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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 31, 2024 11:45pm-12:16am MSK

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what is statistics as a science in belarus today? we have a lot of methods in our arsenal, and the choice of which method to use depends, of course, on what we are researching. and why can’t you really argue with statistics? let's understand modern methods of collecting and processing data that allow you to systematize any information. last december. the word statistics comes from the latin status, which translates as state, position or order of phenomena. about the history of the formation of statistics as a science, i'll tell you right now. in fact,
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statistics originated in ancient times, for example, in ancient rome, people kept records of free citizens and their property; in the ancient world, as we would now say, statistics of newly born babies were kept. there were also special lists of young people who had reached the age of 18 years for military service. in russia, the first statistical sources were chronicles, but all this is an example of collecting information, so they began to analyze it. much later, in the second half of the 16th century, in germany, this is how called descriptive statistics, it was then called state-run. the founder of this school, which existed for more than 150 years, was the german scientist hermann conrick. the term statistics itself was also introduced by the german gottfried achenwall in 1746, replacing the concepts of state science with it. it is believed that it was ahinuval who laid the foundation for the development of statistics as... a wealthy discipline, but still, in terms
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of the scientific methods used, closer to modern statistics, one can call the english direction, which was called the school of political arithmetic. adherents of this movement were engaged in difficult collection of information, and also analyzed it. the founder of this trend was william petty, he was the first to try to estimate the wealth of england's national income. and in the first half of the 19th century more arose. one direction that entered the history of science under the name mathematical statistics. representatives of this school reached the point of theoretical generalization of practice and accounting and statistical work. this theory became the basis for modern statistics. the core of statistical science in our country is concentrated in the national statistical committee. how scientists do it.
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research, the most interesting thing is how they understand that this or that area needs to be studied, we’ll find out right now, in our studio we have the head of the main department for coordination and development of the statistical system of belstat, alla, hello, hello, alla, let ’s start with azov, from what stages what stages does any statistical observation consist of? the statistical process itself is very multi-stage and multifaceted; the result of statistical production is statistical information. the first stage is , of course, identifying the needs and requirements of users, because statistics are not made for statisticians, each figure must have its own user, because any data collection is, of course, a burden on the business, it must be justified. in our updated statistical law, statisticians have the right to use any sources of information and from any systems, so before we begin statistical production, of course, we evaluate the financial and labor costs.
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costs, be sure to check the availability of other sources in the country so as not to duplicate the request for information. the next steps, of course, are the actual collection and processing of data, for this we approve statistical tools, develop a methodology, depending on the purposes of observation, determine from whom we will collect data. the final stage, of course, is the dissemination of official statistics, and here we also use modern methods. data visualization is actively used, an interactive distribution system, machine-readable formats, and of course, we cannot exist and move somewhere forward without feedback. user evaluation of our final product is mandatory next step: the beginning of the next cycle. as for the duration of statistical observation, it can vary from one or several days to a year. for example, the household time use survey covers 365 days. and this
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allows us to take the annual cycle of all human life activity, winter species, for example, recreation, some kind of seasonal work, the survey will start in april 24. how many forms of state statistical observations are there and are there any strict standards in this matter? in belarus, statistics are maintained not only by state statistics bodies, but by 11 other departments. the ministry of education, health, labor and social protection, natural resources, forestry, the national bank, the standardization committee, conduct statistical activities in their own, yes, in their own profile, in their own specific industries. at the moment we have 151 forms , but of course there are no strict standards for the number , the resource must be sufficient to conduct surveys to meet needs, and we can now use data from any systems, including remotely, so the number of
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forms is reduced, and statistics go to generate official data from alternative sources, databases, for example, automation of accounting in the ministry of education. sampling errors, we use a system of weighting coefficients if we are examining a phenomenon, which cannot be directly counted, then we , of course, use methods of mathematical modeling, correction and regression analysis, but as for the process of statistical production itself
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and its stages, here everything is according to the classics, statistical observation is used as a method of statistical analysis , summary, grouping, calculation of statistical indicators, introduction of time series, of course, at all stages of statistical production there is quality control, both mathematical methods and logical methods are used. my colleagues who had already visited beelstat learned even more about the methods, including the newest ones. all information on the development of the country's regions in one place, a new completely innovative product called geostatistics was developed in belst. by the way, in order to meet the needs of users in new data formats, in december last year our geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users. since the launch of the system, 1,600
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users have already used it, 29% of them from mobile phones devices. in fact, the project is a system for graphical visualization of all official statistics, including business demographics. and the 2019 population census , the system allows you to generate tables , queries, charts, cartograms, depending on user requests , upload this information in a convenient format, it is available in three languages, russian, belarusian, english, from anywhere in the world, as in the desktop versions and from mobile devices. to present information , experts chose the card format; they are unique in that: they allow you to make decisions in the shortest possible time simply by looking at the map. looking at the map, analyzing how information is presented for a particular region, we can understand where the situation is worse. so, for example, take
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the population indicator, looking at the map, we immediately see where the population situation is better and where it is worse. the highest population density is in the city of minsk. the situation is worse in the regions, official statistical information in the system is presented both at the regional level, our regions, and at the district level for individual indicators to the level of village councils. the system was developed by a belarusian company, the interface was made accessible to all users, but even if questions arise, there is a special manual on the rules for using geostatistics. you are watching the naukaryado project, we continue to understand statistics, that’s what else lies ahead. what are the highest priority topics for belarusian statistics?
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the relevance of the topics, of course, is dictated to us by society and directly by new phenomena, that appear that were previously not amenable to statistical accounting. who will use the received data next and what interests foreign scientists? belarusian statistics will be broadcast very soon. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. land pragna nasychaetstsa vіlgatstsyu, kabadradzіts zhytstsyo again, and that means, let’s give it a try. we don’t throw away the vandrons at all, in order to enhance our present-day past. what a folklore expedition we have with you, so that it happens again and again forward to the very end of the day.
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will you open up? no, i won’t open, god willing, lest the teeth of the beast open on our story, and let the old traditions, the new life. from time to time with projects , the adventure of a foreigner in belarus was mentioned in advance on the tv channel belarus 24. good zen, kind. my name is vladimir, and who is this beautiful boy or girl? boy, his
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name is murimes, we don’t scare the horse, we don’t scare ourselves , we ask something incomprehensible , everything is so cool to see here, it’s just beautiful, beautiful, we’re sitting, i ’m sitting, i’m sitting, the ecuadorian has been living here for 8 years and travels through our cities and villages, you need to make these smooth movements so that in order to cut it, yes, you need to twist it, that’s all and... he talks with pleasure about the most colorful places in the country, our ice training rink, national teams train here -17 and u-18 belarusian, yes, it’s cool, they are so hard, yes, hard, tough and sharp, yes, a dangerous thing, no, no, i can’t, it opens here, sit down and you can sit, of course, as if i were really i was undergoing treatment, that’s it guys, please look in the travel project white dews on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. if you have just joined us, i am telling you on air the project science is nearby and today we are analyzing the complex science of statistics, which, on the one hand, summarizes data from various spheres of human life, on the other hand , these data itself and collects it in order to later give it to scientists and specialists for work. in our studio we have the head of the main department for coordination and development of the statistical system of belstat, alla, let’s continue: for what industries in the country is data collected today? well, today statistical development, in principle, covers absolutely all areas of society, starting from the real sector of the economy. ending with the activities of each individual person, the main areas in which data are generated
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- this is, of course, demographic social statistics, it’s all about people, it’s healthcare, education, income, it’s social protection, it’s economic statistics, it’s all about economics, that is macroeconomic indicators are calculated and shown how sectors of the economy and multi-sectoral statistics are developing, here are the statistical indicators collected. organizations, organization growth, birth rate , mortality, survival of enterprises, where
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does this information go next, because it seems to me that 10 or 15 years ago, well, probably, all modern technologies were not so accessible, yes, it was more closed thing, now it seems to me that any statistical data can be found in the public domain by any user or not all statistical data, well, here you are are right that we are in the public domain socially. networks and in general all statistics are, in principle, publicly available, i note that after preliminary results have been generated and official information has undergone certain preparation for release, and... it is distributed to a wide range of users, we have established deadlines, release dates, on the websites of authorities statistics, there is a calendar where the user can see when the number he needs will be released, and of course, there is probably not a single area in society now where they are not used our figures are used on an equal absolute basis by government agencies,
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the government, the head of state , students, and business and scientific people. organizations , statistics are distributed, as i already said, in the public domain, we publish about 5,000 statistical knowledge per year, our interactive databases contain about 1,400 indicators, and about 3 million requests go to the belstat website annually, but despite such large numbers, we still work according to the individual requests of users, and we try to satisfy them as much as possible, well within the framework of course competence and norms. legislation. since we're talking about requests, yes, let's probably go back a little to where we started. you said that statistics are not made for statisticians, first of all for people, for users. as you, your specialists, understand, this or that topic is relevant now, and it needs to be taken into development. the relevance of the topics, of course, is dictated to us by society, and
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directly by new phenomena that appear that were not previously amenable to statistical accounting. here are a few examples, for example, after the signing of the decree of the head of state on digital development, biost, together with interested government bodies, as well as the high-tech park, worked on the issue of classifying activities by cryptocurrency, tokens and their mining. on the eve of digital development, and since this topic is very relevant, belstat is now faced with the task of calculating the contribution of the digital economy to the country’s gdp. continuing the theme of numbers, we examine new phenomena directly in organizations in the ict sector. this includes artificial intelligence, this is the use of special big data software, this is exactly what organizations do at home. household surveys are constantly being improved; we have developed a system where once every few years certain modules are added that are interesting to
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users, for example, about a healthy lifestyle, about decision-making in the household, about tourist trips. households and the household is surveyed precisely according to these modules, in addition, probably i will give a striking example, directly for the entire community of statisticians, this is monitoring the implementation of the 2030 agenda, work began in 2015, then more than half of the indicators at the global level did not have a methodology, and for all statisticians this was of course a challenge, but today i can say that we managed all the indicators that are contained in the national list. have metadata, we have launched two platforms, this is the national reporting platform subsur, this year there is a platform for regional data on sdgs, which is also an example best practices, and statisticians of belarus , together with government agencies , develop indicators, adapt the methodology, calculate progress in
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achieving them and disseminate the results, so we keep our finger on the pulse, in more detail... our correspondents looked into this topic, let's see the story: our region through the eyes of foreigners, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, it’s clear that the country is clean, quiet, but for me it was better. to live in belarus, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here? i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study , i still live for 25 years in belarus, yes, no one perceived me as a stranger, the first time i came to belarus was in 2011, i came
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as a tourist, then i met my wife , that's all.
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one of the new information products developed by belstat is the platform
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for sustainable development indicators. the republic of belarus is committed to implementing the sustainable development agenda for the period until 2030. our president signed the corresponding document while attending the summit of the united nations on september 25, 2015, thereby confirming the participation of the republic of belarus and commitment to these goals. 193 un member states have undertaken such a commitment to ensure sustainable, progressive growth in conditions of partnership and peace. coordinates monitoring of work in the field of achieving the sustainable development goals of belstat. the national statistical committee is in close cooperation with the republican ones. government agencies management has formed a national list of indicators, which includes 254 indicators, including 176 indicators that correspond
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to global indicators, and this is almost 70%. these indicators measure the achievement of sustainable development goals; the achievement of these goals is assessed annually; according to the latest data, the estimate was more than 80%. this is a very high result. anyone can find out these indicators thanks to the easy-to -use new platform. this platform is based on a unified list of indicators, which includes 138 indicators, with 78 indicators corresponding to national a60, reflect the specifics of the development of each region. in the future, it is planned that assessments carried out to achieve sustainable development using regional indicators will make it possible to carry out. regional comparisons, compile a development rating by regionalizing problematic parts showing the achievement of sustainable development goals. for example, any user
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of the platform can see what the wage level is for each region of the country, you can analyze who earns more, men or women. thus, analyze the situation, where is the highest, where is the least. the platform also allows you to view data visualization using a map. for example, where the most affluent segments of the population live, the least affluent, and also where the highest indicators of labor productivity or gross regional product are. on this basis , regions are rated, development is assessed, problem areas are identified, and decisions are made that are necessary to set state-level objectives. by using the sustainability platform, the user has the opportunity. obtain the necessary data and view it in the form of tables, graphs, maps, and also save it in modern machine-readable formats, or print it in one click. another
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feature of the program is the ability to carry out analysis not only on one indicator and one region, you can select several of them, that is, for example, compare the level of wages with the level of the regional grain product and analyze this in the form of a map table. thanks also to with such projects, belarus maintains a high position in the world ranking of achievements of sustainable development goals. thirty-fourth place among 160 countries is the best indicator among the cis countries. alla, probably the last question, everyone is used to talking about international experience, at least. we study it precisely, we apply only what is beneficial and good for us, this is how international experience is studied in statistics and maybe something is adopted, or perhaps even
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something from us. of course, of course, belarusian statistics have their own national features, since we work , work within the existing legal framework, we rely on the administrative departments of the country, on the organization of state power, but statisticians have their own coupons, the basic principles of conducting statistical activities in all countries are determined by international standards, any statistical legislator of any country , of course, our law on the state strives to comply with it.
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good luck to you and your colleagues, thank you very much, german poet, playwright, and also scientist johann goethe, who lived in the second half of the 16th and early 19th centuries, wrote the following words: they say that numbers rule the world, no, they only show how they rule the world. surprisingly, statisticians are the name given to specialists who collect, analyze and interpret quantities.
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data confirm this theory in the 21st century and confirm it, as we have seen today, of course, with the help of science. not only muscles, but also the brain need constant training. the name of which gemstone is used for designation of a series of major athletics tournaments? alyona. diamond? diamond, of course, we are talking about a diamond. what does the abbreviation apl stand for? maxim was the first. it stands for english premier league. undoubtedly. according to the rules of the game,
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participants. must go through four periods, answering not the easiest questions. what is the name of the head coach of the hockey club dynamo minsk in the 22-23 season. oh, my god, who will prove that he is the main sports expert in the country. where were the first games of the cis countries held? well, let it be kazan. ostrakhanan took, kazan took. this is the correct answer. kazan, absolutely true. i don’t know if i was guessing or not, but intuitively, that is , there were options, watch the intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel.
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how does time work? it would seem that the question is rhetorical, but today we will try to answer it, we will talk about the watch, what it is made of and how it works, and we will organize a real master class to figure out how it is made. hello, my name is tamer. i know that watches are produced in belarus, i would like to know how it is made. hi, hi, i’m pasha, i’m tamer, it’s very nice, i see you’re all prepared , you’re taking pictures of the watch, yes, there are such great plans, look, how beautiful, yes, beautiful, you take photographs so professionally, well, that’s my profession , seriously, tell me a little about yourself, i am originally from syria, i received citizenship, i am married here, i have a wife here.


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