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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 1, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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that is, it means there were options, watch the intellectual sports show “head game” on our tv channel. good morning belarus. belarus.
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friends, a new day on the belarus tv channel, one of the satellite channel belarus 24, is with you, we are starting to celebrate the toast of matasevich and ekaterina antonova, we are starting to celebrate a new week, a new month and april 1 on the calendar, yes, we have waited for this wonderful holiday, this we spend monday under the motto there are never too many jokes, we invite you to celebrate the funniest holiday of the year in a good mood and of course with a smile on your face, well, if you decide to someone today. play or make a joke on someone, remember that jokes should bring only laughter , only fun, but not negative emotions, well , right now we are raising the level of our mood, getting in a positive mood, preparing jokes for the coming day and starting this day with a good music, good morning everyone! hello everyone, today i will show you
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a complex adapted for children 6-7 years old, using their own body weight. so, the first exercise we will do today is this will be jumping from one leg to the other. this exercise strengthens the leg muscles. what should we do with you? we stand on one leg, lean on it one at a time and make a movement like in skates, once we jumped over. two for a split second we freeze , the second exercise will be called scalas , this is a plank exercise, that is, for children 6-7 years old, we must also strengthen the abdominal muscles, this is one of these exercises that will help us strengthen what we do, we stand: on four points of support, then
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we straighten the knife on our toes and pull it up knees to elbows. so we do this exercise on each side eight times on each leg. so, our third exercise is called superman. we have it too. we will perform on the mat, it strengthens the back muscles, extensors, something that is very important for children, to maintain their posture, what we must do, we lie down on the mat, lower our head down, look down, arms forward, yes... exercises crossfit is adapted for
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children aged 6-7 years, they are always performed with their own body weight in order to develop coordination, agility, endurance and strength. this complex is performed in three sets of 10 repetitions. for your child aged 6-7 years, this will be enough.
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belarus 24, because this is where we continue to help you wake up live, this is what we intend to tell and show at least in the next hour. user to get on the blacklist of airline passengers, olesya boyarskikh figured out. flight safety comes first, who can? legend of soviet children's cinema, what was the creative path of film director leonid nechaev, we will find out in the section people who changed the world. with this dog. you don’t have to, we’ll look for a new home for the cheerful, energetic imar, we’ll make it a good morning, we’ll see what time marina stopovich starts her working day, and she, by the way, is a cook at a confectionery factory, it will be very tasty, but that’s
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not all our plans for today: from april 1 , employers will be able to try out a new mechanism for paying sick leave in our country, so we’ll talk about what will change in the second hour with the manager. social protection fund of the population of the ministry of labor and social protection yulia bertnikova, in the third hour we will be glad to meet the beautiful singer safir at our concert venue, the premiere of the song “all for love” awaits us, we will find out what this concept includes everything. well, in the meantime, our morning continues and we want to share with you a recipe for a delicious breakfast, like us anatoly moiseev, because he is already ready to tell you how to cook a lazy flatbread with chicken, and we’ll see it and write it down later. we will definitely repeat it, we also advise you to do the same act. so, let's have breakfast. good morning, if you are short on time and need to feed your family quickly, then you will definitely like this simple recipe. this lazy chicken flatbread is ready in minutes and
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is perfect for breakfast. to prepare, we need kefir, hard cheese, chicken fillet, egg, salt. butter, wheat flour and herbs. boil the chicken fillet until cooked. pour a glass of kefir into a deep bowl, beat in one egg, add salt to taste and beat with a fork until smooth. grind hard cheese into grater add cheese shavings to the kefir mass and mix. a third of a glass of flour. sift into the dough and mix again, cut the cooled chicken fillet into small cubes, add it to the dough , finely chop the clean greens, add to the dough and mix, the dough turns out to be quite
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thick, but that’s what we need, put the dough in a heated frying pan with butter, and spread with a spoon into an even layer, cover with a lid, turn on low heat and cook until golden brown on one side, turn over, fry on the other side until golden brown, the beauty of this recipe: a quick flatbread with chicken and cheese always turns out delicious, appetizing, crumbly, it is good both warm and cold. delicious without sour cream, and with sour cream, with any other suitable sauce. bon appetit and have a nice day. the tv news agency
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presents an overview of popular print and online publications. an effective healthcare system is an urgent requirement of the time not only for large cities and regional centers. well, for the village, the president repeatedly emphasized this, emphasizing: high-quality medical services are not at all a privilege for those who live in the capital and regional centers, and therefore accessible examination and treatment should be provided to residents of the most remote villages. in the vitebsk region alone, in 2023 , 340 medical centers, 83 medical outpatient clinics, and 40 district hospitals and nursing hospitals were renovated. at the same time, the primary task for the region is to ensure. affordable and most importantly high-quality level of medical prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients. how do local health workers cope with this task? the newspaper writes about this republic. buses and cars, trucks with goods travel along the country’s roads every day with hundreds of thousands of vehicles for various purposes.
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they are constantly monitored by traffic police officers and cctv cameras. but there are cargoes that, due to their properties, require special control, because in the event of an emergency they can pose a danger to human health and the environment. what kind of cargo is this and how people are protected from its effects - sb belarus correspondents found out today with help. specialists. it is no secret that almost half of belarusian vegetables are produced in the stolin region. local farmers grow them in open, closed ground. recently, owners of private farms have been actively involved, mastering technologies, testing promising varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vitamin products. spring pleased us early with its first warmth and the smoke above the greenhouses, for heating they use mainly local types of fuel, began to swirl when it was not yet there. the february snow has melted, however, many people had green beds under glass in the winter period, for example, on a farm
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in the agricultural town of alshany, tomatoes have been growing hydroponically since december last year. is there a demand for tomatoes and where can you buy greenhouse products? read about this in the village newspaper. warmth has arrived in belarus, weather forecasters promise good weather, which means that you can plan your trips. belta invites her readers to take a closer look at the pleasant ones. one day route around kulosovsky places. okinchitsy, albud, smolnya, lostok. travel along the shlyakh kolos route will be about 25 km. by the way, his you can ride a bicycle. first, we get to the columns station by rail. then we pedal to the okinchitsa estate and further to all points. and from lastka we head to the station from tsed or kulosov and from there we return to minsk. all route details can be found here. website of the news agency,
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you can do a lot in 24 hours, even more in 7 days, in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. watch on our tv channel every friday evening, children's curiosity and genuine interest, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who... will answer everything, absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the heroes,
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entering the stage, i roughly know what awaits me, here i am completely in the dark, i’m very worried, worried, it’s like the excitement before going on stage, yes, a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation, can you break a glass with your voice? no, no , it’s probably possible to make a glass that will break from my voice, but for now i i’ve never seen anything like this, let’s just say, irina , are you lucky in love, did you manage to meet your prince, oh, of course you’re lucky, of course you’re lucky, i just haven’t been lucky for a long time for some reason, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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good morning belarus, good morning, beloved country, we continue to help you wake up together, we are welcoming a new week, a new month, it’s april 1, right now i have a question, what does the weather have in store for us today, will there be jokes or everything is seriously beautiful plus katya, well i will tell you everything honestly, without any jokes, although it seems to me that the temperature readings are. today makes us believe that this is a joke, but no, this is the real truth, so, look for yourself, today in the capital the temperature is expected to be from 21 to 23°, i remind you that we have only... april has begun and it’s cloudy with clearings it will be in minsk, in brest it will also be dry +23.25 today during the day, and even in vitebsk in our coldest region, today up to 22 with a plus sign, although precipitation is possible in vitebsk, in gomel during the day today it will be from 23 to 25 degrees, dry, cloudy with clearings, today it will be in grodno, up to
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24 there, the same temperature indicators are expected today in mogilev, but honestly no... such jokes, i also want to add that today thunderstorms are possible for us, somewhere around the country they will be, probably in those regions where precipitation is forecast, so this will be the first spring thunderstorm, and in general , similar weather will await us tomorrow, it will also be unusually warm, warm, but together then it will become a little windy, starting we'll get colder weather from wednesday, so be sure to keep an eye on the weather changes this week, no, after all, real spring hasn't finally arrived, it will still go away a little, but... it will still come back to us, but in any case, we're enjoying it today's warmth, and today in the republic it is up to +26 - this is wonderful, dear friends, in this wonderful weather, please do not miss the moment to prepare birch sap, by the way, its sales throughout the country began at the end of march. yes, and, as experts note, the taste of juice is not the same everywhere, where there is moisture moreover, it may be less sweet, that
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is, more diluted, but this does not in any way affect the beneficial properties of this drink. look, birch sap. what does it contain? it contains sodium, potassium , iron, manganese, vitamins b1, b12, essential oils, aphytancinds, and birch sap has a general strengthening effect on the body, it supports the immune system, increases resistance to infections, nutritionists say that if you use birch sap constantly, well, these for two or three weeks, while he’s walking, in half an hour, yes food, just not a glass a day, then you will really feel a surge of strength. depression goes away somewhere, diseases also don’t even stick to you, this is wonderful, and the most important thing is that birch sap, 100 ml of birch sap is only 8 calories, this is a good addition, very important, now you need to find out where to buy it, and i ’m telling you, you can find out where they sell juice in your region on the website of regional forestry enterprises, we have sales points, tanya, in the city of
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minsk, so let’s go get our eight calories per 100 g. by the way, our correspondent visited one of these points. and we’ll look in more detail about the rules for collecting juice right now in its story. the collection of birch sap begins after the thaw, the first buds have swelled, a sure sign that sap is coming soon. the flow begins in mid-march and continues until mid-late april. but don’t rush to collect the juice yourself, you may get a fine. in our country. administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine, for an individual up to twenty basic units, for individual entrepreneur up to 100 basic units, for a legal entity up to 500 basic units, in monetary terms this is from 800 to 200 belarusian rubles, it all also depends on the collection site, its degree of protection or similarity, but on the contrary, there are areas that
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are intended for collecting juice , they can be found in the structural unit. every forester in every forestry, there is a list of these areas along with a representative of the legal entity leading forestry, you can come to the area to do self-procurement. such the procedure is free, like collecting juice on a plot that belongs to you, for example, in a country house. in this case, all trees are your property. the season for collecting birch sap is a week ago, which means the point for selling birch sap is open. and its duration depends more on the weather, on the weather conditions of the average daily temperature, usually this occurs before the leaves bloom, that is, the appearance of the first small leaves. the freshest juice in the minsk forestry farm can be purchased for only 49 kopecks
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per liter, but this comes with your own container, if you don’t have a container, they will offer you a five-liter one, then the cost rises to four... and that’s for 5 liters, now every year i try , as far as possible, to collect a certain amount in stock, most often it is either consumed or drunk as a starter while still fresh, it’s just that a lot of it is also consumed alive, and of course something is preserved with citric acid and sugar. the opening hours of the point are from 10 am to 7 pm, the principle of self-service works.
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i remember that on our calendar we have april 1, and absolutely seriously, without any jokes, we are telling you that from this monday the planet will be overtaken by mercury retrograde, an astronomical phenomenon will occur here from april 1st to april 25th. the retrograde movement of planets is considered to be a phenomenon when it seems to an observer on earth that stellar bodies begin to slow down, as if moving backwards. in fact, this is an optical illusion; the planets are always moving forward. and it turns out that from the point of view of science, no retrograde mercury exists, but nevertheless, there is an opinion that mercury retrograde has negative connotations. this period is considered difficult and generally unfavorable for people when they can be disrupted. absolutely all plans, in astrology mercury is responsible for communication , the ability to learn, so during this period of mercury retrograde, building a constructive dialogue with others
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becomes more and more difficult, so please use every opportunity to avoid conflicts, do not find out with anyone relationships, don’t ruin your mood, at least these 25 days, or at least forget that mercury is in retrograde now and you can justify any of your behavior with this, but... live as usual, then we will move straight from astrological news to information from world of science. the chinese company has acquired exclusive rights to the flying car technology, originally developed and successfully tested in europe. in 2021 , a conventionally fueled car flew 35 minutes between two slovenian airports using runways. the transformation from car to plane took just over 2 minutes. now such toys, let’s call them that, will be assembled and operated in china, where they have already built their own airport for testing and a flight school for training,
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being the world leader in production. electric vehicles china is now actively developing a solution for flying vehicles. however, many experts believe that there are still significant obstacles for this type of transport in terms of, firstly, infrastructure, such as fly around the house, regulation and public recognition. well, the future is getting closer and closer, with such news, but i don’t know how this will be used in the future. it seems to me that almost every time we broadcast we talk about how some kind of flying car has suddenly been tested somewhere. is about to be put into production, mass sales, but all this will not happen, these frames that we just saw on our screen, it all looks as if the car was simply lost in the sky, because if other flying cars, they were more like, maybe somewhere an airplane, maybe somewhere like a helicopter, then this one looks exactly like a car, and you get a little lost when you see a flying car, nevertheless, what i really liked about this information that the chinese didn’t just go and make a car. paid off
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the rights, well done, in general, we will now follow the updates, look at the sky, when there will be not planes, but cars, by the way, to get to know flying transport better, our correspondent, olesya boyarskikh, decided, yes this is why some passengers may not be allowed on board the plane, we learn this from the plot. flight safety comes first, belavia will make up. we will find out the black list of passengers, who can get there, right now. unfortunately, violations of the rules of conduct for passengers on board an aircraft are recorded quite often, mainly smoking, alcohol intoxication, and fights. in 2023 , 30 incidents were recorded in belaveya, but in fact, flight attendants receive complaints once or twice a week. it was june twenty
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first year belarus was heading on vacation to antalya, the republic of turkey, throughout the entire flight he behaved aggressively, showed disrespect to the crew members, to the passengers sitting next to him, at a critical stage of the flight, when the plane had already begun to land at antalya airport, he used violence against crew members, caused him bodily injury, the decision to allow a person to fly can also be made by the captain of the aircraft, if the behavior of this passenger appears. suspicious before the adoption of changes to the air code, suspension from the flight could only occur if there were actual violations of the rules directly on board the aircraft, that is, this did not give the air carrier the right to refuse to conclude an air carriage agreement, that is, with the entry into force of the law, the air carrier will receive the right not to sell a ticket on the basis that the passenger included in the register of persons
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whose transportation is limited to those... who are on the blacklist, there are several exceptions: they can get on board the plane if deportation is carried out, the only a possible method of transport communication will be air transportation, in the case when a person will be sent to provide medical care or back, in the case when he will accompany a minor or a disabled person or other persons with disabilities to the place of medical care and back. also to the funeral of close relatives, family members and back. passengers will not be blacklisted forever; a person can be excluded from such a database in the following cases. if it is administrative an offense, then upon the fact of paying, for example, a fine and, accordingly, providing an extract stating that the fine was paid, or upon expiration or service of the sentence, if it is a criminal article. the list officially
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comes into force on october 11, 2024, but we wish the passengers and crew of the aircraft only a pleasant flight and a soft landing. the heart of every woman is a mystery, everything in it is not always easy and smooth, i give you mine. i closed it,
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how long ago it all happened, but in my sky, in your sky, it’s dark. planes flying, traces leaving behind you, planes fly, like birds taking off above the ground, what a pity it’s impossible, not the past to take one ticket, planes fly, to where you and i are no longer there, planes, life is full of events and surprises, every day
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i challenge fate, i can do anything i can do everything, but by your will, i will not be forgotten. your love, my love, planes are flying, planes are leaving traces behind them, planes are flying like birds taking off above the ground, it’s a pity it’s impossible, i put on the past while flying planes, to where... you and i are no longer there,
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it’s not possible for me to take the past from her see planes flying to where you are on... oh, don’t wait,
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the right morning should start with the right breakfast. tell us what we will cook today. today you and i will prepare a rather unusual breakfast, it will be in an asian style, it will be spring rolls with a sea cocktail. tell us what we're having for breakfast today, the champion? and today we will have pink salmon meatballs with salad, it will be an unusual breakfast, very tasty. can't wait to get started. we will help you choose products to make your first meal tasty and healthy. we choose greens. we need spinach. you know that you should only buy fresh, elastic leaves of bright green color. the color of beans depends solely on the variety. the pod itself should be intact, without any dent marks. let's not forget about invigorating
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exercises. we stand, clasp our hands, lift them up, lean forward, knees straight, you can bend your back a little, lean down, again keeping your knees straight. well, everything here resembles the image of how he was born. history of creation of significant cultural ab'ektaў on the edge of the country. byhavsky castle, it was abaronchy, as if, around the perimeter of the scenes, and this entire glorious military history
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of bykhava, 17 stagodzia, pachatka 18, i am connected with these castles. kalancha, the so -called vitsebsk cordiality, seems to be just like an advertisement and that was in 19, part of the 20th century. vykarystannaya town hall as a point, as a tower for nazirannya for the mountains. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus, watch on our tv channel. belarus, good, good morning, beloved
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country, we tell you again, we, katerina antonova and tatyana matusevich, we help, we help help you wake up , like this, we do it on belarus 1 and belarus 24, we remind you that together we celebrate the new week, april 1 is monday, well, in addition to the holiday of laughter and fun, today is international day birds, about 340 species of birds live in belarus, which in... seed distribution, regulate the number of
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invertebrate vertebrates and are food for other animals. well, thus, the disappearance of at least one species of birds from ecosystems can lead to unfavorable and irreversible processes. and today we invite you to celebrate international bird day by hanging a birdhouse in your yard, of course. well, especially since spring is the most suitable time for this. yes, this is an important point, be sure to check what the birds that live in your region eat because. that each bernatov has his own preferences, yes, they are like that, and there are, of course, foods that birds should never eat, to be more specific not necessarily experimentally , that is, bring it to the birds to try , they will eat everything, here on the internet you can find information about what they can eat and what they cannot, because, you know, like people, they also love something so harmful eat, but let them eat healthy things, but for now , friends, let's remember the legendary soviet director who gave millions... born in moscow, after serving in
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the army he entered the acting department in ghika, when the first production of the aspiring artist was seen by a professor at the institute, a renowned director sergei gerasimov immediately persuaded nichaev to transfer to the third year of the directing department after graduation. in january 1976, the premiere
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of buratin's adventures took place. in 1977, as a new year's gift, children saw a film about little red riding hood. very soon , every child knew the plots of these two-part musical television films by heart, every line of their characters. the director managed to assemble a unique cast and create exciting, colorful film stories designed specifically for children's audiences. in in 1981, viewers saw the film sold laughter, in 1984 red-haired honest lover. in the early nineties, leonid nichaev returned to moscow and did not film anything for almost 10 years. the director's last film was an adaptation of thumbelina. its premiere took place in 2007. the film received many awards at russian film festivals. like a true storyteller, leonid nichaev created a special one. style in the genre of children's cinema became a man
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who changed the world of more than one generation of children. now i wanted to rewatch, be it pinocchio or little red riding hood, because this is such a classic, i grew up watching these films and would love to watch them again and show them to my children. yes, indeed, this is a question of how to force modern children, but perhaps not force them, to motivate modern children to watch what we watched in our childhood, because we would really like them to butcher. cheer you up, watch the wonderful films of leonid nichaev and recharge yourself with those very positive, wonderful emotions. yes, but in the meantime we continue to share useful information with you information, i remind you, yes, that today is april 1, and today the republican action on water safety starts, everywhere. at the first stage of the action
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, osvod workers will visit work collectives of large institutions, where they will carry out preventive work. the purpose of this action is to prevent the unfortunate. training on the waters and training the population in rescue techniques and, of course, first aid is also important. well, our broadcast right now continues with international news: a long-awaited addition to the british zoo yipsnte, a baby southern white rhinoceros has appeared there. let's take a look at it too. according to veterinarians, the baby took his first steps just 2 hours after birth. how cute he is. now he is stronger, sometimes he even runs. show. viewers are promised a cub in a few days, but we are seeing it right now, and then in a few days they will announce a competition for the best ones. in general, this species lives in the wild in southern africa. at the beginning of the 20th century, the southern white rhinoceros almost became extinct; there were fewer of them left. 100 individuals, all due to hunting and poachers. but thanks to intensive measures to preserve
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the population, the species was saved. and now there are about 20,000 individuals all over the world, but nevertheless, birth. this new cub, it seems to me, this is such a special miracle, of course, a long-awaited event, it’s a year and a half, they are waiting for the female to bear the same baby that we just saw on the screens, well, let’s wish him health, let him grow and get stronger and pleases parents and zoo visitors, and let the name they will also find something good for him, well, right now we want to introduce you to his charming creature, his name is, he already has a name, his name is imar and he is looking for a new home. good morning, meet imar, a sweet, playful azorean guy who will be looking for his way home today, and marchik was picked up on
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the roadway, unfortunately, the girl who found him could not take him home while he was in the center helping homeless animals... the guy opened up, began to trust people and give them his affection in return. this the boy is one and a half years old, he is full of energy and enthusiasm, so he will never be left without attention. iymar behaves well on the street, does not run away, walks alongside him, is trained to walk on a leash, and also has an inquisitive, easy-going character. our guy is the real one. he loves to have his belly scratched and pays as much attention as possible. imar is unpretentious in food, healthy, vaccinated and treated for parasites. this guy gets along well with other animals, so
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he will fit in perfectly with other pets in the family. this handsome man will be suitable for living as... our dog is given as a family member to adults and the private sector, but without being kept on the street. responsible people who will give him care and affection, and most importantly, will never betray him. if you want to get to know imarchik better, call the phone number indicated on your screen. he is really looking forward to meeting his future owner.
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i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will never become this snow. and let everything melt, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, well, it’s time to get out our phones and create a starry sky here, it seems that we have cold right inside it. yes, it seems that we are cities, that we have water and so much ice, and it is so cold. touch your thoughts with a finger, how not to fall in love with you again, not to fall in love, tell me,
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in your eyes i saw snow in the ocean, if there is snow with you, we will never become, and let everything get boring, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in ocean, i confirm in your eyes, there is snow in the ocean, we will not become strangers with you and others, so let everything melt, flow between you, i let you go and don’t come back, viter, feeling according to tari zar. that air is flying, the mask is off, we haven’t counted to a hundred, this love
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is all about the flow, and it’s so cold for your fingers, your thoughts to touch, how not to fall in love again , not to fall in love with you, tell me there’s foam in your eyes, snow... in the ocean, this snow with you, we will never become, and let everything melt , because between dreams, we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i see in your eyes, snow in the ocean, we are strangers with you, and we will not become others, so let everything will melt, flow between my fingers, i’m letting you go and don’t come back, everything is with me, everything is with me. to break this wonderful healthy tradition , because anna chikina has already appeared in this studio to reason with us a little, good morning,
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good morning everyone, today you and i will have exercises so that we feel lightness in the lower back, so we lower ourselves to the floor, all the exercises will be on the floor, or maybe you don’t have to get out of bed, you don’t have to get up, we agreed, dear viewers, i finally agreed on this, we do a cat, we do a cat, yes, as we exhale we round our back, as we inhale we bend, at what point say meow, which one to say meow, but i think when the cat is kind, we try this way, when we exhale, we round our back, push the floor forward with our hands, with our legs back, while inhaling , vice versa, we pull the rug towards the center and try not to push it too hard in our lower back here stretch in the opposite direction with the sternum, that is, this point where your suspension usually hangs, stretch up to the ceiling
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and exhale again, round back inhale, oops, bend over, great, then we sit down, legs crossed in front of us, try sit on the bones in the buttocks, behind with the crown of your head stretch upward, here as you inhale we stretch to one side, exhale , return to the center inhale, the opposite side, exhale, the center where we should feel the stretch, we feel the stretch on the side, in our back, in the abdomen, and how long we do this, tell us how many approaches, how many repetitions, at least five times in each direction, one approach will be enough, yes, we are doing a morning warm-up, just to cheer up a little, here is another life hack, we stretch our arm to the side, and the same : stretch down to the floor, then you will feel greater stretching, now together we will do one more time in each direction,
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i really hope that our viewers do these exercises with you, i’m sure they do, oh, great, and now we lie down on our backs, here we will have you have three whole exercises, lie down, legs first bent, from here we begin to twist our pelvis a little, our buttocks come off the floor, then the lower back comes off vertebra by vertebrae, we go up, in the same way we put ourselves back, put the thoracic vertebrae, vertebra by vertebra, then lower back and buttocks, that is, we and our spine are like a string of pearls, so we tear pearl after pearl off the floor, sequentially, not just a straight back up and down, smoothly vertebra by vertebra. raised, lowered and one more time, as i understand it, this is a variation of the gluteal bridge, only very slow, smooth, yes,
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yes, yes, smooth, that is, the gluteal bridge is with a flat back. and here we move so that our spine gets movement, receives nutrition, it becomes easier, well, when we do the gluteal bridge, the classic one, we also have the press is connected, it will work here too, yes, it will work here too, yes , now we pull the thigh towards ourselves as we exhale , twist in the opposite direction, inhale, go back, you can start with a small amplitude, that is, your shoulder blade is lying on the floor, the shoulder blade does not come off... twist to the side, and then try to increase the amplitude with your foot straight ahead , touch the floor, you can tear off the shoulder blade, you will feel a twist along the spine in different places, if something crunches a little there, it’s okay , the main thing that didn’t you get sick, it seems to me that this is even the goal, so that something snaps, then it can fall into place, yes, yes, yes, well, to some extent
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, yes, it doesn’t fall into place for us; nothing now falls into place ... fluid is not produced, this click, these are air bubbles somewhere, maybe some got caught, or when these articular surfaces separate from each other due to movement, that is, if it doesn’t hurt, then it’s okay, then it even works out well, yes, yes, and let nothing hurt our viewers, let them be healthy, because, of course, they were now doing wonderful exercises. thank you, thank you for this permission, yes, i didn’t just ask, really, after exercise, let’s go to
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a confectionery factory and look for something sweet there, we have a profession section. my name is marina astapovich, my profession is a cook, i work at a confectionery factory, my morning starts at 5:00 am, get up, shower, breakfast, get ready for work, the journey from home to work is 15:17 minutes, at 6:15 i start to your duties, here it is my workplace, before starting work, i must check the serviceability of this vessel, when our column is ready for work, i press the pump and the recipe mixture enters the cooking column for boiling, the finished mass with the addition of protein and molasses goes into the mixer, where it is mixed to a certain density and is supplied through pipes to the sedimentation machine, where the finished
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marshmallow is deposited. i came into the profession 37 years ago, my friend brought me to the company, i have never regretted it, for which i am grateful to her, i love my job because we bring joy to people, so to speak, our products contain the hormone of happiness, our team is friendly, hardworking, responsive, every person is ready to help, older people... teach young people, lend a helping hand , it’s difficult, when we were probably mastering this line, it was something new, unknown, now that production has been established, all services work like clockwork, so it seems to be easy, confident, calm to work, my profession is very necessary for society , because we release marshmallows, which is good for health, low in calories, suitable for people who lead
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a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. we wish marina good morning, a wonderful working day and are ready to tell you, friends, what is there right now outside the window, what weather awaits us if we leave the house right now. let's look at these excellent temperature indicators in the capital of the republic, minsk +10 +12. well, now look, in brest. tebsk, gomel, grodno and mogilev, the same temperature indicators are +11, +13, but we must warn you that, for example, in vitebsk in some places there is slight precipitation, but in all other regional centers it is comfortable, dry and even a little sunny, because the sun is waking up, yes, indeed , we are about to see the dawn, perhaps it has already happened, we here in the studio do not
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notice it, yes, friends, the only thing i want to warn you about is that it is possible today... there will be the first spring thunderstorms, so you better take it with you umbrella. well and the first hour of the live broadcast ends here, after the news release, we will definitely get in touch with vitebsk and find out what’s new. occurred in the northern region. another thing we want to tell you is that from april 1, employers will be able to try out a new mechanism for interacting with the social protection fund for paying sick leave. so we will talk about what will change in the second part with our guest. and in the third hour we will be glad to meet the beautiful singer safir at the concert venue, the premiere of the song all for love awaits us. our parting will be not for long and very soon we will say good morning to you again. belarus. and i have a flan, i want the world to make a couple, and i have
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a plak, not back to front, not back to front, hey! venus and mercury in color shine in the ultraviolet, and you and i are like children, looking at it, we recorded the flow of thoughts, stopped and became quiet, we fill the vocals again and are not sad. and i have a clam, i want him to make a parod, but i have a plan,
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not back to front, not back to front, hey!
7:00 am
monday april 1st, no joke, but important.


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