwise you ’re really cool. designer, well, just nothing is visible in them, i understand, the cat’s cars are brisk, brother, send me your money, excuse me, we’re having lunch, can i pick up vanya, yes, of course. van, come on, run and come. van, i’ll wait here for you, honestly.
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well, what’s his name, didn’t you forget to take a selfie? why like this? how about it, my dear? did you make this mess? only god knows how long i will have to finish it. i hope you understand. say goodbye to vanya and promise me you won’t set foot here again. listen, dear, why are you trampling this place like a hen? what you need? it’s okay, father, i’m a journalist, the press, look, i ’ll draw 200 of them for you, get lost. why wait here, who is my press, and i keep wondering why he’s stuck, and it turns out that he
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’s clicking because of her, naturally, for this we should be grateful to inga valerievna, isn’t it, hello? okay, marina, don’t make noise , don’t scold the girl, she wanted the best, suddenly everything will turn out well for vanya, you better think about what we will do, if it doesn’t work out , it’s time for me to go to rehearsal, and don’t be afraid of you, the guys are tired of waiting, come on, beki, i’ll come to you again i'll come. really, mom, come here, come on, that's it, run, something happened, you
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haven't been yourself for a couple of days, let's lay it out, we didn't come here for lunch, judging by your appetite.
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yes, thank you, my dears, i just thought that you would say something else, i was afraid , i’ll go then, i’ll go to the guardianship department, now, well, for starters, yes, now, yes, if you want, i ’ll go with you, i can take time off from work, no, no need, don’t worry, i’ll call you from there myself, okay? whatever, whatever, we follow the hand, release the thigh, foot on the floor, ok, stop, let's rest, i apologize for being late, i had a toothache, i had to go to the doctor, they cured it, right? okay , let's agree, if you don't come to rehearsal again,
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you'll go straight home, okay, go to your place, stop, the ring doesn't interfere with your work, go, well, let's continue, let's start first, are you ready? and once, borya, look, anna rusanova is visiting the named son in the orphanage, today’s date, what’s happening, she ’s mocking us, i’ll sort it out, thank you, everyone is free for today. rusanova continues,
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at first, yes, it’s a difficult situation, yes , well, you can find him, everything is written there in the letter, where, when she left him, what was on him, but you understand that 2 years have passed, a lot could have changed, the boy could have... okay, so be it, but i still need to know, you will need a lot of information about your health, living space, material support, i will collect, i will collect everything you say, really, you just need to find me a son, come through week, i’ll send out requests, maybe something will work out. more, faster, even
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faster, stop, that's enough for today, i don't like being deceived. anya , why are you encouraging this boy in vain, he really thinks that you are his mother, you know, mom, you know, he has the eyes of an adult, for some reason i suddenly felt ashamed for all of us, and that you have such a voice, everything is fine, i’m just tired from the hard training, well then go rest, gain strength, to the boy, there’s no need to... go to this, well, no need, okay, mom, i’ll think about it, bye, no, well, i’m here with your mother agrees,
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you haven’t told her yet how valnov drove you for the trip, i was late, he got angry, well, of course, why do you need problems because of a boy whom you saw only once, and don’t listen to her, the next time you go to him, i’m with you, i don’t know if there will be a next time? go ahead, come on, what, like , that’s it, the sailor left, but of course, maybe you’re right, maybe that’s the way it should be, then... that nikitos, well, my father also came to see me twice in 15 years, but you know, that’s good, less lies, what do you think, it’s so simple, i wanted to go, what’s the matter, you’re afraid of my father, what does this have to do with the fact that you’re pestering me, i’m not anyone i’m afraid i don’t want to let him down, i understand, this is firstly, secondly, the director of the orphanage, she is against my visits, my mother is too,
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come on. and you know that you are right, what the hell , really, why can’t i go to him , i promised him, i want this, i need it myself, where are you going, i’ll go for a walk, and where are you going to such an area, hello, you said , that you have a day off, i thought we were going shopping. let's go, we need to prepare for the wedding, regish, i can't, that's a must, but not today, you know how many documents are needed for adoption, here so, they will call from the guardianship, but he is not ready to soak me, that’s it, he ran
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, hello, it’s me, i need your help, hello, boris aleksandrovich, i need your help, i want a solo dance, qualifying soon, i have nothing ready , well... do you need a dance? i just thought you had new interests. you don’t go to rehearsals, well, i decided not to intrude. i apologize, this won't happen again. is there anything else you want to tell me? did you go to this boy's house somewhere? your good
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will is certainly admirable, but if you want to stay here. then you don’t need to spend money, you just don’t have enough strength, do you want to participate in my new production? i want, so this is my condition, for the duration of the rehearsal you belong entirely to me, no extraneous matters or problems, no grandfather’s houses, do you agree? i can’t, i just said that i would come, it’s up to you, i won’t offer it a second time, but you won’t be able to give part of it to him, and part of it to the stage, children completely and completely take all your resources, everything, believe me, i am passed i see great potential in you, but to
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realize it it will take a lot of work, our work, the competition will end, visit whoever you want, but now... with trips, i agree, i agree, i hope to explain that we have not met , unnecessary, of course, what do you have now? a week to persuade my vasily to give up the search, yeah, and then , and then he’ll come to me, i’ll give him the address of the orphanage, i won’t break the law, well , i think, i understand you as a woman, such a stepson is for me don't hang anyone's neck you want, what kind of guy, well, let’s just say, he ’s a difficult boy, unsociable, doesn’t
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talk to anyone, fights often, the director of this orphanage came to see me here, this... he says, she’s worn out with him, asks to transfer him to a special boarding school, where is this orphanage? in ileisk, could you give me the exact address? won't you do anything stupid? no, no, what are you talking about, i just want to look at him, look, conscience is like mold, you can’t even bring out slavin later. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science, we will definitely use it after preparations. not food , as well as after any meal, it is thanks to it that our dishes retain their beautiful appearance for many years, while science had not yet given us those household
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cleaning chemicals that we use now, housewives most often got rid of dirt and rust with the help of vinegar . let's share some interesting facts: liquid dish detergent has an ancient history. more than 500 years ago, according to scientists, it appeared completely. by chance in russia in the 19th century, vinegar was prepared from apples, raspberries, bread, birch, in europe at the end of the 14th century century, charles the sixth established an entire guild of vinegarers. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. an alkaline environment is necessary so that the surface molecule of the active substance can perform its function. if the environment is acidic, for example, then the molecule will not perform the function of a detergent. look. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, you
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are the same family who, firstly, lives in the village, and secondly, in a house in which they once began to organize, so to speak, a museum, then everything is in a fog and the exhibits begin getting bigger and bigger, you live right next to the bathhouse, you are doubly lucky, you live next to your bathhouse, which is very cool, as far as i know. watch the project i'm from the village on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. hello, inga, how are you? anh, it's good that you called. vanya is waiting for you, the dodge is constantly spinning. inga, i wanted to ask. you, please tell vanya that while training is going on, we can’t leave, even on saturday, i won’t be able to get away yet, you said that saturday is a day off, yes,
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but now we will train seven days a week, anya, and you know, tell him yourself that you won’t come again until i’m gone, there is nothing more permanent than temporary, i won’t deceive the child, i don’t ask you to deceive him, now. .. i don’t have the opportunity to come, yes, but then, that’s right, i don’t understand people at all, yes, mom! what are you yelling about? oh, they stole vanechka’s picture, kiryukha, take this sick man off me.
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are you crazy or something? sit down, don't yell. lyuh, you tore out the page, what’s your business, what’s your business? will you defend now? we need to protect ourselves from such bastards. what you said? is it all because of him, because of the humanoid? give me the page. just choke, she’s no one to you at all, are you a fool or something, she came to him, if he were a stranger to her, why would he surrender to her then? she won’t come again, you’ll see, mom! vasya, are you okay? yes, but no one from the guardianship is calling. listen, just a few days have passed, we have to wait.
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i can't, i can't anymore. sit there like a fool, so what are you going to do? ah, i don’t know, i’ll go to the station tomorrow, well, where is she? left, oh, mom, dear, 4 years have passed, well, maybe someone from the line department remembers, and if he doesn’t remember, then to orphanages in the region, maybe then in another... someone will wake up, call, vasya, and you know, today i read on the internet about children from orphanages, they are absolutely not adapted to life in society, this is of course not their fault, but what do you mean by this, well, you must understand what awaits us , probably who - will you have to leave work,
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what if the boy turns out to be unwell? why did you decide that he was unwell? well, think for yourself, if he were normal, maybe she wouldn’t have left him? no need to go too far, okay, svetlana alekseevna is the kind of person you can’t refuse, even on a day off, but usually we don’t arrange such screenings for potential parents, thank you. why do you need vanya? if you are interested in my opinion, the boy needs special care. if possible, i 'll just look at it. i warned you, you see, in a black jacket? so, guys, let's put down the toys and stand in a semicircle. van, this applies to you too. ilya, you're not enough
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place, come here, now we will greet each other. hello kirill, i'm very glad to see you, now you can greet someone else. hello ilya, i am very glad to see you. ilya, greet vanya. ilya, hello, humanoid, you are a complete idiot, no mother will come to you , vanya ilya, anechka, we found out that you recently went to an orphanage, you claimed that this was not your son, that it was pangs of conscience, or
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i went . to get acquainted, i was very touched by vanya’s story, what kind of story is this, tell me, are you going to go to him again, listen, how much can you delve into this, before you, by the way , is a wonderful dancer and soloist of my future production, wait, you are talking about anna karenina, exactly, please love and favor me, my new anna karenina, but this is a role irina valnova, yours is the role of anna rusanova, who not only with her talent... and her spiritual qualities proved to me that i made the right choice. borya, listen, things don’t work like that. well , you could have warned me that ira valnova is no longer participating in the production of anna karenina. i would i brought you a bucket of ice to cool your ardor. so now bring me what’s wrong and some champagne. just don’t, don’t, fight, this is irony, jokes are not your thing. what were you even thinking about? and tell me what you were thinking?
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ira. this name, ira, is the poster, the name of the poster is me, senya, by the way, my last name is there, how quickly everyone forgot where i got her from, from the crowd, she became a star, and that’s enough, no, i’m starting to get nervous, calmly, calmly, calmly, come on - think logically about who will give money for your production to your anya from tyumen, for example, a competition, an excellent springboard for promotion, you know what i do, well , the most important thing is that you know what you are doing, and ira, i brought you an article, she is already a teacher, she has taken patronage over a children's dance school, and now everyone calls her the good fairy of children's hearts, the fairy, it was the fairy
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who turned you into a pumpkin. i ’ll stamp as many fairies as you want, videos on social networks, interviews, that’s it, here we have your own fairy. what did i tell you? and you dance, dance, and now we will have our own, anya from tyumen, good fairy, children's hearts, good idea, don't worry, they told you he'll come, he hid his glasses again. come on, find me a key for 19 in the box, and
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oh, well done, respect me, tell me yourself... sonny, lord, why did you send me such a stubborn boy, he doesn’t respect his elders, laughs, grandfather, and grandfather, you are my golden one, of course not, 7 and 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, again, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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and 8, 1, 2, 3, lagidze , you have some problems, no, then don’t get distracted. i see anya is wasting her time. the main thing is to find the right door? i just saw an open car, but... showed interested, well, you’ve chosen where you’ll go? where will i go? with me, or is that not enough? ok, sit down, i’ll show you around st. petersburg at night, our
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tour bus leaves in 30 seconds.
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thank you, thank you, i wouldn’t have seen so much of this alone, well, of course, you’re a busy girl with us now. “boris alexandrovich , boris, you and i practically spent the night together, boris, i really want to go to vanya, tomorrow is saturday, okay, he’s just not tomorrow,
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why did i promise him, you know, vanya, he hardly speaks, physiology , no i do not i think i stuttered as a child , you can’t tell, i had to work hard, by the way , dancing helped me, dancing to stop me from swearing, interestingly, they actually practice drinking, yes, but vanya, he needs to find something of his own. i want to help him find it when i can go, well, how fast, i’ll tell you everything, in due time, okay, okay, boys, have you seen vanya? no, he
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hasn’t come since breakfast. ilya, what are you telling him again? - did you say that it was offensive? no, stand up when adults are talking to you. what is this? so that this doesn’t happen again, you do you understand me? at the faculty, specifically at the department of international relations from 2014
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to this day, this is a coffee confectionery, the first coffee confectionery, eastern in belarus, as always, we work here in lebanese, we always talk to people, how to drink this coffee, how they eat these sweets, how right it should be that they give this taste, i love syrah subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything. watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. tall city, yeah according to chronicles, this place has been called since the 15th century. there are many attractions here, i will try to tell you about them all. this is high and we begin to get acquainted. and we set off on an exciting journey. by the way, there used to be several water units in the city. and a little later even electric mills appeared, and many tourists
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claim that the remains of wall paintings can be found inside, and i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services they appear in the chapel big wings to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklovo is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this is a diary entry. consider that you have not visited sino if you have not tried the spring water; people come from neighboring regions and villages to get it; they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. anya, can you hear me? vanya is missing. you don't have to take me there. don’t you know, filming has been postponed until this evening. you're still one more late. sorry, i didn’t write the rules, you obviously won’t make it on the train, i’m sorry that your boy even did something weird, it’s all my fault, i promised and didn’t come, how did you let this happen, how could you overlook it like that , well and? there is some news, so you are here, let
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's spread out over the territory, who is looking where, but he could not leave the gate, listen to me, that means, if vanya is found, we talk to him calmly, as if we were playing hide and seek, understand , so let's gather the children for me, look, there he is on the roof, lord, vanya. vanchika, how high you climbed. vanechka, maybe you’ll come down to me, no, wait,
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don’t, i’ll do it myself, okay, don’t move, okay, i’m here now, the answer to my request has arrived, yeah, boy. the one we're looking for was adopted a year ago, it's definitely him, judging by the data you provided me, yes, okay, but where, where is he? i mean, where is this family? well, i don’t have such information, but you can find out theoretically, but i don’t have the right to disclose it, well, think about it, why do you need this, i want it see, he already has a father and mother,
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be happy for the boy and move on with your life, it will be better for everyone. can you tell me where he is? hello, regina, i told him everything as agreed, but this is the first and last time. i was so scared, i’m afraid of heights , adults are generally more cowardly than children, i was afraid that they would remove me from the competition, i didn’t come to you, forgive me, please
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, i hope you understand the seriousness of what is happening, this is chip, marina gennadievna. he just hid, shut up, i don’t need lawyers, we’re talking about the boy’s fate, maybe he felt bad, bad, and that there is an educational psychologist on staff who is obliged to help in such situations, an educational psychologist, i always want to discuss it with someone, that’s it, in a week there will be a commission that will decide vanya’s fate, you free, i'm marina gennadievna now. well, if we're done, maybe you can give me a tour of your wonderful orphanage? is it stupid to try to persuade you not to suffer? perhaps, there’s no reason, right? well, the boy has a family!
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and you have a family, i can't even see him, well, maybe someday, how he grows, as he grows up. my son, everything is fine, everything is fine, your son will be fine, we will have children, and you will be the
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best dad. look, the main character has appeared. borenka, you are on time, otherwise we were already thinking about replacing the chairman of the jury. i wonder who the lucky one is? have no doubt, they would have found a worthy candidate. i thought the worthy ones were already sitting in their places. but still, boris, where did you come back to us so eccentric? fedor, you ’re not even trying. there aren’t enough fantasies, um, that’s it, i’m ready, we can start, thank you thank you very much for permission, i'll go, camera, ready, let's go! so, we are starting our show "dance class". dance with us, dance better than
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us if you can. and the first participant to appear on this platform is nano lagidze. let's meet.
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what flew out? nan, is she kind, or what? if you want to know, i made ventilation on the dress, did you like it? for what? volnov saw you without him, right? what did you decide? next tour through the bed along the green corridor? well, excuse me, if there is anything wrong,
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i went to dance, our next number is a nurse from tyumen will perform, meet anna rusanova, vanya! this is a dance for you, who is vanya? virchik, don’t you watch the news, what’s the name of this boy here at home?
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