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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 7:20pm-7:51pm MSK

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for our company, quality year is another incentive and another step for improvement in order to move up. i came to our enterprise in 1999, to come to mogilev flefmash to work, it was then and now, in principle, prestigious, in our city it is the largest enterprise, if the history of the plant began with one elevator model, then at the moment there are already more than 180 models needs. our consumers grew,
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accordingly, certain requirements grew, one of the directions is the latest our developments at our scientific and technical center are parking systems, they are independent or dependent on a certain number of cars per space, more than 80% of our products are exported, accordingly, we must compete in the sales market. improving the quality of products is one of the criteria that you can show yourself in competition and, accordingly, win this fight, well , in principle, for many years belarusian quality has been the best, when i see our products, i am proud that this elevator released at our enterprise, the work of a large number of people has been put into this unit, when i see vandalism like this... if
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there is a painted elevator or an elevator cabin or an elevator door, it is very unpleasant for me, because knowing how many people do it, what work invested in everything, at our enterprise we have a closed production cycle, well , so to speak, from 0 to 100%, we produce all the parts, components, subassemblies, from which subsequently...
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the telenews agency continues its long journey through the regions of russia, we are looking sights, meet interesting people, but most importantly we study how the friendship of the brassian peoples moves forward into a union state, because, as we know, the strongest foundation is built from regional ties. our film crews have covered dozens of geolocations in different parts of the big country, and it is even more difficult to surprise us.
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all the most important things in orenburg can be found practically in one square, for example, we came from the main street, it is, of course, pedestrian and, of course, it is called soviet. we came to the building where once there was a flight school , gagarin studied here by the way, orenburg met
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his future wife, now orenburg is a city of cosmic glory, however, this square is not cosmic, not gagarin, chkalov stands here, that’s what orenburg was called in the soviet years from the thirty-eighth to... fifty-seventh , well, it’s true, chikalov himself has nothing to do with the history of the city, this is how it happens, well, let’s get acquainted further, now we are actually on the embankment, here is the building of the children’s railway, the station komsomolskaya, but in general the very presence of a children 's piece of iron is already something that makes minsk orenburg akin, and another attraction is this pedestrian bridge, it would seem ordinary, but it is very... what is there? let's go have a look. and it is interesting because it is along this bridge that the borders between europe and asia pass. now we are in europe, but just a few steps away. and, hello, asia, by the way, without visas. true, this was considered until
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the middle of the last century. then geographers all over the planet agreed to conditionally divide europe and asia not along the ural river, but along the ural mountains. so orenburg became a completely european city, but the memory of the former border city. it still retains its position, and this attracts tourists. i think many who are watching us now will think, well, orenburg , of course, where is the down scarf? don’t worry, it will be soon, but we won’t go to the store, we’ll go to the production facility with good music. dear on the shoulders, eagleburst. marina pavlovna, why is the orenburg downy shawl so famous that they even dedicate songs to it? orenburg downy shawl - this is one of the brands of the orenburg region along with wheat and gas.
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the orenburg scarf has been known since ancient times; now it continues the tradition of our grandmothers. years ago, local needlewomen knitted scarves from goat down, the products quickly became known throughout the russian empire, during the soviet years the popularity only increased, they decided to replicate the local symbol on machines and founded a large factory, of course, today it occupies a much smaller area, digitalization does not even bypass folk traditions, that is, i i draw all the letters by hand so that they are even and beautiful. and thus i further create a program for knitting a scarf. factory specialists say: yes, the machine simplifies the work, but in no case deprives it of its soul. it is based on the same symbols that were once used by the founders of the craft, all the same materials, goose fur and
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silk thread, the same warmth of the hands of local craftswomen. the main secret of success has remained unchanged. well, they say there is a tradition that a real orenburg down scarf must go through a ring. engagement, yes this is really true, we 'll check it now, come on, well, i don't have a ring yet, but i will soon, my operator already has one, lyosha, thank you, that's all you need, yes, an ordinary ring, let's show this ring , yes, it is, a ring, it is there, there is a ring and there is a scarf, we will take the scarf by the corner and try to thread it through. well, help, come on, it was really easy, that is , it’s quite possible to check the quality, of course, regular customers have no doubt about the quality, orenburg scarves keep you warm residents of all russia and kazakhstan, perhaps
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soon we will feel their warmth in belarus. in the meantime, let’s see how orenburg residents evaluate the belarusian light industry. here's anton, they opened it, look, here are four grades, all a's. that is, this clearly shows that the products are in demand, we ourselves are very happy with such assessments. applications are sent online from all over russia. products are presented on the most popular marketplaces. well, whoever wants to evaluate it personally, welcome to this small but nice showroom. and it is very similar to ours humalicum in miniature. komvoli, galaantea, svetano kakalinka. almost all brands are represented here. the undisputed flagship is belarusian flax, and it is promoted by the personal founder of the project, and it was only worth visiting orsha once, flax is of course such an amazing plant, and wonderful products come from it in general, well, in fact, before that, probably not very active here either
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they use linen products, well, because there are not so many of them, but i’ll be honest, after visiting the factory i just fell in love with it . i really wanted to go into the history of flax to present these products here in the orenburg region, the largest shopping center in the region shares this love, a large one will open there soon. you must agree, this is already a proven brand, and there is no need to even argue which products will be the top sellers, belarusian towels are doing great, this is a definite top. this is how they evaluate everything in orenburg , a retail outlet called dodoma, which is belarusian. to make sure of this, we move on. this is also orenburg, but already the outskirts, a special economic area is being built here zone, such a territory of modern enterprises. mining enterprise without belarusian participation. by the way, the entrance here is symbolic through a gate
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made in belarus. this building is the future large dairy plant. throughout its history, sec krasnogorski has been selling raw materials to other manufacturers. now i’ve decided, why produce added value if you can make good money? there are plans to produce everything that consumers need, from fermented baked milk to rekota, in large volumes thanks to modern technologies and modern equipment. we have. on the enterprise uses a very serious ventilation system and it was belarusian production that was selected on a tender basis, because it has proven itself at other enterprises to be of very high quality and durable work, but the matter did not end with belarusian ventilation, ours reached the holy of holies of the production process laboratory, for production we decided to buy atlant refrigerators, respectively... in the laboratory they cost us also six pieces for the laboratory , purchased for each department and enough
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high quality, very good indicators for storing product samples. not only temperature and humidity indicators are important, belarusians are also responsible for the microclimate, we are talking about the team that is now working on the site, so that all the equipment works like a clock, you need the hands of a master, as well as intelligence, ingenuity and hard work, our specialists have all this . plant is scheduled for spring, and this will be their merit. and yuri, tell us how they treat belarusian builders here in orenburg? generally excellent, good, well, with respect, and in general, the people here are good , well, belarusian builders can do everything, and belarusians can do everything, here is the customer’s opinion from first-hand: very, very good specialists, very competent and sociable, who solve all the issues, and most importantly they are approachable, do everything wisely . if it were possible, we would keep them forever. meanwhile, the plant’s management is already calculating
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the strategy and geography of sales of orenburg milk. the strongest competitors are belarusian manufacturers. but as experience shows, we know how to successfully complement each other. and example number one is the union industry. we arrived at the orenburg radiator. over the eighty-year history of the plant , the specialization has not changed. as the name suggests, they release it here. an important element for cooling engines, given this very importance, safety requirements only become stricter. all radiator products must be sealed, and now we are seeing a radiator leak test in a water bath. tests are carried out under pressure of three atmospheres for at least 30 seconds. the products you see now are will be installed on belarusian tractors. mtz is one of the main partners.
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we have our own scientific and technical center, our own laboratory, in which we conduct periodic tests and tests of the first samples, and we are also constantly trying and improving the quality of the products we produce, and there are also reviews, of course, well, the best review is this when a new order is placed. agree with the approach of a real belarusian, by the way, we met him quite by accident right during filming, well, even on your territory you can see familiar. tractors, yes, of course, the orenburg radiator uses equipment
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from the republic of belarus for its needs. yes, belarusians feel comfortable in orenburg. mtz holds more than half of the regional market. our tractors are bought by large companies and individual farmers. there is a model for every need, but the classic seems to suit everyone. despite the fact that there are many different models in the package of the umensky tractor plant. the t-82 remains the same.
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we provide both warranty and post-warranty repairs. here's a tractor all inclusive. yes, you quickly get used to good things. and if you once chose a belarusian in your youth, then you certainly cannot change him for anything. the local agricultural university knows what components make up the success of a brand. instead of boring lectures and practical exercises with such visual aids. you can already see how all these parts work for us. in particular, there is a section of the pump, the drive axle, the front drive axle, there are many who want to take the initiative, or rather the steering wheel of the tractor, in their own hands, and these skills will soon will be needed, in the summer students will replace the walls of the classroom with the endless expanses of fields, i have many friends and parents who work in this industry, my father is a mechanic,
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i like technical subjects, the profile is technical, i came here on purpose, i like the work. well, as if i haven’t known each other for a long time, that is, i work strangely in agriculture, even though i have a profession, belarusian technology, well, i’m a girl with it, and i plan to work in my own way , i’ve been working with it for about four years now, i’m very i like technology, it’s true, it’s possible and change it, there are a lot of different configurations, you can put any trailed one, either in front or in the back, it’s simple, mtz has declared itself in the academic environment of orenburg. years ago, they began to attract schoolchildren who , already in the first grade, will know what a tractor is, already experienced machine operators who improve their skills here, but of course, the main characters are students, they have all the conditions , now it’s better to go to practice in minsk. the guys will actually see the entire production, work on the lines production of these tractors, well, one
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of the important points is that we were allowed to send our teachers, associate professors, professors, for that... the same advanced training at the same minsk tractor plant, i also think this will give serious results, why? because, having new knowledge, we will teach ourselves and convey information to our listeners, to our students, with better quality. such training is not even a trend, a requirement of the time, so that young people have interest and motivation, and in general in orenburg young there is a road everywhere. just look at the complex they built... in the city center for talented creatives. here we met with vice-governor igor sukharev. he wants to go to belarus on his summer vacation. all our friends have already had a lot of impressions on them. once again we are convinced that there are such reviews in orenburg about everything belarusian, both at the everyday level and at the state level. well, when you hear belarus, yes, what kind of experience
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maybe you would like to adopt, and what positive aspects distinguish the country. and the state in this case? well i think which is very correct that in belarus there are a huge number of segments of the economy, they are still not market ones, yes, they are today managed by the state, they work in a planned mode, and this planning makes it possible to still be ahead in some positions, that is despite the fact that our country and yours are under certain pressure and sanctions, mechanical engineering, car production, and agriculture are actively developing.
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they do in belarus, but here they also say only good things about the belarusians themselves and even are interested in our national traditions. cultural diplomacy is coming to the fore. representatives of, just think about it, more than 100 nationalities live in orenburg and the region, but in general there are 10 main nations . and in order for them to find themselves at home, it is not at all necessary to take train or plane tickets, it is enough to come here. to the national village to find ourselves in our own beloved farmstead, what are we going to do right now? belarusians go to visit belarusians.
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well, on a shirt, so that from the ground, in the ground we still spit and say different things, not to the heart no evil spirits came in order for the heart to be pure, that’s why belts are needed , these traditions have already been lost, but we are trying to revive all this, and we tell the youth all this
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, belarusian dishes were prepared here, i learned it, i liked it and decided to stay, continue, study and move forward, well , i like it myself too, of course, naturally.
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well, it’s delicious, delicious, wear it again, well, when your stomachs are full, your soul demands songs from the bottom of your heart, the storage box is thin, the water is cold, and i’m young, you think in orenburg he sings like that only the older generation?
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rymota, and it unites all the guys who study at the local college of culture and arts in the field of folk art. we are all slavs, we are all people close to each other, but our languages ​​are very similar, very melodic, our cultures basically intersect. i believe that we each have a genetic code, a cultural one, which we must preserve and continue in future generations, because it is still our family, our loved one. i would like to visit belarus and see, i would really like to see the belarusian teams, real ones, who have been working for years to learn something from them, to gain some baggage. well, we are waiting for the belarusian team, in full force and, of course,
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led by the artistic director. so please, let's tune in. natalya iosifovna devoted her entire life to music at her native college, of course, together with students she studied the culture of different nations, but over time she realized that creative youth are drawn specifically to belarusian songs. this is how khrymota appeared, these bright costumes, the blue color of which was dedicated to vasilko. here it is for us has become a native of this song, and we see, we see how...
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this is how a belarusian song helps to build a life, determines a favorite activity for the years to come, my musical development is of great importance to me, this is the pesnera ensemble, i can even demonstrate to you, even when i entered the music school, i was asked to play by ear, well, in addition to the fact that i played from the notes... they asked me to play by ear, the first thing i did was play, the ensemble’s repertoire included the song vologda, i can picture for you what it looked like, like this he, orenburg, where you will hear the drag and meet your fellow countrymen, a city that seems to have combined all the best from all the russian regions where we once were, but
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still with '. its unique face, it is truly the heart of eurasia, which beats in unison with the belarusian rhythm. tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is she like? belarus. strong and developing,
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hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team, we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you.


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