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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 8:50pm-9:01pm MSK

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claws are terrorists, on whose hands the blood has not yet dried, he needs to make sure that people in our pre-trial detention centers can sleep and get enough sleep during the day, otherwise this is a direct violation of everything, well, there was also something about genders, this is a separate story, such a strange document, this man, with his statement , drove another nail into the coffin of the international structures of their authority, and in short, he can say a lot, a lot, in short, my friend, please figure out where the corpses are coming from , which we documented, they are killing so, come to the belarusian border, polish and baltic border guards, how many criminal cases have been opened, well , come, look, figure out where ukrainian children are going in europe, where they are, deal with the murdered children, i’m not even talking about the middle east, here in europe , eventually go to kosovo and figure out what’s being prepared there, europe will soon be blown up, that ’s everyone...
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lukashenko went through the stations, strengthening independence, strengthening sovereignty, strengthening well-being and... still remained at the station with the name anger, lie, hypocrisy, failure, envy - everything that goes along with this, so we move on and don’t listen to any un, no commissioners, no fugitives, no legal, moral, ethical ones.
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these characters no longer have the ability to tell us what to do in our state, they have gone bankrupt in all directions, all over the world, oleg sergeevich is absolutely right, there is no faith, no, no trust, all double standards have become commonplace, so we ourselves on our own land, according to our own laws, we will decide how to live. andrey petrovich, well, i’m here i agree with my colleagues that we have our own path, no one can tell us. should not, we have historically defended the right to exist in the family of peoples of europe, and no one has the right to tell us how we should live, how we should build our own, our sovereignty, whether we should fly into space or not, whether we should support the russian federation or not, in ultimately, i want to say, we are a sovereign state, we are an established state, and i want to say, we will never abandon and have never abandoned our allies, and today we
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together with the russian federation, and as we said in the program, the enemy is clearly defined, we have one enemy with russia. i thank you for this conversation, to end, to end, i would like to finish with this, in spite of everything, even despite the stubborn, but important in such matters , automation, belarus is opening a new page in space and doing it beautifully. marina vasilevskaya's charm hits the mark, there is something from gagarin's legendary smile, as if we are declaring to the universe. much more than squabbles over stones and sands, beautiful, real, ours, we wish her good luck, but this is not only about beauty, it’s not even about space, which, of course, brings a scientific school and production into a new orbit, this is an act of special will and spirit, they beat us, and instead of fixing our eyes on the ground, we consider our place among stars, we find it, it’s great, not far away.
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at present, the map has been developed in principle, what it represents, it represents the general russian map.
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program, we see directly statistical data for this region, what concerns the construction industry is the presence of design organizations, construction organizations, the presence of... housing construction programs, the cost per square meter , the cost of average housing in this market, that is, in principle, such a complex of problems and issues that are necessary to get a very long time to work, today can be done without any problems with just one click to obtain this information, and in the context of both construction and design work, are there plans to develop similar interactive maps for others in the future? in principle, when we formed the task, we assumed that directly cooperation in the field of construction services will extend to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and of course, to the closest partner of the russian federation.
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a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. and in your opinion, why today are our builders so in demand abroad, in which countries are they represented... we can say that the export is actually exported outside the republic, what are our advantages in that we have preserved the old soviet school, we today we are developing our construction industry in different directions, this includes digitalization, this is
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in the field of designing norms and standards, this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this is in the field of construction services, we have preserved them. multiplied, well , as for our country, what large projects are we building today and what is happening with the volume of housing being built? well, in principle , this year i see something very interesting, this is a children's technology park that will be in the starobensky district, this is the development of the kobrensky memorial of the brest fortress, this... probably from significant in grodno is the construction of the third hospital and the oncology center. the global issue that interests everyone is always on the agenda - the amount of housing being built. in 2023 we built 4,193. m2, of
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which 1.49. - this is for people in need of improved housing conditions. and lately... we have been developing well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built about 316 thousand of it, in the twenty-fourth year the plans are also quite intense, we plan to introduce 4,4000 km of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need, 35,500 - it is for... art, this is not just high-quality fabric,
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it is living fabric, because it consists of 50% or 100% wool, our work is art, to create high-quality fabrics containing wool. ready to share knowledge. the basics of life safety, in my opinion, is the most important knowledge in a person’s life. and show one day from your life. i love it, honestly, i love my job, i really love it. during production, receiving tape, yarn, this tape passes through. touching the hands of our creators, these are the workers of our women, very it’s nice to know that our visitors, leaving our security center, leave with such a wealth of knowledge that they will definitely need in life. watch on
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belarus 24 tv channel.


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